The Chimes First Baptist Church Athens, Alabama September 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Is- Annual Churchwide Labor Day Picnic Sunday, September 1 4:00-7:00 p.m. Sunset Swim Club Bring a picnic and lawn chairs for your family, swim, and enjoy the fellowship! Bring guests to this special event for all ages and groups. Sunday School... ...A Place for Everyone Sundays at 9:15 am Kathleen Mallory Day of Prayer Tuesday, September 10, 9:30 a.m. Family Life Center Guest Speakers - Morgan Dorning, WorldSong Asst. Director and Catherine Johnson, North Alabama Prison Ministry State Mission Church Goal $4,200 Celebrating 125 Years of WMU

Athens, Alabama The Chimes · rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 4 9:45 am - Choir Room Thank You Dear Church Family, We are so thankful to be a part of God’s family and especially

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Page 1: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 4 9:45 am - Choir Room Thank You Dear Church Family, We are so thankful to be a part of God’s family and especially

The Chimes

First Baptist Church

Athens, Alabama

September 2013 Dr. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor Volume 17, Is-

Annual Churchwide

Labor Day Picnic

Sunday, September 1

4:00-7:00 p.m.

Sunset Swim Club

Bring a picnic and lawn chairs for your family,

swim, and enjoy the fellowship!

Bring guests to this special event for all ages and groups.

Sunday School...

...A Place for Everyone Sundays at 9:15 am

Kathleen Mallory Day of Prayer Tuesday, September 10, 9:30 a.m.

Family Life Center

Guest Speakers - Morgan Dorning, WorldS ong Asst. Director

and Catherine Johnson, North Alabama P rison Mini stry

State Mission Church Goal $4,200

Celebrating 125 Years of WMU

Page 2: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 4 9:45 am - Choir Room Thank You Dear Church Family, We are so thankful to be a part of God’s family and especially

The change of pace from Summer to Fall provides an opportunity for us to pause. We need to praise God for what He has done and also for the opportunities immediately ahead. To say that God has opened

many doors of potential ministry to our church family is an understatement.

* * *

Permit me to join Joan in saying a personal thank you to each and every one of you. Your support of Joan and me during the time of her surgery and recovery has been so gracious. The many cards, visits, meals, and countless oth-

er things you have done to assist us are appreciated more than words can express.

We have been blessed beyond measure by everything you have done and continue to do on our behalf. It continues

to be truly and honor and privilege to serve our Lord alongside of you. You are a very special people!

* * *

You should also be commended for your growing consistency in attendance and involvement. The growth of our church is dependent on the personal participation and involvement of each and every one of us. The theme which we will be carrying through the Fall and into next year is Think Eternally. We have committed ourselves to that theme not

only in word but in deed and truth.

Together as one, let us join hearts and hands, wills and choices in one accord like never before. God has used our great church for more than 193 years to be a beacon light in Athens and Limestone County. As we build on the faith-ful witness of those who have preceded us, we must now claim that the greatest days are still ahead. Let us be “found

faithful” for those days. Amen? Amen!

God loves you and so do we,

Brother Edwin and Joan

Ministries & Missions Budget 2014 Development is in progress.

September 3, 6:00 p.m. Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

September 17 at 6:00 p.m. Budget Preparation Meeting

Pray for all ministries and committees in this

strategic and vital process

My Hope with Billy Graham/

Ma tthew Ho s t Ho m e Tra i ni ng

2 Class Opportunities

Su nda y s 5 :0 0 -5 :50 p m

Keith S myser R oom 201

We dnes da y s , 5 :30 pm -Anthony Haynes, R oom 312

Deacon Nominations are being accepted

through September 15.

Nomination forms are located in the Church Foyer.

Turn in your nominations in the offering plate

or at the church office.

First Thoughts . Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor. Edwin F. Jenkins, Pastor

Life’s Issues - God’s Answers Pastor’s September Message Series

Sept 1 am - “What to do When...You Feel Angry So Often”

Sept 8 am - “What to do When...Burdens Multiply Magnify”

Sept 8 pm - “What to do When...Habits Become Hang-ups”

Sept 22 am - “What to do When...Fear and Anxiety Linger”

Sept 22 pm - “What to do When...Discouragement Increases Daily”

Sept 29 am - “What to do When...Depression Threat ens and Deepens”

Sept 29 pm - “What to do When...Stress Strains Your Life” Please continue to pray for the Think Eternally

Task Force Teams (Outreach, First Impres-sion, Global Missions and Personal Growth) during the coming months as they seek God’s will for FBC in these areas. If you would like to participate or want more information contact

Anthony Haynes at 256-216-9267

Page 3: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 4 9:45 am - Choir Room Thank You Dear Church Family, We are so thankful to be a part of God’s family and especially

Sunday School Attendance FBC 8/4/13 483

Hispanic Mission 5

FBC 8/11/13 502

Hispanic Mission 6

FBC 8/18/13 518

Hispanic Mission 13

FBC 8/25/13 557

Hispanic Mission 5

Welcome New Members Sunday School: Winfred & Sharon

Brannon, Selah Griffin, J. T . Griffin, Kenneth & Cathy Hovis, Amber Scott,

Duane Adams, Mallory Mitchem, Josh &

Jordan McKinney, Richie Leggett Bap-tism: Connie Davis

Letter: Duane Adams

Love & Sympathy Joe Lewis’ family in his death

Harlan Burke’s family in his death

J.D. Clanton’s family in his death

Cora Patterson, Dee Bauer and family in the death of her brother and sister-in-law, and his cousin Carl & Frances Bauer

Ken Taylor and family in the death of his brother-in-law, Glenn Lowery

Financial Information AUGUST YTD

Budget Requirement $149,832 $1,273,572

Budget Receipts $133,677 $1,147,939

Capital Growth $529 $6,106

Designated $2,744

Jubilation Senior Adult Choir

rehearsals resume

Wednesday, September 4

9:45 am - Choir Room

Thank You Dear Church Family, We are so thankful to be a part of God’s f amily and especially the First Baptist family. Your prayers, cards, and v isits after my mother’s home-going meant so much to us. I lov e and appreciate all of you for checking on me following my surgery. In God’s Amazing Grace,

Vonnette & Wayne Harper

Dear First Baptist Church Family, Oscar, Jason and Mandy Gay would like to thank so many who hav e called, sent cards, memorials and assisted us through this time. We extend a special thanks to Pastor Edwin, Larry, Wade Batts, Jane Barnett, Ken Cox, Chris Newman and Greg Spry for their efforts in preparing such a fine tribute to Linda’s lif e. We also thank all the ladies who prov ided our family a wonderf ul meal after the service. We are blessed to have such a

depth of Christian support.

Thank you,

Oscar Gay

Dear Church family, Rube and I really appreciate the calls and visits and cards from our church f amily due to his heart problems. We also appreciate the pray ers and v isits from our pastors. Rube is getting stronger and we hope to be back as soon as possible. With love to a great church family,

Rube & Lyn Prater

Thank y ou dear church family for your many expressions of love to me during my recent surgery and these days of recovery. You hav e showered me with cards, brought meals, and ministered to us in so many way s. You hav e blessed our liv es. You are lov ed,

Joan Jenkins

Thank y ou First Baptist family for your love and concern f or my great grandson, Cooper Shane Rose. Your phone calls, visits and especially the pray ers lifted daily f or our precious Cooper were so appreciated. A v ery special thank you to Pastor Edwin f or y our continued visits and prayers with Dusty & Brandi. What an awesome God we serve! In Christian Lov e,

Sandy Smith

Thank You

For your generous support again this year

to our “School Supply Project”

Karen Balch & Jane Lusk, Coordinators

Weekly Outreach

5:15-5:30 pm Assignments

5:30-6:15 pm Outreach

Meet in the Church Foyer

Maturing/Senior Adults

September 5, Depart at 9 am

Day Trip to Chaffin’s Barn

* * * September 9, 10:00 am

Keenagers’ Monthly Meeting



Church Closet

is in need of

Children’s Clothes.

Thank you for 

your donations!  

Sunday School Keith Smyser

Move Forward, Promotion Sunday and the New Year Launch has begun. Great job on the part of our Sunday School leaders as we had our 2nd highest attendance this past year (557)! All the contacts, visits, calls, emails and ministry efforts were appreciated. Thank you for doing all you can to make

First Baptist Athens “A Place for Everyone”.

Another training opportunity will be available for class leaders (Coordinators, Care Group and Outreach Leaders) Sunday, September 22 at 9:25 a.m. in Room 112. We need every Adult Class to sent at least one

representative to this training opportunity!

Page 4: Athens, Alabama The Chimes · rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 4 9:45 am - Choir Room Thank You Dear Church Family, We are so thankful to be a part of God’s family and especially

STANDARD BULK RATE PERMIT #103— The Chimes The Chimes The Chimes The Chimes is

published monthly by First Baptist Church. Postmaster: Send address changes to 201 East Hobbs Street, Athens, Alabama 35611


. Po


e P



it #1


CONTACT US: 201 East Hobbs Street

256-232-0602 www.fbcathens.org

Fall Launch...


at 5:30 pm

. . ,


at 6:30 pm

RAs, GAs, Mission Friends

Adult Discipleship Training

SUNDAYS at 5:00-5:50 pm Relationship Peacemaking

Facilitator: David Beach (Room 205)

My Ho pe Bill y Gra ha m / Ma tthew Ho s t Ho m e Tra i ni ng

Facilitator: Keith Smyser (Room 201)

Discerning the Times in our Generation

Facilitator: Garnett Crask (Room 203)

* * *

WED NESDAYS at 5:30-6:20 pm S.O.A.R - Study for Women

(Seek God, O btain Truth, Abide, Reach Out) Facilitator: Cascia Weldy (Rm 311)

My Ho pe Bill y Gra ha m / Ma tthew Ho s t Ho m e Tra i ni ng

Facilitator: Anthony Haynes (Rm 312)

Sundays at 5:00 pm

Attention Students

Don’t miss SYATP at your school SEPTEMBER 25

“A Place for Everyone” Outreach

Sunday, September 22, 3:45-4:45 pm

Meet in the Church Foyer for this special outreach time focusing on reaching out to our

guests, visitors, and families we have touched thru our various ministries since the start of the new year.

Student Ministry...Be a Part SUNDAYS

Sunday Sch ool - 9:15 am

Student D iscipleship /Ou treach 6:00 pm


6:30 p m - Student Worship