
{ "name": "My App", "description": "My elevator pitch goes here", "launch_path": "/index.html", "icons": { "16": "/img/icon-16.png", … }, "developer": { "name": "Your name or organization", "url": "" }, "default_locale": "ja"}

mozmarket.receipts.verify(function (verifier) { if (verifier.state instanceof verifier.states.NeedsInstall) { forcePurchase("You must install this app"); return; } else if (verifier.state instanceof verifier.states.OK) { // Everything is cool } else { // Some other error occurred; maybe it was never a valid receipt, maybe // the receipt is corrupted, or someone is trying to mess around. // It would not be a bad idea to log this. logToServer(, verifier.receiptErrors); forcePurchase("Your purchase is invalid; please purchase again, or reinstall from the Marketplace"); }});

fxpay.init({ oninit: function() {

fxpay.getProducts(function(error, products) { if (error) { return console.error('Error getting products:', error); }

console.log('first product ID:', products[0].productId); console.log('first product name:', products[0].name); }); }});

fxpay.init( onrestore: function(error, product) { if (error) { console.error('Error', error, 'while restoring', product.productId); } else { console.log(product.productId, 'restored from receipt'); } }});

var productId = 'a1bcdeffe3'; // from getProducts().

fxpay.purchase(productId, function(error, product) { if (error) { return console.error(error); }

console.log(product.productId, 'purchased and verified!'); // *************************************************** // It is now safe to deliver the product to your user. // ***************************************************});