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    Annals of Microbiology, 53 (4), 511-527 (2003)

    Escherichia coli O157:H7 general characteristics,isolation and identification techniques


    1Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti (DISA), Facolt di Agraria, Universit degli Studi diFoggia, Via Napoli 25, 71100 Foggia, Italy

    Abstract -Escherichia coli O157:H7 is one of the most studied food-borne pathogen bacte-ria, because of its widespread diffusion, low-dose infectiveness, and severe symptoms asso-ciated. It is necessary to focus the attention on the factors (like temperature, pH and aw) thatmay affect growth and survival ofE. coli O157:H7 in food and in the environment sincethere is a wide range of foods that can be contaminated by this strain, causing haemorrhagiccolitis outbreaks. Culture methods and phenotypical assays for isolation and identification of

    E. coli O157:H7 are more and more integrated (and often completely replaced) in researchand diagnostic laboratories by molecular methods. PCR techniques, particularly the latestquantitative real-time-PCR, make possible to reach specificity and sensitivity level of fewCFU detection even in complex samples like food and faeces.

    Key words:Escherichia coli O157:H7, epidemiology, identification, molecular methods.


    Escherichia coli strains that cause diarrhoea include enterotoxigenic (ETEC),

    enterophatogenic (EPEC), enteroinvasive (EIEC) and enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC)

    strains. Recently, enteroaggregativeE. coli (EAggEC) has also been found to be adiarrhoegenic strain. Among EHEC strains, E. coli O157:H7 is one of the most

    studied food-borne pathogens, because of its widespread diffusion, peculiar toler-

    ance to some physical and chemical treatments, severity of illness and low dose

    infectiveness. This paper describes the characteristics ofE. coli O157:H7, strain

    that distinguish it from the harmless commensal type ofE. coli in the human gut.

    Summary of the pathogenesis, foodborne outbreaks, resistance and sensitivity to

    factors such as temperature, pH, aw and methods of its identification with particu-

    lar emphasis to molecular techniques are reported.


    * Corresponding author. Phone: +39-0881589352; Fax: +39-0881740211; E-mail:[email protected]

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    Escherichia coli O157:H7 possess metabolic characteristics distinct from otherE.

    coli. Most isolated strains are unable to ferment sorbitol within 24h and cannot

    hydrolyze 4-methylumbrelliferyl-D-glucuronide (as lacking -glucuronidaseenzyme) (Okrend et al., 1990; Strockbine et al., 1998). These two characteristics,together with the inability to grow well at temperatures > 44.5 C (see below), are

    very important in discriminating between O157:H7 and otherE. coli. The antigenic

    composition of outer cell membrane is the most important characteristic that leads

    to identification of this serotype. E. coli O157:H7 have a cell envelope structure

    typical of Gram-negative cells, and thus, posses an outer membrane with a

    lipopolysaccharide component that is distinct from the cytoplasmic membrane.

    The O157 antigen is defined by the carbohydrate composition and structure within

    the lipopolysaccharide. The H7 antigen is determined by the unique polypeptide

    composition of the flagella.


    Shiga toxin-producingE. coli O157:H7 and other serogroups can cause haemor-

    rhagic colitis, haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS) and occasionally mild non-

    bloody diarrhoea in man, although some infections may be asymptomatic. HUS

    complicates about 10% of cases ofE. coli O157:H7 infection and carries a mortal-

    ity rate of 2-10%. EnterohaemorragicE. coli O157:H7 and related organisms arealso referred to as Shiga toxin-producingE. coli (STEC) because of their ability to

    produce Stxs (formerly called Shiga-like toxins). The infectious dose ofE. coli

    O157:H7 is very low: for example, between 0.3 to 15 CFU/g was enumerated in

    lots of frozen ground beef patties associated with an outbreak in USA in 1993. Sev-

    eral other cases in which the infectious dose was very low (from 0.2 to 50 CFU/g)

    were reported by different authors (Willshaw et al., 1993; Tilden et al., 1996).


    Haemorrhagic colitis that characterised the first registered outbreak ofE. coli

    O157:H7 in Oregon, was described with severe abdominal cramps, little or no

    fever, severe bloody diarrhoea and colonic mucosal oedema (Riley et al., 1983;

    Riley, 1987). This first recognized outbreak was linked to contaminated ground

    beef, but it is now claimed that numerous foods have been implicated in outbreaks

    and sporadical cases: ground beef (Doyle and Padhye, 1989), roast beef (Rodrigue,

    1995), venison jerky (Keene et al., 1997), salami (Centers for Disease Control and

    Prevention, 1995), raw milk (Meng et al., 2001), yoghurt (Morgan et al., 1993),

    lettuce (Mermin et al., 1997), unpasteurized apple cider or juice (Besser et al.,1993; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997a), cantaloupe (Beuchat,

    1996), potatoes (Morgan et al., 1988), radish sprouts (Izumiya et al., 1997) and

    alfalfa sprouts (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997b). It is notewor-

    thy that certain foods such as apple cider and dry-cured salami that previously

    were considered safe and ready to consume because of their high acidity and

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    because they are usually not heated before consumption, have been vehicles of out-

    breaks (Meng and Doyle, 1998). The largest outbreak to date occurred in Japan in

    1996, affecting over 9000 people, with contaminated radish sprouts as the possible

    source of infection (Michino et al., 1998). Reports of person-to-person and water-

    borne transmission have recently been increasing (Menget al.

    , 2001).


    Even ifE. coli O157:H7 is the major cause of haemorrhagic colitis and HUS

    worldwide, several other STEC serotypes have been isolated during past outbreaks.

    Among over 200 serotypes of STEC isolated from humans, only few serotypes are

    EHEC (able to cause enterohaemorrhagic colitis): the most important serotypes are

    O157:NM (non-motile), O111:NM, O26:H11, O111:H8. For these non-O157:H7

    strains the food-borne pathogenesis has not yet been completely established, due tothe difficulty for most laboratories to investigate the serotype and the atypical

    behaviour of these EHEC (e.g. O157:NM does ferment sorbitol rapidly) (Karch

    and Bielaszewska, 2001). In table 1 are listed the 16 countries in Continental

    Europe in which the above mentioned STEC serotypes were isolated (Caprioli and

    Tozzi, 1998) (Table 1).

    Ann. Microbiol., 53 (4), 511-527 (2003) 513

    TABLE 1 Isolation of principal STEC serotypes in Continental Europea

    Country STEC serotypesb

    O157 O26 O111

    Austria HAF HA HA

    Belgium HA HA HA

    Czech Republic H H H

    Denmark HAF H H

    Finland H H

    France H H H

    Germany HF HA HA

    Greece H

    Italy HAF HA HA

    Spain HAF HA HA

    Switzerland HA HA

    The Netherlands HA H

    aAdapted from Caprioli and Tozzi (1998).bSTEC from human (H), animal (A), and food (F).

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    The optimum temperature forE. coli O157:H7 is 37 C, the same as that of otherE.

    coli. The maximum for cell development is 45 C. This detail is very important

    because other faecal coliforms are able to grow well at 44 C while growth ofE.

    coli O157:H7 may be slowed or inhibited. Culturing conditions may affect the

    growth: Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI) is more permissive at 42-45 C thanE.

    coli Broth (EC) and Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) (Doyle and Schoeni, 1984). The

    resistance to heat ofE. coli O157:H7 is not noteworthy. D values for that pathogen

    are 270, 45, 24 and 9.6 s at 57.2, 60.0, 62.8, and 64.3 C, respectively (Doyle and

    Schoeni, 1984). Usual pasteurization temperatures are sufficient to kill more than

    104 cells per ml (Daoust et al., 1988). Spano et al. (2003) observed that Moz-

    zarella cheese should be free ofE. coli O157:H7 if temperatures higher than 80 C

    are used during milk processing (Table 2).

    Few elements are clear about tolerance ofE. coli O157:H7 to freezing temper-atures. It seems that cell injury and death is very limited after stocking at -20 C for

    9 months (Doyle and Schoeni, 1984). Chou et al. (1999) studied the survival ofE.

    coli O157:H7 after low temperature treatments of -28, -18 and -5 C and found that

    the lowest surviving population was found when stored at -18 C followed by those

    stored at -28 C and -5 C. Moreover,E. coli O157:H7 has been isolated from sur-

    face water and can survive for many weeks in this kind of environment, especially

    at cold temperatures (Rice et al., 1992; Wang and Doyle, 1996).

    All STEC are able to grow on laboratory media in a range of temperatures

    between 6.5 and 7.2 C (Davies et al., 1992). Growth ofE. coli O157:H7 has beenobserved in foods at temperatures of 8 C in non-fermented cider and at 12 C in

    salads (Abdoul Raoufet al., 1993).Escherichia coli O157:H7 is also able to sur-

    vive and to grow in raw milk stored at 8C for 17 days (Massa et al., 1999). Refrig-

    eration storage at less than 5 C should be adequate to inhibit growth ofE. coli

    O157:H7, but is insufficient when other conditions (pH, NaCl, concentration) are

    not unfavourable (Zhao et al., 1993).

    Escherichia coli O157:H7 seems to have no particular tolerance to salt and low

    aw levels. Bacterial growth has been documented with NaCl concentration ranging

    from 2.5 to 6.5%, when other growth-affecting factors were favourable (Conner,

    514 L. BENEDUCE et al.

    TABLE 2 Comparison of D values forEscherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. inground beefa

    Temp (C) D value (s)

    Escherichia coli O157:H7 Salmonella spp.

    30.5% fat 17-20% fat

    51.7 115.5 NDb 54.3

    57.2 5.3 4.5 5.43

    62.8 0.47 0.4 0.54

    aFrom Meng et al. (2001).bND, not detected.

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    1992). Another study confirmed these results on TSB medium and determined that

    the population ofE. coli O157:H7 decreased by 1 to 2 log10 CFU/g in fermented

    dry sausage during fermentation, drying and storage at 4 C for two months (Glass

    et al., 1992). More studies are needed to determine the aw limit for growth in dif-

    ferent foods and the interaction between low aw levels and other factors in foodprocessing.

    The first clear information about the peculiar tolerance to acidity ofE. coli

    O157:H7 emerged during occurrence of an infection linked to consumption of

    yoghurt produced from raw milk in 1991 (Morgan et al., 1993). It is now believed

    that acidic resistance ofE. coli O157:H7 plays a key role in food-borne illness

    linked to this pathogen. The minimum pH forE. coli O157:H7 growth is 4.0-4.5 on

    laboratory media, but this limit is dependent upon the interaction of pH with other

    growth factors. When temperature and aw are lower than optimum for E. coli

    O157:H7 the minimum pH rises to 4.5 (Glass et al., 1992). It has been stated that

    yoghurt, despite its low pH and the presence of elevated microflora, can be con-taminated byE. coli O157:H7 (Morgan et al., 1993). Massa et al. (1997) evaluat-

    ed the effect of fermentation, refrigeration and storage at 4 C in yoghurt produced

    with two different lactic starters (final pH 4.5-4.6) and stated thatE. coli O157:H7

    was detectable even after 7 days of storage. The population ofE. coli O157:H7

    decreased by only 1 to 1.5 log10 CFU/ml during the treatment. This study con-

    firmed that acidic protection in fermented milk is not adequate for E. coli



    The three most important phenotypic differences between E. coli O157:H7 and

    otherE. coli are inability to ferment sorbitol, lack ofglucuronidase enzyme andweak or no growth at temperatures above 44 C. (Meng et al. 1997). However, in

    some cases atypical O157 strains may ferment sorbitol (Morgan et al., 1993; Wil-

    son et al., 1992). The culture isolation techniques used to verify the suspect pres-

    ence ofE. coli O157:H7 in food are based upon these characteristics, and can help

    to distinguish between non-pathogenic E. coli and pathogenic E. coli O157:H7

    strains. On the other hand, culture isolation requires a lot of time and it is labor-

    intensive. The need for a rapid diagnostic test for recognizing contamination asso-

    ciated with bloody diarrhoea and HUS forced the rapid development of new tech-

    niques for isolation and identification of STEC in foods. Immunoassays such as

    enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were very useful for rapid screening

    ofE. coli O157:H7 and non O157 in food. Actually the impressive development of

    molecular techniques has made it possible to have real-time identification with

    high sensitivity and specificity.

    The low infectious dose ofE. coli O157:H7 in foods makes it necessary to

    have a sensitive isolation method, using enrichment and selective procedures. Sev-eral studies reported the development of culture media specific forE. coli O157:H7

    selective enrichment, (Doyle and Schoeni, 1987; Padhye and Doyle, 1991; Chap-

    man et al., 1991) containing bile salts, novobiocin, cefsulodine and cefixime as

    selective agents. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends 24 h

    enrichment on selective media at 35 C, in order to provide conditions that promote

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    growth ofE. coli but are inhibitory to other species. The best selective media for

    presumptive identification ofE. coli O157:H7 was found to be Sorbitol Mac-

    Conkey Agar (SMAC), in which E. coli O157:H7 colonies remain uncoloured

    (lack of sorbitol fermentation) while otherE. coli appear red (March and Ratnam,

    1986). Okrend et al. (1990), and Tesh et al., (1991) suggested the addition of 5-bromo-4-chloro-indoxyl--D-glucuronide (BCIG) on SMAC, to differentiatestrains that lack-glucuronidase (like E. coli O157:H7), which appears white,while the colonies which possess -glucuronidase activity turn green or blue.Thompson et al. (1990) developed a rapid fluorescent test for detection ofE. coli

    O157:H7, by using 4-methylumbelliferyl--glucuronide (MUG). This substancecan evidence -glucuronidase activity based upon production of a fluorescenthydrolysis compound (Rippey et al., 1987). Positive colonies are fluorescent after

    ultraviolet light exposure, whileE. coli O157:H7 give no fluorescence. Currently

    SMAC is usually employed with addition of cefixime and tellurite (CT-SMAC), as

    reported by Zadiket al. (1993). Cefixime inhibits Proteus spp. At a concentrationnot inhibitory toE. coli, and O157 STEC strains are generally less susceptible to

    tellurite than are many other non-sorbitol fermenters such asAeromonas spp.,Mor-

    ganella spp., Providencia spp., and most other E. coli strains. Recently a new

    selective media was developed by Biolog inc., (Hayward, CA.), called Rainbow

    agar O157. This media is more specific than SMAC for isolatingE. coli O157:H7

    and it is also useful for isolating and differentiating other STEC serotypes from

    nontoxigenic E. coli because it has both selective and chromogenic properties.

    Most bacteria, other than O157 and non O157 STEC, are inhibited or grow as

    white or cream coloured colonies.E. coli O157:H7 colonies are unique, with a dis-tinctive black colour, whereas typical non-O157 STEC colonies are blue or purple

    and most non-toxigenicE. coli colonies are reddish (Meng and Doyle, 1998).

    To confirm presumptive O157 isolates from culture methods several immuno-

    logical methods have been developed to detect O and H antigens. These methods

    are rapid (from 15 min. to 2 h) and are employed after a pre-enrichment step (24 h).

    Immunological one step methods are those most used by industries because of

    their rapidity and the easy performing kit provided. Reaction kits are constituted by

    a membrane to which a specific antibody to O157 and/or H7 antigens adheres. The

    membrane is filled with fresh cell culture and after 10 - 20 min the agglutination to

    antibodies is detectable. ELISA assays are based upon the same reaction, with

    monoclonal antibody (MAb) reactive with low-molecular-weight outer membrane

    antigens ofE. coli O157:H7, but are performed in microplates and the antibody is

    coupled with an enzyme that allows colorimetric screening. It has been revealed

    that the target antigens of the MAb are present in other serotypes ofE. coli and that

    their expression and detection are influenced by culture conditions and sample

    preparation. A modified protocol which provided high specificity for E. coli

    O157:H7 was developed (Johnson et al., 1995). In order to improve the sensitivity

    of detection ofE. coli O157:H7 in food, an immunomagnetic separation system

    (IMS, Dynal, Oslo, Norway) was developed. It consists of superparamagneticpolystyrene microspheres coated with specific antibodies forE. coli O157:H7. In

    this way it is possible to separate target bacterial cells from other substances and

    background microflora present in a complex sample like food, and to concentrate

    pathogen cells for further identification studies. Because numerous outbreaks

    linked to non O157 STEC have been reported in recent years, a new ELISA kit has

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    been developed, able to detect both Shiga toxins stx1 and stx2. Nevertheless this

    assay cannot differentiate between the two toxins. After an enrichment step this

    new ELISA kit is able to detect one STEC cell per g of ground beef (Acheson et al.,


    Molecular methods

    Molecular methods offer extremely sensitive and focused techniques that are

    potentially able to detect and to quantify pathogenic bacteria with a sensitivity and

    specificity not achievable by culture techniques and biochemical or serological

    tests. Genotypic identification of bacteria avoids all inconvenience of phenotypic

    assays, like variation in enzymatic activity when bacteria are cultured in different

    media, emergence of biochemical mutants and presence of strain of different

    species that are very closely related and possess the same phenotype but different

    genotype. Several genes and DNA sequences have been targeted to develop molec-

    ular methods for detecting STEC, particularly E. coli O157:H7. These includes:

    attaching-and-effacing (eae) gene (Louie et al., 1994; Yu and Kaper, 1992) Shigatoxin (stx genes) (Karch and Meyer, 1989; Newland and Neill, 1988), the -glu-curonidase (uidA) gene (Cebula et al., 1995; Feng, 1993) the DNA sequence

    upstream of the eae gene (Zhao et al., 1995; Meng et al., 1996) the 60-MDa plas-

    mid (Johnson et al., 1995), and the haemolysin (hlyA) gene (Levine et al., 1987;

    Schmidt et al., 1995) (Fig. 1).

    Ann. Microbiol., 53 (4), 511-527 (2003) 517

    FIG. 1 Target genes for DNA detection of VTEC andEscherichia coli 0157:H7 (modi-

    fied from Vernozy-Rozand, 1999).

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    DNA probes

    The hybridization technique consists in developing specific DNA oligonucleotides

    (probes) labelled by radioactive isotopes, or enzymatic markers. These probes can

    hybridize with single stranded DNA from target bacteria, fixed onto nitrocellulose

    or nylon membranes. The presence of homologous sequences allows the probe tomatch to the target DNA section, allowing the detection of the gene of interest.

    DNA probes able to detect stx1 and stx2 STEC genes were developed (Karch and

    Meyer, 1989; Newland and Neill, 1988; Willshaw et al., 1987). Samadpour et al.

    (1994) used probes targeted to stx genes to detect STEC in faecal samples and

    foods, by using colony hybridization and dot blotting. These assays guaranteed

    good sensitivity (about 1.0 CFU/g) but inadequate specificity. Levine et al. (1987)

    developed a DNA probe based on the 60-MDa plasmid common among EHEC and

    found high specificity with strains isolated from patients with haemorrhagic colitis

    and HUS (about 99%). In order to avoid problems linked to manipulation of

    radioactive-labelled probes Thomas et al. (1991) developed DNA probes markedwith dioxigenine or biotine detectable after enzymatic coloured reaction, specific

    for stx1, stx2 and stx2 variant genes. The use of DNA hybridization techniques is

    certainly the best choice for its sensitivity but the high cost and the labor-intensive

    procedures makes them unsuitable for routine assays in laboratory.

    The suitability, time-saving and relatively low-cost of PCR techniques makes

    possible to develop sensible and specific assays to detect E. coli O157:H7 and

    other STEC, amenable to the requirements of most health surveillance and food

    control laboratories. Some PCR assays are now available commercially as gene

    detection diagnostics. The first PCR experiment onE. coli O157:H7 was realizedby Karch and Meyer (1989) with degenerated primers (a mix of oligonucleotides

    able to amplify DNA fragment without knowing the exact sequences of the anneal-

    ing sites) built up to detect stx1 and stx2 gene. DNA hybridization with specific

    probes was assayed on the obtained amplicons, in order to confirm the genes iden-

    tification. Read et al. (1992) produced a PCR with primers developed on the con-

    served region ofstx1, stx2 and stxEgenes, in order to detect STEC in food and fae-

    ces samples. By this method 50 different STEC serotypes were detected, with a

    sensibility of about 20 UFC. The eae gene codifies for intimin, a protein that plays

    an important role in attaching and effacing bacterial cell to intestinal epithelium.

    Gannon et al. (1993) showed that is possible to use eaeGEN primers for amplifying

    a portion of the gene common to all EHEC and eaeO157 primers for detecting

    specifically E. coli O157:H7 (together with E. coli O157:NM, O55:H7 and

    O145:NM). Louie et al. (1994) developed an eae based PCR able to identify sepa-

    rately serotypes O157:H7/NM, O55:H7/NM (that possess the same eae gene

    sequence) and O111:H7/NM. Meng et al. (1997) used primers that amplify a DNA

    sequence upstream of the eae and stx genes. This multiplex assay revealed a better

    specificity than the ones based only on eae gene. Fratamico et al. (1995) developed

    a multiplex PCR based on three genes (eae, stx and a portion of a 60 MDa plas-

    mid). This multiplex gives three positive reactions only for E. coli O157:H7 andO157:NM. UidA gene is another important molecular marker forE. coli O157:H7.

    This gene codifies for -glucuronidase enzyme, present in the genome of thisserotype even if the phenotype is not exhibited. Feng (1993) developed a molecu-

    lar probe on uidA gene, specific for E. coli O157:H7 (called PF-27). The same

    author demonstrated that this probe is able also to detectE. coli O157:NM (Feng,

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    1995). Other authors used the combination of different primers able to detect mul-

    tiple gene sequences, in a multiplex PCR reaction: Cebula et al. (1995) developed

    a multiplex PCR for stx1, stx2 and uidA genes capable of detecting both E. coli

    O157:H7 andE. coli O157:NM. In this case it is possible to distinguish these two

    serotypes from otherE. coli and to show the presence of one or both Shiga toxins.FliCgene codifies for H antigene ofE. coli and is involved in the production of

    flagelline, a flagellar protein with high variability among EHEC species. Fields et

    al. (1997) developed a PCR coupled with restriction profile on fliCgene able to

    detect and distinguish between E. coli O157:H7, O157:NM and O55:H7 with a

    detection limit due to some differences in the restriction profile of some strains

    belonging to the same serogroup. A multiplex PCR produced by Gannon et al.

    (1997) involvesfliC, stx1, stx2 and eae and is able to detect all STEC and to identi-

    fy specifically E. coli O157:H7 and O157:NM. Rfb is another important marker

    gene that codifies for an enzyme linked to biosynthesis of O157 antigen. Des-

    marchelier et al. (1998) developed a couple of primers able to amplify rfbEgene,capable of detecting serotypes O157:H7 and O157:NM. Paton and Paton (1998)

    developed another assay with two couples of primers able to detect rfbO157 and

    rfbO111 thus making it possible to differentiate between E. coli O157 and O111

    (another important toxigenic serotype). Nagano et al. (1998) coupled a PCR reac-

    tion with primers for rfb gene and for stx genes in order to detect and distinguish

    between O157:H7 able to produce Shiga toxins and non toxigenic strains. Other

    multiplex PCR reactions were realized by Paton and Paton (1998) and Fagan et al.

    (1999), with primers built on stx1, stx2, eae and hlyA (a gene that codifies for

    enterohaemolysin) (Table 3).In spite of the recent interest in genetic analysis for detecting pathogen

    microorganisms in food industries, a large number of PCR protocols for most path-

    ogenic bacteria in food have been developed. There are two commercial PCR kits

    able to detectE. coli O157:H7, the BAX system for screeningE. coli O157:H7

    (Qualicon, Inc. U.S.A.), in which primers, DNA polymerase, and nucleotides are

    combined in a single ready-to-use tube, and Probelia PCR System-E. coli

    O157:H7 (BioControl Systems, Inc., U.S.A.) based on PCR plus DNA hybridiza-

    tion assay. In both cases the commercial kits possess good specificity and sensibil-

    ity, are easy to use and require only 24 h to be performed. All PCR protocols

    applied on complex samples like food, faeces, etc. may often be subjected to some

    inconvenience, like presence of DNA polymerase inhibitors (like humic acids),

    substances that bind to magnesium, or denature DNA (nucleases). In order to avoid

    this problem it is necessary to isolate bacteria (or their DNA) from the sample

    debris. There are different ways to obtain the reduction of polymerase inhibitors:

    the most widely used is a pre-enrichment step of 6-18 h capable of increasing the

    target bacterial cells. It is also possible to minimize PCR inhibitor effects by cou-

    pling the pre-enrichment step with the use of IMS for selectively separating the tar-

    get bacteria (Fratamico et al., 2000; Chapman et al., 2001). To facilitate PCR reac-

    tion it may also be useful to filter the broth culture before DNA extraction, becausecatabolites produced during bacterial growth may inhibit the polymerase

    (Venkateswaran et al., 1997). It is important to remember that DNA is a relatively

    stable molecule, able to maintain its molecular structure even after death of bacte-

    rial cells. For this reason PCR may occur even if bacterial cells are dead or in a

    viable-non culturable (VNC) state, inducing an overestimation of potential

    Ann. Microbiol., 53 (4), 511-527 (2003) 519

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    pathogen charge of a given sample. A recent paper (McIngvale et al., 2002)

    focused on the detection of viable STEC cells based on reverse-transcriptase (RT)

    PCR. This technique is based on the retro-transcription of mRNA into a copy of the

    original DNA (DNA copy , cDNA). By using a retro-transcriptase enzyme, mRNA

    targets were detected in 12-h cooked ground meat enrichments with a an initial

    520 L. BENEDUCE et al.

    TABLE 3 Molecular tools for detection ofEscherichia coli O157:H7 and other STEC

    Technique Target gene(s) Serotype Reference

    PCR stx1, stx2 STEC Karch and Meyer,

    (degenerated primers) 1989PCR stx

    1, stx

    2, stx

    ESTEC Read et al., 1992

    PCR eaeGEN, eaeO157 O157:H7/NM, Gannon et al., 1993O55:H7, O145 :NM

    PCR eaeO157/55, eaeO111 O157:H7/NM, Louie et al., 1994O55:H7/NM

    DNA probe uidA O157:H7 Feng, 1993

    Multiplex PCR eae, stx, O157:H7/NM Fratamico et al.,


    PCR hly933 O157:H7/NM Fratamico et al.,1995

    multiplex PCR stx1, stx

    2,uidA O157:H7/NM Cebula et al., 1995

    PCR fliC O157:H7/NM, Fields et al., 1997restriction profile O55:H7

    multiplex PCR fliCH7, stx1, stx2,eae O157:H7/NM Gannon et al. 1997

    PCR Seq. upst. eae and stx O157:H7 Meng et al. 1997

    PCR rfbE O157:H7/NM Desmarchelier et al.1998

    PCR rfbO157

    , rfbO111

    O157, O111 Paton and Paton,1998

    multiplex PCR rfb, stx O157:H7/NM Nagano et al., 1998

    multiplex PCR stx1, stx2,eae, hlyA STEC Fagan, 1999

    RT-PCR stx1, stx2 STEC McIngvale et al.,2002

    R-PCR (Taqman) eaeA O157 :H7 Oberst et al., 1998

    multiplex R-PCR stx1, stx2. eaeO157

    , O157, O111, O26 Sharma, 2002(Taqman) eaeO111, eaeO26

    multiplex R-PCR stx1, stx2, eae O157:H7 Ibekwe et al., 2002(Taqman)

    R-PCR stx1, stx2 STEC Blanger et al., 2002(molecular beacon)

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    inoculum of 1 CFU/g. A new PCR-based quantitative and qualitative technique,

    with high specificity and sensitivity potential is Real Time PCR (R-PCR). With R-

    PCR it is possible to have immediate quantitative detection of target-gene specific

    amplified products, with the advantage of avoiding manipulation of the sample by

    gel electrophoresis and the use of carcinogenic intercalating dyes like ethidiumbromide. This technique has been recently developed for the detection and quan-

    tification of pathogen bacteria with the use of Taqman probes or molecular bea-

    cons, oligonucleotides coupled with reporter and quencher dyes at 5 and 3 ends,

    respectively. In an intact probe or beacon the quencher dye suppresses the fluores-

    cence emission of the reporter dye. The hydrolysis of the Taqman probe by cleav-

    age of Taq polymerase or a conformational change in a molecular beacon during

    the annealing and extension phases of the PCR process results in an increase in the

    reporter dyes fluorescence intensity. The measurement of increasing fluorescence

    for each PCR cycle makes it possible to estimate the starting concentration of tar-

    get DNA and thus the starting number of cells of a bacterial pathogen. In the last5 years different authors have developed real time PCR methods for detection of

    E. coli O157:H7 and other STEC in food and faecal samples. Oberst et al. (1998)

    developed a R-PCR Taqman assay for E. coli O157:H7 based on eaeA gene,

    allowing sensitivity of about 103 CFU/ml in enrichment broth, improved to 102

    CFU/ml when an enrichment step and DNA purification were added to the proto-

    col. Sharma and Carlson (2000) obtained good sensitivity (about 10 CFU/g sam-

    ple) in a multiplex R-PCR assay able to detect both E. coli O157:H7 and Salmo-

    nella strains in a single reaction, but a 6-18 h pre-enrichment step was needed.

    Another multiplex real time PCR assay was developed by Sharma (2002) withthree sets of primers and Taqman probes, specific for serotype O157, O111 and

    O26, together with two sets of primers and probes for stx1 and stx2 genes. The effi-

    ciency of R-PCR technique has been tested also in different samples like soil and

    waste water (Ibekwe et al., 2002). In this case a multiplex R-PCR based on stx and

    eae genes gave high specificity even in the presence of etherotropic microflora and

    with complex samples in which the presence of inhibitors constitutes a serious

    problem for PCR reaction. The need for a rapid, specific and sensitive assay for

    detecting E. coli O157:H7 and other STEC, useful for clinical diagnostic, lead

    (Blanger et al., 2002) to the development of a multiplex molecular beacon R-PCR

    assay able to detect and quantify STEC in about 1 h.


    The role ofE. coli O157:H7 and other STEC as food-borne pathogens has been

    extensively investigated. Since the first outbreak in 1982, a wide variety of foods

    have been involved in STEC contamination, some of them, like apple cider and

    mayonnaise, previously thought to be safe because of their acidity. The increasing

    of the international nature of STEC outbreaks (Duffel et al., 2003) emphasises theimportance of close collaboration between organisations in the management of

    outbreaks, of ensuring international standards in food safety, and of agreeing a

    common standard in STEC typing. The survival of STEC in food and tolerance to

    physical and chemical stresses has been principally focused on acidity- and heat-

    resistance. Further studies are needed to investigate the effect of aw on the survival

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    and growth of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli. Molecular methods greatly improved

    the specificity and sensibility of detection techniques for E. coli O157:H7 and

    other STEC serotypes. DNA probes, and multiplex PCR are more and more wide-

    ly used in diagnostic laboratories. Detection of live cell by RT-PCR and rapid

    quantisation by real-time PCR will allow rapid (about 1h) detection of enetero-haemorrhagic strains with high sensitivity. More studies are needed to avoid time-

    consuming enrichment steps and to prevent the action of PCR inhibitor substances.


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