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BAC 2007Subject no. II

1-2 classes/ week

1. What influence have your parents had on your life? Whose influence was stronger –your mother’s or your father’s? Expand and give examples.

2. Should members of a family all try to live in the same area? Bring arguments and examples to sustain your ideas.

3. Express your opinion on the following statement: People who practice sports and have active occupations are healthier. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

4. Speak about something you would have liked to do but you have never had the time, the money or the chance to do it.

5. Speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you.

6. More and more people use the internet every day. What do / would you use the internet for? How will the internet influence our lives in the years to come?

7. There are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a supermarket. Talk about them and support your ideas with examples.

8. Talk about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.

9. Talk about the town/village where you live. Give two reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to come and visit it.

10. Talk about a character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.

11. Childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a person’s life. Speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.

12. It is said that teenagers have a lot in common, that they share ideas and a certain way of behaving. Express your views on this matter.

13. Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the other teachers. Point out his/her professional qualities, his/her moral and spiritual features anything that is special about him/her.

14. How important is it that we should protect the environment? Give arguments and examples.

15. The type of neighbourhood in which one grows up has a strong effect on one’s personality. Support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.

16. What could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.

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17. Express your opinion on the following statement: We are all responsible for our own deeds. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

18. Television has become a subject of debate and controversy as to the kind of influence it has on people. What kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular? Give examples to support your ideas.

19. You can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books, as well. Talk about a book that has influenced you in a particular way.

20. Tourism can be a blessing or a curse. Explain and give examples to support your ideas.

21. Which of the mass media has the greatest impact on the general public and which on you? Why? Give arguments to support your ideas.

22. Talk about a trip you once took and say what makes it special to you.23. We look forward to weekends as a time to relax and recharge our batteries.

How do you usually spend your weekends?24. Do you practice any sport or game, or do you just like watching them? Speak

about your favourite sportsperson. Give reasons why you like him/her best? 25. Which modern invention(s) would you find most difficult to live without? Give

examples to justify your choice.26. Describe a person or personality you admire and give reasons for your choice.

Explain how/whether he has influenced you? 27. Talking about friendship, how far would you go to protect it? Bring arguments

and examples to support your ideas.28. Speak about your best friend. Refer to two qualities that you appreciate most

in him/her.29. Speak about three things you would change about yourself in order to become

a better person.30. Speak about the last week you spent at school with your teachers and mates.

Point out the special moments you lived together and the feelings you had in those days.

31. Express your opinion on the following statement: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

32. Some people keep up with the latest fashion, whether it suits them or not, others are very selective about it, while others simply ignore it. Which group do you belong to? Expand and give examples to illustrate your opinions.

33. How do you feel about eating meat? What do you think are the points of view of a vegetarian? Expand and give examples to illustrate your opinions.34. You are on an international camp and have to make a speech about your country. What would you like to say about it so as to arouse the audience’s interest and make them wish to visit it?35. In 2007 Romania became a member of the EU. Express your view on the importance of this moment.36. Christmas and Easter are the most important and wonderful holidays in the Christian calendar. How did you spend last Christmas / Easter? If you belong to a different religion, speak about the most important holiday in your religion’s calendar.


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37. Imagine you have won the national lottery and now you possess a large sum of money. What are you going to do with it first and foremost?

BAC 2007Subject no. II

3-4 classes/ week 1. Express your opinion on the following statement: Girls may be leading the

pack while at school but they are being led into less challenging jobs than boys. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

2. Speak about the influence your parents have had on your life. Would you instill into your children the values your parents instilled in you? Give reasons and examples to justify your ideas.

3. Express your opinion on the following statement: Modern communication technology can affect the traditional system of education. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

4. Look back at the past 15 years in Romania. Refer to one major event/achievement that has influenced your life in a positive way.

5. What would an ideal teacher be like in your opinion? Give reasons to sustain your ideas.

6. Express your opinion on the following statement: The Internet can build both walls and bridges. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

7. Discuss the effect that mass media have on you. Support your viewpoint with two arguments and examples.

8. What would an ideal partner look like to you? Give reasons and examples.9. Speak about a Romanian personality that has made a significant contribution to

the world’s cultural heritage.10. Talk about an experience in your schooldays that has taught you something

important, such as patience, honesty, loyalty etc. Give examples to illustrate and justify your arguments.

11. Argue for and against the following quotation: In the eyes of nature, we are another species in trouble.

12. A century ago, the idea of man walking on the Moon might have been considered pure madness. Now people have started buying lots on the Moon, and some day we may hear about people living here. Comment upon these ideas.

13. Despite the great scientific and technological achievements nowadays, there are many people who still believe in superstitions. Are you a superstitious person? Give reasons and examples to illustrate your ideas.

14. If you have a good education, the world is your oyster. Refer to the most valuable asset that education has given you.

15. Healthy eating habits can take you to a healthy old age. Are you on a healthy track? Explain and give examples to illustrate your opinions.


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16. Some people lie for social reasons. Others simply refrain from telling what they think. Why, in your opinion, does this happen? Explain and bring arguments to justify your ideas.

17. Speak about two of your qualities and two of your defects. What would you change in order to become a better person?

18. Thinking of cultural stereotypes, which, in your opinion, would be three stereotypical traits attributed to the Romanians? Give reasons and examples to illustrate your ideas.

19. “Girl bands” and female singers worldwide offer messages of social and sexual liberation. What are your views on the matter? Give arguments and examples to justify your ideas.

20. Express your opinion on the following statement: Advertising is so powerful that it manipulates and persuades people to buy products they do not actually need. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

21. Express your opinion on the following statement: Violent movies have a negative impact on the viewing public. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

22. Popular or commercial books and TV soap operas are greatly enjoyed by a large segment of the public. What are your views on this matter? Give reasons and examples.

23. Express your opinion on the following statement: Clothes do not make the man. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

24. How do you imagine your own way of life in ten years time? What would you like to do to change your life?

25. Juvenile delinquency is a major issue that today’s society must deal with before it is allowed to increase. Mention two causes of this problem and two possible solutions.

26. Alcoholism is a major problem that affects both adults and children in today’s society. Mention two causes of this problem and two possible solutions.

27. Are there any programmes shown on TV which you think are objectionable or dangerous? What changes would you like to see in the type of programmes shown on television?

28. Express your opinion on the following statement: All children are potential victims, dependent on the world’s good will. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

29. Homelessness is a serious issue nowadays especially in the large cities. Mention two causes of this problem and two possible solutions.

30. Drug addiction is a major problem that affects both adults and children in today’s society. Identify two causes of this problem and two possible solutions.




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1) … universities continue to tailor their courses to the more immediate professional needs 2) … their students, appealing to the specialist approach to education. But without a core curriculum, students often lack the shared knowledge necessary to participate effectively 3) … an integrated society.Some universities require all students to take a common core of courses 4) … a broad range of disciplines, appealing to the generalist approach to education. Yet, choosing the core courses in light of today’s explosion in information and diverse multicultural student populations has not been an 5) … task. How 6) … one select what it is that everyone should know? A coherent vision of an educated person in the twenty-7) … century has yet to 8) … defined. 9) … of the dilemmas of this century has been whether to approach modern education in terms of the generalist 10) … the specialist.

I) Put the paragraphs in logical order. Give the text a title.

II) Fill the blanks with one word that fits the context.

III) Find, in the text, synonyms for: adjust, requirements, nucleus, common, efficiently, wide, from the point of view of, in keeping with , do not have ,

IV) Ask questions to which the underlined words/phrases are answers.

V) Translate into English using words/phrases from the text:1. Totusi, trebuie facuta o selectie a disciplinelor pe care le vor studia studentii secolului 21.2. Noi ar trebui sa definim mai curand o viziune coerenta a unei persoane educate a zilelor noastre.3. Una din dilemele universitatilor este daca sa abordeze educatia dpdv al specializarii sau generalizarii.4. Fara un curriculum nucleu, elevilor le-ar lipsi cunostintele generale necesare unei societati complexe.5. Nu a fost o sarcina usoara sa ajustam curriculumul la nevoile imediate ale elevilor nostri.6. Unele scoli impun tuturor studentilor sa faca un nr. de cursuri dint-o gama larga de discipline.

VI) Re-tell, in your own words, what the text is about.

VII) Express, orally, your own opinion about the issue debated in this text.Well, in my opinion/from my point of view/to my mind, this text raises a very

interesting problem because … .I (personally) think that modern education should be approached from the … point of view rather than the … one because


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… . In the first place, …; second(ly), …; third/and last, but not least … . To sum up/In conclusion/To conclude, …

VIII) Speak about the last week you spent at school with your teachers and mates. Point out the special moments you lived together and the feelings you had in those days.

Nr. crt.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

1 was/ were2 become3 begun4 break broke5 “a aduce”6 build7 bought /bo:t/8 caught /co:t/9 come10 “a costa”

THE SEQUENCE OF TENSESI) Choose the correct version:1. This young teacher has been in our school since/ago/for one year. 2. When did he finish/he finished/did he finished school?3. Stop making noise! My baby son sleeps/has slept/has been sleeping for 15’.4. They didn’t know at the time that she loves/is loving/loved music so much.5. What time comes your brother/your brother is coming/does your brother come home?6. John is/is being/were usually rude, but today he have been/is/is being polite to his colleagues.7. I will have finished/will finish/finish my exams by the end of July.8. We can’t go into the office until Jane arrives/will arrive/arrived with the key.9. Brad has been studying/studies/studied Japanese for three months.10. We have been living/lived/had been living in the same house for years when that happened.II) Fill in with the correct form of the verb in brackets:1. As soon as you … (come) home from work tonight, we … (start) cleaning up. 2. He … (promise) me he … (send) me my book later that week.

3. She … (swear) she … (not break) our neighbour’s kitchen window the other day. 4. When we called them they said they … (write) the report for 6 hours and they … (not finish) yet.


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5. The line … (be) very bad, I can’t hear what you … (say).6. Mary … (live) in france when she … (meet) the man who later … (become) her husband.7. By the time Anthony … (finish) his work on the project, he … (be) exhausted.

8. Slow down, darling, you … (drive) much too fast.9. I … (have) to wait for an hour at the doctor’s office yesterday before he … (can) see me.10. Last week the manager … (ask) me if I … (have) time.

III) Rephrase the following sentences so as the meaning stays the same:1. “What’s your name, and where do you come from?” He asked her …2. It’s a month since I started working on that project.I have…3. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard.I …4. After many years of hard work they fired him.After he…5. I’ll lay the table first, then I’ll call him.I’ll call him as soon as…

6. You haven’t written to her for three months.The last…7. Her daughter had an operation yesterday.Her daughter was…8. Wha are your plans for next weekend?What are you…9. I last saw her two days ago.I haven’t…10. He will see me. I will be talking on the phone.When he …

IV) Correct the error(s), if any.1. We have met him two hours ago.2. When mom will come home, we will all start singing.3. I didn’t see my sister-in law since her wedding day.4. After he has given them the best he could, they dismissed him.5. He has been talking to me all day yesterday.6. My sister had been writing in her diary since quite some time when I called.

7. Do you know where was this writer born?8. My favourite football team just has won the cup.9. George does not know where he did put his pen when he finished his homework.10. I was happening to be present there then.

THE SEQUENCE OF TENSESI) Choose the correct version:1. This young teacher has been in our school since/ago/for one year. 2. When did he finish/he finished/did he finished school?


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3. Stop making noise! My baby son sleeps/has slept/has been sleeping for 15’.4. They didn’t know at the time that she loves/is loving/loved music so much.5. What time comes your brother/your brother is coming/does your brother come home?6. John is/is being/were usually rude, but today he have been/is/is being polite to his colleagues.7. I will have finished/will finish/finish my exams by the end of July.8. We can’t go into the office until Jane arrives/will arrive/arrived with the key.9. Brad has been studying/studies/studied Japanese for three months.10. We have been living/lived/had been living in the same house for years when that happened.II) Fill in with the correct form of the verb in brackets:1. As soon as you … (come) home from work tonight, we … (start) cleaning up. 2. He … (promise) me he … (send) me my book later that week.3. She … (swear) she … (not break) our neighbour’s kitchen window the other day. 4. When we called them they said they … (write) the report for 6 hours and they … (not finish) yet. 5. The line … (be) very bad, I can’t hear what you … (say).

6. Mary … (live) in france when she … (meet) the man who later … (become) her husband.7. By the time Anthony … (finish) his work on the project, he … (be) exhausted.8. Slow down, darling, you … (drive) much too fast.9. I … (have) to wait for an hour at the doctor’s office yesterday before he … (can) see me.10. Last week the manager … (ask) me if I … (have) time.

III) Rephrase the following sentences so as the meaning stays the same:1. “What’s your name, and where do you come from?” He asked her …2. It’s a month since I started working on that project.I have…3. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard.I …4. After many years of hard work they fired him.After he…5. I’ll lay the table first, then I’ll call him.I’ll call him as soon as…

6. You haven’t written to her for three months.The last…7. Her daughter had an operation yesterday.Her daughter was…8. Wha are your plans for next weekend?What are you…9. I last saw her two days ago.I haven’t…10. He will see me. I will be talking on the phone.When he …

IV) Correct the error(s), if any.1. We have met him two hours ago. 2. When mom will come home, we will

all start singing.


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3. I didn’t see my sister-in law since her wedding day.4. After he has given them the best he could, they dismissed him.5. He has been talking to me all day yesterday.6. My sister had been writing in her diary since quite some time when I called.

7. Do you know where was this writer born?8. My favourite football team just has won the cup.9. George does not know where he did put his pen when he finished his homework.10. I was happening to be present there then.


………………………………It’s estimated that nearly a third of exam entrants fail to fulfill their potential because of stress. Last year an A-level student passed out in her first exam. It turned out she hadn’t eaten for two weeks. In extreme cases students burned their writing hands to avoid having to sit the examination. When the day finally dawns, it’s all up to the person sitting the exam. Some pupils take a mascot. A pen that isn’t going to run out might be a more useful accessory. Candidates shouldn’t be put off if they see everyone else beavering away, but should keep calm and concentrate on showing examiners what they can do rather than what they can’t.There are, however, less painful ways to deal with the problem. It’s a good idea to pace revision and avoid last minute cramming. Candidates should not get too cocky and neglect a subject they feel confident in. It’s that time of year again – the season of insomnia and anxiety attacks. Yes, exam time is here. For those imprisoned by this torture, there is no end to the hell, which by any other name is a GCSE or an A-level.I) Put the paragraphs in logical order. Give the text an appropriate title. II) What do GCSE and A-level stand for? (Give the full versions)III) Try to infer (deduce) the meanings of the following words/phrases from the context: nearly, entrants, fail, passed o ut, it turned out , to sit (the exam ), to pace revision , cramming, cocky, run o ut, put off, beavering a way, rather than . IV) True or false? Form pairs of synonyms where the case is. Ex.: time=season, examinees=exam entrants.1. Exam time can cause sleeplessness and panic among examinees. 2. Less than 40% of examinees cannot reach their full potential. 3. The previous year an A-level student fainted during her first exam. 4. So as not to sit the exam, some students tear up their writing paper. 5. Last minute cramming is a good idea as well as not revising much. 6. Examinees shouldn’t be discouraged when they see everyone else cramming at the last minute.

V) Translate into English using words/phrases from the text.


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1. Cand vine ziua in sfarsit, aproape o treime din candidati isi iau cu ei mascote iar ceilalti alte accesorii.2. Daca ii vezi pe toti ceilalti tocind in jurul tau, nu te descuraja, pastreaza-ti calmul.3. Cu toate acestea, exista moduri mai putin dureroase de a evita sa dai un examen.4. Se estimeaza ca mai bine de o cincime dintre studenti nu isi esaloneaza revizuirea materiei.5. Un pix caruia sa nu i se termine pasta e un accesoriu bun de luat la un examen.6. El a fost prea increzator in sine si a neglijat exact subiectul pe care l-a primit pana la urma.

VI) Match the expressions with their meanings and put them in a context of your own: (be an) eager beaver (get the) cold feet (go) by the book (be) beside yourself (be) in hot water pull up your socks obey all the rules be a “wokoholic” be in trouble lose your head try to do better become scared and draw back

VII) What is the text about? Use your own words, express your own opinion on the matter, bring (three) arguments, use connectors (to begin with, first/in the first place, second(ly), third, last but not least, however, on one hand, on the other hand, in conclusion, etc.) , draw a conclusion.

VIII) You can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books, as well. Talk about a book that has influenced you in a particular way.Nr. crt.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

11 cut12 done13 drank14 drive15 ate16 fell17 “a (se) simţi”18 fought /fo:t/19 find20 “a zbura”


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…………………………□ the more recent 0)……… (grow) of a multicultural, 1)……… (language) society in the US, □ in other nations of the world, the question □ or not its 2)……… (populate) should be 3)……… (request) to share a common language has arisen. □ 4)……… (accommodation) the many language groups 5)……… (life) in the US, 6)……… (govern) agencies, schools, and businesses often offer their services in other languages. □, when Florida 7)……… (reside) go to vote for 8)……… (nation) or local candidates, they can read their ballots in Spanish. □, non-English-9)……… (speak) schoolchildren, often Hispanic or Chinese, may study in bilingual 10)……… (educate) programs, in which they are 11)……… (teacher) in their native language until they master English. □, the children are 12)……… (presumption) to gain a sense of 13)……… (identify) and self-14)……… (confide), which will help them 15)……… (success) in the future. I) Derive the appropriate word from those in brackets. Give more words/phrases from the same “family”. Ex.: 0) grow – growth=crestere, (growing, outgrow, fast-growing, grow on sb., grow out of sth., etc.)II) Fill in the gaps (□) with the appropriate linker from the following list: for instance, as, moreover, thus, with, whether, in order to. III) Give the text an appropriate title.IV) Answer the following questions using information from the text:1. Which question has arisen due to the more recent growth of multicultural societies around the world? 2. Why do some US institutions provide their services in more languages?3. When can Florida citizens read their ballots in their native language?4. For how long are non-English-speaking students taught in their mother tongue? 5. How do the children benefit from studying in their native language for a while?V) Translate into English using words/phrases from the text:1. In ultima vreme se pune intrebarea daca populatia unui stat trebuie sa vorbeasca aceeasi limba sau nu.2. Scolarilor care nu vorbesc limba engleza, de exemplu, li se predau disciplinele in limba lor materna.3. Imediat ce vei stapani limba engleza suficient, nu vei mai simti nevoia de a folosi limba materna.4. Multe institutii isi ofera serviciile in mai multe limbi pentru a facilita acomodarea grupurilor etnice.

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5. Astfel, rezidentii au sanse reale de a capata o identitate nationala si incredere in sine pentru un viitor de succes.

VI) Read the examples, translate them, identify the underlined verb and note the difference.Can we begin by discussing problems arising from the last meeting?The sun rises in the east.His spirits rose when he heard her encouragement.He didn’t dare raise his eyes when the stranger came in.The new members raised the problem of pollution.

When I came in she was lying on the sofa.Romania lies in the south-east of Europe.He has always lied to everybody.They laid the table for the guests.The hen laid an egg.

He hung the curtains in the dining room to help his mother.The murderer was hanged before the sheriff could stop it.

VII) Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the other teachers. Point out his/her professional qualities, his/her moral and spiritual features anything that is special about him/her. Do not forget to use connectors/linkers.

Nr. crt.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

21 forget22 got (BE) /

gotten (AE)23 gave24 gone25 “a creşte”26 have27 heard28 kept29 know30 “a pleca/ a



Read the following sentences, translate and note the differences:

1. She wants/desires/would like to get a mobile phone for her next birthday.

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…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2. She wishes/would like to get a mobile phone for her next birthday.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3. She wishes SHE got a mobile phone for her next birthday.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4. She wishes (so much) SHE would get a mobile phone for her next birthday!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5. It is her (secret) wish/desire to get a mobile phone for her next birthday.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...6. She wishes SHE had got a mobile phone for her last birthday.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………7. She wished SHE had got a mobile phone for her last birthday.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………8. If only SHE got a mobile phone for her next birthday!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9. If only SHE would get a mobile phone for her next birthday!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10. If only SHE had got a mobile phone for her last birthday!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11. She ’d (………….) rather/sooner get a mobile phone for her next birthday.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………12. She ’d (…………) rather/sooner HER SON got a mobile phone for his next birthday.

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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………13. She’d (………) rather/sooner HER SON would get a mobile phone for his next birthday!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………14. She’d (………….) rather/sooner HER SON had got a mobile phone for his last birthday.


I) Use the prompts to express wish/preference in English in as many ways as you can:

MODEL: They, study English, this/next/last year1. They want to study English this/next year. 3. They wish they studied English this/next year. 6. They wish they had studied English last year.

9. If only they would study English this/next year! 12. They’d rather she studied English this/next year.13. They’d sooner he had studied English last year.

1. We all, not have so many classes, today/tomorrow/yesterday2. Grandpa, have some rest, now/tonight/last week3. Your parents, stop smoking, as soon as possible/already

II) Rephrase the following sentences so as the meaning stays the same:1. I would like you to help me with my English homework.I wish you …………………………………………………..2. She’d rather her ex-boyfriend hadn’t told everybody her secret.If only her ……………………………………………………..3. That shopping-addicted wife of his shouldn’t spend so much of his money every single day.He’d rather …………………………………………………………………….4. Unfortunately I have to leave tonight.I wish …………………………………………………………………………..

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5. With more help I would have solved the problem!If only I …………………………………………………………………………6. Would you mind keeping your voice down, please?I’d sooner you …………………………………………………………………..

III) Correct the error(s), if any:1. I wish she to come to the doctor’s office with me tonight at 6:30.2. If only you have found the gold ring I lost in your bathroom a week ago!3. I’d like I went ot the concert with my classmates.4. Peter wishes he didn’t quarrel with his brother so often.5. They had sooner to sleep late than wake up at 5 every morning.6. If only you will understand what expressing wish is all about!

IV) Translate into English:1. I-a fost frica sa vorbeasca de teama ca el sa nu-i recunoasca vocea.2. Tare as vrea ca ea sa se trezeasca mai devreme de dimineata!3. Vorbea de parca era singurul care fusese plecat in acea excursie.4. Ofiterul insista ca toti cei care vor sa plece in permisie sa completeze formularul.5. E vremea sa facem ce ni s-a cerut, altfel ramanem fara lemne de foc.6. As prefera sa nu fi aflat tu povestea inaintea mea si sa nu o fi spus tuturor.7. Ce n-ar da Maria sa fi gasit inelul de aur!8. Departe de mine gandul sa-ti stric placerea, dar s-a innoptat de o ora, e timpul sa plecam!9. Traiasca mirele si mireasa!10. Fie ce-o fi, eu merg la examen in vara, imagineaza-ti ca nu m-as duce!





(to, with,about,

of, etc.)WHOM




“care” (pers.)

“unde, in care”

1 The boy, who knew the

truth, stayed calm.

My friend, with

who(m) I speak on the phone every day,


Our upstairs neighbo

urs, whose

car is an Audi,

spend a lot of


The accident, which/th

at actually changed my life, was a

blessing in

The Eiffel tower, where


dreams of going

some day, is

The year

1998, when

our first baby was born, was a very

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knows. on gas. disguise. the symbol

of Paris.

droughty one.

2 That man over there


wearing that

black coat is

my father.

The woman

to who(m) we run for help

is always mom.

The student whose score is

the highest will be awarde

d a prize.

That juice

(which/that) I’ve just had

must have

upset my stomach.

A country where

I’ve always wanted to go is Greece.

The moment when you

prove your

innocence will

be blissful to me.

3 The only one who/that didn’t react to this was Annie.

The person WHO/THAT we

keep talking

about is innocent


I would like to

see that purse

whose buckle

is guilded, please.

My toy-train,

which/that I’d had

since I was 4,

became my son’s favourite


The place where we first met will always

be importa

nt to me.

She started treating

me badly, and

that’s when I began

to suspect

her.4 It is

she/her who/that went there

without any fear.

My son, of

who(m) I am really very

proud, is quite a


A dog whose fur is

too long and

thick is more

likely to get ticks

and fleas.

It’s my cat

which/that stole the fish from the kitchen.

My house

is where I always

feel safe and


2005 is when

we first came to

this highsch




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□, homeopathy was invented in Germany about 200 years ago. □, homeopat_ic doctors beli_ve that the s_mptoms of an il_ness are si_ns that the body is try_ng to 1) ……… (sicken) itself. To cure a 2) ……… (health), □ , they give the pa_ient something that produces 3) ……… (other) symptoms in a he_lt_y person. □, 4) ……… (after) a s_bstan_e is used as a homeopathic rem_dy, it is tested by 5) ……… (taking) sm_ll doses of it to 6) ……… (ill) persons to see what symptoms d_velop. □, onions cause your e_es and nose to 7) ……… (consume) water. To 8) ……… (induce) colds, ther_for_, homeopathic doctors use an extract from onions. □, homeopathic doctors use dangero_s poi_ons as medicin_s, but they 9) ……… (concentrate) them many th_usands of times so that they are 10) ……… (harmful).□, critics say that this is no s_i_ntific sup_ort for homeopathy, and that in 11) ……… (few) cases the “illness” would 12) ……… (appear) natura_ly anyway. They □ say that it is po_sible that simply bel_eving a medicine can work can help the mind to cure some 13) ……… (severe) illnesses. Homeopathic doctors, □ , say that there is 14) ……… (very little) evid_n_e that homeopathy works – and millions of people _ho take homeopathic remedi_s 15) ……… (argue) with them. Tests have also shown that animals can be cured with homeopathic medicine, and this, they say, pr_ves that it ca_not simply be because people believe in it.□ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I) a) Fill in the missing letters and pay attention to the spelling. b) Fill in the blanks with the opposite (antonym) of the word in brackets. c) Put the following linkers in the right place ( □ ): therefore, in short, on the other hand, yet, to conclude, for instance, sometimes, in the first place,however, also. d) Come up with a logical conclusion. (1-2 senteces) Give the text an appropriate title.II) Consider the adjectives formed from nouns: harmFUL-harmLESS and try to come up with more examples of the kind (taste, art ,meaning, joy, power, use, etc.).Then, add –NESS to form another noun and make up sentences of your own. III) Translate into English using the words/phrases from the text:1. Homeopatia se foloseste de acum circa 200 ani cand a fost inventata in Germania. 2. Se crede asadar ca pentru a vindeca o boala, corpul pacientului trebuie sa fie ajutat sa se vindece singur.3. Remediile homeopate sunt uneori facute din substante otravitoare diluate de cateva mii de ori si facute inofensive.4. Criticii sustin ca in majoritatea cazurilor e vorba doar de efectul placebo: simptomele bolii ar dispare oricum de la sine.5. Un argument contra criticilor este ca si animalele se pot vindeca de anumite boli prin remedii homeopatice.

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6. Inainte sa se foloseasca un remediu, se dau mici cantitati din substanta unei persoane sanatoase pentru a observa ce simptome apar. IV) Re-tell, in your own words, what the text is about. Comment on it giving arguments in favour of your own opinion.Draw an enlightening conclusion. Do not forget to use linkers wherever necessary. VII) How do you feel about eating meat? What do you think are the points of view of a vegetarian? Expand and give examples to illustrate your opinions.Nr. crt.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

31 lose32 made33 met34 put put35 “a citi”36 rung37 run38 said39 “a vedea”40 shown

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…………………………acupuncture has recently become very popular but doctors have been using it in China for over 2,000 years acupuncture involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body ancient Chinese philosophers believed that these points were connected to different organs such as the heart or lungs and that the needles could cure diseases today acupuncture is used in many countries and studies show that it works especially for headaches backaches and addiction to smoking since the 1950s doctors in China have also been using acupuncture as an anaesthetic in major operations patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain Chinese philosophers believed that the needles helped to balance forces that they called yin and yang today scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called endorphin this helps to reduce the feeling of painI) Add the right punctuation marks, mark the paragraphs and give the text an appropriate title.II) Find, in the text, synonyms for: lately, more than, implies, thinkers, thought, linked, illnesses, nowadays, is effective, are aware of, named, cause… to, substance, to alleviate. III) Translate the underlined words, find the formula and give more examples (stomach-, tooth-). How do you say when your: foot/feet, throat, joints, bones, leg(s), arm(s), hand(s) hurt?Ex: I have a terrible headache./My head aches like anything!/ My head is throbbing/pounding!IV) Translate into English or Romanian:Nr.



1 Omul asta e o mare pacoste pe capul tuturor!

2 My old man had a favourite saying: no pain, no gain.

3 Well, this is a sore subject so I’d be careful.

4 Nu precupetiti nici un efort cand vine vorba de realizarea voastra.

5 Why does he of all people have to be my teammate, he’s a sorehead!

6 Dupa ce am fost operata ma

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durea peste tot.7 N-o sa mori daca te porti si tu

frumos cu ea o data!8 She was aching to go on her first

trip abroad, wouldn’t you?V) Answer the following questions trying to produce a coherent comment on the text. Do not forget to use linkers wherever necessary!1. What is the text about? What is the thesis of the text (what is its author trying to convince readers of)?2. Have you ever tried acupuncture or would you if you were recommended to by a doctor? 3. Have you heard of someone (a neigbour, a relative, a friend’s friend) who successfully used it and is all better now?4. Would you recommend this method to your friends in need of a cure? Why?/ Why not? (3 arguments)5. Do you know of any unpleasant side effects to this method? Which would those be?6. In conclusion, re-tell, in short, your main points. VI) What could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.Nr.


Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

41 sung42 sat43 “a grăi, a

vorbi”44 spent45 stood46 stole47 swum48 “a lua”49 teach50 think


…………………………0)Wtih WITH the more resent 1)gwtroh ……… of a multicultural, multilingual 2)sicteoy ……… in the US, as in ather 3)noinats ……… of the world, the 4)qsteioun ……… of weather or not its population 5)suhold ……… be recuaired to

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share a 6)cmoomn ……… language has arisen. In order to accommodate the many language 7)gpuors ……… leaving in the US, the Governament egencies, 8)sochlos ………, and businesses ofen offer their services in 9)oethr ……… languages. For example , when Florida residents go to vote for national or 10)lcaol……… candidates, they can read their ballots in 11)Snapsih ……… . Non-English-speaking schoolchildren , often Hispanic or Chinese, may 12)sudty ……… in bilingual educational programs in 13)wcihh ……… they are tought in their native language 14)uintl ……… they master English. In this way, the children are presumed to gain a 15)snsee ……… of identity and self-confidence, witch will help them 16)scueced ……… in the future.I) a) Re-build the scrambled words following the model (0). b) There are 10 spelling mistakes in the text. Identify and correct them. c) Give synonyms for the underlined words/phrases.II) Translate into English using words/phrases from the text:1. Scolarilor care nu vorbesc limba romana li se preda in limba lor materna pana stapanesc limba oficiala.2. Recent a aparut problema daca populatia unui stat ar trebui sa vorbeasca o limba comuna sau nu.3. Pentru a impaca multele grupuri lingvistice, unele institutii isi ofera serviciile in mai multe limbi.4. Astfel, copiii vor capata un sentiment de incredere in sine care ii va ajuta sa reuseasca in viata.5. De exemplu, cand Galatenii merg la vot, pot sa citeasca buletinele de vot atat in romana cat si in rusa.6. Programele educationale bilingve sau chiar trilignve din tara noastra sunt foarte pretuite peste hotare.

III) Comment on the text.IV) Television has become a subject of debate and controversy as to the kind of influence it has on people. What kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular? Give examples to support your ideas.Nr.


Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

51 sew52 hurt53 hung54 lain55 bind

(together)56 “a infăşura”57 ground58 dig

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59 “a paria”60 (a)roseV) Choose the right verb and translate into Romanian:1. Gregory began to rise/raise his voice in protest.2. They hung/hanged the painting in the dining room.3. The conference lay/laid the basis for a series of annual gatherings.4. I believe Louis ringed/rang you earlier about the tickets.5. I’ve always preferred finely ground/grounded coffee to instant coffee.6. She let her sewing/sawing lay/lie where it fell.7. Bundles of five-pound notes were bounded/bound in lots of twenty.8. Cortez found/founded Mexico City.9. The soldier had been seriously wound/wounded in battle.10. The sun always rises/raises in the east.11. She skipped school a lot and now she’s ground/grounded for a month.12. She’s all dressed up because she wants to ask for a raise/rise. 13. The raging mob hanged/hung the outlaw and the sheriff could do nothing about it.14. Lie/Lay down and get some sleep before you go.15. Basketballs bounded/bound everywhere in the highschool gym. acupuncture has recently become very popular but doctors have been using it in China for over 2,000 years acupuncture involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body ancient Chinese philosophers believed that these points were connected to different organs such as the heart or lungs and that the needles could cure diseases today acupuncture is used in many countries and studies show that it works especially for headaches backaches and addiction to smoking since the 1950s doctors in China have also been using acupuncture as an anaesthetic in major operations patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain Chinese philosophers believed that the needles helped to balance forces that they called yin and yang today scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called endorphin this helps to reduce the feeling of pain

Acupuncture has recently become very popular, but doctors have been using it in China for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that these points were connected to different organs – such as the heart or lungs – and that the needles could cure diseases.Today, acupuncture is used in many countries, and studies show that it works – especially for headaches, backaches and addiction to smoking. Since the 1950s, doctors in China have also been using acupuncture as an anaesthetic in major operations. Patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain. Chinese philosophers believed that the needles helped to balance forces that they called “yin” and “yang”. Today, scientists think that the

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needles make the body produce a chemical called “endorphin”. This helps to reduce the feeling of pain.

CREATIVITY & INVENTIONS8When the Lumiere brothers invented the moviung pictures, nobody, not even the inventors themselves, suspected the sophisticated way in which the invention was going to eveolve and its huge impact on humanity. Not long before them, Edison himself was thinking that the phonograph he had invented and the moving pictures, an idea he was playing with at the time, were going to turn only into high-class home entertainment for the wealthy. The same happened even later, when John Logie Baird assembled what he called a perfectly useless invention – television. And thete is more to come…The digital revolution is on its way, with its digital pocket-size camcorders and with the new generation of digital VCR’s, able to record several channels simultaneously and to render much more accurate images.Perhaps the most dramatic new digital success is DVD. A huge hit from the very start, DVD delivers movies on a single 5-inch disk with the best video image yet seen in the field and theatre-quality sound. Could that be true about videogrames, too? There are already voices that predict that video and computer games are going to be even more entertaining than movies because they boast interactivity. Although it’s hard to imagine how people’s emotions could be stirred by unrealistic graphics. But the high profit will drive producers of video games to enter endless competitions.

16One of the problems facing creative people is that their ideas may be too new for the rest of the often happens that people laugh at the works of artists and scientists.Barbara McClintock is a good example of someone who continued to think she was right although for 30 years other scientists thought she was wrong. Finally, her work proving that genes can make sudden changes in heredity won her the Nobel prize in 1983.We often think that a creative idea suddenly comes into our heads from nowhere. This is not usually the case – it comes because we are ready to receive it. When someone asked Isaak Newton how he had discovered the laws of gravity, he replied, “I am certain that any mind working on a problem continuously will be prepared for the sudden answer.” When Albert Eistein won the Nobel prize for Physics in 1921, he said that there are discoveries waiting to be made if people continue to look and study all the time.Many creative people looking for ideas or solutions find them in a visual form first. Elias Howe, the man who invented the sewing machine, had a big problem facing him. He could not understand how to connect the needle to the rest of the machine. Needles had always had a pointed end, with the hole at the other end.

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One night in a dream he was attacked by people with sharp spears. In the morning he said, “There is the answer staring me in the face!” He made a hole in the sharp end of the needle and then connected it to the sewing machine.

HISTORYAt the end of the War of Independence, the United States was mainly a land of farmers. It remained so for another hundred years. It earned its living by selling food and raw materials to other countries. In return it imported their manufactured products. Yet as early as the 1970s America’s first factory opened.During the 18th century an Industrial Revolution had come to Britain. New machines driven by water and steam power had made possible great increases in production.In 1789 an English mechanic named Samuel Slater took the industrial revolution across the atlantic to America. Before leaving England, Slater memorized the details of the latest English cotton spinning machines. He carried them in his memory because it was against the law to take

The natural world is under violent assault from man.The seas and rivers are poisoned by radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous toxins and raw sewage. The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes. But there is still hope. The forces of destruction are being challenged across the globe – and at the spearhead of this challenge is Greenpeace.Whenever the environment is in danger, Greenpeace has made a stand. Its scientific presentations and peaceful direct actions at sea and on land have shocked governments and industries into an awareness that Greenpeace will not allow the natural world to be destroyed.Those actions, too, have won the admiration and support of millions.Now you can strengthen the thin green line; you can make your voice heard in defense of the living world by joining Greenpeace today.Give the English counterpart of: deseuri radioactive, apa de canalizare neecologizata, sunt contracarate, varful de lance, a luat pozitie, in apararea lumii vii

The natural world is under violent assault from man. The seas and rivers are poisoned be radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous toxins and raw sewage. The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles; even the rain is poisoned.It’s little wonder forests and lakes are being destroyed and everywhere wild life is disappearing. Yet the destructions continue.Governments and industries throughout the world are intensifying their efforts to extract the earth’s mineral riches and to plunder its living resources.

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The great rain-forests and the frozen continents alike are seriously threatened. And this despite the warnings of the scientific community and the deep concern of millions of ordinary people.Despite the fact, too, that we can create environmentally-clean industries, harness the power of the sun, wind and waves for our energy need and manage the finite resources of the earth in a way that will safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of the life-forms which share this planet with us. Give the English counterpart of: deseuri radioactive, nu e de mirare ca, din inreaga lume, sa jefuiasca, padurile tropicale, deopotriva, in ciuda avertismentelor, impart aceasta planeta

It was a hot summer day and the sun was shining. Everything was calm and peaceful and Ann was relaxing on the beach. Suddenly, she heard a noise like a baby crying. It was coming from the sea, so she put her mask and flippers and went to have a look. As soon as she got into the water, she swam towards where the sound was coming from. After she had swum a short distance, she saw a fishing net. Then she saw the seal. It was crying because it had got caught in the net. Ann tried to help it, but she needed a knife. Just then she heard the engine of a boat. She climbed onto a rock and saw a small fishing boat. She needed help quickly, so she started to wave. When the man in the boat saw Ann, he came immediately to help her. He had a knife, so together they cut a hole in the net. Two minutes later, the seal was free. Before the seal swam away, Ann played with it for a while. They swam together in the calm blue sea and Ann felt really happy. Finally, when the seal decided to leave, Ann shouted to her new friend: “Good luck! I hope I’ll see you again soon!” Give the English counterpart of: dintr-o data, inotatoarele, imediat ce, foca, a face cu mana, pentru un timp, a strigat, noroc

The effects of both air and water pollution on the environment have been observed for years. One of the best examples of the debilitating effects of air pollution is Sudbury, Canada. International Nickel and “the world’s tallest smokestack” put enough sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide into the atmosphere to have caused the death of all vegetation, with all the concomitant erosion and loss of all soil down to bedrock, for about 20 miles east of Sudbury. For anyone familiar with the New York City area, the East River and Hudson River both give a good example of water pollution carried to its extreme. A major lack of foresightedness has occurred not only in the business community, but in the consumer community as well. Both sides refuse to accept pollution in its various aspects as having any form of economic consequences. Give the English counterpart of: cos de fum, pana la roca, zona, ambele, dusa pana la extreme, lipsa de prevedere, ambele parti

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<< He did not look at the fish any more since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit. But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now that I had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed with the newspapers.“But man is not made for defeat”, he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” I am sorry that I killed the fish though” he thought. Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have the harpoon. The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent. But I was more intelligent than he was. Perhaps not, he thought. Perhaps I was only better armed.>>

<< He did not look at the fish any more since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit. But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now that I had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed with the newspapers.“But man is not made for defeat”, he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” I am sorry that I killed the fish though” he thought. Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have the harpoon. The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent. But I was more intelligent than he was. Perhaps not, he thought. Perhaps I was only better armed.>> << He did not look at the fish any more since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit. But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now that I had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed with the newspapers.“But man is not made for defeat”, he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” I am sorry that I killed the fish though” he thought. Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have the harpoon. The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent. But I was more intelligent than he was. Perhaps not, he thought. Perhaps I was only better armed.>> << He did not look at the fish any more since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit. But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now that I had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed with the newspapers.“But man is not made for defeat”, he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” I am sorry that I killed the fish though” he thought. Now the bad time is

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coming and I do not even have the harpoon. The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent. But I was more intelligent than he was. Perhaps not, he thought. Perhaps I was only better armed.>> << He did not look at the fish any more since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit. But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now that I had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed with the newspapers.“But man is not made for defeat”, he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” I am sorry that I killed the fish though” he thought. Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have the harpoon. The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent. But I was more intelligent than he was. Perhaps not, he thought. Perhaps I was only better armed.>>

“For most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because hunters and gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary animal – when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage. There are no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for many thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place (source reduction, as it is called). Every civilization of any complexity has used all four methods to varying degrees.” (From The Atlantic)

“For most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because hunters and gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary animal – when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage. There are no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for many thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place (source reduction, as it is called). Every civilization of any complexity has used all four methods to varying degrees.” (From The Atlantic)

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“For most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because hunters and gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary animal – when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage. There are no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for many thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place (source reduction, as it is called). Every civilization of any complexity has used all four methods to varying degrees.” (From The Atlantic)

“For most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because hunters and gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary animal – when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage. There are no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for many thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place (source reduction, as it is called). Every civilization of any complexity has used all four methods to varying degrees.” (From The Atlantic)

“For most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because hunters and gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary animal – when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage. There are no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for many thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place (source reduction, as it is called). Every civilization of any complexity has used all four methods to varying degrees.” (From The Atlantic)

“For most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because hunters and gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary

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animal – when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage. There are no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for many thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place (source reduction, as it is called). Every civilization of any complexity has used all four methods to varying degrees.” (From The Atlantic)

Read (in silence) the texts below and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.1) What is the point of sport? Whenever certain sporting stories are brought to our attention, we talk about them for days. Should we force children to do sport at school? Should the government spend more on sport? Is a famous football player’s broken leg a matter of importance? The answer to the initial question is not easy to find. First we have to decide why we do sport. Fitness is the one benefit on which most people agree. Healthy people are happier and more capable of looking after themselves. Children who take plenty of exercise are more likely to become healthy adults. In team sports people are taught to work together. Sport helps to make society safer by teaching people to obey rules. It also prepares them for success at work, where it is necessary to co-operate. Children, therefore, should be taught to co-operate rather than compete. They should not have to compare themselves to others at school or on the sports fields.2) Leaving behind friends and family, many young people leave their home town to search for work in the big city. But the dream of a new life often turns out to be a nightmare. Jobs are difficult to find and friends are scarce when your luck runs out. Thousands of teenagers end up living in cheap hostels or illegal squats. These squats are empty houses which are either privately-owned or council-owned. The windows are often boarded up and the electricity is usually cut off. People sleep on mattresses on the floor and rely on candles for the light. Those who are lucky enough to find work will probably labour long hours for low wages. The work is often physically tiring and may even be dangerous. In addition to the problems of employment and accommodation, many young people experience loneliness in the anonymity of the city.

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Read (in silence) the texts below and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.1) What is the point of sport? Whenever certain sporting stories are brought to our attention, we talk about them for days. Should we force children to do sport at school? Should the government spend more on sport? Is a famous football player’s broken leg a matter of importance? The answer to the initial question is not easy to find. First we have to decide why we do sport. Fitness is the one benefit on which most people agree. Healthy people are happier and more capable of looking after themselves. Children who take plenty of exercise are more likely to become healthy adults. In team sports people are taught to work together. Sport helps to make society safer by teaching people to obey rules. It also prepares them for success at work, where it is necessary to co-operate. Children, therefore, should be taught to co-operate rather than compete. They should not have to compare themselves to others at school or on the sports fields.2) Leaving behind friends and family, many young people leave their home town to search for work in the big city. But the dream of a new life often turns out to be a nightmare. Jobs are difficult to find and friends are scarce when your luck runs out. Thousands of teenagers end up living in cheap hostels or illegal squats. These squats are empty houses which are either privately-owned or council-owned. The windows are often boarded up and the electricity is usually cut off. People sleep on mattresses on the floor and rely on candles for the light. Those who are lucky enough to find work will probably labour long hours for low wages. The work is often physically tiring and may even be dangerous. In addition to the problems of employment and accommodation, many young people experience loneliness in the anonymity of the city.

Read (in silence) the texts below and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.1) What is the point of sport? Whenever certain sporting stories are brought to our attention, we talk about them for days. Should we force children to do sport at school? Should the government spend more on sport? Is a famous football player’s broken leg a matter of importance? The answer to the initial question is not easy to find. First we have to decide why we do sport. Fitness is the one benefit on which most people agree. Healthy people are happier and more capable of looking after themselves. Children who take plenty of exercise are more likely to become healthy adults. In team sports people are taught to work together. Sport helps to make society safer by teaching people to obey rules. It also prepares them for

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success at work, where it is necessary to co-operate. Children, therefore, should be taught to co-operate rather than compete. They should not have to compare themselves to others at school or on the sports fields.2) Leaving behind friends and family, many young people leave their home town to search for work in the big city. But the dream of a new life often turns out to be a nightmare. Jobs are difficult to find and friends are scarce when your luck runs out. Thousands of teenagers end up living in cheap hostels or illegal squats. These squats are empty houses which are either privately-owned or council-owned. The windows are often boarded up and the electricity is usually cut off. People sleep on mattresses on the floor and rely on candles for the light. Those who are lucky enough to find work will probably labour long hours for low wages. The work is often physically tiring and may even be dangerous. In addition to the problems of employment and accommodation, many young people experience loneliness in the anonymity of the city.

Read the texts below, fill the blanks with one word only and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.There seems to be an odd …(1) that there is something meritorious …(2) working. Why? In early times, man went out to …(3) animals in …(4) to feed …(5) and keep …(6). Later he toiled over crops, and sowed and …(7) for the …(8) reason. Nowadays, he rises early, …(9) the 8.15 ans sits in an …(10) all day still for that reason. He …(11) it to eat and have a roof …(12) his head and, if skilled and lucky, to go a bit …(13) and have comfort and entertainment as …(14). I don’t think necessity is the …(15) of invention; invention, …(16) my opinion, arises directly …(17) idleness, possibly laziness even. To …(18) oneself trouble. That is the big secret …(19) has …(20) down the ages hundreds of thousands of years. Read the texts below, fill the blanks with one word only and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.There seems to be an odd …(1) that there is something meritorious …(2) working. Why? In early times, man went out to …(3) animals in …(4) to feed …(5) and keep …(6). Later he toiled over crops, and sowed and …(7) for the …(8) reason. Nowadays, he rises early, …(9) the 8.15 ans sits in an …(10) all day still for that reason. He …(11) it to eat and have a roof …(12) his head and, if skilled and lucky, to go a bit …(13) and have comfort and entertainment as …(14). I don’t think necessity is the …(15) of invention; invention, …(16) my opinion, arises directly …(17) idleness, possibly laziness even. To …(18) oneself trouble. That is the big secret …(19) has …(20) down the ages hundreds of thousands of years.

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Read the texts below, fill the blanks with one word only and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.There seems to be an odd …(1) that there is something meritorious …(2) working. Why? In early times, man went out to …(3) animals in …(4) to feed …(5) and keep …(6). Later he toiled over crops, and sowed and …(7) for the …(8) reason. Nowadays, he rises early, …(9) the 8.15 ans sits in an …(10) all day still for that reason. He …(11) it to eat and have a roof …(12) his head and, if skilled and lucky, to go a bit …(13) and have comfort and entertainment as …(14). I don’t think necessity is the …(15) of invention; invention, …(16) my opinion, arises directly …(17) idleness, possibly laziness even. To …(18) oneself trouble. That is the big secret …(19) has …(20) down the ages hundreds of thousands of years.

Read the texts below, fill the blanks with one word only and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.There seems to be an odd …(1) that there is something meritorious …(2) working. Why? In early times, man went out to …(3) animals in …(4) to feed …(5) and keep …(6). Later he toiled over crops, and sowed and …(7) for the …(8) reason. Nowadays, he rises early, …(9) the 8.15 ans sits in an …(10) all day still for that reason. He …(11) it to eat and have a roof …(12) his head and, if skilled and lucky, to go a bit …(13) and have comfort and entertainment as …(14). I don’t think necessity is the …(15) of invention; invention, …(16) my opinion, arises directly …(17) idleness, possibly laziness even. To …(18) oneself trouble. That is the big secret …(19) has …(20) down the ages hundreds of thousands of years.

Read the texts below, fill the blanks with one word only and express your opinions about the ideas they contain. Support your opinions with relevant examples and sustainable arguments. Make associations by referring either to a text you have studied / read or to your own life experience.There seems to be an odd …(1) that there is something meritorious …(2) working. Why? In early times, man went out to …(3) animals in …(4) to feed …(5) and keep …(6). Later he toiled over crops, and sowed and …(7) for the …(8) reason. Nowadays, he rises early, …(9) the 8.15 ans sits in an …(10) all day still for that reason. He …(11) it to eat and have a roof …(12) his head and, if skilled and lucky, to go a bit …(13) and have comfort and entertainment as …(14). I don’t think necessity is the …(15) of invention; invention, …(16) my opinion, arises directly …(17) idleness, possibly laziness even. To …(18) oneself trouble. That is the big secret …(19) has …(20) down the ages hundreds of thousands of years.STUDENT………………………………… DATE..................................................

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CLASS……………………………………. (In English!)


I) Read carefully the following text:Leaving 0) after/behind/before friends and family, many young people leave their home town to search for work in the 1) big/wide/long city. But the dream of a new life 2) rarely/often/seldom turns 3) out/off/in to be a nightmare. Jobs are 4) easy/many/difficult to find and friends are hard to come by when you run 5) out/up/down of luck. Thousands of teenagers end up living in 6) luxurious/cheap/expensive hostels or illegal squats. These squats are 7) beautiful/empty/elegant houses which are either privately-owned or council-owned. The windows are often boarded up and the electricity is usually cut off. People sleep on mattresses on the 8) floor/ceiling/walls and rely on candles for the light. Those who are 9) stupid/lucky/tired enough to find work will probably labour long hours for low wages. The work is often physically tiring and may even be dangerous. In addition to the problems of employment and accommodation, 10) many/few/any young people experience loneliness in the anonymity of the city.

(10 p) II) a) Underline the correct word as in the example at 0).

(10p) b) Find, in the text, synonyms for: 0. numerous = many1. look for = 2. hope = 3. frequently = 4. proves to be = 5. adolescents = 6. private property = 7. power = 8. work hard =9. salaries = 10. housing =

(10p) c) Find, in the text, the English version for: (as in the example)0. “orasul de resedinta” = home town1. “se dovedeste a fi” = 2. “sunt greu de gasit” = 3. “ti se termina norocul” = 4. “camine” = 5. “fie … fie …” = 6. “acoperite cu scanduri” = 7. “saltele pe podea” = 8. “se bazeaza pe lumanari” = 9. “destul de norocosi” = 10. “se simt singuri” =

(10p) III) Translate into English using words/phrases from the text:1. Mii de adolescenti romani vor pleca de acasa sa-si caute de lucru prin marile orase europene.2. Aceste baraci ilegale erau detinute fie de primarie fie de persoane fizice.3. Daca ai fi destul de norocos sa-ti gasesti un adapost ai putea macar sa dormi bine.4. In afara de problemele lor financiare, au adesea si probleme psihologice. 5. Avea o casa foarte originala: ferestrele erau batute in scanduri iar lumina fusese intrerupta.

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(20p) IV) In a few sentences, write your own opinion about this problem. You could use your life experience to illustrate your point of view. (80-100 words)

(10p) V) Fill in the other forms of the irregular verbs:Nr. crt. Infinitive Past simple Past participle Transl. of inf.

1 see2 found3 had4 understood5 keep6 “a prinde”7 grown8 write9 “a taia”10 was/were

30p gXIIth GRADE DATE: Friday, December 8th, 2006I) Read carefully the following text:Leaving 0) after/behind/before friends and family, many young people leave their home town to search for work in the 1) big/wide/long city. But the dream of a new life 2) rarely/often/seldom turns 3) out/off/in to be a nightmare. Jobs are 4) easy/many/difficult to find and friends are hard to come by when you run 5) out/up/down of luck. Thousands of teenagers end up living in 6) luxurious/cheap/expensive hostels or illegal squats. These squats are 7) beautiful/empty/elegant houses which are either privately-owned or council-owned. The windows are often boarded up and the electricity is usually cut off. People sleep on mattresses on the 8) floor/ceiling/walls and rely on candles for the light. Those who are 9) stupid/lucky/tired enough to find work will probably labour long hours for low wages. The work is often physically tiring and may even be dangerous. In addition to the problems of employment and accommodation, 10) many/few/any young people experience loneliness in the anonymity of the city. (10 p) II) a) Underline the correct word as in the example at 0).(10p) b) Find, in the text, synonyms for: 0. numerous = many1. look for = SEARCH FOR2. hope = DREAM3. frequently = OFTEN4. proves to be = TURNS OUT TO BE

5. adolescents = TEENAGERS6. private property = PRIVATELY-OWNED7. power = ELECTRICITY8. work hard = LABOUR9. salaries = WAGES10. housing = ACCOMMODATION(10p) c) Find, in the text, the English version for: (as in the example)0. “orasul de resedinta” = home town1. “se dovedeste a fi” = TURNS OUT TO BE

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2. “sunt greu de gasit” = ARE HARD/DIFFICULT TO FIND/COME BY3. “ti se termina norocul” = YOU RUN OUT OF LUCK

4. “camine” = HOSTELS5. “fie … fie …” = EITHER …OR6. “acoperite cu scanduri” = BOARDED UP7. “saltele pe podea” = MATTRESSES ON THE FLOOR8. “se bazeaza pe lumanari” = RELY ON CANDLES9. “destul de norocosi” = LUCKY ENOUGH10. “se simt singuri” = EXPERIENCE LONELINESS

(10p) V) Fill in the other forms of the irregular verbs:Nr. crt.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle

Transl. of inf.



Dunderstood “A




10 BE was/were BEEN “A FI”

XIIth GRADE DATE: Friday, December 8th, 2006I) Read carefully the following text:Leaving 0) after/behind/before friends and family, many young people leave their home town to search for work in the 1) big/wide/long city. But the dream of a new life 2) rarely/often/seldom turns 3) out/off/in to be a nightmare. Jobs are 4) easy/many/difficult to find and friends are hard to come by when you run 5) out/up/down of luck. Thousands of teenagers end up living in 6) luxurious/cheap/expensive hostels or illegal squats. These squats are 7) beautiful/empty/elegant houses which are either privately-owned or council-owned. The windows are often boarded up and the electricity is usually cut off. People sleep on mattresses on the 8) floor/ceiling/walls and rely on candles for the light. Those who are 9) stupid/lucky/tired enough to find work will probably labour long hours for low wages. The work is often physically tiring and may even be dangerous. In addition to the problems of employment and accommodation, 10) many/few/any young people experience loneliness in the anonymity of the city.

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(10 p) II) a) Underline the correct word as in the example at 0).(10p) b) Find, in the text, synonyms for: 0. numerous = many1. look for = SEARCH FOR2. hope = DREAM3. frequently = OFTEN4. proves to be = TURNS OUT TO BE5. adolescents = TEENAGERS6. private property = PRIVATELY-OWNED7. power = ELECTRICITY8. work hard = LABOUR

9. salaries = WAGES10. housing = ACCOMMODATION(10p) c) Find, in the text, the English version for: (as in the example)0. “orasul de resedinta” = home town1. “se dovedeste a fi” = TURNS OUT TO BE2. “sunt greu de gasit” = ARE HARD/DIFFICULT TO FIND/COME BY3. “ti se termina norocul” = YOU RUN OUT OF LUCK4. “camine” = HOSTELS5. “fie … fie …” = EITHER …OR6. “acoperite cu scanduri” = BOARDED UP7. “saltele pe podea” = MATTRESSES ON THE FLOOR8. “se bazeaza pe lumanari” = RELY ON CANDLES9. “destul de norocosi” = LUCKY ENOUGH10. “se simt singuri” = EXPERIENCE LONELINESS

(10p) V) Fill in the other forms of the irregular verbs:Nr. crt.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle

Transl. of inf.



Dunderstood “A





Nr. crt. Infinitive Past simple Past participle

Transl. of inf.

1 saw seen2 saw (r.v.) “a taia cu

ferastraul”3 sew sewed “a semana”4 sow sown “a coase”

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5 hang (r.v.) “a spanzura”

6 hang hung “a agata, a atarna”

7 lie (r.v.) “a minti”8 lie (down) lay lain “a sta intins,

a zace”9 lay (the

table, the foundation,an egg, etc.)

laid laid “a pune, a intinde”

10 grind ground “a macina, a scrasni”

11 ground (r.v.)

12 (a)rise (a)rose “a rasari, a se ridica”

13 raise (r.v.) “a creste, a educa”

14 (re-/un-)wind

wound “a infasura, a tensiona, a (de)rula”

15 wound (r.v.)

16 bind bound “a lega, a uni”

17 bound (r.v.) “a sari, a ricosa”

18 find19 found (r.v) “a fonda”

20 ring “a suna”21 ring (r.v.) “a incercui”

I) Choose the right verb and translate into Romanian:1. Gregory began to rise/raise his voice in protest.2. They hung/hanged the painting in the dining room.3. The conference lay/laid the basis for a series of annual gatherings.4. I believe Louis ringed/rang you earlier about the tickets.

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5. I’ve always preferred finely ground/grounded coffee to instant coffee.6. She let her sewing/sawing lay/lie where it fell.7. Bundles of five-pound notes were bounded/bound in lots of twenty.8. Cortez found/founded Mexico City.9. The soldier had been seriously wound/wounded in battle.10. The sun always rises/raises in the east.11. She skipped school a lot and now she’s ground/grounded for a month.12. She’s all dressed up because she wants to ask for a raise/rise. 13. The raging mob hanged/hung the outlaw and the sheriff could do nothing about it.14. Lie/Lay down and get some sleep before you go.15. Basketballs bounded/bound everywhere in the highschool gym.

II) Translate into English:“Hei, trezeste-te. Rasare soarele!” / “Ei si ce? Sunt pedepsit azi, iti amintesti?”

“Ce-I asta? Eu am cerut cafea macinata fin!” / “Va rog sa nu ridicati tonul la mine, si asa sunt foarte tensionata!”

“Cine a pus bazele educatiei moderne?” / “Habar n-am, dar ar fi trebuit sa-l spanzuram.”

“Ce faci?! Trebuie sa derulezi caseta intai!!!” / “Nu te agita, intinde-te si relaxeaza-te, sau vei fi ranita!”

“Ce faci aici? Esti ranit?” / “Grozav. Nu vezi ca m-au atarnat cu capul in jos si m-au lasat asa!?”


Time is running out. Or so people feel. According to the latest research, 44% of British workers come home exhausted. More than half suffer from stress. By almost every measure, people are more pressured, more bothered about time – or lack of it – than they have been for many years. Time, they feel, has been squeezed. All these are symptoms of a transition from an industrial culture, based on fixed timetables and a clear division of labour between men who went to work and women who looked after the home, towards a new culture based on flexibility and the rapid flow of information.Some of the costs of this transition to a post-industrial order are all around us. Its immediate effect has been a growing divide between those with too much work and tose without any. In top jobs, long hours have become a mark of status and success. 1 in 8 British managers works more than 60 hours a week and more than a half take homework during the week.

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Part of the reason is the insecurity that has swept through so many white-collar jobs and encouraged the phenomenon of “presenteeism” rather than absenteeism – staying in the office even when there isn’t any work to do.However, taken as a whole, time remains off the political agenda, treated as far less important than money or production. No one is responding to the mood that we need to find a better balance between work and life.

For the President of General Motors the day begins at 6 a.m., or even earlier, with a swim – except in winter. By 6:30 or 6:45 he’s been collected by the most polished and best maintained executice Cadillac on the road. His own time is worth some good dollars a minute, and he says he doesn’t think about that, but you would have to get up early in the morning to be at work before him. And if you weren’t at work soon after him, he would probably notice it and do something about it. Pete Estes’ own philosophy is straightforward. “You have to win every day and and you mustn’t be satisfied unless you do. It is this competitiveness in our industry which, I think, makes for this intense feeling in car workers. We have to tell ourselves that we’re building the best car in the world, and we have to believe it. I know that our competitors have the same plant, the same equipment, the same tools, and the same machinery as we have, so the difference between winning and losing in this business has as much to do with me as it has to do with the machinery. And I think our people in General Motors may just be a little more dedicated than the others, I like to think so, anyway.When you go to work in the morning, you must look in the mirror and say to yourself, <<I am a General Motors man,>> and when you come home at night, you’ve got to think about it and say, <<I’m still a General Motors man.>> this kind of philosophy applies from the top right down to the man on the production line.”

In the north-east of England, many men over 50 have already adjusted to a life in which paid work plays no part, and where women have stepped into the breach as breadwinners. Hundreds of men have been made redundant in the region over the past 10 years and, unable to find suitable employment, have given up the search. Instead they top up the income brought in by their wives with state-funded incapacity benefit. Since many of these men have formerly worked on bulding sites, or in shipyards and coal mines, they didn’t have to stretch the truth too much to get a doctor to sign a certificate saying that they are too unwell to work.Although many men like these would prefer to find employment, they are unable to reinvent themselves for working life in the 21st century. Having been accustomed to a large, unionized workplace, where you had a decent rate of pay and some money to spend, they feel disconcerted by an environment in which you have to be prepared to work unsocial hours for low pay and with little job security, and where

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young people who can talk on 3 mobile phones at once are ready to stab you in the back.

Our times have been characterized as the Age of Stress. Our lives are more stressful than those of any other age – a combination of increased workloads, job insecurity, rapid social change and unrelenting technological progress.But now comes the backwash. A growing band of academics, doctors and psychologists believe that stress is not always bad. They argue that stress arousal – where the body produces a burst of adrenaline – is not only good for us, it is fundamental to our survival. The stress response helps the mind and body to respond quickly in emergencies. Animals and human beings use the mechanism to meet hostile conditions on the planet. Nobody is denying the pressure of everyday existence, but the new breed of specialists warn that the current method of dealing with them are inadequate and often dangerous. Instead of trying to manage the stress response with drugs or relaxation techniques, they argue, we should really be exploiting it and turning it to our advantage.


I) Time 1) … running out. Or so people feel. According 2) … the latest research, 44% of British workers come home exhausted. 3) … than half suffer from stress. By almost every measure, people are more pressured, more bothered about time – or lack of it – than they have been for many years. Time, they feel, has been squeezed. All these are symptoms of a transition 4) … an industrial culture, based on fixed timetables and a clear division of labour between men who went to work and women 5) … looked after the home, towards a new culture based on flexibility and the rapid flow of information.Some of the costs of this transition to a post-industrial order are all around us. Its immediate effect has 6) … a growing divide between those with too much work and those 7) … any. In top jobs, long hours have become a mark of status and success. 1 in 8 British managers works more than 60 hours 8) … week and more than a half take homework during the week. Part of the reason is the insecurity that has swept through so many white-collar jobs and encouraged the phenomenon of “presenteeism” rather 9) … absenteeism – staying in the office even when there isn’t any work to do.However, taken as a whole, time remains off the political agenda, treated as far 10) … important than money or production. No one is responding to the mood that we need to find a better balance between work and life.

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The latest = the last? ; white-collar jobs = ? ; the plural of phenomenon =?

II) For the President 1) … General Motors the day begins at 6 a.m., or even 2) … , with a swim – except in winter. By 6:30 or 6:45 he’s been collected by the most polished and best maintained executive Cadillac on the road. His own time is worth some good dollars a minute, and he says he doesn’t think about that, but you would have to get 3) … early in the morning to be at work before him. And if you weren’t at work soon after him, he would probably notice it and do something 4) … it. Pete Estes’ own philosophy is straightforward. “You have to win every day and and you mustn’t be satisfied unless you do. It is this competitiveness in our industry which, I think, makes for this intense feeling in car workers. We have to tell 5) … that we’re building the best car in the world, and we have to believe it. I know that our competitors have the same plant, the same equipment, the same tools, and the same machinery as we have, so the difference between winning and 6) … in this business has as much to do with me as it has to do with the machinery. And I think our people in General Motors may just be a 7) … more dedicated than the others, I like to think so, anyway.When you go to 8) … in the morning, you must look in the mirror and say to 9) …, <<I am a General Motors man,>> and when you come home at night, you’ve got to think about it and say, <<I’m 10) … a General Motors man.>> this kind of philosophy applies from the top right down to the man on the production line.” Straightforward = ? ; unless = ? ; in the morning, at night, … afternoon, … noon, … evening, … dawn, … sundown/sunrise

III) In the north-east of England, many men over 50 have already adjusted to a life in which paid work plays no part, and where women have stepped into the breach as breadwinners. Hundreds of men have been made redundant in the region over the past 10 years and, unable to find suitable employment, have given 1) … the search. Instead they top up the income brought in by their wives with state-funded incapacity benefit. Since many 2) … these men have formerly worked on bulding sites, or in shipyards and coal mines, they didn’t have to stretch the truth 3) … much to get a doctor to sign a certificate saying that they are too unwell to 4) … .Although many men like these would prefer to 5) … employment, they are unable to reinvent themselves for working life in the 21st century. Having been accustomed to a large, unionized workplace, 6) … you had a decent rate of pay and some money to spend, they feel disconcerted by an environment in which you have to be prepared to work unsocial hours for low 7) … and with little job security, and where young people 8) … can talk on 3 mobile phones at 9) … are ready to stab you 10) … the back. Have been made redundant = ?; employment ≠ ? ; unsocial hours = ?

IV) Our times have been characterized 1) … the Age of Stress. Our lives are more stressful 2) … those of any other age – a combination of increased workloads, job insecurity, rapid social change and unrelenting technological progress.

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But now comes the backwash. A growing band of academics, doctors and psychologists believe that stress is 3) … always bad. They argue that stress arousal – where the body produces a burst of adrenaline – is not only good 4) … us, it is fundamental to our survival. The stress response helps the mind and body to 5) … quickly in emergencies. Animals and human beings use the mechanism to meet hostile conditions on the planet. Nobody 6) … denying the pressure of everyday existence, but the new breed of specialists warn that the current method of dealing 7) … them are inadequate and often dangerous. Instead 8) … trying to manage the stress response 9) … drugs or relaxation techniques, they argue, we 10) … really be exploiting it and turning it to our advantage.The singular of lives = ? ; unrelenting = ? ; backwash = ?5. Speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you.Props: vase, book, Bible, war medal, lamp, carpet, chair, glass, drawing, painting, portrait, etc.; asset, old, ancient, sentimental/material value, priceless, made by the very hands of…, wouldn’t sell it for the world… etc; to me personally, from my viewpoint, as far as I’m concerned, etc. 6. More and more people use the internet every day. What do / would you use the internet for? How will the internet influence our lives in the years to come?Props: bad for eyes, no socializing, physically inactive, weight problems, unequalled source of information, fast communication with people, relatively cheap, widespread, alternative to television, etc.7. There are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a supermarket. Talk about them and support your ideas with examples.Props: lower/higher prices, saving time/energy, a wide variety of products, pick out goods with your own hands, too many products, temptations, shopping addiction, too crowded sometimes, etc.8. Talk about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.Props: action, horror, romance, sci-fi, convincing characters, open ending, happy ending, tragic ending, time(less), place, DVD, promotes universal values (such as), fiction, television, cinema, documentary, cartoon, show, channel, etc.

5. Speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you.Props: vase, book, Bible, war medal, lamp, carpet, chair, glass, drawing, painting, portrait, etc.; asset, old, ancient, sentimental/material value, priceless, made by the very hands of…, wouldn’t sell it for the world… etc; to me personally, from my viewpoint, as far as I’m concerned, etc. 6. More and more people use the internet every day. What do / would you use the internet for? How will the internet influence our lives in the years to come?Props: bad for eyes, no socializing, physically inactive, weight problems, unequalled source of information, fast communication with people, relatively

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cheap, widespread, alternative to television, etc.7. There are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a supermarket. Talk about them and support your ideas with examples.Props: lower/higher prices, saving time/energy, a wide variety of products, pick out goods with your own hands, too many products, temptations, shopping addiction, too crowded sometimes, etc.8. Talk about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.Props: action, horror, romance, sci-fi, convincing characters, open ending, happy ending, tragic ending, time(less), place, DVD, promotes universal values (such as), fiction, television, cinema, documentary, cartoon, show, channel, etc.

5. Speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you.Props: vase, book, Bible, war medal, lamp, carpet, chair, glass, drawing, painting, portrait, etc.; asset, old, ancient, sentimental/material value, priceless, made by the very hands of…, wouldn’t sell it for the world… etc; to me personally, from my viewpoint, as far as I’m concerned, etc. 6. More and more people use the internet every day. What do / would you use the internet for? How will the internet influence our lives in the years to come?Props: bad for eyes, no socializing, physically inactive, weight problems, unequalled source of information, fast communication with people, relatively cheap, widespread, alternative to television, etc.7. There are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a supermarket. Talk about them and support your ideas with examples.Props: lower/higher prices, saving time/energy, a wide variety of products, pick out goods with your own hands, too many products, temptations, shopping addiction, too crowded sometimes, etc.8. Talk about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.Props: action, horror, romance, sci-fi, convincing characters, open ending, happy ending, tragic ending, time(less), place, DVD, promotes universal values (such as), fiction, television, cinema, documentary, cartoon, show, channel, etc.

5. Speak about an object or a story that has been in your family for generations and say what it means to you.Props: vase, book, Bible, war medal, lamp, carpet, chair, glass, drawing, painting, portrait, etc.; asset, old, ancient, sentimental/material value, priceless, made by the very hands of…, wouldn’t sell it for the world… etc; to me personally, from my viewpoint, as far as I’m concerned, etc. 6. More and more people use the internet every day. What do / would you use the internet for? How will the internet influence our lives in the years to come?Props: bad for eyes, no socializing, physically inactive, weight problems, unequalled source of information, fast communication with people, relatively

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cheap, widespread, alternative to television, etc.7. There are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a supermarket. Talk about them and support your ideas with examples.Props: lower/higher prices, saving time/energy, a wide variety of products, pick out goods with your own hands, too many products, temptations, shopping addiction, too crowded sometimes, etc.8. Talk about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.Props: action, horror, romance, sci-fi, convincing characters, open ending, happy ending, tragic ending, time(less), place, DVD, promotes universal values (such as), fiction, television, cinema, documentary, cartoon, show, channel, etc.

9. Talk about the town/village where you live. Give two reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to come and visit it. Prompts: native/adoptive, clean/dirty, big/small, inhabitants, visitors, many/few interesting spots, the Mayor, indifferent/rather cold/warm/hospitable people, wouldn’t leave it for the world, would love to leave it tomorrow, love/like/dislike/hate, subjectively/objectively speaking10. Talk about a character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.11. Childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a person’s life. Speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.12. It is said that teenagers have a lot in common, that they share ideas and a certain way of behaving. Express your views on this matter.

9. Talk about the town/village where you live. Give two reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to come and visit it. 10. Talk about a character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.Prompts: my favourite…, novel written by…, short story, the main character, a secondary/featuring character, beauty, determined, young/old, wise/a fool, lucky/unlucky, strong/weak, evolving/static, dominated by one feature, complex personality11. Childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a person’s life. Speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.12. It is said that teenagers have a lot in common, that they share ideas and a certain way of behaving. Express your views on this matter.

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9. Talk about the town/village where you live. Give two reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to come and visit it. 10. Talk about a character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.11. Childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a person’s life. Speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.Prompts: in general/in my case, nostalgia, the best time of my life, wouldn’t want to go back, without a care in the world, many friends, play, purity of the soul, dangers, caring parents, degenerate parents, child exploitation by their parents, traffic with children, adoptions12. It is said that teenagers have a lot in common, that they share ideas and a certain way of behaving. Express your views on this matter.

9. Talk about the town/village where you live. Give two reasons why you would recommend a friend from another town/village to come and visit it. 10. Talk about a character in a book/film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.11. Childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in a person’s life. Speak about it and support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.12. It is said that teenagers have a lot in common, that they share ideas and a certain way of behaving. Express your views on this matter.Prompts: adolescents, alike, rebellious, independence, coming of age, inexperienced, gaining experience, (ir)responsible, exams, school, study, psychological/physical changes/transformations, taking risks, fashion, clothes, pop culture, (un)popular, dating, having fun, clubs, parties, mobile phones

Express in English the following date:marti, 3 aprilie, 2006Does advertising manipulate people into buying what they don’t need? Critics say that advertising is so powerful and persuasive that people have no choice but to buy what they see advertised, regardless of their actual need for these products.On the other side of the controversy, defenders acknowledge that the whole reason to advertise is to persuade. But they believe that advertising can’t create demand for a product no one wants. Advertising may bring people into a store to buy, but if they can’t find the right size or colour, or if the quality isn’t acceptable they can – and do – leave without buying. People are also able to ignore advertising messages by turning down the radio or simply turning the page in a magazine or newspaper.SYNONYMS: convincing,

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in spite, actual, admit, entireANTONYMS:

selling, weak, the same, everybody, pay attention to

THE ENGLISH FOR: oamenii nu au de ales, nu poate crea nevoia, marimea sau culoarea potrivita, dand radioul mai incet, revista

Express in English the following date: joi 29 martie, 2008TV ads or commercials make use of the viewer’s vision and hearing in presenting a product. Because so many people watch television at specific times, these ads can often reach a wider audience than any other type of ad. Little stories which have plenty of action are often used to present the product. At other times the product is demonstrated. Product slogans, songs and logos are frequently included. Sometimes printed words are on the screen , and no one speaks. At other times a voice-over (the commentator talking about the product while the visual runs) is used.SYNONYMS: eyesight, a lot of, jingles, talks, produce

ANTONYMS: few, rarely, very little, excluded, the same

THE ENGLISH FOR: fac uz de, la anumite ore, audienta mai mare, pe ecran, in timp ce se deruleaza imaginileExpress in English the following date:duminica, 16 iulie, 2004Radio commercials cannot make use of our vision. They can engage our imagination only through sound. This makes radio advertising unique.Usually a radio commercial is brief – fifteen seconds, thirty seconds or one minute in length. The advertiser sometimes simply provides product information, but more often this is accompanied by a catchy tune. The song bears the name of the product and it is meant to be easy to learn, so that people can remember it. At

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other times the product is presented by means of a mini-drama, often with sound-effects to help us imagine the scene.SYNONYMS: advertisements, stimulate, short, brings, supposed

ANTONYMS: long, uninteresting, forget, the same, rarely

THE ENGLISH FOR: ne stimuleaza imaginatia, lungime, o melodie captivanta, poarta numele, alteori

Express in English the following date:miercuri, 7 octombrie 2010Every day hundreds of shoppers stand in front of dozens of brands of detergents, trying to decide which to buy. What are they looking at? It could be the size or the shape of the box. It could be the colour used or the names selected for each product. Perhaps something about the product rings a bell. They may remember a slogan or an ad used for the product on television. What happens to you? What makes you buy this and not that type of coffee? What influences your decision? Your subconscious may influence you by reminding you about something special regarding the product which you cannot remember any longer.SYNONYMS: maybe, occurs, about, every, produce

ANTONYMS: sit, night, sell, forget, conscious

THE ENGLISH FOR: sute de cumparatori, marci de, marimea sau forma, privind produsul, aduce aminte de ceva

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13. Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the other teachers. Point out his/her professional qualities, his/her moral and spiritual features anything that is special about him/her.Prompts: Romanian, English, math, physics, chemistry, biology, PE, technology, religion, philosophy, ecology, permissive, objective, understanding, kind, firm, a sense of humour, well prepared professionally, gives us only good grades, communicative, etc.14. How important is it that we should protect the environment? Give arguments and examples.15. The type of neighbourhood in which one grows up has a strong effect on one’s personality. Support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.16. What could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.

13. Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the other teachers. Point out his/her professional qualities, his/her moral and spiritual features anything that is special about him/her.14. How important is it that we should protect the environment? Give arguments and examples.Prompts: air/soil/water pollution, ecology, conservation, endangered species, the thinning of the ozone layer, toxic gases, de-forestation, global warming, the greenhouse effect, exhaust gases, threatening, on the brink of extinction, etc.15. The type of neighbourhood in which one grows up has a strong effect on one’s personality. Support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.16. What could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.

13. Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the other teachers. Point out his/her professional qualities, his/her moral and spiritual features anything that is special about him/her.14. How important is it that we should protect the environment? Give arguments and examples.

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15. The type of neighbourhood in which one grows up has a strong effect on one’s personality. Support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.Prompts: large, small, block buildings, upstairs/downstairs/next door neighbours, bad famed, quiet, clean, dirty, downtown, uptown, on the periphery of the city, street fights, domestic violence, strong/weak impact, can’t wait to go away/return, friends, outlaws, etc.16. What could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.

13. Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand out among the other teachers. Point out his/her professional qualities, his/her moral and spiritual features anything that is special about him/her.14. How important is it that we should protect the environment? Give arguments and examples.15. The type of neighbourhood in which one grows up has a strong effect on one’s personality. Support your ideas with examples from your studies, observation or personal experience.16. What could and what should all of us do to make our town and our country a better place to live in? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.Prompts: big/small city/country, clean/dirty, beautiful/ugly/hideous, architecture, pollution from Mittal Steel, many/few/not enough parks, green zones, the Danube, (not) too many inhabitants, smooth/bumpy roads, developed/developing tourism, seaside, mountaineous range, etc.

STUDENT: _______________________ (10p) DATE :_______________________________

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PROGRESS CHECKI) READ THE TEXT VERY CAREFULLY!For must/most of the past two and a half million/millions years human 1) ……….. (be) left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. Man faced his first garbage crisis when he became a sedentary animal – when, rather then/than move 2) ………… (he-self), he chose/choose to move his garbage. The ways of dealing with it are 3) ………… (essential) four: dumping it, burning it, 4) ………… (convert) it into something that can be used again and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place. Every 5) ………… (civilize) of any complexity has used all four methods to varying/verying degrees.(5p) a) Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.(5p) b) Underline the correct version.(15p) c) Find, in the text:SYNONYMS FOR: trash =cleaned up =places =replace =mainly =

ANTONYMS FOR: next ≠maximizing ≠ spiritual ≠ last ≠ none of ≠

THE ENGLISH FOR:si-au lasat gunoaiele =cam asta era tot =omul s-a confruntat cu =decat sa =in proportii variate =(15p) d) Translate into English using text structures:1. E periculos pentru sanatate sa nu ne curatam locurile in care dormim si traim.________________________________________________________________________2. Omul, animal sedentar, prefera sa-si mute gunoiul in loc sa se tot mute el. ________________________________________________________________________3. Exista practic patru metode de a scapa de gunoi, care sunt folosite dintotdeauna.

(10p) II) It is said that teenagers have a lot in common, that they share ideas and a certain way of behaving. Express your views on this matter.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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20p granted

I have spent ten years of my life trying to get married, and I’m tired. Mom and dad have taught me how important it is to be married. But New York City is now crawling with thousands of girls, all looking for husbands, outnumbering the boys looking for wives.There are one hundred and three girl-babies born for every hundred boy-babies born. So you figure I’m one of the extra three girls. Of them, many Jewish boys grow up hating-loving their Jewish mamas and vowing to marry a non-Jewish girl. So I’m ethnically undesirable. Many non-Jewish girls want to marry a Jewish boy. Jewish boys don’t drink or run around and they make such good husbands.A Jewish mother wants her sons out of the army and her daughters down the aisle. From the cradle we hear, “If only I would live to see my children married, I could die a happy woman.” I tried. I tried to get married and have a king-size bed and gold towels and a silver service for twelve. I tried for years, and what do I have? I have my old bed from home, and towels with holes because single girls buy blouses instead of towels. Yet, I’m a career woman, aren’t I?

My mother used to bring fine lunches. She must have spent the morning on them. Above all she would bring ginger puddings, which I adored, wrapped ihn an old towel to keep warm. For me it was like magic, on a cold day, to sit on one of the green benches, and see the towel and then the pudding fume up. She could see how much this dish made me happy and she brought it over and over. When I think of those times I recall the taste of the cold and the hot pudding and its warm colour too. My mother had what used to be the country feeling for all living creatures: whether you like them or not, they are immediately and vividly there, as much as any human being… I shall never stop being grateful to her for how she did such things for me: she taught me that it is better to care than not to care.

     Family and society have come across many changes during our history. Every change that occurred has affected what many people would call the "Benchmark

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Family" . This is considered the perfect family or the norm. The Family would consist of the husband that is the breadwinner and the wife who is responsible for raising the children, and taking care of the home. Society has changed dramatically from the 19th century. These changes in turn have affected Family. Many factors through the years have been responsible for these changes. Feminism is a tremendous factor that is still having its effect on family and society today. Not too long ago, the notion was that men had divine right to rule over women. Another factor is employment. Women in the workplace have changed family structure over the years. Sex is also a factor that changed family and society in many ways.

Family is meant to care for each other, love each other unconditionally, and support each other. Of course, as any holiday at home can prove, complete support is not always possible. Sometimes family members hurt each other and even, in worst-case scenarios, kill each other over issues as important as protecting another or as petty as fighting over a boy. In Shakespeare’s Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, and The Winter’s Tale, if family members operate with selfish motives, they hurt the hero and contribute to his fall; but if the family supports each other with only love, the hero can redeem himself from his fall and even succeed in finding lasting happiness.

17. Express your opinion on the following statement: We are all responsible for our own deeds. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

18. Television has become a subject of debate and controversy as to the kind of influence it has on people. What kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular? Give examples to support your ideas.

19. You can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books, as well. Talk about a book that has influenced you in a particular way.

20. Tourism can be a blessing or a curse. Explain and give examples to support your ideas.

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17. Express your opinion on the following statement: We are all responsible for our own deeds. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

18. Television has become a subject of debate and controversy as to the kind of influence it has on people. What kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular? Give examples to support your ideas.

19. You can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books, as well. Talk about a book that has influenced you in a particular way.

20. Tourism can be a blessing or a curse. Explain and give examples to support your ideas.

17. Express your opinion on the following statement: We are all responsible for our own deeds. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

18. Television has become a subject of debate and controversy as to the kind of influence it has on people. What kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular? Give examples to support your ideas.

19. You can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books, as well. Talk about a book that has influenced you in a particular way.

20. Tourism can be a blessing or a curse. Explain and give examples to support your ideas.

17. Express your opinion on the following statement: We are all responsible for our own deeds. Give examples to illustrate your arguments.

18. Television has become a subject of debate and controversy as to the kind of influence it has on people. What kind of influence do you think it has on people in general and on you in particular? Give examples to support your ideas.

19. You can learn a lot from people but you can learn from books, as well. Talk about a book that has influenced you in a particular way.

20. Tourism can be a blessing or a curse. Explain and give examples to support your ideas.