Page 1: Arachnid-inspired Kinesthesia for Legged Robots · Arachnid-inspired Kinesthesia for Legged Robots Nicholas Harvey School of Mechanical and ... Zill and Moran conducted an extensive

Arachnid-inspired Kinesthesia for Legged Robots

Nicholas HarveySchool of Mechanical and

Industrial EngineeringUniversity of Johannesburg


Andre Leon NelSchool of Mechanical and

Industrial EngineeringUniversity of Johannesburg

JohannesburgEmail: [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper we investigate the use of a biologicallyinspired kinesthesia organ from the arthropod family as a wayto allow estimation of the leg positions of a mobile legged robot.Such an extra sense would serve the same purpose it does inbiological equivalents. The lyriform organ of the arachnids isused as the particular model for such a biologically inspiredorgan (sensillum). A control design and finite element analysisof the resulting structure shows the ability of decoding the legposition from data sensed from sensilla integrated into the surfaceof a robot’s main structure. A method for constructing such arobotic equivalent to a lyriform organ is demonstrated using a3D printing technique.


The ability to sense and evaluate an environment is ofutmost importance to all animals, from the least developedto the most developed. Biological structures have evolved thatenable creatures to obtain information about themselves andtheir environment, using a multitude of different principles(for example visible light sensing and audio echolocationto name but two vastly different ones). Knowledge of theirsurroundings enables organisms to navigate effectively, but theuse of external data is only one aspect of successful navigation[1], [2]. In order to traverse an environment under varyingenvironmental conditions, a creature must also have knowledgeof where its limbs are at any given time [3].

Information about limb position and movement is a senseknown as kinesthesia, or alternatively, proprioception [2].Knowledge about the position of a limb allows an organismto manipulate the appendage to reach the desired positionrequired for navigation [4]. Many structures exist in naturethat provide the brain with kinestheic information, such as thevestibular system or muscle spindles [2], [5]. Not only doeskinesthesia (in combination with environmental data) allowfor determination of limb position relative to surroundings,but also the relative position of limbs themselves [2]. Thisinformation is useful because it prevents limbs from interferingwith each other or the body itself, even in the absence of otherfeedback such as visual perception.

The development of robotics has, and is increasingly,focused on mimicking biological systems [1]. Analogues fora number of natural solutions to movement and sensing havebeen developed, such as artificial muscles [6]. Traditionallyhowever, information about limb position in robots has beenderived from actuator feedback (such as a servo reporting itsrotational position, or a piston providing information aboutits extension), which is then interpreted to determine wherea limb is [1]. Although this has not affected the ability of

robots to perform high-accuracy functions (industrial robots,for example [7]), more complicated robotic systems, such aslegged robots, could benefit from better and additional limbposition estimation mechanisms.


In any complex organism, there are numerous sensoryreceptors located throughout the body, that may be acti-vated by various causes [8]. Input to a biological sensormay be exteroceptive (originating from the environment) orinteroceptive (originating from within the organism itself) innature. A special sub-category of interoceptive information isproprioceptive input information about the position of bodyparts relative to the body itself [8]. In the literature, somescholars reserve these terms (interoception and proprioception)for information regarding the internal state (e.g. temperature)and information regarding limb position respectively. Stillother scholars make use of the term exproprioception as theterm describing the evaluation of limb position relative to thebody and the environment. Finally, the terms proprioceptionand kinesthesia are used interchangeably by some [4], and byothers to refer exclusively to position and motion of limbsrespectively.

Spiders (the arachnid family) are unique amongst arthro-pods in that they have the most extensive array of biologicalsensors distributed across their exoskeletons. These sensorsconsist of groups (arrays of as many as 30) of slit sensilla1

called “lyriform organs” [9]. An example of a lyriform organcan be seen in Figure 1 where A indicates a single slit as partof the lyriform organ.

Fig. 1. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of spider sensilla [10]A - single slit ; B - line indicating local curvature ; C - sensory attachmentpoint

1In this paper we reserve sensillum for an individual slit and sensilla forthe complete organ comprised of many slits.

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These organs are primarily located in the region of theleg joints, and respond to the movements of adjacent limbs[9]. Each slit sensilla is paired with two sensory cells, andthis arrangement forms what amounts to a biological straingauge. As the exoskeleton is exposed to forces (which aretypically compressive, since they are caused by the transferof force from the ground to the exoskeleton via adjacentlimbs), exaggerated strain occurs in the region of the slits(the discontinuity in the exoskeleton acting as a naturalstress concentration mechanism) which is then detected bythe sensilla’s sensory cells. According to Barth, strains assmall as −10µε are capable of triggering responses from thesensory cells of such arachnid sensilla [10]. Schaber et al.used white light interferometry to investigate the sensitivityof the lyrifom organs in Cupiennius Salei, finding that thesensitivity of a slit was proportional to its length, and in generalsensitive to a compression of 0.1% the width of the slit [9].Hobl et al. presented a paper wherein they modelled lyriformorgans using the finite element method (FEM), with variousorientations and arrangements of slits [11]. They concludedthat the arrangement of the slits can alter the sensitivity of thesystem to various directions of loading, and are orientated andlocated at certain sites on the legs of spiders in order to beoptimally receptive to the strain information that is available.

Zill and Moran conducted an extensive study into thevariety of proprioceptive organs found on the exoskeleton ofinsects [12]. The Campaniform sensilla (an organ commonto numerous insects, such as flies and cockroaches) is amechanoreceptor that transmits information about strain inthe exoskeleton, similar in function to the lyriform organs inspiders discussed previously. The organ consists of a hole inthe cuticle of the exoskeleton (usually not circular but ratheroval in shape, occasionally being long and narrow), with abell-shaped cap suspended on a sensory cell within the hole,as in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Schematic of the Campaniform sensilla in a fly [13]


Kinesthesia in robotic systems that do not rely on actuatorfeedback is a largely unexplored field of interest at the presenttime [14] and [15]. Traditionally, the motion and position oflimbs have been derived using feedback from sensors thatare directly attached to the actuators (e.g. rotary encoderson motors). Although this method has been sufficient forthe development of robotics historically, there is evidenceto suggest that this method may no longer be the optimalapproach, at least in certain applications. For example, as

actuators modelled after biological muscles become morecommonplace, and joints develop greater degrees of freedom,it is inevitable that the mechanics governing the movement ofa limb will become more difficult to model mathematically[16].

As the structures and mechanisms in robots, especiallyin humanoid and other systems modelled after biologicalsolutions, imitate these systems more closely, it is inevitablethat new solutions to proprioception will have to be developed.Nakanishi et al. note that it is difficult to directly measurethe orientation of multiple degree of freedom joints, such asthose found in spherical joints being used in the shouldersand hips of humanoid robots [16]. Further, they explain thedifficulty of adapting current sensing technology (gyroscopes,accelerometers, Hall-effect sensors) to these applications sincethe sensors are prone to drift and calibration errors. The authorspropose a solution to proprioception in a humanoid robot withactuators similar in principle to the muscle tendons in humans[16]. Limb motion is controlled by motors, pulleys and wires,and hence the relative displacement of each tendon can bemeasured from the rotary encoder on the motor. The focusof the research by Nakanishi et al. is not on the developmentof new proprioceptive sensors, but rather on how to use datathat is generated by actuator systems as a basis for postureestimation in complex joints.

French and Wicaksono designed a proprioception systembased on the campaniform sensillum of the fly [13]. Notingthe limitations of then current microelectronic machining pro-cesses, their design was a somewhat simplified version of thebiological structure, foregoing the dome-shaped structure for aflattened design. The results obtained appeared promising, asthey were able to demonstrate the effect of recess geometryon stress concentration, and hence on the accuracy of such asystem. Unfortunately however, they did not use their findingsto construct an actual proprioception system, but rather todemonstrate a new method of strain sensing.

Kramer et al. recently developed a novel solution tojoint angle proprioception consisting of a polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) film with an embedded microchannel containing aconductive liquid, as well as a sensing element [17]. As thefilm is deformed during bending, the cross-section of themicrochannel is altered and hence the resistance of the liquidchanges. This change is then measured by the sensor and usedto determine joint position. The use of an elastomer film allowsthe sensor to operate without interfering with the motion ofthe system. The advantage of their design is that it can beeasily adapted to current robotic systems, to provide actuator-independent information regarding local limb orientation.

Jaax et al. developed a system intended to mimic themuscle spindles found in mammalian tissue, which act as acombined actuator/sensor [5]. As a basis for their design theyidentified the elements that represent the core functionalityof the biological sensor, and how these elements could beapproximated by an artificial sensor. Their solution consistedof a combined actuator/transducer. Transduction of the actuatormovement is achieved by a set of strain-gaged cantilevers,mounted perpendicular to the axis of actuation. Experimentaltesting of the sensor/actuator system when subjected to asinusoidal displacement produced results in line with theperformance desired.

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Kang et al. recently developed an extremely sensitivesensor modelled after sensory slit organs found in spiders,the lyriform organs discussed previously [18]. The authorshad the goal of creating a multifunctional sensor that washighly sensitive, flexible and durable. Using the mechanicsand principles of the lyriform organs as a basis from whichto develop an artificial solution, a sensor was created bydepositing a 20nm platinum layer on polyurethane acrylate.Cracks were then induced in the platinum by bending the stripto various curvatures, controlling the density and direction ofcracks formed. Sensor output is generated by measuring theresistance of the platinum strip, which changes depending onhow the structure is formed resulting in various crack interac-tions. Depending on whether the strip is extending, contractingor being twisted, the resistance will correspondingly change (ascrack faces are pulled apart or pushed together).


One of the most natural uses of kinesthesia is the abilityto maintain a pose simply by estimation of body membersdespite a lack of other sensory feedback such as vision ormuscle spindle sensing. To some extent the use of the jointangular feedback in legged robots is already a form of robotickinesthesia - but of a very limited and wholly localizedform. Kinesthesia in humans, is characterized by an abilityto recognize very accurately the position of limbs relative tothe trunk even in the absence of certain neural pathways tothe brain related to the primary motion planning structuresin the neural system - whether this deficit is due to injuryor disease is not relevant. This facility is certainly able toreduce the direct load on the brain in terms of managing theeffort to “remember” limb positions to enable quick reflexbased actions. It is expected that adding such an overlaysystem to a legged robotic structure would result in a reducedcomputational load and reduced sensor input to the on thecentral processing unit (CPU) of the robot, the ability toprevent leg-leg or leg-body interactions due to leg motion asa result of secondary information being available to the robot,and the realization of an immanent self-awareness of the totalbody configuration.

In the final instance it would be useful to incorporate allthe information from the various sensilla distributed aroundthe robotic skeleton into a single neural structure that wouldcreate the articifical equivalent of a “body sense” facility. Evenif not integrated using a neural structure it is posited that byusing standard estimation modeling this could be achieved -but at the cost of a certain CPU load.

A subsidiary, but equally relevant, issue is the ability toensure robot survivability after the loss of certain sensor /actuators by being able to estimate body orientations fromthe sensilla that are essentially passive sensing devices andthat would be less prone to failure than active sensors such astachometers or joint angle sensors.

What we desire therefore is an ability to estimate theoverall leg and body position data, including joint data fromsensors that are firstly passive and therefore less likely tofail and secondly are not related to the motion planning orperformance function of the robot, so that reinforcement ofbody position and motion can take place. Consider that the

load attachment point in Figure 10 is indicative of the motorand leg attachment in a physical robot design.

1) The Proposal: To develop a structurally equivalent sen-silla form that mimics (however roughly) a biological systemthat allows for the recovery of global leg and body positiondata from the local strain information in such a way thatmultiple sensilla reinforce each other’s inputs to an overallsensing processor that acts independently of the actuator basedrobotic motion planning and execution structure.


The aforegoing discussion requires at least some form ofdesign, implementation and testing cycle to provide experi-mental proof of the concept for the proposal. The next sectionspresent the three initial experimental steps that have beencompleted as well as the results achieved. In summary themethodology was to develop a realistic mechanical design thatmimics the biologically occurring lyriform organ, to produce aFEM analysis to determine the response of such a mechanicalsensilla, to analyse the FEM outputs for various orientationsof the local leg and to estimate the ability to determine theload condition by only observing the strain from the sensilla’sindividual slit outputs.

The parameters of the actual lyriform organ that are to bevaried for analysis purposes (for development of a practicalrather than a control design) can be listed as: slit orientationrelative to load direction; slit length; slit spacing; and slitgrouping.

A. System Design

Using the practical variations estimated from SEM data wecan posit the following as base information for the mechanicaldesign process.

• A control surface near the sensilla that features cur-vature between the point of leg attachment and thebody

• The relative slit orientation to the point of attachment

• The slit width to exoskeleton thickness (forms the π1dimensionless group2)

• Slit length related to the slit width (forms the π2dimensionless group)

• Slit spacing related to the slit width (forms the π3dimensionless group)

• Local slit groupings relative to each other

Before concept development began, it was decided that3D printing would be used to create the physical objects fortesting purposes. This decision was based on the fact that 3Dprinting provides opportunities that would not be obtainableotherwise, an UP! Plus 2 3D printer was readily availablein the laboratory, the intricate geometry could be createdmore easily than would have been possible using conventionalmachining processes and that the ABS plastic used in the3D printing provides a good analogue to an exoskeleton,

2Pi dimensionless groups relate to the use of the Buckingham Pi Theoremfrom Dimensional Analysis[19].

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since it is lightweight but strong enough for robotic structuralapplications.

The decision to use an UP! Plus 2 for manufacturing of thesensilla test element imposed certain restrictions on the designprocess. These restrictions were that although nearly anygeometry can be created, it is necessary to take into accountthe nature of an extrusion layer manufacturing process, i.e. thatthin slits (relative to the layer thickness) cannot be printed in avertical orientation. It was also important that given the natureof the thin slits, the nozzle diameter and layer thicknesses useddictated the minimal slit width of about 0.5mm. In 3D printingparts are printed on a raft and base, there is a small amountof fusing between the actual part and the support structuresand this requires a certain minimal separation. Although thereare an unlimited number of theoretical geometries that areachievable with the UP!, environmental conditions may have asignificant impact and hence, the slit width would be limited togreater than 0.5mm - and this affects all the π groups, and thatskeletal thickness would always be greater than 1.0mm (thistranslates to a slit depth of 1.0mm and affects the π1 group).

Given the restrictions of the 3D printer we have access tothe design was limited to having 1.0mm minimum wall / slitthicknesses. This implies that all three the π dimensionlessgroups for the manufactured product at this stage are violatedand that the control design is relatively stiff compared to theactual lyriform organs - and especially stiff compared to anypractical lyriform organ that would be added to a real leggedrobot such as in [20].

B. The SEM and Robotic model

As can be seen in Figure 1 it is clear that sensilla varysubstantially even on a single specimen. The SEM image doeshowever indicate that most of the sensilla are located in areasadjacent to places of large curvature in the exoskeleton.

As a first version of a sensilla equivalent structure weconsidered a design as shown in Figure 3. A localized sectionof a possible robotic structure where the actuator for a leg isattached is used. By inspection of the details of the sensillavisible in Figure 1 (the line indicated by B indicates the localcurvature) it is clear that sensilla are generally located inareas where the exoskeleton is curved. The reason for thelocation of the sensilla around areas of curvature may onlybecome clear on analysis of the results finally achieved by theFEM analysis. In the figure (Figure 3) the design shows theresemblance between the artificially created slit based openingsin the robotic structure and the naturally occurring sensilla ofthe exoskeleton.

C. FEM Analysis

Figure 3 shows the design of a possible first generationof a robot sensilla on a simple shell that represents a spiderexoskeleton which can be used as the basis of a first FEManalysis as shown in Figure 4. This particular design and FEManalysis will function as the control for further and later designrefinements. The FEM analysis as shown has been tested forconvergence and for stability. The natural stiffness ratio of aspider exoskeleton (as described by the various π groups) couldnot be reasonably achieved with standard FEM analysis butallowance for the too stiff structure has been made in analysing

Fig. 3. Initial base design of robotic sensilla (Control Design)

the results achieved. A practical printed version of the ControlDesign is shown in Figure 5.

The FEM analysis shows results that could support theability to sense leg / joint states based on the use of strainsensing such as the platinum cracked surface sensors of Kanget al. [18] with the present structural stiffness of the openings.From the initial stress / strain analysis (even though it is atpresent a simple linear analysis) it is obvious that the outputsshown in Figure 6 are adequate for preliminary design reviews.

Fig. 4. Structural modeling of the initial base design

Fig. 5. Practical Control Design

Figure 6 reveals the typical deformation patterns due toa shear load at the exoskeleton. This would represent thedeformation to be expected from a leg that is in the air (ata particular angle with respect to the vertical) with no groundcontact. In Figure 7 we can see that deformations resultingfrom a static moment load at the exoskeleton that is typical

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Fig. 6. FEM outputs for the Control Design - shear load applied

of a support load for a structure - indicative that the leg is incontact with the ground and resisting some force. Of coursesince this FEM analysis is strictly linear it is possible to recoverintermediate values and combinations using the superpositionprinciple.

Figure 8 and Figure 9 display FEM values for the de-formations / displacements to be expected from the practicalsensilla - and this is a target to be achieved by the sensors tobe incorporated into a future practical design.

Fig. 7. FEM outputs for the Control Design - moment applied

D. Experiments

The way that the practicality of the Control Design waschecked was to substantiate the FEM analysis by loading anactual 3D printed module and using the experimental setupshown in Figure 10. By ensuring that the FEM results arereplicable in a physical system the ability to recover loaddirection and type from the sensilla motion can be checked.Initial testing results show that this is being done quite ade-quately. Figure 11 shows that actual results achieved from threestrain gauges applied to the three lyrifoirm organ positions are

Fig. 8. Deformations due to shear in the Z direction

Fig. 9. Deformations in the X direction due to a moment applied

indicated in Figure 10. It is clear that irrespective of the angleat which the force is applied the three strain values allow fora unique estimation of the angle of the leg relative to the base(exoskeleton).


The Control Design presented has demonstrated that theproposed sensilla - even though with deformation resultsfor the experimental exoskeleton are too small for practicalpurposes - will enable accurate leg position estimation withoutrecourse to the actuators. Developing the actual sensors andneural architecture to perform the estimation in a biologicallyrealistic manner is the next clear step. What we have learnt isthat it is possible to create a simple slit formed sensilla thatreplicates a lyriform organ and that simple strain sensing canrecover leg position outputs accurately. An actual 3D printedversion of a part of such a legged robotic exoskeleton includingthe sensilla proves the practicality of the proposal.

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Fig. 10. Experimental setup for testing of Control Design robotic sensilla(1) - Support bracket; (2) - Test piece with shear attachment modification; (3)- Moment load attachment

Fig. 11. Strain gauge results of experimental testing of Control Design roboticsensilla


By starting from the assumption that kinesthesia and itsimplementation via sensilla in a legged insect world has anevolutionary value we propose that to further decrease thegap between natural and artificial robots the evolution of akinesthetic mechanism in legged robots should be attempted.In this paper we recognize the structure of biological sensillathat allows and use this as the basis for an introductory designof such a kinesthetic mechanism. The Control Design has beenanalysed using a FEM analysis so that the potential efficacyof such a sensor can be evaluated. Initial strains measured onthe actual sensilla indicate that the existing structure fulfillsall the requirements of such a biologically based sensilla as asource of kinesthesia needed for more efficient locomotion ofan insect inspired robot.


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