  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW




    A Study on Buying Behavior of Customers towards

    the household sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW






    (DIRECTOR) M.B.A 4th Semester

    Roll no:1120370006



  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW



    I take this as an opportunity to thank with bottom of my heart all thosewithout whom the journey of doing my project would not have been as

    pleasant as it has been to me.

    I am very thankful to my respected sirDr. Monika Agarwal for givingme their valuable advice and guidance towards fulfillment of the project.

    Finally I would like to convey my heartiest thanks to all my well wishersfor their blessing and co-operation throughout my study. They boostedme up every day to work with a new and high spirit.



    Roll. No. 1120370006


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW



    I hereby declare that this Research Project entitled, A Study on BuyingBehavior of Customers towards the household sections in Big Bazaar ofLUCKNOW written and submitted by me, under the guidance ofMs.Monika Agarwal mam, is my original work and that has not beensubmitted to any other University / Institute previously.


    MBA -IV Sem.Roll No.1120370006


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW





    CHAPTER-I 8-14Introduction 8Objectives of the study 9Scope of the study 10Importance of study 11Research Methodology 12-14

    CHAPTER-II 16-30Industry Profile

    -Retail industry in India 16-19-Major Indian retail sectors in India 20-Big Bazaar 21-25-Food Bazaar 26-27-Promotional Programs 28-30

    CHAPTER-III 32-62

    Data collection 32-33Data analysis and interpretations 34-62

    CHAPTER-IV 64-66

    Findings of research 64Recommendations 65Conclusion 66CHAPTER-V 67-68

    Limitations of the study 68ANNEXURE(S) 69-72

    QuestionnaireBIBLIOGRAPHY 73


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW


    LIST OF PIE CHARTS AND GRAPHS1. The different sources from where the respondents came to

    know about Big Bazaar.

    2. The customers response about the layout & display of BigBazaar.

    3. Customers feedback about the availability of products in thehousehold section.

    4. Time spent during the visit of big bazaar

    5. Money spent on the household products during the visit to bigbazaar

    6. Quality satisfaction level of plastics in household section.

    7. . To know about the purchasing percentage of plastics in the BigBazaar.

    8. Customers feedback about the quality of appliances in thehousehold section.

    9. To know whether the prices of items in the household section

    are comparatively less than the market price or not.

    10. To know about the availability & capabilities of salespersonsstranded at the household section.

    11. To find out whether the products are easily accessible or not inBig Bazaar.

    12. To check whether discounts/schemes affects the buyingbehavior of the customers in Big Bazaar

    13. To know about the most preferable brands in plastics.

    14. The most preferable brands of Appliances among customers.


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    As customers tastes and preferences are changing, the market scenariois also changing from time to time. Todays market scenario is very

    different from that of the market scenario before 1990. There have been

    many factors responsible for the changing market scenario. It is the

    changing tastes and preference of customer which has bought in a

    change in the market. Income level of the people has changed; life styles

    and social class of people have completely changed now than that of

    olden days. There has been a shift in the market demand in todaysworld. Technology is one of the major factors which is responsible for

    this paradigm shift in the mark. Today we can see a new era in market

    with the opening up of many departmental stores, hyper market,

    shoppers stop, malls, branded retail outlets and specialty stores. In

    todays world shopping is not any more tiresome work rather its a

    pleasant outing phenomenon now.

    Big bazaar Isse Sasta Aur Acha Kahin Nahin is the hypermarketdiscount store initiative of the company (Pantaloon) commissioned toaddress the discount & bargain-hunting tendency of the Indianshopper .Driven by their sounding success of the concept, four BigBazaars were rolled out across2,00000 Sq. ft. in Hyderabad, Bangalore,& Mumbai. These include Mens, Ladies, children apparel, utensils,kitchenware ,stationery, luggage, toys, optical products, a photo studio& an STD booth among others .Big Bazaar has more than 50 sales offers

    across its countries at any time &these discounts range from 6 to60%.The magic of the concept is reflected in the footfall. At Big Bazaar,

    price was the principal value proposition at these stores. Schemes of Bigbazaar are very popular like buy two get one free. Also positioning &product availability in Big Bazaar gained a higher share of thecustomers shopping basket.


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    1. To find out the source from where the respondents came to knowabout Big Bazaar (division of Pantaloon).

    2. To find out the customers response about the Layout & Display of BigBazaar.

    3. To find out the availability of products in the Household section.

    4. To find out the quality satisfaction of Plastics, utensils, appliances inthe Household section.

    5. To find out the Price satisfaction level among customers.

    6. To find out the availability & capability of salespersons servicestranded at the Household section.

    7. To find out the most preferred brands in Plastics, appliances.

    8. To check whether Discounts or Schemes affects the buying behaviorof respondents.


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    The scope of this research is to identify the buying behavior ofcustomers towards the household sections of Big Bazaar in

    Lucknow. This research is based on primary data and secondary data.Due to time constraint only limited number of persons contacted. Thisstudy only focuses on urban buying behavior of customers because theresearch conducted in Lucknow. The scope of research is limited forLucknow. It provides help to further the research for organized retail

    sector in Lucknow. It aim to understand the skill of the company in thearea like technological advancement, competition in management.


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    The study shows customers buying pattern towards the householdsections with Big Bazaar in Lucknow. Its provide guideline for furtherresearch in Lucknow for organized retail. Research says about customer

    buying behavior towards Big Bazaar in Lucknow. The study rate ofcustomer satisfaction level with Big Bazaar for Lucknow. The researchis also important to identify Market size, growth and Market Potential ofBig Bazaar in Lucknow. The research shows future Scenario of BigBazaar in current perspective. The study shows Opportunities andchallenges for Big Bazaar respect of internal & external environment.Research says about main competitors in the field of organized retailsectors. The study provides guideline to further extension of Big Bazaarin Lucknow. The study provides help to know the customers satisfaction

    with Big Bazaar stores i.e. household sections of the big bazaar.


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    A research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research

    problem. In Research Methodology we study the various steps that are

    generally adopted by researcher in studying his research problem along

    with the logic behind them. Research in common parlance refers to a

    search for knowledge. Information is the lifeblood of managerial

    decision-making. The purpose of methodology section is to describe the

    research procedure by which the relevant information is gathered. This

    section comprises the research design, the data collection method, thesampling procedures and analysis procedures.

    Research Methodology includes:Research Design

    RESEARCH DESIGN: A Research design is the overall plan orprogram of research. It is the general blueprint for the collection,

    measurement and analysis of data. It includes an outline of what the

    investigator will do from writing the hypothesis and their operational

    implications to the final analysis of data. It is the overall operational

    pattern or framework of the project that stipulates what information is to

    be collected, from which sources and by which procedure.

    Exploratory Research :It means to gain the familiarity with aphenomenon or to achieve new insight into it. Studies with this object inview are termed as exploratory or formularize research studies.


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    Descriptive research: In this type of research, researcher has to portrayaccurately the characteristics of particular individual, group or situation.

    Diagnostic research: It deals with determine the frequency with which

    something occurs or with which something associated with somethingelse.

    Experimentalresearch :It is used to test a hypothesis for causalrelationship that is the cause & effect relationship.

    Research design used during research EXPLORATELY RESERCH


    Population: It is the target group, which the researcher wants to knowabout by studying one or more of its samples. To be complete, a

    population must be very explicitly defined in terms of elements,sampling units, extent and time.

    Population taken:


    Sampling Procedure: Sampling is simply the process of learning aboutthe population on the basis of a sample drawn from it. Thus, in thesampling technique instead of every unit of the universe only a part of

    the universe is studied and the conclusions are drawn on that basis forthe entire universe. A sample is a subset of population units.

    The process of sampling involves three elements: Selecting the sample,Collecting the information, and Making an inference about the


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    population. On the basis of sample study we can predict and generalizethe behavior of mass phenomenon.

    The method of sampling used during research: NON PROBABILITY


    Sampling Unit: The sampling unit is the basic unit containing theelements of the population to be sampled. It may be the element itself,i.e., the object on which measurements are taken or a unit in which theelement is contained.

    Sampling unit chosen for the research: CUSTOMERS OF BIGBAZAAR

    Sample Size: 100

    Data Collection Method:Depending on the source, statistical data areclassified under two categories:

    1) Primary Data

    2) Secondary Data

    Data used during research: PRIMARY DATAPrimary data areobtained by a study specifically designed to fulfill the dataneeds of the

    problem at hand. Such data are original in character and aregenerated inlarge number of surveys.

    Method of data collection used:QUESTIONNAIREMETHOD


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  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW



    Retailing occupies a pre-eminent position in all economies. Retailingincludes all those activities that involve the sale of goods and services toultimate consumers for personal, family and household use. Indianconsumers are always known for its price sensitivity. Change in Indianretailing has been constant but the pace of development is fast over pastfew years.

    According to survey conducted by CII & McKinsey, the total number ofretail outlets in India is more than 12 million. The survey estimated thatretail segment in India contributes more than 10% to the GDP andemploys around 8% of the total workforce. The high contribution isattributable to the fact that India has the largest retail outlet destinyrelative to population. Compared to the number of retail outlets per 1000

    people, India has 5-10retail outlets where as it is just 3.7 in US. Thisitself highlights the extent of retail penetration in India.

    Now the Indian Retail Industry is moving from unorganized retail toorganized retail. Organized retail include departmental stores, hypermarkets, discount stores etc. where all shopping needs of the consumersare met at one place like that of home needs, apparels, beauty, toys,food, electronics etc.

    Gone are the days when consumers needed to visit a no of places to

    address their shopping list. Small shops, niche shops made that type ofshopping expensive and inconvenient. But now all small needs can bemet through big departmental stores, which make the shoppingconvenient for consumers by providing consumer durable and consumer

    perishables under a single roof. Organized retail is a big revolution toIndian economy, which not only contribute to convenient shopping but


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    also contribute to national growth. Just think! In a country where 96percent of the retail outlets are packed into less than 500 square feet, butthe average size of these kind of department al stores is around 15,000square feet. In a country where departmental store refereed to well

    segregated god own, but now it means big retail store where all FMCGsare available under one roof.


    India is the country having the most unorganized retail market.Traditionally the retail business is run in a shop in the front of the house.

    Making India a nation of shopkeepers. The estimated number of outletsin India was 5.37million in 1999. This means at least 5.5 outlets per1000 people, the highest number of outlets per capita in the world. Butnow the number has increased to 12million. The retailing landscape isdominated by small independent outlets, which have less than 500-sq.feet space but together contribute an extraordinary 96% of totalresale.

    The manufacturers use to distribute goods through C&F agents todistributors & wholesalers. Retailers happen to source the merchandisefrom wholesalers & reach to end-users. Retailers are the last stage insupply chain, the merchandise price used to get inflated to a great extenttill it reaches from manufacturer to end user. Manufacturer does notlargely control selling prices.

    All the merchandise is purchased as per the test & vim and fancies of theproprietor also the pricing is done on ad hoc basis or by seeing the face

    of the customer. Profits are accumulated in slow moving & non-movingstocks, which become redundant or consumed in-house. Thus profitswere vanished without their knowledge.


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    Since Indian industry is showing changing faces, the retail industry isnot an exception. Indian consumer wants big in less time. With the

    changing time, people are more occupied with work, office, family andchildren. With this change in their lifestyle their consuming pattern hasalso changed. It changed the shape of retail market into big retail formatsi.e. shopping malls, departmental stores, hypermarkets, super bazaars.The biggest unorganized retail sector is changing to organized sector.Though it will take time as the society is dominated by nukkar walas,kirana shops, niche shops etc. the success stories of Pantaloons,Lifestyles and many more are showing the trend of potential organized

    retail market.


    In the opening of 21st century, there is evidence of new forms ofretailing. The retail market is becoming more segmented with retailformats focusing on the needs of a particular consumer groups. The

    traditional forms of independently owned small business and co-operatives are losing their market share in big areas, metro cities andsatellite areas. Now they are characterized by large scale multiple chainsrun by powerful and sophisticated organizations like super bazaars,kendriya bhandar. Hypermarkets, departmental stores and discountstores.


    With the changing time and customer lifestyles, gone are the days whenshopping used to be a tiring experience, running to purchase thespecifics from place to place. Now it has become an enjoyment for theentire family where the desires of all family members can be met under


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    one roof. Modern organized retail sector has become a long way.Though it is in infancy stage in India catering the needs of specificsegments of the society in the areas of big cities and satellite areas likeGurgaon ,Lucknow, Noida etc.

    According to CII-McKinsey report retailing in India is the biggestindustry with gross sales totaling $180 billion and second largestgenerator of employment after agriculture. Retail industry is expected togrow at the rate of 15-20% per annum in the organized retail sector.

    The retail sector is expected to show maximum growth in the areas ofApparels, Food Retailing and Entertainment. Big format stores areclassified into: -

    Retail malls

    Specialty stores

    Departmental stores

    Discount/Bargain stores


    Hybrid stores.

    Though the numbers are few but the success stories of these retail formatscan give the picture of retail potential in India.

    Pantaloons (Biyanis),

    Westside (Tatas),Lifestyles (ITC),

    Food world (RPG), Music World, Marks& Spencer


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    and many more have made a landmark in Indian organized sectorexceeding Rs.100 crore marks.


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    The low-intensity entry of the diversified Mahindra Group into retail isunique because it plans to focus on lifestyle products. The Mahindra

    group is the fourth large Indian business group to enter the business ofretail after Reliance Industries Ltd, the Aditya Birla Group, and BhartiEnterprises Ltd.RPG Retail-Formats: Music World, Books & Beyond, SpencersHyper, Spencers Super, Daily & Fresh

    Pantaloon Retail-Formats: Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Pantaloons,Central, Fashion Station, Brand Factory, Depot, aLL, E-Zone etc.

    The Tata Group-Formats: Westside, Star India Bazaar, Steel junction,Landmark, and Titan Industries with World of Titans showrooms,Tanishq outlets, Chroma.

    Pyramid Retail-Formats: Pyramid Megastore, TruMart

    Nilgiris-Formats: Nilgiri's supermarket chain

    Subhiksha-Formats: Subhiksha supermarket pharmacy and telecomdiscount chain.

    Vishal Retail Group-Formats: Vishal Mega Mart

    BPCL-Formats: In & Out

    Reliance Retail-Formats: Reliance Fresh

    Reliance ADAG Retail-Format: Reliance WorldGerman Metro Cash & Carry

    Shoprite Holdings-Formats: Shoprite Hyper


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    Is se sasta aur acha kahin nahin-BIG BAZAARis the hypermarketdiscount store initiative of the company commissioned to address the

    discount and bargain hunting capacity of the Indian shopper .At bigBazaar, price was the principal value proposition at these stores. Thestore sold a variety of products 5% to 60% lower than the correspondingmarket price. Apparel, for instance, was normally cheaper by 25% to60%.To popularize discounts, Big Bazaar circulated a Patrika with offerlike:Kanchan frying pan worth Rs. 250/- free with Dawat premiumBasmati rice worth Rs. 310/- and Buy two bottles of Haveli pickles,Get the third free.

    The magic of the concept is reflected in footfall, Big Bazaar attractsmore than 500000 shoppers every month. More importantly, it hasemerged as the first organized store to reach out to a broad customerspectrum- from a villager to a wealthy businessman.

    In addition to the attractive price differential, Big Bazaars draw was itsunusual offer: that the customer could not locate similar product at alower sticker price elsewhere within 10 days, then the customer would

    be entitled to gift voucher worth twice the amount of the difference!Besides, the Shop-in-Shop concept also maximized footfalls.

    Thanks to its positioning and product availability, the Big Bazaar storesgained a higher share of the costumers shopping basket. The Big Bazaar


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    stores contributed Rs. 55.88 Cr to the companys turnover in 2001-02(including Shop-in-Shop sales of Rs. 12.87 Cr).

    On successful completion of ten years in Indian retail industry, in 2011,

    Big Bazaar has come up a new logo with a new tag line: Naye IndiaKa Bazaar, replacing the earlier one: 'Isse Sasta Aur Accha KahinNahin'


    Future group, led its founder & group CEO Mr. Kishore Biyani is oneof India leading business house with multiple business spanning across

    the consumption space. While retail firm the core business activity offuture group, group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital,insurance, brand development & entertainment. The first set of Big

    bazaar store open in 2001 in Kolkata, Hyderabad and Bangalore.


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    A Big drive of footfall at Big Bazaar is the product Variety. The

    Company stocks about 1,30,000 items over 20 product categories. Thishas been supported by the Companys decision not just to stock it withshops. As a result, a usual Big Bazaar companies shops that stockmedicines,optical accessories,camera rolls

    bakery products dry fruits,crockery,

    utensils,glassware,health and beauty products,ladies accessories,saree and dress material, infant necessities,readymade garments,fabrics,

    electronics,watches,clocks, computer accessories,food and beverages,stationery,household appliance,house hold products,

    plastic products,furniture,

    homefurnishings and luggage.


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    A Big Bazaar also provides PCO Photostats andATM services.


    Apparels accounted for 70% of Big Bazaar off take in 2001-02the pricefactor was singularly responsible for the success it started from Rs.99/-upwards to Rs. 799/-. Even though the apparel products at Big Bazaar

    reinforced the price with its range mens wear, ladies ethnic, westernwear and kids wear the role of Visual Merchandising was emphasized.

    Non Apparels:

    Non apparels sales accounted for 10% of Big Bazaar total of sale in2001-02. A range of more then 1 lac items coupled with a 6% to60%discounts started a virtuous cycle: thanks to the increased footfall,

    Big Bazaar entered in to an attractive negotiation with its vendors forbetter prices, which translated into an even higher footfalls. The nonapparel categories include plastics items, footwear toys, luggage,appliance white goods and stationery.


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    Wednesday BazaarBig Bazaar introduced the Wednesday Bazaar concept and promoted itas Hafte Ka Sabse Sasta Din. It was mainly to draw customers to thestores on Wednesdays, when least number of customers are observed.According to the chain, the aim of the concept is "to give home makersthe power to save the most and even the stores in the city don a freshlook to make customers feel that it is their day".Sabse Sasta Din

    With a desire to achieve sales of Rs 26 Crore in a one single day, BigBazaar introduced the concept of "Sabse Sasta Din". The idea was tosimply create a day in a year that truly belonged to Big Bazaar. Theconcept was such a huge hit that the offer was increased from one day tothree days in 2009 (24 to 26 Jan) and to five days in 2011 (22-26 Jan).Maha Bachat

    Maha Bachat was started off in 2006 as a single day campaign withattractive promotional offers across all Big Bazaar stores. It has

    attractive offers in all its value formats such as Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar,Electronic Bazaar and Furniture Bazaar - catering to the entire needs of aconsumerThe Great Exchange Offer

    On February 12, 2009 Big Bazaar launched "The Great ExchangeOffer", through with the customers can exchange their old goods in forBig Bazaar coupons. Later, consumers can redeem these coupons for

    brand new goods across the nation.


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    Food Bazaars core concept is to create a blend of a typical Indian

    Bazaar and International supermarket atmosphere with the objective ofgiving the customer all the advantages of Quality, Range and Priceassociated with large format stores and also the comfort to See, Touchand Feel the products.

    'FOOD BAZAAR' a division of Pantaloon Retail India Ltd is a chain oflarge supermarkets with a difference. It was flagged off in April'02.Withstore sizes ranging from 8,000 sq ft to 15,000 sq. ft. in Mumbai (twostores), Kolkata, Bangalore & Hyderabad, it is opening more stores at

    Gurgaon (Delhi), New Bombay & Nagpur. It currently caters to over 1.2million customers every day across 4 outlets in India and is soon set toexpand and double this figure across 8 outlets all over the country byJune 2003.

    Food Bazaar offers the Indian consumer the best of Western and Indian


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    values. The western values of convenience, cleanliness and hygiene areoffered through pre packed commodities and the Indian values of "See-Touch- Feel" are offered through the Mandi atmosphere created bydisplaying staples out in the open, all at very economical and affordable

    prices without any compromise on quality. This satisfies the Indianconsumer and comforts her before making her final buying decision. Atother super markets, the consumer is deprived of this factor.

    Truly the Indian consumer now agrees with Food Bazaar: "Ab GharChalaana kitna Aasaan. This positioning platform of Food Bazaar isevident from the higher discounts and the wholesale price-points whichis below MRP.

    Food Bazaar represents the companys entry into food retail and istargeted across all classes of population. Food Bazaar replicates a localmandi, to provide the much important touch & feel factor whichIndian housewives are used to in the local bazaar. Food Bazaar has over50,000 stock keeping units which cover grocery, FMCG products, milk

    products, juices, tea, sugar, pulses, masalas, rice wheat etc, besides fruitsand vegetables. All products are sold below MRP and discounts range

    between 2% to 20%. Fruits and vegetables are sold at prices comparableto wholesale prices.


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    Visual Merchandising:

    In a brand-cluttered world, Visual Merchandising helps to create theexcitement that transforms a customers in-store interest into purchase.

    Visual Merchandising is a scientific management of store space. Its roleis to adequately display products, highlight discounted products, position

    products on shelves and design posters in a manner that increases thecustomer interest and leads logically to a transaction. As a result,effective Visual Merchandising informs, showcases and converts.

    Ay pantaloons, they work with architecture design professionals whomake an intelligent use of shelf talkers, high points, focal point displays,

    signages, danglers and window display. These professionals areencouraged to design stores with a sensitive reference to the localculture, events and festivals.

    Design studio:


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    Pantaloons pay a considerable emphasis to the consistent developmentofnew products through a dedicated design and development studio.Thisstudio represents the companys initiative in the area of productresearch. Itstudies trends in international fashion and extends its findings

    intocontinuous product and design development. This 16-personMumbai studiocomprises qualified NIFT professionals.

    The design studio was created with a clear objective:To graduallymigrate the company to a point where 80% of theproducts sold could bemade within the companys factories.

    Besides, an in-house design and development studio was created tomeet the growing demand for a wider choice across various categories Mens wear (formal and casuals), womens wear (western wear andethnic wear) and childrens wear- various ages, markets, seasons and


    At pantaloons, the design team does not work from an ivory tower. Itinteracts with category managers, understands their requirements andcommunicates this information to the merchandising department. Thedesign team then analyses the likely trends for the various markets and

    sets about designing various options- around 500 in 2001-02-for aseason. The design team works closely with the category managers andthe merchandising to ascertain the relevance and viability before adesign is finally frozen.

    In 2001-02, the design team widened its offering to include thefollowing:

    Mens casuals : 200 options

    Mens formals : 200 options

    Mens knits : 500 options

    HNY : 300 options


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    Oye : 200 options

    Annabelle : 300 options

    Bare jeans wear: 300 options

    Besides, the design team helped category managers conduct adisciplined thematic rollout- symphony on ice series- of garments withattendant fan fare which captured consumer recall. The design team wasalso instrumented in the mens wear category- Cubix,Linea Classica andICR. In the ladies wear category, it launched different styles under theAnnabelle, Honey and Bare brands.

    loyalty Programs:

    The maximization of repeat footfalls through customer loyalty programshas been a tradition at Pantaloons.

    As a result, Pantaloons Green Card holders increased from 5,000 to75,000 and Green Card holders accounted for 25% of store sales in


    The Green Card loyalty program was launched in 2000-01, when thecompany migrated to the national retail chain. This card was differentfrom the others ofits kind; it did not just cater to the individual, but tothe entire family.

    Benefits: a Green Card for quick billing, the allotment of points againstpurchase, the redemption of these points against free purchases, free

    tickets to city events, add-on cards, special schemes, free home delivery,longer exchange periods and free parking.

    In 2002-03, Pantaloons Green Card holders enjoyed access to severalevents and promotions, which included musical programs, a chance to


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    win trips toBangkok and Singapore and attendance at visits by HrithikRoshan And Aamir Khan to Pantaloons stores.


    There are three big bazaar located in Lucknow:

    SAHARA MALL near Hazaratganj

    INOX near Gomtinagar



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    CHAPTER- 3




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    Data Collection

    Depending on the source, statistical data are classified under twocategories:

    1) Primary Data

    2) Secondary Data



    Keeping in view the objective of study a questionnaire (as givenAnnexure) was selected there is fifteen in all. All questions are small insize and arranged logically. The language is simple to understand.


    Information was also obtained by conversation with Customers .theywere interviewed personally.

    SECONDARY DATA: The second information is taken from companydocument available on websites .The other related journals information and industry associations siteshave also been viewed.

    SAMPLE SIZE: 100 CONSUMERS contacted during this research

    work.The nature of sampling is NON PROBABITITY CONVINANCESAMPLING helped in keeping the path of research in focus throughoutthe work.


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW


    Collection of the questionnaire

    Sufficient time was given to the respondents to answer the questionnaire.Problem faced while collecting and filling questionnaire

    1. Some of the respondents were hesitant to answer the questionnaire.2. Some respondents did not want to answer the questionnaire, so theyleft it unanswered.3. Where the respondents did not find the relevant answer in his choice

    provided, they added their own choice or left it unanswered.


    After all the questionnaires were collected back, the responses were

    tabulated.Each answer of the respondent was tabulated to its respective category.


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW



    I have done a market field survey on big bazaar. I have surveyed around

    100 respondents of Lucknow who come to visit big bazaar. A specific

    questionnaire is prepared for the customers and data is obtained from

    them by moving around big bazaar and personally interacting with them.

    The customers gave me valuable information regarding their

    consumption pattern in big bazaar. I collected all those information anda proper analysis is done.

    All the analysis and its interpretations are discussed below. Each of the

    analysis is done as per the information obtained from the customers and

    a serious interpretation has been done to best of my effort.


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    1.The different sources from where the respondents came to

    know about Big Bazaar.



    19% -- NEAR TO THE PLACE



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    Interpretation and analysis- when survey was done that most of thecustomers came to know about the big bazaar by their relatives ortheir friends and16% of them live near to the place so they were alsoaware of the big bazaar and 4% people got information by othersources. From above it is clearly seen that friends and relatives playsimportant role for the informations.


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    2. The customers response about the layout & display of BigBazaar.


    96% -- LIKE 4% -- DISLIKE


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    Interpretation and analysis- the customers response about thelayout and display of big bazaar was seen that 96% likes thelayout/ display and 4% dont liked it. from response it wasanalysed that as the slogan of Big Bazaar Isse Sasta Aur AchaKahin Nahin, has been attracted most of the customers whichdirectly affects on the increase in number of footfalls of customersin Big Bazaar. As what I have observed that slogan attracts many

    number of customers and ultimately affects Big Bazaar.


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    3. Customers feedback about the availability of products in the

    household section.


    88% -- AVAILABLE

    12% -- NOT AVAILABLE


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    Interpretation and analysis- when I asked about the availabilityof the products in the big bazaar it was seen most of them werefully satisfied with the availability of products 88% customers saidthat whatever they need everythings are present in the householdsections of big bazaar and 12 % were not satisfied with it


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    4. Time spent during the visit of big bazaar.


    10%--Less than an hour

    15%-- an hr to 1 hr

    35%--1 hr to 1and hr

    22%--1&1/2 hr to 2 hr

    18%--More than 2 hr


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    Interpretation and analysis- People spend a lot of time in shopping inbig bazaar. Majority of the respondents (35%) said that they spend atleast 1 hour to 1 hours in big bazaar. 22% respondents also said thatthey spend 1 hours to 2 hours in their visit to big bazaar. Only 10% of

    people said that they spend very little time that is less than half an hourin big bazaar. As per the given data I interpret that customers are very

    product choosy now a days and thats why they spend a lot of time inshopping in big bazaar. Probably customers might even be spendingmore time in big bazaar as it provides a very nice ambience andatmosphere for the people to shop in. Hence those persons who spendhalf an hour or less than half an hour in big bazaar are those persons who

    just come to purchase limited products and come only because of lowpricing of products. People also spend much time in it but purchase veryfew goods.


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    5. Money spent on the household products during the visit to big



    11% -- Below Rs. 500

    22%-- Rs.500-1000

    16%-- Rs.1000-1500

    22%-- Rs.1500-2000


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    29%--above Rs. 2000

    Interpretation and analysis-: We can clearly see from this graph thatmajority of the customers spend a lot in big bazaar that is 29% of peoplespend more than Rs2000 in a single visit to big bazaar. Equal number of

    people that is 22% of people each spend Rs 1000-1500 and Rs 1500-2000 respectively in a visit to big bazaar.16% of people spend Rs 500-

    1000 and only 11% of customers are there who spends less than Rs500in their visit to big bazaar. From this I interpret that most of thecustomers purchase goods in bulk which leads them to spend a lot.Volume sales are high in big bazaar. Customers tend to purchase moregoods from big bazaar as it provides goods at a discounted rate.Probably those persons who spend more in a visit to big bazaar are

    purchasing on a monthly basis. Those customers who are spending veryless money that is below Rs 500 are mostly coming in just to move

    around big bazaar and spend time. In the process they used to spendmoney on food items and also purchase some products while roaming init. More discounts shall be provided to people who does bulk purchase.This will encourage people to purchase more products.


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    6. Quality satisfaction level of plastics in household section.


    53% -- GOOD

    29% -- BAD 18% -- DONT KNOW


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    Interpretation and analysis--We can clearly see from this graphthat majority of the customers are satisfied with the quality of

    plastics in household section in big bazaar i.e. 53% are satisfiedand they say that quality of plastics in big bazaar is good, whereas29% are not satisfied with the quality of the plastics and 18% saidthat they dont know about this . According to my survey a greatnumber of population are very much satisfied with the availability

    & accessibility of products in Big Bazaar. But there are somecomplaints regarding the quality of Plastics In Big Bazaar.Customers found most of the items in Plastics were damaged& toldthat they are not long lasting From the graph it is clear that mostare satisfied but 29% are also there who are not very muchsatisfied with the products so some more and more care should betaken of the qualities of plastics and other appliances too.


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    7. To know about the purchasing percentage of plastics in the Big




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    Interpretation and analysis-according to my survey 82% purchase theplastics form the big bazaar but still there are who are not interested inpurchasing of plastics form the big bazaar i.e. around 18% neverpurchased plastics from here. Also convenient shopping and self-serviceattracts the customers.. But the purchasing of Plastics was in bulk asthey are cheaper than other items. So purchasing percentage of Plastics

    were more


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    8. Customers feedback about the quality of appliances in the

    household section.


    38% -- GOOD 4% -- BAD

    58% -- DONT KNOW


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    Interpretation and analysis-According to survey when asked for thequality of appliances 38% said that quality is good and 4% were not

    satisfied with the quality but there were more respondent who said thatthey dont know about the appliances quality so it showed that theydont have interest of taking the appliances from the big bazaar . In theappliances section, the purchasing percentage of customers was less thanothers, because the customers want to buy them from the exclusiveshops like LG & all.


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    9. To know whether the prices of items in the household section are

    comparatively less than the market price or not.





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    Interpretation and analysis-when survey was done it was clearly seenthat most of the respondent were satisfied with the price level.Ther were63% respondent who said that the price level is reasonable , 16% said itis not reasonable, but 21% were the respondent who said tha price levelis just as the other market price.There were a large percentage ofcustomers who are highly satisfied with the price level. They feelreasonable prices in Big Bazaar . But some people didnt agree with theslogan Sasta Price in BigBazaar as they feel the prices are quite similarto that of the market price. Aswhat I have observed that middle classfamilies are highly satisfied with theprice level


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    10. To know about the availability & capabilities of salespersons

    stranded at the household section.


    57% -- GOOD

    29% -- AVERAGE

    14% -- BAD


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    Interpretation and analysis-from above data it clear that theavailability and capability of the sales persons are good that is most ofthe customers are satisfied with the availability and capability of sales

    person i.e.53% said it is good, 29% said it is average, and 14% were notsatisfied with it.


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    11. To find out whether the products are easily accessible or not inBig Bazaar.


    96% -- YES 4% -- NO


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    Interpretation and analysis- when surveyed to see whether theproducts are easily available or not in big bazaar it was seen 96%said that products are easily available and 4% said that productsare not available. From above it is interpreted that almostrespondent are satisfied with easily accessibility of products.


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    12. To check whether discounts/schemes affects the buying behavior

    of the customers in Big Bazaar.


    62% -- YES 38% -- NOT NECESSARY


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW


    Interpretation and analysis-. When surveyed it was seen that62% said that discounts/offers attracts the buying behavior of thecustomers in big bazaar. but there were 38% who dont believe thatdiscounts/ offers attracts them. The offers and discounts also attractlot of customers to purchase items from Big Bazaar rather thanoutside. Also convenient shopping and self-service attracts thecustomers.


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    13. To know about the most preferable brands in plastics.


    28% -- MILTON 19% -- TUPPERWARE

    21% -- NISSAN

    7% -- PEARLPET

    11% -- CELLO

    14% -- ANY OTHER


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW


    Interpretation and analysis- when surveyed about the preferablebrands of plastics it was noticed that 28%prefered the Milton, 21%prefer Nissan 19% Tupperware, 11% cello, and 14% were those whoprefer any other brands of plastics. From above , it is analysed thatMilton was the most preferable brands of plastics and Nissan andTupperware was also somehow the most preferable brand in plastics.Customers are satisfied with the plastics present in household sections of

    big bazaar.


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    14. The most preferable brands of Appliances among customers.


    24% -- LG 12% -- SUNFLAME

    7% -- MAHARAJA

    3% -- SINGER

    21% -- PHILIPS

    4% -- REMSON

    10% -- USHA

    8% -- BIRLA

    11% -- ANY OTHER


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW


    Interpretation and analysis- when surveyed preferable brand of

    appliances then it was seen that 24% prefer LG and 21% prefer

    Philips,12% sunflame, 10% usha, 8%birla, and then 7%maharaja,

    4%remson, and 3%singer and there were some of the respondent who

    usually prefer some other brands of appliances. From above it isanalysed that the most preferable brands of appliances is the LG and

    Philips and least preferable brands were maharaja, singer and remson

    and some respondent use other brands of appliances .many of the

    respondents answer was that they usually prefer buying any appliances

    from the Lg showrooms or any other branded showrooms .


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    CHAPTER- 4





  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW



    1. I have observed that slogan attracts many number of customers andultimately affects on increase in number of footfalls in Big Bazaar.

    2. According to my survey a great number of populations are very much

    satisfied with the availability & accessibility of products in Big Bazaar.

    3. There are many complaints regarding the quality of Plastics &

    Garments In Big Bazaar. Customers found most of the items in Plastics

    were damaged &told that they are not long lasting.

    4. There were a large percentage of customers who are highly satisfied

    with the price level. They feel reasonable prices in Big Bazaar.

    5. The offers and discounts also attract lot of customers to purchase

    items from Big Bazaar rather than outside.

    6. Big bazaar has positioned itself in the market as a discounted store .

    7. Customers realized that Big Bazaar stores provide qualitative

    products/service with reasonable price.

    8.Big Bazaar mainly deal with middle income group people who want

    qualitative product with reasonable cost.

    9. Big bazaar has a good reputation of itself in the market.

    10.Big bazaar is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goodslike apparels, grocery, stationary, food items, electronic items, leather

    items, watches, jewellery, crockery, decorative items, sport items,

    chocolates and many more.


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    1. In the household section some products consisting of Barcodeshowing the prices, were not displaying the discounted price on the labelof the product. Means discount deducted from the actual price were notshown; they were deducted later at the counter during payment. It madea negative impact on the purchasing of the products by customers. So

    staff members have to put the offered prices on the product itself, ascustomers may not see the discount board.

    2. Chocolate counter should be displayed near the Toy section so that itcan easily attract the attention of Kids.

    3. The section containing curtain fabric should be removed from thehousehold section . It also occupies lot of shelf space in the section.

    4. There should be some sitting arrangements in Big bazaar, as the oldpeople & children get tired & wanted to sit somewhere.

    5. The quality of Garments & Plastics should be improved. Means somegood brands should also maintained in big bazaar.

    6. It should be seen that customers are satisfied or not.


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    As the slogan of Big Bazaar Isse Sasta Aur Acha Kahin Nahin, hasbeen attracted most of the customers which directly affects on theincrease in number of footfalls of customers in Big Bazaar. As what Ihave observed that slogan attracts many number of customers andultimately affects on increase in number of footfalls in Big Bazaar. Theoffers and discounts also attract lot of customers to purchase items fromBig Bazaar rather than outside. Also convenient shopping and self-service attracts the customers. According to my survey a great number

    of populations are very much satisfied with the availability &accessibility of products in Big Bazaar. But there are many complaintsregarding the quality of Plastics & Garments In Big Bazaar. Customersfound most of the items in Plastics were damaged &told that they are notlong lasting. But the purchasing of Plastics was in bulk as they arecheaper than other items. So purchasing percentage of Plastics weremore .In the appliances section, the purchasing percentage of customerswas less than others, because the customers want to buy them from the

    exclusive shops like LG & all. The number of appliances purchasedfrom Big Bazaar was less. There were a large percentage of customerswho are highly satisfied with the price level. They feel reasonable pricesin Big Bazaar as well as in food bazaar. But some people didnt agreewith the slogan Sasta Price in Big Bazaar as they feel the prices arequite similar to that of the market price. As what I have observed thatmiddle class families are highly satisfied with the price level.


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    CHAPTER -5



  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW



    1. People in Lucknow are very large in number. We used randomsample and convenient sample method. Actual information couldnt betaken from these people because they were large in numbers.

    2. As the sample size was only 100, so it cannot be a true representativeof the whole Lucknow.

    3. We had very less time to complete this study. To cover all the peopleit requires lot of time and money.

    4. Some people did not have interest in the questionnaire, because of lesstime. They didnt response well. So it affected the results of the study.


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    1. From where did you know about Big Bazaar?

    a) Friends/Relative

    b)Print Media

    c)Near the place

    d)Any Other

    . 2. Did you like the layout/display of the household section?



    If No, thenwhy_________________________________________

    3. Did you find the product, which you came to buy here?



    If No, then what was the


    4. How much time do you spend in a visit to Big Bazaar?

    a) Less than half an hour

    b) Half an hour to 1 hour


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW


    c) 1 hour to 1 hours

    d) 1 hours to 2 hours

    e) More than 2 hours

    5. On an average how much amount of money do you spend in a

    household sections of Big Bazaar?

    a. Below 500

    b. 500 1000

    c. 1000 1500

    d. 1500 2000

    e. More than 2000

    6. Are you satisfied with the quality of: - Plastic




    c)Dont Know

    7. Are you satisfied with the quality of Appliances


    b) No

    c)Dont Know

    8. Are you satisfied with the quality of Utensils



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    c)Dont Know

    9.Do you feel that prices of items in household section arecomparatively less than the market price?



    c)Same as market price

    10.What do you feel about the service stranded of staff at the householdsection?




    11.Which are your most preferred brand in plastics?





    e)Any other

    12. Which are your most preferred brand in appliances?




  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW




    e)Any other

    13. Do you find all the items easily accessible in the section?



    If No, then


    14 . Do you prefer to buy the products, which are underdiscounts/schemes?


    b)Not necessary



    Name: _______________________Address:_________________________________________________Contact No.:___________________


  • 7/30/2019 Arshad...a Study on Buying Behavior of Customers Towards the Household Sections in Big Bazaar of LUCKNOW




    Kotler Philip, marketing management, (Pearson education, 12thedition)

    Malhotra K. Naresh, marketing research (An applied orientation),Research design, (Prentice hall of India pvt. 5th edition)