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Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio

Kathryn SteeleBA Psychology, 2011

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Personal Statement

“Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him.”

As I close the book on the final chapter of my undergraduate career, I find myself understanding

and appreciating the true meaning of Aldous Leonard Huxley’s remark on a much deeper level. The thorough

yet fast-paced bachelor program for psychology at Argosy University presented to me the perfect

opportunity to quickly master the art of balancing a full time professional career with a full time educational

career. From working as a live-in nanny to working as a primary

caregiver for both infants and toddlers in a childcare setting, I have long been drawn to job positions that allow me to

guide and care for children whose parents are unable to be with them due to work or other reasons.

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The time management skills that I have mastered by balancing work and school is a skill that I will

continue to utilize as a graduate student, as well as a licensed marriage and family therapist. Additionally,

my daily communication with the families whose children I have cared for as an independent

childcare provider and as a teacher have allowed me to perfect my interpersonal communication skills and

to be able to listen actively not only to what others are telling me, but what their nonverbal responses suggest. This skill strength has taught me how to

indentify potential resistance or uncertainty, as well as confusion or misinterpretation of information.

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The developmental portfolios that I create and maintain for each student have also given me

ample practice documenting evidence of growth and improvement of skills in each child, as well as practice formulating specific socio-

emotional and cognitive goals to help each child work towards based entirely upon my

continuous assessment of each child.The strong organizational and leadership skills that I possess, along with my desire to establish

a career that will allow me flexibility in my schedule, makes me a great fit for the Master

of Arts program for counseling psychology.

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By being self-employed, I will also have the flexibility necessary for me to be able to spend

ample quality time with my own family and encompassing my personal values and interests

into my everyday life. With all that I have learned, and have yet to learn, both in and out of the school arena, what career could possibly

be a closer match to my passion to help children and nurture a family of my own? I

know that the next chapter of my life will not only involve earning my graduate degree, but countless more valuable life lessons from my teachers and course material just as much as

from the experiences that I have along the way.

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My college education has taught me the pros and cons of several psychology-related careers that would support the extremely

high value that I place on family while also satisfying my interest in the field of psychology. In addition to the in-depth

understanding that I gained from my psychology courses regarding psychological theories, assessment methods and

tools, and advances in psychological research, my life experiences over the course of my undergraduate studies

have opened my eyes to so many ways in which I can earn a living doing what I am most passionate about.

Upon my entrance into the bachelor program at Argosy, I knew with unwavering certainty that I wanted to work towards a

degree that would allow me the opportunity to help children who have experienced some type of emotional or physical abuse to overcome the trauma and grow to live healthy, better lives. The multiple times that my dedication to my studies earned me a position on the academic honor roll

allowed me to experience the sense of pride and accomplishment that I often times feel in my work as a preschool teacher when I discover that my support and

guidance has led one of my students to learn a new tasks.

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Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

Research SkillsCommunication Skills: Oral and WrittenEthics and Diversity AwarenessFoundations of PsychologyApplied PsychologyInterpersonal Effectiveness

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I. Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and

Information Literacy

Stem Cells: Helpful or HarmfulKathryn Steele

(located in section)

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II. Research Skills

Improving Relationships with Behavioral Therapy

Kathryn Steele

(located in section)

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III. Communication Skills: Oral and Written

How To Teach Problem Solving Skills To Your Teenager

By Kathryn Steele

(located in

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IV. Ethics and Diversity Awareness

Treating Others as a MeansKathryn Steele

(located in section)

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V. Foundations of Psychology

MMPI-2 and Rorschach InkblotKathryn Steele

(located in section)

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VI. Applied Psychology

Decision Making in Groups and Effective Communication 

Kathryn Steele

(located in section)

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VII. Interpersonal Effectiveness

Various Therapy ApproachesKathryn Steele

(located in section)

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Critical Thinking

All of my work samples can be found in the feature of


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In contemplating the skills that my college career has equipped me with over the years, I realize that what I

have learned from my studies reflects my personal strengths and weaknesses.

While my ability to convey my knowledge about certain topics through technological tools is still something I

am fine-tuning, my interpersonal effectiveness and research and writing

skills are definitely my strengths.

Personal Reflection

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My Future in Learning

Upon completion of graduate school and the California State licensure exam, I will be ready to transition into a career as an independently employed marriage and family therapist

specializing in child therapy. That career will not only allow me to work with a demographic that I have immense passion for, but it will allow me the opportunity to use my education, training, and life experiences to help improve the quality of

life for troubled children through play therapy and other techniques that I have learned about throughout my college

experience. By participating in additional training programs and workshops

each year, I will be able to stay well-informed of the advances and discoveries in the child therapy field, while incorporating

my continuously evolving education into my professional career.

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Contact Me

Thank you for viewing my ePortfolio.

For further information, please contact me at the e-

mail address below. [email protected]