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pediatric nursing diagnosesby carriblue   Mar 21, '08 | 45,752 Views | 7 Comments

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1. 0 i have to develop three nursing diagnoses for the following scenario and

literally have been thrown into the fire with a do to learn it approach from my

instructor.. we have not even had peds yet!!!

the scenario is this 

Pediatric Physical Assessment Case Study #1

Focus Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System

CC: Bonnie L. is a 6-year-old female who presents to the nursing clinic with a 5

day HX of generalized weakness, fatigue, and pains in her arms and legs. Bonnie

and her mother deny a history of fall or other injury. Bonnie is shy and hesitant

to get up on the exam table. She wants to sit on her mother's lap.

I must develop an actual, wellness and risk diagnoses complete with goal and


Can anyone offer guidance or direct me to a good resource? I have been

working on this for what feels like hours and I am so discouraged 


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About carriblue

Joined Mar '08; Posts: 3.

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7 Comments so far...


1 Mar 21, '08 by leslie :-D


act intolerance?

imp mobility?

knowledge deficit?

risk for self care deficit?

risk for alt family process?

(sorry, i don't have a list handy...but these dxs could be appropriate, regardless

of pt's age...except alt fam process)

don't let the peds part scare you.


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o #1


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Page 4: Beat Stress Now

3 Mar 21, '08 by Daytonite

hi, carriblue, and welcome to allnurses! 

ok, i get that you haven't had peds yet, but did you read the title of this

assignment very carefully, it says:

pediatric physical assessment case study #1

focus assessment of the musculoskeletal system

have you had lecture(s) on the nursing process and care planning? assessment

is the first (and major) step of the nursing process. there are no such things as

"pediatric nursing diagnoses". the nursing diagnoses at their most simple

classification are either (1) actual problems, or (2) potential problems. gordon,

as in gordon's functional patterns, classified the nanda diagnoses into 11

classifications, none of them pediatric. the choice to use any nursing diagnosis is

based upon the symptoms that serve as evidence supporting the existance of

that problem (nursing diagnosis). any diagnosis can be used for a pediatric,

adult or geriatric patient as long as the person has the essential symptoms.

what you have to do to complete this assignment is to work the steps of the

nursing process in the sequence they occur.

assessment (collect data from medical record, do a

physical assessment of the patient, assess adl's, look up

information about your patient's medical

diseases/conditions to learn about the signs and symptoms

and pathophysiology)

determination of the patient's problem(s)/nursing

diagnosis (make a list of the abnormal assessment data,

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match your abnormal assessment data to likely nursing

diagnoses, decide on the nursing diagnoses to use)

planning (write measurable goals/outcomes and nursing


implementation (initiate the care plan)

evaluation (determine if goals/outcomes have been met)

it seems obvious to me that your instructor wants you to focus your efforts on

the musculoskeletal system. you can find information on a musculoskeletal and

pediatric assessment on this thread of allnurses (part of your assessment

activity):  - 

health assessment resources, techniques, and

forms (in nursing student assistance forum)

the scenario has given you some symptoms and developmental stage behavior

information which you do not want to ignore:

5-day history of generalized weakness


pains in her arms and legs

no history of fall or other injury

shy and hesitant to get up on the exam table

wants to sit on her mother's lap

if i were you i would do some reading and exploration of fatigue and weakness

in children to see what you come up with. muscle weakness can be due to heart

problems, myalgias, malnutrition, muscular atrophy, polio or a brain or spinal

tumor. a congenital condition that has weakness and fatigue as a symptom is

hypertrophic polyneuritis. these are also symptoms of diabetes and

hypothyroidism. since these are not a normal finding in a child, it may yield you

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your at risk diagnosis. to use a "risk for" diagnosis you must have a specific

problem in mind. so, for example, let's say you think this kid is in danger of

having polio (really, not likely) and you are worried about her developing

pneumonia because of progressive paralysis of the lung tissue. you would

diagnose risk for infection and develop nursing interventions to monitor for

the signs and symptoms of pneumonia as well as do some preventative

measures. long-term goal: no pneumonia.

you need the symptom list going into step #2 of the nursing process. the first

three symptoms are evidence for at least one actual nursing diagnosis (pain)

and a potential one (see discussion above). there is a list of all the wellness

diagnoses on post #84 of this thread:  - 

desperately need help with careplans (in nursing

student assistance forum)

pick one. i think you can safely get away with making up supporting symptoms,

but ask your instructor if you want to be sure. also ask how creative you are

allowed to get with this assignment. what kind of data can you add to spice it


goals/outcomes (they are basically the same thing) are intimately associated

with the nursing interventions. they are linked to the symptoms the patient has.

goals/outcomes are the results you expect to occur when the nursing

interventions you order for the symptoms are performed. i believe their is a

subtle difference between goals and outcomes. goals are the predicted results

of collaborative nursing actions; outcomes are the predicted results of

our independent nursing actions.

you can read about how to write a care plan which is basically what you are

being asked to do here on this thread:

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assistance - help with care plans (in the general

nursing discussion forum)

hope this has helped you. good luck with your assignment.

Last edit by Daytonite on Mar 21, '08

9livesRN, Annie09, and carriblue like this.





0 Mar 21, '08 by carriblue

Leslie and Daytonite,

Thank you both for your help! :bowingpurI have read your postings and

searched the links... all I can say is wow! This is a great site, resource and

learning tool. I am grateful there are people out there who are willing got take

the time to help out people such as myself.



Activity Intolerance r/t acute pain AEB pts report of pain of 6 out of 10 in arms

and legs


reduction of pain


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Will report reduction in pain level, on a scale of 1-10, of a 2 or less by April




Readiness for enhanced sleep


11-12 hrs sleep/day


Will sleep, 11-12 hours total, each day for 1 consecutive week by April 1, 2008



Risk for delayed growth and development r/t activity intolerance


activity levels considered normal by pt


Will report levels of activity, consistent with those prior to illness, unassisted, for

3 consecutive days by April 1, 2008





1 Mar 22, '08 by Daytonite

Quote from carriblueactivity intolerance r/t acute pain aeb pts report of pain of 6 out of 10 in arms and legs

Page 9: Beat Stress Now

"pts report of pain of 6 out of 10 in arms and legs" is a symptom of pain, not

activity intolerance. do you have a nursing diagnosis reference? every nursing

diagnosis has a set of signs and symptoms that nanda calls defining

characteristics. you cannot assign a nursing diagnosis to a patient unless they

had one or more of the defining characteristics. it would be more appropriate to

use acute pain r/t unknown musculoskeletal disorder aeb patient report

of pain in arms and legs of 6 on a scale of 10.

Quote from carribluerisk diagnosis: risk for delayed growth and development r/t activity intolerance

i'm not crazy about you using this. activity tolerance is not a risk factor for this

diagnosis. there is a nursing diagnosis for this: risk for activity

intolerance. use that instead.

carriblue likes this.





0 Mar 22, '08 by carriblue

per your earlier suggestion regarding being creative with this assignment, we

were told that we do not need to know what is wrong with the pt (medical

diagnosis) to determine what we as nurses need to do.... "what would you do as

a nurse." 

Quote from daytonite"pts report of pain of 6 out of 10 in arms and legs" is a symptom of pain, not activity intolerance. do you have a nursing diagnosis reference? every

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nursing diagnosis has a set of signs and symptoms that nanda calls defining characteristics. you cannot assign a nursing diagnosis to a patient unless they had one or more of the defining characteristics. it would be more appropriate to use acute pain r/t unknown musculoskeletal disorder aeb patient report of pain in arms and legs of 6 on a scale of 10.

no, all i have is a nanda list of diagnoses with nothing else attached... no r/t or

defining characteristics.. nothing... one reason this is so hard. is there a

particular reference you would recommend over others? 

i see why i cannot use the pt report of pain for activity intolerance .. i was just

thinking that the pain caused the activity intolerance. well, now i know i had it

backwards. if nothing else this is an incredible learning experience and i no

longer feel llike beating my head against a wall .

is unknown musculoskeletal disorder really a related factor? wow, i had no


Quote from daytonitei'm not crazy about you using this. activity tolerance is not a risk factor for this diagnosis. there is a nursing diagnosis for this: risk for activity intolerance. use that instead.

ok. thanks i will... 

risk for activity intolerance r/t pt report of fatigue

? but if you can't tolerate activity wont that delay your muscular development

and coordination? or is this not relevant in writing these diagnoses

i see that once again i approached my goal and outcome statement from point

of the related factor. boy, i hope one day i can get these right. 

goal: activity tolerance

outcome:will report levels of activity, consistent with those prior to illness,

unassisted, for 3 consecutive days by april 1, 2008

thanks again daytonite


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1 Mar 22, '08 by Daytonite

Quote from carribluewe were told that we do not need to know what is wrong with the pt (medical diagnosis) to determine what we as nurses need to do.... "what would you do as a nurse."

that is correct! go back to the nursing process and review what goes on in each

of the steps. we address and treat the patient's response to their disease,

situations and what is happening to them. the doctor's treat the disease.

Quote from carriblueno, all i have is a nanda list of diagnoses with nothing else attached... no r/t or defining characteristics.. nothing... one reason this is so hard. is there a particular reference you would recommend over others?

nanda, the north american nursing diagnosis association, publishes the nursing

diagnosis taxonomy. the taxonomy currently contains 188 nursing diagnoses for

which nanda has developed for each

a definition (actually, this is a more descriptive

statement of the nursing problem)

defining characteristics (actually, these are merely the

signs and symptoms that support the problem)

related factors (the etiology, or underlying cause, of the

problem) - often you need to understand the

pathophysiology of the disease process going on to

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choose the correct related factor connected with a

physiological nursing diagnosis

risk factors - these are etiologies that are only listed with

the anticipated, or potential, (have yet to occur) nursing

problems. these are the nursing diagnoses that begin

with the words "risk for" and are used when the patient

is vulnerable to possibly developing a problem.

what you need to do is get a copy of it. where is the taxonomy? it can be

purchased from nanda. it is published in nanda-i nursing diagnoses: definitions

& classification 2007-2008. most of the taxonomy information only takes up one

page, two at the most, for each diagnosis. this is the reference i use the most

because it is compact and only about 340 pages long with just the information

listed above. it has no other nursing information (no interventions, no goals).

you can only purchase this book from nanda and the cost is about $25. however,

many authors of care plan and nursing diagnosis books have already paid nanda

a royalty in order to print the taxonomy information in their books. they usually

print this information right below the title of a nursing diagnosis. it doesn't take

up much space. in addition you are getting nursing interventions and rationales

for a variety of medical diseases in the care plan books along with goals and

other extra goodies. there are also two websites that have information for about

75 of the most commonly used nursing diagnoses that you can access for free:

Quote from carriblueis unknown musculoskeletal disorder really a related factor?

the related factors that nanda lists for acute pain are "injury agents (biological,

chemical, physical, psychological)". it just seemed logical to me that an

unknown musculoskeletal disorder would be a biological injury agent, or illness. i

didn't want to say illness because that hasn't been established.

Quote from carriblue

Page 13: Beat Stress Now

? but if you can't tolerate activity wont that delay your muscular development and coordination? or is this not relevant in writing these diagnoses

i'm pretty confident in saying no. normally, i would tell you to research this

before making this claim. however, nanda has already done it and lists the risk

factors for this diagnosis (quite a long list, too) in the taxonomy. not tolerating

activity just isn't on the risk factor list of the risk for delayed

development nursing diagnosis (page 70, nanda-i nursing diagnoses:

definitions & classification 2007-2008).

Quote from carribluei see that once again i approached my goal and outcome statement from point of the related factor.

you can do that. your goal might be to remove, neutralize or do away with the

element(s) causing the risk or potential danger. that's ok. that's well within the

spirit of these types of nursing problems. for example, if a patient's activity

intolerance is related to deconditioning (this is an actual risk factor of the

diagnosis of risk for activity intolerance), a goal of the patient can be to

"increase physical conditioning by the end of two weeks as measured by. . ."

this goal targets the related factor. other targets can be to prevent specific

symptoms. goals can also reflect the expected results of the nursing

interventions that are going to be performed as well.

when you get a chance to sit and think on all this information you will realize

that there is rationality to it all. it takes a little bit of time for it all to sink in and

the light bulbs to turn on. but once you get it, you'll be explaining it to others.

Last edit by Daytonite on Mar 22, '08

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0 Dec 24, '09 by KalynJohnson

I have the Nursing Diagnosis book by Ackley. It's very useful! As a nursing

student just completing my first semester I totally understand that Nursing

Diagnoses are hard to get a handle on.




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