  • Review ArticleApplication Topics of Amorphous Wire CMOS ICMagneto-Impedance Micromagnetic Sensors for I-o-TSmart Society

    Kaneo Mohri ,1 Michiharu Yamamoto,2 and Tsuyoshi Uchiyama3

    1Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Nagoya 464-0819, Japan2Aichi Steel Corp., Arao-machi, Tokai 476-8666, Japan3Grad. School of Eng., Nagoya Univ., Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

    Correspondence should be addressed to Kaneo Mohri; [email protected]

    Received 22 November 2018; Accepted 15 May 2019; Published 11 November 2019

    Academic Editor: Vincenzo Stornelli

    Copyright © 2019 Kaneo Mohri et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    We proposed ten requisite conditions for successful development of wearable I-o-T smart magnetic sensors considering recentdevelopment of some successful micromagnetic sensors. We reported application topics using the amorphous wire CMOS ICmagnetoimpedance micromagnetic sensor (MI sensor) on the geomagnetic field sensor for the electronic compass installed inthe smartphones, the pitching ball self-spin analyzer installed in the professional baseball, self-driving magnetic guidancesystem, and the biomagnetic field sensing. Performances of the MI sensor overcoming the ten requisite conditions are discussedas a smart micromagnetic sensor on the basis of the magnetoimpedance effect in the amorphous wire.

    1. Introduction

    One of the most important target concepts of the sensors forthe I-o-T smart society is so-called “Wearable,” in that the sen-sors must operate compensating the biosensory ability for theinformation tablet holder such as the direction sensing inunfamiliar places matching with the human personal dailybehavior. For example, the smart magnetic sensors mustcompletely recover to the original operating point even whenthe sensor happened to be exposed to a strong magnetic fieldgenerated from a strong magnet (the magnetic shock). Thus,we should recognize that requisite conditions for the wearableI-o-T smart sensors are quite different from that for conven-tional sensors mainly operated by trained engineers at specialindoor places. Cooperation of the high-performance magneticsensor device (hard ware) and the signal processing computer(soft wear) is also important for creation of the smart system.

    2. Requisite Conditions for Wearable I-o-TSmart Magnetic Sensor

    We should recognize the following ten requisite conditionsfor the successful development of wearable I-o-T smart mag-netic sensors considering the recent development of somesuccessful micromagnetic sensors:

    (1) High sensitivity with high directivity: resolution0.1mG (10nT) for the detection of the geomagneticfield (around ±500mG range at Japan and around±700mG range at the pole area)

    (2) High linearity with a wide dynamic range: around±8G (0.8mT) for inside car box usage in station-ary DC magnetic field disturbance and highdirectivity

    HindawiJournal of SensorsVolume 2019, Article ID 8285240, 8 pages

  • (3) Antimagnetic shock with complete recovery tothe original operating point for after exposure ofaround 40G (4mT) DC instantaneous disturbancemagnetic field

    (4) Quick response: around 100 kHz for the detection ofa small magnetic field generated from small markermagnet set on the road in the magnet guidance self-driving system

    (5) Microsizing: chip size less than 2mm for installationin the smartphones

    (6) Small power consumption: less than 0.3mW forinstallation in the mobile phones

    (7) High stability for temperature variation: less than0.02%/°C output variation for sensor stationary use

    (8) High operating temperature range: -40~+85°C forsensor outdoor usage in the world

    (9) Antishock stresses: more than around 1000N

    (10) Mass productivity of high reliability chip using theintegrated circuit technology for strict outdoor usage

    We have tried to express in detail what is the smart sensorin the case of the micromagnetic sensors as in Figure 1 on the

    basis of recent successful applications of the amorphous wireand CMOS IC magneto-impedance sensor. The wearablesensors or smart sensors should overcome the comprehen-sive high-performance requisite conditions.

    3. Amorphous Wire CMOS ICMagnetoimpedance Sensor

    One of the most successful micromagnetic sensors overcom-ing the above-mentioned ten requisite conditions is the amor-phous wire CMOS IC magnetoimpedance sensor (MI sensor)[1–17] on the basis of the following principal equations.

    The impedance Z of an amorphous magnetic alloy wire is

    Z = RdckaJ0 kað Þ2J1 kað Þ,

    Rdc =ρℓπa2


    k = 1 – jð Þδ,

    δ = 2ρωμ Hexð Þ

    � �1/2,


    where α is the amorphous wire radius, δ is the skin depth, ρ isthe resistivity of the amorphous wire (130 μΩ cm), ℓ is the

    High S/NHigh sensitivity (~pT) andwide dynamic range ( 8G)

    Micro size(< 1 mm)

    Small power consumption(< mW)


    (100 kHz ~ 1GHz)

    Anti magneticshock (~40 G)


    stability(< 0.02 %/°C)


    temperature(–45 ~ 85°C)

    Anti stressshock (~1000 N)

    Mass productivityusing IC process

    High linearity andhigh directivity

    Amorphous wire CMOS ICmagneto-impedance sensor

    Smart wearable application

    Geo-magnetic field sensor chipDipole dynamic remote sensing

    Figure 1: A map for the trial of detailed expression of the smart micromagnetic sensors based on recent successful application of theamorphous wire CMOS IC magnetoimpedance micromagnetic sensor that covers ten requisite conditions for the geomagnetic fieldsensing chip installed in the smartphone as the electronic compasses (short-dotted line) and the MI sensor module magnet markerguidance self-driving system (thick-dotted line).

    2 Journal of Sensors

  • amorphous wire length, J0 and J1 are the 0th and 1th Bessel’s

    functions, and μðHexÞ is the maximum differential perme-ability along the circumferential direction, respectively.

    When δ≪ ɑ (strong skin effect; ω≫ 2ρ/μɑ2),

    Z ≒ 1 + jð Þ aRdc ωμ Hexð Þð Þð Þ1/2

    2 2ρð Þ1/2   magnetoimpedance effectð Þ:


    The magnetoimpedance effect is based on the strong skineffect in the zero-magnetostrictive amorphous alloy wire rap-idly quenched in a running water and then the cold drawnthin bulk material. The magnetization of theMI sensor is car-ried out by only the magnetization rotation in the surfacelayer having the easy magnetization along the wire circum-ferential direction by the application of the read out wiresharp current inducing the strong skin effect. The highimpedance as shown in equation (2) makes it possible to cre-ate a microsized magnetic element operable in a sensor semi-conductor circuit with a high signal to noise ratio (S/N) in thewide dynamic range [14], a high directivity, and quickresponse even up to 1GHz. An induced pulse magnetic fluxis detected at the pick-up coil resulting in the high linearitywith the wide dynamic range in the magnetic field detectionand a high antimagnetic shock in the magnetic sensing oper-ation. Thus, the MI sensor overcomes the above-mentionedten requisite conditions for the I-o-T smart sensors [13].

    4. Electronic Compass

    The electronic compass serves as the pedestrian navigationsystem in the smartphones and other mobile phones co-operated with the global positioning system (GPS). Theelectronic compass determines the horizontal direction withaccurate sensing of the geomagnetic field using the three-dimensional (3D) micromagnetic sensor, while the GPSdetermines the position. The system serves a walking navi-gation for the holder with a map heading on the mobilephone display. The mobile phone angle against the hori-zontal plane is detected in a gravity acceleration sensor.The electronic compass installed in the mobile phonesneeds a high-performance 3D micromagnetic sensor withthe ten requisite conditions although the response speedcondition is rather flexible.

    Figure 2 illustrates a photograph of an electronic compasschip of 2mm long, 2mm wide, and 1mm thick produced byAichi Steel Corp. in which 3D orthogonal amorphous wiresof around 0.5mm length are installed as the magnetic headof the MI sensor [15, 16].

    5. Ball Spin Self-Analyzer

    A ball spin self-analyzer for baseball pitching available forprofessional baseball players has been newly developed[18]. A MI sensor is installed in the official professionalbaseball (67mm diameter and 140 gram weight) and detectsthe ball spin presently up to 50 rps utilizing the relativelydetected data of the 3D geomagnetic field. Thus, the quick

    response speed performance and the antishock stress func-tions of the MI sensor are especially utilized with the micro-sizing and the high sensitivity of magnetic field detection.Conventionally, the speed, spin, and spin angle of a pitchedball are detected using the fixed camera system (Speed Gun).The self-spin analyzer needs the antishock ability comparedwith the camera system when the ball is caught at the catchermitt. The data of a pitched ball is sent to the smartphone andsmoothly displayed on the display with images and numeri-cal values.

    Figure 3 is an explanatory image for the cross section of aball with an installed MI sensor.

    6. Self-Driving Magnetic Guidance System

    The self-driving or the autonomous driving is a new world-wide high technology project to create a civilian mobilityinfrastructure and promotes the intelligent transport system(ITS). The self-driving is composed of the stationary self-driving and the accidental self-driving. One of the most reli-able stationary self-driving systems is the magnetic guidancesystem, in that magnetic sensors set to the underbody of avehicle detect a magnetic field generated from a marker mag-net moment set on the road surface-designed line. The mag-netic field HðrÞ generated from a magnetic moment at themagnetic sensor head has been known expressed as

    H rð Þ = −14πμor3� �

    Mm –3r3

    � �Mmrð Þr

    � �, ð3Þ

    where Mm is the magnetic dipole moment of the markermagnet and r is the position vector between Mm and thesensor head position.

    A trial of a magnetic guidance system named IMTS [19]has been carried out at the EXPO 2005 area for transport ofattendees in buses without drivers using an exclusive roadwith a guidance marker of strong NdFeB magnets thatneeded high cost due to special treatment such as shieldingagainst humidity. Magnetic fixing of magnetic things to theroad marker strong magnets was also a problem for roadmaintenance trouble.

    A new magnetic guidance system [20, 21] solved theabove-mentioned high-cost problem of a strong road markermagnet using a combination of a sensitive MI sensor arraymodule and a small low-cost SrO ferrite magnet marker.

    Electronic compass chip for smartphone (2×2×1 mm)

    Figure 2: Amorphous wire CMOS ICMI sensor electronic compasschip (Aichi Steel Corp.).

    3Journal of Sensors

  • The sensitive MI sensor detects not only a small marker sig-nal magnetic field of several mG (nT) but also various largerdisturbance magnetic fields of more than 100mG on the roadgenerated from road structure steels or bridge steels utilizingthe wide sensing dynamic range of the MI sensor. Each MIsensor is designed as the differential type magnetic sensor,in which a pair of sensor head amorphous wires (6mmlong each) are aligned in parallel with 5mm interval andset along the vehicle transport direction. The marker signalmagnetic field only is determined by the differential typeMI sensor output signal processing using the band passfilter in the magnetic sensor module of ten MI sensorarrays in the alignment of each 10 cm position interval setto the vehicle front underbody along the vehicle widthdirection (vertical direction to the road marker line) utilizingthe magnetic field spatial distribution difference of wide dis-tribution of the disturbance magnetic field while sharp distri-bution of the marker magnetic field generated from acylindrical ferrite magnet of 3 cm diameter and 3.8 cm lengthset vertically at each 2m position on the road along thedesigned driving line.

    The differential type MI sensors do not detect the geo-magnetic field, large (around 500mG (50 μT) in Japan)but locally uniform, and the band pass filters finally elim-inate all road ambient disturbance fields, locally broadlydistributed around the marker during the running vehiclepassing the small marker magnet (the magnetic field vari-ation is at least 10 kHz for the running vehicle with aspeed 100 km/h).

    Thus, an accurate running of a test bus of less than 5mmdeflection on the running line regardless of the time and theweather conditions is resulted. Successful results with zerotrouble have been obtained using the MI sensor module fer-rite magnet marker magnetic guidance system through fiveverification tests managed by Japanese Government (Minis-try of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport) in 2017-2018years [22] even at a snowing area in Hokkaido mountainarea [23]. The new magnetic guidance system using the MIsensor array module has successfully worked covering theinside of the tunnel area, snow area, and the airport arearegardless of day and night times and weather conditionswhere the GPS is not available due to the electromagneticwave problem [23].

    Figure 4 represents a photograph of the test bus driving ata mountain area [24].

    The differential type MI senor module (transverse train)and ferrite magnet marker guidance system is constitutedwith the following magnetic sensing and signal processingsteps as illustrated in Figure 5 [25]:

    Step 1. Accurate detection of all magnetic fields of a roadsurface marker magnet dipole and other variouslarge disturbance magnetic fields generated frommagnetic remanence of the road structure steelsusing sensitive, wide dynamic range and quickresponse MI sensor array

    Step 2. Selection of the marker magnetic field among allmagnetic fields using band pass filter signal pro-cessing electronic devices

    Step 3. Determination of the marker position using thefinal signal processing software as shown inFigure 6

    7. Biomagnetic Field Detection

    The detection of human biomagnetic field is a challenge tocreate a new screening diagnosis technology combined withthe electrocardiogram (ECG) especially for increasing num-ber of blood circulation system diseases that is one of thebasic information on health in so-called aged smart society.Human biomagnetic field on the blood circulation is detectedusing the pico-Tesla resolution MI sensor [11, 13]. Figure 7illustrates the measured example of the biomagnetic fielddetected for five subjects at their left scapula bottom positionin sitting attitude. Almost regular double peak waveform isrecognized in the three healthy subjects of two males aged54 and 46 and one female aged 73. These peaks are consid-ered in correspondence to the open phase and the closephase of the aortic valve considering a phase relation tothe simultaneously measured ECG [26]. While the doublepeak disappeared in the measured magnetic field waveformof two angina pectoris male patients aged 71 and 73. Thus,it is considered that biomagnetic field originated from theion transition in blood vessel cells while the ECG reflectedthe activation potential at the heart muscle.

    Figure 8 represents another biomagnetic field measure-ments using a pico-Tesla resolutionMI sensor at the left scap-ula bottom position (Back-MCG) of a 28-year-old healthyman during sitting attitude before a magnetic stimulation


    MI sensor modulewith Li battery

    Si gel




    Figure 3: Cross section of a baseball with installed MI sensor module.

    4 Journal of Sensors

  • and after a magnetic stimulation with the application of 1-21Hz, 100mG, 4ms pulse train magnetic field that is gene-rated using a 2 sec cyclic frequency sweep voltage function

    generator connected to a coil of 10 cm diameter and 50-turnwinding. We recognize a regular Back-MCG waveform afterthe ELF magnetic stimulation [25, 27].

    Sensor 1

    Difference of 1/2

    Difference of 2/3

    Differential n-1/n

    Sensor 2

    Sensor 3

    Sensor n-1

    Sensor n

    Direction of car travel

    Detectgradient intransversedirection

    Detectgradient intravelingdirection

    Differentialrelative todistance

    Differentialrelative todistance

    Differentialrelative todistance



    se d








    s Filt



    ral p


    on ca




    Figure 5: First, differential output is taken for 2 adjacent MI sensors apart at a 50mm interval in a traverse direction and then amplified. Inthis step, most ambient magnetic noises including geomagnetic field is eliminated so that sufficient amplification would be possible. Then, thedifferentials relative to the car’s traveling distance are taken. In this step, a particular marker pattern is distinguished, since a marker field hassharp up and down gradients, against the traveling distance. After the step, the signals are subjected to a band pass filter which is adjusted tothe cycle in which the consecutive marker signals are coming in as the car travels forward. In the above manner, (N-1) output are obtainedfrom N sensors. Then the peak value of each detected marker pattern is detected, and those (N-1) peaks are connected next to each other.

    The self driving bus starts to turn to the leftfollowing the road magnet markers at theMI sensor module set to the front bottombody.

    The bus isturning tothe left

    A cylinder ferrite magnetmarker is covered witha mortal after setting

    Dotted line offerrite magnetof 30 mmdiameter and38 mm heightcylinder setwith 50 cminterval at acurving areaon the road

    Figure 4: Verification test of a MI sensor magnetic guidance system self-driving bus at a mountain area.

    5Journal of Sensors

  • 50


    Diff.1 Diff.2 Diff.3 Diff.4 Diff.5 Diff.6 Diff.7 Diff.8 Diff.9










    Lateral position (mm)

    –200 –150 –100 –50 500 100 150 200 250


    Vehicle lateral position

    Figure 6: Since only one marker passes in sensor array at a time, the line of connected peaks will cross the zero field line, and the systemdetermines the zero-cross point as the marker center. All these process are done in real time during vehicle travel.

    Healthy male54 age


    Healthy male46 age

    Healthy female73 age

    Angina pectorismale patient71 age

    Angina pectorismale patient73 age

    Figure 7: Measured magnetic field waveforms of 5 subjects at their left scapula bottom position during sitting attitude using a pico-Teslaresolution MI sensor.

    6 Journal of Sensors

  • The physiological bioactivation engineering not accom-panied with the side effect is one of the biggest targets inthe coming smart society. The magnetoprotonics is a theoret-ical magnetic bioactivation engineering based on the ATPphysiology for increasing the proton mobility in the mito-chondrial electron transport enzyme chain with perturbationof the water clusters H+3O (H2O)n, where n = 1, 2,⋯, n, bythe application of a small magnetic field having frequenciesf n = qBdc/2πmn, where q is the proton charge, Bdc is the geo-magnetic field, mn is the water cluster mass (in MKS unit),and f n = 1–21Hz in Japan. One of the useful verificationsof the magnetoprotonics is the prevention of the car driver’sdrowsy driving without so-called “sleep rebound” [28] anddecreasing the driving fatigue.

    8. Conclusions

    The I-o-T smart society is a target for the creation of a sus-tainable security society in that citizens anytime utilize vari-ous wearable sensors compensating their biosensory abilityfor avoidance of various dangers or inconveniences. There-fore, we must develop sufficiently reliable high-performancemagnetic sensors overcoming at least the ten proposed requi-site conditions. We reported application topics using the MIsensors due to relatively advantageous features among mag-netic sensors.

    Thus, we may define the smart magnetic sensor as thecomprehensive multifunctional high-performance micro-magnetic sensor operable anytime even wearable outdoor asa sports wrist watch.

    9. Discussions

    Some close and flexible collaboration among three technolo-gies of (1) the materialization, (2) the magnetic effects, and(3) the magnetic sensor circuitry is necessary to create thesmart micromagnetic sensor.

    (I) The materialization on the magnetic materialsshows small values of the magnetic anisotropy, Ku,sensitive magnetization rotation permeability, μr ,and the demagnetizing field, Hdem, on the basis ofmaterial robustness with high elasticity and hightensile strength and also anticorrosiveness. For that,zero-magnetostrictive thin amorphous wires of Co-rich (FeCo)80(SiB)20 (at %) have been selected. Theamorphous magnetic alloys show small Ku due tothe noncrystalline structure resulting high μr . Theamorphous wires show zero Hdem along the cir-cumferential direction as used in the magnetoim-pedance effect. The higher electric resistivity ρ ofaround 130μmcm in the amorphous alloy wiresis useful to construct a microsized magnetic headwith a high impedance in the micromagnetic sensorelectronic circuits

    (II) Only the high-performance electromagnetic effectsdeveloped with the high-performance magneticmaterials such as the zero-magnetostrictive amor-phous wires create the smart micromagnetic sensorswith ten functions overcoming the above-mentionedten requisite conditions. The magneto-impedance

    0 2 4

    0 2 4








    28 year-old healthy male

    Time (s)

    Time (s)

    Figure 8: On time, measured results of the back magnetocardiogram (Back-MCG) using a pico-Tesla resolutionMI sensor set close to the leftscapula bottom position of a 28-year-old healthy man during sitting attitude before a magnetic stimulation and after a magnetic stimulationwith the application of 1-21Hz, 100mG, 4ms pulse train magnetic field on the spine position in 30min. Electrocardiogram (ECG) wassimultaneously detected.

    7Journal of Sensors

  • effect in the zero-magnetostrictive amorphous wiresis one of the high-performance magnetic effectsexpressed in equation (2), has created a smartmicromagnetic sensor, and has spread the basicresearches and developments not only the aboveapplication topics

    (III) The smart micromagnetic sensors are mass-produced using the integrated circuit technology,in that the sensor circuit operation is based on thedigital operation. Thus, the MI sensor operates withthe pulse magnetoimpedance effect, in that a strongskin effect is generated with a sharp high-amplitudepulse current at the readout process [13]

    Conflicts of Interest

    The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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