
Diapositiva 1

Charles Chaplin

SlideMain information.................................................................4

When he was a child........................................................6 - 10

The vagrant....................................................................11 - 13

With Mutual Film Corporation.......................................14 - 15

The Great Dictator.........................................................16 - 18


Privacy............................................................................20 - 22

Death.............................................................................23 - 25

Main information

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on April 16th, 1889 in Walworth, London.

It was a comic actor, composer, producer, director and writer.

He died at 88 years old on December 25th, 1977 in Vevey, Switzerland.

When he was a child

His father (Charles Spencer Chaplin Sr.) and his mother (Hannah Chaplin) worked like artists in Music-hall.His parents divorced when the small Chaplin was three years old.He had a brother, Sydney John Hawkes, WHO was four yearsYOUNGER.

His parents

His father was an alcoholic and his mother was a mental illness.His mother ended her career because she got sick of the larynx.His father died because he had cirrhosis.

Needs work

At fourteen years old he acted like Billy in a play called Sherlock Holmes.

He worked as a glassblower, errand boy and street vendor until he was hired by the company Frohman.

Chaplin when he was young


Also known as Charlot.Charlot is a HOMELESS with refined MANNERS, clothing and dignity of a gentleman.He was presented in the film Kid Auto Races at Venice (1914).Chaplin played a lot of short films and feature films.When sound productions appeared, Chaplin refused to speak with his character.

Chaplin left his character in the film Modern Times (1936) ending with Charlot walking down a road to the horizon, holding the hand of Paulette Goddard.

With Mutual Film Corporation

In 1916 he was hired by Mutual Film Corporation.In a period of 18 months they produced 12 films.Chaplin became director of his films from 1918. However, a year earlier, when he had finished his contract with Mutual, he signed a new contract with First National to produce eight films.By 1923, Chaplin had his own studios in Hollywood and was allowed to work at a more relaxed pace and focus more on the quality of his productions.

The great dictator

It was Chaplin's first film spoken, but in Modern Times Charlot appears singing.It was filmed and released one year before America entered in World War II.Chaplin played a character, Adenoid Hynkel, inspired in Hitler, who was four days younger than Chaplin and also had a mustache like HIM.This film was a courageous act because they MOCKED . Nazis.It was banned in Spain and was released 36 years later, in 1976, when Francisco Franco died.




In 1952 the anti-communist accused Chaplin, and so he HAD TO LEAVE the U.S.AHe moved to Vevey, Switzerland.


He had four wives:

Mildred Harris (1918 1921)

Lita Grey (1924 1927)

Paulette Goddard (1936 1942)

Oona O'Neill (1943 1977)

He had five childrens:

With Mildred Harris:

Norman Chaplin

With Lita Grey:

Charles Chaplin

Sydney Earl Chaplin

With Oona O'Neill:

Geraldine Chaplin

Michael Chaplin


In the 60s, Chaplin became sick and he couldn't move or talk, but he was pacing in a wheelchair with his wife.He died on Christmas Day when he WAS SLEEPING/ASLEEPIn 1978, his body was stolen but the plan failed, the robbers were captured and his body was recovered eleven weeks later.His body was buried again, this time under 1.8 meters of concrete to prevent another theft.In 1981 a life size statue of Chaplin was built in Walworth, the neighborhood where he lived HIS early life.

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