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Appendix AAcronyms

Table A.1. Acronyms

Acronyms Words

01-ILP Integer Linear Programming over BooleansABV Assertion-Based VerificationADD Algebraic Decision DiagramAP Atomic PropositionATPG Automatic Test Pattern GenerationBCP Boolean Constraint PropagationBDD Binary Decision DiagramsBFS Breadth-First SearchBMD Binary Moment DiagramBNF Backus Naur FormBU Boolean UnificationCBV Cycle-based-VerilogCLP Constraint Logic ProgrammingCNF Conjunctive Normal FormalCP Cutting-planeCSP Constraint Satisfaction ProblemCTL Computational Tree LogicDAG Directed Acyclic GraphDFA Deterministic Finite AutomatonDFS Depth-First SearchDLIS Dynamic Largest Individual SumDPLL Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm


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Table A.2. Acronyms (cont.)

Acronyms Words

DUV Design Under VerificationEDA Electronic Design AutomationESL Electronic System LevelEUF Equality over Uninterpreted FunctionFAN Fanout-Oriented algorithmFL Foundation Language (of PSL)FME Fourier-Motzkin EliminationFSM Finite State MachineGC Generalized CofactoringGDL General Description LanguageHDD Hybrid Decision DiagramsHVL High Level Verificationiff if and only ifIG Implication GraphILP Integer Linear ProgrammingIPC Irredundant Prime Coverlfp least fixed pointLPB Linear Pseudo BooleanLP Linear ProgrammingLRM Language Reference ManualLTL Linear Time LogicMTDD Multi-Terminal Decision DiagramMV-SAT Multi-Valued SatisfiabilityNFA Nondeterministic Finite AutomatonOBE Branching Extension (of PSL)OOP Object-Oriented ProgrammingOVL Open Verification LibraryPLI Program Language InterfacePNF Positive Normal FormPODEM Path-Oriented Decision MakingPSL Property Specification LanguageRAM Random Access MemoryRE Regular ExpressionROBDD Reduced Ordered Binary Decision DiagramRT Register TransferRTL Register Transfer LevelSAT Propositional SatisfiabilitySCV SystemC Verification librarySERE Extended Regular ExpressionSSA Single Stuck-At faultSVA SystemVerilog AssertionSVRC SystemVerilog Random ConstraintTD Tree-decompositionUIP Unique Implication PointUF Uninterpreted FunctionVSIDS Variable State Independent Decaying Sum

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Appendix BProofs

B.1 Proofs for Chapter 6

Given a constraint BDD and a state , whereis the set of legal vectors in under the .

We prove by induction on the number of variables in . First, let abbreviate.

If is a function with no variables, thus a constant, then for any : (1) if , then, also, since all input vectors are legal; (2) similarly, if ,

both and are 0.If has one variable, there are also two cases: (1) if the variable is an input, without loss

of generality, let . Then , which is equal to since isthe only legal vector; (2) if the variable is a state variable, without loss of generality, let .Then returns the weight of , 1, and is also 1 since all vectorsare legal; similarly, is the weight of , 0, and is 0 since novectors are legal.

Now, we prove the induction hypothesis. Let the lemma hold for the two child BDDs of , ,and , of variables ; let be the new variable in , and, without loss of generality,let . Again we have two cases.

(1) is an input variable: from Equation (6.2), we have

By the induction hypothesis, we get

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The right-hand-side, due to Definition 6.2, becomes

(2) is a state variable: If , then , and therefore; furthermore, from Equation (6.2), we have . Hence, by the

induction hypothesis, . The case can be proved similarly.

Under a legal state, the procedure Walk only visits nodes with positive weights.

We use an inductive argument. First, from Lemma 6.6, under any legal state the weightof the root is greater than 0; furthermore, by Definition 6.4, any node with a positive weight musthave at least one child node with a positive weight. Therefore, due to Definition 6.7, at least oneof its branching probabilities is greater than 0; so the traversal in Walk from that node must takea branch with a positive (not a 0) possibility, thus reaching a node with a positive weight. Byinduction, every visited node must have a positive weight.

The procedure Walk generates input vectors according to their constrainedprobabilities.

First, from Corollary 6.9, Walk always ends at node ONE. Therefore, it never generatesillegal input vectors, whose constrained probabilities are 0 according to Definition 6.3.

Now, consider legal vectors. Let be the constraint and the state. Letbe the sequence of nodes visited in a Walk traversal, where is the root and the nodeONE. Without loss of generality, assume that the input variables corresponding to this sequenceare , and that were not visited. Additionally, let be thegenerated vector, wherein the first values correspond to the branches taken in the traversal,and the last values correspond to the choices based upon input probabilities. For brevity,let denote . Then, the probability of this vector is given in thefollowing product:This product simplifies to Due to Definition 6.2 and Lemma 6.6,the last expression rewrites to By Definition 6.3, this is exactly thebranching probability of the legal input vector .

Using the p-tree algorithm, the probability of generating an input vector in whichan input variable equals 1 (resp. 0) monotonically increases as (resp. ) increases.

There are two cases: (1) if is not visited in Walk, then it is assigned accord-ing to its input probabilities, to which the probability of the vector is proportional, result-ing in the lemma being true; (2) if is visited in Walk, and if is the constraint and

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Appendix B: Proofs 225

is the state, then the probability of the vector, say where is the value of

, is Because this probability does not depend on variableordering (Corollary 6.11), we choose to be the variable associated with the root node.

The probability becomes Let denote the product of

for all , denote , and denote .Note that , , and are independent of the input probabilities of . Letting , the aboveformula rewrites to

Therefore, the probability of monotonically increases in. The case is analogous.

Let be a set of constraints, be the disjoint-input-support par-tition of , and be the corresponding partial vectors generated by applying p-treeto the . Let denote the concatenation . Then, under any state, theprobability of generating , , , and is equal to the constrained probability of generating

from .

Let be the state. Let be the conjunction of all constraints, and theconjunctions of constraints in the groups. Hence, . First, we prove


We know

since and , where , have disjoint input supports. Therefore, iff, the above formulas can be further reduced to

We have proven Equation (B.1) for the case . Since and for again havedisjoint input supports, by induction, Equation (B.1) holds for all .

Equation (B.1) implies that iff there exists , such that. Therefore, an illegal state in is also an illegal state in the partition and vice versa. So, in

both cases, for the same set of illegal states, the probabilities for all (illegal) vectors are 0.Now consider legal vectors. From Definition 6.2, we have So

when is a legal state, dividing each side of the above equation by the corresponding side of

Equation (B.1) gives: which is

where the left-hand side is the product of the probabilities of generatingfrom , respectively, and the right-hand side is the probability of generating from

. Hence, the theorem also holds for legal vectors.

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B.2 Proofs for Chapter 7

The conjunction of a set of prime det-constraints on with mutually exclusiveconditions is a det-constraint, and vice versa. That is,


where for , ; and can be derived from the prime det-constraintsas


and the prime det-constraints can be derived from and as in the set


where is the number of minterms in the onset of .

We prove the theorem by showing that, for both derivations, the valuations of the twosides of the equivalence in (B.2) under any state are equal.

Denote the state by . If , the theorem holds since both sides of (B.2) evaluate to 1trivially, for both derivations. Conversely, if , we have, for both derivations,



Now for the derivation in (B.3), if , then and . Therefore both (B.5)and (B.6) evaluate to . Similarly, if , then and , hence both (B.5)and (B.6) evaluate to .

For the derivation in (B.4), if , then , therefore both (B.5) and (B.6) evaluate to; similarly, if , then , therefore both (B.5) and (B.6) evaluate to .

For any det-constraint, , and Boolean function , an inputvariable is extractable from iff it is extractable from , or more precisely,


where .

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Appendix B: Proofs 227

We only need to prove . This equality is shown in thefollowing computation. Note because of Property 7.1.

, i.e., is a function equivalent to in the care set .

We need to prove(B.8)

First we compute the two sides of the above equation. The left-hand side is

while the right-hand side is

Then, for Equation (B.8) to hold, we only need to prove


which can be done again by expanding the two sides. Since the left-hand side is

and the right-hand side is

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therefore, Equation (B.9) holds, and consequently Equation (B.8) holds.

decreases the “diversity” of in , i.e., , by the amount . Thisimplies that is independent of iff

We need to prove


First, we prove two lemmas: let and be two constraints, where depends on and doesnot, then

( )

( )

The lemmas are proven as follows:


Now, since

where and are independent of , by applying the above lemmas, we have

therefore, the property is true.

If is independent of and , then .

We prove that if is independent of and , then .

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Appendix B: Proofs 229

Since , i.e., , by cofactoring both sides with respect to we get, which implies , thus . Similarly,

. Therefore, we have




Furthermore, since is independent of , by Property 7.2, we have

Also, from the lemmas obtained in the proof of Property 7.2, we have

Therefore, , thus is independent of too. From this and the result in (B.13), wehave

Hence, the property is true.

If there exists a care set optimization function that does not dependon , then it must be .

We prove that for any function such that and isindependent of , then is .

Let be a minterm of variables in and . If , then , i.e.,. Similarly, since (Property 7.1), we have

. So and agree in .Now we check the case , i.e., . Let be a minterm

which differs from only at variable . From the definition of , we know. On the other side, for to not depend on , we must have , i.e.,

. Therefore, (actually for all ). Now since, we have , thus . Hence, and also agree in .

B.3 Proofs for Chapter 8

Under a legal state, any input assignment satisfying is a suffix of an inputassignment satisfying , for all .

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It suffices to prove for the case . Let be an input assignment toand a legal state, such that . From the definition of projections of , we have

plugging in and , we have

The left-hand side of the above equation is 1, so at least one of the terms on the right-hand sidemust be true. That is, either or , or both, under the state , is a solution to .

The solutions ’s connected as above defines a mapping , suchthat for any legal state and any pair of input vectors and

1 satisfies , and

2 if satisfies , then .

We prove the first statement by induction on the length of . Let .Since we are under a legal state, from the solution of in Equation (9.9), we know thatsatisfies . Assume we already have a partial solution that satisfies . Byapplying this solution to the solution of , as indicated in the algorithm, and from Theorem 9.3,the resulting must satisfy . Eventually we get an that satisfies , and therefore

.The second statement is proven by examining the solutions. Given a partial solution, has

exactly one choice from , , or . In the first choice, is equal to no matter what valuetakes; in the second choice, , and is the only possible value for the th position of anthat satisfies . Therefore also takes 1. Similarly, both and are 0 in the third choice.

The substitution returned by the algorithm in Figure 9.2 maps a vector to avector in the constraint that has the shortest distance (as given in Formula (9.15) from .

Suppose we have arrived at a partial solution , which is at a distancefrom . According to the algorithm, the choice of either maintains the distance, orincreases it to . If we were to do things differently and still produce a satisfying partialsolution, we could (1) assign to , or (2) backtrack and change an , , so that wouldnot be forced to 1 or 0. However, (1) would increase instead of maintaining , and (2) wouldincrease by , which is greater than the sum of any potential savings at positions .

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, 56, 136, 83, 136

, 59, 59, 83, 59, 59

?, 142, 84, 84, 141, 56

, 56, 56

01-ILP, 19001-Integer-Linear-Programming, 1902-literal-watching, 101, 2032’s complement, 2093-valued logic simulation, 2183-valued operation, 1054-valued logic, 405-valued operation

of the D-algorithm, 105

Accepting a word, 71Accepting state, 71, 79Acyclic graph, 84ADD, 126, 189Algebraic Decision Diagram, 126, 189Antecedent, 96, 99AP, 57Arc-consistent, 156Arithmetic solving, 216Asserted literal

literalasserted, 98See also asserting clause,asserting constraint

Asserting clause, 98Asserting constraint, 198Assertion, 18Assertion-based verification, 1, 14, 20Assertion language, 54Assume-and-guarantee, 18Atomic Proposition, 57ATPG, 31, 104, 217Automatic Test Pattern Generation, 31, 104Auxiliary modeling logic, 28

See also modeling layerAuxiliary state machine, 27

See also Finite State MachineAuxiliary variable, 26

Backtrace, 106Backtrack, 96, 104, 109, 218

chronological, 97non-chronological, 98

Backus Naur Form, 27BCP, 96, 197BDD, 31

Apply, 91else branch, 90left branch, 90ONE node, 90Reduce, 91right branch, 90root node, 90then branch, 90variable ordering, 93, 120ZERO node, 90

Bellman-Ford, 217See also negative-cycle detection

BerkMin, 101BFS, 85, 88Binary Decision Diagram, 31, 90Bit-blasted, 86

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Bit-level modeling, 86Bit-level netlist, 194Blake canonical form, 158Blocking cube, 179

See also image computation,SAT-basedBNF, 27Boolean Algebra, 83Boolean Constraint Propagation, 96Boolean differential, 84, 141Boolean equation solving, 162Boolean expression, 28Boolean formula, 83Boolean function, 84Boolean layer, 65Boolean matching, 171

See also Equivalence checkingBoolean Satisfiability, 93Boolean Unification, 31, 162, 170Bound change, 212Bounded specification, 64Branch-and-bound, 190, 218Branch-and-cut, 190Branch-and-cut, 217Branching probability, 116Breadth-First-Search, 85BU, 31, 162, 170Buchi automata, 71

Cardinality constraint, 202See also counting constraint

Care-set optimization, 166See also don’t care optimization See also

conditional substitution,care-setoptimization

Cartesian product, 83Cassowary algorithm, 217CBV, 54Chaff, 100Characteristic function, 84Clause, 95

asserting, 98clausification, 103conflicting, 96

Clause deleting, 98Clause

preprocessing, 103Clause recording, 98Clause

unit, 96See also asserting clause

watched, 102See also watched literal

Clausification, 103Clock, 86Clock event, 86CLP, 31, 190

CNF, 95CNF-SAT, 203Coefficient reduction, 193, 201

See also SaturationCofactor, 84, 110Complete assignment, 212Complete decision procedure, 194Computational Tree Logic, 58Concatenation, 210Conditional constraint, 49Conditional substitution, 142

care-set optimization, 143variable removal, 143

Conflict analysis, 99, 104, 192, 198, 203, 214, 216See also conflict-based learning

Conflict-based learning, 98, 100, 198Conflict condition, 197Conflicting clause, 96Conjunctive bi-decomposition, 147Conjunctive Normal Formal, 95Connected acyclic graph, 85Constrained probability, 111Constrained random simulation, 1, 19Constrained random simulation, 25Constraint, 18

commutativity, 41conditional, 49directive, 26dynamic, 41, 52environment, 26generator/monitor duality, 20, 26guarded, 41, 49inheritance, 44inline, 41, 45prioritized, 35, 154state-dependent, 41

Constraint BDD, 110Constraint class, 43Constraint diagnosis, 183

See also over-constraintConstraint Logic Programming, 31, 190Constraint partitioning, 121

See also disjoint-input-support partitionConstraint prioritization, 154

See also Constraint,variable solve orderConstraint programming, 18Constraint relaxation, 186Constraint Satisfaction Problem, 30, 155Constraint simplification, 142

See also det-constraint,simplificationConstraint solving, 30

BDD-based, 35off-line, 31on-line, 31

Constraint synthesis, 161, 164SAT-based, 178

See also image computation,SAT-based

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Constraintvariable ordering

circular, 48satisfiability preserving, 48transitive, 48

variable solve order, 47Constraint

watched, 198See also watched clause

Constraintword-level, 31

Consynth, 164, 170Controlling value, 105Co-safety property, 63, 73Counting constraint, 194

See also cardinality constraintCover of a formula, 75–76

See also Tableau ruleCSP, 30, 155CTL, 58Cube, 83Cut, 98, 202, 204, 216, 218Cutting-plane, 190, 198, 204, 214CVC Lite, 192

Dag, 85, 90D-algorithm, 105Davis-Putnam, 94, 194Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland, 94Dead-end state, 30, 110

See also illegal stateDecision, 96

flipped, 99, 198Decision heuristics, 100Decision level, 96Decision variable bias, 219Decomposition tree, 147Dependent variable, 147Depth-First-Search, 85Design complexity, 2Design modeling, 7

hierarchy, 8Design productivity gap, 4Design Under Verification, 12Det-constraint, 133, 136

extraction algorithm, 146functional extraction, 140

completeness, 141implication test, 136non-disjoint test, 136recursive extraction, 144simplification, 142syntactical extraction, 137

Determinization of NFA, 79D-frontier, 105DFS, 85, 88

Difference Logic, 217DirectC, 38Directed acyclic graph, 85Directed graph, 84Direct Memory Access, 12Disjoint-input-support partition, 121, 154, 184

See also constraint partitioningDisjunctive functional decomposition, 157DLIS, 100DMA, 12Domain constraint, 209Don’t care condition, 166Don’t care optimization, 166–167

See also care-set optimizationDPLL, 94, 192, 196, 205DUV, 12Dynamic Largest Individual Sum, 100

EDA, 1Electronic Design Automation, 1Electronic System Level, 1E, 37, 42Empty domain, 212–213Emulation, 14, 161Equality over Uninterpreted Function, 216Equivalence checking, 15ESL, 1, 8

sales forecast, 10EUF, 216Existential quantification, 84, 165, 179Extraction, 210

See also RTL-to-linear-constraints conversion

FAN, 105–106Fanout-Oriented algorithm, 105Fairness, 57False literal, 96False-negative, 183Fault propagation, 104, 217Fault sensitization, 104, 217Finite domain, 211Finite State Machine, 86FL, 55FME, 194, 213, 217FoCs, 74Formal verification, 15, 18, 21, 161Formula factorization, 158

See also Irredundant Prime CoverForSpec, 54Foundation Language, 55Fourier-Motzkin Elimination, 194Free literal, 96FSM, 86Fully sensitive function, 158Functional extraction, 140

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Gaussian elimination, 216GC, 171GDL, 54General Description Language, 54Generalized Cofactoring, 171General solution, 163

See also reproductive solutionGenerator, 73

See also monitorGRASP, 98Ground solution, 162Groupability, 147

Hamming-distance, 18Hardware modeling, 85HDD, 190HDPLL, 191, 213High Level Verification, 37Hold-constraint, 134

See also det-constraintHold strongly, 61HVL, 37Hybrid Decision Diagram, 190

ICS, 192IG, 204Illegal state, 110, 115, 163, 169, 184

computation, 185elimination of, 186

ILP, 31, 190, 213Image computation, 89, 172, 178

SAT-based, 178–179Implementation graph, 202Implication, 96Implication condition, 197, 213Implication graph, 96, 98, 102–103, 204Implication test, 136Inferring constraint, 201

See also asserting constraintInput biasing, 111Input probability, 111

as soft restriction, 111Input variable, 86Integer Linear Programming, 31, 190Intellectual Property, 3Invariant checking, 88IP, 3IPC, 158Irredundant Prime Cover, 158

See also Formula factorization

J-frontier, 105Joint sub-tree, 156Justification, 106

-literal-watching, 203See also 2-literal-watching

Kleene star, 59

Language containment, 17Latch, 87Lazy evaluation, 213

See also watched clauseLearned clause, 98

See also nogood, clause deletingLeast-distance mapping, 172Legal input space, 110Light-houses, 18Linear Programming, 31, 190Linear Pseudo Boolean, 193Linear Temporal Logic, 57Linear Time Logic, 17, 55Literal, 95

false, 96free, 96negative, 95positive, 95pure, 96, 195true, 96watched, 101, 197

Liveness property, 55, 63, 73Local variable, 55Logic equivalence checking, 171Logic synthesis, 8Lookahead, 103LP, 31, 190, 213LPB, 193LP-relaxation, 190LTL, 17, 55

MATHSAT, 191, 213, 217Membership function, 41, 45Mgu, 170Minimal conflicting set, 186, 215Minimum feature size, 2Minterm, 83, 87Model checking, 16

bounded, 16, 64, 185core-based abstraction, 103

Modeling layer, 66See also auxiliary modeling logic

Modular arithmetic, 207Modulo, 209Monitor, 70

See also generatorMoore’s Law, 1Most general unifier, 170MTDD, 189

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Mu-Calculus, 89Multiple clock domains, 159Multiple domain reductions, 214, 218Multiple implications, 197, 200Multiplexing, 211Multiplication with two variables, 211Multi-Terminal Decision Diagram, 189Multivalent clause, 191Multi-valued variable, 203MV clause, 203MV-SAT, 203MV variable, 203

Negative-cycle detection, 214, 217Negative literal, 95Negatively bounded, 139

See also positively boundedNetlist, 86, 95Network-on-Chip, 3NFA, 71

construction, 77transition, 77

with transition, 79without transition, 80

NoC, 3Nogood, 98

See also learned clauseNon-chronological backtracking, 98, 100Non-controlling value, 106Nondeterministic Finite Automaton, 71Non-disjoint test, 136Non-negative linear combination, 194Non-negative slack, 201Normalization of LPB, 193NP-Complete, 94

OBE, 55Object-Oriented Programming, 38Offset, 84Omega-test, 215

See also Fourier-Motzkin EliminationOne-hot, 112, 163, 166, 172, 205One-side unbounded variable, 195Onset, 84OOP, 38Open Verification Library, 28Optional Branching Extension, 55OVA, 54Over-constraint, 30, 183OVL, 28

Path-Oriented Decision Making, 105Permutation, 49Pigeon-hole, 196

PLI, 38PNF, 62PODEM, 105–106Positive literal, 95Positively bounded, 139

See also negatively boundedPositive Normal Form, 62Post-time modality, 60Primary input, 86Production rule, 46Product life cycle, 6Product machine, 29Programming Language Interface, 38Property Specification Language, 17, 28

FL, 55, 69–70layers, 66OBE, 55SERE, 67

Propositional Satisfiability, 31, 95PSL, 17, 28PSL/SVA alignment, 55P-tree algorithm, 113, 122

complexity, 117correctness, 118cyclic variable, 125extension to decomposition trees, 158variable ordering, 120variable solve order, 122Walk, 116Weight, 114weighted distribution, 124

Pure literal, 96, 195See also one-side unbounded variable

RACE, 191Random-cyclic, 49Randomization, 19, 32, 174, 220

dynamic, 41, 52Random restart, 103Random stability, 33

object, 41, 52thread, 41, 52

Random variable, 43cyclic, 49, 125

RE, 55Reachability, 85Reachability analysis, 88, 185

backward, 89forward, 89

Read-once decision graph, 158Recursive extraction, 144Recursive learning, 104, 217Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram, 90–91Reduction, 201Regular Expression, 55, 59Rejecting a word, 71

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Rejecting state, 71Reproductive solution, 163, 170, 175

See also general solutionResolution, 94, 194, 204

See also cutting-planeResolution graph, 103Revenue of electronic systems, 3Reverse implication order, 103, 200, 204Reverse pyramid of revenues, 5ROBDD, 90Rounding rules, 195RTL-to-linear-constraints conversion, 208RTPG, 126Run of a word, 71

Safety property, 55, 63, 185natural, 73pathological, 73

SAT, 31, 93, 192, 196SAT solver checker, 103Saturation, 201

See also coefficient reductionScope randomize function, 44SCV, 37, 42Sequence generation, 41, 46Sequential Extended Regular Expression, 67

clocked, 67on infinite paths, 68sequence, 68

SERE, 67Shannon expansion, 91Shifting, 210Shostak’s decision procedure, 216Silicon re-spin, 6

cost, 6Simgen, 33Simulation, 11

cycle-based, 11event-driven, 11, 40symbolic, 17

Single Stuck-At, 104Slack, 200SoC, 2SSA, 104Stalmark’s algorithm, 104State assignment extraction, 146State-deterministic constraint, 133State-holding element, 87State variable, 43, 87Storage element, 87Strong operator, 70Strong semantics, 61Subgraph, 84Subset construction, 75, 80Sugar, 54Super-linting, 20

SVA, 37SVRC, 37, 42Syntactical extraction, 137Synthesis, 86SystemC, 39SystemC Verification library, 37System-on-Chip, 2–3SystemVerilog, 39SystemVerilog Assertion, 37SystemVerilog Random Constraint, 37SystemVerilog Random Constraint

functions$display, 43inside, 45new, 43post randomize, 50pre randomize, 50randomize, 43randomize with, 44$urandom, 51$urandom range, 51

SystemVerilog Random Constraintkeywords

class, 43constraint, 43dist, 50extends, 44function, 43if else, 49rand, 43randc, 49randseq, 47solve before, 48

Tableau rule, 75TD, 155Template, 47Temporal layer, 65Temporal logic, 57Temporal logic, 191Testbench, 12, 38

flow, 12reactive, 26

TestBuilder, 37Testbuilder, 39Test generation, 12Test generation

checking strategiesmonitor-based, 13reference-model based, 13

Test generationcoverage

code, 13functional, 13, 38

directed, 12random, 13

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Theorem proving, 17Transistor count, 2Transition function, 87Transition relation, 87Tree, 85Tree-decomposition, 155Tree-width, 156Triangulation algorithm, 156True literal, 96

UCLID, 192UIP, 98, 202Under-constraint, 183

See also over-constraintUndirected graph, 84Unifier, 170Uniform distribution, 41, 122, 174

See also RandomizationUninterpreted function, 17, 192Unique Implication Point, 98Unit clause, 96Universal quantification, 84Unsat core, 102Unsatisfiable core, 102, 186

extraction, 103

Vacuous proof, 183Variable ordering, 92, 171Variable Probing, 103Variable removal, 169Variable solve order, 47, 122, 175, 220Variable State Independent Decaying Sum, 100VCS, 38Vectorial function, 87, 172Verification

complexity, 6crisis, 5dynamic, 9formal, 7, 15hybrid, 18, 20, 161sequential approach, 9simulation, 7static, 9, 15

Verification layer, 66Verification unit, 66Vmode, 66Vprop, 66VSIDS, 100Vunit, 66

Walk, 113, 116Watched clause, 102Watched constraint, 198Watched literal, 101–102, 197, 204, 213Watched variable, 213Weak operator, 69Weak semantics, 61Weak next, 61Weak release, 62Weak until, 61Weight, 113–114Weighted distribution, 34, 124, 220Weighted membership, 50Weighted range, 45Weight of a vector, 112Word-level modeling, 86

Zero-one-hot, 125See also one-hot
