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  • 7/29/2019 Appendix b Bonus


    Tony El-Hayek

    ID- 2501916

    Appendix B Bonus

    3 Subfields of I/O Psychology:

    1. Personnel psychology is the selecting and evaluating of workers in thebusiness place. They tend to focus the morale, satisfaction, andrelationship between the workers and managers in the business place.

    To find out which person suites a position best, they test the individual

    with employment tests, interviews, selection, training, and human factors.

    2. Organizational psychology is where worker motivation, moralsatisfaction, and productivity are categorized. These are the people who

    design employee attitude surveys and training programs.

    3. Human factor psychology assesses how machines and environments canbe designed to fit human abilities and expectations. These designs they

    make up can reduce human frustration and accidents.

    Steps to design a test (Personnel Psychologists)

    Structured interviews

    1. Checklists on specific behaviors that describe the worker2. Graphic rating scales checks, usually on a five-point scale, on

    how often a worker is dependable, productive, etc

    3. Behavior rating scales that describe a workers performanceFlow- the involved focused state in which one loses track of self and time resulting

    from optimal engagement of ones skill (also known as being in the zone/ example:

    hitting multiple three pointers in a row in a basketball game)

    The two types of interviewing processes are unstructured and structured

    interviews. The structured interview is superior in predicting job performance for

    these reasons: use predesigned questions to measure KSAs, treat all applicants the

    same, participants are presented with work situations and are asked how they

    would handle them, and they reduce memory distortion and biases.

    Achievement motivation is the desire to receive significant accomplishments for

    mastering a skill or idea. An example of this could be LeBron James being the best

    basketball player in the league, but did not have a championship ring (until this

    year). Before winning the championship, he did everything in his power to receive

    that significant accomplishment so his skills and athleticism could be held at thehighest standard for basketball. This showed how LeBrons ability and his

    motivation reflected his great performance for the season.

  • 7/29/2019 Appendix b Bonus


    Managing Well

    1. Harness strength- fitting people into jobs that use their strengths or they

    change the jobs to fit the person

    2. Set goals- challenging reasonable goal + feedback = achievement

    3. Leadership style- Task ( focuses on goals and organizing work) vs. Social

    Leadership (building teamwork)* All of this depends on the situation the leader is in
