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Tony Marriott' s Auto Blog Linker

Build Once, Get Backlinks Forever

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Copyright 2010 Tony Marriott Auto Blog Linker

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Tony Marriott' s Auto Blog Linker

INDEXThis document is best used in conjunction with the Auto Blog Linker Videos












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For all blogs (or any other website) to get the best rankings in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing they need more than just good content and carefully selected keywords. It is generally accepted that backlinking is a must to drive your blog up the search engine rankings. Higher search rankings mean more visitors and ultimately more money.

Bottom line is YOUR BLOG NEEDS BACKLINKS. Backlinks are the life blood of any website but backlinking takes time, LOTS of time, and lots of effort. It's boring work even if you know what you are doing. It's costly work if you outsource it (and you can easily get nothing useful for your money).

A backlink is where another website links to yours. i.e. a link that if you click on it – you will be taken to your site. The search engines see this as a “vote” for your site and the more links from different places you have, then the more important your site must be! In very simple terms, the more votes you get the higher the search engines will rank your site.

This document is not a tutorial on backlinks and backlinking. It is a specific plan to create automated backlinks to your auto blog.

Clearly, if you have an autoblog that publishes many new posts every day, then trying to manually create links to each post is simply not possible because of the huge amount of work and time needed to do it. Therefore generally it just gets left. This means that your blog is not getting it's best chance of success and you will definitely be leaving money on the table.

The Auto Blog Linker is a system, or plan that will build a system, that will deliver auto pilot backlinks to any blog every time a new post is made. This system is particularly effective for autoblogs as it will run completely unattended and grow links automatically as the auto blog grows.

If you are not familiar with auto blogs or need detailed instructions on how to build automated, unique content blogs then see

How long will it take you set up this system? Well, like everything it depends. If you grab coffee and watch the video first and then work your way through the ebook the the first time you build this system you should be able to do it in

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around 4 hours. Once you understand the system and use the fast track blueprint you should be able to build a complete system in around 2 hours.

Of course you don't need to build a new system every time you build a new auto blog. I suggest you use one Auto Blog Linker system for each niche. i.e. any blogs in the health niche can use the same system. Any blogs in the make money niche can use the same system and any blogs in the SEO niche could use the same system. It only takes about 10 minutes to add a new blog to your system.

Of course you can balance up the work involved in building a new Auto Blog Linker system with the benefits and your own available time.

I'm not going to hang about chatting too long before this tutorial but before I dive straight into the build instructions lets just take a look at the overall picture and see exactly what we are trying to achieve. I know many people like to see the big picture before they start to follow the detailed instructions. So to that end, take a look at the following overview which shows and describes the “big picture” of this system.

All of the tools and applications mentioned in the tutorial and used in this system are completely free. Therefore you do not need to fork out any more money once you have purchased this training.

Make sure you view the videos before moving on any further.

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The illustration below shows an overview of the system. I know it may look a little complicated at first glance but be assured it is very simple and every step is described in detail with clear screen shots throughout the tutorial.

Starting at the top of the illustration you will see you main blog. The black Go To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 5

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arrows represent the posts in that blog. By using an RSS feed (more about that later) you can send every new blog post to a web application called “TwitterLive”. This is a free application that will take in RSS feeds and send the content of those feeds to Twitter and So we can simply configure TwiterLive to do the following.

Take an extract from our original blog posts and add a hyperlink back to that original post. This creates a “Twitter like” post (tweet), I.e. around 140 characters and a URL.

TwitterLive uses a method of direct access to using an API key. You don't really need to know how, just that it does! It also sends your tweets to Twitter. is another free web application that will post any content it is given to any number of other free blogs and micro blogs like Blogger blogs, Plurk, Posterous, Tumblr and many others. It will also automatically shorten any URLs (links) using

So will send that “Twitter like post” (with your backlink), that it receives from TwitterLive, to all the web 2.0 micro blogs and blogs we specify AND (importantly) to Posterous.

Posterous, in turn, will send that post to another bunch of blogs that we specify.

With 20 or more web 2.0 blogs and micro blogs we will get 20+ backlinks to every post that comes through

The “flow” of backlinks is shown as the red arrows in the above illustration.

But you can take this one step further.

By aggregating the RSS feeds from each of the web 2.0 blogs and feeding them into the RSS feed distribution directories we can double (or more) the amount of backlinks to our main blog. This also gives a backlink to each of the web 2.0 blogs that the RSS feed came from, so that means we “backlink

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our backlinks” which is even better. This also helps to get the web 2.0 blogs indexed with Google which is very important if we want our backlinks to be effective.

The RSS feeds from the web 2.0 blogs and micro blogs are show as the blue arrows in the above illustration.

Hopefully you can now see that every time a new post is created on our main (money site) blog it will generate a series of activities across the internet that will culminate in dozens of new backlinks to our main blog.

Most people will just add a few backlinks to the home page of their blog but this system uses DEEPLINKING to backlink to every single blog post making it a very powerful system.

I've added an additional “twist” to this system - unique content. Now all the blogs that are updated by Posterous (and of course Posterous itself) will only have short extracts of our original posts and the links back to our money site.

So by using Unique Article Wizard's free article posting service we can send daily unique content to those blogs and make them much more interesting for Google and the other search engines. It will get Google crawling our blogs regularly and getting all those backlinks indexed and effective. How you do this is described in detail later in the tutorial.

Posterous will also “bookmark” all our posts with “Delicious” giving us even more valuable backlinks.

OK, now you have an idea of what we are trying to achieve I will go through each part of the configuration separately. So to build an Auto Blog Linker system you can simply follow these steps.

I recommend you view the Auto Blog Linker Video before starting to build your first system.

For the purposes of this tutorial I will assume you already have an auto blog. If you want to build your own auto blogs then see AUTO BLOG UNIQUE.

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To start you will need to register an account with it is completely free (as are all the tools and applications we use for this system) and easy to register. Once you have created your account login to and view Your dashboard.

The screenshot above is from my account. You can see a number of web 2.0 blogs and micro blogs listed in the left hand column. When you first open your account you will not have these as they need to be added as explained below.

So the first thing you need to do is open an account with each of these sites. I Go To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 8

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recommend you register the complete list shown below you can but you can start with 5 and add more later if you wish. Remember each of these is a backlink to your blog so the more the better.You will need to register your accounts and link then to You do that very simply by clicking the “Add More Networks” link at the bottom of the page as shown below.

This will take you to a list of networks you can join and add to As you join and link each one it will move from the list (below) to your dashboard.

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There are lots of networks available and occasional some of these don't work or make changes so, if you have problems adding them then simply move onto another one. Don't get bogged down of a few sites that are not working well. Like I said there are plenty of others to work with. New sites may be added or deleted so it's worth checking the list I have supplied below against the current list at If have added more micro blogs then add them to your system also.

Simply click on any of the networks in the list (above) and it will take you to a settings page where you can enter the name (or email address) and password for that account to link it to If you don't already have an account with that network (and you probably won't the first time) you will see a link to the sign up page for that network, just above the entry boxes (below)

Once you have signed up and put your name and password into the appropriate foxes, click submit and your done.

Do this for each of the web 2.0 networks (sites) you want to join and add to

You will notice the two check boxes on the right of the panel. This shows that this is a “micro-blog”. If it also had a check box for “blogging” then it would be a full function blog. For this first section you only need to add the “micro-blogs” to

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The only exception is Posterous as you will use that to distribute the links and posts to the web 2.0 blogs later.

The following is a list of sites you need to join and connect to You will be joining others later and connecting them to Posterous so don't join any that are in that list just yet. (see Posterous list at CONFIGURE AUTOPOST)

Posterous – you must join and add Posterous as we need it laterTwitter – Join Twitter but DO NOT add it to – again we use it laterJaikuBeboLinkdinYouAre StatusnetIdenticaPlurkBrightKiteMySpace

These are the best networks at the time of writing. If offers additional micro-blogging networks then you are free to include them in your system. You can also include any full blogging networks if that are not supported by Posterous i.e. Not in the Posterous list (link above).

IMPORTANT NOTE: I strongly suggest you create a new Gmail (or similar) email account as you are likely to get plenty of unwanted emails to your account and you don't want to be bombarded in your personal account.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Later you will need the URL of the post or personal page for each of the sites you have joined. I.e. the URL where any post made to the site will show to the public (web). For instance the URL for the following micro blogs/blogs will be something like (auto generated number)

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Ensure you “confirm” your email address for each of these sites or you won't be able to see all the pages you need.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes you are not asked to confirm emails but check anyway

Collect them and save them to notepad or a similar text file so you can access to them later. You will be using them in the final part of the system set-up.

IMPORTANT: You can go back and get these later if you like but it may be convenient to collect them while you are registering your accounts. If you want to collect the URLs later make sure you keep note of your login details for each account. It might be useful to use the same login details for every web 2.0 account (but less secure so make your password a good one and keep it safe)

For BEBO you will need to change the post page to PUBLIC. By default it is PRIVATE and your posts will not be viewable on the web. When logged in simply click on “Settings at the top right of the page. Then from the munu under your name choose “Privacy Settings and then change “Profile Viewable BY” from “My friends only” to “ Everyone”.

There is no need for any further configuration on these pages. Leave everything else as default.

When you have completed that, return to Your Dashboard. To get the screen shot below I have clicked on “Recent posts” from the top menu links. At this

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time you will have nothing in yours but so you can see what's going to happen just take a look at the screenshot below.

You will see the most recent posts that have come from my main blog (via TwitterLive). As you can see they are “twitter” style excerpts from the posts with a link in each one. These links are back to my main blog. I.e. if you click on them they will take you to the original post that it was created from. You can see the icons below to where each post has been sent. Neat yeah!


OK, just one more thing, we need to get a API key. We give that to TwiiterLive in a minute so it can directly access

To get the API key simply type the following URL into your browser address box at the top of your browser. You must be logged into to do this. To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 13

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That will take you to a page with the API key on it. Copy and paste this key into notepad temporarily until we need it in a few minutes. The key in the screenshot below is blurred out for security reasons.That's configured.


Next you need to create a account and you can do this for free at


You need an account so we can get another API key.Login to Similar to you will find your API key by going to the following URL (make sure you are logged in).

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You will be taken to the page show below. Simply copy and paste the Username and the API key to your notepad so it is safe and ready for us to use in a moment. Again the key is blurred out for obvious reasons.

With that done we can forget about and move on to the next part of the configuration.


Yes, you've guessed it, you need to create a TwitterLive account absolutely free. To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 15

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Create your account from the link above and login.


Click on “Dashboard” from the menu at the top of the page and the choose the “Accounts” tab. You will get a page similar to the one below. You wont have anything on this page at this point as you have not configured anything.

TwitterLive was originally created to feed twitter but it now also feeds Now we are only really interested in but we need to link to a Twitter account to be able to configure the system as we need.

Now you will almost certainly already have a Twitter account but I suggest you create a new one specifically for this system. If you do not have a Twitter account the you can get on free from

It's very easy to create an account and no further configuration is required.

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To link your twitter account make sure you are logged in to Twitter and then click on the “Authorise a new Twitter account” link (screenshot above).

Twitter will ask you if it's OK to connect to your account. Just click ”Allow” when twitter asks and your account will appear under “Authorised Twitter Accounts” as shown in the screenshot above.


Next click on the Integrations tab where you can enter the API keys we gathered earlier, as in the screenshot below.

Enter the API key and the Username and API key into the appropriate boxes. Leave the Posting Group box blank.You can configure these separately for each Twitter Profile but at this time you should only have one so leave that as default.

Click the Save button to complete the changes and you are done with this tab.

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Check the “Settings” tab and ensure the settings are exactly as shown in the screenshot below.(except that should be your own email address obviously!).. Make sure is selected as the URL shortener. Again click the Save button to fix any changes

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This is where we create the feed that will come from our main blog and get passed to At this point we will only be creating one feed but you can create additional feeds for additional blogs (this is how you add new (money) blogs to your Auto Blog Linker system).

I recommend that you create one of these Auto Blog Linker systems for each niche. That way your content on the micro blogs will be all related and look better for Google and the other search engines.

Of course if all your blogs are in different niches you will need to balance up the amount of time taken to build each one with the benefits from having

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separate link systems. Just use some common sense, i.e. It's better to get links from somewhere than nowhere!

Also consider how many blogs you add. Look at the total amount of daily posts. For instance I believe Twitter has a limit to the amount of daily tweets it will allow. You just need to make some common sense assessments and build additional systems if you have lots of blogs in the same niche.

In the screenshot below you will see a feed has already been added but if this is your first time through you will not yet have any feeds.

To add a feed click the “ Add Feed” link to the right of the page as shown below.

Now simply configure your feed page as shown in the screen shots below.I will do this in two parts (top of form + bottom of form) for no other reason other than that half the form fits better on the page!

Looking at the screenshot you will see that you need to check both the “feed to Twitter” and the “feed to” boxes. Leave TwitterLive blank. You need to check the Twitter feed or else the application will not let you use it. It does say you do not have to, but I have found it does not work very well if you

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This means you will get posts fed directly to Twitter from here, so in disable the posts to Twitter or use another Twitter account or else you will be duplicating the feed to the same Twitter account.

Enter your API key once again,Select “microblog” from the drop down optionsLeave “Posting Group” blankGive your feed a unique name (use your keyword and an interesting/compelling text in the feed title as this will be sent to search engines).

You will need to get the feed URL from your blog. If your blog is Wordpress it should look like this orhttp://www

You can check this by clicking on the RSS icon on the blog home page (little orange icon) or when viewing your blog in your browser you should see an RSS icon in the top address bar as seen below

Click this icon and choose “subscribe to RSS feed (or similar) and your browser will open the RSS feed. Simply copy the feed address from the browser address bar and paste into the Feed URL box (see below).

Click the “Validate” button to ensure your RSS feed is valid.

Next set the Frequency, Number of feeds and Interval. Initially set the frequency to 30 minutes so you can test your finished system. Once OK then make that period longer. (Less than1 day).

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Set the number of feed items to the same number of posts you expect to publish on your blog each day. The interval is the time spacing that the posts will be given when they are auto posted. i.e. in this case if 3 posts are published they will be sent to at 5 minute intervals.

Again you can extend those times once you are happy the posts are working OK.

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Just scroll down to view the bottom part of the configuration page and complete is as shown in the screenshot below.

Ensure the Post Link box is checked

Choose as the URL shortener and add your username and API key

Select description from the drop down menu in the Post Content box

Similarly choose “PubDate” from the drop down box Sort By:

Leave Filters blank

Set Status to ActiveGo To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 23

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Click Update Feed to save the changes.

Your FEEDS page should now look something like this (below) with a green status and health OK. If you have, then you are done configuring your feed.

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There is nothing to configure in this tab but you can see a list of the feed items (posts) that have passed through TwitterLive. This is the same posts that can be seen in under the “Recent Post” menus. So if you are having problems with your link systems you can perform the following checks to make sure all is working.

1. Check RSS feed from (main) blog2. Check Post is in TwitterLive/Feed Items3. Check Post is in Posts4. Check Post is in your web 2.0 microblog.

That check sequence will tell you where your problem lies so you know what part of the system to check. See example below

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You have now successfully set up TwitterLive.

At this point you have a complete backlink system that will feed the micro blogs and it will run happily on complete autopilot. Next we look at setting up that part of the system that will feed the full blogs.


Next we need to set up Posterous to auto post everything it receives to a bunch of blogs. All the short “extract” posts with the backlinks will be propagated across our blog network giving us valuable backlinks to our money site. In addition (and you will see this a little later) this set-up allows for unique content articles to also be posted across our blog network creating “bait” for Google and the other search engines to entice them to regularly crawl our network and index our links.


After logging into Posterous click on “Autopost” in the left hand column and then click on the “Make Changes” button that will appear at the top right of the screen. See screenshot below:

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On the next page you now see a large green button entitled “+ Add a service”. Click this and a pop-up window containing all the available networks will appear. As in the earlier section “ Configuring PING.FM” simply click on each network in turn, create an account (if you have not already got one) and add the network to Posterous. See the screenshot below.

Join all the available blog networks

BloggerTumblrLiveJournalTypepadXangaWordpressFacebook PagesDelicious

If there are more options available then feel free to join those blogs too.

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Other blogs may also work with Posterous Autopost using the MetaWebLog API and Really Simple Discovery. If a blog supports these two technologies, you can autopost to it.

In most cases all you need to do is enter your blog URL, your user name (or email address) and your password. You will get all this information when you create your accounts.

Remember to make a note of your Blog URLs (add them to the list of micro-blog URLs you created earlier – if you did?). You will need this list for the final RSS feed section.

There are two exceptions to this. Blogger and Wordpress. With Blogger and Wordpress you are able to create as many blogs as you like and when you add either Wordpress or Blogger to Posterous you will be asked to select the blog you wish to use.

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In the screenshot below you can see the drop down menu that enables you to select the Blogger blog of your choice.

When selected (or details completed as required simply click the “Link” button to complete the link-up.

Once all the blogs are linked you are finished with this section.


To help our blogs in the search engines we are going to inject some regular unique content into them. Of course, just like everything else we do this on complete autopilot.

If you used Auto Blog Unique to build your blogs then you will already be familiar with Unique Article Wizard (UAW). If not then all you need to know at this point is that this is a free service that will allow us to automatically post unique articles to our blogs. Somewhat differently though from Auto Blog Unique, I will show you another method of getting this unique content into

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your blogs.

In this case You need to create a new Blogger blog especially for this purpose. You will already have created a Blogger blog (Google) account so it is literally a one minute job to create another Blogger blog. Name the blog similar to your money site (I.e. in my case I have called it “Television on PC”). You do this to keep everything “related” and relevant for SEO purposes.

This new blog (represented by the red boxes in the overview diagram) has the sole purpose of adding unique content to our blog network.

We use the infrastructure we already have and do the following.

1. Email unique articles to the Blogger blog from UAW. 2. Take the RSS feed into Twitter live (just as we did earlier with our

money site) but we send the whole blog through, NOT just an extract.3. TwitterLive will feed it through and into Posterous4. Posterous will distribute it to all our other blogs in the network.

OK, don't panic I will go through everything in detail


First create a new Blogger blog. Don't worry about anything fancy just choose a simple template.Then go to the “Design” window and select the “Settings” tab from the top menu. Then click on “Email & Mobile” from the sub-menu.

In the email posting address add a unique word that will form part of your new email address. This email address will be used to post articles to your blog. Make the word secure (not like my example).

Also select the “Save emails as draft posts” radio button (we will change this later but for now go with that).

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Make a note of the email address as you will need it a little later. Click on the SAVE SETTINGS buttons to confirm.

See the screenshot below. That is your blog configured for now. We will need to go back a little later and set it to “publish emails immediately” but we need to configure the emails from Unique Article Wizard first.

You can find the UAW instructions at it basically only covers what I have already said here.

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OK, next we go back to for a minor task. We are going to create a group (which will actually only have 1 thing in it – Posterous!) so we can direct our new content only to Posterous, who will then auto post to all our other blogs.

Login to and make sure you are in the Dashboard. At the top right of the page you will see a link entitled “Create Group”. Click this link and, from the Posting Groups page select “Blogging” as the method and name the group “posterous”, as shown in the screen shot below.

If you have already configured groups previously they will show in this screen.

Just click the “Add Posting Group” button and you should see the page shown below. If you have configured everything as per this tutorial you should only have Posterous in this list. It is important to uncheck any other blogs that

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are going to be fed from Posterous. i.e. the ones we added in CONFIGURE AUTO POST (above).

It is possible that you have some blogs in this list that are not fed from Posterous, you can check those also if you like. What we are trying to do here is avoid sending multiple copies of the same post/article to the same blogs. So either a blog is fed from Posterous or directly from but NOT both.

OK, click the “Add Posting Group” button and you should now see a new posting group in the list that contains only Posterous (or any additional blogs you may have selected). I think it may be simpler just to use Posterous at this stage and add in any extras once you have everything configured. No need to over complicate things, especially if this is your first build.

CREATE TWITTERLIVE FEEDGo To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 33

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Next we need to create a second feed in TwitterLive. This feed will take the RSS feed from our Blogger blog and send the entire blog content (full post) to This time though it will send it only to Posterous using the GROUP we created previously.

From TwitterLive Dashboard, select the “Feeds” tab and click “Add Feed”. Complete the feed details as per the the screenshot below. The API keys etc. are exactly as in the previous feed. The only differences are the following:

Select the (posting method) = Blog

Select the group) = posterous (click “get available groups” and select from drop down menu).

Feed Name =Suitable unique feed name (include keywords for SEO – search engines will index this title)

Feed URL = (click “validate” button to check the feed is OK – you get a green message if all is OK)

Post Content = Title-Description

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Click “Update Feeds” button and check that your feed shows active and green in the dashboard.


Great stuff we are heading towards the end of the system set-up. Just a couple of things left to do.

Now we will add an email feed from UAW to our Blogger blog that will give us daily unique content. This will be automatically fed to our blog network and

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make our blogs look good to Google and get them crawled and indexed regularly. Remember, our blog network is where our backlinks are and this is why we want Google and the other search engines looking at your blogs.

You will need to login to Unique Article Wizard

If you are using Auto Blog Unique you will already have an account but if you have not already opened a free account you will do so at the same time as configuring your email feed.

Go to

If you have an account then simply login from the link at the top left of this form. If not you will need to put in your new account details into the first half of this form.

The second half of the form is exactly the same for both existing members and new members so I will go to the existing members area to complete the form.

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After clicking the “existing members” link on the previous form you will need to login to your account. Once logged in choose the “Receive Articles” tab and choose “Receive Articles by Email”. You can then clock on the “Click here to receive articles at a new email address” link at the top left of your display as per the screen shot below.

Complete the form as follows (and shown below). I will go through the form in two parts simply for ease of explanation and screenshot.

Check this box to start receiving unique articles = Check It!

Email article delivery = [email protected] (YOUR (not mine!) email address you saved off after configuring Blogger earlier)

Your account email = an entirely different email address for error messages etc (Important as this will tell you if your configuration is wrong or if there are posting issues).

Firstname, Lastname = needs no explanation

Maximum Articles per day = 1 (you don't need more that that for this blog).

Leave “Bogspot” selected and the “meta information” set as NO.

Check both the Add Target=”_blank” and the “Include Unique Article Link”

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In the second half of the same form complete the following:

Your website name and website URL (

Email subject line set as “{title}”. This will format the post correctly and help SEO.

Check the “Video” and “Graphics” boxes.

Choose suitable categories from the categories menu. Either the same categories as your money site or the top category of any related group to ensure a good selection of articles. As long as they are “related” it will be OK.For instance if you blog is about Computer Systems then the top level category “computers” will be good enough. In this example I have selected

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the “satellite tv” and “movie review” categories.

If you are completing the new members form then click the “signup” button and follow the prompts through to your login. That will take you to the members area as shown in the screenshot above.

From there you will see your newly created email feed and follow the instructions as per “existing member” below. If you are an “existing member” you can now click the “update & test” button at the top of the page and if all is well you should see a message similar to that below.

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If there are any issues then UAW will either tell you in a pop up window or it will be explained in the messages at the top of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see any RED or ambiguous messages at the top of the screen then first ensure you are logged in. UAW will time out logins and it can catch you out as it is not entirely clear that you are logged out. Ensure the top right of your screen says “You are logged in as : “YourName”.

If all is OK then go back to your Blogger blog and again from the “Design” panel choose “Posting” and “Edit Posts”. You should see a RESPONSE REQUIRED email from UAW in the posts (as in the screenshot below).

Now click on the “Edit” link and then the “Preview” link at the top right of the edit window. Click on the “Click her to confirm” link displayed in the post.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Generally this arrives in a few minutes (slower than a normal confirmation email) but can take a couple of hours if Blogger is busy. Please be patient it will turn up (if you got the email address right!). Don't click UAW for multiple “confirmation mails” or you will find yourself trying to confirm “old” (out of date) confirmation links.

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You will see a confirmation window pop up from UAW to confirm your activation.

A test post should now be sent to your blog. Check your “Edit Posts” once more and preview the Unique Article Wizard” post. Again this may take a few minutes or even longer to appear if Blogger is busy.

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If you are happy with the post then you can now delete both that post and the “confirmation required” post.

IMPORTANT: Now go into Setting/Email & Mobile and change to “Publish emails immediately”

Great news! Your Blogger blog is configured and working. You should now receive one post a day with a unique article. If after a couple of days you have received no articles then it is possible that there are no new articles for your categories. Try selecting the higher top category I.e. Computers. To test you could temporarily select all categories.


OK, now we have set up our Blogger blog that will auto post to our blog network why not use that to help boost the homepage of your money site (or any page really – but a home page boost will help get your blog off to a flying start.

You can now make a manual post in your Blogger blog and include some great anchor text links. For instance if your money site is “SEE TV on PC” then you could add the following short post. ____________________________________You can see tv on pc any time you like and never have to pay monthly or download charges.

What better present for your boyfriend or husband than to be able to see tv on pc.

All his favourite sports whenever he wants. all the best movies and all the best dramas.

And hey! you can get to see tv on pc too. Big brother, all the soaps, those cooking programs you love? _____________________________________

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Notice that the main home page keyword is hyperlinked to the home page. These are the best type of links you can get and will give your site a real boost.

Of course you could target other keywords and other pages. This is not something you have to do, especially if you want to run it on autopilot but as you've built the system it's there to use if you want to.

IMPORTANT: Make sure every post has a Title. Posts without titles will not be sent through Twitterlive/ to the full blogs.


For the final stage of the system we are going to get all the URLs from the web 2.0 sites we have registered with (i.e. the web pages that will have our pots on them). If you did not gather these when you created the accounts you will need to go back to each site and record the URL that holds your posts. For instance a Blogger blog will look something like:

or a Twitter page will look something like:

They are all different so you will have to find each one. Save them as a list in notepad or another text editor with one URL on each line.

There are additional URL examples in the SETTING UP PING.FM section.


Now you need to create a new free account. This time at

This site will allow us to enter a number of URL's and it will create a single Go To Index Easy Cash By Numbers Page 43

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RSS feed from those URLs.

There are other sites that can do this and you are free to use any. If you already have a favourite then feel free to use that one. I have found this site to be fairly reliable.

It is worth noting that these are all free sites and as such there are no guarantees or T&Cs. Occasionally these sites can go down. All the sites I have used in this system I have found to be pretty stable and supply a consistent service and have done for over six months. There may be other sites offering similar services and again you are free to try and make these other sites work together to achieve similar results. At the time of writing the sites I suggest have given the the best results for this system.

Once you have created an account and logged in you can select the ”URLs 2 Feed” link from the menu at the top of the page. You will see a page similar to the one shown below.

Put in a Title for your feed and copy and paste the list of URLs you gathered earlier into the “Enter URLs” box”.

Click the “Create RSS Feed Now” button.

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This is a list of the URL's I used in the video

Micro Blogs



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Tony Marriott' s Auto Blog Linker!/pages/See-TV-on-PC/182377238441030?v=wall

Main Blog

Be patient it may take a minute or two to create your feed but when done your new RSS feed will be displayed similar to the screenshot below.

Copy and paste the feed URL into notepad to keep it safe.

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Your final task is to add your aggregated feed to some of the RSS directories. These directories will make your RSS feed available to everyone across the internet which means you should get at least one extra set of backlinks for every RSS directory you post to. So if you have 20 blogs in your network that is 20 links each post. Adding to one RSS directory will give you a total of 40 backlinks, adding to two gives you 60 backlinks – so you can see the power and importance of this step. It will also help get to your blogs and micro blogs indexed in Google and the other search engines, which is important if you want your links to count.

Below is a short list of some of the better RSS directories. There are hundreds of RSS directories and, although you are welcome to add your feed to them all it may a bit of an overkill or at least a lot more work. Getting your feed into half a dozen good directories should do the job.

There are applications available that will allow you to add feeds to hundreds of RSS directories. If you have one of these already and it works for you then feel free to save yourself some time and use it to distribute your Auto Blog Linker RSS Feed.

If not then you will have to manually add the feed to some or all of the flowing directories. It's very simple though and once you have accounts registered it takes literally 30 seconds to add a feed to a directory.

Most of the feed directories now require you to create accounts so do this first. I will go through adding a feed to to show you the basics but they are all very similar.

It is best to have posted some content to your blog network before adding your feeds. Some directories will reject poor quality feeds. Again, it does not matter if all the directories do not accept your feed, as long as you get most of them your good to go. Don't get bogged down with individual sites or problems as you will find it detracts you from your task and makes the whole thing a chore. Any issues with individual sites just forget them and move on.From the home page click “Promote Your Content”

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from the next page either create your account or go directly to “Submit your RSS feeds to our directory”

Copy and paste the feed you saved earlier into the feed URL box as shown below and select a suitable category from the drop down box. Now click submit and you should get a success message as in the following screenshot

IMPORTANT: If you have any error messages when trying to add the feed then check each of your URLs in turn by copy and pasting them into your browser address bar to make sure they are valid. If all OK then try creating the feed in again.

Repeat the above by adding the RSS feed to the following directories

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If you're really stuck for RSS feed directories or you want to add to more then there is a huge list at the page rank of the directory is also listed so obviously start at the top (highest rank) and work down.


OK, if you have followed the instruction in this tutorial you will now have a fully functional Auto Blog Linker System. Just check that your posts are coming through (use the list of public page URL's you collected ) and I suggest you change the feed timings in your TwitterLive feed from 30 minutes to 6 hours or so and you are done. The system is truly set and forget and will now post backlinks to your blog posts forever.


Other Links You My Find Useful

Website Hosting with Hostgator –

Market Samurai Free Offer -

Get Godaddy Domain Names –

View Or Sign Up To ClickBank –

See Auto Blog Unique Now at -

Keyword Tool -

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If you found the information in this product useful you may want to check out


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Auto Blog Linker do not own or control the applications and web sites used in this system.

Therefore we cannot guarantee continued service or the operation, actions or performance of the applications or web sites used.

You must accept any and all risks when applying this system and should use due diligence when considering using this system in any part of your or anyone else's business.

Likewise Auto Blog Linker have no control over the rules or actions of Google or any other search engine. Although this system has been tested we cannot guarantee, or be held responsible for, the actions of any search engines or specific rankings (good or bad) of individual web sites.

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