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1. IDENTIFY THE PICTURE 2. These fictional mountains float due to some real life physics as explained in the movie AVATAR known by us as THE NINJA EFFECT IDENTIFY NINJA.. 3. The Hallelujah Mountains (Na'vi name: Ayram alusng meaning "Floating Mountains") are floating islands that circulate slowly in the magnetic currents like icebergs at sea, scraping against each other and the towering mesa-like mountains of the region. On Pandora, huge outcroppings of unobtanium rip loose from the surface and float in the magnetic vortices due to the Meissner Effect ANSWER 4. FIRST CONNECT THE DOTS & POINT OUT THE DIFFERENCE. 5. JFK (left) assassinated from a distant SNIPER kill.. INDIRA GANDHI & ABRAHAM LINCOLN (right) shot point blank.. ANSWER 6. FEB 14 is celebrated as VALENTINES DAY What is FEB 15 famous for ? 7. The right answer is SINGLES AWARENESS DAY most commonly known as SAD ANSWER 8. THIS IS AN AMBITIOUS FUTURE PROJECT IDENTIFY IT. 9. DOMINOES PIZZA CENTRE ON MOON In a response to Pizza Huts delivery of Pizza to ISS in space. ANSWER 10. CONNECTING THE DOTS 11. 1st image : Operation NEPTUNE SPEAR : The operation name for killing Osama-Bin-Laden 2nd image : A Spear 3rd image : Yudhisthir (as in the Star TV Serial Mahabharata ) famous for his adeptness with the spear ANSWER 12. PEHCHAAN KAUN ???? 13. 1st image : Bill Gates booked for over-speeding 2nd image : Buzz Aldrin taking a selfie in Space in 1966 3rd image : Barrack Hussein Obama ANSWER 14. IDENTIFY THE AUDIO CLIP AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING. 15. There is a reference to a website that is in fact real life significant in this TV Series Name it QUESTION 16. Is the site You can of course check it for yourself ANSWER 17. SCREENSHOT 18. CONNECT THE TWO IMAGES 19. 1st image : Logo for Buddh International Circuit , Noida 2nd image : Sachin Tendulkar , person to flag off the first F1 race in BIC ANSWER 20. CONNECTING THE DOTS 21. MAHAKUMBH THE ARRANGEMENTS OF THE PLANETS WITH RESPECT TO CONSTELLATIONS DURING KUMBH MELA. ANSWER