Page 1: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers


A wise person once prayed, “God, help the person here today who thinks they need help the most and help the one who thinks they need it the least.” Isn’t that true? Sometimes we know we need help and sometimes we don’t! Whether you have served on several mission trips* or this is your first, it’s so helpful – and critical to the trip - to get quiet before God and allow him to show you if there’s anything you need to deal with before going on the trip. You may have heard about the Johari window. It’s a simple model that illustrates that there are:

Things we know about ourselves and others do too. Let’s call it our Open box.

Things we know about ourselves but others don’t. This is our Hidden box.

Things we don’t know about ourselves and others don’t either, our Unknown box.

Things we don’t know about ourselves but others do, called our Blind Spots.

On the following pages you’ll have the chance to get a clearer picture of:

What’s in your boxes that’s potentially preventing you from serving effectively and

Where to find help for overcoming your serving barriers. Oh, a final word…please know that this assessment is for your benefit and those you’ll serve. It’s designed to increase your ability to help - and not harm - those you’ll end up serving. You won’t be asked to show your assessment to anyone. You will be given the chance to tell teammates what you learned. Please share what you’re comfortable with. *Our survey results indicate a need for returners to take this assessment.

I know &

others know


I don't know

but others know

(Blind Spot)

I know &

others don't know


I don't know &

others don't know


Johari Window

Page 2: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers


Serving Barrier Something that prevents or diminishes your ability to serve effectively Before you take the assessment, please circle what you think your top three barriers are.



Relationship with God

My Mindset/Attitude

Relationship with Others

Cultural Awareness

Logistical Awareness

Returner Awareness (First-time goers skip.)

Page 3: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



I know what EBC expects of me with regard to finances.

I know how I can fundraise for this trip if necessary.

I will have enough money (my own/others) to serve on this trip.

It’s unlikely I’ll forget to bring my money donations when they’re due.

I’m not concerned about having money to buy the appropriate clothes for the trip.

I know roughly how much money I’ll need to bring with.

______ Total Finance Score


I know what medicine/vaccinations I need to serve on this trip.

I know what non-prescription medication may be helpful for me on this trip.

I typically don’t have trouble sleeping regardless of the noise, lights, or new environment.

I know what food I’ll need to bring based on what the serving location can and can’t accommodate for my dietary needs.

I don’t have any existing health conditions.

I’m consistently good about taking care of myself.

______ Total Health Score

Page 4: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



I remember to read my Bible regularly.

I often remember to pray.

My best friend is God.

I have a good understanding of who I am in Christ.

I know how to recognize spiritual warfare and how to deal with it.

I know how Christianity/Christ followers here are similar and different from where we will be serving.

______ Total Relationship with God Score


I know a lot about my strengths and weaknesses.

My motive for applying for this trip is pure (i.e., I’m not looking for a vacation).

I agree with the purpose of this trip.

I’m confident that I’m able to do what I’ve been asked to do to serve on this trip.

It’s unlikely that I will be very frustrated if I go serve, do what our Global partner asked us to do, but don’t have anything to show for my time and money put into this trip.

I don’t have specific things I want to achieve on this trip. I don’t have set expectations of what will or will not happen.

______ Total Mindset Score

Page 5: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



I have a positive attitude about myself right now.

I am willing to submit to the trip leader’s authority even when I disagree.

I have no problem with any of the serving expectations for this trip.

I am willing to let the locals where we’ll serve tell us if there’s a way they’d like us to do something, and I am willing to do it that way even if I think I know a better way.

I am willing to put my needs and desires aside for the sake of the team or those we’ll serve.

I am willing to do things out of my comfort zone even though I really may not like or enjoy them.

______ Total My Attitude Score


I tend not to be selfish even when I don’t get enough sleep.

I am comfortable striking up conversations with people I don’t know.

I forgive people easily.

I am able to help and comfort others when they’re not doing well.

I am interested in my teammates and people there getting to know me well.

I am okay not being the one in control.

______ Total Relationship with Others (In General) Score

Page 6: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



My family and friends are supportive of me serving on this trip.

I have a great prayer support team.

I am sending thank you notes to people who donate their time, money, or resources to help with this trip.

Things at home are stable so I feel good about leaving to go serve.

I have a good method for keeping track of when I contacted different people (i.e., when solicited donations, when to send an update to them, who I’ve thanked, etc.).

I can effectively explain how my serving of this trip fits into the bigger picture of the mission of EBC and our Global partner.

______ Total Relationship with Others Receiving (Home Team) Score


I am willing to talk to my teammate directly when something happens that “bugs” me rather than talking with a few others first.

It’s easy for me to remember the names of most people on the team.

I am comfortable with how much I know about my teammates at this point and how much they know about me.

I am open to God using my teammates, in addition to those we’ll serve, to teach me things about myself, God, or others.

If I have to room with so and so, I’m pretty sure it won’t ruin my trip experience.

I am willing to go with the trip leader’s instructions even if I think of a better way to do things.

______ Total Relationship with Others (Teammates) Score

Page 7: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



I have a positive attitude about this trip’s Global partner.

Generally speaking I expect to know more than the people we will serve.

I’m in favor of giving the people I meet or become special to me tangible gifts so they know how much I love them.

I have no doubts that I’ll treat any interpreters and drivers we’ll have part of the team rather than extra people who aren’t part of the team.

It’s more like me to ask someone else’s story than tell about me first.

I am willing to do things incorrectly if it’s what the locals want done even if I know there’s a better way to do things.

______ Total Relationship with Others (Receiving Team) Score


I know how I’ll need to dress there to be a culturally-appropriate Christian.

I know the key cultural differences between my culture and that of the serving location.

I am aware of what’s appropriate and allowed in terms of taking pictures.

I am aware of the assumptions I carry as a North American as I engage cross-culturally.

I have an open mind and try to view every situation from several different perspectives.

While in country, I will look for ways to discover the assumptions of others through their words and behavior.

______ Total Cultural Awareness Score

Page 8: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



I’ve traveled internationally before.

I know what can and can’t be taken on a plane when travelling (or car if that’s the method).

I know what to do to get a passport if I need one or need mine renewed.

I know the serving country’s entering and exit guidelines (i.e., if there’s a country entry/exit fee I’ll have to pay, if I need a visa, how long my passport must be valid for, etc.).

I know who I or my family can contact in case of an emergency.

I know who will likely take/get me from the airport/departure location.

______ Total Logistical Awareness (Travel) Score


I am confident I’ll be prepared from a practical standpoint for this trip.

It’s unlikely I’ll forget to do any of the homework for this trip.

I expect things to be orderly from a logistics perspective there.

I don’t have any concerns about packing for this trip.

I know how much luggage I’m allowed and how much of my luggage can be for personal items versus team/ministry items.

I’m planning to take a lot of extra things just in case we need them.

______ Total Logistical Awareness (Order & Packing) Score

Page 9: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree



I know what safety pre-cautions to take personally when we’re travelling.

In general I’m known for having good common sense and making wise decisions.

I know what jewelry is and isn’t appropriate to wear on the trip.

I want to look nice but I’m not brining my best or favorite clothes with.

I plan on bringing a passport holder/money belt with.

I don’t envision exploring areas on my own even if I tell the team where I went.

______ Total Logistical Awareness (Safety) Score


I know how much time is needed to prepare for this trip, meaning me personally.

I know how much time on average is needed to adjust after serving globally.

I have scheduled regular time to do the things necessary to prepare well for serving globally.

I have/will request the day off from work or not go to school the day after I get home in order to have time to process and adjust in a healthy manner.

It’s not a problem for me to get time off from work/school.

The thought of their church services being a really different style or length than EBC doesn’t concern me.

______ Total Logistical Awareness (Time) Score

Page 10: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers

Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of this document.

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neither Agree/Disagree 4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree


RETURNER AWARENESS (First-time goers may skip.)

I know people there and am looking forward to spending time with them. I think the team will be fine as long as I let them know I’m off reconnecting with my friends there.

I’m interested in getting to know new goers just as much as returners.

Although this trip is to the same place, I expect it to be uniquely differently, not better or worse, just different.

It’s really unlikely I’ll make this mission trip all about me, my plans, knowledge, or agenda.

I am not planning to tell the new goers the things that made my last trip so remarkable so they can expect those things too.

It’s unlikely I’ll contact people there before I leave in an attempt to set up a time and place to meet with them.

______ Total Returner Awareness Score

Page 11: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers



Fill in each section total in the chart below. Then circle your top three highest scoring sections.

Section Total Section



Relationship with God

My Mindset

My Attitude

Relationship with Others - In General

- Home Team

- Teammates

- Receiving Team

Cultural Awareness

Logistical Awareness - Travel

- Order & Packing

- Safety

- Time

Returner Awareness (First-time goers skip.)

Now look back through your assessment and star any topics you ranked a 5 (Strongly Disagree).

REFLECTION How do your top barriers from the chart above compare to what you thought they would be?

Does anything surprise you about your results? Why?

Page 12: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers


BARRIER REMOVAL STRATEGIES My top picks… Pick your top two barriers that if not worked on have the biggest chance of negatively impacting the mission of this trip. When and how I’ll address them… To make life easier we’ve assembled resources on the volunteer site pertaining to various barriers. Feel free to use them or another strategy God shows you to address your barriers. Why it matters that I do them… Prevent flopping like a New Year’s resolution by writing down your end goal, the reason why it matters you address these barriers.

Page 13: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers


Barrier Removal Strategies (Visit volunteer site for this or other resources listed.)

Finances Fund-a-Trip video Financial Need to Knows video Fundraising Ideas & Websites document Finance Policy document Support Raising Communications document Ask other to pray (your supporters/small group)

Health Health Precautions document Packing List document

Relationship with God EBC Spiritual Growth site Basic Steps toward Christian Maturity (cru website) Devoted, p. 24-25 or 28-29 Love Letter Prayer resource Spiritual Warfare resource

My Mindset Spend time with God (Bible study and prayer) Talk with your trip leader, small group leader, or a past mission trip goer Devoted, p. 12-13 or 28-29

My Attitude Spend time with God (Bible study and prayer) Talk with your trip leader, small group leader, or a past mission trip goer Devoted, p. 12-13, 28-29, or 36-37

Relationship with Others – In General

Devoted, p. 14-15, 16-17, 30-31, or 36-37 Talk with your trip leader or past mission trip goers

Relationship with Others – Home Team

Devoted, p. 22-23, 30-31 Talk with past mission trip goers

Relationship with Others – Teammates

Devoted, p. 16-17, 18-19, or 26-27 Talk with your trip leader or past mission trip goers

Relationship with Others – Receiving Team

Devoted, p. 26-27 Talk with your trip leader or past mission trip goers

Cultural Awareness CIA World Factbook Foreign to Familiar PDF (The book may also be available at EBC bookstores.) Using a Translator Download a smartphone language application such as Duolingo which is free

Learning Spanish Learning Norwegian

Page 14: Assessing Barriers…Assessing Barriers Rate each statement using the scale below, and add up your section totals. Then write your section totals in the summary towards the end of

Assessing Barriers


Barrier Removal Strategies (Visit volunteer site for this or other documents listed.)

Logistical Awareness - Travel

State Dept. Travel site Trip schedule & emergency contacts are available close to departure.

Logistical Awareness – Order & Packing

Devoted, p. 14-15 or 38-39 Packing List – Warm Climate Trips Packing List – Cold Climate Trips

Logistical Awareness - Safety

State Dept. Travel site Talk with your trip leader

Logistical Awareness - Time

Devoted, p. 38-39 Foreign to Familiar PDF (The book may also be available at EBC bookstores.)

Returner Awareness (First-time goers skip.)

Devoted, p. 16-17 Talk with your trip leader

“For I hold you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, “Don’t be afraid. I am

here to help you” Isaiah 41:13

If it’s difficult for you to believe these words, be honest and ask God to help you through your unbelief. Tell Him you need his help knocking down the wall that prevents you from believing his words!
