
BIBLIOGRAPHY This biography aims to list the major sources of information about the history of the British Liberal, Social Democrat and Liberal Democrat parties. It concentrates on published books. Some references are made to archival sources for major figures but a guide to archive sources can be found elsewhere on the website and the books listed will guide towards collections of articles. It is organised in four sections: § The philosophic and policy background § The history of the party and Liberal governments § Elections § Biographies and autobiographies of leading party members

The list does not attempt to be comprehensive but most of the major works included in this list will contain references to other relevant works. Those new to the subject are referred to our shorter reading list for an introduction to the subject. Unless otherwise indicated, the place of publication is usually London. THE PHILOSOPHIC AND POLICY BACKGROUND GENERAL R Bellamy, Liberalism and Modern Society: An Historic Argument, (Cambridge University Press, 1992) Duncan Brack and Tony Little (eds) Great Liberal Speeches (Politico’s Publishing, 2001) Duncan Brack & Robert Ingham (eds) Dictionary of Liberal Quotations (Politico’s Publishing, 1999) Alan Bullock (ed), The Liberal Tradition from Fox to Keynes, (Oxford University Press, 1967). Robert Eccleshall (ed) British Liberalism: Liberal thought from the 1640s to 1980s (Longman, 1986) S Maccoby (ed), The English Radical Tradition 1763-1914, (1952) Conrad Russell An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Liberalism (Duckworth, 1999) THE ORIGINS A Ashcroft, Revolutionary Politics and Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, (Princeton, 1986) R Browning, Political and Constitutional Ideas of the Court Whigs, (Baton Rouge, 1982) V Chappell, The Cambridge Companion to Locke, (Cambridge, 1994) J Dunn, The Political Thought of John Locke, (Cambridge 1969) David L Jacobson (ed), The English Libertarian Heritage, (Fox & Wilkes, San Francisco, 1965 reprinted 1994) John Milton, Areopagitica, 1644 John Milton, Milton’s Prose Writings, (Dent, 1927, revised 1958) John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration, (1689) John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 1689 (reprinted by Everyman) David Wooton (ed), Divine Right and Democracy, An Anthology of Political Writing in Stuart England, (Penguin, 1986) THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AND THE WHIGS Edmund Burke, A Vindication of Natural Society (1756) Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757),

Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, (1790) Edmund Burke, An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs (1791) Edmund Burke, Letters on a Regicide Peace, (1796-7) Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the [American] Colonies (1775) Edmund Burke, Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol (1777) Edmund Burke, Speech on Fox’s East India Bill (1783) Edmund Burke, Opening Speech In The Impeachment Trial Of Warren Hastings (1788) Edmund Burke, Tracts on the Popery Laws in Ireland Isaac Kramnick (ed) Viking Portable Edmund Burke, (Harmondsworth, 1999) Thomas Paine, Common Sense, (1776) Thomas Paine, American Crisis, (1776 onwards) Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, (1791) Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, Part 2, (1792) Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, (1793) Thomas Paine, The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance, (1796) Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice (1797) E.J. Payne (ed), Select Works of Edmund Burke, (3 Vols, 1874-8 Modern reprint from Liberty Fund Inc, Indianapolis, USA) THE NINETEENTH CENTURY AND CLASSICAL LIBERALISM E Barker, Political Thought in England from 1848 to 1914, (1950) Jeremy Bentham, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, (1789) Jeremy Bentham, Rationale of Judicial Evidence, (1827) Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, (1830) Crane Brinton, English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century, (1949) J Burrow, Whigs and Liberals: Continuity & Change in English Political Thought, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988) Joseph Chamberlain (ed), The Radical Programme, (1885, reprinted by The Harvester Press 1971 edited by D A Hamer) Elie Halevy, The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism, (Faber & Faber, 1928) John Stuart Mill, M. De Tocqueville on Democracy in America, (1840) John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic, (1843) John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy, (1848) John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, (1859) John Stuart Mill, Considerations on Representative Government, (1861) John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, (1861) John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women, (1869) Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, (1759) Adam Smith, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, (1776) William Thomas, The Philosophic Radicals, (Oxford, 1979) THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND NEW LIBERALISM Stefan Collini, Liberalism and Sociology: L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England 1880–1914, (CUP, 1979) Iain Dale (ed), Liberal Party General Election Manifestos, 1900-1997, (Routledge, 2000) Elliott Dodd, Is Liberalism Dead? (1919) Elliott Dodd, Liberalism in Action, (1922) Elliott Dodd, The Social Gospel of Liberalism, (1926) Elliott Dodd, Let’s Try Liberalism, (1944) Elliott Dodd, The Defence of Man, (1947)

Michael Freeden (ed), J A Hobson, A Reader, (Unwin Hyman, 1988) Michael Freeden, Liberalism Divided: A Study in British Political Thought 1914–39, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986) Michael Freeden, The New Liberalism, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978) Thomas Hill Green, Prolegomena to Ethics (1883), Thomas Hill Green, Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation, 1886 Thomas Hill Green, Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract, (Oxford & London, 1881) Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse, The Labour Movement, (1893) Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse, The Mind in Evolution, (1901) Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse, Social Evolution and Political Theory, (1906) Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse, Liberalism, (1911) James Meadowcroft (ed), Hobhouse: Liberalism and Other Writings, (CUP, 1994) John Atkinson Hobson, The Evolution of Modern Capitalism, (1894) John Atkinson Hobson, The War in South Africa, (1900) John Atkinson Hobson, The Psychology of Jingoism, (1901) John Atkinson Hobson, Imperialism: A Study, (1902) John Atkinson Hobson, The Crisis of Liberalism, (1909) J A Hobson and A. F. Mummery The Physiology of Industry, (1889) John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, (1919) John Maynard Keynes, Tract on Monetary Reform, (1923) John Maynard Keynes, On Money, (2 Vols 1930) John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, (MacMillan 1936) M Richter, The Politics of Conscience: T H Green and His Age, (1964) George Watson (ed.), The Unservile State: Essays in Liberty and Welfare, (George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1957) THE LIBERAL, SOCIAL DEMOCRAT AND LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTIES AND GOVERNMENTS GENERAL Duncan Brack et al., Dictionary of Liberal Biography, (Politico’s Publishing, 1998) Chris Cook, A Short History of the Liberal Party1900–2001, (Palgrave, 2002) A Cyr, Liberal Politics in Britain, (Transaction Books, 1988, first published 1977) R Douglas, The History of the Liberal Party 1895-1970, (Sidgwick and Jackson, 1971) Don MacIver (ed.) The Liberal Democrats, (Prentice Hall Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996) M Pinto-Duschinsky, British Political Finance, (American Enterprise Institute, 1981) Alan Sykes, The Rise and Fall of British Liberalism 1776–1988, (Addison Wesley Longman, 1997) THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTION TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION (1688-1789) Sir W R Anson (ed), Autobiography and Political Correspondence of Augustus Henry 3rd Duke of Grafton, (1898) A Ayling, The Elder Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (1976) J Brewer, Party Ideology and Popular Politics at the Accession of George III, (Cambridge, 1976) P D Brown & K W Schweizer (eds), The Devonshire Diary, (Camden Miscellany, 4th series, vol 27) R Browning, Political and Constitutional Ideas of the Court Whigs, (1982) R Browning, The Duke of Newcastle, (New Haven, 1975)

Edmund Burke (T W Copeland and others (eds)), The Correspondence of Edmund Burke, (10 vols, Cambridge, 1958-1978) Gilbert Burnet, History of His Own Time, (Oxford, 1823) J A Cannon, The Fox North Coalition: Crisis of the Constitution 1782-1784, (Cambridge, 1969) J A Cannon, The Whig Ascendancy, Colloquies on Hanoverian England, (1981) I R Christie, Myth and Reality in Late Eighteenth-Century British Politics, (1970) J C D Clark, The Dynamics of Change: The Crisis of the 1750s and English Party Systems, (Cambridge, 1982) H T Dickinson, Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth Century Britain, (1977) H. T Dickinson, Walpole and the Whig Supremacy, (1973) Sir J Fortescue (ed), The Correspondence of King George III from 1760-December 1783, (6 Vols 1973) T Harris, Politics under the later Stuarts: Party Conflict in a Divided Society, 1660-1715, (Harlow, 1993) B W Hill, The Growth of Parliamentary Parties, 1689-1742, (1976) B W Hill, British Parliamentary Parties, 1742-1832, (1985) Geoffrey Holmes, British Politics in the Age of Anne, (1987 revised edn) G S Holmes and W A Speck (eds), The Divided Society: Parties and Politics in England, 1694-1716, (1967) H Horwitz, Parliament, Policy and Politics in the Reign of William III, (Manchester, 1977) C Jones (ed), Party and Management in Parliament, 1660-1784, (Leicester, 1984) C Jones (ed), Britain in the First Age of Party 1680-1750: Essays Presented to Geoffrey Holmes, (1987) D L Jones, A Parliamentary History Of The Glorious Revolution, (1988) P Jupp, Lord Grenville, 1759-1834, (Oxford, 1985) J P Kenyon, Revolution Principles: The Politics of Party, 1689-1720, (Cambridge, 1977) P Langford, The First Rockingham Administration 1765-1766, (Oxford, 1973) Thomas Babington Macaulay, History of England, (5 Vols 1848-1861) T J McCann, The Correspondence of the Dukes of Richmond and Newcastle, 1724-1750, (Sussex Record Soc. 1982-3) J J Murray, George I, the Baltic and the Whig Split of 1717, (Chicago and London, 1969) Sir Lewis Namier, The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, (MacMillan, 1957) Sir Lewis Namier, England in the Age of the American Revolution, (1930) A N Newman (ed), Leicester House Politics, 1750-1760, from the papers of John, 2nd Earl of Egmont, (Camden Miscellany xxiii, 4th series, vol 7) J Norris, Shelburne and Reform, (1963) F O’Gorman, The Emergence of the British Two-Party System, 1710-1832, (1982) F O’Gorman, The Rise of Party in England: The Rockingham Whigs, 1760-1782, (1975) J B Owen, The Rise of the Pelhams, (1957) R Pares, George III and the Politicians, (Oxford, 1953) M Peters, Pitt and Popularity: The Patriot Minister and London Opinion During the Seven Years War, (Oxford, 1980) J G A Pocock, The Varieties of British Political Thought, 1500-1800, (Cambridge, 1992) J G A Pocock (ed), Three British Revolutions, 1641, 1688, 1776, (Princeton, 1980) J H Plumb, Sir Robert Walpole: The Making of a Statesman, (1956) J H Plumb, Sir Robert Walpole: The Kings Minister, (1960)

J O Richards, Party Propaganda under Queen Anne: The General Elections of 1702-1713, (Athens, Georgia, 1972) C Robbins, The Eighteenth Century Commonwealthman, (Cambridge Massachusetts, 1959) George Rude, Wilkes and Liberty, (Oxford, 1962) W A Speck, Reluctant Revolutionaries: Englishmen and the Revolution of 1688, (Oxford, 1988) W A Speck, Tory and Whig: The Struggle in the Constituencies, 1701-1715, (1970) G M Trevelyan, England Under Queen Anne, (3 Vols, 1930-1934) G M Trevelyan, The English Revolution, (Oxford, 1938) Horace Walpole (J Brooke ed), Memoirs of the Reign of King George II, (3 Vols, New Haven, 1985) Horace Walpole (W S Lewis ed), Selected Letters of Horace Walpole, (New Haven 1973) J Wilkes, A Whig in Power, The Political Career of Henry Pelham, (Evanston, 1964) A F B Williams, The Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (2 vols, 1913) B Williams, Stanhope: A Study in Eighteenth-Century War and Diplomacy, (Oxford 1932) B Williams, Carteret and Newcastle: A Contrast in Contemporaries, (Cambridge, 1943) E N Williams (ed) The Eighteenth Century Constitution, (Cambridge, 1960) WHIGS AND RADICALS (1789-1837) A Aspinall, Lord Brougham and the Whig Party, (1927) Samuel Bamford, Passages in the life of a Radical, 2Vols, (1841-1843) Richard Brent, Liberal Anglican Politics, Religion and Reform, 1830-1841, (Oxford, 1987) Henry Brougham, The Life and Times of Henry Lord Brougham Written by Himself, (3 Vols, 1871) Michael Brock, The Great Reform Act, (1973) John Cannon, Parliamentary Reform, 1640-1832, (Cambridge, 1973) B Connell, Portrait of a Whig Peer, compiled from the papers of the 2nd Viscount Palmerston, (1957) J W Derry, The Regency Crisis and the Whigs, (Cambridge, 1963) E J Evans, The Great Reform Act of 1832, (Longman, 1983) Donald E Ginter (ed), Whig Organisation in the General Election of 1790, (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1967) Henry Richard Vassall, Lord Holland (Henry Edward Lord Holland ed), Memoirs of the Whig Party During My Time, (2 Vols, 1852-1854) Henry Richard Vassall, Lord Holland (G Fox-Strangways, Lord Stavordale ed), Further Memoirs of the Whig Party 1807-1821, (1905) Abraham D Kriegel (ed), The Holland House Diaries 1831-1840, (Routledge Keegan & Paul, 1977) A D Macintyre, The Liberator, Daniel O’Connor and the Irish Party, 1830-1847, (1965) A Mitchell, The Whigs in Opposition 1815–1830, (Oxford, 1967) L G Mitchell, Charles James Fox and the Disintegration of the Whig Party, 1782-1794, (Oxford, 1971) L G Mitchell, Holland House, (1980) Ian Newbould, Whiggery and Reform, 1830-1841: The Politics of Government, (1990) F O’Gorman, The Whig Party and the French Revolution, (1967) M Roberts, The Whig Party, 1807-1812, (1939) J J Sack, The Grenvillites, 1801-1829, Party Politics and Factionalism in the Age of Pitt and Liverpool, (Chicago, 1979) E A Smith, Whig Principles and Party Politics, (Manchester, 1975) Robert Stewart, Henry Brougham, 1778-1868: His Public Career, (1985)

Marjorie Villiers, The Grand Whiggery, (John Murray, 1939) E A Wasson, Whig Renaissance: Lord Althorp and the Whig Party, 1872-1845, (New York, 1987) THE VICTORIAN ERA (1837-1900) Paul Adelman, Victorian Radicalism, The Middleclass Experience, 1830-1914, (1984) Paul Adelman, Gladstone, Disraeli and Later Victorian Politics (1981) Olive Anderson, A Liberal State at War, (MacMillan, 1967) Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution, (1867) Michael Barker, Gladstone and Radicalism: The Reconstruction of Liberal Policy in Britain, 1885-1994, (Harvester, 1975) R Bellamy (ed), Victorian Liberalism: Nineteenth Century Political Thought and Practice, (Routledge, 1990) Michael Bentley, The Climax of Liberalism: Liberalism in Theory and Practice, 1868-1914, (1987) Eugenio Biagini, Liberty Retrenchment and Reform: Popular Politics in the Age of Gladstone, 1860-1880, (Cambridge, 1992) Eugenio Biagini (ed), Citizenship and Community: Liberals Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles, 1865-1931, (Cambridge ) Eugenio Biagini and Alistair Reid, (eds), Currents of Radicalism: Popular Radicalism, Organised Labour and Party Politics in Britain, 1850-1914, (Cambridge, 1991) Ian Bradley, The Optimists, Themes and Personalities in Victorian Politics (Faber and Faber, 1980) David Brooks (ed) The Destruction of Lord Rosebery: From the Diary of Sir Edward Hamilton, 1894-1895, (1986) A C Benson and Viscount Esher (eds), The Letters of Queen Victoria 1837-1861, (3 Vols John Murray 1907) George Buckle (ed), The Letters of Queen Victoria 1862-1885, (3 Vols John Murray 1926-1928) George Buckle (ed), The Letters of Queen Victoria 1886-1901, (3 Vols John Murray 1930) J Butler, The Liberal Party and the Jameson Raid, (Oxford, 1968) Joseph Chamberlain (ed), The Radical Programme, (1885, reprinted by The Harvester Press 1971 edited by D A Hamer) J B Conacher, The Peelites and the Party System, 1846-1852, (David & Charles, 1972) J B Conacher, The Aberdeen Coalition, 1852-55: A Study in Mid-nineteenth Century Party Politics, (Cambridge, 1968) A B Cooke and John Vincent, The Governing Passion: Cabinet Government and Party Politics in Britain, 1885-86, (Harvester Press, 1974) Maurice Cowling, 1867: Disraeli, Gladstone and Revolution, (Cambridge, 1967) Gary Cox, The Efficient System, The Cabinet and the Development of Political Parties in Victorian England, (Cambridge, 1987) D A Hamer, The Politics of Electoral Pressure: A Study in the History of Victorian Reform Agitations, (Harvester Press, 1977) D A Hamer, Liberal Politics in the Ages of Gladstone and Rosebery: A Study in Leadership and Policy, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972) J L Hammond, Gladstone and the Irish Nation, (1964) Christopher Harvie, The Lights of Liberalism, University Liberals and the Challenge of Democracy, 1860-86, (1976) Angus Hawkins, Parliament, Party and the Art of Politics in Britain, 1855-1859, (Stanford, 1987)

T W Heyck, The Dimensions of British Radicalism: The Case of Ireland, 1874-1895, (Illinois, 1974) K T Hoppen, Elections, Politics and Society in Ireland, 1832-1885, (Oxford, 1984) Anthony Howe, Free Trade and Liberal England, 1846-1946, (Oxford, Clarendon, 1997). I G C Hutchison, A Political History of Scotland, 1832-1924, (Edinburgh, 1986) T A Jenkins, The Liberal Ascendancy 1830–1886, (Macmillan, 1994) T A Jenkins, Parliament, Party and Politics in Victorian Britain, (Manchester University Press, 1996) T A Jenkins, Gladstone, Whiggery and The Liberal Party, 1874-1886, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988) T A Jenkins (ed) The Parliamentary Diaries of Sir John Trelawny, 1858-1865, (Royal Historical Society, Camden series, 1990) T A Jenkins (ed) The Parliamentary Diaries of Sir John Trelawny, 1868-1873, (Royal Historical Society, Camden series, 1994) Andrew Jones, The Politics of Reform 1884, (Cambridge, 1972) Bruce Kinzer, The Ballot Question in Nineteenth Century English Politics, (New York, Garland, 1982) James Loughlin, Gladstone, Home Rule and the Ulster Question, 1882-1893, (Dublin, 1986) W C Lubenow, Parliamentary Politics and the Home Rule Crisis, The British House of Commons in 1886, (Oxford, 1988) Patricia Lynch, The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910: Radicalism and Community, (Oxford, 2003) Simon Maccoby, English Radicalism 1832–1886, (5 Vols, George Allen & Unwin, 1935-1961) G I T Machin, Politics and the Churches in Great Britain, 1832-1868, (Oxford, 1977) G I T Machin, Politics and the Churches in Great Britain, 1869-1921, (Oxford, 1987) Norman McCord, The Anti-Corn Law League 1838-1846, (George Allen & Unwin, 1958) Peter Mandler, Aristocratic Government in the Age of Reform: Whigs and Liberals, 1830-1852, (Oxford, 1990) Kenneth O Morgan, Wales in British Politics, 1868-1922, (Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1991) James Murphy, Church, State and Schools in Britain 1800–1970, (1971) Alan O’Day, Parnell and the First Home Rule Episode, 1884-7, (Dublin 1986) Moisei Ostrogorski, Democracy and the Organisation of Political Parties, (2 Vols, Macmillan, 1902) Jonathan Parry, Democracy and Religion, Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867-1875, (Cambridge, 1986) Jonathan Parry, The Rise and Fall of Liberal Government in Victorian Britain, (Yale, 1993) John Prest, Politics in the Age of Cobden, (MacMillan, 1977) G R Searle, Entrepreneurial Politics in Mid-Victorian Britain, (Oxford, 1993) Richard Shannon, The Crisis of Imperialism 1865-1915, (Paladin, 1976) Richard Shannon, Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876, (1975) Ann P Saab, Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria and the Working Classes 1856-1878, (Harvard, 1991) D M Schreuder, Gladstone and Kruger, Liberal Government and Colonial ‘Home Rule’ 1880-1885, (1969) F B Smith, The Making of the Second reform Bill, (1966) Donald Southgate, The Passing of the Whigs, 1832-1886, (1962) E D Steele, Palmerston and Liberalism, 1855-1865, (Cambridge, 1991) E D Steele, Irish Land and British Politics, (Cambridge, 1974)

L Strachey and R Fulford, The Greville Memoirs, (1938) Peter Stansky, Ambitions and Strategies, The Struggle for the Leadership of the Liberal Party in the 1890s, (Oxford, 1964) Marvin Swartz, The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone, (1985) Miles Taylor, The Decline of British Radicalism 1847-1860, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996(?) John Vincent, The Formation of the British Liberal Party, (Harvester, 1976) John Vincent, Pollbooks, How Victorians Voted, (Cambridge, 1967) R Spence Watson, The National Liberal Federation, (1907) Michael Winstanley, Gladstone and the Liberal Party, (1990) NEW LIBERALISM AND THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY (1900-1918) Paul Adelman, The Decline of the Liberal Party 1910–1931 (2nd ed., 1995) K W W Aikin, The Last Years of Liberal England, 1900–1914 (Collins, 1972) George L Bernstein, Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Edwardian England, (Allen & Unwin, 1986) Peter Clarke, Liberals and Social Democrats (Cambridge, 1978) P F Clarke, Lancashire and the New Liberalism, (1971) M Craton and H W McCready, The Great Liberal Revival 1903-6, (Hansard Society, 1966) Colin Cross, The Liberals in Power1905-1914, (Barrie & Rockliffe/Pall Mall Press, 1963) George Dangerfield, The Strange Death of Liberal England, (1935, Serif, 1997 (reprint)) Edward David (ed), Inside Asquith’s Cabinet, From The Diaries of Charles Hobhouse, (John Murray, 1977) Frances Donaldson, The Marconi Scandal, (1962) H V Emy, Liberals, Radicals and Social Politics, 1892-1914, (1973) B Gilbert, The Evolution of National Insurance in Great Britain: The Origins of the Welfare State, (1966) C Hazlehurst and C Woodland (eds), A Liberal Chronicle, Journals and Papers of J A Pease, 1908 to 1910, (The Historians’ Press, 1994) F H Hinsley (ed), British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey, (Cambridge University Press, 1977). Michael Howard, War and the Liberal Conscience, (Oxford University Press, 1981) Roy Jenkins, Mr. Balfour’s Poodle: An Account of the Struggle between the House of Lords and the Government of Mr Asquith, (1954) S E Koss, Nonconformity in Modern British Politics, (1975) Michael Lynch, Lloyd George and the Liberal Dilemma (Hodder & Stoughton, 1993) G I T Machin, The Liberal Governments of 1905–15 (Headstart History Papers, 1991) H C G Matthew, The Liberal Imperialists: The Ideas and Politics of a Post Gladstonian Elite, (Oxford, 1973) D Morgan, Suffragists and Liberals: The Politics of Women’s Suffrage in Britain, (Oxford, Blackwell, 1975) A J A Morris, Radicalism Against War, 1906-1914, (1972) A J A Morris (ed), Edwardian Radicalism: Some Aspects of British Radicalism, (Routledge & Keegan Paul 1974) Ian Packer, Lloyd George, Liberalism and the Land: The Land Issue and Party Politics in England, 1906-1914, (Boydell & Brewer, 2001) B Porter, Critics of Empire, British Radical Attitudes to Colonialism in Africa, 1895-1914, (1968) C Rover, Women’s Suffrage and Party Politics in Britain, 1866-1914, (1967)

P Rowland, The Last Liberal Governments: The Promised Land, 1905-1910, (Barrie & Jenkins, 1968) P Rowland, The Last Liberal Governments: Unfinished Business, 1911-1914, (Barrie & Jenkins 1971) Geoffrey Searle The Liberal Party: Triumph and Disintegration, 1886–1929, (2nd edn, Palgrave 2001) Bernard Semmel, Liberalism and Naval Strategy: Ideology, Interest, and Sea Power during the Pax Britannica, (Boston, Allen & Unwin, 1986). Bernard Semmel, The Liberal Ideal and the Demons of Empire: Theories of Imperialism from Adam Smith to Lenin, (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins UP, 1993). A T Q Stewart, The Ulster Crisis, (1967) S A van Wingerden, Women’s Suffrage in Britain 1866–1928 (1999) BETWEEN THE WARS (1918-1945) Paul Adelman, The Decline of the Liberal Party, (Longman, 1981) Bentley, Michael, The Liberal Mind, 1914-1929, (Cambridge University Press, 1977) C Cook, The Age of Alignment: Electoral Politics in Britain, 1922-1929, (MacMillan, 1975) Richard S Grayson, Liberals, International Relations and Appeasement: A Study of the Liberal Party, 1919-1939, (Frank Cass, 2001) M Kinnear, The Fall of Lloyd George: The Political Crisis of 1922, (1973) Liberal Industrial Enquiry, Britain’s Industrial Future, (also known as the Liberal Yellow Book), (Ernest Benn, 1928) A Lentin, Guilt at Versailles: Lloyd George and the Pre-history of Appeasement, (Methuen, 1985). David Marquand, The Progressive Dilemma, (Heinemann, 1991) Kenneth O Morgan, Consensus and Disunity: The Lloyd George Coalition Government, 1918-22, (Oxford: Clarendon, 1979) Gary Tregidga, The Liberal Party in South West Britain Since 1918, (University of Exeter Press, 2000) T Wilson, Downfall of the Liberal Party 1914–35, (Collins, 1966) T Wilson (ed), The Political Diaries of C P Scott, (1970) REVIVAL (1945 to date) Sir Richard Acland, What it Will be Like in the New Britain, (Victor Gollancz, 1942) Leighton Andrews, Liberalism versus the Social Market Economy (Hebden Royd Publications, 1985) Paddy Ashdown, After the Alliance, (Hebden Royd Publications, 1987) Paddy Ashdown, The Ashdown Diaries Volume One 1988-1997 (Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 2000) Paddy Ashdown, The Ashdown Diaries Volume Two 1997-1999 Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 2000) Alan Beith, The Case for the Liberal Party and the Alliance, (Longman, 1983) Alan Beith, The Fullness of Freedom, (Hebden Royd Publications, 1987) Vernon Bogdanor (ed), Liberal Party Politics, (Oxford University Press, 1983) Duncan Brack, The Myth of the Social Market, (LINk Publications, 1989) Duncan Brack (ed), Why I am a Liberal Democrat, (Liberal Democrat Publications, 1996) Ian Bradley, Breaking the Mould?, (Martin Robertson, 1981) Ian Bradley, The Strange Rebirth of Liberal Britain, (Chatto & Windus, The Hogarth Press, 1985) John Campbell, Roy Jenkins, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1983)

Ken Coates, The Social Democrats: those who went and those who stayed, (Nottingham 1983) H Cowie, Why Liberal?, Penguin, 1964 Ivor Crewe & Anthony King, SDP: The Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party, (Oxford University Press, 1995) Arthur Cyr, Liberal Politics in Britain, (Transaction Books, 2nd edn, 1988) Ralf Dahrendorf, After Social Democracy, (Unservile State Paper, 1980) Radhika Desai, Intellectuals and Socialism: ‘Social Democrats’ and the Labour Party, (Lawrence & Wishart, 1994) Henry Drucker, ‘All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men’, in Paterson and Thomas (eds), Social Democratic Parties in Western Europe (Oxford University Press, 1986) R Fulford, The Liberal Case, Penguin, 1959 Tony Greaves & Rachael Pitchford, Merger: The Inside Story, (Liberal Renewal, 1989) Peter Hain, Radical Regeneration, (Quartet Books, 1975 Peter Hain (ed), Community Politics, (John Calder, 1976) M.B. Hamilton, Democratic Socialism in Britain and Sweden, (Macmillan, 1989) W Hampton, Democracy and Community, (Oxford University Press, 1970) Stephen Haseler, The Tragedy of Labour, (Basil Blackwell, 1980) T F Horabin, Politics Made Plain, (Penguin, 1944) Roy Jenkins, Partnership of Principle, (Secker & Warburg, 1983) Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre, (Macmillan, 1991) Jeremy Josephs, Inside the Alliance, (John Martin, 1983) Peter Joyce, Realignment of the Left? A History of the Relationship between the Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties, (Macmillan, 1999) Charles Kennedy, The Future of Politics (HarperCollins, 2000) Ludovic Kennedy, On My Way to the Club, (Collins, 1989) Wayland Kennet (ed), The Rebirth of Britain, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982) Alastair Kilmarnock (ed), The Radical Challenge: The Response of Social Democracy (Andre Deutsch, 1987) Emil Joseph Kirchner, Liberal Parties in Western Europe, (Cambridge University Press, 1988). E Lakeman, When Labour Fails, (Herbert Joseph Ltd, 1947) Don MacIver (ed) The Liberal Democrats, (Prentice Hall Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996) David Marquand, Russet-coated Captains: The Challenge of Social Democracy, (SDP, 1981) David Marquand, The Unprincipled Society, (Fontana, 1988) John Martin (ed), The Meaning of Social Democracy and Other Essays, (John Martin, 1982) Michael Meadowcroft, Liberalism and the Left, (Liberator Publications, 1982) Michael Meadowcroft, Liberalism and the Right, (Liberator Publications, 1983) Michael Meadowcroft, Social Democracy – Barrier or Bridge?, (Liberator Publications, 1981) Michael Meadowcroft & David Marquand, Liberalism & Social Democracy, (Liberal Publications, 1981) Alistair Michie and Simon Hoggart, The Pact: The Inside Story of the Lib-Lab Government, 1977–78, (Quintet, 1978) Stuart Mole (ed), The Decade of Realignment: The Leadership Speeches of David Steel 1976–1986, (Hebden Royd, 1986) Matthew Oakeshott, The Road from Limehouse to Westminster, (Radical Centre for Democratic Studies in Industry and Society, 1981) David Owen, Face the Future, (Jonathan Cape, 1981) David Owen, A Future That Will Work: Competitiveness and Compassion, (Penguin, 1984)

David Owen, A United Kingdom, (Penguin, 1986) David Owen, Personally Speaking to Kenneth Harris, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987) David Owen, Time to Declare, (Michael Joseph, 1991) David Owen & David Steel, The Time Has Come, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987) S. Padgett & W. Patterson, A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe, (Longman, 1981) William Paterson & Alistair Thomas (eds.), The Future of Social Democracy, (Clarendon Press, 1986) Jorgen S Rasmussen, The Liberal Party: A Study of Retrenchment and Revival, (Constable, 1965) William Rodgers, The Politics of Change, (Secker & Warburg, 1982) Hannan Rose (ed), Where Next?, (Radical Quarterly special edition, 1987) David Steel, Partners in One Nation, (Bodley Head, 1985) David Steel, Against Goliath: David Steel’s Story, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989) David Steel, A House Divided: The Lib-Lab Pact and the Future of Politics, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980) Hugh Stephenson, Claret and Chips: The Rise of the SDP, (Michael Joseph, 1982) John Stevenson, Third Party Politics since 1945: Liberals, Alliance and Liberal Democrats, (Blackwell, 1983) Patricia Lee Sykes, Losing from the Inside: The Cost of Conflict in the British Social Democratic Party, (2nd edn, Transaction Books, 1990) David Thomson, The Shock Troops of Pavement Politics? An Assessment of the Influence of Community Politics in the Liberal Party, (Hebden Royd, 1985) Gary Tregidga, The Liberal Party in South West Britain Since 1918, (University of Exeter Press, 2000) William Wallace, Why Vote Liberal Democrat?, (Penguin, 1997) Alan Watkins, The Liberal Dilemma, (MacGibbon & Kee, 1966) G Watson, (ed.), Radical Alternative, (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1962) Geoffrey Lee Williams & Alan Lee Williams, Labour’s Decline and the Social Democrats’ Fall, (Macmillan, 1989) Shirley Williams, Politics is for People, (Penguin, 1981) Des Wilson, Battle for Power, (Sphere Books, 1987) Rif Winfield, Liberals in Parliament: An Electoral History, 1924-1994, (Aberystwyth: University of Wales Press, 1994) Peter Zentner, Social Democracy in Britain: Must Labour Lose?, (John Martin, 1982) I Davies, Trial by Ballot, (Christopher Johnson, 1950) P Harris, Forty Years In and Out of Parliament, (Andrew Melrose, 1947) D M Johnson, (writing as “Odysseus”), Safer Than a Known Way, (Jonathan Cape, 1941) D M Johnson, Bars and Barricades, (Christopher Johnson, 1952) Sir John Junor, Listening for a Midnight Tram, (Chapmans, 1990) T Maher, Against My Better Judgement, (Mandarin, 1995, first published in 1994) ELECTIONS Neal Blewett, The Peers, The Parties and the People: the General Elections of 1910, (1972)

D Broughton, D M Farrell, D Denver and C Rallings, British Elections and Parties Yearbook 1994, (Frank Cass, 1995) D E Butler, and G Butler, Twentieth Century British Political Facts 1900–2000, (Macmillan, 2000) David Butler, The British General Election of 1951, (Macmillan, 1952) David Butler et al have produced a volume on each of the subsequent general elections. C Cook and B Keith, British Historical Facts 1830-1900, (St Martins Press, New York, 1975) C Cook, and J A Ramsden, By-elections in British Politics, (Macmillan, 1973) F W S Craig, British Parliamentary Election Statistics (in 5 vols covering1832–1970), (Political Reference Publications, 1968-1977) F W S Craig, Boundaries of Parliamentary Constituencies, (Political Reference Publications, 1972) F W S Craig, British General Election Manifestos 1959–87, (Political Reference Publications, 1990) I Crewe, A Fox and N Day, The British Electorate 1963–92, (Cambridge University Press, 1995) D Denver and G Hands, Issues and Controversies in British Election Behaviour, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992) N Gash, Politics in the Age of Peel, (Longmans, 1953) H J Hanham, Elections and Party Management: Politics in the Time of Disraeli and Gladstone, (Longmans, 1959) K T Hoppen, Elections, Politics and Society in Ireland, 1832-1885, (Oxford, 1984) Michael Kinnear, The British Voter, An Atlas and Survey since 1885, (1968) T O Lloyd, The General Election of 1880, (Oxford, 1968) R B McCallum, and A Readman, The British General Election of 1945, (Oxford University Press, 1947) H G Nicholas, The British General Election of 1950, (Macmillan, 1951) P Norris, British By-elections, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990) F O’Gorman, Voters, Patrons, and Parties, The Unreformed Electoral System of Hanoverian England, (Oxford, 1989) H Pelling, Social Geography of British Elections 1885–1910, (Macmillan, 1967) J A Phillips, Electoral Behaviour in Unreformed England, Plumpers, Splitters and Straights, (Princeton, 1982) J O Richards, Party Propaganda under Queen Anne: The General Elections of 1702-1713, (Athens, Georgia, 1972) A K Russell, Liberal Landslide: The General Election of 1906, (David & Charles, 1973) Andrew Thorpe, The British General Election of 1931, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991). J Vincent, and M Stenton (eds), McCalmont’s Parliamentary Poll Book: British Election Results 1832-1918, (The Harvester Press, 1971) Rif Winfield, Liberals in Parliament: An Electoral History, 1924-1994, (Aberystwyth: University of Wales Press, 1994) BIOGRAPHIES GENERAL Duncan Brack et al., Dictionary of Liberal Biography, (Politico’s Publishing, 1998) J O Baylen and N J Gossman (eds), Biographical Dictionary of Modern British Radicals: Volume 2 1830-1870, (Brighton, Harvester Press, 1984) G P Judd, Members of Parliament 1734-1832, (Reprint of 1955 edn, Hamden Connecticut,

Archon Books,1972) M Stenton, Who’s Who of British Members of Parliament, Vol 1 18323-1885, (Harvester Press) M Stenton and S Lees, Who’s Who of MPs, Vols 3 and 4, (Harvester Press, 1979 and 1981) EARL OF ABERDEEN (1784–1860) L. Iremonger, Lord Aberdeen (1978) Muriel Chamberlain, Lord Aberdeen: A Political Biography (1983) Sir A. Gordon, The Earl of Aberdeen (1983) JOHN EMERICH EDWARD DALBERG ACTON LORD ACTON (1834–1902) Papers relating to his historical works are held in Cambridge University Library Lord Acton (edited by J. Rufus Fears), Essays in the History of Liberty (2 volumes 1985),

Essays in the Study and Writing of Liberty (2 volumes 1986) Essays in Religion, Politics and Morality (2 volumes 1988).

Roland Hill, The Life of Lord Acton, 1834–1902 (1919) Roland Hill, Lord Acton, Yale University Press, 2000 Owen Chadwick, Acton and Gladstone (1976) Hugh Tulloch, Acton, (1988) Information about Lord Acton can also be obtained from the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, a free-market, libertarian American institution, from their internet website at CHRISTOPHER ADDISON (LORD ADDISON) (1869–1951) Addison’s papers are in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. C Addison, The Betrayal of the Slums (1922)

Four and A Half Years (2 volumes, 1934) and Politics from Within (2 volumes, 1924).

Kenneth and Jane Morgan, Portrait of a Progressive: the Political Career of Christopher, Viscount Addison (1980). PADDY ASHDOWN (LORD ASHDOWN) (1941–) Paddy Ashdown Citizen’s Britain (1989)

Beyond Westminster (1994) The Ashdown Diaries Volume One 1988-1997 (2000) The Ashdown Diaries Volume Two 1997-1999 (2001)

H. H. ASQUITH (EARL OF OXFORD AND ASQUITH) (1852–1928) H. H. Asquith, The Genesis of the War (1923) J. A. Spender and Cyril Asquith, Asquith (2 volumes, 1932) R. B. McCallum, Asquith (1936) Roy Jenkins, Asquith (1964, third edition, 1986) Stephen Koss, Asquith (1976) M. and E. Brock (eds.) H. H. Asquith, Letters to Venetia Stanley, (1982) MARGOT ASQUITH (Countess Of Oxford And Asquith) (1864–1945) Margot Asquith, Autobiography (2 Volumes1922)

Octavia, (a novel) D. Bennett, Margot, A Life of The Countess of Oxford and Asquith (1984)

DESMOND BANKS (LORD BANKS) (1918–97) D Banks and D Wade, The Political Insight of Elliott Dodds), (1977) D Banks Clyde Steamers (1947) JOHN BANNERMAN (LORD BANNERMAN) (1901–69) John Bannerman (edited John Fowler) Memoirs (1972). ALAN BEITH MP (1943–) Alan Beith The Case for the Liberal Party and the Alliance (Longman, 1983) Alan Beith, John Gummer and Eric Heffer, Faith in Politics (1987) JEREMY BENTHAM (1748–1832) Jeremy Bentham, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, 1789

Rationale of Judicial Evidence (1827) Constitutional Code (1830)

R. Harrison, Bentham (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983) J. Dinwiddy, Bentham (OUP, 1989) S. Mukherjee and S. Ramaswamy (eds.), Jeremy Bentham 1748–1832, (Deep and Deep, New Delhi, 1995). ROBERT BERNAYS (1902–45) Nick Smart (ed) The Diaries and Letters of Robert Bernays 1932–39: An Insider’s Account of the House of Commons (Edwin Mellen, 1996) PETER BESSELL (1921–85) Peter Bessell Cover Up, (1981 WILLIAM BEVERIDGE (LORD BEVERIDGE) (1879–1963) William Beveridge Power and Influence, (1953)

Social Insurance and Allied Services (1942) Full Employment in a Free Society (1944)

Janet Beveridge, Beveridge and his Plan (1954) Jose Harris, William Beveridge: A Biography (1977) Nicholas Timmins The Five Giants, A Biography of the Welfare State (1995) AUGUSTINE BIRRELL (1850–1933) Augustine Birrell, Things Past Redress, (Faber 1937) Leon O’Broin, The Chief Secretary: Augustine Birrell and Ireland, 1907–16 (1969) Patricia Jalland, The Liberals and Ireland: The Ulster Question in British Politics to 1914 (1980) Eunan O’Halpin, The Decline of the Union: British Government in Ireland, 1892–1920 (1987). VIOLET BONHAM CARTER (1887–1969) Violet Bonham Carter, Winston Churchill as I Knew Him (1965). Mark Bonham Carter and Mark Pottle (eds), Lantern Slides, The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1904–14 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1995); Mark Pottle (ed), Champion Redoubtable, The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1914–45 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1998)

Mark Pottle (ed), Daring to Hope, The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1946–69 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2000) HORATIO BOTTOMLEY (1860–1933) Alan Hyman, The Rise and Fall of Horatio Bottomley: the Biography of a Swindler (Cassell, 1972) Julian Symons, Horatio Bottomley: a Biography (Cresset Press, 1955) CHARLES BRADLAUGH (1833–91) Walter L Arnstein, The Bradlaugh Case, A Study in Late Victorian Opinion and Politics, (OUP 1963) David Tribe, President Charles Bradlaugh, MP (Elek Books, 1971). Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner, (J. M. Robertson ed), Charles Bradlaugh. A record of his life and work by his daughter, with an account of his parliamentary struggle, politics and teachings (2 vols, T. Fisher Unwin, 1898) JOHN BRIGHT (1811–89) J E Thorold Rogers (ed), Speeches on Questions of Public Policy by John Bright MP, (Kraus Reprint Co New York 1970) John Bright, Selected Speeches of the Rt Hon John Bright MP on Public Questions, (J M Dent & Sons 1907) John Bright, The Diaries of John Bright, (Cassell 1930) Asa Briggs, Victorian People, (Penguin Books 1990) Keith Robbins, John Bright (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979) EDMUND BURKE (1730-1797) Edmund Burke, A Vindication of Natural Society (1756) Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, (1790) Edmund Burke, An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs (1791) Edmund Burke, Letters on a Regicide Peace, 1796-7 Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the [American] Colonies (1775) Edmund Burke, Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol (1777) Edmund Burke, Speech on Fox’s East India Bill, (1783) Edmund Burke, Opening Speech In The Impeachment Trial Of Warren Hastings, (1788) Edmund Burke, Tracts on the Popery Laws in Ireland, Edmund Burke (T W Copeland and others (eds)), The Correspondence of Edmund Burke, (10 vols, Cambridge, 1958-1978) David Bromwich (ed) On Empire, Liberty, and Reform: Speeches and Letters, (Yale University Press, New Haven, 2000) J.C.D. Clark’s new edition of Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, (Stanford, California, 2001). Paul Langford and others (eds), Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke Oxford University,1981 onwards P. J. Marshall (ed) Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke:The Indian writings, Oxford Peter Stanlis Edmund Burke: Select Writings and Speeches, (Washington, D.C., 1963) E.J. Payne (ed), Select Works of Edmund Burke, (3 Vols), 1874-8 (Modern reprint from Liberty Fund, Inc., Indianapolis, USA) Isaac Kramnick (ed) Viking Portable Edmund Burke, Harmondsworth, 1999

Edmund Burke: His Life and Legacy, (Dublin, 1997), a collection of essays Gerald Chapman, Edmund Burke: The Practical Imagination, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1967 Russell Kirk, Edmund Burke: A Genius Reconsidered, (Arlington House, 1967, revised and updated by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, 1997), F.P. Lock Edmund Burke, Volume One: 1730-1784, (Oxford, 1998); Jim McCue Edmund Burke and Our Present Discontents, (London, 1997) Conor Cruise O’Brien’s,The Great Melody, (London, 1992) Nicholas Robinson Edmund Burke: A Life in Caricature, (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1996 JOHN BURNS (1858–1943) K. D. Brown, John Burns (1977); J. Burgess, John Burns: The Rise and Progress of a Right Honourable (1911); G. D. H. Cole, John Burns (1943) P. Grubb, From Candle Factory to British Cabinet: The Life Story of the Rt Hon John Burns (1908); W. Kent, Labour’s Lost Leader (1950) SYDNEY BUXTON (EARL BUXTON) 1853-1934 Daniel Waley, A Liberal Life: Sydney, Earl Buxton, 1853-1934, Newtimber, 1999 SIR HENRY CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN (1836–1908) Campbell-Bannerman’s papers are in the British Museum. Sir H Campbell-Bannerman’s Speeches (1899–1908) (selected and reprinted from The Times). Lord Pentland (ed.), Early Letters of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to his sister Louisa, 1850–51 (T. Fisher Unwin, 1925) J. A. Spender, Life of the Rt Hon Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, GCB (2 vols, Hodder & Stoughton, 1923) John Wilson, CB – A Life of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (Constable & St Martin’s Press, 1973) JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN (1836–1914) Chamberlain’s political papers are in Birmingham University Library. Joseph Chamberlain (ed), The Radical Programme, (1885, reprinted by The Harvester Press 1971 edited by D A Hamer ) Joseph Chamberlain (edited by C. H. D. Howard), A Political Memoir 1880-1892, (The Batchworth Press 1953) Henry W. Lucy, ed., Speeches of J. Chamberlain (1885) C.W. Boyd, ed., Mr Chamberlain’s Speeches, (2 volumes 1914) J. L. Garvin and J. Amery Life of Joseph Chamberlain (MacMillan 6 volumes 1932–1969) M. Hurst, Joseph Chamberlain and Liberal Reunion (1967) Dennis Judd, Radical Joe: A Life of Joseph Chamberlain (1993) Robert V. Kubicek, The Administration of Imperialism: Joseph Chamberlain at the Colonial Office (1969) Peter T. Marsh, Joseph Chamberlain: Entrepreneur in Politics (1994) SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL (1874–1965)

W S C Churchill, Lord Randolph Churchill (1906) My Early Life (1930) The World Crisis (1923–31) Great Contemporaries (1937) Marlborough (1933–38), The Second World War (1948–54)

David Cannadine (ed), The Speeches of Winston Churchill, (Penguin Books 1989) Randolph S Churchill & Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill (7 vols plus companion vols of documents) (1966-1988) Martin Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill (1991) Keith Robbins, Churchill (1992) H. M. Pelling, Winston Churchill (1974) Roy Jenkins, Winston Churchill (2001) Geoffrey Best, Churchill: A Study in Greatness (2001) RICHARD COBDEN (1804-1865) Richard Cobden England, Ireland and America (1835) and

Russia (1836) 1792 and 1853, in Three Letters, 1853 How Wars are Got Up in India What Next? and Next? 1856 The Three Panics of 1848, 1853, and 1862.

John Bright and J. E. Thorold Rogers (eds), Speeches on Questions of Public Policy by Richard Cobden (1870); John Bright and J. E. Thorold Rogers (eds), The Political Writings of Richard Cobden (1867); John Morley Life of Richard Cobden (1879); Ashworth Recollections of Richard Cobden and the Anti-Corn Law League (1876); Archibald Prentice, History of the Anti-Corn Law League (1968); Norman McCord, The Anti-Corn Law League, 1838–46 (1958); Nicholas C. Edsall, Richard Cobden: Independent Radical (1986); Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey, The Rise of Free Trade (1997) (especially, vols. 1 & II). MARQUESS OF CREWE (1858–1945) Marquess of Crewe Rosebery (1923) James Pope-Hennessy, Lord Crewe, 1858–1945: the Likeness Of a Liberal (1955).

EDWARD CLEMENT DAVIES (1884–1962) A large group of Davies’ personal and political papers have been deposited at the National Library of Wales. David M. Roberts, Clement Davies and the Liberal Party, 1929–56, (unpublished MA thesis University of Wales in 1975) ELLIOTT DODDS 1889–1977 Elliott Dodd, Is Liberalism Dead? (1919)

Liberalism in Action (1922) The Social Gospel of Liberalism (1926) Let’s Try Liberalism, in 1944, The Defence of Man, 1947

Donald Wade & Desmond Banks, The Political Insight of Elliott Dodds (Elliott Dodds Trust, 1977). MASTER OF ELIBANK (1870–1920) A. C. Murray, Master and Brother: Murray of Elibank (1945) H. A. L. FISHER (1865–1940) H A L Fisher, A History of Europe, (3 Vols) (1935)

The Medieval Empire (1898) and Napoleonic Statesmanship, Germany (1903). Political Unions (1911), The Commonweal (1924)

H. A. L. Fisher with a foreword by Lettice Fisher, An Unfinished Autobiography, (1940) David Ogg, Herbert Fisher, A Short Biography (1947) SIR DINGLE FOOT (1905–78) Sir Dingle Foot, British Political Crises (1976 ISAAC FOOT (1880–1960) Isaac Foot Oliver Cromwell and Abraham Lincoln: a comparison (1944)

Michael Verran and Thomas Carlyle (1946) Sarah Foot, My Grandfather: Isaac Foot, (Bessiney Books, 1980). W. E. FORSTER (1818–86) T. Wemyss Reid, Life of the Rt Hon W. E. Forster (1888 and reprinted in 1970) Patrick Jackson, Education Act Forster: A Political Biography of W. E. Forster 1818–1886, (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1997) CHARLES JAMES FOX (1749–1806) Some papers are in Hertford College Oxford and some Papers are in the British Library Add. MSS 47559-81 and 51468-75 C J Fox (ed Irene Cooper Willis) Speeches During The French Revolution Dent 1924 C J Fox (ed J Wright) The Speeches of the Right Hon C. J. Fox in the House of Commons (6 vols) 1815 Lord John Russell Memorials and Correspondence of C. J. Fox 1853-1857 D. Powell, Charles James Fox, man of the people (Hutchinson, 1989) S. Ayling, Fox (John Murray, 1991) L. G. Mitchell, Charles James Fox (OUP, 1992) I. M. Davies, The harlot and the statesman, the story of Elizabeth Armistead and Charles James Fox (Bourne End, 1986) D. Schweitzer, Charles James Fox, a bibliography (Greenwood, 1991) is a useful source for further works. SIR ROGER FULFORD (1902–83) Sir R Fulford, The Liberal Case (1959)

Royal Dukes (1933) George the Fourth (1935), The Prince Consort (1949), Queen Victoria (1951) Hanover to Windsor (1960).

The Right Honourable Gentleman (1945) Votes for Women (1956) Samuel Whitbread (1967)

Fulford edited the first unexpurgated edition of the Greville Memoirs, 1938, onwards He also edited five volumes of Queen Victoria’s correspondence with her eldest daughter, the Empress Frederick of Germany (1964, 1968, 1971, 1976 and 1981). HERBERT GLADSTONE (Viscount Gladstone) (1854–1930) Herbert Gladstone After Thirty Years, (1928) WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE (1809–98) Gladstone’s main political papers are in the British Library, while his family and some minor political documents are at St Deiniol’s Library at Hawarden, together with Gladstone’s books often heavily annotated and a source in their own right. His diaries are in Lambeth Palace Library but they have also been published (see below). W. E. Gladstone (ed H. C. G. Matthew and M. R. D. Foot) the Gladstone Diaries (14 vols Oxford, 1968 onwards) W. E. Gladstone (ed J Brooke and M Sorensen) W E Gladstone, The Prime Minister’s Papers series, (4 Vols HMSO 1971-1981) W. E. Gladstone (ed A. Tilney Basset), Gladstone’s Speeches (1916) W. E. Gladstone, Midlothian Speeches 1879 (reprinted 1971) Asa Briggs (ed), Gladstone’s Boswell, The Harvester Press (1984) Agatha Ramm (ed), The Political Correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville, (4 Vols 1952 onwards) Philip Guedalla (ed), The Queen and Mr. Gladstone, (2 Vols Hodder & Stroughton 1933 John Morley, Life of Gladstone, MacMillan (1903) Roy Jenkins, Gladstone (1995) Colin Matthew, Gladstone 1809–1898 (1996) Richard Shannon, Gladstone: Peel’s Inheritor; Gladstone: Heroic Minister (1999) Peter Jagger (ed), Gladstone, Hambledon Press, (1998) Peter Jagger (ed), Gladstone,Politics and Religion, MacMillan 1985 David Bebbington and Roger Swift (ed), Gladstone Centen ary Essays, Liverpool University Press, (2000) Peter Francis (ed), The Gladstone Umbrella, Monad Press (2001) LORD GLADWYN (1900–96) Lord Gladwyn, Is Tension Necessary? (1959),

Peaceful Co-existence (1962), The European Idea (1960), Half-Way to 1984 (1967), De Gaulle’s Europe (1969) and Europe after de Gaulle (1970) The Memoirs of Lord Gladwyn, 1972

GEORGE GOSCHEN (1831–1907) There are collections of Goschen’s papers in the Bodleian Library and the John Dillon Collection at Trinity College, Dublin. Some papers also remain in family hands. George Goschen, Theory of the Foreign Exchanges 1861 Professor T. J. Spinner, George Joachim Goschen, the Transformation of a Victorian Liberal Cambridge University Press, (1973)

BERNARD GREAVES (1942–) Bernard Greaves, Scarborough Perspectives (Young Liberal Movement, 1977)

Liberals and Gay Rights (Liberal Party Organisation, 1977) Communities and Power in P. Hain (ed.), Community Politics (John

Calder, 1976) Tackling Crime Together – the Liberal Democrat commitment to Safer

Neighbourhoods, ALDC 1993 Bernard Greaves and Gordon Lishman, The Theory and Practice of Community Politics (1980); Bernard Greaves and Bruce Galloway Out from the Closet ALC, (1983); THOMAS HILL GREEN (1836–82) Thomas Hill Green, Prolegomena to Ethics (1883),

Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation, Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract, (Oxford & London, 1881)

T H R. L. Nettleship (ed) Works of T H Green (London, 1885–88) There is a modern edition by Paul Harris and John Morrow (Cambridge, 1986). Melvin Richter, The Politics of Conscience: T. H. Green and His Age (London, 1964) Andrew Vincent (ed), The Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green, (Aldershot, 1986). See also A. J. M. Milne’s chapter on Green in The Social Philosophy of English Idealism (1962) LORD GRENVILLE (1759–1834) P. Jupp, Lord Grenville, 1759–1834 (Clarendon, 1985) A. D. Harvey, Lord Grenville, 1759–1834 (Meckler, 1989). CHARLES GREY (Earl Grey) (1764–1845) Papers of Grey and his family are preserved in the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic of the University of Durham E. A. Smith, Lord Grey, 1764–1845 (Clarendon, 1990) John W. Derry, Charles, Earl Grey Aristocratic Reformer, Blackwell, (1992). G M Trevelyan, Lord Grey of the Reform Bill 1920 C. Grey, Life and Opinions of Charles, Second Earl Grey (1861) EDWARD GREY (Viscount Grey) (1862–1933) E Grey, Twenty-Five Years, 1892–1916 (2 Vols) (1925)

Fly Fishing (1899); The League of Nations (1918); The Charm of Birds (1927).

G. M. Trevelyan, Grey of Falloden (1937) Keith Robbins, Sir Edward Grey: A Biography of Lord Grey of Falloden (1971) F. H. Hinsley (ed.), British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey (1977). JO GRIMOND (Lord Grimond) (1913–93) The Grimond papers are in the National Library of Scotland. Jo Grimond, The New Liberalism (1957)

The Liberal Future (1959)

The Liberal Challenge (1963) A Roar For the Lion (1976) The Common Welfare (1978), Personal Manifesto (1983) and The St Andrews of Jo Grimond (1992). He wrote his own autobiography, Memoirs (1979),

Jo Grimond and Brian Neve The Referendum (1976). Peter Joyce, Giving Politics a Good Name (1995) Geoffrey Sell Liberal Revival: Jo Grimond and the Politics of British Liberalism 1956–1967 by (unpublished PhD thesis University of London, 1996). Orkney and Shetland Liberal Democrats, Jo and Laura Grimond – Memories and Photographs (2000) Michael McManus, Jo Grimond – Towards the Sound of Gunfire (2001) R. B. HALDANE (Viscount Haldane) (1856–1928) R B Haldane, The Pathway to Reality, (1903),

The Reign of Relativity, (1921), The Philosophy of Humanism, (1922) Human Experience, (1926). Autobiography (1929)

Sir F. Maurice, The Life of Viscount Haldane of Cloan (2 volumes, 1937–39) and D. Sommer, Haldane of Cloan: His Life and Times, 1856–1928 (1960). JOHN LAWRENCE HAMMOND (1872–1949) & BARBARA HAMMOND (1873–1961 J L Hammond Gladstone and the Irish Nation, (1938) J L Hammond & B Hammond The Village Labourer (1911),

The Town Labourer (1917) and The Skilled Labourer (1919) The Bleak Age, Penguin Books (1947)

Peter Clarke, Liberals and Social Democrats (1978) SIR WILLIAM HARCOURT (1827–1904) A. G. Gardiner The Life of Sir William Harcourt (2 vols, 1923). SIR PERCY HARRIS (1876–1952) Sir Percy Harris New Zealand and its Politics

London and its Government, (1913 updated in 1931) Forty Years in and out of Parliament,

MARQUESS OF HARTINGTON (DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE) (1833–1908) The main source of family papers is Chatsworth House. Bernard Holland, Life of the Eighth Duke of Devonshire 1833–1908 (1911), remains the main Patrick Jackson The Last of the Whigs (1994) LEONARD TRELAWNEY HOBHOUSE (1864–1929) Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse, The Labour Movement 1893

The Mind in Evolution 1901 Social Evolution and Political Theory 1906 Liberalism (1911)

Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse (ed P. F. Clarke) Democracy and Reaction, The Harvester Press 1972 James Meadowcroft (ed.), L. T. Hobhouse: Liberalism and Other Writings (Cambridge University Press, 1994) Stefan Collini, Liberalism and Sociology: L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England 1880–1914 (Cambridge University Press, 1979) J A Hobson and Morris Ginsberg, L. T. Hobhouse, his Life and Work, 1931 J. A. HOBSON (1858–1940) J A Hobson, The Evolution of Modern Capitalism (1894)

The War in South Africa (1900) The Psychology of Jingoism (1901) and Imperialism: A Study (1902) The Crisis of Liberalism (1909)

J A Hobson and A. F. Mummery The Physiology of Industry (1889) John Allett J A Hobson (1981) Jules Townshend J A Hobson (1990) Michael Freeden (ed.), Reappraising J. A. Hobson: Humanism and Warfare (1990). GEORGE HOLYOAKE (1817–1906) George Jacob Holyoake, Self Help by the People (1858) History of Co-operation (2 vols), T. Fisher Unwin, 1905) Sixty Years of an Agitator’s Life (2 vols) T. Fisher Unwin, (1892) Bygones Worth Remembering (2 vols) T. Fisher Unwin, (1905) J. McCabe, Life and Letters of George Jacob Holyoake (2 vols) Watts & Co. (1908) L. E. Grugel, George Jacob Holyoake: A Study in the Evolution of a Victorian Radical (Porcupine Press, 1976) LESLIE HORE-BELISHA (LORD HORE-BELISHA) (1893–1957) His papers were collected by R. J. Minney and published as The Private Papers of Hore-Belisha in 1960. JOSEPH HUME (1777–1855) Ronald K. Huch and Paul R. Ziegler, Joseph Hume: The People’s MP (Philadelphia, 1985) Valerie Chancellor, The Political Life of Joseph Hume, 1777–1855 (privately printed, 1986) HENRY “ORATOR” HUNT (1773-1815) Henry Hunt, Memoirs (3 vols) (1820–22) S. Maccoby, English Radicalism 1786–1832 (1935) D. Read, Peterloo: The Massacre and its Background (1958) John Belchem, ‘Orator’ Hunt: Henry Hunt and English Working Class Radicalism, (1985) RUFUS ISAACS (Marquess of Reading) (1860–1935 Denis Judd, Lord Reading, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, (1982) ROY JENKINS (LORD JENKINS) (1920–2003) Roy Jenkins Pursuit of Progress, 1953

The Labour Case (1959) A Life at the Centre (1991) See also works by R Jenkins under Asquith, Churchill and Gladstone

RUSSELL JOHNSTON (LORD RUSSELL-JOHNSTON) (1932–) Russell Johnston, To Be a Liberal (1972)

Scottish Liberal Party Conference Speeches 1971–78 (1979) Scottish Liberal Party Conference Speeches 1979–86 (1987)

CHARLES KENNEDY(1959-) Charles Kennedy, The Future of Politics (2000) JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES (LORD KEYNES) (1883–1946) J M Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1919

Tract on Monetary Reform (1923) On Money (2 Vols) (1930) The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936)

Roy Harrod Life of John Maynard Keynes, (1951) Robert Skidelsky: John Maynard Keynes: Hopes Betrayed, 1883–1920 (1983);

John Maynard Keynes: The Economist as Saviour, 1920–37 (1992); and John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for Britain, 1937–46 (2000)

WALLACE LAWLER (1912–72) Wallace Lawler Pensions for All, 1958

The Truth About Cathy, 1968 WALTER LAYTON (Lord Layton) (1884–1966) Walter Layton An Introduction to the Study of Prices, 1912 David Hubback No Ordinary Press Baron GORDON LISHMAN (1947–) Bernard Greaves &Gordon Lishman, The Theory and Practice of Community Politics (1980), Gordon Lishman, Trade Unions after Donovan, The Best of Both Worlds

A Redefinition of Retirement, Liberal Party Organisation Community Politics, in Bernard Greaves (ed.) Scarborough Perspectives, 1971); Framework for Community Politics, in Peter Hain (ed) Community Politics, 1976

Gordon Lishman & Tony Greaves Democrats or Drones? 1987 DAVID LLOYD GEORGE (EARL LLOYD-GEORGE AND VISCOUNT GWYNEDD) (1863–1945) David Lloyd George published War Memoirs (6 vols, 1933–36) and

The Truth About the Peace Treaties (2 vols, 1938) Better Times (1910) and Through Terror to Triumph (1915).

John Grigg The Young Lloyd George, 1973 Lloyd George: The People’s Champion, 1902–11, 1978 Lloyd George: From Peace to War, 1912–1916, 1985 Lloyd George: War Leader, 1916-1918, 2002

Bentley B. Gilbert, David Lloyd George: A Political Life (1987 and 1992) Peter Rowland, Lloyd George (1975) Kenneth O. Morgan, Lloyd George (1974),

Martin Pugh, Lloyd George (1988) Chris Wrigley, Lloyd George (1992) Frances Stevenson, (A J P Taylor (ed)) Lloyd George, a Diary, Hutchinson (1971) W. R. P. George, Lloyd George Backbencher, Gomer (1983) Lord Beaverbrook, Politicians and the War1914-1916, Oldbourne Book Co (1960) Lord Beaverbrook, The Decline & Fall of Lloyd George, Collins 1963 A. J. P. Taylor (ed), My Darling Pussy, The Letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson, Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1975) Kenneth O. Morgan, Lloyd George, Family letters 1885-1936, OUP (1972) A. J. Sylvester, (Colin Cross (ed)), Life With Lloyd George, The Diary of A. J. Sylvester 1931-45, MacMillan (1975) John Campbell, Lloyd George, The Goat in the Wilderness, Jonathan Cape (1977) Lord Riddell (J. M McEwen (ed.)), The Riddell Diaries 1908-1923, The Athlone Press (1986) Antony Lentin, Lloyd George and the Lost Peace: From Versailles to Hitler, 1914-1940, Palgrave 2001 MEGAN LLOYD GEORGE (1902–66) Emyr Price, Megan Lloyd George, Gwynedd Archives Service, 1983 Mervyn Jones, A Radical Life: the Biography of Megan Lloyd George, 1902–1966, 1991 LORD LOTHIAN (1882–1940) J. R. M Butler Lord Lothian, 1960 REGINALD MCKENNA (1863–1943) Stephen McKenna, Reginald McKenna, 1863–1943: A Memoir, 1948 DUNCAN MCLAREN (1800–86) J. B. Mackie, The Life and Works of Duncan McLaren, 1888 THOMAS BABBINGTON MACAULAY (LORD MACAULAY) (1800-1859) T. B. Macaulay, The History of England (5 vols, 1848-1851) T. B. Macaulay, Critical & Historical Essays (2 vols, 1907) T. B. Macaulay, Speeches on Politics & Literature (1848-61) Sir G. O. Trevelyan, The Life & Letters of Lord Macaulay (1876) J. Clive, Macaulay, The Shaping of the Historian (1975) H. W. MASSINGHAM 1860–1924 A. F. Havighurst, Radical Journalist: H. W. Massingham, 1860–1924 1974 CHRISTOPHER MAYHEW (LORD MAYHEW) (1915–97) Christopher Mayhew, Europe: the Case for Entry in 1971

The Disillusioned Voter’s Guide to Electoral Reform (1976), Publish it Not …. The Middle East Cover-up (1975). Time to Explain.

WILLIAM LAMB, 2nd VISCOUNT MELBOURNE (1779–1848) D. Cecil, The Young Melbourne (1939)

Lord Melbourne (1954) P. Ziegler, Melbourne, Collins, 1976 L. G. Mitchell, Lord Melbourne 1779–1848, OUP, 1997

NATHANIEL MICKLEM (1888–1976) Nathaniel Micklem, The Theology of Politics 1941

The Idea of Liberal Democracy (1957), JOHN STUART MILL (1806–73) John Stuart Mill, M. De Tocqueville on Democracy in America 1840

A System of Logic, 1843 Principles of Political Economy, 1848 On Liberty, 1859 Considerations on Representative Government, 1861 The Subjection of Women, 1869 Autobiography, 1873

Alexander Bain, John Stuart Mill, 1882 M. StJ. Packe, The Life of John Stuart Mill, Secker & Warburg, 1954 J. M. Robson and M. Laine (eds), James and John Stuart Mill, 1976 B. L. Kinzer, A Moralist in and out of Parliament: John Stuart Mill at Westminster 1865–78, 1992 A. Ryan, The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, 1998 J. Skorupski, The Cambridge Companion to Mil, 1998 J. Lipkes, Politics, Religion, and Classical Political Economy in Britain: John Stuart Mill and his Followers, 1999 SIR ALFRED MOND (LORD MELCHETT) (1868–1930) Hector Bolitho, Alfred Mond: first Lord Melchett, 1933. by G. M. Bayliss, The Outsider: Aspects of the Political Career of Alfred Mond, first Lord Melchett (1868–1930), Unpublished A PhD thesis, the University of Wales, 1969. EDWIN MONTAGU (1879–1924) Edwin Montagu, (ed Judy Montagu), An Indian Diary, 1930 S. D. Waley, Edwin Montagu: a Memoir (Bombay, 1964 SIR RHYS HOPKIN MORRIS (1888–1956) T. J. Evans, Rhys Hopkin Morris: the Man and his Character, 1957 John Emanuel and D. Ben Rees, Bywyd a Gwaith Syr Rhys Hopkin Morris, 1980 (in Welsh) RAMSAY MUIR (1872–1941) Ramsay Muir Nationalism and Internationalism (1916);

The Expansion of Europe (1917) Liberalism and Industry, (1920); A Short History of the British Commonwealth (1920–22) Politics and Progress, (1923); Robinson the Great, (1929), The Interdependent World and its Problems, (1932) The Faith of a Libera,l (1933); How Britain is Governed, (1930); The Liberal Way, (1934); The Record of the National Government, (1936); and Future for Democracy, (1939).

Stuart Hodgson (ed.), Ramsay Muir: An Autobiography and Some Essays (1943).

GILBERT MURRAY (1866–1957) Gilbert Murray The Foreign Policy of Sir Edward Grey, 1915 Sir Duncan Wilson, Gilbert Murray OM (1987). DADABHAI NAOROJI (1825–1917) Dadabhai Naoroji wrote many papers, pamphlets and letters on social, political and economic subjects, mostly about India. A collection of these was published in 1887. Dadabhai Naoroji, Poverty and un-British Rule in India, 1901

The Rights of Labour, 1906 A. Moin Zaidi (ed), The Grand Little Man of India: Dadabhai Naoroji,. R. P. Patwardhan, The Correspondence of Dadabhai Naoroj(?), 1977 R. P. Masani, Dadabhai Naoroji, The Grand Old Man of India, 1939 Zerbanoo Gifford, Dadabhai Naoroji: Britain’s First Asian MP, 1992 EMMA NICHOLSON (Lady Nicholson) (1941–) Emma Nicholson, Why Does The West Forget?, Hodder & Stoughton, 1993

Secret Society, Victor Gollancz, 1996 FRANK OWEN 1905–79 Frank Owen, Michael Foot and Peter Howard Guilty Men, 1938. Frank Owen The Campaign in Burma (HMSO, 1946)

Tempestuous Journey, 1954 Gron Williams, Firebrand: The Frank Owen Story, 1993. THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

American Crisis, 1776 onwards Rights of Man, 1791 Rights of Man, Part 2, 1792 The Age of Reason, 1793 The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance, 1796 Agrarian Justice (1797)

Thomas Paine (ed P S Foner), The Life and Major Writings of Thomas Paine, Secaucus, (2 Vols), N.J., 1948 Thomas Paine (ed M Philp), Rights of Man, Common Sense and Other Political Writings, OUP, 1995 A. O. Aldridge, Man of Reason: The Life of Thomas Paine Cresset Press, 1960 D. F. Hawke, Paine (Norton, 1974) and J. Keane, Tom Paine: A Political Life (Bloomsbury Publishing, 1995 G. Claeys, Thomas Paine: Social and Political Thought Unwin Hyman, 1989 M. Philp, Paine, Oxford University Press, 1989 HENRY JOHN TEMPLE (VISCOUNT PALMERSTON) (1784–1865) Palmerston’s personal papers are held in the Broadlands Archives Trust; the Hampshire Record Office and the British Library also hold records. B. Connell (ed.), Regina v Palmerston: The correspondence between Queen Victoria and her Foreign and Prime Minister, 1837–1865, 1962 P. Guedalla (ed.), The Palmerston Papers: Correspondence of Lord Palmerston with Mr. Gladstone 1851–1865, 1928

T. Lever (ed), The Letters of Lady Palmerston, 1957 Lord Sudley (ed.), The Lieven-Palmerston Correspondence 1828-1856, 1943 J. Ridley, Lord Palmerston 1970 D. Southgate, The Most English Minister 1966 D. Judd, Palmerston 1975 K. Bourne, Palmerston: The Early Years 1982 Rt. Hon. Sir H. L. Bulwer, The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, Vols I–III, (1870–76) Rt. Hon. A. E. M. Ashley, The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston Vols. IV–V M. E. Chamberlain, Lord Palmerston (1987) M. S. and K. E. Partridge, Lord Palmerston 1784–1865 (1994) Jasper Ridley, Lord Palmerston (1975) E. D. Steele, Palmerston and Liberalism 1855–65 (1991) DAVID PENHALIGON (1944–86) Annette Penhaligan, Penhaligon, 1989 VIVIAN PHILLIPPS (1870–1955) Vivian Phillipps, My Days and Ways, CHRIS RENNARD (1960–) Chris Rennard Winning Local Elections DAVID RICARDO (1772–1823) David Ricardo, The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes, 1809

The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 1817 D. G. RITCHIE (1853–1903) D. G. Ritchie, The Principles of State Interference 1891

Darwinism and Politics, 1889 Darwin and Hegel, 1893), Natural Rights, 1895 Studies in Political and Social Ethics, 1902 Plato, 1902

D. G. Ritchie (ed Robert Latta) Philosophical Studies, 1905 WILLIAM ROBSON (LORD ROBSON OF JESMOND) 1852-1918 G W Keeton James, A Liberal Attorney-General, Being the Life of Lord Robson of Jesmond, Nisbet & Co., 1949 BILL RODGERS (LORD RODGERS) (1928–) Bill Rodgers, The Politics of Change, 1982

Fourth Among Equals, Politicos Publishing, 2000 JOHN ARTHUR ROEBUCK (1801-1879) A. Briggs, Victorian People (1955) R. E. Leader, The Life and Letters of John Arthur Roebuck (1879) S. Maccoby, English Radicalism 1853–1886 (1935) James Murphy, Church, State and Schools in Britain 1800–1970 (1971)

ARCHIBALD PHILIP PRIMROSE (EARL OF ROSEBERY) (1847–1929) Earl Of Rosebery, Pitt. 1891

Peel, 1899 Napoleon: the Last Phase, 1900 Lord Randolph Churchill, 1906 Chatham: His Early Life and Connections, 1910

Earl Of Rosebery (ed John Buchan) Miscellanies, (2 Vols), 1921 Marquis of Crewe, Rosebery, (2 Vols), 1931 Robert Rhodes James, Rosebery: A Biography, 1963 E. T. Raymond, The Man of Promise, Lord Rosebery, Fisher Unwin, 1923 WALTER RUNCIMAN (VISCOUNT RUNCIMAN) (1870–1949) Dr Jonathan Wallace Runciman, an unpublished PhD thesis CONRAD RUSSELL (EARL RUSSELL) 1937– Conrad Russell, The Crisis of Parliaments: English History 1509–1660 (1971),

Parliaments and English Politics 1621–1629 (1979), The Causes of the English Civil War (1990) and The Fall of the British Monarchies (1991) An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Liberalism, Duckworth, 1999

LORD JOHN RUSSELL (1ST EARL RUSSELL) (1792–1878) Russell’s papers are in the Public Record Office Lord John Russell, The Life of William, Lord Russell, 1819

Essays and Sketches of Life, 1820 An Essay on the History of the English Government and Constitution, 1822 The Nun of Arrouca (1822), The Life and Times of Charles James Fox, 1859–66 The Speeches of Earl Russell, 1870 Recollections and Suggestions 1813–1873 (1875).

Spencer Walpole, The Life of Lord John Russell, (2 Vols), 1889, (reprinted in 1969) John Prest Lord John Russell, 1972. Paul Scherer, Lord John Russell, Associated University Press, 1999 Donald Southgate, The Passing of the Whigs 1832–1886 (1962) HERBERT SAMUEL (VISCOUNT SAMUEL) (1870–1963) Viscount Samuel’s political papers are in the House of Lords Record Office. Herbert Samuel, Liberalism: An Attempt to State the Principles and Proposals of

Contemporary Liberalism in England, (1902) Practical Ethics, 1935 Belief and Action, 1937 An Unknown Land, 1942 A Book of Quotations, 1947 Creative Man – A Collection of Essays and Addresses, 1949 A Threefold Cord: Philosophy, Science, Religion, 1961 Essay in Physics, 1951 In Search of Reality, 1957 Memoirs, Cresset Press, 1945

Bernard Wasserstein, Herbert Samuel – A Political Life, Oxford University Press, 1992

John Bowle, Viscount Samuel – A Biography, Victor Gollancz, 1957 ERNEST SIMON (LORD SIMON) (1879–1960) Ernest Simon, A City Council from Within (1926)

The BBC Within Mary Stocks, Ernest Simon of Manchester, 1963. JOHN SIMON (VISCOUNT SIMON) (1873–1954) Viscount Simon, Retrospect, 1952, David Dutton, Simon, Aurum Press, 1992 SIR ARCHIBALD SINCLAIR (VISCOUNT THURSO) (1890–1970) Gerard J. De Groot, Liberal Crusader: The Life of Sir Archibald Sinclair (1992) Richard S. Grayson, Liberals, International Relations and Appeasement: The Liberal Party, 1919–39, 2002 ADAM SMITH (1723–90) Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 1776 Ian Simpson Ross, The Life of Adam Smith, Clarendon Press, 1995 SIR CYRIL SMITH 1928– Sir Cyril Smith, Big Cyril, 1977

Reflections from Rochdale, 1997 J. A. SPENDER (1862–1942) J. A. Spender, Life of the Right Hon Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (2 Vols), 1923

The Public Life, (2 Vols), 1925 Life, Journalism and Politics (2 Vols), 1927 Viscount Cowdray, 1930 Sir Robert Hudson, 1930 Men and Things, 1937

J A Spender and Cyril Asquith, Life of H H Asquith, Lord Oxford and Asquith, (2 vols), 1932 H. Wilson Harris, J A Spender, 1946 DAVID STEEL (LORD STEEL) (1938–) David Steel, No Entry. 1968

A House Divided. 1980 Partners in One Nation, 1985 Against Goliath: David Steel’s Story (1989)

David Steel and Judy Steel, David Steel’s Border Country,1985 Mary Stuart’s Scotland, 1987

David Steel and David Owen, The Time has Come, 1987 Peter Bartram, David Steel – his life and politics, 1981 Alistair Michie and Simon Hoggart, The Pact: The Inside Story of the Lib-Lab Government, 1977–78, 1978 Stuart Mole (ed.), The Decade of Realignment: Leadership speeches of David Steel 1976–1985, 1986 DICK TAVERNE (Lord Taverne) (1928–)

Dick Taverne published The Future of the Left, 1974 GEORGE TIERNEY (1761-1830) A. Briggs, The Age of Improvement 1783–1867, 1959 N. Gash, Aristocracy and the People, 1815–1865, 1979 A Mitchell, The Whigs in Opposition 1815–1830, 1967 F. O’Gorman, The Whig Party and the French Revolution, 1967 K. H. Olphin, George Tierney, 1934 JEREMY THORPE (1929–) Jeremy Thorpe, In My Own Time, Politicos 1999 Simon Freeman and Barrie Penrose, Rinkagate: The Rise and Fall of Jeremy Thorpe, 1996 L. Chester, M. Linklater and D. May, Jeremy Thorpe: A Secret Life, 1979 DONALD WADE (LORD WADE) (1904–88) Donald Wade, Liberalism, its Task in the Twentieth Century, 1944

Way of the West, 1945 Towards a Nation of Owners, 1958 Our Aim and Purpose, 1961 Yorkshire Service: A Report on Community Relations in Yorkshire, 1972 The Political Insight of Elliott Dodds, 1977 Behind the Speaker’s Chair, 1978

WILLIAM WALLACE (LORD WALLACE) (1941–) William Wallace, The Foreign Policy Process in Britain, 1976

The Transformation of Western Europe, 1990 Regional Integration: the West European Experience, 1994 Why Vote Liberal Democrat? (1997)

William Wallace and Helen Wallace (eds) Policy-Making in the European Union, 1996 GRAHAM WALLAS (1858–1932) Graham Wallas, The Life of Francis Place, 1898

Human Nature in Politics, 1908 The Great Society, 1914 Our Social Heritage, 1921

Terence H. Qualter, Graham Wallas and the Great Society, 1980 Martin J. Wiener, Between Two Worlds: the political thought of Graham Wallas, 1971 SAMUEL WHITBREAD (1764–1815) Roger Fulford, Samuel Whitbread, 1764–1815: A Study in Opposition, 1967 Dean Rapp, Samuel Whitbread (1764–1815): A Social and Political Study, 1987 There is also an excellent entry on Whitbread by John Dinwiddy in J. O. Baylen and N. J. Gossman (eds), Biographical Dictionary of Modern Radicals (1979). SHIRLEY WILLIAMS (LADY WILLIAMS) (1930–) Shirley Williams, Politics is for People, 1981

Jobs for the 1980s: Youth Without Work, 1981 Unemployment and Growth in the Western Economies, 1984 A Job to Live, 1985 Snakes and Ladders, a diary of political life (1996)

DES WILSON (1941–) Des Wilson, I Know it Was the Place’s Fault, 1971

Des Wilson’s Minority Report (a diary of protest), 1973 So you want to be Prime Minister: a personal view of British politics, 1979 The Lead Scandal, 1982 Pressure: the A to Z of Campaigning in Britain, 1984 The Environmental Crisis, 1984 The Secrets File, 1984 The Citizen Action Handbook, 1986 Battle for Power – Inside the Alliance General Election Campaign, 1987 Costa Del Sol (a novel), 1990 Campaign (a novel), 1992 Campaigning, 1993
