

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study


Prepared For:

Capital Services Division

Department of Planning & Growth Management

May 7, 2013

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23


Table of Contents

PART I – INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS .......................................................................................... I-1 FORMS ................................................................................................................................... I-10

PART II – GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................................... II-1

PART III – SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................ III-1

APPENDICES APPENDIX 1- SAMPLE LETTER TO PROPERTY OWNER ........................................ APP-1 APPENDIX 2 – UTILITY TABULATION FORM ........................................................... APP-2 APPENDIX 3 – CIP RIGHT OF WAY PLAT PROCEDURES ........................................ APP-3

APPENDIX 4 – STANDARD REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT................................ APP-8

APPENDIX 5 – VICINITY MAP .................................................................................... APP-12 APPENDIX 6 – TAX MAP .............................................................................................. APP-13


Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23




The County Commissioners of Charles County are hereby requesting proposals from qualified,

architectural/engineering firms to study and evaluate the Billingsley Road Corridor from

Middletown Road to MD 227 (Livingston Road), to determine needed safety and capacity

improvements to the roadway. Proposals must be responsive to the scope, specifications, and all

other criteria specified herein. Proposals shall be submitted on the "Cost Proposal Form" (pg.

I-11), attached hereto. All blank spaces of the form shall be fully completed; the proposed Total

Cost shall include all work as stipulated in the Scope of Services, including contingent items.

The form must be signed by an officer authorized to make a binding commitment for the firm

proposing. No exceptions may be taken to the requirements of this solicitation.

Complete and submit a Standard Form (SF) 330 “Architect/Engineer Related Services for

Specific Project”. All blank spaces of the form must be fully completed. The SF 330 may be

found on the Charles County Bid Board.

The Offeror must submit one (1) unbound original copy and seven (7) bound copies of the

Technical Proposal package in one sealed envelope labeled with the Company’s name and

address and marked “Technical Proposal”. The Technical Proposal package should include the


Cover letter, specifying that the Offeror is or will be licensed to do business in the State

of Maryland prior to July 1, 2013 and a statement certifying that the Offeror has complied

with and takes no exceptions to all requirements of the RFP,


Addendum Certification,

Intended Non-MBE Subcontractors form,

MBE Utilization Affidavit,

Proposed MBE Subcontractors form,

SLBE forms,

Non-Collusion Affidavit.

Offerors shall submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of the Cost Proposal Form in a separate

sealed envelope from the Technical Proposal package labeled with the Company’s name and

address and marked “Cost Proposal”.

Technical and Cost Proposal envelopes shall be sealed in a package marked “RFP No. 13-23,


OPEN” and submitted to:

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23


Shanna Reese, Assistant Chief of Purchasing

Charles County Government

Address for USPS Mail delivery: Physical address for courier delivery:

P.O. Box 2150 200 Baltimore Street

La Plata, MD 20646 La Plata, MD 20646

Proposals must be received prior to the time and date specified herein.


A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00 A.M., on May 16, 2013, in Room # B121 of the

Charles County Government building, 200 Baltimore Street, La Plata, Maryland.


All proposals must be received before 11:00 A.M. on June 7, 2013, and shall be valid and

irrevocable for a minimum of one hundred-twenty (120) days from the due date. Submission,

modification, or withdrawal of proposals after the due date/time will NOT be considered.



In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of this solicitation, or if additional

information is necessary to enable the Offeror to make an adequate interpretation of the

provisions of this solicitation, a supplement to the solicitation will be issued. The Offeror shall

acknowledge in their bid, the receipt of all addenda, supplements, amendments, or changes to the

solicitation that were issued by the County. Oral statements made by County personnel shall not

bind the County in any manner whatsoever and cannot be used to protest or otherwise challenge

any aspect of this solicitation or subsequent agreement.

If any person contemplating submitting a bid in response to this solicitation is in doubt as to the

true meaning of any part of the Specifications, they may submit to the County, a minimum of

fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the scheduled due date, a written request for an interpretation

or correction thereof. The person submitting the request will responsible for its prompt delivery.

All inquiries concerning bidding information or bid documents should be directed to:

Shanna Reese, Assistant Chief of Purchasing

Purchasing Office

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (301) 645-0543

Phone: (301) 645-0656

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23


If there are questions of a technical nature, please direct written inquiries only to:

Arthur A. Swann, Jr., Program Manager

Department of Planning & Growth Management

Capital Services Division

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (301) 638-2403

All questions must be received prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on May 23, 2013. An

addendum to the inquiries will be provided within a minimum of seven (7) calendar days prior to

the submission deadline.

Any interpretation, correction, changes to the solicitation will be made only by addendum

duly issued, and will be posted on the County Bid Board found at –

Click on “Procurement Opportunities” and then “Bid Board”. Any and all addenda issued

prior to the proposal due date/time shall become a part of the contract documents and shall be

covered in the Offeror’s bid prices, unless an alternate proposal schedule is presented by

addendum. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to check the County Bid Board as

frequently as necessary to obtain all updates and addenda to the solicitation.


The County is not liable for any costs incurred by the Offeror prior to issuance of a contract.


The quantities of items described in this solicitation are the County’s best estimates and are to be

utilized for purposes of evaluation only. Quantities are not guaranteed and are not to be

interpreted as such.


No news releases pertaining to this proposal request or the service, study, or project to which it

relates will be made without County approval.


Offerors should give specific attention and identification of those specific portions of their

proposals which they deem to contain confidential and/or proprietary information. Such

information must be individually noted as being confidential or proprietary, either at that

location, or in a separate consolidated listing contained within the proposal, and provide

justification of why the material should not be subject to disclosure by the County upon request

under the Maryland Public Information Act. Offerors may not declare their entire proposal

package to be confidential or proprietary. Failure to provide specific identification and

justification may result in the County releasing the information if requested to do so.


The Contractor shall not sublet any portion of this contract, or assign or transfer any interest in

this contract without receiving prior written approval from the County. Where two or more

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23


bidders desire to submit a single proposal in response to this RFP, they should do so on a prime-

subcontractor basis rather than as a joint venture. Subcontracts for any portion of this contract

must be clearly identified in the offeror’s proposal. The County reserves the right to reject any

subcontractor working on behalf of the selected firm(s). The County may use its sole discretion

in reserving the right to make such determination. The County reserves the right to reject any

subcontracted relationship if changes or additions of subcontractors are necessary during the life

of the contract.


The contractor shall protect, hold free and harmless, defend and indemnify Charles County,

including its officers, agents, and employees from all liability, penalties, costs, losses, damages,

expenses, causes of action, claims or judgments, including attorney’s fees, resulting from injury

to, or death of, any person or damage to property of any kind, which injury, death or damage

arises out of, or is any way connected with the performance of the work under this contract. This

agreement shall apply to any acts or omissions, negligent conduct, whether active or passive,

including acts or omissions of contractor’s agents or employees; except that this agreement shall

not be applicable to injury, death or damage to the property arising from the sole negligence of

Charles County, it’s officers, agents and employees.


The Contractor shall provide, at his expense, professional liability insurance with a limit of not

less than $1,000,000, and Workmans’ Compensation insurance as required by law. Certificate(s)

of insurance must be provided before any contract or agreement with the County may be

executed and any work for the County performed. If the insurance obtained requires deductibles,

the Contractor shall pay all costs not covered because of such deductibles. All insurance policies

must remain in effect the full duration of the contract. Proof of Insurance will be required and

must be submitted prior to final execution of the Contract by Charles County Government.


All protests made pursuant to this solicitation must be in writing and delivered to the Chief of

Purchasing: (a) within ten (10) calendar days after the Purchasing Office has publicly posted the

proposed contract award, if the bidder seeks as a remedy the award of the contract, or (b) before

the submission date for bids, if the bidder seeks as a remedy the cancellation or amendment of

the solicitation. Each protest must contain a protest filing fee in the amount of $500 (US

currency); if the fee is paid by check, then the check must be made out to “Charles County

Government”. The Chief of Purchasing, may, at his sole election, return the filing fee to the

protesting offeror/bidder, if the protest is sustained. Filing fees for unsustained protests shall not

be returned. The Chief of Purchasing must dismiss any protest not timely received.

Only an offeror/bidder who is “aggrieved” is eligible to file a protest. Aggrieved means that the

offeror/bidder who is filing the protest is susceptible for an award of the contract if the protest is

sustained (e.g., a fourth ranked bidder is not aggrieved unless the grounds for a protest, if

sustained, would disqualify the top three ranked offerors/bidders or would require that the

solicitation be reissued). Each protest must contain the following: identification of the

solicitation; the name, address and telephone number of the protesting offeror/bidder; a statement

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23


supporting that the offeror/bidder is aggrieved; and specification of all grounds for the protest,

including submission of detailed facts and all relevant documents, citation to relevant language

in the solicitation, regulations, or law relied upon; and, all other matters which the offeror/bidder

contends supports the protest. The burden of production of all relevant evidence, data and

documents, and the burden of persuasive argument to support the protest is on the offeror/bidder

making the protest.

The Chief of Purchasing shall forward to the County Attorney, all protests timely received, and

appropriate information addressing the circumstances of the protest. The Chief of Purchasing

shall also forward for the County Attorney’s information, all protests, not timely received and/or

otherwise ineligible, that were dismissed by the Chief of Purchasing. The Chief of Purchasing,

after consultation with the County Attorney, shall determine whether to sustain or reject the

protest, and shall provide written notice of his determination to the offeror/bidder making the

protest, and to the County Attorney. In the case of a sustained protest, the Chief of Purchasing,

after consultation with the County Attorney, shall determine what remedy shall be taken to

redress the protest. All decisions of the Chief of Purchasing shall be final, and not subject to



Although not intended to be an exhaustive list of causes for disqualification, any one or more of

the following causes, among others, may be sufficient for the disqualification of a bidder/offeror

and the rejection of its bid/proposal:

Evidence of collusion among offerors.

Lack of competency revealed by financial statements, experience, equipment

statements, or other factors.

Lack of responsibility as shown by past work, judged from the standpoint of

workmanship as submitted or from previous experience with the offeror.

Default on a previous similar contract for failure to perform.

Being delinquent in payments due to Charles County Government.

The County reserves the right to reject any/all proposals, to waive irregularities and/or

informalities in any bid, and to make award in any manner, consistent with law, deemed in the

best interest of the County


Criteria to be used in the elevation of proposals and any subsequent award will include, but not

be limited to the following:

A. Statement of Qualifications (SF-330) 50%

B. Cost Proposal (Lump Sum) 50%

The evaluation of proposals will be conducted by an evaluation committee. Each member of the

committee shall evaluate the proposals independent of the other members, after which, scores

will be combined/averaged and a scoring matrix will be developed. Once a contract award has

been made, the County will notify all firms accordingly and will also provide copy of the scoring

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23




The County intends to award this contract on the basis of a combination of the evaluation of both

the offerors’ experience and qualifications, as well as the fee proposed. Award will not be based

upon cost alone, and this solicitation does not commit the County to award a contract or to award

to that firm which has submitted the lowest fee. The evaluation criteria will include: the

offeror’s demonstration of their understanding of the work to be performed, past experience,

technical ability, financial and other resources, qualifications of personnel, results of reference

checks, and record of similar work performed satisfactorily. In addition, the County reserves the

right to accept any proposal either in part or in its entirety. The contract entered into with the

successful bidder shall meet all standard provisions required by the County and by any involved

government agencies.

The County intends to contract with a single firm and not with multiple firms doing business as a

joint venture. Subcontractors may not be used in the conduct of this contract without express

written approval of the County. The County reserves the right to reject any subcontracted

relationship if changes or additions of subcontractors are necessary during the life of the

contract. The Contract documents will consist of the Contract, this Solicitation, the Offeror’s

proposal, and any addenda or other modifications to the solicitation.


The contractor selected shall complete scope of work and all requirements contained herein

within 240 consecutive calendar days of a start date to be specified in a written a Notice to

Proceed issued by the County.


By submitting a bid/proposal in response to this solicitation, the bidder/offeror certifies that their

firm is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible for participation in government

procurement by the federal government, the State of Maryland, or any other state, county, or

municipal government. Additionally, any firm responding to this solicitation must be a

professional engineering firm. The County reserves the right to refuse bids and/or not contract

with firms in a delinquent payment status with Charles County Government.


The firm awarded the contract resulting from this solicitation shall be responsible for paying all

Maryland sales tax, and any other applicable taxes, on items purchased by the Contractor in the

pursuit of this contract. The County tax exempt status cannot be transferred to the Contractor.


Bidders are advised that Charles County Government has established an MBE Program which

applies to all formal solicitations. There is an aspirational minimum goal of 25% MBE

participation for each project.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23


The County recognizes, as Minorities, the following groups: African Americans; American

Indians/Native Americans; Asians; Hispanics; Women; Physically or Mentally Disabled persons

and Disabled American Veterans. The County will automatically recognize MBE status for any

firm certified by the Maryland State Highway Administration, Federal 8-A registration or

Charles County Government. Information concerning the Charles County MBE Registration

Process may be obtained by contacting the Charles County Purchasing Office, at (301) 645-


The bidding documents included herein contain a form entitled “Minority Business Enterprise

Utilization Affidavit”. This document indicates the MBE certification status of the bidder, as

well as the level of MBE participation of any sub-contractor or suppliers. Bidders are required to

complete the form and submit it with their bid, even if there will be no MBE participation.


Proposers are advised that Charles County Government has established a Small Local Business

Enterprise (SLBE) Program which may apply to a formal solicitation resulting in an award of

less than $500,000.

This solicitation is subject to the SLBE Program. Status as a SLBE firm is not required for

Offerors to submit a proposal in response to this solicitation. Registered Charles County SLBE

firms responding to this solicitation will receive a preference in accordance with the provisions

of the Program if they:

a. Are registered in the Charles County SLBE Program and eligible in all other

respects, at the time the firm’s bid/proposal is submitted.

b. Complete the attached SLBE forms and indicate their SLBE status.

c. Are susceptible for award for a contract valued less than $500,000.


The following holidays are observed by the County:














Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23








Extension to Other Jurisdictions

The Charles County Government extends the resultant contract(s), including pricing, terms and

conditions to the members of the Mid-Atlantic Purchasing Team, as well as all other public

entities under the jurisdiction of the United States and its territories.

Inclusion of Governmental & Nonprofit Participants (Optional Clause)

This shall include but not be limited to private schools, Parochial schools, non-public schools

such as charter schools, special districts, intermediate units, non-profit agencies providing

services on behalf of government, and/or state, community and/or private colleges/universities

that required these good, commodities and/or services.

Notification and Reporting

The Contractor agrees to notify the issuing jurisdiction of those entities that wish to use any

contract resulting from this solicitation and will also provide usage information, which may be

requested. The Contractor will provide the copy of the solicitation and resultant contract

documents to any requesting jurisdiction or entity.

Contract Agreement

Any jurisdiction or entity using the resultant contract(s) may enter into its own contract with the

successful Contractor(s). There shall be no obligation on the party of any participating

jurisdiction to use the resultant contract(s). Contracts entered into with a participating

jurisdiction may contain general terms and conditions unique to that jurisdiction Including, by

way of illustration and not limitation, clauses covering minority participation, non-

discrimination, indemnification, naming the jurisdiction as an additional insured under any

required Comprehensive General Liability policies, and venue.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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Alexandria, Virginia Fairfax County Water Authority Montgomery College

Alexandria Public Schools Falls Church, Virginia Montgomery County, Maryland

Alexandria Sanitation Authority Fauquier Co. Schools & Government Montgomery County Public School

Annapolis City Frederick, Maryland Northern Virginia Community


Anne Arundel County Frederick County, Maryland Prince George’s Community College

Anne Arundel School Gaithersburg, Maryland Prince George’s County, Maryland

Arlington County, Virginia Greenbelt, Maryland Prince George’s Public Schools

Arlington Co. Public Schools Harford County Prince William County, Virginia

Baltimore City Harford County Schools Prince William County Public


Baltimore Co. Schools Howard County Prince William County Service


Bladensburg, Maryland Howard County Schools Rockville, Maryland

Bowie, Maryland Herndon, Virginia Spotsylvania County

Carroll County Leesburg, Virginia Spotsylvania County Schools

Carroll County Schools Loudoun County, Virginia Stafford County, Virginia

Charles County Government Loudoun County Public Schools Takoma Park, Maryland

City of Fredericksburg Loudoun County Water Authority Upper Occoquan Service Authority

College Park, Maryland Manassas City Public Schools Vienna, Virginia

District of Columbia Government Manassas Park, Virginia Washington Metropolitan Area

Transit Authority

District of Columbia

Water & Sewer Auth.

Maryland DGS Purchasing Washington Suburban Sanitary


District of Columbia

Public Schools

MD Nat’l Capital Park & Planning


Winchester, Virginia

Fairfax, Virginia Metropolitan Washington Airport


Winchester Public Schools

Fairfax County, Virginia Metropolitan Washington Council of



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The County Commissioners of Charles County, Maryland

Charles County Government Building

Post Office Box 2150

La Plata, Maryland 20646

Honorable Commissioners:

This cost proposal is submitted in accordance with your “Notice to Offerors” inviting proposals

to be received for the work outlined in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto for RFP No. 13-23,

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study.

Having carefully examined the proposal documents, the undersigned herein agrees to furnish all

services as outlined in the proposal documents for the amounts specified below for each plan review.















101 Billingsley Road Preliminary Concept Design LS 1















102 Contingent: Title Abstracts EA 192




Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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The undersigned has caused this Proposal to be executed as of the day and year indicated above.


(Printed Name)


(Phone) (Fax)

By submitting a bid/proposal in response to this solicitation, the bidder/offeror certifies that their firm is

not debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible for participation in government procurement by the

federal government, the State of Maryland, or any other state, county, or municipal government.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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THIS CONTRACT, made this day of , in the year 2013, by and

between ___________________________________hereinafter called the ENGINEER, and the


WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR will provide the necessary services for Proposal No. 13-23,


COUNTY, MARYLAND subject to all conditions, covenants, stipulations, terms and provisions

contained in the General Provisions and Special Provisions being in all respect made a part hereof, at

and for a sum equal to the aggregate cost of the services, materials, and supplies done or furnished, at

the prices and rates respectively named therefore in the proposal, attached hereto;


hereby covenant and agree with the COUNTY that he will well and faithfully provide said necessary

services for the sum of ___________________________________________Dollars ($ )*

in accordance with each and every one of the above-mentioned General Provisions and Special

Provisions, at and for a sum equal to the aggregate cost of the services, materials, and supplies done and

furnished at the prices and rates respectively named therefore in the proposal attached hereto and will

well and faithfully comply with and perform each and every obligation imposed upon him by said

General Provisions and Special Provisions.

The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work under this CONTRACT on or before a

date to be specified in a written a Notice to Proceed from the COUNTY and to fully complete the

project within two-hundred and forty, (240) consecutive calendar days thereafter.

And the COUNTY doth hereby covenant and agree with the CONTRACTOR that it will pay to

the CONTRACTOR when due and payable under the terms of said General Provisions and Special

Provisions, the above-mentioned sum; and it will well and faithfully comply with and perform each and

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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every obligation imposed upon it by said General Provisions and Special Provisions or the terms of said


*The contract amount contains contingent items that may or may not be used at the discretion of the


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals:


By (Signature): (SEAL)




Printed Name/Title:

Candice Quinn Kelly, President




Approved as to Form:

(City, State, Zip Code)


Barbara L. Holtz, Esq., County Attorney










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Proposal Number: 13-23


The undersigned acknowledges that he/she received the following Addenda to the Specification for the

above-identified proposal, and that this proposal was prepared in accordance with said Addenda.

Addendum Number: Date of Addendum:

______________________________ _______________________________

______________________________ _______________________________

______________________________ _______________________________

______________________________ _______________________________







________________________________________ __________________________

(Signature) (Date)

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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Note: Any MBE sub-contractors intended for this project should be identified on the “Proposed MBE

Sub-Contractors” form found on page I-18.


(Name and Address) Work to be performed



Signature: Date:

All Bidders are required to complete this form and submit it with their proposal.

If no sub-contractors will be used, enter “None”

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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All Bidders are required to complete this form and submit it with their proposal.

If Offeror is not an MBE, check “No”.


BID/RFP NO. 13-23 Name of Bidder/Proposer: _________________________________________________ Please respond to the following questions: Check One

Yes No 1. Certified Minority Business Enterprise? ______ ______

1. a. Certified by: State of Maryland? ______ ______

b. Federal 8-A Registration? ______ ______

c. Charles County Local Government? ______ ______ d. Other (please list) _______________________ 2. Principle Owner’s Minority Class (please check): African American_____ Asian American____ Hispanic American_____ Native American _____ Women_____ Other (please list) ________________ 2. If the response to Question 1 is no, have Minority Business Enterprises provided services, or supplied any items associated with your response to this Request for Proposal or Invitation to Bid? ______ ______ NOTE: If the response to Question 2 is yes, please include a list of all MBE subcontractors, names and addresses, the nature of the services or supplies being furnished, percentage of the overall contract amount and complete the remainder of this form. If the response to Question 2 is no, please provide signature and title at bottom of form. Total Proposal $ ________________ Total Minority Business Enterprise Bid/Proposal $ ________________ Percent of Total Minority Business Enterprise Contract $ ________________ ______________________ Signature Title

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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COMPANY NAME & ADDRESS: _______________________________________________

(Include City, State, Zip Code

and County) _______________________________________________


PRODUCT / SERVICES _______________________________________________


*MINORITY CLASS _______________ PERCENT OF PARTICIPATION ______________


COMPANY NAME & ADDRESS: _______________________________________________

(Include City, State, Zip Code

and County) _______________________________________________


PRODUCT / SERVICES _______________________________________________



COMPANY NAME & ADDRESS: _______________________________________________

(Include City, State, Zip Code

And County) _______________________________________________





……………………………………………………………………………………………………… If additional space is needed, please submit information on a separate sheet and attach hereto….

*See Page I-6 for a list of Minority Classes

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

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Solicitation Information



Solicitation# 13-23_

Part 1. Prime Bidder/Offeror SLBE Status

Name of Bidder/Offeror: ____________________________________________________________

Respond to the following questions:

Check One

Yes No

1. Is the Prime Contractor a Registered SLBE?

If Yes, identify the Bidder/Offeror’s SLBE Registration #:

2. If the response to Question 1 is No, is the Bidder/Offeror claiming

SLBE preference based upon the use of registered SLBE(s) to

provide services or items associated with the Bidder’s/Offeror’s


Yes No

NOTE: If the response to Question 2 is Yes, complete Part 2 below and the “SLBE Subcontractors

Participation Schedule” form in Part 4. If the response to Question 2 is No, please provide signature

and title in Part 3 of this form.

Part 2. SLBE Subcontractor Participation

Provide the total value of SLBE work to be provided and complete the “SLBE Subcontractors

Participation Schedule” form in Part 4 identifying the individual SLBE(s) and the amount of their

intended involvement.

Total Bid/Proposal Price: $

Total SLBE Work – Bid/Proposal Value: $

Percentage of Total Work (Dollar Value) of SLBE(s): %

Part 3. Certification of SLBE Preferences

By signing below, the BIDDER/OFFEROR certifies that it has complied with SLBE program

requirements and during the course of the project will maintain all terms and conditions set forth in the

SLBE forms, including the SLBE participation schedule and Letters of SLBE Intent. Additionally, the

BIDDER/OFFEROR will notify the Chief of Purchasing within 72 hours via written notice if a

subcontractor on the SLBE participation schedule is unable to perform work set forth in the schedule;

and within 7 consecutive days of making the determination, make a written request to amend the

SLBE participation schedule. The COUNTY shall be granted access to inspect any relevant matter

related to SLBE Program compliance, including records and the jobsite and to interview

subcontractors and workers. The BIDDER/OFFEROR is aware that noncompliance, as determined by

the COUNTY, may result in the BIDDER/OFFEROR to take corrective actions and/or result in

sanctions as set forth in the contract.







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Part 4. SLBE Subcontractors Participation Schedule

Instructions: Identify each registered SLBE subcontractor below, including SLBE registration numbers, Federal Employer Identification

Numbers (FEINs), company names and addresses, the nature of the services or supplies being furnished, value of work to be performed by

the SLBE, and the percentage of the overall project amount and complete the “Official Letter of SLBE Intent” with each SLBE

subcontractor/joint-venture partner included in the schedule below.


Registration #

FEIN or Social

Security #

Company Name


Phone & Fax

Services to be Provided

Value of


From Letter



SLBE % of


$ %

$ %

$ %

$ %

$ %

If additional space is needed, please submit information on a separate sheet and attach hereto. For each registered SLBE subcontractor identified, complete an “Official Letter of SLBE Intent” form provided below.

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A LETTER OF INTENT is required for each SLBE identified in Part 4 of the SMALL LOCAL


signed by both the Bidder/Offeror and Registered SLBE Firm.

Solicitation Information



Solicitation# 13-23_

Part 1. To be Completed by the Bidder/Offeror

Name of Bidder/Offeror: _____________________________________________________________



Contact Name/Title: ________________________________________________________________

Telephone: __________________________________ Fax: _________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

Identify the services to be performed or items to be supplied by the SLBE, including Bid Item (if


Value of Work to be Performed by the SLBE: $

Value of Work as a Percentage of Total Bid/Proposal Price %

Part 2. To be Completed by the SLBE

Name of SLBE: ____________________________________________________________________

SLBE Registration #:____________________________



Contact Name/Title: ________________________________________________________________

Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: ______________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

Part 3. Certification of SLBE Intent

The Bidder/Offeror certifies its intent to utilize the SLBE identified above for the effort identified in

this bid/proposal, and that the work described above is accurate. Bidder/Offeror will provide the

County with a copy of the related subcontract agreement and/or purchase order prior to

commencement of the SLBE’s work. The SLBE firm certifies that it has agreed to provide such work

identified and/or supplies for the amount stated above.

Bidder/Offeror: ___________________________________________

Signature Title ____________________



Rep: ___________________________________________

Signature Title ____________________


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I do solemnly declare and affirm, under the penalties of perjury, the following:

1. That neither I, nor the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the Bidder / Offeror, nor

any officer, director, partner, member, associate or employee of the Bidder / Offeror, nor any

person in his behalf, has in any way agreed, connived or colluded with any one for and on behalf

of the Bidder / Offeror, to obtain information that would give the Bidder / Offeror an unfair

advantage over others, nor gain any favoritism in the award of this contract, nor in any way to

produce a deceptive show of competition in the matter of bidding or award of this contract.

2. That neither I, nor the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the Bidder / Offeror, nor

any officer, director, partner, member, associate of the Bidder / Offeror, nor any of its employees

directly involved in obtaining contracts with the State of Maryland or any County or any

subdivision of the State has been convicted of bribery, attempted bribery or conspiracy to bribe

under the laws of any State or Federal Government of acts or omissions committed after July 1,

1977, except as noted below: All pursuant to Article 78A, Section 16D of the Annotated Code

of Maryland.




Name and Title of Signer





Subscribed to and sworn to before me, a Notary Public of the State of _____________________,

County or City of __________________ this year and date first above written

________________________________ ________________________________________

Notary Public My Commission Expires


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BID The fee proposal submitted for the work


BIDDER The person or persons, partnership, firm or

corporation submitting a fee proposal for the work


COMMISSIONERS The County Commissioners of Charles County.

COUNTY The Commissioners of Charles County, Maryland.

CONTRACT The written agreement executed by the County

Commissioners of Charles County and the

successful bidder, covering the performance of the

work and the furnishing of materials required in the

construction of the project. The contract shall

include: A conventional contract or award letter,

instructions to bidders, solicitation, specifications

and scope of work, special provisions, general

provisions, any other addenda or written

instructions pertaining to the method and manner of

performing the work, and the offeror’s bid/proposal.

CONTRACTING OFFICER The Director of Planning & Growth Management,

and includes a duly appointed successor or

authorized representative.

CONTRACTOR The person or persons, partnership, firm or

corporation who enters into a contract awarded to

him by the COUNTY.

DEPARTMENT The authorized division or agency of Charles

County government responsible for the service or

work for which the contract will be written.

DAYS Calendar Days

EXTRA WORK A written order to the CONTRACTOR and signed

by the CONTRACTING OFFICER, ordering a

change in or an addition to the work from that

originally shown in the specifications.

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GENERAL PROVISIONS All requirements and provisions contained in this


INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS Information explaining the procurement process,

significant dates, and bidding requirements.

OWNER The entity holding title or having vested interest in

the property and rights associated with the property.

SPECIAL PROVISIONS Statements modifying or changing the requirements

or provisions of the General Specifications or

adding new requirements or provisions thereto.

SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK The written or printed agreements and instructions

pertaining to the performance of the work to be

performed, and/or the quantity and quality of the

work/materials to be furnished under the contract.


A. The CONTRACTING OFFICER may, at any time, without notice to the sureties, by

written order designated or indicated to be a change order, make any change in the work

within the general scope of the contract, including but not limited to changes:

(1) In the specifications (including drawings and design);

(2) In the method or manner of performance of the work;

(3) In the COUNTY furnished facilities, equipment, materials, services, or site; or

(4) Directing acceleration in the performance of the work.

Any other written order or an oral order (which terms as used in this paragraph (B.) shall

include direction, instruction, interpretation, or determination) from the

CONTRACTING OFFICER, which causes any such change, shall be treated as a change

order under this article, provided that the CONTRACTOR gives the CONTRACTING

OFFICER written notice stating the date, circumstances, and source of the order and that

the CONTRACTOR regards the order as a change order.

B. Except as herein provided, no order, statement, or conduct of the CONTRACTING

OFFICER shall be treated as a change under this article or entitle the CONTRACTOR to

an equitable adjustment hereunder.

C. If any change under this article causes an increase or decrease in the CONTRACTOR'S

cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this

contract, whether or not changed by any order, an equitable adjustment shall be made and

the contract modified in writing accordingly; provided, however, that except for claims

based on defective specifications, no claim for any change under paragraph (B.) above

shall be allowed for any costs incurred more than twenty (20) days before the

CONTRACTOR gives written notice as therein required; and provided further, that in the

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case of defective specifications for which the COUNTY is responsible, the equitable

adjustment shall include any increased cost reasonably incurred by the CONTRACTOR

in attempting to comply with such defective specifications.

D. If the CONTRACTOR intends to assert a claim for an equitable adjustment under this

article, he must, within thirty (30) days after receipt of a written change order under

paragraph (A.) above or the furnishing of a written notice under paragraph (B.) above,

submit to the CONTRACTING OFFICER a written statement setting forth the general

nature and monetary extent of such claim, unless this period is extended by the

COUNTY. The statement of claim hereunder may be included in the notice under

paragraph (B.) above.

F. No claim by the CONTRACTOR for an equitable adjustment hereunder shall be allowed

if asserted after final payment under this contract.


A. Additional Costs:

The cost of any change ordered in writing by the CONTRACTING OFFICER which

results in an increase in the contract price will be determined by one or the other of the

following methods, at the election of the CONTRACTING OFFICER.

(1) On the basis of a stated lump sum price, or other consideration fixed and agreed

upon by negotiation between the CONTRACTING OFFICER and the

CONTRACTOR in advance, or if this procedure is impractical because of the

nature of the work or for any reason,

(2) On the basis of the actual necessary cost as determined by the CONTRACTING

OFFICER, plus a fixed fee to cover general supervisory and office expense and

profit. The fixed fee shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the actual

necessary costs. The actual necessary cost will include all reasonable

expenditures for material, labor, and supplies furnished by the CONTRACTOR

and a reasonable allowance for the use of his plant and equipment where required,

but will in no case include any allowance for general superintendent, office

expense, or other general expense not directly attributable to the extra work. In

addition to the foregoing, the following will be allowed: the actual payment by the

CONTRACTOR for workmen's compensation and public liability insurance;

performance and payment bonds (if any); and all unemployment and other social

security contributions (if any) made by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to Federal

or State statutes; when such additional payments are necessitated by such extra

work. An appropriate extension of the working time, if such be necessary, also

will be fixed and agreed upon, and stated in the written order.

B. Reduced Costs:

The cost of any change ordered in writing by the CONTRACTING OFFICER which

results in a decrease in the contract price will be determined in a manner conformable

with paragraph A.2 under Additional Costs.


A. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the


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(1) Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those

indicated in this contract, or

(2) Unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, differing materially

from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inhering in work

of the character provided for in this contract.

The CONTRACTING OFFICER shall promptly investigate the condition(s), and if he

finds that such conditions do materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the

CONTRACTOR'S cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work

under this contract, whether or not changed as a result of such conditions, an equitable

adjustment shall be made and the contract modified in writing accordingly.

B. No claim of the CONTRACTOR under this article shall be allowed unless the

CONTRACTOR has given the notice required in paragraph (A.) above; provided,

however, the time prescribed therefore may be extended by the County.

C. No claim by the CONTRACTOR for an equitable adjustment hereunder shall be allowed

if asserted after final payment under this contract.


A. The COUNTY may, by written notice to the CONTRACTOR, terminate this contract in

whole or in part at any time, either for the COUNTY'S convenience or because of the

failure of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill his obligations under this contract.

Upon receipt of such notice, the CONTRACTOR shall:

(1) Immediately discontinue any part or all services as directed by the County’s

authorized representative, and

(2) Deliver to the COUNTY the originals of all data, drawings, specifications, reports,

estimates, summaries and such other information and materials as may have been

accumulated by the CONTRACTOR in performing under this contract, whether

completed or in process.

B. If the termination is for the convenience of the COUNTY, an equitable adjustment in the

contract price shall be made but no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on

unperformed services.

C. If the termination is due to the failure of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill his obligations

under this contract, the COUNTY may take over the work and prosecute the same to

completion by contract or otherwise. In such case, the CONTRACTOR shall be liable to

the COUNTY for any additional cost occasioned to the COUNTY.

D. If, after notice of termination for failure to fulfill obligations, it is determined that the

CONTRACTOR had not so failed, the termination shall be deemed to have been effected

for the convenience of the COUNTY. In such event, adjustment in the contract price

shall be made as provided in Paragraph B of this clause.

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E. The rights and remedies of the COUNTY provided in this clause are in addition to any

other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract.



A. If the CONTRACTOR refuses or fails to prosecute the work, or any separable part

thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this

contract, or any extension thereof, or fails to complete said work within such time, the

COUNTY may, by written notice to the CONTRACTOR, terminate his right to proceed

with the work or such part of the work as to which there has been delay. In such event,

the COUNTY may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion, by contract

or otherwise, and may take possession of and utilize in completing the work such

materials, appliances, and plant as may be on site of the work and necessary therefore.

Whether or not the CONTRACTOR'S right to proceed with the work is terminated, he

and his sureties shall be liable for any damage to the COUNTY resulting from this refusal

or failure to complete the work within the specified time.

B. If fixed and agreed liquidated damages are provided in the contract and if the COUNTY

so terminates the CONTRACTOR'S right to proceed, the resulting damage will consist of

such liquidated damages until such reasonable time as may be required for final

completion and acceptance of the work together with any increased costs occasioned the

COUNTY in completing the work.

C. If fixed and agreed liquidated damages are provided in the contract and if the COUNTY

does not so terminate the CONTRACTOR'S right to proceed, the resulting damage will

consist of such liquidated damages until the work is completed and accepted.

D. The CONTRACTOR'S right to proceed shall not be so terminated nor the

CONTRACTOR charged with resulting damage if:

(1) The delay in the completion of the work arises from unforeseeable causes beyond

the control and without the fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR, including

but not restricted to, acts of God, acts of the COUNTY in its contractual capacity,

acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the COUNTY,

fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes,

unusually severe weather, or delays of subcontractors or supplies arising from

unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of

both the CONTRACTOR and such subcontractors or suppliers; and

(2) The CONTRACTOR, within ten (10) days from the beginning of any such delay

(unless the CONTRACTING OFFICER grants a further period of time before the

date of final payment under the contract), notifies the CONTRACTING

OFFICER in writing of the causes of delay.

The CONTRACTING OFFICER shall ascertain the facts and the extent of the

delay and extend the time for completing the work when, in his judgment, the

findings of fact justify such an extension, and his findings of fact shall be final

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and conclusive on the parties, subject only to appeal as provided in the article of

these General Provisions entitled Disputes.

E. If, after notice of termination of the CONTRACTOR'S right to proceed under the

provisions of this article, it is determined for any reason that the CONTRACTOR was not

in default under the provisions of this article, or that the delay was excusable under the

provisions of this article, the rights and obligations of the parties shall, if the contract

contains an article providing for termination for convenience of the COUNTY, be the

same as if the notice of termination had been issued pursuant to such article. If, in the

foregoing circumstances, this contract does not contain an article providing for

termination for convenience of the COUNTY, the contract shall be equitably adjusted to

compensate for such termination and the contract modified accordingly; failure to agree

to any such adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the

meaning of the article of these General Provisions entitled Disputes.

F. In the event the construction of this project is interrupted, halted or discontinued by the

order of a Court of competent jurisdiction or the order of a supervening appropriate

government authority over which the COUNTY has no control, then in that event, it is

the intention of these specifications that the COUNTY'S liability shall be limited only to

the actual value of the work already performed and materials already purchased, with no

allowance permitted for loss of profits that would have ultimately accrued to the

CONTRACTOR had the CONTRACTOR completed the contract.

G. The rights and remedies of the COUNTY provided in this article are in addition to any

other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract.

H. As used in Paragraph (D.1.) of this article, the term subcontractors or suppliers means

subcontractors or suppliers at any tier.


A. The COUNTY will pay the contract price, less all costs for overtime superintendence and

inspection, as herein-after provided.

B. The COUNTY will make progress payments monthly as the work proceeds, or at more

frequent intervals as determined by the CONTRACTING OFFICER, on estimates

approved by the CONTRACTING OFFICER. Progress payments will be due and

payable thirty (30) calendar days after the COUNTY receives an acceptable invoice. If

requested by the CONTRACTING OFFICER, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish a

breakdown of the total contract price showing the amount included therein for each

principal category of the work, in such detail as requested, to provide a basis for

determining progress payments. In the preparation of estimates, the CONTRACTING

OFFICER, at his discretion, may authorize material delivered on the site and preparatory

work done to be taken into consideration. Material delivered to the CONTRACTOR at

locations other than the site may also be taken into consideration (1) if such consideration

is specifically authorized by the contract and (2) if the CONTRACTOR furnishes

satisfactory evidence that he has acquired title to such material and that it will be utilized

on the work covered by this contract. Such payments shall be conditioned upon

submission by the CONTRACTOR of bills of sale or such other procedures satisfactory

to the COUNTY to establish the COUNTY'S title to such materials or equipment or

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otherwise protect the COUNTY'S interest, including applicable insurance and

transportation to the site.

C. All material and work covered by progress payments made shall thereupon become the

sole property of the COUNTY but this provision shall not be construed as relieving the

CONTRACTOR from sole responsibility for all material and work upon which payments

have been made or the restoration of any damaged work, or as waiving the right of the

COUNTY to require the fulfillment of all of the terms of the contract.


All work under this contract shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner. The

CONTRACTING OFFICER may, in writing require the CONTRACTOR to remove from the

work any employee the CONTRACTING OFFICER deems incompetent, careless, or otherwise



The CONTRACTOR shall give his personal superintendence to the work or have a competent

foreman or superintendent, satisfactory to the CONTRACTING OFFICER, on the work at all

times during progress, with authority to act for him.


The CONTRACTOR shall, without additional expense to the COUNTY, be responsible for

obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, and for complying with any applicable Federal,

State, and Municipal laws, codes, and regulations in connection with the prosecution of the work.

He shall be similarly responsible for all damages to persons or property that occurs as a result of

his fault or negligence. He shall take proper safety and health precautions to protect the work,

the workers, the public, and the property of others. He shall also be responsible for all materials

delivered and work performed until completion and acceptance of the entire construction work,

except for any complete unit of construction thereof which theretofore may have been accepted.


The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for having taken steps reasonably necessary to

ascertain the nature and location of the work, and the general and local conditions which can

affect the work or the cost thereof. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to do so will not relieve

him from responsibility for successfully performing the work without additional expense to the

COUNTY. The COUNTY assumes no responsibility for any understanding or representations

concerning conditions made by any of its officers or agents prior to the execution of this

contract, unless such understanding or representations by the COUNTY are expressly stated in

the contract.


The COUNTY may undertake or award other contracts for additional work excluded from this

contract, and the CONTRACTOR shall fully cooperate with such other Contractors and

COUNTY employees and carefully fit his own work to such additional work as may be directed

by the CONTRACTING OFFICER. The COUNTY'S separate contractors will coordinate their

work with the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall not commit or permit any act which

will interfere with the performance of work by any other CONTRACTOR or by employees.

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Except as otherwise provided, the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify the COUNTY and its

officers, agents, and employees against liability, including costs and expenses, for infringement

upon any Letters, Patents of the United States arising out of the performance of this contract or

out of the use or disposal by or for the account of the COUNTY of supplies furnished or

construction work performed hereunder.


The CONTRACTOR warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to

solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage,

brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial

or selling agencies maintained by the CONTRACTOR for the purpose of securing business. For

breach or violation of this warranty the COUNTY shall have the right to annul this contract

without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or

otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.


During the performance of this contract, the CONTRACTOR agrees as follows:

A. The CONTRACTOR will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for

employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The

CONTRACTOR will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and

that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color,

religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the

following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment

advertising; layoff or termination; rates or pay or other forms of compensation; and

selection for training, including apprenticeship.

B. The CONTRACTOR will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by

or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive

consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national


C. The CONTRACTOR will send to each labor union or representative of workers with

which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a

notice, to be provided by the CONTRACTING OFFICER advising the labor union or

worker's representative of the CONTRACTOR'S commitments under this Equal

Opportunity article, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to

employees and applicants for employment.

D. In the event of the CONTRACTOR'S noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity article

of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be

cancelled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part.


A. The CONTRACTING OFFICER may order the CONTRACTOR in writing to suspend,

delay, or interrupt all or any part of the work for such period of time as he may determine

to be appropriate for the convenience of the public.

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B. If the performance of all or any part of the work is, for an unreasonable period of time,

suspended, delayed, or interrupted by an act of the CONTRACTING OFFICER in the

administration of this contract, or by his failure to act within the time specified in this

contract (or, if no time is specified, within a reasonable time), an adjustment shall be

made for any increase in the cost of performance of this contract (excluding profit)

necessarily caused by such unreasonable suspension, delay, or interruption and the

contract modified in writing accordingly. However, no adjustment shall be made under

this article for any suspension, delay, or interruption to the extent (1) that performance

would have been so suspended, delayed, or interrupted by any other cause, including the

fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR or (2) for which an equitable adjustment is

provided for or excluded under any other provision of this contract.

C. No claim under this article shall be allowed (1) for any costs incurred more than twenty

(20) days before the CONTRACTOR shall have notified the CONTRACTING

OFFICER in writing of the act or failure to act involved (but this requirement shall not

apply as to a claim resulting from a suspension order), and (2) unless the claim, in an

amount stated, is asserted in writing as soon as practicable after the termination of such

suspension, delay, or interruption, but not later than the date of final payment under the



Subsequent to the award, the CONTRACTOR shall, submit for approval a complete list of

subcontractors who will be engaged by him in the execution of the work. After the list of

subcontractors has been approved, no changes shall be made in it without the permission and

approval of the CONTRACTING OFFICER. The CONTRACTING OFFICER will, however,

permit the CONTRACTOR to take the work out of the hands of any or all of the subcontractors

and complete it himself if for any reason it becomes necessary or desirable for him to do so.

That portion of the specifications beginning with the CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, if

included in these documents, is arranged for editorial convenience only, the divisions thereof are

not to be construed in the whole as the complete representation of the work, nor individually as

authorization or approval by the COUNTY to subdivide the CONTRACTOR'S responsibilities

into subcontracts related to such division. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall

create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the COUNTY.


The CONTRACTOR must make payment to any sub-contractor or vendor within 15 business

days of receiving payment from the County for a Contractor invoice submitted to the County that

billed for services or commodities provided by that sub-contractor or vendor. Contractors may

not impose retainage rates upon sub-contractors that are higher than those imposed upon the

Contractor by the County.


Specifications and also standards of associations, societies, and laboratories referred to in these

specifications shall become a part of this contract and shall be considered as though incorporated

herein. The latest edition or amendment of supplement thereto in effect on the latest bid

invitation shall apply. Standards of associations, societies, and laboratories referred to in the

specifications may be obtained directly from such organizations.

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The COUNTY shall not be responsible for furnishing any drawing, specification, or published

material not specifically identified in the Special Provisions of these specifications.


The normal number of working hours per day on this contract will be limited to eight (8), unless

otherwise authorized by the CONTRACTING OFFICER.


RFP 13-23)

The CONTRACTOR will not be permitted to do any work which requires the services of the

COUNTY'S inspection supervisory forces on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays unless otherwise

authorized by the CONTRACTING OFFICER in writing. However, the CONTRACTOR, with

verbal permission of the CONTRACTING OFFICER, may be permitted to perform on Saturdays

and holidays, clean-up and such other items for which no specific payment are involved. In

cases of bona fide emergencies, sound judgment shall be exercised.



In cases where the CONTRACTOR desires to work in excess of the normal number of working

hours per day and/or on designated COUNTY holidays, Saturdays, or Sundays, the

CONTRACTOR shall submit such requests in writing to the CONTRACTOR at least three (3)

days in advance of the requested extended working hour period. The CONTRACTOR shall

include with the request the specific tasks or operations to be performed during the proposed

period of extended working hours. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all costs

incurred by the COUNTY in providing superintendence and inspection services to accommodate

the CONTRACTOR in working extended hours including premium time, quality control testing,

per diem, and miscellaneous expenses. The COUNTY shall, with documentation, deduct the

said monies for superintendence and inspection of the CONTRACTOR's work outside the

normal working hours from payments due the CONTRACTOR. Said requested deductions shall

not constitute a change or change order to the contract. The CONTRACTOR expressly agrees to

the deductions from payments due in accordance with the following fee schedule for those

services as deemed necessary by the COUNTY:

COUNTY Staff ................... Actual Cost of Staff

Miscellaneous........................Actual Cost of Staff

Other ...................................Actual Cost of Staff


In case of an emergency, when work requiring supervision by the COUNTY or the

CONTRACTOR is to be performed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or for longer than eight (8)

hours per day, the CONTRACTOR shall request permission of the CONTRACTING OFFICER

to do so. If, in the opinion of the CONTRACTING OFFICER, the emergency is bona fide, he

will grant permission to the CONTRACTOR to work such hours as may be necessary. Also if,

in the opinion of the CONTRACTING OFFICER, a bona fide emergency exists, he may direct

the CONTRACTOR to work such hours as may be necessary whether the CONTRACTOR

requests permission to do so or not.

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The CONTRACTOR shall so conduct his operation as not to interfere with or endanger the

ordinary use of existing structures, roads, utilities, and other facilities. The CONTRACTOR

shall provide and maintain all temporary roadways which may be authorized and all control and

safety devices necessary to maintain traffic, safety and the optimum normal use thereof.

Equipment, operations, and materials shall be confined to the limits defined by the


The site of the work and facilities required to be constructed under the contract shall be

maintained in a clean, orderly, and safe condition. Rubbish, surplus materials, and excess

equipment shall not be permitted to accumulate during the progress of the work.

After each facility is completed and after all the work under the contract has been completed, the

structure, facility, temporary facilities, barricades, toilets, and all the premises shall be left clean

and in a condition satisfactory to the CONTRACTING OFFICER.

The CONTRACTOR shall restore at his expense any damage to any property, including damage

to trees, shrubs, ground cover, and other vegetation, and the CONTRACTOR shall save and hold

the COUNTY free from all claims for damages or injury to all persons or property caused or

alleged to have been caused by the CONTRACTOR, his agents, employees, workmen, and

subcontractors in the execution of this contract.


The CONTRACTING OFFICER, by issuance of a stop work order, may direct the

CONTRACTOR to suspend any work that may be subject to damage because of weather



The CONTRACTOR shall conduct his operations, including those involving machinery and self-

propelled vehicles and equipment in order to protect the lives and health of employees and other

persons; prevent damage to property, materials, supplies, and equipment; and to avoid work

interruptions; and the CONTRACTOR shall, in the performance of this contract, comply with

the applicable provisions of Federal, State and Municipal safety, health and sanitation laws and

codes, and shall otherwise furnish and employ such additional safeguards, safety devices,

protective equipment and measures, and fire preventive and suppressive measures and equipment

as shall be necessary for the protection of property and for the life and health of personnel. The

CONTRACTOR shall, after receipt of notice of deficiencies, immediately correct the conditions

to which attention has been directed. Such notice when served on the CONTRACTOR or his

representative at the site of work shall be deemed sufficient.

If the CONTRACTOR fails or refuses to comply promptly with requirements, the

CONTRACTING OFFICER may issue an order to suspend all or any part of the work. When

satisfactory corrective action is taken, an order to resume work will be issued. No part of the

time lost due to any such suspension order shall entitle the CONTRACTOR to any extension of

time for the performance of the contract or to excess costs or damages.

The CONTRACTOR shall maintain an accurate record of and shall report to the

CONTRACTING OFFICER in the manner and on the form prescribed by the CONTRACTING

OFFICER, all cases of death, occupational disease or traumatic injury requiring medical

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attention or causing loss of time from work, or loss of or damage to property of the

CONTRACTOR, the public, or the COUNTY arising out of or in the course of fires or

employment incident to performance of work under this contract.


A. Workman’s Compensation:

Prior to executing the CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish compensation

insurance for employees engaged in this work, shall comply with the Workmen's

Compensation Laws of the State of Maryland and shall give proof of such insurance

satisfactory to the CONTRACTING OFFICER.

B. Liability:

Insurance provided shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in

PART I, page I-3.


No signs or advertisements shall be displayed on the work site except with the prior approval of



Except as may be otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price includes all applicable

Federal, State, and Local taxes, and duties.


All work on improvements shall be subject to inspection by the CONTRACTING OFFICER

during and upon completion of construction and to approval and acceptance by such

representative on behalf of the COUNTY, if said work is found to be in accordance with the


When all work comprised in this contract has been completed, including cleanup and restoration,

the CONTRACTOR shall so notify the CONTRACTING OFFICER in writing; the

CONTRACTING OFFICER will then make a final inspection. When defects, errors, and

omissions disclosed by the final inspection have been corrected, acceptance will be given in

writing, but until such acceptance, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the work covered

by this contract.


The CONTRACTOR shall, immediately upon his discovery of any statement or detail which is

discrepant or which otherwise appears to be in error, bring the same to the attention of the

CONTRACTING OFFICER for decision or correction. Full instructions will always be given if

such error or omission is discovered.


It is the spirit and intent of these documents, specifications, and of any drawings forming part of

them, to provide that the work and all parts thereof shall be fully completed and suitable in every

way for the purpose for which designed, and that all parts of the work shall be of a quality be of a

quality comparable and consistent with the general quality of the facility being constructed. The

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CONTRACTOR shall supply all materials and do all work which reasonably may be implied as

being incidental to the work of this contract.


A. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any dispute concerning a question of fact

arising under this contract which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the

CONTRACTING OFFICER who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or

otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the CONTRACTOR.

The decision of the CONTRACTING OFFICER shall be final and conclusive unless,

within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of such copy, the CONTRACTOR mails

or otherwise furnishes to the CONTRACTING OFFICER a written appeal addressed to

the COUNTY. The decision of the COUNTY for determination of such appeals shall be

final and conclusive. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this article, the

CONTRACTOR shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in

support of his appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the CONTRACTOR

shall proceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in accordance with the


B. This DISPUTES article does not preclude consideration of questions of law in connection

with decisions provided for in Paragraph A above. Nothing in this contract, however,

shall be construed as making final the decision of any administrative, official,

representative, or board on a question of law.


A. Federal law requires that employers must verify that an individual whom they plan to

employ or continue to employ in the United States is authorized to accept employment in

the United States.

B. By submitting a bid/proposal in response to this solicitation, the bidder/Contractor

certifies that no person will be employed on this project in any manner, including sub-

contractors and suppliers, that is not eligible to work in the United States, or whose

employment is in violation of State or federal law. The Contractor has sole responsible

for compliance with this requirement.

C. Violation of this requirement may result in termination of the Contract, a penalty of

$1,000 per day or occurrence, whichever is higher, and/or reporting of the violation to the

appropriate authorities.



Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 1



The County Commissioners of Charles County are hereby requesting proposals from qualified,

architecture/engineering firms to study and evaluate the Billingsley Road Corridor from Middletown

Road to MD 227 (Livingston Road), to determine needed safety and capacity improvements to the



The study results will include conceptual horizontal and vertical realignments and geometric

improvements and the associated cost estimates, as well as environmental, and property impacts. The

final report must include an evaluation of these impacts and costs, and provide a recommendation to

the County in order to meet the intended safety and capacity improvements.

The Billingsley Road Improvement Feasibility Study as selected by the County Commissioners has

been included herein. Such things which could affect the design include, but are not necessarily

limited to, location of existing utilities and utility poles, existing water and sewer lines, storm drains,

gas lines, topography, existing Right of Way (ROW), proposed right of way takings, physical

constraints, existing wetlands, and existing features developed as part of this contract. The RFP shall

be from engineering firms, either multi-disciplined or with subcontractors, that are qualified to

conduct surveys, geotechnical surveys, design, stormwater management, landscaping, and delineate

right of way plats.

These preliminary design services shall conform with and meet current County Ordinances for a

Major Collector roadway, the Charles County Standard Specifications for Construction manual, and

the Standard Detail Manual, including, but not limited to:

Charles County Standard Specifications for Construction

Detail Manual – Roads

Detail Manual – Water

Detail Manual – Sewer

Detail Manual – Miscellaneous

Detail Manual – Blocking

Stormwater Ordinances

Road Ordinances

These may be found on the Charles County Government Department of Planning & Growth

Management website at

Two separate sets of concept drawings shall be provided. One concept shall depict the entire stretch

of roadway in the ultimate configuration of a Major Collector roadway, including the ROW

requirements and cost estimates. The second concept shall depict certain specific areas or locations

and specific, recommended improvements for safety (not an entire major collector), the cost

associated with each individual improvement, and the priority as it relates to safety. That is, the

second concept shall indicate a series of proposed improvements on and along the roadway with

proposed costs, risks, and constraints.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 2


This portion of Billingsley Road is considered a “road of use” with an acknowledged ROW of 30 ft.

as accepted by the County from State Highway Administration per Agreement dated August 22,

1988. The pavement width is typically substandard according to the Road Ordinance and varies

between approximately twenty (20) feet and thirty-six (36) feet in width where auxiliary lanes

presently exist. The road itself and the associated infrastructure are limited by these right of way

constraints, as well as limitations of the surrounding topography, natural features, and private

property constraints. Minor safety improvements, such as raised pavement markings, greater

signage, and drainage enhancements have been made over time to improve driving conditions.

However, the current geometrics and associated physical constraints have limited the County’s

ability to provide safety improvements. Based on these limitations, the County is seeking the

services of an engineering firm to evaluate the necessary improvements to Billingsley Road and the

associated infrastructure (drainage, shoulders, etc.) to improve road and driver safety.


The County intends to enter into a Contract with a qualified architectural/engineering consultant

(Contractor) to perform design services to an extent as defined below and later herein. The

Contractor shall include all work within his scope of services rendered, necessary to complete the

preliminary design services for the purposes of setting computed horizontal and vertical alignments,

establishing limits of road(s) right(s)-of-way(s), establishing preliminary design vertical profiles, and

establishing a typical section(s), while in consideration of existing physical and environmental

features, and real property. Relevant research, surveying, preliminary design, and

application(s)/submissions to Codes, Permits, and Inspection Services (CPIS) and Planning

Department shall include, but not necessarily be limited to pavement, drainage, conceptual storm

water management, wetlands, forest conservation, property mosaic, private and public utility field

designation, etc.

The overall intent is to provide the County with a concept to rebuild the roadway to a major collector

standard with required auxiliary lanes, including the cost estimates, issues, constraints, ROW

requirements, utility conflicts, etc. In addition, the intent is to provide the County with a second

concept of individual improvements with a priority factor for each as it relates to safety, risks,

constraints, and costs, especially. The goal is to provide the County the information to make a sound

and economic decision on what improvements to fully design and construct.

Throughout the contract period, the Contractor shall fully cooperate in supplying all relevant data,

designs, computations, etc., both in hard copy and electronic copy format to the County for their use

and/or distribution to others as deemed appropriate in the opinion of the County.


Information which is available from Charles County, Department of Planning and Growth

Management, will be provided, at no charge to the Contractor, for the sole use of Contractor. It may

be necessary for the Contractor to borrow the County’s copy, and re-copy for the Contractor’s use,

and return the original copy to the County. Respondents are hereby advised to determine what

information they need in order to perform the scope of work, which information is available, which

information they need to obtain on their own from sources other than Charles County Department of

Planning and Growth Management, and which information/data is not available, which the

Contractor will need to create. Such data may include, but not necessarily be limited to:

1. County topography in electronic (.dwg) format or hard copy format

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 3


The Contractor shall be prepared to meet at the Planning & Growth Management Office(s) monthly

and to also participate in a monthly conference call. The Contractor shall provide an agenda 48

hours prior to the scheduled time of meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting are to be provided

within one week after the meeting for review and comment by Capital Services. Final approval of

meeting minutes to be at next meeting. In addition to the agenda, the Contractor shall present a

status report, which will include any obstacles which could delay the progress of the project, an

updated schedule, minutes from previous meeting (with Planning & Growth Management

comments) and an electronic copy of work completed to date to each meeting. Electronic progress

files shall be fully functional files; no altering into dysfunctional format shall be allowed. Meetings

shall continue through completion of work.

There will be no separate payment by the County for this work. Costs associated with this work shall

be considered incidental expenses and included in the lump sum price for Bid Item 101 of the

Schedule of Prices Sheet.


The Contractor shall provide the following services:

Note: The tasks listed below do not necessarily have to be completed in the order listed but must be

completed as part of this Scope of Work. Modifications, additions or deletions to this Scope of Work

should be approved in writing from the County’s Chief of Capital Services.

Task 1 – Right–of-Way Constraints

The Contractor must determine the right of way constraints and the associated footprint of

the road based on available information. The County will provide the ESRI Shapefiles for the

County Land Parcel layer, which provides an approximate indication of the right-of-way

width of the roadway in various locations, based on the adjacent parcel boundary locations.

The Contractor will need to use publicly available property plats to gather more detailed

information as needed (Note: There is no right-of-way plat available for Billingsley Road

itself). This information will be used to determine the location and amount of additional

right-of-way needed for the ultimate upgrade or any realignment, geometric, and safety

improvements to be proposed by the engineering consultant.

The Contractor shall perform a field topographic survey by hand of the entire roadway and

extending a minimum 25 feet outside of the existing “road of use.” The survey shall show all

the elevations determined in the field, all existing utilities, existing wetlands, and all existing

structures, features, including waterways, etc.

Task 2 – Identify Environmental Resources

A desktop analysis, inventory, and evaluation should be performed to determine potential

environmental impacts of any proposed roadway improvements. The County will provide

ESRI Shapefiles of known resources (Historic, Archeological, Floodplain, and NWI

Wetlands), as well as field data (paper copies) collected by other consultants regarding

recently field-checked wetlands and rare, threatened and endangered plant species. Further

wetland verification or delineations may be necessary if a proposed roadway improvement

impacts a wetland area. Since the endangered species areas are subject to seasonal

identifications, the consultant should notate potential impacts to these previously identified

areas, if avoidance of the resource is not feasible. The resources identified under this task

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 4

will be used in the evaluation of proposed realignment, geometric and safety improvements.

Resources should be avoided wherever practical, and impacts should be minimized to the

greatest degree feasible when impacts are unavoidable.

Task 3 – Identify Improvement Areas

Billingsley Road predates current engineering road standards. The roadway consists of

numerous substandard design elements. Due to the right-of-way constraints and associated

property impacts, the Scope of this task and corresponding second set of concept plans shall

be limited to improving the safety of the roadway to a reasonable level, rather than bringing

every element into current standards. The entire roadway, within the limits described above,

must be evaluated to identify roadway hazards and safety concerns. The Contractor shall

determine feasible alternatives to improving those hazardous areas, while trying to limit

impacts to adjacent private properties, cultural resources, and natural environmental

resources. Substandard design elements may include, but are not limited to, steep grades,

roadway curves, improper drainage causing flooding or icing, lack of guardrail, location of

access points, significant pavement deterioration, pavement width, lack of shoulders, and

need for auxiliary lanes.

Task 4 – Evaluate Improvement Alternatives

The Contractor will develop two improvement concepts (alternatives) and plans to determine

the best means of resolving the identified safety concerns. One concept shall depict the

reconstruction of the roadway to meet the standards of a major collector, which shall include

28 ft. pavement width, 8 ft. paved shoulders, and required auxiliary/turn lanes. The second

concept shall show a series of potential improvements along the roadway including the cost

estimates of each improvement, the safety priority (high, medium, and low) of each, the

issues, constraints, and risks for each improvement as well. The Factors considered should

include an evaluation of impacts to natural environmental resources, socio-economic

resources, historic and archeological resources, property impacts, and cost of the

improvement. As referenced in Task 2, each alternative should be evaluated for impacts to

these resources and properties, and present an associated cost. Alternatives should include a

written description, photographs of the area of concerns, and a proposed sketch or drawing of

the improvement, when feasible (e.g. may not be necessary when guardrail is proposed).

Each alternative should be discussed for its merits and its faults. The Contractor will prepare

recommendations based on the alternatives’ evaluation and sound engineering judgment.

While cost should be a primary factor in the evaluation, the most practical and/or effective

alternative should be given strong consideration and considerable weight in the evaluation


Task 5 – Prioritization of Improvements

Each of the improvements identified under Task 4 shall be ranked by priority of need. This

priority list is intended to assist the County staff in determining the greatest needs within

current budget limitations, as well as plan out improvement projects over a period of time.

Higher weight should be given to the areas with the greatest safety hazards, followed by

improvements that have a significant cost per benefit ratio, and finally a list of remaining

improvement projects needed.

Task 6 -- Draft/Final Reports & Presentation

A Draft and Final Report should include the documentation of all of the above-referenced

tasks, including graphics, drawings, and supporting materials. The report should be submitted

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 5

in both paper and digital formats for County staff review. The Contractor will be required to

deliver a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation to the Charles County Commissioners after the

submission of the Final Report. County staff will assist the Contractor with the presentation

and provide support to answer questions from the Commissioners.


The Contractor shall develop and submit to the County, for review and acceptance, a project

schedule. The schedule shall breakdown each bid item and task into manageable and measurable

subtasks. The schedule shall be prepared subsequent to Notice to Proceed and submitted no later

than the kick-off meeting. The schedule shall be monitored through the life of the contract and shall

be updated prior to each progress meeting, with copies brought to the meeting for review and



All travel required to be performed in connection with the services including all meetings with

County or any Government or Semi-Government agencies, departments, hearings, discussions,

explanations to be rendered under this contract shall be included in the fee and be at no additional

expense to the County, unless authorized in writing by the County prior to travel.

There will be no separate payment by the County for this work. Costs associated with this work shall

be considered incidental expenses and included in the lump sum price for Bid Item 101 of the

Schedule of Prices Sheet.



Design shall be in accordance with all applicable codes, laws, ordinances, regulations, standards, etc.

Direction is given to the County’s Plan Preparation Package (PPP), and the latest publications, fees,

and regulations. Respondents are directed to the Charles County Web Site at, Department of Planning and Growth Management, Development and

Capital Services area, for more information on Publications, Notices, and Fees. Variances to

regulations, standards, etc., will be handled through established procedures.

1. Deviations from Charles County Regulations

The Contractor may receive direction from Capital Services which may result in the need for

a variance. The Contractor shall submit a variance to Codes, Permits, and Inspection

Services for all issues that deviate from the Charles County regulations. The review agency

does not attend all meetings and is not part of all conversations, therefore, is not aware of

discussions between the Contractor and Capital Services. If items exist within a submission

that requires a variance, the variance letter request shall be submitted with the submission.


There will be no separate payment for these tasks. Costs shall be included with the base bid for Item

101 (Base Bid) as submitted on the Proposal Form.


1. Preliminary Report: This submission shall be a conceptual report identifying the components

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 6

of the report. It shall contain an outline of the report along with the table of contents and a

list of all drawings and appendices. The report shall be 10% complete.

2. 30% Submission: This submission shall address all comments by the County from the

Preliminary Report. This submission shall include an introduction and the study approach. It

shall be up to 30% complete and shall address Section II Scope of Work paragraph A through


3. Final Report: The Contractor shall submit the final report within two weeks of receiving

written notification from the County of the approval of the 30% Submission.


1. For agency report review and approvals, the Contractor will make and provide as many

copies, revisions, and submissions as necessary to obtain all approvals. No additional charge

to the County will be made for document quantities over and above those shown below. The

Contractor shall provide at a minimum the following documents:

a. Review Submissions 6 Copies

b. Final Report in paper and digital format (PDF, Word) on CD 6 Copies

2. All drawings & as-builts to be in AutoCAD 2004 or later version, PDF & JPG format, on CD

6 Copies

3. All drawings, specifications, submissions and reports shall have the "Seal" and signature of a

registered Professional Engineer, duly authorized to practice in the State of Maryland.

4. The Contractor shall provide the CAD files and all the survey point data to the County upon



The following shall be included:

1. Drawings shall show roadway hazards and safety concerns, right-of-way constraints,

improper drainage causing flooding or icing, areas that lack guardrail, location of access

points, areas of pavement deterioration, pavement width, areas that lack of shoulders, areas

of proposed realignment, etc.

2. Show existing utilities, streams, structures, features, etc., to avoid and identify potential

conflicts. Drawings shall show environmental features and sewer alignments overlaid

(wetlands, floodplains, forest, agriculture, historic structures, and residential lots).

There will be no separate payment by the County for this work. Costs associated with this work shall

be considered incidental expenses and included in the lump sum price for Bid Item 101 of the

Schedule of Prices Sheet.


The Scope of Services for Preliminary Design for the Contractor includes, but is not limited to, the

following items of work, which the Design Firm shall perform and provide:

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 7


The Contractor will be responsible for conducting all necessary field surveys required for the

project. The Contractor shall include all field work and office work as necessary to produce (.dwg)

file of existing topography, structure, and features. The scope also includes establishing field control

to facilitate construction stakeout at time of construction. The Contractor shall make this information

available, in any format that is required of this contract, to the County and County’s Contractor at no

cost to the County or Contractor. The surveyor shall translate all horizontal control into North

America Datum (NAD) 1983/91 and all vertical control into National Geodetic Vertical Datum

(NGVD) 1988. The minimum standards of accuracy shall be USGS third order, class one. The

Contractor shall prepare contract documents accordingly. There will be no separate payment by the

County for this work. All work associated with field survey shall be included in Bid Item 101 of the

Schedule of Prices.


The Contractor shall attend any hearings and/or meetings required by an agency (excluding those

stated in paragraph VII.D. above) including, but not limited to Army Corps of Engineers,

Department of Natural Resources, MDE, Water Management Administration, MSHA, Soil

Conservation District (sediment control approvals), and utility companies.


A preliminary construction cost estimate shall be submitted by the Contractor with the Preliminary

Investigation Report.



It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to notify all property owners of the need to enter their

property for the necessary surveying work associated with the development of the Right of Way

Plats. The County will provide the Contractor with a sample letter (SP No. 25) that may be used by

the Contractor in notifying the property owners. The Contractor shall address the concerns of the

property owners related to their work effort to the best of their ability. If the Contractor encounters

an issue for which he is not able to provide a satisfactory answer, he may refer the property owner to

the County’s Program Manager, Capital Services, for additional assistance.


The Contractor shall develop a right of way mosaic or working map showing existing and proposed

right of way, easements and point numbers (if applicable). The Right of Way mosaic shall be

submitted to the COUNTY twenty-one (21) days prior to the Preliminary Design (30%) Stage

Submittal (per Appendix 3 and 4).



The Contractor shall obtain all permits and submit the completed and approved biddable

construction contract documents to the County as stipulated in the Contract included herein.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 8


The Contractor shall proceed with furnishing the services as described promptly upon receiving the

Notice to Proceed. All services shall be performed simultaneously.

C. SCHEDULE (calendar days):

10% Design Submission (includes Right of Way Mosaic) 90 days

REVIEW and COMMENT 21 days

30% Design Development 90 days

REVIEW and COMMENT 21 days

Final Report/30% Concept Drawings 18 days

Total 240 days

The County will review the bidding documents after submission by the Contractor. It is anticipated

that the County’s review of each submission will take 21 days. If the County or outside agency

review takes longer than the specified days, the engineer’s contract will be extended to

accommodate the extra review time with no additional compensation.

The above schedule is intended to be a general guideline. Upon contract execution with the

successful bidder, the contractor shall submit the project schedule at the pre-design meeting, which

would incorporate completion dates for various tasks, while reflecting the contract time. The

Contractor shall make any and all necessary submissions, until complete approval has been obtained.

It shall be the engineer’s responsibility to submit and updated project schedule at each progress

meeting, with justifications if the schedule has fallen behind and a plan of action of how the

Contractor plans to get back on schedule to comply with the contract time.



The Contractor assures that the members of his firm who initiate and sign correspondence and attend

meetings with County officials are technically qualified to carry out these duties. It is expected that

all work submitted to the County for review, decision, or other action, be reviewed by a responsible

professional Contractor employed by, and in a position to speak and make decisions for, the firm.


If Contractor has a requirement to enter a property owner to perform survey work then Contractor

shall notify property owner via letter. The Contractor shall draft a letter, located in Appendix 1, on

their letterhead and submit to the County’s Project Manager. The Project Manager will coordinate

with the project’s ROW agent and provide comments to the Contractor or approval to proceed with

the mailings. The submission to the Project Manager will include a list of all names, addresses, and

property/plat/parcel reference numbers. The letters shall be sent certified mail with Return Receipt

Requested. The Contractor shall provide copies of both mailing slips and receipts returned.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

III - 9


I. Purpose:

The purpose of this Special Provisions Insert is to record the location of privately owned utilities

(as opposed to County owned) that may be impacted by the scope of work for this project. The

information accumulated will be used to support the County’s claim to prior rights within the

existing County right-of-way. (See Appendix 2)

II. Specifications:

The Contractor shall determine the location of all privately-owned utilities in relationship to the

centerline of the existing County right-of-way. The scope of work is as follows:

1. The Contractor shall measure the location of all known privately owned utilities in

relationship to the center line of the existing County right-of-way. For purposes of this

undertaking, the center line of the existing roadway shall be considered the center line of

the existing right-of-way, unless otherwise shown differently elsewhere, in which the

engineer will be required to verify which information is accurate.

2. The Contractor shall record this information on a Utility Tabulation Form, located in

Appendix 2. The information on the form shall include: the project name, the type of

facility inventoried, utility ownership, facility identification markings, distance of the

facility measured from the left or right of the existing center line along the road

alignment as the station numbers increase. Wherever possible, the utility locations should

be tied to a known station location.

3. The Contractor shall return the Utility Tabulation Form to the County Project Manager

within thirty (30) calendar days from the time the notice to proceed is given.

4. The Contractor shall coordinate with the appropriate utilities to the degree required in

order to satisfactorily complete the Utility Tabulation Form.

5. The Contractor shall perform test pits on the utilities to determine the depth of the utility

if the design and subsequent construction is proposed in or near the area of the utility.


The Contractor may receive direction from Capital Services which may result in the need for a

variance. The Contractor shall submit a variance to Codes, Permits, and Inspection Services for all

issues that deviate from the Charles County regulations. The review agency does not attend all

meetings and is not part of all conversations, and therefore, is not aware of discussions between the

Contractor and Capital Services. If items exist within a submission that requires a variance, the

variance letter request shall be submitted with the submission.



Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

APP - 1


Dear Property Owner:

(Company Name) has been hired by Charles County Government to perform a feasibility study for

safety improvements to Billingsley Road. Surveyors under our employ or consultant personnel under our

direction may be required to temporarily enter upon your property. The privilege of entering onto your

property is provided for by the Annotated Code of Maryland, 12-111 of the Real Property Article. The

purpose of this letter is to advise you of our need to access your property beginning later this month and

to request your cooperation.

Our personnel have been instructed to take every possible precaution to assure that your property is not

damaged in any way during the performance of these studies. If damage does occur, (Company Name)

will make proper restitution. To further assist us, it would be helpful if you would point out to our field

personnel any conditions on your property (freshly planted crops or other features) that might not be

readily apparent to them.

Since the purpose of the surveys is to gather data, our field personnel may be unable to answer some of

your questions concerning the proposed improvements. They are not being evasive, but they may not be

able to answer your questions because the final design often cannot be determined until after all of the

data has been collected, compiled and analyzed..

Personnel from our office or those from the Charles County Government may contact you again

regarding a re-entry upon your property in order to obtain additional engineering data. If a period of one

year has passed since you have been originally contacted about accessing your property, you will be

contacted again prior to any re-entry.

A written response to this letter is not necessary. If however, you have any questions concerning this

highway project, please direct them to (Company management official and telephone number). If we

are unable to answer your questions, we will be pleased to direct you to the Charles County Project

Manager for assistance.

Your cooperation with (Company Name) and our sub consultants, as an agent for the Charles County

Government, are greatly appreciated.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

APP - 2


Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

APP - 3



Department of Planning and Growth Management

Charles County, Maryland

Date Approved: _______________

Approved by:___________________________________________



1.0 Introduction:

These procedures have been established to provide an efficient and effective policy governing

the acceptance, processing, review and approval of CIP-ROW plats. For purposes of calculating

time, "days" shall refer to calendar days.

2.0 Plat Submission:

To formally request comments on a CIP-ROW plat, a submission consisting of the following

shall be submitted to the ROW Office, Second Floor, Charles County Government Building:

A. A complete set "CIP-ROW Plats" (All plat pages).

B. CIP- Plat Checklist and ENGINEER’S Transmittal Letter as the Receipt (Attachment


C. Six (6) paper copies of the CIP-ROW plat with a CD containing TIF files compatible

with the Charles County Software.

D. Complete list of the properties involved in each stage of the project at 10%, 30%, 60%

and Final with a copy of their contact letter, verified mailing address, DAT records

and Property Owners contact phone numbers.

2.1 The ROW Secretary will accept the CIP-ROW plat and shall complete the following


2.1.1 Date stamp the ENGINEER’S transmittal form and CIP-Plat Checklist.

2.1.2 Date stamp each page of the plats received and distribute them to the CIP-ROW

Project Manager.

2.1.3 CIP-ROW Project Manager will update the CIP-ROW plat log and distribute

copies of the CIP-ROW plat as follows for review and comment. The transmittal

should include a maximum 14 calendar days during which comments should be

returned to the ROW Project Manager. CODES, PERMITS, AND INSPECTION SERVICES - Plan Review

Consultant review for easement, dedication areas, and rights-of-way

adequacy as compared to the construction plans.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

APP - 4 On Design Build Projects CIP-ROW plats will not be

submitted to Plan Review Consultant for review. RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT- review for easements, Fee Takes, dedication

areas, rights-of-way adequacy and plat standard formats as shown on

Attachment B. ROW agent to utilize Attachment C checklist for all plat

reviews. CIP-T, or CIP-W&S PROJECT MANAGER- review for rights-of-way

adequacy compared to the construction plans with respect to contract

scope, contract objective, direction given and agreements made during

staged development of design, minimization of costs, and feasibility of


2.2.1 CIP-ROW Project Manager will record the date of received comments on the

CIP-ROW Plat submission in the CIP-ROW Plat Log to monitor comments from

all reviewing the plats.

3.0 Comments to Design Engineer:

Once comments have been received from the above agencies/departments or a period of 14

calendar days has elapsed, whichever occurs first, a comprehensive status letter and or email

shall be sent to the Design Engineer by the CIP-ROW Project Manager (with a cc: to the

appropriate CIP Project Manager), listing comments from or status of all review

agencies/departments within 5 calendar days. These initial comments shall reflect a complete

and thorough review of the project.

3.1 For each subsequent submission of the CIP-ROW plats repeat procedures 2.1 through 3.0

for a full review.

4.0 Final Review:

Upon re-submission of the paper copies of the revised final plat by the Design Engineer, the

ROW Project Manager shall send corrected copies to all reviewing agencies to make a

determination that the comments have been satisfactorily addressed. The reviewing agency will

receive 5 complete calendar days for response.

4.1 Determination That All Comments Have Been Addressed - If it is determined that all

comments have been satisfactorily addressed, the ROW Agent and Codes, Permits, and

Inspection Services.

Plan Review Consultant shall provide comments that the plats have completed review.

4.2 Determination That All Comments Have Not Been Addressed - When it is the

determination that comments have not been addressed, or if there is a question as to

whether or not they have been satisfactorily addressed by the Design Engineer, the CIP-T

Project Manager by letter shall advise the Design Engineer to resolve the issues with

those outstanding comments.

Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study RFP No. 13-23

APP - 5

5.0 CIP-ROW Project Manager will confirm receipt, verify completion and approval and check for

appropriate approvals in the CIP - ROW Plat log. Once approval is received from all agencies

the ROW Project Manager will email CIP-T, or CIP-W&S Project Manager with an approval


6.0 Approval by Chief of Capital Services, Department of Planning and Growth Management:

6.1 Upon verification of approval of all appropriate agencies, the (4) Mylar plats and (6)

paper copies, with a transmittal letter requesting signature of the Mylar plats, shall be

hand delivered to the Administrative Secretary to the Chief of Capital Services, Planning

and Growth Management.

6.2 The Chief of Capital Services, Planning and Growth Management shall then affix his

signature to the final plat, within a signature block on the plat.

7.0 Recordation:

Once the plats have been signed and returned by the Chief of Capital Services, CIP-ROW

Project Manager will submit for Recordation two copies of the final plat one (1) Mylar, one (1)

paper), to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, located on the second floor of the Charles County

Courthouse. The Clerk will provide the Plat Book and Page numbers, which will be written on

all copies and reproductions of the final plats.

8.0 Reproduction:

The CIP-ROW Project Manager will contact the Design Engineer to pick-up one (1) Mylar copy

of the signed recorded plat, reproduce the number of copies necessary for distribution, and return

the copies and reproductions along with a CD with the .Tif files to the ROW Office. When

copies and reproductions are received, the ROW Agent will verify all to be true and correct then

the CIP-ROW Project Manager will distribute to appropriate agencies.

9.0 Distribution:

9.1 Copies of the recorded CIP-ROW plats shall be distributed by ROW as follows: CD image files

Paper copies Mylar TIF

9.1.1 ROW (file copies) 3 1 original 1

9.1.2 CIP - Transportation 1 1

9.1.3 CIP - Water/Sewer 1 1

9.1.4 Health Department 1

9.1.5 Public Facilities 1 1

9.1.6. 911 Services 1

9.1.7. Assessment Office 1 1 original

9.1.8. Utilities 1 1

10.0 File Maintenance:

10.1 Recorded CIP-ROW Plats and Mylars shall be filed by project in the flat files located in

the Planning and Growth Management Office (PGM).

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10.2 CIP-ROW Plat log file. The CIP-ROW Plat log which was previously created (see 2.2.1)

shall now be updated with the Plat Book, Page numbers of the recorded plat.

10.3 Digital files shall be saved to a folder named with the date received in the path

CIP/Projects/(Project Name)/PLATS/(date received).

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Project Name: Date:


Yes No


Yes No

1. Does the revision block show the date of the current submission or is it the 1st submission?

2. Is a point-by-point response letter attached with the submission addressing previous comments and design changes?

3. Does the submission include the required (6) copies of the plats and CD with the .TIF files?

4. Is this the Final Submission with 4 Mylar(s), 6 Plats(s) with the Surveyors Seal and Surveyors signature on all pages?

5. Is the required documents for submittal to 911 and the Health Department attached?


Yes No

1. Are all improvements shown on the plats as required by the plat standards?

2 Are all driveway, carports, fences, etc. shown on the plats?

3. Are the septic system, drain fields and wells shown on the plats where applicable?

6. Match Lines; are contiguous with existing lot, property, easement or ROW lines and match line station agree

With all connecting plat pages?

7. Limiting Statement for CIP plats and plats prepared specifically to convey property to the County shown on plat?:

"This plat has been prepared for the exclusive use of Charles County Planning and Growth Management for the

acquisition of the property, easement(s) and/or right(s)-of-way shown hereon."

Signature Date

Engineering Firm

1. 10% Mosaic Submission including the road alignment or easements for water, sewer, along with the required list of property owners, copy of contact letters, verified address and phone numbers ?

2. 30% Submission including Fee Simple for the road alignment or easements for water, sewer, along with the required list of property owners, copy of contact letters, verified address and phone numbers ?

3. 60% Submission with Fee Simple for the road alignment, Public Drainage Easements, Public Storm Water Management Easements, Temporary Construction Easements, Water Easements and or Sewer Easements along with the required updated list of property owners, copy of contact letters, verified address and phone numbers?

4. 100% Submission with Fee Simple for the road alignment, Public Drainage Easements, Public Storm Water Management Easements, Temporary Construction Easements, Water Easements and or Sewer Easements along with the required updated list of property owners, copy of contact letters, verified address and phone numbers?

4. Is the Tax Map, Parcel, Liber, Folio numbers and current property owners information shown on all parcels and adjacent parcels?

5. Legend; accurately identifies all line types used to delineate right-of-way, easement areas, well, septic system etc. and the lines are clearly labeled on the plat?

The Engineering Firm hereby certifies that CIP plat is complete as referenced in the above submission and that the information provided is correct. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted for review and will be returned within three (3) working days of the initial submittal date.

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The purpose of these Standard Requirements is to set forth guidelines for the preparation of plats

to be used by Charles County Capital Improvement Program.

The plats prepared under these guidelines will be used for legal descriptions of the property

rights to be acquired for the subject project and during negotiations with property owners. Therefore,

the plats must be technically accurate and complete and at the same time be clear and concise enough to

explain to the average layman.

Reasonable divergence from these guidelines will be allowed as long as generally recognized

standards of engineering surveying practice are followed and the basic purpose of the plats is not

adversely affected. Any substantial divergence from these standards to meet the requirements of special

or unusual situations must have the prior written approval of the Property Acquisition Officer (PAO).

1. General Format

a. Sheet size - The standard plat will be

18" X 24". Any other size must have prior approval from PAO.

b. Title blocks - Title blocks shall be shall include such items as project

name, election district, county, state, engineering firm, date, scale, sheet

number, and number of sheets.

c. All plats shall exhibit the signature and seal or number of the ENGINEER

or surveyor responsible for the preparation of the plat.

d. A vicinity/project location map shall be shown on all plats. Scale shall be

1 inch equal 2,000 (or less) feet.

e. Scale - Plats will normally be drawn to the same scale as the project plans.

In certain instances smaller scales will be allowed in the interest of

economy providing the smaller scale will not affect the clarity of the plat.

In no case, will a scale smaller then 1" = 100 be allowed. Larger scale

drawings or insets at a larger scale will be required as needed for clarity.

The scale used shall be shown both graphically and numerically.

f. Dates - All plats will show the date they were originally prepared and the

date of any revisions.

g. Limiting statement - All plats shall bear a statement substantially as

follows: "This plat has been prepared for the exclusive use of Charles

County Planning and Growth Management for the acquisition of the

easement(s) or right(s)-of-way shown hereon".

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h. Sources of information, such as deed descriptions or recorded property

plats, used in preparation of the plat shall be stated on the plat.

i. The name and deed reference for owners of all properties adjacent and

contiguous to the parcel(s) from which the easement or right-of-way is to

be obtained shall be stated on the plat.

j. The number of properties to be shown on each plat will depend on the

particular project. Normally, separate plats are prepared for each property

for acquisitions through large, undeveloped tracts of land, while plats for

the acquisition of road rights-of-way will normally show a given, uniform

length of right-of-way on each plat and the abutting properties along that

section of right-of-way.

k. Plats shall show existing improvements and major topographical features

such as existing paving, buildings, streams, landscaping, wells, septic

tanks, drain fields, fences, etc.

l. All easements and/or right-of-way boundary lines, property lines, base

lines, etc. shall be clearly labeled. The use of legends to explain symbols

is required. Takings are to be described as Fee, Public Drainage

Easement, Public Storm Water Management Easement, Slope Easement,

Water Easement, Sewer Easement, Temporary Construction Easement, or

as otherwise necessary and appropriate combination easements.

m. Surveyor’s Certificate language shall read as “I hereby certify that this plat

is correct and was prepared based on documents of record.”

2. Survey Information

a. North arrow - each plat shall have a north arrow, labeled to indicate the

reference system being used. The north arrow shall have the same bearing

as shown on the project plans, which shall be generally pointing toward

the top edge of the plat.

b. Descriptions - Easements and/or rights-of-way shall be defined by

bearings and distances around their perimeter. Where appropriate, points

on the easements or rights-of-way lines shall be referenced to the state grid

system. The area of the property to be acquired will be stated in square

feet and acres with four (4) decimal places. Areas will be stated on the plat

if three or less properties are shown on the plat. Otherwise a separate

listing of the properties and the areas to be acquired will be submitted.

Separate narrative legal descriptions are not required unless specified.

Bearings and distances for property lines of properties affected by the

acquisition do not need to be given on the plat unless they are one of the

boundary lines of the area to be acquired. Plus, and minus distances are

not acceptable without prior authorization of the PAO.

c. Monuments - All apparent markers found in the field, and markers set in

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the field which are intended to be permanent, shall be indicated on the


d. Stakeout – Provide stakeout when required by Charles County, and in

accordance with, the following as it relates to takings and easements added

to private property. Stakes and hubs shall be set at all corners and break


1. Pink flagging at fee simple right-of-way.

2. White flagging on Public Drainage Easements.

3. Yellow flagging on Temporary Easements.

4. Orange flagging on Public SWM.

5. Blue flagging on Water Easements.

6. Green flagging on Sewer Easements.

7. Red flagging on Slope Easements.

3. Easement Widths

a. The minimum acceptable width for all types of permanent easements is

fifteen (15) feet. However, all easements shall be adequate for

maintenance purposes, and shall be in accordance with Charles County

Ordinances and guidelines.

b. The distances that permanent storm drainage easements extend from road

rights-of-way will be adequate to maintain the inlet and outlet areas of the

drainage structure.

c. The width of temporary or permanent slope easements will be dependent

upon the requirements of the proposed construction.

4. The minimum acceptable widths for permanent road rights-of-way will be as

stated in the latest edition of the Charles County Road Ordinance.

5. Miscellaneous Provisions

a. Although boundary surveys of each property affected by the proposed

easement and/or right-of-way acquisition are not required, it is expected

that adequate information will be obtained to allow the easement and/or

right-of-way to be located with respect to the property lines of the property

affected. In certain instances, an overall plat will be required.

b. Plats will be reviewed for acceptance by the review Consultants and CIP

ROW. Once approval is obtained from the CIP ROW Project Manager,

four (4) sealed Mylar and six (6) sealed paper

copies will be submitted for recordation.

c. All plats will be prepared in a legible manner. Lettering less than 1/8 inch

in height will be unacceptable, as will unsuitable line weights that cannot

be scanned through the recordation process.

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d. All survey data and plats shall be submitted to Charles County in digital

format. Plats shall be in no older version than AutoCAD R14 and no more

current than the version acceptable by Charles County software

(Contingent Item 102).

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Billingsley Road Safety Improvements Feasibility Study


ADC MAP 9, E-4

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See the Tax Map of Road available on the Charles County Bid

Board under RFP 13-23.
