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Page 1: Ash's Tale

This epic called Ash’s tale reveals irony in today’s world. Teaching that what may seem right can be

wrong and what can be wrong, can be right. Throughout this tale an epic journey takes place sounding

like it happened in a different dimension of today’s world but really… it is happening as you read.

Ash’s Tale

Floating in pure darkness the

quiet souls open her eyes and

found her in the same spot like

no time has changed. She could

see her body n feel it but she

felt detached and had grown

accustom to it. A quiet whisper

in her mind reminding her she

is being punished by the gods

and should feel remorse for

betraying them. Her eyes lids

dropping as she thought to that

day that she had betrayed the


Red grass gleamed in the

moonlight, Glazed over eyes

reflecting the vast dark sky.

Meat-bags litter the hills as

Ashley kneels over a crying

bundle. Casting her gaze over

her shoulder at the sea of body’s

amazed by the loyal crusade

soldiers willing to throw their

lives down for a supposed God.

But she didn’t understand since

all these men and women were

fighting….. to kill a baby. A

baby which is more innocent

then them, condemned by

being born on a certain day. A

day prophets deemed the start

of the end of life as we knew it.

And deeper in the prophecy it

was read that only if a baby was

born on the stated day would

the evil begin to leak into our

society. She Remembered that

day vividly, when soldiers

forced there way into every

home searching and killing the

pregnant women who may of

conceive in that month that day

was known as the Cleansing. It

was also the day she heard so

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many sorrowful cry’s float

throughout the cities. Not the

cries of families who lost not

one but two loved ones. But the

cries of the unborn. So many

lives cut short by fear, or

retribution, their voice unheard

by all except Ashley. She heard

them and her heart shattered.

She was very religious and

didn’t have anyone ripped away

before there time, so she stuck

to the prophecy’s. So her

Church deemed her their title-holder and given her the

responsibility to make sure the

last child that was mistakenly

born, was slain. But now

looking down into the most

beautiful eyes she knew that her

heart was right about this. That

she was not to kill this baby, but

to protect it. The voices she

heard that usually were wailing

were rejoicing. Grabbing the

bundle she slipped into the

darkness before the tainted-souls started searching for the

baby’s body.

The gods knew at once that a

baby was born and their

supposed loyal subject had

betrayed them. They quickly

assembled their Celestial Tigers

to exterminate the trader and

the baby.

“Mighty protectors of Heaven,

we have summand you here on

the day after the Cleansing to

bear bad news. Our earthly

Follower known as Ashley has

betrayed our cause and taken

the last baby. But now to kill has

we had expressed what was to

be done in the scriptures. But to

protect it; and we call upon you

to kill them both and bring

back their spirits.”

With a roar of submission and

understanding the Tigers

bounded down towards earth.

Ready to find their prey.

Ashley came across a quiet a

few people who believed as she

did throughout her travels.

When they heard a mighty roar

and huge tigers glowing white

heading straight for them. They

scrambled but wasn’t sure

where to flee, She told everyone

to get in their basements and

wait. She gave the baby to a

man who she knew was kind

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though lost from losing his

unborn child and wife; she knew

he’d protect the baby with his

life. Standing alone she drew

her FN BRG-15. The world’s

most powerful machine gun.

Aiming but not firing, the

voices are telling her that the

weapon would have no effect

unless she had non-human blood

on the bullets. Thinking she

DNA has altered at least a pint-sized amount since she heard

the voices she bit her arm so

hard blood seeped out. Rubbing

it on the muzzle of the gun so as

the bullet fire out they’d get

her blood on it. As the head

tiger leaped for the kill she

fired. She was amazed as the

tiger dropped; looking

surprised at her and faded. Not

wasting time she emptied a clip

into the other tigers. Sighing in

relieve as the last tiger

disappeared. As soon as the

newly found hero dropped her

gun a tiger leapt at her back

pinning her to the ground and

swiped a claw across her bare

exposed flesh, delivering a fatal

wound. Twisting around and

grabbing the gun, using every

ounce of adrenaline she had she

shoved the bloody muzzle of

the gun against its stomach.

Sighing as it disappeared like

the others. Knowing her time

was short she stumbled into the

man’s basement to deliver her

final words.

“ My time is nearly down and I

believe I’ve finally found my

purpose, And I did it by

protecting the little one , now

it’s your turn and I will not

leave you empty handed I give

you my recently acquired

conscious. The voices of the


The man hugged the baby to

him as he heard millions of

voices crying for their lost

newly found friend. Making a

silent oath the man left with the

baby disappearing into the

night-shaded world.

Opening her eyes again she can

feel eyes on her as a voice of

many yet as one speaks

“Ashley all you must do is feel

and ounce of remorse for

betraying us and your

punishment will end”

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smiling she knows in her heart

that what is happening to her is

because she didn’t do what they

deemed rite which is wrong.

She closes her eyes and whispers

back “I’m proud of what I have

done and will never be ashamed

of thinking for myself” Sinking

back into her own dark oblivion

happy and at peace for the first
