Page 1: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

“Be an example for the


1Ti 4:12 Let no man despise

thy youth; but be thou an

example of the believers, in

word, in conversation, in

charity, in spirit, in faith, in


Page 2: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

Col_4:6 Let your speech be alway with

grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may

know how ye ought to answer every man.

In Speech

Be an example for the believers

Page 3: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

In Life

Be an example for the believers

Pro_6:23 For the commandment is a

lamp; and the law is light; and

reproofs of instruction are the way of


Page 4: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

In Love.

Be an example for the believers

Jud_1:21 Keep yourselves in the

love of God, looking for the mercy of

our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal


Page 5: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

In Faith

Be an example for the believers

1Co_16:13 Watch ye, stand

fast in the faith, quit you like

men, be strong.

Page 6: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

In Purity

Be an example for the believers

Heb_12:14 Follow peace with all

men, and holiness, without which no

man shall see the Lord:

Page 7: “Be An Example For The Believers.”

“Be an example for the


In Speech

In Life

In Love

In Faith

In Purity

1Ti 4:12 Let no man

despise thy youth; but be

thou an example of the

believers, in word, in

conversation, in charity, in

spirit, in faith, in purity.