Page 1: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 2: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" - reportedly to be a Charter of traditional values that she sees as spearheading her avowed attempt to reintroduce Christian values into the European Constitution. 

Page 3: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

“The Vision for Europe campaign is a response by Europe’s secularists to increasing polarisation in Europe. Faced with the growing assertiveness of radical Islam, many religious leaders are attempting to reassert Europe’s supposed “Judeo-Christian” identity.

We must not confuse our history with our identity.

Page 4: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

“The Vision for Europe campaign is a response by Europe’s secularists to increasing polarisation in Europe. Faced with the growing assertiveness of radical Islam, many religious leaders are attempting to reassert Europe’s supposed “Judeo-Christian” identity.

We must not confuse our history with our identity.

We do not see regression to a Europe in which religions play an increasing and divisive role as the answer to these problems. Rather we need to concentrate all our efforts on reinforcing those values which unite us while drawing a line against attempts to undermine our cherished freedoms”,Roy Brown, coordinator of the campaign to Dr

Max Maldacker, representing the German presidency.

Page 5: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 6: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

“The Vision for Europe campaign is a response by Europe’s secularists to increasing polarisation in Europe. Faced with the growing assertiveness of radical Islam, many religious leaders are attempting to reassert Europe’s supposed “Judeo-Christian” identity.

We must not confuse our history with our identity.

We do not see regression to a Europe in which religions play an increasing and divisive role as the answer to these problems. Rather we need to concentrate all our efforts on reinforcing those values which unite us while drawing a line against attempts to undermine our cherished freedoms”,Roy Brown, coordinator of the campaign to Dr

Max Maldacker, representing the German presidency.

Page 7: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Supported by hundreds of national and European politicians, prominent academics and community leaders the Brussels Declaration is the centrepiece of the campaign to head off claims by organised religion for even greater involvement in Europe’s political affairs. Attempts to claim the Christian religion as the foundation for the continent’s democratic and ethical values are being strongly contested.

Page 8: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Introducing the Brussels Declaration to a distinguished audience of MEPs and European secularists, Roy Brown, coordinator of the campaign, said:

Page 9: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Supported by hundreds of national and European politicians, prominent academics and community leaders the Brussels Declaration is the centrepiece of the campaign to head off claims by organised religion for even greater involvement in Europe’s political affairs. Attempts to claim the Christian religion as the foundation for the continent’s democratic and ethical values are being strongly contested. Introducing the Brussels Declaration to a distinguished audience of MEPs and European secularists, Roy Brown, coordinator of the campaign, said: “The Vision for Europe campaign is a response by Europe’s secularists to increasing polarisation in Europe. Faced with the growing assertiveness of radical Islam, many religious leaders are attempting to reassert Europe’s supposed “Judeo-Christian” identity. We must not confuse our history with our identity. We do not see regression to a Europe in which religions play an increasing and divisive role as the answer to these problems. Rather we need to concentrate all our efforts on reinforcing those values which unite us while drawing a line against attempts to undermine our cherished freedoms”, said Mr Brown in presenting the first copy of the declaration to Dr Max Maldacker, representing the German presidency.

Page 10: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

As the 50th anniversary of the creation of the European Union approaches, the principles and values on which modern Europe was founded are once again under threat.

Page 11: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Recent events have thrown into sharp focus the divisions that exist between those who share the liberal, humanitarian values of the great majority and those who seek to create a more authoritarian society or would use our culture of tolerance to promote intolerance and undermine democracy.

Page 12: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

A leading contender to become the next Pope launched a fierce attack on the forces of secularism yesterday, arguing that they were fostering intolerance in Europe and forcing Christianity underground.

Page 13: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, 77, one of the Vatican's most powerful figures, issued a rallying cry to the faithful, saying that the liberal consensus had now evolved into a "worrying and aggressive" ideology.

(Filed: 20/11/2004)

Page 14: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 15: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Not only is the Christian emphasis we foresee for this document divisive and ill-suited to a community as diverse in its fundamental beliefs as the EU: it is also unlikely, to say the least, to emphasise individual freedom, the autonomy of women or other essential values.

Page 16: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

The Brussels Declaration is backed by Catholics for Free Choice and by the European Humanist Federation (of which I am president) and other organisations and by the European Parliament's All Party Working Group on Separation of Religion and Politics. 

Page 17: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

We now have representatives across Europe beginning to seek prominent supporters prepared to put their names to it and I am hoping you will be willing to lend it your support.

Page 18: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

It is said that he was turned from a moderate liberal (whatever the that is) to a conservative by student demands for equality and the right to question authority while a faculty member of University of Tübingen.

The End of the Enlightenment - John Kelley

Page 19: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

On September 18, 1942, Pius received a letter from Monsignor Montini (future Pope Paul VI), saying, "the massacres of the Jews reach frightening proportions and forms."[65] Later that month, Myron Taylor, U.S. representative to the Vatican, warned Pius that the Vatican's "moral prestige" was being injured by silence on European atrocities—a warning which was echoed simultaneously by representatives from Great Britain, Brazil, Uruguay, Belgium, and Poland[78]

Page 20: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

— the Cardinal Secretary of State replied that the rumors about genocide could not be verified.[79] In December 1942, when Tittman asked Cardinal Secretary of State Maglione if Pius would issue a proclamation similar to the Allied declaration "German Policy of Extermination of the Jewish Race," Maglione replied that the Vatican was "unable to denounce publicly particular atrocities."[80]

Page 21: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Christian heritage

Poland is meanwhile set to reignite the debate on a reference to the union's Christian heritage in the EU constitution - now proposing to include "God" in the anniversary declaration.

"We support chancellor Merkel's proposal for a reference to Christianity in the declaration. We think that is very good and we hope this will be realised," Polish sherpa Marek Cichocki told EUobserver.

Page 22: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 23: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 24: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 25: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 26: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

So far in the UK we have the support of Lord (Paddy) Ashdown, John Austin, MP, Mohammed Aziz (member of the CRE), Professor Simon Blackburn, Baroness Blackstone, Michael Cashman MEP, Sir Bernard Crick, Lord Desai, Frank Dobson MP, Andrew Duff MEP, Bill Newton Dunn MEP, Baroness Flather, Paul Flynn MP,Professor Frank Furedi, Professor A C  Grayling FRSA, Professor Jagdish Gundara, Mike Hancock MP, Patrick Harvie MSP, Professor Steve Jones, Jean Lambert MEP, Lord (Anthony) Lester, Lord (Gus) MacDonald, Professor Neil MacCormick, Lord (Andrew) McIntosh, Professor Sheila McLean, Professor Richard Norman, Philip Pullman, Professor Joseph Raz, Lord Russell-Johnston,

Page 27: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Professor Udo Schuklenk, Struan Stevenson MEP, Professor Laurie Taylor, Gary Titley MEP, Polly Toynbee, Baroness Turner, Baroness Uddin, Rudi Vis MP, Marina Warner, Graham Watson MEP, Baroness Whitaker and Glenis Willmott MEP that I know of, but a very large number of others are currently being approached. You can read more about this campaign at  If you are ready to support the Declaration, or have any questions, please by preference reply by e-mail to [email protected].  If you can suggest - or approach - other possible signatories, that would also be very welcome.

Page 28: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -

Unless we stand firm and defend our values now, we risk seeing fundamentalism and authoritarianism once again ride roughshod over our rights.

Page 29: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 30: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 31: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 32: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 33: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
Page 34: Angela Merkel, who as German Chancellor will preside over the celebrations, in cooperation with the Vatican, is also drafting a "Berlin Declaration" -
