
Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://


============   INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS   ============

16) Tambunan, A.H., J.P. Situmorang, J.J. Silip, T. Araki, 2012, Yields andPhysicochemical Properties of Mechanically Extracted Crude Jatropha Curcas Oil,Biomass Bioenergy, 43: 12-17 (IF: 3.65)

14) Tambunan, A.H., T.E. Sihaloho, D.M. Kamal, J.P. Sitompul, 2012, ExperimentalStudy on the effect of freezing medium temperature to the exergy efficiency,International Journal of Exergy, 10(3): 321-331

14) Joelianingsih, H. Nabetani, Y. Sagara, A.H. Tambunan, K. Abdullah, 2012, Acontinuous flow buble column reactor for biodiesel production by non-catalytictransesterification, Fuel, 96: 595-599

13) Silip, J.J., A.H. Tambunan, E. Hambali, Sutrisno, M. Surahman, 2011, Highaccumulation of lipids during off-tree ripening and senescence Jatropha curcas LinnLuanti assession kernels, American Journal of Scientific and IndustrialResearch, 2(2), 246-250

12) Silip, J.J., A.H. Tambunan, E. Hambali, Sutrisno, M. Surahman, 2010, Extractedoil yield and biomass changes during on-tree maturation, ripening and senescenceof  jatropha curcas, Linn fruits, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 44(4),602-609

11) Tambunan, A.H., L.P. Manalu, K. Abdullah, 2010, Exergy analysis onsimultaneous charging and discharging of solar thermal storage for dryingapplication, Drying Technology, 28(9), 1107-1112

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

10)  Silip, J.J., A.H. Tambunan, H. Hambali, Sutrisno, M. Surahman, 2010, LifecycleDuration and Maturity Heterogeneity of Jatropha curcas Linn, J. of SustainableDevelopment, Vol. 3(2), 291-295

9)    Alamsyah, R., A. H. Tambunan, Y. A. Purwanto, D. Kusdiana, 2010,Comparison of Static-Mixer and Blade Agitator Reactor in Biodiesel Production, CIGRe-Journal, Vol.XII(2010), paper No.1566

8)    Araki, T., T. Koyama, Y. Sagara, A. H. Tambunan, 2008, Market capacitymodel and solid waste disposal systems in metropolitan Jakarta: A case study onKramat Jati whole sale market for fresh produce, Acta Horticulturae, 794: 41-48

7)    Wirawan, S. S., A. H. Tambunan, M. Djamin, H. Nabetani, 2008, The Effect ofPalm Biodiesel Fuel on Performance and Emission of Automobile Diesel Engine, CIGRe-Journal Vol. X, (2008), EE 07-005

6)    Joelianingsih, H. Maeda, S. Hagiwara, H. Nabetani, Y. Sagara, T. H.Soerawidjaya, A. H. Tambunan, K. Abdullah, 2008, Biodiesel fuels from palm oil viathe non-catalytic transesterification in a bubble column reactor at atmosphericpressure: a kinetic study, Renewable Energy 33, 1629–1636

5)    Joelianingsih, H. Nabetani, S. Hagiwara, Y. Sagara, T. H. Soerawidjaya, A. H.Tambunan, K. Abdullah, 2007, Performance of a Bubble Column Reactor for theNon-catalytic Methyl Esterification of Free Fatty Acids at Atmospheric Pressure,Journal of Chemical Engineering Japan, Vol.40(9),  780-785

4)    Setiawan, B.I., A. H. Tambunan, W. Hermawan, Desrial, and Gardjito, 2006,Agricultural Engineering Education in Indonesia, CIGR E-Journal. Invited OverviewVol. VIII (2006), Paper No. 1.

3)    Tambunan, A. H., Y. Sagara, Y. Seo, Y. Kawagoe, 2005, Image analysis ontemperature distribution within lettuce undergoing vacuum cooling, CIGR E-Journal,

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

Vol. VIII, January 2005

2)    Araki, T., Y. Sagara, K. Abdullah, A. H. Tambunan, 2001, Transport propertiesof cellular food materials undergoing freeze-drying, Drying Technology–AnInternational Journal, Vol. 19(2), 297-312

1)    Tambunan, A. H., Yudistira, Kisdiyani, and Hernani, 2001, Characteristics andquality of the freeze-dried Indonesian traditional herb medicine, DryingTechnology–An International Journal, Vol. 19(2), 325-332.

===============   NATIONAL JOURNALS   ===============

45) Tambunan, A.H., Furqon, Joelianingsih, T. Araki, H. Nabetani, 2011, Analisisenergi dan eksergi terhadap resirkulasi panas pada produksi biodisel secaranon-katalitik, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Energi, 13(1): 12-23

44) Mardison, S., I.W. Budiastra, A.H. Tambunan, 2010, Penentuan komposisikimia biji jarak pagar secara nondestruktif dengan metoda near infra red (NIR) danjaringan saraf tiruan (JST), Jurnal Enjiniring Pertanian, Vol. VIII, No.2, pp. 85-94

43) Manalu, L.P., A.H. Tambunan, L.O. Nelwan, A.R. Hoetman, 2010, Dryingcharacteristics of Zedoary herb, Jurnal Enjiniring Pertanian, Vol. VIII, No.2, pp. 75-84

42) Silip, J.J., A.H. Tambunan, E. Hambali, Sutrisno, M. Surahman, 2010, Possibilityto reduce drudgery and time in harvesting individual ripe fruits of Jatropha curcasLinn by Whole bunch harvesting, J. Agronomi Indonesia, Vol.XXXVIII No.2, pp.150-155

41) Manalu, L.P., A.H. Tambunan, L.O. Nelwan, A.R. Hoetman, 2009, Analisis

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

energi dan eksergi pengeringan lapisan tipis temu putih, Jurnal Ilmiah TeknologiEnergi, Vol.1 (9), pp. 59-74

40)   Ardana, I.K., B. Pramudya, M. Hasanah, A.H. Tambunan, 2008,Pengembangan tanaman jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) mendukung kawasanmandiri energi di Nusa Penida, J. Penelitian Tanaman Industri, Vol. 4 (4), pp.162-170

39)   Gunadnya, I.B.P., K. Abdullah, A.H. Tambunan, Y.A. Purwanto, M.A.M.Oktaufik, 2008, Koefisien pindah panas keseluruhan alat penukar panas dalampendinginan nocturnal, Agrotekno, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 35-42

38)   Rudiyanto, B., K. Abdullah, A.H.  Tambunan, 2008, Kajian eksergi pada mesinpendingin adsorpsi menggunakan pasangan silika gel-metanol, Agritech, Vol. 28 (3),pp. 137-144

37)   Wirawan, S.S., A.H. Tambunan, M. Djamin, H. Nabetani, 2007, Validasispesifikasi campuran biodiesel-solar hasil pengukuran dengan metoda perhitungansederhana, J. Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol. 21(3), pp. 295-306

36)   Araki, T., T. Koyama, Y. Sagara, A.H. Tambunan, 2007, Mathematical modelto predict the capacity of fresh produce market – A case study on Kramat JatiCentral Wholesale Market, J. Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol. 21(3), pp. 275-282

35)   Belyamin, A.H. Tambunan, H.K. Purwadaria, M.I. Alhamid, 2007, Penerapansystem pembekuan vakum dan pemanasan dari bawah pada mesin pengering beku,J. Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol. 21(3), pp. 235-248

34)   Tambunan, A.H., 2007, Penerapan analisis eksergi dalam bidang pertanian, J.Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol. 21(3), pp. 205-212

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

33)   Mustofa, D.K., A.H. Tambunan, S.T. Soekarto, Radite, PAS., 2007, Pengaruhsuhu media pembeku terhadap efisiensi eksergi dan laju pembekuan, J. KeteknikanPertanian, Vol. 21(2), pp.145-156

32)   Gaos, Y.S., A.H. Tambunan, K. Abdullah, Prawoto, 2007, Analisis energy dansebaran suhu pada gasifier unggun tetap, J. Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol. 21(2),pp.157-166

31)   Joelianingsih, A.H. Tambunan, H. Nabetani, Y. Sagara, K. Abdullah, 2006,Development of Biodiesel Production Process as a Biofuel (in Indonesia), J.Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol.20, No.3, December 2006, p. 205-216

30)   Siregar, K., A.H. Tambunan, B. Haryanto, 2006, Freeze Drying with VacuumFreezing and Back Heating Treatment for Durian Paste, BEARING, Bulleting ofAgricultural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2006, p. 23-36

29)   Silalahi, FRL, A.H. Tambunan, 2005, Determination of Thermal Diffusivity andDielectric Properties Within Radio Frequency of Andaliman, BEARING, Bulletin ofAgricultural Engineering, Vol. 1, No.2, pp.55-61

28)   Sihaloho, P.T.E., dan A.H. Tambunan, 2005, The Development ofRefrigeration Engineering and the Utilization of Hydrocarbon as Refrigerant forFreezer (in Indonesia), J. Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol.19 No.2, Agustus 2005, p. 83-90

27)   Candra Damis W, A. H. Tambunan, 2005, Design of Heat Exchanger for an AirBlast Freezer. J. Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol.19 No.1, April 2005, p. 41-52

26)   A.H. Tambunan, 2004, Energy evaluation during freeze-drying process indurian pastes, Gakuryoku, Vol.X (3), October 2004, pp.47-50

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

25)   Harmen, A.H. Tambunan, S. Widyarto, 2004, Modification of Q-meter systemfor measurement of dielectric properties of peppers, J. Agric. Engineering. Vol.18(3), pp.153,

24)   Sholahuddin, A.H. Tambunan, O. Charman, 2004, Comparative study on theperformance of modified coldstorage with combination freezer for freezing of fishfillet. J. Keteknikan Pertanian. Vol. 18(1), April 2004, pp.61-76

23)   Tambunan, A.H., S. Priyanto, A.D. Angraheni, 2003, Exergy analysis andfreezing characteristics of fish and chicken (in Indonesia), J. Keteknikan Pertanian,Vol. 17(3), p. 32-42

22)   Harmen, A.H. Tambunan, 2003, The influence of LRC’s output current to themeasured value of dielectric properties within radio frequency range, Bul. Agric.Engineering., Vol. 17(1), pp.46-58

21)   Tambunan, A.H., A. Rohanah, Y.A. Purwanto, 2003, Vacuum freezingcharacteristics of passion fruit pulp (in Indonesia), J. Keteknikan Pertanian., Vol.17(1), pp. 59-67

20)   Somantri, A.S., Sri Yuliani, A.H. Tambunan, Identifikasi sifat-sifat hantaranpanas pada lada, Buletin Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Vol. XIII, No. 2, 2002

19)   Siregar, K., A.H. Tambunan, W. Purwanto, L.P. Manalu, 2002, Performancetest of paddy dryer using a vertical pipe heat exchanger for heat supplying (inIndonesia), Bul. Agric. Engineering., Vol. 16(3), p.183-192

18)   Sholahuddin, A.H. Tambunan, L.P. Manalu, W. Purwanto, 2002, Prediction oftemperature distribution in a vertical pipe heat exchanger (in Indonesia), Bul. Agric.Engineering, Vol. 16(2), pp. 113-123

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

17)   K. Abdullah, A.H. Tambunan, L.O. Nelwan, IBP. Gunadnya, 2001, Study onPerformance, Characteristics, and Simulation of A Cooling Tower (in Indonesia), Bul.Agric. Engineering. Vol. 15(3), Desember 2001, pp. 175-185

16)   Harmen, A.H. Tambunan, E. Hartulistiyoso, I D.M. Subrata, 2001, Design ofdielectric meter within radio frequency range (in Indonesia), Bul. Agric. Engineering.Vol. 15(2), pp. 100-110

15)   Tambunan, A.H., L.P. Manalu, 2000, Freeze drying mechanism of foodproducts, J. Science and Technology Indonesia, BPPT, Vol. 2, No.3, June 2000,p.66-74.

14)   Tambunan, A.H., 2000, Factors influencing the vacuum freezing rate of liquidfood products (in Indonesia), Bul. Agric. Engineering. Vol. 14(3), p.201-209

13)   Tambunan, A.H., Suyanto, N.A., Harmen, 2000, Design and Performance Testof Measuring Apparatus of Dielectric Properties using Q-meter Method (inIndonesia), Bul. Agric. Engineering, Vol. 14(2), p. 108-117

12)   Tambunan, A.H., Solahudin, M., Rahajeng, E., 2000, Simulation Study onFreeze-drying Characteristics of Mashed Beef, Bul. Agric. Engineering., Vol. 14(1),p.55-62

11)   Sonhaji, and A.H. Tambunan, 1999, Study on energy consumption forsoybean sauce production at ‘Kecap Zebra’ plant (in Indonesian), Bul. Agric.Engineering., Vol. 13(3), p.57-65

10)   Tambunan, A.H., H.R. Rismawan, I. Silalahi, 1999, Application of evaporativecooling system for post-harvest handling of agricultural products (in Indonesian),Bul. Agric. Engineering., Vol. 13(1), pp.31-39.

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9)   Tambunan, A.H., and D. Tirtasari, 1999, The characteristics and dehydrationratio of the freeze-dried minched beef (in Indonesian), Bul. Agric. Engineering., Vol.7(1), p.1-6

8)   Yudistira, dan A.H. Tambunan, 1998, Mathematical model for computersimulation of the freeze drying process of Indonesian traditional herb medicine (inIndonesia), Bul. Agric. Engineering, Vol. 6(2), p.23-28

7)   Araki, T., Y. Sagara, A.H. Tambunan, and K. Abdullah, 1998, Measurement oftransport properties for the dried layer of several food materials undergoing freezedrying, Bul. Agric. Engineering., Vol. 12(2), pp.18-31

6)   Trisasiwi, W., D. Wulandani, K. Abdullah, and A.H. Tambunan, 1998,Determination of heat capacity ratio (Cp/Cv) of N2 and H2 gas (in Indonesian), Bul.Agric. Engineering., Vol. 12(2), p.39-47

5)   Lisnawati, Y., and A.H. Tambunan, 1997, The influence of freezing rate andsurface temperature to freeze drying rate of minched beef (in Indonesian), Bul.Agric. Engineering., Vol. 11(1), p.5-14

4)   Saktiana, Y., A.H. Tambunan, and Sri Mulato, 1996, Performance test of stovefueled by coffee shell for coffee bean drying (in Indonesian), Bul. Agric.Engineering., Vol. 10(2), p.61-68

3)   Widodo, M., dan A.H. Tambunan,  1996,  Determination of heat conductivityand vapor permeability within the dried layer of minched beef during freeze drying(in Indonesian), Bul. Agric. Engineering., Vol. 10(2), p.52-60.

2)   Kurniaty D., A.K. Irwanto, and A.H. Tambunan, 1996, Performance test of frontpass type solar collector for drying of cocoa bean at Rajamandala Estate Plantation(in Indonesian), Bul. Agric. Engineering, Vol. 10(1), p.62-67

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1)   Tambunan A.H., 1996, Vacuum cooling characteristics of leafy vegetables (inIndonesian), J. of Agric. Engg. Vol.4(1), p.1-6.

======================   BOOKS  ======================

8)     Tambunan, A.H., H. Nabetani, T. Araki, Y. Sagara (ed), Jatropha BasedBiodiesel, IPB Press, 2012

7)     Wirawan, S.S., A.H. Tambunan, M. Djamin, The Effect of Biodiesel to PollutantEmission and External Cost; Biodiesel Utilization in Transportation Sector: CaseStudy Jakarta, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012

6)     Silip, J.J., A.H. Tambunan, Fruit Maturity and Extractable Oil Yield of Jatrophacurcas: Reproductive Characters and Effect of Harvest and Post-harvest toExtractable Oil of Jatropha curcas Linn, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012

5)     Hambali, E., S. Mujdalifah, A.H. Tambunan, A.W. Pattiwiri, R. Hendroko,Teknologi Bioenergi (Bioenergy Technology), AgroMedia Pustaka, 2007

4)     Hambali, E., S. Mujdalipah, A.H. Tambunan, A.W. Pratiwiri, PengantarTeknologi Bioenergi, SBRC, 2007

3)     Abdullah, K., A.H. Tambunan, S. Agustinah, L.O. Nelwan, D. Wulandani, 2005,Energi dan Listrik Pertanian, Dep. Of Agricultural Engineering, IPB

2)     Kakibaya, K., A.H. Tambunan, et al. (eds), 2003, Panduan Teknis PenangananPasca Panen Gabah, Japan Grain Inspection Association (KOKKEN)

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Armansyah H. Tambunan | PublicationsCopyright Armansyah Tambunan [email protected]://

1)     Tambunan, A.H., et al., (translator), 2001, Pengering Industrial (translatedfrom Devahastin, S., Mujumdar’s Practical Guide to Industrial Drying, 2000,Energex), IPB Press

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