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8/2/2019 Astbio 115 Final Sg 1/8

Coverage: All lectures; textbook Chapters 1-13 excluding Sec. 2.4, 12.4, 13.1, 13.4

Week1: Cosmic Origins; [Ch. 1+2]

Factors contributing to emergence of Astrobiology as a discipline

Contributions of various fields to Astrobiology

Why biology may be common in the universe

Geocentric v Heliocentric models of our Solar System

Kepler's Laws

Science v non-science (case of Martian canals)

Week2: Universe, Solar System, Planets; [Ch. 3]

Origin of the universe (evidence)

Cosmic calendar

Nebular theory and galaxy formation and composition

Solar system features contributing to Habitability

Differences between terrestrial and jovian planet formation and character

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Origin and distribution of other bodies in our solar system

How stars shine and the death of stars

Expansion of Universe

Week3: Habitability of Earth; [Ch. 4]

Formation and types of rock 

Characteristics of Earth contributing to habitability (volcanism, plate tectonics, B-field)

The Age of Earth and meteorites through radiometric dating

Geologic Eons and character of Earth (Fig 4.10)

Earth's interior composition

Origin/source of the oceans and atmosphere

Role of tectonics in recycling elements, shaping continents

Earth's magnetic field

Atmosphere layers, greenhouse affect, & climate regulation via the carbonate-silicate cycle.

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Formation of Moon and its cratering record

Oldest rocks and earliest signs of Life

Week4: Nature of Life on Earth; [Ch. 5]

Conserved characteristics and building blocks of all life (elements and molecules)

Properties of Life

Evolution, fitness and natural selection

Metabolic categories

Biological molecules (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids)

Genetic code, DNA, RNA, base pairing, protein, amino acids

Role of mutation and sex in evolution


Last common ancestor

Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Trees

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Week5: Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth; [Ch. 6]

Spontaneous generation

Origin of life scenarios (location, carbon and energy source)

Oparin-Haldane hypothesis; Urey/Miller experiment 

First replicating molecule

Origin of cells, scenarios



Earliest life on Earth and evidence for such

Major mass extinctions; likely causes

History of oxygen on Earth

Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, endosymbiosis

Hominid diversification

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Week6: Life in the Solar System; [Ch. 7,9]

Life's environmental requirements

Potential for life on asteroids (Ceres, etc.)

Difficulties for life on Gas and Ice Giants

Moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Encelladus, Triton

Europa's liquid ocean (Galileo spacecraft), evidence

Tides, tidal heating

Titan's atmosphere and hydrological cycle (Cassini/Huygens); weird life

Chemical Equilibrium/Disequilibrium; reduction, oxidation

Week7: Mars: Past, Present and the Search for Life; [Ch. 8]

History of characterization efforts

Differences between Mars and Earth

Martian eras

Loss of atmosphere; cause, effect 

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Evidence for presence of water on Mars, distant and recent past 

Seasonal variation

Missions through past several decades

Atacama desert 

Viking experiments; perchlorate


Week8: Habitable Zone (HZ), Extrasolar Planet Detection; [Ch. 10]

Star types (size, brightness, longevity); Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) diagram

HZ evolution; inner edge, outer edge

Venus' atmosphere

Runaway greenhouse, moist greenhouse

Kepler Mission findings

Alternative conditions that would provide habitability, outside the traditionally defined HZ

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Extrasolar planet detection methods: Astrometry, Stellar Doppler Shift, Transiting Planets,

Gravitational Lensing

Exoplanet properties: size, eccentricity, etc.

Week 9: Biosignatures, Rare Earth, Drake Equation; [Ch. 11, 12]

Spectroscopy and atmospheric composition

Atmospheric signatures of life, temperature

Why life may be common in the Universe

Characters of Earth that make it [potentially] uniquely habitable

Gaia hypothesis

Know the variables of the Drake Equation, and the relative degree to which each is known

Convergent Evolution, Encephalization Quotient 

SETI and categories of signals

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Week10: SETI and Bio-, Techno- Signatures; Terms and Concepts: [Ch. 13]

Pioneer Plaque, Voyager Record

Fermi paradox and solutions

Assumption of mediocrity

Arecibo and Allen telescope array

Directed radio signals vs leakage

Jupiter-size planet eccentricity and water on terrestrial planets

Disc-integrated data

EPOXI mission, observing Earth as extrasolar planet 

Surface liquid determined by 'glint'
