
Annual Report 2009/2010 for Vote 25


• Departmental Public Entities

• Departmental Annual Report

• MLRF achievements & challenges (summary)


Public Entities

• South African National Parks (SANParks)

• South African Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)

• iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority

• South African Weather Service (SAWS)

• Marine Living Resource Fund (MLRF)

• South African Tourism (SAT)



SANPARKSA Public Entity functioning under National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003

Mandate of SANParks• To conserve, protect ,control and manage national parks

and other defined protected areas and their biological diversity (biodiversity);

Key Priorities• Implementation of the protected areas expansion strategy• Resolution of Land Claims – Beneficiation scheme• Elephant Management Implementation Plan



Established on 1 September 2004 in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004).

The mandate of SANBITo play a leading role in South Africa’s national commitment to biodiversity management, now and into the future.

Key Priorities•Botanical Garden network expansion for geographic representativity•Climate Change


iSimingaliso Wetland ParkEstablished in terms of the World Heritage Convention Act 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999)- inscribed as a World Heritage site In December 1999

MandateTo protect, conserve and present the Park; promote and facilitate optimal tourism and related development in Park and empower historically disadvantaged adjacent communities

Key Priorities•Transformation: Tourism – equity (transform sector locally- mandatory partner focus); grow regional tourism•Land claims: post settlement implementation – local area plans & beneficiation•Tourism Routes: establishment/ consolidation

Mandate of SAWS• To maintain, extend and improve the quality of meteorological

service for the benefit of all South Africans; provide public good services and commercial services to all South Africans; ensure the ongoing collection of meteorological data over South Africa and surrounding southern oceans for the use by current and future generations; and to be the long-term custodian of a reliable national climatological record

Key Priorities• Severe Weather Warnings• Infrastructure Modernisation Plan (Recapitalisation)• Climate Change

SAWSEstablished in accordance with the South African Weather Services Act no 8 of 2001


Mandate of MLRF• To manage the development and sustainable use of South

Africa’s marine and coastal resource, and for protection of the integrity and quality of the country’s marine and coastal ecosystems

Key Priorities• Marine aquaculture development• Ecosystems approach to resource management• Implementation of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Bill• Marine law enforcement• Subsistence fisheries

MLRFEstablished in terms of the Marine Living Resource Act (1998).


Mandate of SA Tourism• To promote South Africa as the tourist destination of choice

through international and domestic tourism marketing, interface with industry, maintaining and enhancing the standard of facilities and services for tourists.

Key Priorities• Destination marketing• Product and service quality assurance

SA TourismEstablished in terms of the Tourism Act (1993)



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% implementation of Tourism Human Resource Development (THRD) Strategy.

50% strategy implementation.

75% of the National THRD Strategy has been implemented.

% Implementation of Tourism Service Excellence strategy Programme

50% strategy implementation

65% of the Tourism Service Excellence Strategy has been implemented

Number of existing tourist guides up-skilled and new entrants training.

160 tourist guides upskilled and new entrants trained.

A total of 120 tourist guides were trained. The target was not achieved due to budgetary constraints. Training will continue during 2010/11

Number of training and placement opportunities created internationally and nationally.

150 training and placement opportunities created.

Total of 63 people have been exposed to both local and international training opportunities.

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Skills availability in the tourism sector



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of accommodation establishments graded.

9044 accommodation establishments graded

A total of 8 236 accommodation establishments were graded due to a drop in the number of renewals for grading.

% of public sector reporting on procurement from graded establishments.

45% of national public sector departments

18 (47%) National Departments submitted their reports.

National guidelines for mandatory registration in place.

Research international and national guidelines for mandatory registration of tourism businesses.

Three provinces namely Kwazulu Natal (KZN), Mpumalanga and Western Cape submitted their respective frameworks.

Legislative process on mandatory registration was reviewed from Namibia and Scotland were reviewed to assist in the drafting of the South African legislation. With the establishment of National Department of Tourism this work will be part of the Tourism legislation review process to be undertaken in the 2010/11 financial year

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Quality of Tourism products and services



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Structural arrangements for tourism quality assurance for South Africa reviewed

Review legislation and make recommendations to create a tourism quality assurance agency for SA

Due to the establishment of Tourism as a Department separate from the Department of Environmental Affairs, this key performance indicator is now part of tourism legislation review which will be done in 2010/11 financial year

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Quality of Tourism products and services



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Awareness material on the importance of energy efficiency for the industry published.

Brochure containing tips for the industry to be energy efficient published.

A total 7 380 Energy Efficiency Brochures have been distributed.

Frequency of Imvelo awards on responsible tourism hosted in partnership with Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa (FEDHASA)

Annual Imvelo awards for responsible tourism hosted

Imvelo awards were successfully hosted, in partnership with FEDHASA on 11 November 2009, with a record number of entries.

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Promote Responsible Tourism



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Minimum standards for responsible tourism framework in place.

Minimum standards for responsible tourism in place with buy-in from the industry.

Draft minimum standards available with buy-inn from the certification agencies and ready for publication.

Launch of the National Minimum Standards for Responsible Tourism (NMSRT) by the Minister for public comments scheduled for Indaba 2010.

National Department of Tourism needed to satisfy the provisions of the Tourism Act that determine the Minister’s Powers

The NMSRT had to be published din the government Gazette for public comment in addition to stakeholder Consultation

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Promote Responsible Tourism



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of proposals developed per province.

2 proposals developed per province.

37 Proposals for funding were received from Kwa Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape Province.

35 projects to be included in the investment publication were identified in all nine (9) provinces.

A GCP-aligned TFCA signage project for Maloti/ Drakensberg has been funded to the amount of R350 000.

The highest number of proposals was received from Kwazulu –Natal and the rest from North West, Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape and Western Cape. Not all provinces had met Social Responsibility Implementation ( SIR) requirements; therefore they did not submit proposals for projects

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Promote the development of product in the tourism sector



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of Second – economy establishments per province supported

2 establishments per province supported

Phase 1 of the project for shortlisting the candidates was completed, with 28 finalists responding to the assessment forms forwarded.

20 out of 28 finalists were shortlisted and visited by the provider in all 9 provinces

Emerging Tourism Entrepreneur of the Year Award( ETEYA) finalists were supported as part of piloting implementation of the tourism second-economy strategy.

45 entrepreneurs and ETEYA finalists of previous year in all provinces were selected.41 were interested in the programme

17 entrepreneurs attended the Business Think Workshop for a week

o Six entrepreneurs were considered for funding from Raizcop and identity Development Fund( IDF). Funding to the amount of R4.5 million has been awarded so far in North West and Limpompo

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Promote the development of product in the tourism sector



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Report on the feasibility study for Cruise Liner tourism.

Undertake feasibility study of cruise liner tourism and complete report.

A Cruise liner impact study was finalised and submitted to National Department of Tourism by the Cruise Liner Steering Committee.

Partnership to host investment conferences for product development.

Partner with the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA) to host the Hospitality Investment Conference for Africa (HICA).

HICA was successfully hosted in partnership with TBCSA on 4 November 2009.

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Promote the development of product in the tourism sector



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of annual transactional linkages created between Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) and established tourism enterprises

600 annual transactional linkages created between SMME's and established tourism enterprises

A total of 1 197 annual transactional linkages created between SMME's and established tourism enterprises.

Strategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and development

Key Performance Area: Sustainably grow the tourism sector.


ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGESStrategic Objective: Create conditions for sustainable Tourism growth and


Key Performance Area: : Maximize Tourism and Development Potential of 2010

FIFA World Cup

Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% implementation of 2010 tourism plan.

50% implementation of the 2010 Tourism Plan

85% of 2010 Tourism Plan implemented.

Number of Tourism Ambassadors recruited and trained.

Total of 500 ambassadors recruited and trained.

Trained 347 volunteers during the first phase.20 officials were trained on module “know your

Country Know your City” in Free State.3 200 volunteers were trained in Nelspruit and Ellis

Park, Gauteng.The project was implemented in partnership with

the Local Organisation Committee (LOC),2010 FIFA world cup was host cities, the department of Sports and Recreation and the Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority(THETA).Resources were consolidated, hence numbers were exceeded



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Cities regulations in place.

CITES Regulations Approved and implemented.

CITES Regulations published for implementation.

National Norms and standards for the management of damage causing animals in place.

Norms and Standards for management of damage causing animals approved.

Draft norms and standards for management of damage causing animals developed.

Draft has not yet been approved for public comment.Delay was caused by complex challenges on the

approach and application in same areas Draft will be submitted for approval in the 2010/11

financial year

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of Bioprospecting access and Benefit Sharing permits applications assessed.

80% bioprospecting permits applications assessed.

Expert Group met 4 times and evaluated 42/42 permits applications (100%).

Assessed 100% (34/34) of the 2008 backlog permit applications.

% of elephant management plans in place.

40% of Management plans in place

26% management plans have been received.Database of expected elephant management plan

verified and 16 areas from organs of the state identified. The four management plans received from KZN/Wildlife were evaluated

Low Submission rate was encountered and four submitted plans were assessed, but did not meet the criteria

Matter was taken to working group 1 and Permits and Enforcement Planning Committee, and further engagement was initiated

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Marine aquaculture research, regulatory and management framework in place.

Conduct environmental studies on 4 sites leading to the development of zones

Land custodian’s permission obtained for establishment of zones:

Eastern Cape: Qolorha custodians agreed.Western Cape waiting for member of the executive

council (MEC) approval.KZN: Problems relating to lease of the target land

to private individual.EIAs Processes:EIA process in Qolorha has started, and

Infrastructure development to commence in April 2010.

Sea Based Zones Bids were advertised and evaluations commenced.

Awaiting approval for the Silwerstrom Strand site.

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: Sustainably grow the marine fisheries sector.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of National Biodiversity Framework (NBF) implemented.

20% of NBF implemented. 25% of NBF has been implemented.

Number of species with biodiversity management plans in place.

Biodiversity management plan for 1 species developed.

Biodiversity Management Plan for Encephelartos latifrons finalised supported and will be published for public comments.

Biodiversity Management Plans for Black Rhino, Wild Dog and Cheetah and Pelargonium were initiated.

National strategy for Alien Invasive Species (AIS) in place.

Draft National strategy for AIS initiated.

AIS Regulations were finalized.

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: Conserve and mitigate threats to biodiversity.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of land under conservation 6.5% land under conservation.

6.2% of land was under conservation.Land Expansion Plan was evaluated and approved.Intention to declare properties of Namaqua National Park (De beers land) was gazetted.Presidential approval was obtained for assignment of Garden Route, Futululu and Tokai and Cecilia. Gazetting of Garden Route, Futululu and Tokai and Cecilia to be finalised. There will be a joint planning with Department of Agricultural Forestry and Fishery to fast track approval process

Grassland National Park Established to ensure ecosystem representivity.

1 grassland National Park identified.

3 suitable areas (Wakkerstroom, North Eastern Cape and Extension of Camdeboo/Mountain Zebra) were shortlisted for establishment of grassland national park

Number of World Heritage Sites (WHS) nominated/ proclaimed.

1 additional WHS proclaimed.

The 6th draft of the Vredefort Dome Regulations was developed in consultation with landowners.

Boundary description finalised for proclamation purposes. Draft gazette notices were ready for publication. Regulations were finalised and will be published for Public Comment

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: Conserve and mitigate threats to biodiversity.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Research programme to support conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity developed.

Biosafety Research Programme developed.

Biodiversity research strategy was developed.Aspects of its programme are being implemented through

SA/Norway cooperation agreement until December 2010.

Desertification/ drylands research programme.

Draft Desertification/ drylands research programme developed.

Conducted desktop study on desertification research strategy and developed draft discussion document on the development of South Africa’s desertification research strategy

Draft zero concept document has been developed and circulated to relevant key stakeholders for comments and inputs

Elephant research programme developed

Draft Elephant Research Programme developed.

Steering committee was establishedBasic research areas identified in the assessment report

Institutional arrangements finalised and Action plan towards research programme developed. Proposals identified in Elephant Management - a Scientific Assessment for South Africa and a call for proposals on research sent to stakeholders.

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Polar ship replaced. Finalise designs specifications.Adjudication of Bids &Contract awarded

Tender adjudication complete and contract awarded.

Construction will commence at the end of 2010.% completion of new Marion

Island Base.New base completed and

commissioned by May 2010.

Agreement between Department of Public Works (DPW) and Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to source required funds for own expenses, i.e. DEA for logistics and DPW for construction.

Additional construction voyages included in ship’s schedule but no construction done this year because DPW did not secure funds timeously for tenders. Work to be completed next financial year, but delays are expected until November 2010

Relief voyage to each of the remote stations to support South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP).

Annual relief voyages to Marion and Gough Islands and South African National Antarctic Expeditions (SANAE) base

All relief voyages successfully executed (Marion and Gough Islands and SANAE base).

Strategic Objective: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources

Key Performance Area: SA strategic presence in Antarctica and Islands.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Policy and legislative framework for environmental impact management developed.

Act 62 of 2008 effective2009 EIA Regulations promulgated

NEMA Amendment Act in effect and Waste activities repealed from Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) regulations on 03 July 2009.

Notice on amendment for gas extraction has been submitted, Environmental Management Framework regulations and 3 listing notices edited.

A presentation was done at the International Association for Impact Assessment: South Africa Conference

% of National EIA applications processed with prescribed time frames.

85% of national EIA applications processed within prescribed timeframes.

75% of 560 applications processed within timeframes. However more than 85% of the targeted 200 applications were processed

% of S24G applications processed within service standards.

95% of S24G applications processed.

Conducted 96 site inspections. 93 applications still pending and seven applications finalised . S24G Contract extended till March 2010 to facilitate completion of project.

Strategic Objective: Protect and Improve the Quality and Safety of the Environment

Key Performance Area: Prevent and manage potentially negative impacts of development and development patterns on the environment.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of pending Environment Conservation Act (ECA) EIA applications processed within prescribed timeframes.

98% of pending ECA EIA applications processed.

98% of pending ECA EIA applications have been processed.

% EIA appeals finalized within timeframes.

95% appeal inputs made within prescribed timeframes.

100% appeal inputs made within prescribed timeframes.

Number of EIA administrators/ officials trained in EIA administration.

150 Total of 286 officials trained in EIA administration.

% completion and implementation of fee structure.

100% completed and 15% implemented.

Fee Structure document completed.Implementation has been delayed due to decisions to await promulgation of regulations and public consultation process.

Key Performance Area: Prevent and manage potentially negative impacts of development and development patterns on the environment.



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% implementation of Strategic Important Development (SID) guideline and Energy Response Policy (ERP) guideline.

60% SID guideline and 80% ERP guideline.

60% of SID applications processed within agreed time frames.80% of ERP projects processed within ERP guidelines.

Number of EIM applications reviewed.

5 EIM applications reviewed.

4 Applications received reviewed.Not enough EIM applications were received for review.

Number of SANAP Audit Reports.

3 SANAP Audit reports

3 SANAP audits were undertaken 8 new SANAP research project proposals were evaluated.SANAP operations-related environmental management system reviewed Voyage ended in April. Due to voyages timing only 2 reports were finalised

Key Performance Area: Prevent and manage potentially negative impacts of development and development patterns on the environment.



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of Environmental Management Frameworks finalized.

1 provincial and 1 national EMFs finalised.

Olifants Letaba Catchment EMF ahead of schedule and National EMF completedGazetting of Garden Route EMF delayed - awaiting EMF Regulations.

Number of DEAT assisted EMF.

6 DEAT assisted provincial EMFs and 1 national EMFs initiated.

6 DEAT assisted provincial EMFs and 1 national EMF initiated.North West, Kwazulu Natal, Eastern Cape, Free State, Limpopo (Olifants/Letaba) and Emakhazeni Local municipality EMF, Mpumalanga province.

% completion of EIM strategy.

50% completed. Strategy was completed and accepted.Project steering committee established.Project Plan completed, Governance structures established

Key Performance Area: Prevent and manage potentially negative impacts of development and development patterns on the environment.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Framework for Protected Areas (PA) performance management developed.

Framework for protected area performance management developed.

Literature review of international best practice completed and suitable methodologies evaluated.Development of management plan outline in progress. Service provider appointed for the development of the framework for performance management. Workshops held with five provinces, one World Heritage site management authority, and two of five SANParks clusters. Established a CEO Task Team.

Number of Management Plans for WHS approved.

2 The iSimangaliso Wetland Park and Vredefort Dome IMP’s were analysed and will be approved in the 2010/11financial year.

% of EQP related-complaints, notices and directives in relation to which reactive inspections will be conducted.

90% Reactive inspections were conducted on 85% of EQP related complaints, notices and directives. Previous year backlog was cleared

50% 100% complaints recorded and referred (344 complaints were received).

Key Performance Area: Ensure compliance with Environmental Legislation.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of sector-based strategic inspections conducted

10 10 inspections conducted:Holfontein H:H Landfill site; Vissershok Landfill Site; Roodepoort HCRW Incinerator; Pikitup HCRW Incinerator and Mondi Piet Retief; Columbus Steel; Sappi Enstra; Lethabo Power Station; ASA Metals and Matimba power Station

Number of DEAT issued Environmental Authorisations (EAs) inspected.

5 DEAT issued EA’s will be inspected.1 separate pilot inspection on the Asbestos regulations.One National Blitz in the Basel Convention.

17 compliance inspections on Environmental authorisations were conducted and on the following ROD’s:Construction of DFA building at Meintjieskop;Construction of low-flow gauging Station –DWAF WC; Construction of a road: SANRAL Joint Venture-R21/John Voster; Ingula 2 dams; Ingula Access roads; Ingula 22Kv Line; Ingula Asphalt plant; Ingula Bridge; Ingula Telekom lineConstruction of a road: SANRAL R21 upgrade. Airports Company of South Africa: King Shaka & OR Tambo Airports

Key Performance Area: Ensure compliance with Environmental Legislation.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of section 30 emergency incidents processed and finalized.

90% of section 30 incidents are finalised.

62 Section 30 inspections (including those carried over from previous financial year)36 (58%) finalised in conjunction with provinces.95 complaints received.100% complains recorded and referred. 70.5% complaints were closed with referral to institutions and feedback was provided to complainants

Number of criminal investigations finalised and dockets handed over for prosecution.

12 A total of 25 criminal investigations finalised and dockets handed over for prosecution. Awaiting decision from Nation Prosecuting Authority in relation to 17 while 8 will be set down for appearance in court

Strategic compliance and enforcement operations in respect of Health Care Risk Waste (HCRW), Asbestos Regulations and Basel undertaken.

HCRW operation1 pilot inspection on the Asbestos regulationsOne National Blitz in the Basel Convention.

Terms of reference (ToR) approved. Funding obtained through Urban Environmental Management Short Term Technical Assistant (UEM STTA). Import restrictions imposed. Asbestos phase out plans being reviewed. Work in relation to Asbestos and Basel was not undertaken due to capacity issues and challenges with legislation. Work will be done in 2010/11 financial year

Key Performance Area: Ensure compliance with Environmental Legislation.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Strategic compliance monitoring tools and guidelines reviewed and developed.

Simplification and awareness-raising of S30 guideline with key stakeholders.

Review of section 24G guideline and draft procedure for Emergency Incidents included in Environmental Management Inspectorate (EMI) Operating manual. Gauteng identified as possible pilot for the implementation

Number of Environmental Management Inspectors trained (Basic, Specialised Training Courses, International Placements and hands-on training).

Additional 120 EMIs trained.

Additional 224 EMIs were trained at the three institutions (UNISA, University of Pretoria (UP) and Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)).

Number of justice officials (prosecutors and magistrates) trained in environmental crime.

Additional 100 justice officials trained.

Additional 141 prosecutors have been trained to date.

Implementation plan for the roll-out of key EMI Standard Operating Procedures developed.

Implementation plan developed for the EMI-SAPS Standard Operating Procedures or Response and referral on non-compliance.

Response and Referral Standard Operating Procedures finalised and included in EMI Operating Manual.EMI-SAPS Standard Operating Procedures to be amended prior to roll-out and implementation.

Key Performance Area: Ensure compliance with Environmental Legislation.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of ambient air quality monitoring stations providing information to South African Air Quality Information system.

24 Phase I, the ambient air quality monitoring component, of the South African Air Quality Information System (SAAQIS) was launched on 23 March 2010 and, at that time, 42 ambient air quality monitoring stations were providing information to the SAAQIS.

Number of metros and district municipalities with air quality that does not meet ambient air quality standards

25 146 of 164 (89%) of outstanding APPA Registration Certificates processed by year end and remaining 18 to be concluded with new Licensing Authorities.The current indicator is difficult to measure and report on accurately in the absence of monitoring data for all municipalities in South Africa. New quality indicator developed for 2010/11 financial year

Key Performance Area: Improve air and atmospheric quality.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Waste Management strategy in place. Waste Activities List published.

Waste Management activity list published.Waste Activities repealed from the EIA regulations.

Waste Management Regulations in place.

Waste Information System (WIS) Regulations in effect.

Waste Management activity list published.Waste Activities repealed from the EIA regulations.Wrote letters to provincial departments indicating process with regard to administration of the new licensing regulation.

Health Care Risk Waste (HCRW) Regulations developed

TOR for research on two key aspects to support the development of the HCRW policy developed and approved.Funding obtained through Urban Environmental Management (UEM) Short Term Technical Assistant (STTA).

Waste Management Model By-law developed.

Information on existing Bylaws collected and draft scope of the Bylaw defined.Report on existing analysis of existing waste-by- laws drafted.The drafting of the Model bylaw started and consultations is in progress.

Key Performance Area: Prevent and reduce pollution and waste.



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Implementation phase of plastic, asbestos and tyre regulations.

Implementation of Phase 1 [Review Buyisa’s Strategic Plan & Objectives & develop National standard on plastic bags].

The technical reference group for the development of the standards for recyclate in refuse bags and bin liners set up by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and DEA is providing input.The technical reference group for the revision of the compulsory standards set up by SABS and a first draft of the revised standard is available. Iterative process with the Review of Buyisa’s Business plans.

Implementation of phase 1 [Asbestos phase out plans approved and compliance plan developed by March 2010].

All asbestos phase out plans received have been reviewed. The final regulatory action for asbestos sent to the Secretariat for communicating to all Parties to the Rotterdam Convention. Import restriction imposed.

Implementation of phase 1 [Database for all industry players developed and Integrated Industry Waste Tyre Management Plans (IIWMP) gazetted by March 2010].

A registration system has been developed and all registrations have been captured and numbers provided.Letters written to all stakeholders identifying the requirements of the regulations. The regulations have been advertised in all regional newspapers. Notification of effective date of Regulations gazetted. Country wide advert for identification of tyre stockpilers.

Key Performance Area: Prevent and reduce pollution and waste.



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Waste management guidelines in place.

Guidelines for blending platform initiated.

Notice for gazetting of thermal policy prepared and submitted. Finances for blending platform secured by two donors. A draft TOR done.

Draft Revised Hazardous Classification System developed

Technical reference group set up.The international literature review, the local literature

review and the review of the Minimum Requirements versions 1998 and 2005 have been undertaken and the documents are available. A draft framework for the revised classification has also been developed.

Guideline for Industry Waste Management Plans developed.

Guideline for Industry Waste Management Plans.

Developed draft guidance documents and consulted with industry. Draft guideline completed.

Norms and Standards to support waste Management Act developed

Norms and standards for storage, treatment, disposal planning & remediation of contaminated land.

Norms and standards for storage, treatment, disposal, planning and National Domestic waste standards developed.

National Domestic waste standards developed.

Norms and standards for storage, treatment, disposal, planning and National Domestic waste standards developed. Draft developed and gazetted for comment.

Key Performance Area: Prevent and reduce pollution and waste.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of Waste Management facilities applications processed within legislated timeframes.

180 applications processed.

192 Waste License/Permits applications were received and processed. 60 waste delisting authorizations issued with 95% issued within two weeks

Number of applications from unpermitted waste disposal sites processed provided 116 or more received

116 applications processed

112 applications received and processed. 95 sites licensed and 17 sites transferred to phase II

Number of provincial officials trained on waste licensing

27 Training on landfill design provided to 9 provinces.Additional workshop & telecons on Hazardous

Waste licensing done.

Key Performance Area: Prevent and reduce pollution and waste.



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Biodiversity Climate Change Response Strategy Developed.

Framework for Biodiversity Climate Change Response Strategy developed.

The first draft of the State of play/ Gap analysis report for biodiversity and climate change adaptation has been developed. Stakeholder engagement conducted with South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South African Weather Service (SAWS) and South African National Parks (SANParks) in preparation for the Climate change Roundtable. Framework development process initiated and aspects for integrated programme identified. Biodiversity and Climate Change Roundtable convened.

The National Climate Change Response Policy published.

National Climate Change Response Green Paper published.

National Climate Change Response database (NCCRD) has been developed. Sector sessions conducted to determine South Africa’s adaptive capacity within key sectors. Framework for sector specific plans finalised. State of Play Report on current knowledge for priority adaptation Sectors finalised and used as a basis for policy input. Implementation plan guidelines finalised and workshopped with sectors. The department participated at adaptation stakeholder consultation processes within and outside government and including international engagements on adaptation.

Strategic Objective: Facilitate an effective national mitigation and adaptation response to climate change

Key Performance Area: Respond and adapt to Climate Change Impacts.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Priority pollutants identified and declared. CO2 identified as a priority pollutant

Discussion document drafted and circulated for comments.

Green House Gas (GHG) monitoring and reporting system in place.

GHG information monitoring and reporting regulations drafted.

A web-based National GHG Information Management System included as part of the South African Air Quality Information System (SAAQIS) Phase II (Emission Inventory) Project.

100% completed.Draft national GHG Inventory was published for

public comments in Gazette No. 32490 under Notice No. 1104.

Included as part of the SAAQIS and NAAQMN handover to SAWS.

Key Performance Area: Mitigate the impacts of climate change



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of South African positions on international multilateral biodiversity, marine, heritage and land agreements and cooperation successfully negotiated and reported on

56% (average) The Department prepared for and participated in all relevant International multilateral biodiversity marine and heritage meetings

% of South African positions on international multilateral sustainable development & trade, chemicals and climate change environmental, agreements and cooperation successfully negotiated and reported on

60% (average) Average 71% of South African objectives were achieved during negotiations

% of South African positions on multi-lateral, African and bi-lateral, South-South and South-North governance and relations prepared for, coordinated, negotiated and reported on

58% (average) Average 70% of South African objectives were achieved during negotiations

Strategic Objective: Promote a Global Sustainable Development Agenda

Key Performance Area: Effectively manage and facilitate DEAT's international relations and engagements



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of Wildlife Corridors and migratory routes established.

1 Wildlife Corridor and migratory route established.

The map showing the identified area between Kruger National Park and Makuya Nature Reserve was developed. Following the consultations with stakeholders around the Madimbo and Makuya Nature Reserve areas, 12 km fence was dropped between Makuya Nature Reserve and Kruger National Park. 25 local community members around Makuya Nature Reserve were employed to remove 12 km of the fence between Makuya Nature Reserve and the western border of KNP. Sections of Madimbo and Chikwarakwara areas which can be linked with Sengwe corridor in Zimbabwe identified for inclusion into the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP). Stakeholder agreement reached with SANParks and Zimbabwean officials. Implementation plan and co-management agreements completed.

% of projects in the investment catalogue financed by investors as a result of Investment Promotions.

5% of projects in the investment catalogue financed by investors.

Approximately 6% of projects in the catalogue have been financed by investors. 13 expression of interest received from potential investors.

3 investment agreements signed (Witsieshoek Mountain Resort, Marie se draai and Mabuasehube lodge).

Key Performance Area: Effectively manage and facilitate DEAT's international relations and engagements



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of tour operators selling boundless Southern Africa itineraries.

Boundless Southern Africa Brand Agreement concluded with 1 tour operator.

One tour operator (Thompsons Africa) included Boundless itineraries in their 2009/10 Holiday Planner for Africa.

Number of access facilities established.

1 access facility (Twee-Rivieren) established.

One tourist access facility has been completed in the Kalakgadi – bordering Botswana.

Key Performance Area: Effectively manage and facilitate DEAT's international relations and engagements



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Post land claim settlement framework for protected areas in place.

Post- settlement support framework for protected areas developed.

DLA’s Settlement Implementation Strategy evaluated.Draft TOR developed to appoint a service provider to assist in the development of the strategy.

Number of targeted municipalities or Community Based Organisations capacitated on Community Based Natural Resources Management.(CBNRM).

10 municipalities capacitated.

16 Municipalities capacitated on CBNRM.Appointment of service provider for the evaluation delayed due to poor receipt of proposals during the initial stages.

Model for Rationalisation of management of Protected Areas and world heritage sites developed

Feasibility Study Service provider to conduct the desktop study has been appointed. The draft on the outcomes of the expert workshop report has been completed.

Number of Learners from previously disadvantaged communities visiting Parks

5 000 learners visiting 10 national parks

5300 learners visited parks. 5 Year review completed.A new draft Memorandum of understanding developed.Annual plan and report from SANPARKS approved

Number of targeted Learners on Environmental sector related learnerships

50 All 50 learners placed with host employers and assigned to mentors. Learnership Agreements and Contract signed.

Strategic Objective: Facilitate Environmental sector Transformation Key Performance Area: Facilitate Transformation and Job Creation within the Sector

towards Poverty Eradication 



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of person days training created.

69,525 accredited. Total of 79 733 person training days created. Social Responsibility Policy and Projects Funds was cut by R80 Million

142 036 Non - accredited.

Number of temporary jobs created

27 563 temporary jobs created

A total of 21, 138 temporary jobs created.

Number of permanent jobs created

409 186 permanent jobs created

Number of Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) used (empowerment).

350 A total of 369 SMMEs used.

Number of Youth benefiting from the DEAT component of the National Youth programme(NYP)

500 A total of 995 youth benefiting from the DEAT’s component of the National Youth Programme.

Key Performance Area: Implementation of Poverty Alleviation and Job Creation Programmes and Infrastructure Projects.




Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of Vacancies 18% 17.9%50% 96% posts on the establishment are described and graded.

DEAT structure consisted of 1 874 posts on April 2009. At 31 March 2010, DEAT had 81 newly proposed posts

which were not described and graded.% employees departing from

DEAT per year15% 12.7% of employees left DEAT

% Implementation of Performance Management development system (PMDS) Framework.

90% 95% implementation of PMDS.

% of Staff Performing at threshold 80% 90% of staff performed at threshold for 2008/09 financial year.

% implementation of Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy

HRD Strategy implementation Plan approved & 60% 0f the plan implemented

80% implementation of HRD Strategy.A WSP for 2009/2010 financial year and an Annual

Training Report for 2008/2009 submitted Public Services Sector Education training Authority (PSETA)

Strategic Objective: Position DEAT as an Employer of ChoiceKey Performance Area: Ensure availability of adequate human capital




Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of employee relations cases processed within prescribed timeframes

95% 80% of employee relation cases processed. Target not met due to Capacity. Labour relation Training and filling of posts to take place

% Implementation of Employee wellness Schedule

100% of Annual schedule 100% of Annual schedule

% Implementation of Employee wellness Schedule

100% of Annual schedule 100% implementation of employee wellness scheduled during the 1st quarter.

% Achievement of EE targets 50% women Women = 54%79% black Black = 83%2% people with disabilities Disability = 1.0% vacant posts to be designated and

ring fenced on persal for filling by a person with disabilities

Strategic Objective: Position DEAT as an Employer of ChoiceKey Performance Area: Ensure availability of adequate human capital




Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

New DEAT Building. Appropriate Treasury approvals for the PPP

Evaluation process for the new building project has been completed and evaluation recommendations have been approved by Project Evaluation Committee and Departmental Adjudication Committee.

Value for Money report being finalized for submission to National Treasury.

Key Performance Area: Provide a secure, efficient and pleasant working environment 

Key Performance Area: Promote the development of a positive DEAT Culture

Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Culture change intervention plan developed

Develop intervention plan for culture change

DEAT Culture Audit report in place.Split process and cost of further interventions prohibiting further action on

this matter



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

MSP implementation. Continuation of MSP Phase 2 implementation

New Enterprise Architecture and IT/Business Blueprint documentation completed. The developments of the new framework that will cater for all new applications development have been approved.

Number of Priority business processes mapped

3 All the business processes were for the office of the DG were prioritized for mapping. 90% of all those processes have been mapped.

% of NEAS developed 100% developed

Project cancelled due to non-performance and delivery by State Information Technology Agency (SITA).

EIA GIS work already outsourced and development commenced.

Strategic Objective: Enhance Efficient Service DeliveryKey Performance Area: Improve, Standardise & Manage business processes

Key Performance Area: Ensure Alignment and cooperation with Public Entities

Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% compliance by Public Entities, with agreed governance and performance requirements

100% compliance as per schedule.

Public Entities complied 100% with governance protocol requirements during the 2009/10 financial year.



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of both tourism products and services mapped

50% of tourism both products

and services mapped

100% of the database received from SAT of both tourism products and services mapped. Tourism GIS launched at Indaba 2009.

Spatial viewer has been updated with latest information received from TGCSA and provinces. The accommodation database and the GIS system are continuously updated. Worked with provinces and South African Tourism (SAT) to ensure the launch of the National contact Centre.

Annual tourism trend report developed and published

2008/09 annual trend report published by 30 June 2009

Draft annual trend report for 2009/10 developed by 31 March 2010

Draft Tourism trend report for 2008/09 developed.Revised draft concept document on National and Provincial indicators

developed. Quarterly tourism fact sheet developed. Draft trend reports finalised. Draft Recession Strategy was updated and presented to the Governance and Tourism Development Working Group Meeting held on 03 September 2009. Work has been initiated and facilitated with the assistance of Econex to quantify the impact of the recession for the special MIPTEC meeting. Service Excellence Research done.

Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of United Nations World Trade Organisation (UNWTO) workshops on tourism statistics for Africa hosted

1 Regional workshop held

By 31 November 2009

Report for Workshop III finalized by 31 March 2010

3rd UNWTO Capacity Building workshop successfully hosted: 80 Participants from 16 countries attended (Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Rwanda).

Minutes and report for the workshop has been finalized. South Africa is seen as a leader in the field of tourism statistics in Africa. Report for the 48th UNWTO-CAF meeting finalised. Finalized South Africa’s annual membership fee to UNWTO.

Number of Communication on Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Pilot with tourism stakeholders

2 communication initiatives held with tourism stakeholders on the TSA pilot

Satellite Account launched at Indaba on 8 May 2009 and presented to the National Tourism Research & Knowledge Management Committee.

First & Second initiative to communicate TSA held. Presentations on the TSA was done at the UNWTO workshop and seminar. The department presented work that was done in South Africa on the Tourism Statistical System at the UNWTO Seminar. This work guides the other African countries in setting up their Tourism Statistical Systems. The department presented a paper on the TSA including arrival statistics to UNWTO in Madrid at an international forum and shared SA experience.

Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Spatial datasets for protected areas for which DEAT is custodian verified and updated

Boundaries of all national and provincial reserves

Boundaries of local reserves for all provinces verified except for Kwazulu Natal and Eastern Cape. All changes to national parks updated on the database. Data collection for all Provinces was coordinated well though there were delays in some Provinces. Site visits was also done.

Data collection project was completed. Hand over to Department of Tourism to take place

Number of Nodal areas with database

Database for 10 rural Nodal areas completed

Database for 10 rural Nodal areas completed.

Regular updates towards SOER report

Second indicator report and update of SOER website

80% completed. Project plan for 2012 Outlook report developed.Meetings held with internal components, MCM and SANBI to discuss

approach and cooperation. TOR to appoint consultancy developed and approved. Appointed the layout company to refine the layout.

Report printed on CDs and manuals in October Tender out for the appointment of a consultant to facilitate the workshop. National workshop was scheduled for June 2010/2011.

Key Performance Area: Ensure improved knowledge and information management



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Financial value of resources raised from Multilateral donors to support SA and Africa’s programmes in the sectors the department is responsible for

US$ 23 million(US$ 10 million grant

finance linked to clean technology concessional loan program)

Multi-lateral - Total funds US$ 18 million(grant) US$ 500 million (concessional loan)

Financial value of resources raised from bilateral donors to support SA and Africa’s programmes in the sectors the department is responsible for

US $ 10-12 million Bilateral - Total Funds US$ 24,87 million:

% effective portfolio management and reporting on the use of the resources in line with sectoral priorities

80% 75% of objectives met

Strategic Objective: Equitable and Sound Corporate and Cooperative GovernanceKey Performance Area: Ensure financial resourcing of the departmental strategy



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Auditor General's opinion. Unqualified Audit reports

Unqualified audit report for 2008/09 Financial Year received from Auditor General.

% compliance with relevant prescripts and service standards

90% compliance Achieved 100% Compliance.

% expenditure of Departmental MTEF budget,

98% 99.9% expenditure occurred on departmental MTEF Budget

Key Performance Area: Facilitate departmental risk management

Key Performance Area: Facilitate affirmative procurement

Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% of expenditure on procurement from BBBEE or BEE enterprises.

58% 62% of procurement expenditure allocated to BBBEE and BEE enterprises



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Participation in % of metro and district municipality IDPs reviews

100% metros and 60% of district municipalities.

100% participation in metros and district IDP reviews.

Number of Environment portfolio priorities integrated into government programme of Action

At least 2 Inputs to MTSF 2009 -2014 were prepared and submitted and are reflected in the final document as a result the department leads priority 9 on sustainable resource management and use. Government Programme of Action (GPOA) priorities for 2009 prepared and submitted, approved and included in cluster priorities and action plans. The department further engaged on the presidency M&E approach that is being refined

Annual reports of Environmental implementation and management plans of provinces and relevant departments developed

Second edition of Environmental Implementation and management Plans developed.

Approved plans for Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Human Settlement, Labour, Health and Mpumalanga province. Produced copies of guidelines for development of annual reports. Two Committee for Environmental Coordination sub-committee meetings held on the 13th March and 16th September 2009. Outstanding departments have presented their second edition EIP and annual reports.

Key Performance Area: Enhancement of Reputation and Collective Ownership of the Sectors



Key Performance Indicator

Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

% response to requests received

90% 2 PAIA requests were finalized and 3 are still outstanding.The PAIA workflow is operational.

% of call centre requests processed as per service delivery standards

90% 98% of call centre e-mails are processed as per service delivery standards.

% Website uptime 95% New Tourism website developed and was live on the 31 July 2009 and the official launch by Minister of Tourism took place on the 27 August 2009. Visitors have reached 16 144 424

( average for 31 days)National Compliance and

Enforcement Report (NCER) compiled and published

Third annual compliance and enforcement report finalised and published by December 2009

NCER Report launched in November 2009.

Key Performance Area: Improve access to information



Key Performance


Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective measures

Number of Committee for Environmental Coordination (CEC) For a per year

4 Two CEC sub-committee meetings held.Stakeholder and Outreach programme was developed:Concept was developed and executed for Madiba Day celebration (July

2009) in Mamelodi and Bloemfontein and for Cleanest Town Competition (CTC) 2008/09. Stakeholder support and event management support for the launch of the Domestic Waste Project in Mafikeng.

Number of Formal Forum meetings per year

At least one meeting per forum.

Stakeholder Engagement portfolio has been aligned to the Events Calendar of the Department and responsive to the requirements of the changing nature of the Department.

One Stakeholder Engagement Forum was held led by the Minister.

Key Performance Area: Ensure quality stakeholder engagements.



Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective

measures% compliance with statutory tabling requirements. 100% compliance Achieved 100% Compliance. Strategic

Plan and Annual report tabled % of parliamentary questions for which responses

have been provided within specified timeframes.90% 100% compliance.

All the Parliamentary questions received were finalised within timeframes.

Key Performance Area: Enable Parliamentary oversight

Key Performance Indicator Target Achievements/Challenges/ Corrective

measures% of government media coverage on environment

and tourism in comparison with other players in the sectors.

35% Overall share of voice was 50%.

Key Performance Area: Ensure strong corporate image identity


…MLRF Achievements & Challenges….


Research, Antarctica & Islands

• Negotiations around Occupational Dispensation for research and technical staff were concluded

• Total Allowable Catch/ Total Allowable Effort (TAC/TAE) recommendations were provided for 22 major fisheries

• Recorded the highest number of publications by scientists ( state of Oceans report, State of resources report, Status of seals & seabirds report)


Marine Resource Management• Finalised and gazetted policy on transfer of commercial

fishing rights• Performance review of right holders in the commercial fishing

sectors conducted• Finalised allocation of additional TAE in the large Pelagics

fishery• Continuous review of the strategy for recovery of abalone and

protection of hake• Maintained & strengthened marine resource management

working groups and local c0-management committees• Successful negotiations and participation in international and

regional fisheries management organisations


Integrated Coastal Management• Finalisation of permit allocating process in the Boat

Based Whale Watching (BBWW) and White Shark Cage Diving (WSCD) sectors

• Finalisation of implementation plan for Marine aquaculture policy

• Selection of suitable sites for aquaculture development• Development of Marine Ranching Guidelines• Development of Monitoring and Evaluation plan for

marine aquaculture• Review of European Union accreditation criteria and

development of shellfish sanitation programme


Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) cont

• Declaration of the Edward Island (offshore) Marine Protected Area

• Monitoring of implementation of 6 management plans, and the development of 4 additional estuarine management plans

• Development of implementation framework for ICM Act with priority areas

• Water Quality Monitoring Initiatives assessment project


Monitoring , Control & Surveillance• 75% of cases related to non Right Holders and tip-offs have

been investigated

• Deployment of military veterans to bolster the department’s visible policing efforts in the Overberg

• 4 high profile syndicates investigated with Crime Intelligence and South African Police Services (SAPS) Organised Crime Unit- 20 suspects arrested and 8 illegal abalone processing establishments closed

• Joint and Special operations with SAPS, SANDF, NIA, SARS and SANParks in Overberg and West Coast

• Port state control of 1000 foreign vessels monitored for compliance with Regional Fishery Management Organisations (RFMO) regulations


Financial & Corporate Governance

• Improved revenue collection and debt management• Decentralisation of corporate support and support

services from the department• Attainment of an unqualified audit report with no negative

key governance responsibilities reported


Challenges• Continuous demand for access to declining and

migratory marine living resources• Delays in finalisation of small-scale / subsistence

fisheries policy which has necessitated the allocation of Interim Relief IV

• Delays in development of a policy and management framework for recreational fisheries

