Wo rk Str ess BOS TOP 10 : 10 Easy Ways to Beat

BOS Top 10 - Beat Stress

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BOS TOP 10 :10 Easy Ways to


Page 2: BOS Top 10  - Beat Stress

Let the countdown begin…

Is your Monday always a manic Monday? Do you think all stress is bad stress? What’s the best stress buster for you?

Page 3: BOS Top 10  - Beat Stress

Skip the second cup of coffee.

The caffeine in two cups of coffee adds 16 beats per minute to your heart rate and makes you more irritable and anxious.


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Take a walk .

Known as a great stress-buster, if you walk outdoors, the combination of fresh air and exercise is an excellent way to boost your morale and mood.

It promotes well-being and is good for your heart.


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Take your lunch break .

Skipping lunch is a sign of commitment to being productive in the office. FALSE.

Know that lunch time is a cue to relax. Smell your food, chew slowly, noting every taste and sound.


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Do not ruin a good night’s rest, or an evening out with that special someone by checking your email just before you hit the sack, or head out the door. Nothing adds to your stress more than being psychologically transient.

Trash unwanted emails at around 3pm to regain focus and declutter your mind.

Manage your emails .


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Keeping a non-flowering plant in your room/workstation is proven to reduce blood pressure levels.

Gazing at trees (through a window) will lower your anxiety at any time.

Go Green .5

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Schedule the most taxing jobs for the times when your energy is naturally high.

If you have to juggle multiple projects and you are stuck to one, move on to another and come back to the stickler later. You will keep yourself from panicking and be able to approach the problem with a fresher, more positive outlook.

Pace yourself .


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To reduce tension, apply a firm pinch between your thumb and index finger for two minutes.

Increase the pressure.7

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Make friends.

Employees who have a bestfriend at work are seven times more likely to be engaged in their work than those who did not have a best friend at work.

Developing a friendship with a co-worker who has a work ethic you admire is a must-have. Only a co-worker can completely understand the personalities and culture of your workplace.


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If you are wearing things to work that make you feel fat, old, frumpy or just uncomfortable, you are unwittingly causing yourself a stressful day at work.

Jazz up your favorite and your most comfortable office attire. C’mon, you know the drill.

Dress for Success.


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Always keep in mind that what you do on a daily basis is valued by your team, your client, the organization, your family and the community.

Your day to day task is a contribution to someone and something.

See where your work makes a difference.


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Remember:✩Not all stress is bad stress

✩ Stress does not have to win.

✩ You do not totally eliminate stress, you just learn how to cope with it.

✩ Determine the best stress buster for you. It will go a long way.