Page 1: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · The Chimes First Baptist Church Athens, Alabama November 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Issue November 7, 6:00 p.m. Family Life Center

The Chimes

First Baptist Church

Athens, Alabama

November 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Issue

November 7, 6:00 p.m. Family Life Center and Multiple Host Homes

“Open your home to your friends and neighbors and watch God open their hearts.”

Anthony Haynes can get anyone the My Hope DVD. The video will also be broadcast November 7 on

TBN at 7 pm and the Fox News Channel at 9 pm.

Pray that God will provide a great harvest of evangelism on this evening and beyond.

Update... The Think Eternally Team will be conducting a survey to plan Discipleship Training opportunities for the next three years. The surveys are being done in Sunday School classes and your participation is vital. Also, please see the insert in

this addition of the Chimes containing more information from the Think Eternally Team.

Video Marriage Conference with Dr. Emerson & Sarah Eggeriches

Coming to First Baptist Church, Athens January 10-11, 2014

$15.00 person through December 30 ($20.00 person after that date)

Register Now! Contact Keith Smyser for additional information

Page 2: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · The Chimes First Baptist Church Athens, Alabama November 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Issue November 7, 6:00 p.m. Family Life Center

Opportunities abound for us to reach and disciple people here at First Baptist. This past month has been exciting, to say the least, as we have affirmed that we “love our church.” We will

take the next step in “loving our church” during November as we continue to invite and encourage people to join us in Worship, Bible study and Discipleship.

The Month of November will be launched with a special Outreach/Follow Up opportunity on Sunday, November 3 during the afternoon between 3:45-4:45 p.m. Keith Smyser faithfully leads us in reaching out to our community and area week by week. With numerous families and individuals identified through our WEE program, Newcomers to Athens/Limestone County lists and our own Family Fall Festival, we have an abun-dance of names needing a personal visit from First Baptist Church members. Be sure to mark you calendar, pray for good weather and then be a participant in this amazing outreach and ministry opportunity.

* * *

My Hope America with Billy Graham has been scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2013 at homes and other sites across the land. Much preparation has gone into the effort in terms of invitations to people to come to host homes to watch a very special video message from the Billy Graham team. Host leaders will then brief-ly share their own personal faith experience and then conclude the basic one hour total format by inviting peo-ple to make decisions for Christ.

First Baptist Athens is participating with several homes and with a special presentation in the Family Life Center to accommodate as many people as possible. Anthony Haynes, Steve Pearson and Keith Smyser have led us in this endeavor. Please contact those men and say “how can I help.” In the meantime, pray that God will provide a great harvest of evangelism on that night and well beyond. Be sure to find a location near you and be present with guests whom you have invited.

* * *

Sunday, November 3, we will also have the opportunity to affirm our Ministries and Missions Church Budget for 2014. You will want to be present to express your support and appreciation to those who have prayed and worked so diligently to present to us a worthy and workable financial ministry plan for 2014. Pat Roberts, George Hardy, and Judy Davis along with the entire Budget and Finance Committee and all other committees and ministries deserve our sincere commendation for their efforts.

Remember...God loves you and so do we, Brother Edwin and Joan

Ministries & Missions Budget 2014

Sunday, November 3, am services

Budget Adoption Vote

First Thoughts . Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor

"Be in the Picture Day"

Congratulations to the following Sunday School classes and teachers who met or exceeded their high

attendance goals on October 27!

7th Grade Boys - Comer Beasley

Young/Median Adult Women - Nadine Rockwell/Renee Carter

Young Adult Coed (30-39) - Mickey Laye

Nearly/Newly Married - Andy Hall/Justin Smith

Median Adult Singles - Lee Locke

Senior Adult Women (1B) - Carolyn Stair

Silent Friends - Robert Trent

Training for Peru Volunteers

Missionary Annette Hall will present Story

Together Training at no cost the individuals at FBC Cullman, January 10-12, 2014. Exact

time to be determined. Story Together training teaches how to tell Bible stories on the mission field or

witnessing here at home. See Bobby Austin for details.

Alabama Baptist State Convention

Whitesburg Baptist Church

Huntsville, Alabama

November 12-13, 2013

Pastor’s Conference - November 11

Page 3: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · The Chimes First Baptist Church Athens, Alabama November 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Issue November 7, 6:00 p.m. Family Life Center

Sunday School Attendance FBC 10/6/13 482

Hispanic Mission 13

FBC 10/13/13 496

Hispanic Mission 7

FBC 10/20/13 498

Hispanic Mission 10

FBC 10/27/13 477

Hispanic Mission 14

Welcome New Members Sunday School: John & Martha Wheeler, Judith Craft,

Rick & Andrea Leggett, Emma Elmore, Elzie Elmore

Love & Sympathy Dr. Walter Nunn and family in the death of his wif e, Elizabeth Nunn

Bob & Peggy Harrell in the death of son, Gregory Jackson

Marie Simpson and f amily in the death of her sister, Donna Peterson

Yv onne Callahan and family in the death of her brother-in-law

Garnett Crask and f amily in the death of his mother, Dorothy Crask

Jack Lamon and family in the death of his mother, Peggy Lamon

Financial Information OCTOBER YTD

Budget Requirement $149,832 $1,610,694

Budget Receipts $154,699 $1,470,272

Capital Growth $207 $6,849

Designated $1,664

Kathleen Mallory $1,170 $3,931

World Hunger $4,392

Thank You Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for all the prayers, well wishes and many acts of kindness shown to our family during Johnny’s surgery and recovery. A special thank you to Pastor Ed-win, Bro. Larry and Bro. Keith for your visits to the hospital. Our family will forever be grateful to all of you for the love and kindness shown. In Christ’s Love, Johnny & Ruby McCartney & family

Dear First Baptist Church, We want to thank mother’s church family and friends for your acts of kindness shown during the death of our precious mother, Frances Stone. Special thanks to Pastor Ed-win, Bro. Keith and Fred Lackey. Thanks to Ryan Leffel and Jane Barnett for the beauti-ful music. Thank you to the ladies of the Faithful Followers SS Class and teacher, Betty Newman for the family meal they provided. Mother loved her church and special friendships there. It was such a comfort to have the love & support of a church family. The Family of Frances Stone

Dear Athens Family of Faith, Thank you for each expression of care and concern during this difficult time. Know the family of Elizabeth Nunn is grateful for your love, support and interest. Blessings to each of you. Love, Walter G. Nunn & family

Maturing/ Senior Adults

No Keenagers Meeting

in November

WMU Tuesday, November 12, 9:30 a.m.

Deborah Nichols Prayer Group meets in the Prayer Room

Rebekah Naylor Bible Study Group meets at Joyce Shown’s home

Tuesday, November 12, 10:00 a.m.

M. Swedenburg Bible Study Group meets in Room 108

Tuesday, November 19, 9:30 a.m.

Evelyn Sexton Mission Group meets in Room 112-3

"I Love My Church" Special Offering Report

A significant number of First Baptist Members contributed to our

Special Love Offering for First Baptist Church during October. We made

some progress toward relieving our Ministries and Missions Church Budg-

et shortfall. It is never too late to make that special “over-and-above” or

“catch-up” offering. Each of us should prayerfully consider and then act

on this opportunity to express our love and appreciation to God for the

church we love by making a special gift during this time.

Congratulations! Daniel & Bess Shannon in the birth of a son, Turner Ward. Grandparents, Ron-nie & Connie Bates. Great-grandmother, Cherry Yeager

Erik & Drew Speakman in the birth of a son, Griffin Owen. Grandparents, Norm & Donna Speakman

Deanne Harwell and Will Bloodworth in the birth of a daughter, Olivia Lei. Grandparents, Harry and Gloria Bloodworth


If you have a passion for the unborn and are willing to help preserve this vital ministry, please contact one of the

following individuals. Subject: Sav-A-Life

Eric Pugh [email protected] Kelly Furlong [email protected]

Bill Graham [email protected]

Charles Smith [email protected]

Church Offices will be closed Monday, November 11 and

Thursday & Friday, November 28-29

Baptism: Statement: Letter:

Margaret King Michael Hill Pat Brown

Page 4: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · The Chimes First Baptist Church Athens, Alabama November 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Issue November 7, 6:00 p.m. Family Life Center

STANDARD BULK RATE PERMIT #103— The Chimes The Chimes The Chimes The Chimes is

published monthly by First Baptist Church. Postmaster: Send address changes to 201 East Hobbs Street, Athens, Alabama 35611


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CONTACT US: 201 East Hobbs Street


“A Place for Everyone” Outreach

November 3 3:45-4:45 pm

Meet in the Church Foyer for this special outreach time focusing on “Be in the Picture Day” and Fall

Festival guests, visitors, and families we have touched thru our various ministries.

Community Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 24, 6:00 p.m.

Lindsay Lane Baptist Church

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Thanksgiving Week

No Wednesday Activities are Scheduled

Children's Missions Lock-In

November 16 (Begins at 6:00 pm)

GAs in the Family Life Center

RAs in Fellowship Hall

Foreign Mission Study (Peru) GAs will prepare Lottie Moon Hot Cocoa, Fruit baskets for our shut-ins and Christmas gifts for

nursing home residents. Girls grades 1-6 (bring a friend, $5.00 for food, fruit

for baskets and cocoa items)

Our Goal is

500 Shoeboxes

The deadline is

November 10

An Athens Christmas Celebration Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, November 21 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Evaluations November 2 at 9:30 a.m.

and November 4 & 5 at 6:00 p.m.

Upward Practices Begin - November 18
