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BDD for iOS with KiwiOleksandr Gnatyshyn

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Why BDD? Why Kiwi?

Kiwi is BDD library for iOS, «RSpec» like, easy to setup and use.


KiwiKiwi built on top of OCUnit and tightly integrated with Xcode!

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Why BDD? Why Kiwi?

TDD - OCUnit : BDD - Kiwi :

describe(@"Team", ^{ context(@"when newly created", ^{ it(@"should have a name", ^{ id team = [Team team];

[[ should] equal:@"Black Hawks"]; }); });});

@implementation testTests

- (void)testThatTeamShouldHaveName{ id team = [Team team]; STAssertEqualObjects(, @"Black Hawks", @"Team shuld have a name"); }

1. Design2. Test Logic

+ 1. Nice structure2. Better Assertions

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Kiwi installation

• Old School way -

• Easy way - CocoaPods!!

//Podfile platform :ios target :KiwiUnitTest, :exclusive => true do pod 'Kiwi' end

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Basic usageSPEC_BEGIN(SpecName)

describe(@"ClassName", ^{

context(@"a state the component is in", ^{ __block id variable = nil; beforeAll(^{ // Occurs once }); afterAll(^{ // Occurs once }); beforeEach(^{ // Occurs before each enclosed "it" variable = [MyClass instance]; }); afterEach(^{ // Occurs after each enclosed "it" }); it(@"should do something", ^{ [[variable should] meetSomeExpectation]; }); context(@"inner context", ^{ xit(@"does another thing", ^{ }); pending(@"something unimplemented", ^{ }); }) });});


• SPEC_BEGIN(ClassName) and SPEC_END - macros that expand to begin and end a KWSpec class and group declaration.

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Basic usageSPEC_BEGIN(SpecName)

describe(@"ClassName", ^{

context(@"a state the component is in", ^{ __block id variable = nil; beforeAll(^{ // Occurs once }); afterAll(^{ // Occurs once }); beforeEach(^{ // Occurs before each enclosed "it" variable = [MyClass instance]; }); afterEach(^{ // Occurs after each enclosed "it" }); it(@"should do something", ^{ [[variable should] meetSomeExpectation]; }); context(@"inner context", ^{ xit(@"does another thing", ^{ }); pending(@"something unimplemented", ^{ }); }) });});


• SPEC_BEGIN(ClassName) and SPEC_END - macros that expand to begin and end a KWSpec class and group declaration.

• describe(aString, aBlock) - starts a context that can contain tests and nested contexts.

• context(aString, aBlock) - synonym for describe.

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Basic usageSPEC_BEGIN(SpecName)

describe(@"ClassName", ^{

context(@"a state the component is in", ^{ __block id variable = nil; beforeAll(^{ // Occurs once }); afterAll(^{ // Occurs once }); beforeEach(^{ // Occurs before each enclosed "it" variable = [MyClass instance]; }); afterEach(^{ // Occurs after each enclosed "it" }); it(@"should do something", ^{ [[variable should] meetSomeExpectation]; }); context(@"inner context", ^{ xit(@"does another thing", ^{ }); pending(@"something unimplemented", ^{ }); }) });});


• SPEC_BEGIN(ClassName) and SPEC_END - macros that expand to begin and end a KWSpec class and group declaration.

• describe(aString, aBlock) - starts a context that can contain tests and nested contexts.

• context(aString, aBlock) - synonym for describe.

• beforeAll(aBlock), afterAll(aBlock) - run once before and after all the inner contexts and it blocks of the context it is in.

• beforeEach(aBlock), afterEach(aBlock) - run before and after every it block in all enclosed contexts.

• it(aString, aBlock) - This is where actual actual expectations on objects should go

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Basic usageSPEC_BEGIN(SpecName)

describe(@"ClassName", ^{

context(@"a state the component is in", ^{ __block id variable = nil; beforeAll(^{ // Occurs once }); afterAll(^{ // Occurs once }); beforeEach(^{ // Occurs before each enclosed "it" variable = [MyClass instance]; }); afterEach(^{ // Occurs after each enclosed "it" }); it(@"should do something", ^{ [[variable should] meetSomeExpectation]; }); context(@"inner context", ^{ xit(@"does another thing", ^{ }); pending(@"something unimplemented", ^{ }); }) });});


• SPEC_BEGIN(ClassName) and SPEC_END - macros that expand to begin and end a KWSpec class and group declaration.

• describe(aString, aBlock) - starts a context that can contain tests and nested contexts.

• context(aString, aBlock) - synonym for describe.

• beforeAll(aBlock), afterAll(aBlock) - run once before and after all the inner contexts and it blocks of the context it is in.

• beforeEach(aBlock), afterEach(aBlock) - run before and after every it block in all enclosed contexts.

• it(aString, aBlock) - This is where actual actual expectations on objects should go

• pending(aString, aBlock), xit(aString, aBlock) - doesn't do anything other than log a pending message to the output when run.

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