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Unit 1Basic Health and Safety

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Learning GoalsHazards




The Key parts of the 8 elements of a health and safety management System

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What is a HazardA hazard is something that could cause accident or incident

A safe place would have no hazards.

Hazards can be found everywhere.

Hazards in the workplace can cause:


loss of income

property damage

environmental damage

loss of production and profits.

Most hazards can’t be removed. They can

only be protected against.

Incident: Is potential to cause damage or injury (HIT OR NEAR MISS)

Accident: An accident results in injury or damage

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Quick Quiz

A Hazard is :A. something that could cause accident or incident

B. something that causes death

C. cannot be controlled

D. is nothing to worry about

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Hazard Identification:

Knowing the things and actions that may lead to accidents.

Workplace safety has three basic steps:

Hazard Evaluation:

Being able to judge the risk of each hazard.

Hazard Control:

Finding ways to reduce or get rid of each hazard.

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Quick Quiz

Finding ways to reduce or get rid of each hazard is considered

A.Hazard Identification

B.Hazard Evaluation

C.Hazard Control

D.Hazard loss

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1. Management Commitment and Policies

A written health and safety policy plan that is dated and signed by management.

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2. Identify and assess hazardsEvaluate equipment, machinery, work areas and work processes

Identify and analyze all potential sources of harm to workers.

Record all:


degree of risk o level of potential exposure for workers.

Eg. School Vocational shops

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Quick Quiz

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Types of Hazards






Psychological/Mental Health.

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3. Hazards and Risk Controls

Control measures are developed for each hazard.

These include:



Basic Point of Contact - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

. Records of hazardous are kept and available to all workers


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4. Workplace Inspection Program

Inspections are done semi-annually

Inspection tours provide:Important information about hazards or potential hazards

New Hazards

Check that controls to eliminate or reduce risks of known hazards are in place and working.

Records of all inspections should be kept, including the checklist used.

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5. Worker competency and training

Safety training and orientation is provided

New worker orientation should be completed within the first week on the job and critical information must be covered on the first day.

All training should be documented.

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6. Emergency Response Planning

A serious emergency, such as an explosion, fire or flood could put any company out of business.

A good emergency response plan that is in place and practiced regularly can reduce the risk of injury and loss

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7. Incident Reporting and Investigation

When an incident occurs report it to a supervisor.

All incidents must be investigated as soon as possible.

The supervisor should: Investigate cause

make sure previously uncontrolled hazards are gone

Determine if training or changes in control methods are necessary , such as personal protective equipment (PPE).

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8. HSMS Program Administration

Accurate records, documentation and communication need to be kept

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Click here to complete your assessment

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Discuss the possible hazards and how to prevent an incident (10 Minutes)

Use these questions to guide the discussiono What were some of the hazards you foundo What could we do to prevent these hazards becoming incidentso do you need to fix all of them todayo Are these Hazards common in this type of settingo If not why are they there