


Tuesday 30th August Edwin Flak District Athletics

Wednesday 31st August Grade 6 - CERES Community

Environment Park

Thursday 1st September Grade 5 - CERES Community

Environment Park

Father‟s Day Stall

Monday 19th September Film Festival

Wednesday 21st September Clover Cottage Dinner

Thursday 22nd September Pie Drive Pick Up

25TH AUGUST 2011


Friday 26th August Father‟s Day Stall

Parent Survey Forms

Monday 29th August 3/4 Camp Balance

Friday 9th September J-Rock Performance Tickets

Wednesday 14th September Clover Cottage


Thursday 15th September Pie Drive

BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198

E-mail: [email protected]

Visit our Websites : http://,

Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251



FUNDING ISSUE In my report in the 11th August

newsletter I presented an article titled, ‘Short changing our disabled

students’. I had written this piece partly inspired by a case at our school

involving a seriously disabled student enrolled at our school. This case was

widely publicised in the print media and also on the Jon Faine Show. This

public exposure has resulted in the following outcomes;

1. Two benefactors who wish to remain anonymous have donated $3,000 each toward the cost of

providing the disabled student with the resources needed to provide him with

the level of educational and medical support to ensure that his educational

needs are appropriately met. 2. The DEECD have informed me that

they are conducting an urgent review of his case, the outcome of which will

be known within a week.

The issue of D&I funding is one which generates a lot of heat in many

schools. Many are the claims that while we have a very rigorous D & I

application process in place, the overall level of funding for disabled students attending regular schools is inadequate.

The consequence being, it is claimed, that many children do not receive an

appropriate level of resourcing – the

implication being that it is not the

process which is at fault. To date, in our case, community philanthropy has

addressed our issues for the remainder of this year. Hopefully, philanthropy

does not become the mechanism by which such cases need to be addressed

in the future.

BER UPDATE Things are moving – not the least being work on our BER building! Work on

the building is expected to be completed by the end of this term –

this including the landscaping and reinstallation of our boundary fence.

The former gravel car park is not being replaced. Instead we will have an attractively landscaped play area for

the children in the front area of the new building.

We have been notified that the balance of funds available for our companion

project is $604,053 (that is the balance between the cost of our new BER

building and our notional amount of $3 million. That is, our notional $2 million

building actually has cost $2.386 million).

With reluctance we have accepted this balance and have chosen Option 1:

School-led Project for the management of

the Companion Project. This in effect means that we manage the project

manager, architect and builder to

deliver the project. We are very

pleased with this management outcome and look forward to

developing and delivering a great internal refurbishment of our main

building library/administration block by June next year. We anticipate that in

about six weeks we will have appointed a project manager/architect

to undertake this project with us. In addition, the BER Taskforce has

provided our school with an additional $50,000 to enhance our BER building

because they assessed our value for money on that project as being only

40%. We are currently negotiating with the DEECD the scope of this enhancement.


QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. Can children go to the local

milk bar for their lunch? A.No, unless they are accompanied by

a parent or approved guardian who signs them out before leaving the

premises and signs them back in when they return.


‘Be wary of the process perfectionist!”


Canteen Closed on Tuesdays



Please note parents that we have

so far received 18 out of the 100

Parent Opinion Survey requests

sent home. We understand that

time is limited and surveys can be

a burden, but it is a DEECD

requirement that this survey be

conducted. A low response rate is

taken by DEECD as a poor

reflection on our school.

Please return the completed

surveys in the sealed

envelopes as soon as possible.



Planning for 2012 is now underway

so if you have a child who will be

starting school next year, who is

not already enrolled, please

contact the school to collect

enrolment forms. On Friday we

will also be forwarding all families

a letter requesting information


students in Prep

to Year 5 who

may be

transferring to

another school

for 2012. It is

important for us to get an

accurate picture of the number of

students at each year level so that

the best plan for students and staff

can be put in place. Your support

with this process would be greatly



This week we have had

confirmation of a case of viral

meningitis in a year 3 class.

Whilst we do not wish to alarm

families we feel that it is important

that our community is aware of

this and can keep this in mind if

children present as unwell. Viral

meningitis is

not as serious

as bacterial

meningitis but

needs to be

diagnosed by a

doctor so that

appropriate treatment can be

administered. For your

information we have included a

flyer in this newsletter about the

types of meningitis and the

possible symptoms.

Sneezesafe is a health education

program, designed for children

aged 4–7. Devised by Kleenex®

Tissues and Australian teachers,

this resource enables schools to

encourage children to practise

correct respiratory hygiene and

tissue use to help reduce the

spread of colds, flu and other

viruses. The program information

has been passed on to class

teachers who will reinforce the

messages of the program with


You can help your child stay

healthy and prevent the spread of

viruses by reminding them of our

simple 1-2-3 message (CATCH IT

– always use a tissue when you

cough and sneeze, BIN IT – throw

the tissue away immediately after

use, KILL IT – wash your hands)

which is in line with the Federal

Government‟s recommendations

for respiratory and hand hygiene.

For more information, visit http://




The Drum Theatre in Dandenong

is presenting a performance,

„Namatjira‟ on Wednesday 31st

August, 2011. „Namatjira‟ is the

retelling of Albert Namatjira‟s life

and captures the intense beauty,

depth, opportunism, mateship and

injustice that has shaped our

country. This is a free community

event in Dandenong for anyone!

There are still tickets available. For

tickets please call the Drum

Theatre on 9771 6666.



The next Integration Aide course

is scheduled to start on Friday,

30th September. This course will

run over 6 weeks from 9:30am to

4:30 on Fridays & Saturdays.

Presently there are a few places

left for this course. The cost of

the course is $700 and is GST

free. On completion of the

course you will receive a full

certificate. Details can be obtained

from the office or log into their

website at http://





Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers.

This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

Stevie PM

Caleb PW

Sharn PC

Elia PM


Congratulations to the following students who

received awards over the last week:


To celebrate Book Week (20th-26th August 2011) and Literacy Week (29th August-4th September 2011)

we are having a dress-up day.

On Friday 2nd September 2011 all the students at Berwick Lodge Primary School are invited to come

to school dressed as their favourite book character.

Students are asked to bring a gold coin to help raise money for our 2 Asian schools in Cambodia and

Laos. At the moment these children only have one A5 notebook to record all their learning for the

whole year. It would be nice to think we could provide them with some much-needed


Weather permitting; a whole school buddy lunch will take place on the basketball

courts to showcase everyone‟s effort.

There will be a „Smiggle‟ prize awarded to the best-dressed student in each grade!

Happy costume designing,

Miss Sarah Vine

Hayden PC

Anakin PW

Ruairi PL

Phillip PC

Brooke PC

Erin PW Joey PW

Hayley PL

Stephanie PW

2011 Premier’s Reading


Congratulations to all students

participating in this year‟s challenge.

It is great to see so many

enthusiastic readers eagerly

borrowing books from the

recommended booklists.

Don‟t forget to let your teachers know when you have

completed a book so it can be verified on the

Premier‟s Reading Challenge website by a coordinator.

All books must be entered online and verified by

Friday 16th September 2011.

Congratulations to the following students who have completed

the 2011 Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Ethan 3D Ruby 3B Nihaal 3B

Eric 3B Chloe 3B

Cathryn 3B Henna 3B

Shannon 3B Brodie 3B

Happy Reading!

Bernadette Kelly

Daffodil Day Friday 26th August 2011

This year Daffodil Day is celebrating 25 years in Australia. During the month of August we

will be selling merchandise to raise much needed funds for cancer research, support and


The daffodil is an international symbol of hope for people who have been affected by

cancer including patients, family, carers and friends.

If you would like to purchase any daffodil merchandise please go to the office. There is a

variety of items to choose from including badges, key rings, pens, bears and even footballs!

They range from $5 - $30.

Daffodil Day is a day for all of us to give hope for a brighter, cancer-free future, so with your help we can make a


Thank you for your support

Jo Zammit



A BIG thank-you to the following students who have already contributed to the Library Blog by making a

comment (or two):

These children are in the running to have their name drawn out of a hat at the end of August to win one of 5

„lucky dip‟ prizes. If you would still like to enter the „Library Blogging Competition‟ you have until next



It‟s „Book Week‟ this week (20th-26th) and the 2011 Book of the Year Award winners are:

Older Readers – The Midnight Zoo by Sonya Hartnett

Younger Readers – The Red Wind by Isobelle Carmody

Early Childhood – Maudie and Bear by Jan Ormerod & Freya Blackwood

Picture Book – Mirror by Jeannie Baker

Information Book – The Return of the Word Spy by Ursula Dubosarsky

Most of these books are available in our school library. A few titles have been ordered and

will be here in 7-10 days!

Many Smiles

Miss Sarah Vine


Mrs Kelly


Henna x 2



Kaaviyan x 2




Abbey x 3


Isaac x 3 Jake

Britney O x 2 Amy

Alex Lauren

James H Jemma

Karla Nathan

Juan Devon

Kayla H Matthew

Cole Ashlea







Chloe R x 6


Enrolments for 2012 are now being accepted! Enrolment forms are available from the school office. Original birth certificates and immunisation certificates need to be sighted by the office at the time of enrolment.

Junior School Council News...

Dear Parents,

As part of our fundraising efforts for our Sponsor Children,

Pheear and Oshdi, we have registered with Pauls Collect a

Cap. Each specially marked milk bottle cap donated earns

our School 10c.

We are hoping to raise as much money as possible to enable

us to help Pheear, Oshdi and their communities in Cambo-

dia and Sri Lanka.

The money we raise helps their community to provide edu-

cation and school supplies, training in farming skills, medical

check-ups and supplies, building materials for new class-

rooms and clean, safe drinking water.

The caps can be placed in the marked collection bin outside

Mrs Cusack‟s office.

Thank you for your support

Vanessa Stevens and Lianne Morgan

On behalf of the Junior School Council




Looking for a sensational family night out???

Well we have the answer for you!!

The Grade 5 and 6 children have been busy writing, filming and creating super short films and

photo stories this term and we would like to invite our whole school community to the Berwick

Lodge Primary School Film Festival on Monday 19th September 2011. This fantastic night will

include a special performance of our star J-Rock cast as a special bonus. Invite your family and

friends to a very special night and travel down the red carpet of the Drum Theatre in Dandenong

for a night you will not forget!

WHEN: Monday 19th September 2011

WHERE: The Drum Theatre, Dandenong Town Hall, 226 Lonsdale St Dandenong

(Melways reference 91A E7)

TIMES: First screening – 5pm for a 5.30pm screening (finishing around 7.15pm)

Second screening – 7.45pm for a 8.15pm screening (finishing around 10pm)

TICKETS – available ONLY at the Drum Theatre

Either by phoning the theatre directly on (03) 9771 6666, attending the theatre personally

or ordering over the internet ( and following the links.

$10.00 – primary school aged children

$12.00 - concession card holders (pensioners, health care cards, seniors cards etc)

$ 16.00 – adults and secondary school students.

Get in quickly for the best seats available as tickets will sell fast.


Things to Say to Communicate :Planning My


“You have achieved your goals

through good time


“You schedule your study

time well. Good for you in

getting your assignment in on


“With all you have to do, you managed to get

it done. You achieved your goals through

good time management.”

“You‟re a good time manager.”

“How does it feel to have managed your time

to get the job done.”

“You seem to appreciate that planning your

time leaves more time for fun.”

“I‟m glad to see your keeping track of when

your assignments are due.”

Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 1st September 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16.

Everyone is welcome, including toddlers.

2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school

canteen on Tuesday 30th August 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm.

PFA CAFÉ: Is open on Thursday afternoon‟s from 2.45pm in Room 16, next to the

grade two portables. If you arrive at school early to get a car park close by, or you

want to come and keep warm, please come and visit us and enjoy a hot drink for a

gold coin donation.

Current Events FATHERS DAY STALL: Thursday 1st September 2011

Forms have been sent home for the Fathers Day Stall. There will be a wide variety of gifts to

chose from including mugs, photo frames and games, for that special Dad, Grandad or Great

Grandad. All forms must be returned by Friday 26th August 2011. If you have a few hours to

spare, please fill in the Parent Helper slip at the bottom of the form. We appreciate your

assistance in setting up and running the stall.


The PFA are holding a Pie & Slice Drive this term with our pies and slices being supplied by

Emerald Bakery. There will be a variety of savoury and sweet pies and also some yummy slices.

Order forms will be sent home this week. Remember to ask family and friends for their much

appreciated support of our school.


CLOVER COTTAGE: There is only 4 weeks remaining until Clover Cottage.

Be sure to return your form together with payment a.s.a.p. to avoid

disappointment. It will be a spectacular night filled with auctions, raffles, great

food and entertainment. Some of the items up for auction/raffles include

vouchers to various family fun parks, beauty packs, restaurant vouchers and

passes an that is only the start.

DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT: December we will be having another fun filled Drive In Movie

Night at Akoonah Park. This is a great opportunity for advertising for your business. If you work for, or own a business and would like to advertise on the night please email us at

[email protected].

Keep collecting....

Remember to keep collecting your Woolworths Earn and Learn Receipts, Coles Sports for

Schools Vouchers and Paul‟s Collect-A-Caps. So far we have collected Coles Vouchers - 11,150,

Paul‟s Collect-A-Cap - 300 and Earn and Learn Points - 2500. Boxes for each promotion can be

found at the office or send them through your classroom so you can earn

house points too !

School Name OSHC Coordinator: Dorien Erasmus

Father’s day is around the corner and we want to show that special father, grandpa or even uncle, just how much we love them. Don’t miss our special Father’s day crafts planned for next week. REMINDERS Save on Care You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday. Visit our website to register Once registered you can make bookings and cancella-tions, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online.

Before school care: 6:45am – 8:45am After school care: 3.30pm – 6.30pm

Star of the week: Max K 3D: For very good behaviour

WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Father’s Day Crafts




Diploma and Trophy for Dad

Kite Card Giant Tie Key ring for Dad

Photo Frame




For all your carpet/upholstery and

general cleaning needs

Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats

Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00

incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treat-


Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale

For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279

$1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS.

Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital


Individual & Business Returns

14 Day Refund

Partnerships, Companies & Trusts

Taxation & Business Advice

BAS & GST Advice

Discounts for Couples, Students & Pensioners

Investment Properties


Over 20 years experience

Contact Wayne on 0412 714 421 or

email: [email protected]

Thursday 8.15pm & Sunday 9.30am $10.00 per class

Contours Berwick 39 Enterprise Ave

Bring in this ad for your first class free!

Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service.

Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to determine its suitability to meet their family's needs prior to accessing it.


BELEZA SCHOOL UNIFORMS Shop 7, 151-159 Princess Highway, Hallam

(Cnr Wedgewood Road)

Ph: 9702 3181

20% off SALE

(No Layby)

Sale includes membership discount

29th August - 3rd September 2011

Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Note: Therer will be no VIP nights this year in December

Sale excludes Griffo and Clearance Lines


Meningitis is a very serious illness in which the membranes and fluid to establish that surround the brain and the

spinal cord become infected.

What Causes meningitis?

Meningitis is caused by a virus, bacteria or a fungus. It‟s important to establish what caused the illness so that it can

be treated properly. Meningitis is spread when someone with the illness coughs or sneezes.

Is meningitis serious?

Bacterial meningitis is generally more serious than viral meningitis, which is often caused by another illness such as

enteroviruses, coxsackievirsues, mumps viruses or adenoviruses. Bacteria meningitis can cause permanent disabili-

ties in up to 20% of children who get it. Bacterial meningitis can also cause death.

Can I prevent meningitis?

There are vaccines that can help prevent several types of meningitis, including vaccines for haemophilus (Hib) men-

ingitis, meningococcal meningitis, and pneumococcal meningitis. Viral meningitis is best prevented by washing hands

thoroughly and often.

How do I know of my child has meningitis?

Babies with meningitis may have the following symptoms: Older children may experience:


Refusing to eat


Being difficult to wake

Skin rash or bruising

High moaning cry

Pale or blotchy skin

How do I treat meningitis?

Treatment for bacterial meningitis may involve hospitalisation, antibiotics, and other medications such as anticon-

vulsants, cortisone, and sedatives which may be used to treat complications.

Treatment for viral meningitis is similar to the treatment for any viral illness. Make sure that you child gets lots of

rest and fluids. Keep her warm and use paracetamol for discomfort and fever. Viral meningitis cannot be treated

with antibiotics.

Should I call the doctor?

Always call the doctor if you suspect that your child has meningitis. The earlier your child receives treatment for

bacterial meningitis, the better the outcome.

What you need to know about meningitis?

Meningitis is a serious illness that can cause serious complications and even death.

Bacterial meningitis is more serious than viral meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis is treated with antibiotics.

Viral meningitis is treated the same way as you treat any virus.

There are vaccination available for some forms of meningitis.

Written by Rebecca Stigall for Kidspot, Australia‟s parenting resource for family health. Sources include Better

Health Channel, NSW Health and Health Insite.




Neck Stiffness and joint pains

Drowsiness and confusion

Skin rash or bruising

Discomfort looking at bright lights
