Page 1: Big five personality factors jake farr

Big Five Personality Factors

by Jake Farr

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This type of factor refers to how open one is to trying new things and conforming to please others. This area concerns whether someone is independent vs conforming to please others or whether they prefer a daily routin or not.

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The factor of Conscientiousness deals with variations in caution—being careless vs. overly careful, disciplines or impulsive, and how organized a person is.

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Extraversion is most easily observed socially, looking at qualities like social comfort, including how talkative one can be in a social setting or being reserved to themselves.

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This factor of personality concerns one’s ability to compromise, One could be sympathetic in most situations or they could act colder and critical. This factors deals with the friendliness of one’s personality.

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Neuroticism refers to the stability of one’s mind or lack thereof. Someone could have a calm and collected personality vs. being anxious and erratic. This factor could dictate one’s self-esteem and their feelings of being secure in their own body.
