Page 1: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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MARCH 2015

AT 2.30PM


Speaker: (prayer) Clerk confirm the quorum.

Clerk: thank you Mr. Speaker sir let me confirm the quorum 1-11, sir the quorum is not there.

Speaker: I order the bell to be rung for 10 minutes. Clerk confirm whether we have attained the

necessary quorum.

Clerk: thank you Mr. Speaker once again let me confirm the quorum, (counting1-19); sir the

quorum is not there

Speaker: can the bell be rung again for 5 minutes? Ascertain whether we have made the quorum

Clerk: thank you Mr. Speaker sir let me confirm the quorum, (1-20…….) Sir the quorum is

there.(Members shout that the quorum is there)

Speaker: order! Can you confirm whether we have quorum? Member you don’t direct, it is

physical counting can you count?

Clerk: thank you Mr. Speaker let me confirm once again (counting 1-21).sir the quorum is there.

Speaker: thank you. Proceed to read the order of today.

Clerk: thank you Mr. Speaker sir the order of the day that is Tuesday 31st march 2015 at

2.30pm, (order number 1-8).

Speaker: members in terms of order number 40(1), today you have the right to debate on an

issue of topical concern to yourselves. It is limited by 3 minutes, any member wishing to talk

about an issue of topical concern, member for Kibiri?

Hon Ondiek: thank you Mr. Speaker I hope it is going to be within your jurisdiction to guide me

accordingly because I want to talk about yesterday; in the evening, in my ward after the serious

rain; my people who I represent had a problem yesterday which is very serious. The floods

interfered with the houses and the farms that had already been ploughed and also planted because

everybody was anticipating the rains and my people had already done the planting. In an area

which is not less than 25ha was affected along the valley of Oluch and as I speak, more than

7households do not have where to stay. Goats and cows died, as we remember they were just

from drought just the other day and when it rained the floods came in a very heavy way and

several cows around Bala and Samanga area were found dead because of the massive floods that

came from the upper part of my ward that is from around Nyaola and Kandiege there was a lot of

water and those houses got damaged, even as I speak they have a problem because the farms that

Page 2: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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were already planted were swept away. In fact Mr. Speaker may I inform this house that I even

donated some seeds to those people and only to realize that the seeds which were donated

together with the ones they found themselves are not there now because they were massively

swept away and farms have turned into roads now, in fact it is a hard rock, now you may not

even imagine that they had already been ploughed and planted so that one is my issue and it is

really a great concern in my ward and even as at now they are still waiting because I was in

touch with the people of Red Cross though they were telling me to go through the procedure of

going to the sub county formerly to the DC’s disaster office but I have tried to get

communication there I am not getting anything that can help them urgently because now I had

also communicated to the office of the executive committee member in charge of Agriculture;

we were supposed to go with him so that they can evaluate the level of damage and see on how

they can donate certain seeds but all those have not achieved something. That is my issue of

topical concern, thank you.

Speaker: Thank you, any member wishing to tackle an issue of topical concern, Member for

Kanyamwa Kologi.

Hon Olago: thank you very much Mr. Speaker sir, we’ve got a problem because of the rains.

When the rain started the other day it went on until late night and as I speak now it is still falling

there and the people cannot even pass through the roads which were opened. It is a real problem,

even the vehicles cannot even move in the area after leaving the tarmacked road and you know in

my area they grow sugarcane and they have these carts which are being pulled by animals, these

carts cannot move on the roads which were opened, so I am requesting the people concerned, I

went to the minister of roads but I did not get him, so I went to request if he can within even two

days go and murram and put culverts on those roads otherwise famine will kill people over there,

people cannot move, you know we are depending on sugarcane so it is a real problem in my

area. that is my problem so I am requesting that if the chairman is here he should rush straight

away to go and consult and assist the people of Kologi by tarmacking and putting the culverts so

that it can be passable, otherwise thank you very much.

Speaker: you want the roads to be tarmacked in your ward?

Hon Olago: tarmacking no, murraming`

Speaker: chair roads the request is there? Roads are impassible in Kologi ward due to rains.

Hon Kaula: thank you Mr. Speaker sir I have just arrived so I didn’t know, I will consult with

him and we take the appropriate action.

Speaker: Thank you, any member wishing to speak on topical concern? Yes member for central


Hon Olang: thank you Mr. Speaker, I have an issue on environment. We are all aware that after

a very severe prolonged drought that has really irritated the people of this country, the long rains

have just started as we are all aware that we can only get rainfall when we have made several

measures that we have ensured that we plant enough trees that can influence the weather pattern

Page 3: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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in the region. This is a concern that we are supposed to be prepared enough because the rain is

not going to wait for us, it us to be waiting for the rain and be ready to go with the dictates of the

rain. As I am talking we don’t know whether we have enough trees to be planted in this county. I

see that there is no seriousness and sensitivity and the concern of planting enough tree seedlings

in the entire county. I think after the death of honorable Wangare Maathai there is nobody

coming up to remind the country that trees are real and should be planted in abundance, this is a

concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a

concern and I would always remind this house to do the necessary otherwise I thank the

honorable members. Another area that I would wish to remind this house is that we are also

aware that hunger is associated with the poor harvesting of the crops, as we are talking right

now, we have enough fertilizer in the county cereals board but our local farmers cannot access

the commodity because some are living at the farthest end of the county, they cannot manage to

travel for example from Chabera to come to Homabay to collect just a bag of fertilizer. When

will the farmers in the entire county get these fertilizers in the county headquarters? This is

another real concern but we know we can only perform when we have enough food then we are

able to eat and we will have enough energy so as to propel the wheeze of development of this

county. These are serious concerns and I don’t know whether other honorable members perceive

these issues, otherwise let me sum it up that way, thank you for giving me this time.

Speaker: yes, member for Kaksingri

Deputy speaker: Thank you Mr.Speaker also for giving me this golden opportunity, Kenya

Wildlife Service is a parastatal in this country supported by the tax payer’s money and the Kenya

wildlife just concluded recruitment of service men and women, unfortunately some of the

qualifications needed so to be recruited in Kenya Wildlife Service was that one has to have

scored a maximum of D+ at KCSE level, in other words if someone has C- and above, then they

are disqualified. My worry is the impact of this on academic performance of our young ones, for

once we have a situation where mediocrity is rewarded and failure is considered; the message to

our young ones is that for you to serve in Kenya Wildlife Service, you have to be dwarf

academically, I am worried of the future of our young ones and why this had to be a

qualification. I am aware of many candidates who were disqualified because their mean grade at

KCSE was above D+, it is a concern to my people at Ruma Kaksingri and I believe in Homabay

county as large because the recruitment that was done on 26th

March was discriminatory in

reverse rewarding failures at the expense of those who have achieved something and when it

comes to wildlife conservation I think it requires a lot of intelligence and above average

performance for the environment, wildlife and nature which we have been gifted with. Like you

know I come from Ruma Kaksingri and I take care of the wildlife which we have been gifted

with by nature; you can’t tell me that those gifts should only be taken care of by those who are

academically dwarf, I am concerned and I would want that if that was the policy, there is need

for revision so that qualified people should be considered for recruitment, thank you Mr. speaker.

Speaker: member for Arujo

Hon Owuor: honorable speaker I don’t know whether I will be irrelevant but mine is just going

to be a topical concern for this house.

Page 4: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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Speaker: what is the subject of your topical concern?

Hon Owuor: the struggle to form a quorum in this house.

Speaker: the struggle to form a quorum?

Hon Owuor: yes

Speaker: yes, proceed

Mr. Speaker, going by the nature of problems we have in this county at this particular moment, I

want to believe that this is the right time that members of this assembly should be here in good

time and deliberate fully on issues affecting the county. It is a pity to me that there has begun

what is called regional meetings even at the expense of assembly times. Sincerely speaking, three

quarters of members in this assembly are from a region. I started hearing of this region yesterday

that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe region, as I speak to you, most of the

members from Lambwe region are meeting at Homabay Tourist hotel and they know that the

assembly session is on and if the assembly is discussing those serious issues and we could not

know what the outcome will be by tomorrow so I want to plead with the honorable members of

the assembly that they should attend sessions. Thank you honorable speaker there were fights but

I want to remind members that we would like them to be here in good time so that we discuss the

serious matters in the presence of everybody not others hiding in other regions and after we have

discussed those issues they now become opponents of their own fellow members of the

assembly. I think this is very bad and it will one day even make this assembly behave the way we

have seen people behave in Nakuru.

Speaker: order member! How is lack of quorum related to a fight unless you want to fight

yourself? That was a fight in Nakuru county assembly; you want to fight against yourself when

there is lack of quorum?

Hon Owuor: Honorable speaker let me sit down but then I would like to remind members of the

assembly that we have serious issues for this county government and we should be here to listen

and discuss them together not others meeting elsewhere and others are in the assembly, it is not

good. Member Milambo is not there but I will address the press after coming from the assembly

on the matter so even if it is heard over the radio I have made it clear but I will address the press

on the situation going on now, thank you.

Speaker: order member Arujo! You have expressed yourself and we have understood. Yes

member for Kibiri what is it? No he is already down, don’t inform him now, any member

wishing to speak on topical concern? Yes member for Kamagak West?

Hon Opap: Thank you Mr. Speaker sir. Mine is a topical concern affecting my ward west

Kamagak. In west Kamagak, there is a tendency of very young men and women drinking

“chang’aa’’. This has become a hobby which is going to affect development of that area because

this “chang’aa” drinking starts very early in the morning and it ends in the wee hours of the

night and even some young women do not reach their homes in good time which results to them

Page 5: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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really being beaten thoroughly. Our chiefs are really trying, I don’t blame them. They really

arrest these culprits that bring “chang’aa” to these wards but shortly when they are taken to the

police station before they are taken to court they are already released because the policemen have

compromised. They are the people allowing these people to transport “chang’aa” from Kisii into

our wards and this is a terrible action and we are really concerned leaders because some of our

young people cannot go to school, they have resulted to drinking too much that they fail to go to

school and that means that that region is not developing and we are not going to accept that. This

is a caution as judiciary to the administration especially to the police who are allowing these

people to bring “chang’aa” and later on they are given sh500 to go back home. So it is a concern

and we have to fight it hard so that it does not happen, thank you Mr. Speaker sir.

Speaker: yes. Yes. Member Ombura proceed three minutes.

Hon Ombura: thank you, probably I may not take those three minutes. I am a little bit

concerned with an issue that involved county prayer day that was held last week. I do remember

myself, honorable Odiango and honorable Osuri were cooperated into the committee that was

organizing for the county prayers, unfortunately I don’t know what happened, we were called

into the first meeting and we finalized that there were supposed to be subsequent meetings in

which our input on behalf of the county assembly was needed. I was mesmerized last week

around Thursday evening that there were prayers Personally as Ruth, I didn’t get that invitation

letter but I understand some of us got it, I understand from the reports that I gathered that the

prayer went on very well, probably one member from the county assembly represented the whole

county assembly, I don’t know whether he was told to go on our behalf but I am a little bit

perturbed that if we as members of the county assembly were not involved in the first stages to

plan for the county prayers, it went on with one arm of the government and the other arm of the

government was not included. I am a little bit disturbed because the county government of

Homabay should be inclusive of both the two arms, we cannot run parallel neither can the

executive, so my concern is, where are we? Because the bible says that a house that is divided

will stumble and we also believe that together we can stand, divided we are doomed to fall. What

is our fate? As an assembly is it possible to organize an assembly prayer even if it is meant for

the honorable members and the staff of the county assembly so that we can move on the same

footing? I don’t want to believe that the prayers that were held on Friday were meant for us so

we should also think because we would not wish to go without having prayers as our foundation

is laid on God and that is what we believe in, so I am a little bit concerned if may be a committee

could probably be charged with this duty so that we have a well organized prayer day for the

members of the county assembly and the staff so that all of us stand rooted on God. Thank you.

Speaker: yes member for Kanyaluo.

Hon Odiango: Mr. Speaker last week in this assembly we were discussing a very important

matter but it was very unfortunate that some people somewhere decided to hire goons to come

and cause trouble within the presence of this assembly. I want to appeal to the residents of

Homabay town especially the youth that they are allowed to gather information, they are allowed

to access any information they need from the assembly to know whether we are discussing

matters which can help the county or we are having matters which can destroy this county and

Page 6: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

especially the youths who are married whom we are trying to help to get a living or to get better

roads or to get better schools or to get better facilities. They should not be incited against

members of the assembly because the assembly approves the budget and after approving the

budget, it is the sole responsibility of this assembly to ensure that these projects are fully

implemented. It is for their benefit but if they don’t like that and they are in need of handouts

then they cannot force us to do things which are not allowed in the constitution, so I want to

appeal to the security of Homabay County to make sure that the security of members is

guaranteed. We cannot be blackmailed but we have to speak the truth and truth alone. So I want

to appeal to them, before they act, before they are given money they should come to the

assembly, form organizations and have their representatives to ascertain whether what they are

being told is the truth or they are being fed with lies. I am concerned as an elder who thinks that

we should leave this county a better place than we found it. I want to ask the committee for

administration for security to take up the matter with the relevant authorities so that whenever we

discuss matters pertaining to development of this county we are not threatened, thank you Mr.

Speaker sir.

Speaker: yes member for Kakello Kokwanyo?

Hon Omuga Oriango: Mr. Speaker I have a matter of great topical concern, as the chairman for

energy of this county, when I sit and look around I find that we are endowed with a lot of natural

resources which can bring wealth to this county but the way we manage the massive endowment

of the natural resources that we have gotten from God is a very great concern to me; take for

instance the sand harvesting in our county, a lot of sand is being harvested from our county but

there is no laid down policy on how to regulate the sand harvesting and revenue which is

supposed to accrue from the same. I live in a place of sand harvesting -my ward is Kokwanyo

Kakello and Kokwanyo is basically a region of sand. The whole night vehicles pass through to

our neighboring counties at night with no revenue being collected. Even in this house, we have

attempted to bench mark with other counties which have the same resources and each time I am

very much disturbed that we have not been accorded the right to bench mark. It is high time that

we think of how to generate revenue from our own resources from our own county rather than

waiting for money to come from the national kitty which is obviously coming at times in bits

every month. Some counties collect a lot of revenue from home and if you go by records this

county in respective to county councils was collecting a lot of revenue than they are collecting

now as I speak. Something might has simply gone amiss in this county and as I explode here I

say it is high time somebody who is sleeping on the job pertaining to this issue be given some

canes on the buttocks as we used to do as teachers and you know where we cannot cane now that

we are elders. Second concern, Mr. Speaker if you allow me, the rains have come with a lot of

blessings but in my ward it has come with a lot of misfortunes. Kokwanyo has been gazetted as

registered in terms of land survey, Kakello Kamroth has not been registered the same , nothing

has been done in terms of land allocation and registration and what have you and so they don’t

have land title deeds. I have pleaded in this house with the budget committees to allocate some

funds for such areas like Kokwanyo which from 1966 up to now have not seen what is called

title deed. The worst thing is that now as people plough and sow seeds they scramble at the

border and they cut each other like fish, like cassava “mariwa” the luos who are here know what

Page 7: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

I am talking about, when you lay “mariwa” on the ground and you start cutting, you do it

recklessly and aimlessly. That is what is what is being done in my ward and the other time when

we were having a meeting in Kisumu, I had to run away from the meeting to go and see how my

people are slaughtering each other. In this modern time when people are supposed to be friendly

at the border and do their businesses at the border, mine is only to plead with them not to fight. It

is my humble prayer that when this one comes in this supplementary budget think of me and

think of the natural resources which are going free to the neighboring counties. Thank you.

Speaker: yes member Ruth Abong’o. Honorable Omuga, you have pleaded with your members

to assist you have a budget for registration of titles? For survey and registration of titles? Yes

member Ruth Abong’o proceed.

Hon Ruth Abong’o: thank you Mr. Speaker sir, I have a topical concern on people with

disabilities in Homabay County. Homabay county government is treating PWDs in form of a

medical move. In Homabay county PWDs are just begging the government to give them support

or to do for them some implementations and the PWDs are identified by ODM, while the ODM

leader is sleeping over there I want him to hear me that he should know how to take care of his


Speaker: order! Order! I demand that you withdraw that word…………..

Hon Ruth Abong’o :( giggling). Thank you Mr. Speaker sir I have withdrawn Mr. Speaker sir.

Speaker: you have withdrawn, we don’t have ODM member in this house. (Giggling) proceed.

Hon Ruth Abong’o: Mr. Speaker sir….......

Speaker: upon a point of information you want to inform who?

Hon.Osuri: Honorable Ruth

Speaker: yes, would you wish to be informed? Honorable Ruth would you wish to be informed?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: yes

Speaker: yes proceed.

Hon Osuri: Mr. Speaker I just want to inform honorable Ruth that the leader of majority was

just praying for her to continue, he was not asleep as she was thinking. She was praying for you

to get the spirit to pump that point to the attention of the members, thank you.


Speaker: I can’t judge whether that is correct or not and therefore I am unable to make a ruling

whether honorable Ruth you are accordingly informed but proceed.

Page 8: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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Hon Ruth Abong’o: thank you Mr. Speaker sir. The next thing, PWDs even the staffs in the

county government don’t have the 5% job opportunities which is reserved for them. Even here in

our assembly we only have one staff with disability. You should therefore know that in the

assembly you should have more PWDs to work as staffs. I have passed…..

Speaker: order! Suppose we advertise and they don’t show up what happens? Can you force

them to apply for jobs?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: Mr. Speaker sir there are documents which they brought and you people

did not adhere to that so……….

Speaker: which people?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: the people who advertised the advertisement.

{Honorable Owuor arises}

Speaker: order! Order member for Arujo you cannot assist a member to debate. Member Ruth


Hon Ruth Abong’o: Mr. Speaker sir, when I met these people they also complained about the

sign language interpreter. They told me that the person in the assembly is not giving them the full

information so they need a good sign language interpreter who went to school.

Speaker: like the honorable member for Kanyaluo? (Giggling)

Hon Ruth Abong’o: No. (Giggling) So Mr. Speaker sir the next thing…….

(Honorable Ruth Ombura arises)

Speaker: yes what is it on a point of order? What is not in order?

Hon Ruth: is it in order for my honorable member to insinuate that our language interpreter did

not go to school? I think one cannot do this if they have never stepped into a class for special

education. So is it in order for her to insinuate that our interpreter has not gone to school?

Page 9: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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Hon Ruth Abong’o: thank you……….

Speaker: order member Ruth! What did you say did you say? that our sign interpreter did not go

to school or she is not interpreting correctly according to the PWDs, what did you say?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: Mr. Speaker sir it is not that she didn’t go to school, she went, maybe she

is using the old method but nowadays there are new methods which they should be using, the

digital form of it (giggling) so Mr. speaker……….

Speaker: Honorable Ruth you see she rose on a point of order I wanted you to answer and you

have answered partly, honorable Ruth Ombura I don’t think honorable Ruth Abong’o is

complaining as such but she is basically saying that her colleagues are complaining that our sign

interpreter is not correctly interpreting. In other words our sign interpreter has already

understood that and she has to improve; if necessary further capacity building will be availed to

her so basically honorable Ruth Ombura she is not out of order. Proceed member Ruth Abong’o.

Hon Ruth Abong’o: thank you Mr. Speaker sir,

(Hon Kennedy arises)

Speaker: under which standing order, from whom? No you inform her. I have to even allow you

to raise it but you want to inform her or what do you want to do? You want to inform her. Yes

proceed, Hon Ruth would you wish to be informed?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: Yes

Speaker: Yes proceed

Hon Kennedy Ondiek: Our interpreter is doing the real interpretation and I think honorable

Odiango who is also a good sign language speaker is really interpreting the same way just as she

is doing so I was only wondering how is Ruth or those people know that the interpretation is not

being done correctly when they are not getting so it has to be said through her.

Page 10: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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Speaker: well, you see us who do not understand the sign language we are not in a position to

know whether she is doing the correct thing unless those people who require the sign language

complain, but honorable Ruth Abong’o is complaining, actually she is standing for the PWDs

that they are not getting the proper service, member Ruth did I get you correct?

Hon Ruth Abong'o: yes I think

Speaker: yes I think honorable member for Kibiri you have accordingly informed her. Proceed

member Ruth

Hon Ruth Abong’o: Thank you Mr. Speaker sir. The next thing these people are crying over the

information which is given by the county government.

Speaker: they are crying over information?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: yes, they are not getting full information. When the budget is processed,

these people are complaining that they have never seen even the leaf; they don’t even know how

the budget is being made.

Speaker: they have never attended public participation that we do?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: no. most of them are deaf and the sign language interpreters do not go with

the people who are going round, so you should take note of that so that whenever the public

participation is taking place, the sign language interpreter should accompany. Next thing we are

asking the assembly to maybe avail brails for the blind so that whenever they come to the

assembly they can maybe use them.

Speaker: ah…………they use them to facilitate to do what?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: maybe to understand whatever is taking place

Speaker: I think what you do member Ruth, those are very serious concerns that probably you

should see a way of addressing them either by motion or by petition. Proceed.

Page 11: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

Hon Ruth Abong’o: so Mr. Speaker sir I am also asking the ward representatives that whenever

they are doing implementation, let them consider even one or two PDWs, but they should

balance the groups whenever they are implementing those their things. So when the groups are


Speaker: Member Ruth please, order! Can you be clear on that issue? When you talk of their

thing what do you mean? What do you mean with their thing?

Hon. Ruth Abong’o: Mr. Speaker sir when they are doing implementations like bursary, they

should also value the people with disabilities in their wards. Most of them when they consider

one disabled person they are tell me that they have done it, even though they could consider ten

or six. They should balance their way of doing things in their wards, thank you Mr. Speaker sir.

Speaker: I think the issue of ‘things’ is still where you are not still very clear on honorable

Ruth, their things?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: they should balance on how they are giving out may be bursary forms…

(Member for central Karachuonyo arises)

Speaker: yes on a point of order, member for central Karachuonyo

Member for central Karachuonyo: Mr. Speaker, it is not in order for the honorable Ruth

Abong’o to mislead this house. I would want to ask her how many she visited to confirm whether

the PWDs have not benefited from these funds; like in my case I gave 20 PWDs bursary so don’t

give a generalized accusation.

Speaker: honorable Ruth can you respond to that issue on a point of order?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: Mr. Speaker sir may be he is only one person but others are crying for me

that is why I have talked like that.

Speaker: he is telling you not to generalize, are you through?

Hon Ruth Abong’o: yes I am through

Page 12: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

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Speaker: thank you. Yes member for Kochia

Hon Ochola: thank you Mr. Speaker sir and the honorable members of this house. I just want to

talk about unity.

Speaker: as a topical concern?

Hon Ochola: as a topical concern because the word unity is paramount and it depends on which

context you use the word unity to be a topical concern but I say for the purpose of the county

assembly and the county government of Homabay, when I speak of unity, I do that as a topical

concern, why do I say so? I talk of this because two years down the line we hadn’t come together

to form the county assembly of Homabay that is before the promulgation of the constitution we

didn’t know yet that at one time we on the new dispensation we shall come together to be

members of one county government of Homabay but because of the grace of the Lord and His

just nature, as we know that God brought us together and I would request that the members

especially the county assembly of Homabay under your leadership as the speaker of Homabay

county assembly, we should be united in all our deliberations and walk together as members of

one family. Why do I say so? Because the role which we play in this county government as the

legislators is bigger than ourselves; the people we represent outside totally depends on our

legislation that we make in this house. As we know that the new constitution gives the entire

authority to the people, the sovereignty is vested in the people and we are the representatives of

the people in such a noble house therefore we request that unity amongst ourselves that has

brought us together be unity of purpose but not unity of sycophancy and this will propel the

county government of Homabay to another height for the better governance of our people. I

would request that the honorable members of this house sit down and think deeply of why God

chose that at this particular time he had to bring you and not any other person to be members of

this house so that we could know each other; it is not only for this time but we should focus on

these things even beyond this time because after this where shall we be? and what will be the

legacy we shall be leaving behind as the first pioneers of this assembly and the county

government of Homabay? I speak this way because I believe if we could be moving through

osmosis whereby the molecules come together for a purpose for the betterment of our people

Page 13: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

then we shall believe in our people to go the right direction so unity is the topic I wanted to talk

about. Members of this assembly, however much we can differ in one way or the other but we

should put the needs of our people before us for the better governance and the development of

this county. Thank you.

Speaker: wishes to speech on a topical concern? Yes

Hon Patricia: thank you Mr. Speaker sir may I also take this opportunity to air my topical

concern. My topical concerns are on two issues: they touch on the Bill of Rights chapter 4(19)

sub-section 2:as you know that our constituency is the whole county, I want to bring to your

attention a very unfortunate incident that took place in Kodera forest in Kasipul constituency.

Because of the recklessness of the forest guards who opened fire on people who had gone

hunting, we lost lives unnecessarily and I want to say that as much as we know that the

government has orders that people should not encroach into the forest, I think it is not in order

for the forest guards to open fire to kill people who are not armed. This incident is very

unfortunate because we lost lives of two brothers from the same family and as much as you

know that those areas are hosting forests like Wire forest, we have women who go to look for

firewood there and it will be very unkind to have forest guards who do not take human life to be

important. As I can see the member of Kasipul here I want to urge him to find out what happened

that brought into place such an ugly incident that right now we have two people who we have to

bury, also the forest guard was affected with severe injuries. The other topical concern is that

yesterday I was in Rusinga Island for a certain workshop organized by honorable Wanga the

Commission for Women. I want to tell you that I left Oyugis at 6a.m but I reached the venue at

midday because of bad roads. I am saying this because I can see the chair of committee of roads

and infrastructure around, I want to put in very strong terms that half of the ring road is in a very

bad shape, it is good that we have the member for Rusinga here, the majority leader, but on his

behalf and also like a person who is concerned ……………

Speaker: yes you want to inform who? (to majority leader)

Page 14: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

Hon Ooro: thank you Mr. Speaker sir I wish to inform honorable Patricia that the ring road

around Rusinga is not a county road, it is a KERA road so KERA takes care of that road but we

have tried to follow up with them and still we are going to try to follow up with them, thank you.

Hon Patricia: thank you for the information, I still urge you to make a follow up because for

one why am I advocating for this road to be in good shape? I got opportunity………….

Speaker: on a point of information again, you want to inform who? You want to inform the

chair, Right? (To majority leader)

Hon Ooro: thank you Mr. Speaker sir I want to thank the honorable member for being in

Rusinga and for that concern she is actually putting across. I want to inform her that the tender is

already given by KERA and actually Rusinga road was the second road after Kadongo so that

can tell you how serious we are.

Speaker: are you properly informed member Patricia?

Hon Patricia: thank you very much for such very good and encouraging sentiments but all the

same why I was bringing this to the attention of the house is that I got opportunity to be hosted

in one of the very good hotels, marvelous, a very good tourist attraction site. I want to say that

we were visited by honorable Ann Amadi, the chief registrar of judiciary and she wondered why

we haven’t developed more of the tourist sites as such. I also want to bring to your attention that

this same road is used by women and fishermen to transport fish from the islands so I still want

to urge just as I have been told that this road is in plan, we are losing revenue as one of the

speakers had talked of it is part of the bad roads and now that the rainy seasons are on, it would

be our concern that we do not compromise our living standards because of impassible roads,

otherwise thank you very much.

Speaker: any member wishing to speak on topical concern? Member Mary Odero you have

expressed your interest. Proceed.

Hon Mary Odero: thank you Mr. Speaker, I have a concern. As you are aware that in the

constitution of Kenya chapter 4 talks about the Bill of rights……

Page 15: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

(Hon Godfrey arises)

Speaker: yes on a point of order, what is it?

Hon Godfrey Anyango: Mr. Speaker is it in order for honorable Mary Odero to come in this

honorable house in a night dress? (Giggles)

Speaker: yes honorable Mary Odero can you stand up and we see you whether you are in a night

dress? Ah……am…..ah……….yes, thank you. Am……..what is it that you have put on?

Hon Mary Odero: It is a dress Mr. Speaker

Speaker: not a night dress?

Hon Mary Odero: not a night dress

Speaker: order! Order! Order! Hon Mary Odero you are responding. Can you respond to that

point of order?

Hon Mary Odero: Mr. Speaker I am dressing as a political lady, politicians normally wear large

clothes and as you are aware that my body is ‘coming up’ there is no point of squeezing


(Member for Kibiri,honorable Kennedy arises)

Speaker: order! No there is no point of order at that stage. Member for Kibiri there is no point of

order at that stage. Order! Order! Order members! You know I have to determine whether that

point of order is right or not before you rise on a point of order for member for Kibiri. Order!

Now, members, looking at the dress that honorable Mary Odero is in, I make a ruling that that is

not a night dress. That is a free dress and therefore she is not out of order in terms of dressing

code, proceed.

Hon Mary Odero: Mr. Speaker, honorable member for Kabondo……….

Speaker: order! You cannot go back to that issue, proceed with your speech.

Page 16: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

Hon Mary Odero: it’s ok. Thank you Mr. Speaker for protecting me, I was just saying that as

we are aware that in chapter 4 of the constitution…………

(Member for Kanyaluo arises)

Speaker: yes on a point of order, what is it member for Kanyaluo?

Member for Kanyaluo: for having dressed well because I thought that cloth is a maternity

dress but I think if it is because she is becoming fat then I think this house needs not to be having

any problem with her.

Speaker: actually I do not know so (laughs) that is a comment. Member Mary Odero proceed

there is no point of order there to deal with, that is a comment proceed.

Hon Mary Odero: thank you Mr. Speaker article 42(4) says that (referring to the article) and

the latest day of the last session which is session two, last year a motion was brought in this

house, it was deliberated on and the resolutions were past. The motion was for the county

cleaning day; it was supposed to be implemented as early as the first week of March of this year

and until now there is no implementation on that motion and walking around this county the

county is very clean, wastes are being disposed anyhow

Speaker: you said very clean?

Hon Mary Odero: no very dirty sorry, the waste is disposed off anyhow and we resolved in this

house that we implement this, we even said that we as county members we are supposed to

demonstrate for the public members so that it become a law so that the first week of every month

the town can be cleaned. I am appealing to the committee of implementation whose mandate is

that every liberation or every resolution in this assembly is implemented ,they need to work very

first on that and make sure that our county is clean, thank you Mr. speaker.

Speaker: now chair implementation do you have something to comment on very fast before I

allow any member to…….. Yeah

Page 17: AT 2.30PM SPEAKER-HON OCHILO · concern and people should wake up so that we plant more trees that can influence rainfall; it is a ... that we have Karachuonyo region and then Lambwe

Disclaimer: the electronic version of the official hansard report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this report can be obtained from the hansard editor.

Chair for implementation: yeah the honorable member is a member of committee of

implementation but they said that we are going to discuss those matters then we shall get time to

go out and make a report then come back so I think we are still working on it and we shall bring

a report in three weeks’ time.

Speaker: yes any member wishing to speak on topical concern? Can we say that the motion is

exhaustively tackled so we move to the next order paper? Do we say so? Thank you. Clerk

proceed to the next order

Clerk: thank you Mr. Speaker, sir the next order is order number 8

Speaker: ah………… members allow me to amend the order paper so that we go to

communication from the chair and I want to seek your indulgence on this. I have a

communication with regard to a proposed motion of impeachment, however, the mover is not in

the house and therefore I find it very difficult to make that communication. Can we do it at

9.30a.m tomorrow? Do it 9.30 tomorrow? Pardon, 9.30 tomorrow, tomorrow is Wednesday so

we start by 9.30a.m. I would wish that the mover be present so we will do it tomorrow, members

of the public that communication will be done tomorrow at 9.30a.m, members of the fourth

estate, the same. Clerk proceed to the next order paper

Clerk: the next order is order number 8

Speaker: thank you. We go back to bills and motions? Ah…… is not for motions so that

therefore means that this house is adjourned until 9.30a.m tomorrow.
