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American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing Guide


Explicit indication of the sources of information and ideas is one of the characteristics of academic and

professional writing. Explicit referencing of sources distinguishes academic and professional writing from

other types of writing. Academic and professional writers show where they got the information or ideas

for their texts through internationally accepted referencing system such as APA and Harvard.

The “APA style” is a generic author-date style for citing and referencing information in assignments,

project reports, thesis, dissertations and other publications. There are many styles which follow the

author-date convention, including the Harvard style and the Chicago Manual of Style. This guide is based

on the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual which is recommended to follow by the


What is referencing?

Referencing is a standardized way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you have

used in your assignments, project thesis, dissertations and other publications which allows the sources

to be identified.

Why referencing?

Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and to enable readers to follow up

what you have written and more fully understand the cited author’s work. Accordingly referencing is

important due to the following reasons.

To respect intellectual property

To strengthen arguments by indicating the source of ideas

To demonstrate knowledge of the field in which you are writing

To establish your voice in your academic writing

To meet marking criteria

To avoid accusation of plagiarism

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Please Note that APA emphasizes to prepare your list according to the concept of references not to the

concept of bibliography. The difference between these two concepts will be taught to you by the

relevant lecturer in charge. Thus, the following two are the most important matters to be concerned.

1. In-text citations – That is to insert citations at the appropriate place in the text of your

document and that should be according to author-date style. Page numbers must also be

included if you directly quote, paraphrase a passage or if you want to direct the reader to a

specific page. What is a quotation and paraphrasing will be taught by your relevant lecturer.

2. List of References – That is to include a reference list which includes all in-text citations at the

end of your research project report.

The following matters are important in preparing your list of references. Further explanations

regarding the following points will be given by your lecturer.

It should be arranged alphabetically by author.

If you have more items (articles, books, chapters etc.) published by the same author, list the

items chronologically, starting with the earliest publication.

Each reference should appear on a new line.

It should be indented so that the author can clearly stand out.

References should not be numbered.

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The following tables indicate how to put in-text citations and prepare the list of reference for the

most common types among different types of sources you find.

In-text and References relating to book: (Further guidelines will be given by your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference

One author Stone (1991) or

Stone (1991, P.44)

confirmed that

Stone, J. R. (1991). Human resource management. Australia:

John Wiley & Sons.

Two to five


(Torrington & Tan,

1994) or Torrington &

Tan (1994) stated that

Torrinton, D. & Tan, C. H. (1994). Human resource

management for South East Asia. Singapore: Prentice


Six or more


(Bannister et al., 2005)


Bannister et al. (2005)

explains …….

Bannister, B. J., Chan, A. W., Mak, W. M., Ng, C. W., Bennett,

R. & Stone, R. J. et al. (1995). Managing human resources

In Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Pitman.


work by the

same author

(Willmott, 2004, 2006) Willmott, W.F . (2004). Rocks and landscapes of the national

parks of Southern Queensland. Brisbane: Geological

Society of Australia, Queensland Division.

Willmott, W.F. (2006). Rocks and landscapes of the national

parks of Central Queensland. Brisbane: Geological Society

of Australia, Queensland Division.

(Order chronologically from earliest in the reference list)


works by the



published in

the same


(Patel, 2002a, 2002b) Patel, J. (2002a). Learning Styles and Reflective Practice: The

Pedagogy of Individualized Instruction. Oxford: Oxford

University Press.

Patel, J. (2002b). Signification and Psychology in

Education: A Case Study of Theory in Practice.

London: Rutledge.

(Order alphabetically by title in the Reference list)

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Book by an


or institution

(Queensland Health,

2002) or

Queensland Health

(2002) recommends


Queensland Health. (2002). Best practice guidelines for the

management of type 1 diabetes in children and

adolescents. Brisbane: Queensland Health

Editions (Clark, 1992) or

Clark (1992) stated


Clark, R. (1992). Australian human resources management:

Framework and practice (2nd ed.). Sydney: McGraw Hill.

Edited book (O’Neill & Kramar, 1995)

or O’Neill & Kramar

mentioned that………

O’Neill, G. L. & Kramar, R. (Eds.). (1995). Australian human

resources management. Melbourne: Pitman.



(Pettinger, 2002) Pettinger, R. (2002). Global organizations. Oxford: Capston

Publishing. Available from NetLibrary database.


Chapter in

an edited


(Helber, 1995) or

Helber (1995) compares

Helber, L. E. (1995). Redeveloping mature resorts for new

markets. In M. V. Conlin & T. Baum (Eds.), Island tourism:

Management principles and practice (pp. 105-113).

Chichester, England: John Wiley.


from an



(Scott, 2005) Scott, D. (2005). Colonial governmentality. In J. X. Inda (Ed.)

Anthropologies of modernity (pp.21-49). Retrieved from

Wiley Inter Science database.

Dictionary or


(Wolman, 1989) Wolman, B.B. (1989). Dictionary of behavioral science

(2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press.

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In-text and references relating to journal articles: (Further guidelines will be given by your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference

One author (Sweeney, 1979) or

Sweeney (1979) stated


Sweeney, J.H. (1979). A new look at promotion from within.

Personnel Journal, 58(08), 531-535.

Two authors Schafer & Kang (2008) Schafer, J.L. & Kang, J. (2008). Average causal effects from

nonrandomized studies: A practical guide and simulated

example. Psychological Methods. 13, 279-313.

Three to six


(Skenderian, Siegel,

Crano, Alvaro, & Lac,


Skenderian, J, Siegel, J. T., Crano, W.D., Alvaro, E.E. & Lac, A.

(2008). Expectancy change and adolescents' intentions to

use marijuana. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 22,


More than

six authors

(Galea et al., 2008) Galea, L.A., Uban, K. A., Epp, J.R., Brummelte, S., Barha, C.K.,

Wilson, W. L. et al. (2008). Endocrine regulation of

cognition and neuroplasticity: Our pursuit to unveil the

complex interaction between hormones, the brain, and

behaviour. Canadian Journal of Experimental

Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie

expérimentale. 62, 247-260.

Article from


data base

(Wharton, 1996) Wharton, N. (1996). Health and safety in outdoor activity

centres. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor

Leadership, 12(4), 8-9. Retrieved November 10, 2007,

from ABI/INFORM Global database.

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In-text and references to web pages: (Further guidelines will be given by your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference

With one


(Atherton, 2005) Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour Modification. Retrieved

February 5, 2009, from


No author (Behaviour

modification, 2007)

Behaviour modification. (2007). Retrieved February 5, 2009,

from http://www.educational-

No date (Society of Clinical

Psychology, n.d.)

Society of Clinical Psychology. (n.d.) About Clinical Psychology.

Retrieved January 28, 2009, from



(Queensland Health,

2008) or

As stated by

Queensland Health


Queensland Health. (2008). Healthy start in life. Retrieved

March 10, 2009, from


In-text and references relating to lecture notes: (Further guidelines will be given by your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference



notes – print

(Johnson, 2008) Johnson, A. (2008). Week three: Foucault [Powerpoint

slides]. Unpublished manuscript, BESC1001, University

of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia.

Lecture notes –


(Johnson, 2008) Johnson, A. (2008). Week three: Foucault [Powerpoint

slides]. Retrieved from BESC1001, University of

Queensland Blackboard Online:

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In-text and references relating to thesis: (Further guidelines will be given by your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference

Retrieved from

personal or



(Axford, 2007) Axford, J.C. (2007). What constitutes success in Pacific

island community conserved areas? (Doctoral

dissertation, University of Queensland, 2007).

Retrieved from

Retrieved from

data base

(Sheehan, 2007) Sheehan, L. R. (2007). Destination management

organizations: A stakeholder perspective. Retrieved

from Proquest Digital Dissertations. (AAT NR25719)

In-text and references relating to conference papers: (Further guidelines will be given by your


Type In-text Reference

Published paper (Bohrer, Zielke &

Freiburg, 1995)

Bohrer, S., Zielke, T., & Freiburg, V. (1995). Integrated

obstacle detection framework for intelligent cruise

control on motorways. Paper presented at IEEE

Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Detroit, MI:




(Bowden & Fairley,


Bowden, F.J. & Fairley, C.K. (1996, June). Endemic STDs in

the Northern Territory: estimations of effective rates

of partner change. Paper presented at the scientific

meeting of the Royal Australian College of

Physicians, Darwin.

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In-text and References relating to Newspapers and Magazines: (Further guidelines will be given by

your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference


article with


(Cook, 2002) Cook, D. (2002, January 28). All in the mind. The Age, p. 8.


article without


(Meeting the needs,


Meeting the needs of counselors. (2001, May 5). The

Courier Mail, p. 22.

Magazine article (Marano, 2008) Marano, H.E. (2008, March-April). Making of

aperfectionist. Psychology Today, 41, 80-86.


newspaper or

magazine article

(Sandy, 2009) Sandy, A. (2009, January 22).Cheaper to fly than hire a bike

in Brisbane. The Courier Mail. Retrieved from


In-text and References relating to indirect citation: (Further guidelines will be given by your lecturer)

Type In-text Reference

Indirect citation


secondary source

Miller (cited in Agrios

2005) found …

… it was found (Miller,

cited in Agrios 2005).

Agrios, G.N. (2005). Plant pathology (5th ed.) Burlington,

Massachusetts: Elsevier Academic Press.

(Cite the source where you found the citation)
