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    “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”

    December 6, 2015

    8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Services

    Prelude “Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel! Bell Choir


    Presider: "A voice cries out: 'In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make

    straight in the desert a highway for our God.Every valley shall be lifted

    up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall

    become level, and the rough places a plain.Then the glory of the Lord

    shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the

    Lord has spoken.'" (Isaiah 40)

    People: And also with you.

    Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness (Congregation stands)

    Leader: Most merciful God,

    People: We confess that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.

    We have sinned against You in thought, word and deed, by what we

    have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You

    with our whole heart: we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

    For the sake of Your son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us,

    renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk

    in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name. Amen.

    Leader: In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for you and

    for His sake God forgives you all your sins. To those who believe in

    Jesus Christ He gives the power to become the children of God and

    bestows on them the Holy Spirit.

    People: Amen.

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    Entrance Hymn “Prepare the Royal Highway” 264

    Apostolic Greeting

    Presider: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the Communion

    of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

    People: And also with you.

    Advent Litany

    Leader : Jesus Christ is the light ’ of the world,

    People: The light no darkness can ’ overcome.

    Leader: The Spirit and the ’ church cry out:

    People: Amen. ’ Come , Lord Jesus.

    Leader: For with you is the foun ’ tain of life,

    People: And in your light ’ we see light.

    “Joyous light of heavenly glory, loving glow of God’s own face,

    You who sing creation’s story, shine on every land and race.

    Mighty God of all creation, gentle Christ who lights our way.

    Loving Spirit of salvation, lead us on to endless day.”

    Prayer of the Day

    (Congregation may be seated)

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    THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD [The Lutheran Church believes that the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New

    Testaments are the written inspired Word of God. Shepherd of Life follows the lectionary,

    and the lessons may be found on the back of this worship bulletin.]

    First Lesson Malachai 3:1-4 Back Cover

    Reader: The Word of the Lord

    People: Thanks be to God!

    Lighting of the Advent Wreath Bulletin Page 13

    Second Lesson Philippians 1:3-11

    Reader: The Word of the Lord.

    People: Thanks be to God!

    Special Music

    (Congregation stands and sings)

    “Alleluia. Lord, to whom shall we go?

    You have the words of eternal life. Alleluia, Alleluia.”

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    Gospel Reading Luke 3:1-6 Back Cover

    Before Reading: “Glory to you , O Lord.”

    After Reading: “Praise to you, O Christ.”

    (Congregation may be seated)

    Message VOICES IN THE WILDERNESS Jonathan Lys

    Hymn of the Day “Go Tell It On the Mountain” 290

    Opportunities for Growth and Service

    Joys and Concerns

    (If you have a prayer concern or prayer of thanksgiving you would like included in the

    bulletin, please call the church office.)

    Prayers of the Church

    “In you, O Lord, I have found my peace.”

    I have found my peace.”

    Apostle’s Creed (Congregation stands)

    People: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I

    believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by

    the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He

    suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

    He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended

    into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will

    come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy

    Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the

    forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life

    everlasting. Amen.

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    Sharing of the Peace

    Presider: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

    People: And also with you.

    (As a sign of God’s peace, please take a moment to greet those around you.)


    [By our tithes and offerings we say “Thank You” to God for all of our blessings. Your

    offerings support Shepherd of Life’s ministry here, in our community, and around the world

    through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Thank you for prayerfully

    considering your sacrificial response.]

    Offering Prayer

    Presider: Merciful Father

    People: We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us -

    ourselves, our time and our possessions, signs of your gracious love.

    Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus

    Christ our Lord. Amen.

    (Sung to the tune “What Child is This”)

    Leader: What light of truth is offered here, what covenant from heaven?

    What hope of everlasting life, what gracious gift is given?

    People: This, this is Christ the king, the sun come up from heaven.

    Oh, see and hear and sing! The Word of God is given!

    Leader: What wine of love is offered here, what crimson drink from heaven?

    What stream of everlasting life, what precious love is given?

    People: This, this is Christ the king, the sweetest wine from heaven.

    Oh, taste and see and sing! The Word of God is given!

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    [The Lutheran church believes that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine, and that

    through the reception of this sacrament, we receive the forgiveness of sins. You do not have

    to be a member in order to receive the Lord’s Supper at Shepherd of Life. All are welcome!

    If you prefer to receive grape juice, simply point to the second communion assistant who

    will also be holding grapes for our children.]

    Consecration of the Elements

    The Lord’s Prayer (Congregation joins hands)

    (Congregation may be seated after prayer)

    Communion Hymns:

    “In the Singing” 466

    “The King Shall Come” 260

    “Lo’ How a Rose E’er Blooming” 272


    People: Amen.

    Closing Hymn “Sent Forth By God’s Blessing” 547


    Leader: Go in Peace. Serve the Lord.

    People: Thanks be to God!


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    Education Building, 9:30 AM

    Conference Room Class: Books of Faith series, Ephesians

    Lounge Room Class: Advent Study - “Awaiting the Already”

    Today! Don’t miss it!

    Immediately following the

    11 o’clock service

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    Worship Participants

    8:00 9:30 11:00

    Acolytes Erin Rosenbaum

    Sam Jorgensen



    Gary Johnson Ashley Griffith

    Roger Dismore

    Janet Neuman

    Jonathan Lys

    Altar Guild Mark and Jean Lien

    Shirley Porter

    Martha Williams

    Greeters Scott Fields Ron and Louise Engel

    Kay Glenn

    Prayer of

    the Day

    Mark Lien Robin Lee Lori Anderson

    Readers Sherri Wade Marie Fraterrigo John Jager

    Ushers Joe Johnson Scott Fields

    Diana Osborn

    Clint Gober

    Norm Roberts

    Jonathan Young

    Ruthie Martin

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    Altar Flowers are given by...

    Don and Cindy Lyle for the many blessings in our lives.

    11/30 Joshua & Kristen


    12/04 Joe & Bonnie


    Robert & Sarah Wolff


    11/30 - Dan Stephans Cameron Dodd 12/01 - Alex Dryg Tori Dryg 12/02- Valerie Burton 12/03 - Kristen Berg Julia Higgins Scott Cross 12/06 - Susan Vavrin

    12/06 Susan Vavrin 12/07 Robert Blake 12/08 Janet MacKay 12/09 Kelly Campbell 12/10 Brian George 12/11 Brandon Engberg

    Altar flowers are given by…

    Joanne Hedrick in honor of her mother, Bobbie Haglund.


    Robert & Michelle Blake


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    Sunday, November 30 - Decorate the Church for Christmas (lunch provided)

    Sunday, December 7 - Congregational Meeting

    Friday, December 12 - Preschool Christmas Program at 7:00 PM

    Saturday, December 13 - Progressive Dinner

    Sunday, December 14 - Sunday School Christmas program at the 11:00 AM Service

    Wednesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Services at 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, and 11:00 PM Sunday, December 28th - One Combined Service at 9:30 AM

    Holiday Schedule

    TODAY - Congregational Meeting - 12:15 PM Friday, December 11 - Preschool Christmas Program at 7:00 PM Saturday, December 12 - Progressive Dinner Sunday, December 13 - Sunday School Christmas program at 11:00 AM Service Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Services at 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, And 11:00 PM Sunday, December 27th - One Combined Service at 9:30 AM

    Holiday Schedule

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    Poinsettia sign up sheets will be in the narthex through December 21st.

    Today - Adopt an Angel DECEMBER 13 - Return gifts in a gift bag

    Gifts are in the $25.00 range. We will also be accepting unwrapped gift donations for those who want to participate but are unable to get an angel.

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    Thank you to everyone who has supported

    Shepherd's Pantry with your time, donations,

    and prayers. This is a growing and vital

    ministry supporting people in our

    community and combating food insecurity.

    The Pantry continues to need your support to

    meet the ongoing need to feed God's sheep.

    Monetary donations are most helpful so that

    we can purchase standard items at the best

    prices; however, there is a collection box in

    the narthex to accept other types of

    donations you wish to provide. If you are

    interested in volunteering on a Thursday

    night at the Pantry or in helping during the

    week with shopping or other organizational

    tasks, please contact Lissy Bethmann,

    Jennifer Zaffke, or Sarah Skinner.

    John 21:17 ...Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."

    Designated Benevolence

    Each year Shepherd of Life passes on a portion of its offerings to other organizations, both here and abroad. In 2015 SOL supported the following groups: Briarwood Retreat Center, Arlington Charities, Arlington Life Shelter, Mission Arlington, Safe Haven, Church of the Damascus Road, Mission on the Move, and the NT-NL Mission Area Earthquake Relief Effort in Nepal.

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    Progressive Dinner Saturday, December 12th

    Pick up your invitations TODAY !


    The second candle of Advent is the Candle of Peace. It is sometimes called the

    Bethlehem Candle to remind us of the place in which preparations were made to

    receive and cradle the Christ child. Peace is a gift that we must be prepared for. God

    gives us the gift of peace when we turn to him in faith. We light this candle today to

    remind us that he brings peace to all who trust in him.

    Let us pray. Loving god, thank you for the peace you give us through Jesus. Help us

    prepare our hearts to receive Him. Bless our worship. Guide us in all that we say

    and do. We ask it in the name of the one born in Bethlehem. Amen

    During the lighting of the Advent wreath we sing:

    “Light two candles to watch for Messiah:

    Let the light banish darkness.

    He shall feed the flock like a shepherd,

    Gently lead them homeward.”


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    Join us NEXT SUNDAY at 11:00 am for our children’s program

    Guess Who’s Coming to Bethlehem?

    IMPORTANT Schedule for Worship for

    NEXT SUNDAY is as follows:

    8:00 AM - Worship

    9:30 AM - Worship

    11:00 AM - Children’s Program

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    Shepherd of Life’s Youth and Family Page Check here for the latest information regarding all our

    Youth and Family activities


    Go out and pray like it all depends on prayer

    Go out and work like it all depends on work

    Go out and love till the final day

    Till He comes

    Go out and sing the greatest song you know

    Go out and study His word so we all can grow

    Into the fullness of the likeness of his Son

    God is calling us to pray (pray, pray, pray, pray)

    God is calling us to work (work, work, work, work)

    God is calling us to love and sing and study his Word

    Disciples now it’s time to 1…2…3…4…GO!

    Christmas Program Practice Dates:

    December 6th @ 9:30 am

    December 12th @ 9:00 am-11:00 am (Dress Rehearsal)

    December 13th @ 9:30 am (Final Run-Through)

    December 13th @ 11:00 am (Chr istmas Program)

    You should have received costume information by e-mail

    before Thanksgiving. Let Jonathan know if you need it again!

    The Christmas Party for both Junior High and High

    School will be on Sunday December 20th. It’s a Super

    Holiday Sunday! We will have Sunday School, worship

    together at 11:00, go out for lunch, have our gift card

    exchange and then play some Whirlyball! All you need to

    bring is money for lunch and a wrapped $10 gift card. Friends are welcome. Please let

    Jonathan or Tina know by Friday December 18th if you plan on coming.

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    Let us come before Him with Thanksgiving… For the opportunities for fellowship and giving brought by the season of Advent. For I am the Lord who heals you…

    Scott Cross and his mother; Laurie Young’s uncle ;Zane Donaho and his company; Ell Yu Silva’s grandmother, Raquel Gomez; Andrea Wolz’ brother-in-law’s grandmother; Paula Koontz; Sharon Stewart’s father; Andres Bentley’s father; Ethel Oncken; Kellie Kessler; Norm Phillips; Jaxon Owens-Wilen; Kay Glenn; Tina Greenlee’s mother- in- law; Marge Wigstone; Bill Doege’s mother, Helen; Jeff Hecht; Millie Philips; Amy Keller; and Susan Voise’s mother, Arlyne Ehli.

    Our God is full of compassion… For the Gober family following the passing of Craig’s father.

    If you have a prayer request or would like to be part of the prayer chain, please contact Judy Pfretzschner at [email protected].

    Prayers of the Church

    Extending our prayers Your prayer requests for family members and friends are often included in the prayers of our church. We think they would be blessed to know that. By providing a mailing address to Pastor John he will then send them a personal note to let them know that our church has prayed for them during worship.

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    “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”

    9:30 AM Service

    Call to Worship “Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel! Bell Choir


    Presider: "A voice cries out: 'In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make

    straight in the desert a highway for our God.Every valley shall be lifted

    up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall

    become level, and the rough places a plain.Then the glory of the Lord

    shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the

    Lord has spoken.'" (Isaiah 40)

    People: And also with you.

    Student Prayer

    Special Music “Go!” Youth Choir

    (Congregation stands and sings)

    Opening Song “Prepare the Royal Highway” 264

    Prayer of the Day

    (Congregation may be seated)

    THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD [The Lutheran Church believes that the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New

    Testaments are the written and inspired Word of God. Shepherd of Life follows the

    lectionary, and the lessons may be found on the back of this worship bulletin.]

    Lighting of the Advent Wreath Bulletin Page 13

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    Gospel Reading Luke 3:1-6 Back Cover

    Reader: The Word of the Lord

    People: Thanks be to God!

    Special Music

    Message VOICES IN THE WILDERNESS Jonathan Lys

    Hymn of the Day “Go Tell It On the Mountain” 290

    Opportunities for Growth and Service

    Joys and Concerns

    (If you have a prayer concern or prayer of thanksgiving you would like included in the

    bulletin, please call the church office.)

    Prayers of the Church

    “In you, O Lord, I have found my peace.”

    I have found my peace.”

    Sharing of the Peace Pastor: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

    People: And also with you.

    (As a sign of God’s peace, please take a moment to greet those around you.)

    THE GATHERING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS (By our tithes and offerings we say “Thank You” to God for all of our blessings. Your

    offerings support Shepherd of Life’s ministry here, in our community, and around the world

    through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Thank you for prayerfully

    considering your sacrificial response.)

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    Offering Prayer

    Presider: Merciful Father

    People: We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us

    ourselves, our time and our possessions, signs of your gracious love.

    Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus

    Christ our Lord. Amen.


    [[The Lutheran church believes that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine, and that

    through the reception of this sacrament, we receive the forgiveness of sins. You do not have

    to be a member in order to receive the Lord’s Supper at Shepherd of Life. All are welcome!

    If you prefer to receive grape juice, simply point to the second communion assistant who

    will also be holding grapes for our children.]

    Consecration of the Elements

    The Lord’s Prayer (Congregation joins hands)

    (Congregation may be seated after prayer)

    Communion Songs:

    “In the Singing” 466

    “The King Shall Come” 260

    “Lo’ How a Rose E’er Blooming” 272


    People: Amen.

    Closing Song “Sent Forth By God’s Blessing” 547


    Leader: Go in Peace. Serve the Lord.

    People: Thanks be to God!


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    The Peace of Wild Things

    By Wendell Berry

    When despair for the world grows in me

    and I wake in the night at the least sound

    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,

    I go and lie down where the wood drake

    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

    I come into the peace of wild things

    who do not tax their lives with forethought

    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

    And I feel above me the day-blind stars

    waiting with their light. For a time

    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
