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Attracting and Hiring Top Talent – Best Practices

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Thank You for joining us at ADP Pro Client Conference!

Our time today will allow us to share together and explore how we:

• Build a recruitment strategy that meets the needs of a business and changing workforce demographics

• Understand how to build & use a targeted Employment Value Proposition to attract great candidates

• Build an end to end candidate experience that is reflective of the associate experience of your business

• Share and connect on resources, tools and approaches that help you develop a tailored approach to recruitment

Best practice discussion of recruitment experience including job profile, gamification, artificial intelligence, process trends and more

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Recruitment Strategy & Workforce Demographic


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Hires vs. Openings: It’s a Candidate Market!

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What is a Recruitment


• Do you have one?

• Is your strategy effective?

– How do you know??

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What is a Recruitment Strategy?

Associate Life Cycle




Accelerate Performance

Engage and Motivate


An Impactful Recruitment Strategy Considers:

• Strategy – What Roles, What Skills, How Flexible and in What

areas for the company? For What strategic purpose?

• Culture – How is the company a match for talent? Does your

Employer Brand attract the talent you need?

• Candidate Experience – How have you designed a

recruitment experience that matches company culture? Does your experience match the current and changing demographics of your organization?

• Tools and Technology – What process and tools support

recruitment execution?

• Outcomes Focused – Are you achieving desired outcomes

of attraction & retention?

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Why do Demographics Matter? Generation Mix Shifting Quickly…

Workforce Today

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And the US is More Diverse!

Is this important to consider for a recruitment strategy? Why?Are these demographics impacting your company today?

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Creating an Employment Value Proposition

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What is a an Employment Value


• Do you have one?

• Is it truly reflective of your


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What is an EVP?

Career development

Work hours


Work itself

Work hours


60%walked away from a job because it turned out to be different than expected*



Work itselfCareer








*Evolution of Work 2.0: The Me vs. We Mindset, ADP Research Institute, 2017

The promise of a particular kind of employment experience a candidate can

expect to receive as an employee, and what is expected in return.

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Why is An Employer Brand Critical?

Source: ADP People Analytics team; CEB

definition of 1980-2000 for Millennial

The World is changing…

• Shifts in demographics and global talent needs

are driving heightened competition

• Social & technological disruption is shifting how

we communicate and where we find information

• Transparency is shaping Company perception &


• A tighter talent market is driving competition to

invest in branding and talent attraction to

maintain a foothold. It’s now table stakes!

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What Does an Employer Brand Do For You?

RETAINDeliver on promises

ATTRACTMoney matters, but it’s not

the only factor

ENGAGEFocus on meaningful human

connections and development

Stand out on the other factors of attraction:

• Career development

• Work hours

• Work itself

• Company reputation

• Flexibility

• Foster a sense of purpose through connections with managers and senior executives

• Provide development opportunities that help people perform better and advance

• The top 5 factors that attract people to their jobs are the same 5 reasons they stay

Employer Brand influences the perceptions that shape the way people think about what your

company stands for, and what they think it’s like to work for you.

A strong employer brand attracts external talent AND inspires internal talent.

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How Do You Develop and Communicate an EVP?

Try this with your teams:

1) Tell us about yourself 2) Tell us why you came to ADP and what keeps you jazzed about working here3) How does ADP help you achieve what is important to you? Be sure to

include a "fun fact."4) Are you doing the job that you thought you would?5) What practice, benefit, opportunity stands out for you?

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Meet Ashwini…I'm Ashwini Anbalagan, and I'm from the New Client Contact Team (NCC). I’ve been with ADP for over 2 years now. We are a small team of six associates based in Pune and the only team across all locations in ADP doing what we do.

I also publish the Quarterly Newsletter for the New Client Contact team – Scoop Whoop! I love to write poetry and also have my own blog: Bohemian Indian – a gypsy soul.

I love what I do @ADP and have been an avid advocate about ADP to my friends outside ADP. (Pssst… my husband and sister-in-law both work with ADP as well).

I’m happy and glad to be a part of ADP as I get to be myself & hone my skills here. I’ve had so much fun this Year End, my first experience of an YE @ADP. Check out our pics on #yearendstrong #workhappy #beyoubegreat

Fun fact – I have seven beautiful cats, 5 girls and 2 boys, and each one more mischievous than the other. I love to travel and just came back from an awesome vacation in which, I tried scuba diving for the very first time.

Build A Story About Your Company & It’s People

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Go Social !This one produced

1400% greater than expected

engagement and this one51,225%

(Usual Avg. hits is 6 hits per 1000 followers)

• Conveys what matters

• Glimpse of culture

• Simple

• Informational

• Authentic

• Fun

• Moments & Milestones

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Candidate Experience Best Practices

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What does a good candidate experience look like?

• What pain point do you have in your candidate experience currently?

• Do you use WFN as part of your Recruitment approach?

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What is Candidate Experience?

Candidates are assessing all your interactions with them to decide if your

company is a fit for them. These include how you ask candidates to

complete an application, interview, offer the job….

…AND how you reject their candidacy too!!

Candidate Experience is the collective result of ALL the interactions you have with candidates in the recruitment marketing and hiring process.

-Smashfly Blog, “Defining the Candidate Experience”, June 26, 2013

Are your candidate experience practices authentic to the

company culture and brand you are driving?

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Candidate Experience Overview Why Does Candidate Experience Matter?


A great candidate experience can drive a positive employer brand.But alternatively, a poor experience can damage it. By providing good

experiences, we can ensure top talent comes to and stays!

Did you know?

Positive Experiences

Negative Experiences





would buy more goods &services even if not hired

would share theirpositive experience

would buy less goods & services

would broadcast theirnegative experience

Source: The Talent Board - 45,000 job applicants surveyed;Forbes “5 Tips For A Winning Candidate Experience”

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Impact of Poor Candidate Experience

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Let’s Share!

What are your favorite, impactful, or

unique candidate experience practices?

How does this practice exemplify your



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Great Candidate Experience Practices

Fun •Gamify pocess

stages (earn badges)

•Human job profiles and postings

•SWAG Bag Fast

& S


le •Streamline # of Interviewers

•Interview Day with next day decisions

•Mobile Application

•Expedited Background Check (or not?)

•Agency Partnerships for flexible staff

•First Round Video Interviews

•Structured and planned interview process (non-repetitive questions)






s •Clear overview of process & decision timeline

•Personalized communications

•Personal calls to non-selected candidates about why they were not selected…this time!

•Social Media

•Detailed Agenda of Interview day




ing •Clear integration


•On – Board buddy

•Supply and Technology Readiness

•Welcome to the team note, gift

•Prepared Meet and Greet schedule





n •Future Team Video

•Personalized Prep Package

•Post Interview Call to describe next steps or offer opportunity for additional questions

•Personalized follow up communications

•Interview Day “buddy”

•Lunch with a future colleague

•Facility or workspace tour

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ADP Marketplace Apps at Your Service!

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What Now? – Developing Your Action Plan

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Now What?

• Gain clarity on a strategy driven recruitment vision that meets YOUR business


• Keep it simple & authentic

• Does your Process and Tools help drive the candidate experience you desire?

• How will you measure success for your business? How will you measure

candidate experience?

• No strategy….What is your business case for change?

– Attrition, demographics landscape, talent or skill gaps
