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A T T O R N U Y H mad C O U N S E L L O R S .

TTl lJ tH HAHiHUHKKirA'ri'OKNBT AJfI> 1 J (UniiMwilor *t I*w. Otffonahurir, N^T.

W HU* * WKl.ia, ATTOHNRYH AND ftmnmMlora mt Law, Ogdenatmrf, tf.JT.

P H Y S I C I A N .

H A t f C I I . M o v U *•. n „ a ML . \ . .11 1 ft* Washington ftract*

(MR.* hoiin 101<» H a. m , i to 4 p. in .< t o ! p. am.

' • '« INSURANCE. '.•••• C. A. MERRIMAN'S

GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY 71 S t a t a S t . , ( la t flawac).

Ogdensburg, N. Y. ftemreeentln*- the foUawfag O M aaaf B r *

• a b l e Coiwpunlea, agMre ia t tag avar I 2 5 0 . 0 O 0 . 0 0 O •> A a a a t * .


|<NruMurn A i w u r H f i o a turn rtiauran<*» offloe Ixmdoo laottiah I'nloii mtri Natlanal ndtnhurfh padfriaa Pirn Inmiranoa (¥» Bwltwerland Ira A*MH>Ution .Philadelphia >Blka«Veli.<hla i'inl4trwrlt«ra Philadelphia ¥aatehewi.>r Ktrv fnauranaa Us\, Na^r York

tttlanns' hmnran.* <V» New York nfcnifle Kite liiMur<uuia <*» Naw York AnMirh4i.ii Hnratjp <Vi New York Hertford Ktet*m |t<>ll«r Trtaurmnaa Hartford Metropolitan Hate (Daaa <>>. Naw f o r k Maw York l.lf« Iimmaitoe <la Naw TiM-k CHAPIN'S

Insurance Agency. C A P I I A I tti!PRBSRNTKD

OVER $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . r i R R ( ! O M P A N t n ,

<HU. I^HKIOII a (*lot»a. Queen of Rlif land,

(tontlnental of Naw York, Met manl* of Naw York, .„ Ameiu »n of New York,

f'hanlK of l lrooklrn, 1 , m

Ifmrih Itritlah A Mermntfla, ttngl—t, Manehestar of Itiinland,

National of Hartford, • t t t iah Amartna of Tui W k \

0>mmam* of Albajtj . L i r i ( K ) M f A I f ,

Mutual U f a of Naw Yovfc,

M A H I N K (!<)MP4MIMk


Urttiah «in<1 fore lan M Mna-laaaV I^HMIOU Aaauranoa af anftaaMl/

Union Marina ot Mn«ta»d, Mtnm of Hartford,

Batroit Flra aad Marina of Wartara Mart— e€

AooioMinr, LamMMty af

rt>a<ra «UUMW

Uord^a af Maw T«

J. Y. CHAPIN, Atfcat. •Atari Bla«k, fJfdMafcff, N. V.


Insurdiice /hjettcy-I Irr Com p a n i c s .

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d r i l l v mi l l ( n a u a l l t y C o .

< 4 I O W I t l C A H I I ,

f g S t*** ** • Otfdrnskurg , Nj, Y.

A IN umber of

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F» w i t h o n f i t i tu tan i *• ovrr n ^ b t o t n r t o u« 4i).! wr wi l l p l j u r ynn

l a a rr l i* l i l r « OIIIJUM y t h if wi l l p a y

ruair luaa in i n r y o u li . ivc o n e .

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A. I . SIV1I1 H & S O N , C I N t H A L

IN HI I R A N C H , Hit I onl S t . , Opposite Opera House ,

<MiI»l N S H I K M . , IN. > . W » r . j ...... ..i tl,, ..!-l i i,,,„ t, i. .) „ I I . | I'iin

to*4<'«r . M J , , , , , I . ,! .,( t >.. . . . u i . i r v

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K%>1 II Mil K i IKK ,.f Now -\ , . ik *%. KlIiKI I I S \ \ | > i A-it S! TY

\ ••••lil. MI' i ..f \ . vv Y-.rK, * » l ' « H i ! .»ff.-nt|«.n gU. -n f.. . . i . r s .|«<tnil o f H.f

Ivivrunii- •>• llu .it,. '»» A « i * « n K MKH'H. I'I .SVIN . <T. '•(Mini

r»i. . i .h. .Mr %.. -.»

S. L. DAWLEY, <MiIM fNSIll . !K(i , N. V.


NwRv^ t » loaa «a l a p r o v n d R«i«| I f a t a f a

' ' ' " ' i f Hu"-•f , , Vl*^'1* .»»/•!'** ».Hl1 T # p m " f

r o u r t .

C A N i o N t Keb X J uwtU^HuHH^H held » ^ ^ r ^ f ^ r m ^ i w n H T i e r e HaturiTay, wBloh wim f» i r ly |we l i a t t e n d w l , tliera l ^ l n g p r w -ent lij a d d i t i o n t o moat of t h e a t t o r n e y * of t h e t o w n , M<NM»r*. ( 'Antwel l an<t Ear le , of MA1O[»»>, H. W n l t e r I^ee, of Oouvernet ir ; I . K (i\mi, <»f Po ta»Um, W i l l i a m S. W a d e , of Madrid , C I A. Montgt>merY, (if W a d d i n g -t<»n, and (JeorKe K. V a n K e n n a n , of.Ofrdeiia-b u r g T h e r e w e r e n o t m a a y contest**! m o MiiiiH. In the caae of H e n r y WO<K1H e t a l . VH (Vntra l N o w York T e l e g r a p h a n d Tele­phone C o m p a n y , an arttoti In e j e c t m e n t , flu* <l*>fendant m o v e d to a m e n d It* a n s w e r The t e l e p h o n e l ine of d e f e n d a n t ran a l o n «

t h e landa of pla lnt i f fe , w h o Itetfan thlH «<* (Ion Sithm <|uently t h e c«nij»HBy tvrotiKht i><>ndemnatlon priM^MMllngH, reHtrainltiK the prcRecutlon of t h e e j e c t m e n t ac t i on m e a n t i m e , and nrquired t h e rl^ht to m a i n t a i n |1H lim-H N o w It w a n t * to a m e n d KM a n s w e r by HettltiK up that fact. T h e m o t lon W«R g r a n t e d on p a y m e n t of f 10 cost*, unleHH the plaint HTH elect to a w e p t c<mt^ in t lie net Ion up to the d a t e of the e o m m e n e e menr of the c o n d e m n a t i o n p r o c e e d i n g

J o h n M < ant well of Malone , had a m o t Ion to vacate an AHulKnment of a j t idRineut and t he illM<hnruc of t h c K m u e by the HH wit/nee tlKM-e«.f, «o far HH t h e hen or t h e at torney f»»rcoKta waa concerne<l. It appear vt\ that the fl i m of t 'ant wel l \* Cant wel l re covered j u d y m e n t In the s u p r e m e court fur N'.'w York part lea a«ain«t one Caul , the p n l g m e n t Iwlny; a lien on rw»l»atate An a t t o r n e y n a m e d Karle ntepiMvl iti ami bought, the j u d g m e n t from the plnintllTM, w i t h o u t not-lce to the Cant wel la, w h o hud never received the lrcoata . and HU»»Be<juenf I y d i w h a r x r d aame. T h e m o t i o n WIIH «rant »x\

T h e r e waa conalderable ev parte bu»lnes«, but n a t h l n ^ of part lct i iar Intereat,

C.M.III v N»*w«|i»|M<m 0|i|i{>*f l i n k i n g ( h e »>rtl. ^ <if Shorltr M S(*l»rl«Mi One.

( ' A s i o s , Feb. '1. Kcune of the county papera, bmplred poaetbiy l>y t^ r ta ln IM>II tlelanfi, aaem to l>e oppoelng pret ty a t r enu -ouaTy f t ieLnTToniake tlie«wcalH^ff»erTrT,a aalarbvl one In this "outity, the burden of t hair aong l>elu(( »hat the nherltT won ' t get enough o«it of It The proposed bill glvea h im a aalarv of f l.WK) a year, all the feea he now geta In eivii_actU>ua,JJaniT f f ^ h e j s ' a marr ied man (THft <jlilt*ITRely tTiaTTiTH wlte will aci a« matron aixl «et the |«J40 t h a t go*»a with t ha t p<¥dtlou. Fie an<l hl« fam IIy «et their Iwmnl and rent free while he occuple* the office.

Hurlow I'r«>party Sold,

C A N T O N , Feb 7 Referee I) M Robert son , R a t u n l a y , mild at hla office' under m o r t g a g e forec losure t h e Ii^rJowJt!rl!i** , r*y on Tvater^ i treetj <̂ iMT»T«tTrig « T a macTHlie s h o p anil, m a c h i n e r y and t<K>!a t h e r e i n , s t o r e h o u s e and s m a l l s t o n e shop Olahaw brothers IHIUKIII the s h o p ai .d ma^'hlnerv fnr f ' ,7^1, and the m o r t g a g e , the St L a w ranee C n i v e r s i t y bid in the atorehouae for #l,tx*i and the s m a l l e r s h o p for |H>, the lat ter lH»inii subje<"l t o another niortwayi Thla doea not nearly cover the amount , d u e on the piorUtajce, and w h i l e the .storehouse Is wor th coualderably m o r e than t h e price at wh ich it WHN s truck ofT, it looks aa if t he I 'n lvers i t ' w o u l d hardly 1M» ab le to c o m e out w h o l e on the t rauaaet Ion T h e D l a h a w brothers wi l l probably r e m o v e the ma chlnery to a n o t h e r b u i l d i n g they o w n , a n d ut i l i z e the whop AR a st^irehouae. I

U.I1.M»M#M1 from I »II on tee.Mint of III ll«i«lt .,

CANn>N L Keb :>. W i l l i a m . fohnaon, w h o wa»Iaat TTovemlmr aentenee<l t<i five moiit ha impr i sonment . In t h e t w u n t y jail for p u b l i c i n t o x i c a t i o n , and w h o haa for mime t i m e l»a*'n q u l t « ill, waa Fr iday rt^leaae*! from jail and I m m e d i a t e l y went, to Canada , whera he haa re la t ives It a p p e a r i n g t hat th.\ <yinflnemeut waa h a v i n g a very ba<l effWt on his h e a l t h . C o u n t y . fudge Swif t miKltfletl hln seut^uee by r e m i t t i n g t h e u n ex pi led port ion

ROSvSIE. I<0»t Tltraa l"li.|i<>is. ftomA Aavaaaly I n

I t i r e . l f>v a I* I . fa. < ' t i l l . I I » 1 1 * I n t o M T i t h o f N. » h l l n K W i t l f r .

UC»NM|... Feb •• As Mrs W . A. H a m 11

ton WHU d r i v i n g H Mpiritc<l horse u p Main street on W e d n e s d a y last, t h e a n i m a l be c a m e fr ightened and but for t h e t i m e l y aid of W m '1 urubul ni i«ht have t e r m i n a t e d In a l ively r u n a w a y A n d r e w Hockus, an e m p l o y e e In the mil l of W W. I ,eon an! , met w i t h a painful acc ident , to d a y . Three f ingers of the ri^ht hand were nearly

1 severed by the Maw T h o m a s Chelan had a very v a l u a b l e horse injun*i; iaat week In rather a pecul iar m a n n e r It |H supposed that he wan kicked d u r i n g the uiwht by an other horse a t a n d l n g in an a d j o i n i n g s ta l l .

A l i t t l e son of Mr. and Mrs <Jeo. t i lbaon . of H a m m o n d , w a s badly scalded by ful l ing Info a t u b of hot wafer on Monday last Hope-t ar«< entertaiiMHl of h is recover Mr and Mrs (Jlbnon were v la i t lng at the ir • OUNIU'H I), | ) S i m o n s w h e n t h e accident or . i irred The Uadlea Aid soc ie ty w i l l hold a left handed social at t h e h o m e of W m . I.oekie In Scotch S e t t l e m e n t , Feb, I Hh. An e n t e r t a i n m e n t wi l l lie g iven In Me I l . -ar ' s Hall , T u e s d a y e v e n i n g , Feb. '..*0th,' under t he a u s p i c e s of St . Cafrick'n so<det y I If conalstHof a p U y "Klty O ' C o n n o r " spark ' !


N O B W O O P . Feb . .%.~The marrlAg* of Maud B. Sawyer to Wil l iam Ashwln w curred a t the residence of the brlde'a father In thle village on J a n . 81. Uev, 8, 8 . Cobb performed the t^remony. —At the laat meet­ing of the Norwood lodge of Foreetera a commi t t ee waa appointed to a r r a n g e a public debate to be held abou t Feb. 15th a t Music h a l l — T h e fnneral of Henry W . But ler , who died Wednesday, waa held, Fr iday a t the residence of Mr. Morgan on Main street . The i n t e r m e n t waa a t (Jolton. Mr. But ler waa born 78 years ago in Ver­mon t and haa lived tn Norwood abou t three years.

MACOMB. Daath of Mm. Hur t A B M .

WACOM n, Feb. 5. Bur t Ames arrived from New York with the remalnH of his wife, Mary A. C u t m a n , Thur sday , accom pan led by hla wife's mother , Mrs. Wll la rd Cu tman , from this place, who had gone to New York to care for her d a u g h t e r t h rough her sickness of scarlet fever. They were met in (Jouverneur by Mr. C u t m a n and under t ake r ,1. V. ( ' lark of this place. The funeral WHS held on Friday, and was a t tended by many of her old home friends. Services were conducted by Rev. H. H, Meeker, followed by In te rment in the Olds-viile cemetery. The husband and parents have the sincere sympa thy of all.™ Har ry Wilson, one of our most p rominen t cit izens died Sa tu rday a t the home of his mm, H. Wilson, where the funeral was largely at 'ended today, Inter r e n t in the Fas t road cemetery. He WHS In his Wth year. Mrs Marwiek still remains very ill. S m i t h and Haven have s tar ted their sawing machine

L - A W H L N C L V i L L E . Tfle G r a n g e to I lebnta . T h e Contaatant*

Tim Hick are Al l I m p r o v i n g .

I.AWKKNt KVILI.K, l e b . 5 . - -There will be 4 debate and other entertainment at Harmon's hall, under the auspices of the grange, Thura-day evening, Feb. 15, Miss Cracc Wood of Nicholvillc, vocalist, and Miss Helen A. V. ktggs of Huckton, violinist, and local talent wil! assist. Oueation, "Resolved that the war waged by the British against the Ik>ers is justifiable." Affirmative, Prof E. A. Marsh, Hopkintoa; Prof. H. C. Baum, Hrasher Falls; Rev. Mackenzie. Massena. Negative. Rev. L, T. Cole, Rev. j . W. Mil-ler. Hrasher Falls, Rev. I>. K. Reilly. Hop kinton. Fserc Ises hegin at 7:30 o'clock; ad­mission 10 cents . - -The "crazy social" at Harmon's hall, Friday evening, was a decid­ed success. Receipts over $<>. — Miss Kilcn ruatiei, m fotuici icakjtsm %tt ibhi uhiur, died Saturday at Mrs. Mlna San Julis', North Lawrence; funeral Monday at one o'clock; burial at I.awrcnceville cemetery, Solon J. McKwen, aged Hi years, died at his home iu Westfield, N Y.. last week. Deceased was a brother of Ransom M c F w e n of this place, and will be remembered by many of the resi­dents of this town. Mrs


FREIGHT RATES RESTORED. A W a v e of Frowparlty S w a e p s Over G o a v

ernaur .

GOUVKUNKUK, Feb. 7 . - T h e coming year la ant ic ipated by a l l to be more prosperous t h a n the pas t few years. We hope Gouverneur will share to some ex t en t th is prosper i ty . Every th ing seems to point to th is . Employees are receiving bet ter wages, the farmer Is realizing more for his produce and in consequence purchases more from t h e merchan t . One of our chief Industr ies are marb le quarr ies , all of which are rushed to fill the i r orders from all pa r t s of t h e United Sta tes . In talking: w i th one of the super in tendents he says t h a t t he rai lroad company has restored the western freight ra tes and the outlook is bet ter than it has been for some t ime pas t . The con t rac t which has existed between the E m ­pire and the Nor thern New York quar r ies has not been resumed. I). J . Whi tney will cont inue super in tendent af the Fiinpire whi le A. M. Jepson will act as secretary and super in tendent of the Nor thern New York.

Student* Chr i s t ian I<aagu#>

GnuvKKM TR, l-eb.b. -The members of the Students' Christian league chose officers for the ensuing term at a meeting beld at the Baptist church as follows: President, Ceorge Hill; vice-president, James Melrose; secre­tary Harvey I. Ruthetferd; treasurer, Harry Hodgekin. The officers constitute an exe­cutive committee for theseciety. The league was organized early last December. At that time it was but an experiment, there be­ing no certainty as to whether it would eon™ (iilue to live more than a month or not. The young men of the school went into the mat­ter with zeal and that original enthusiasm has continued unabated until now the league is a permanent school organization.

f ' rawnbarry Lake Improvements .

NORTH LAWRENCE. R e a l Ktitate Bale*.


CorvRRNF.iK, Feb, 6. Ceorge Munn, of the hotel at Cranberry Lake, has been in town disposing of some furs and looking after other business interests. Mr. Munn has re­ceived a contract from Vasco P. Abbott, of this place, to clear the old stumps, rotten limbs, roots, etc., from the upper region of Cranbery Lake in front the land tract belong­ing to Mr. Abbott. Mr. Munn will endeavor to clear these obstructions from the waters and put that portion of the lake in a first-class condition for navigation.

Got VERNFPR, Feb. 5.—Several brilliant sun dogs escorted the late snow storm into town, giving us the largest body of snow of the season. The bear gazed at his shadow throughout Candlemas day, bat the sun is

Kingsbury of ! n o w t o ° n ' 2 n t o have continued cold weather. Kimbal street died Jan 27; funeral the 20th. | .I»""arV h«s outdone herself in changes. She was an invalid since coming to this town, consumption having marked her as its victim. She was je» years of age. She leaves a hus-band and seven children to morrn her loss.

Ccotge Hill's youngest < hild is a I it t lat better of his set ions illness, as is also Guy 1 M c F w e n ' s youngest (h i ld . Mrs. F . W. Drake is no better. Saan Harmon is out | iiijain Jerry llourihan is ianproving.- -Mi. and Mrs. Fred Shepard leave today for Her-kimei to attend *rfa'e grange . George A.

urn Rrook did business in town J S. Kingston is rejoiung over

< lark of last week a gill .


ng w i t h the h u m o r o u s c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e ffaglcnl If has t w e l v e c h a r a c t e r s from the is-Mt local ta lent and wil l be g i v e n u n d e r I the d i i ec f lon of Mr .1 A. F a l e h n e v , band : mas ter at A n t w e r p , and a profWcdotiHl w h o ' has met w i t h e m i n e n t miccesu in prepar ing ' plays . F ive or H\\ e x p e r t s from Ogdet i s ' buttf and A n t w e r p will Introduce spec ia l ' t ies e m b r a c i n g Y a n k e e , Irish and N e g r o | s o n g s , cake w a l k . AVe There wi l l lie m u s i c ' ualore and r e f r e s h m e n t s a t t he c lose . Mr. ' and Mrs Kel ly Hre rejoic ing over t h e birth or a d a u g h t e r Geo. Hall la, s e r i o u s l y HI w i t h heart t rouble , at his h o m e alwiuf a !

m i l e from t h i s v i l l age A y o u n g d a u g h t e r arrived at the h o m e of Mr and Mrs S a m ' nel Webnter last week. Uev C J. C r o w l e y has g o n e to A n t w e r p for t h i s week . Mis s M a g g i e Y o u n g e n t e r t a i n e d a party of her friends from th i s v i l l a g e on S a t u r d a y even lug af her h o m e in M a c o m b .

l e e H a r v e s t e r * Quarre l . MArrlaf* An nouiiremeiitft . Noelal Kvnrlii . <*liru»tlan F.n«le«vor Hay I*o«tponm|.

I I H \ KI I O N , Feb. s . Mi. Whitney has opened a laundry on State street. Miss Thornton of Chicago is visiting her parents

at this place. The ice harvest is in full progress and the weather is favorable for such woik. Nelson Mayne and Fred Me-Cmdie got into a quarrel while cutting ice. which resulted in a law suit and Mr. McCur-die was fined $^ - 'There will l>e a donation, with a musical and bterarv enteitaiwment, for the benefit of Key. W. G. At well, in the M. T. chinch, on Wednesday evening . In­vitations are out announcing the wedding of Miss Fva Thornton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs AIon?o Thornton, to Mr McCune of ( hieago. The happy event is to take plate at the home of the bride's parents at this place. Fet>. 14th. Miss Gertie Hurlbut of Depeyster spent a few days visiting in town.

Ttiday evening about twenty hve young ptople gatheted at the home of Miss Mamie Dairah and sjwnf a very enjoyable evening.

Miss Libbie Ctanston closed a very suc­cessful teim of twenty two weeks of school in the Noithrup district, Triday. -Fred Cald­well of the Potsdam Noimal spent last week with his parents lure . Horse races on the u e t h s week F v e i y horst man is in a flurry of exci tement . A #good many horses fiom the su an ling to.^jis are in iuing 1K;C.-— This (ominunity received a s< veie shock I ri-

day, in the death ol Willis P. Hendricks of Richville, a respected citizen and editoi of the Richville AVwf'ltr He had many ;varm friends uv this vicinity and his familiar figure was seen on our streets every week as he tame to collect news for his paper. Although 1 resident of another town we all feel his oss Fred Spooncr of Richville spent Sat­

urday with his uncle. Gilbert Sjiooner of this place The Sunday school convention held in the M F. church last Wednesday, was well attended, and the program exce lhnt . Supjiet was seryed in the church parlors to those who had tome frcm a distance, making a vety pleasant time for all — F i i d a y evening about forty invited friends spent a pleasant evening at the home of G W. Hurlbut .— Miss Myra Hargtave entertained a few of her friends tui Trnlay. - -Chris t ian F.ndcavor day was to have been obsci ved in the Pres­byterian church on Sunday evening, but on account of the heavy snow storm it was put off until next Sunday. - A number of our young people attended the dance at Reus selaei Falls Friday — T h e Heuvelton Dram-atic Club is hard at work, practicing for a drama in the near f u t u r e — M i s s Osboutne of

tain, sleet, cold ami heat have prevailed through the month, with one genuine bliz­zard. The funeral of Mrs. Fllen Kenyon of Hammond was attended from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frnest Mills, on 'Thurs­day last; interment by her husband at River­side — W e have to iccotd the sad and sudden death of Mrs. Jennie Aldrich, wife of Her beit G. Aldrich of this place. Her illness was of less than two weeks duration. Mrs. Aldiich was married Sept. , 1890, and at once came to Gouverneur to reside. She leaves a little daughter of six years, l>eside her husband, mother and three brothers. Mrs. Aldrich has made many friends in Gouv­erneur and her eatly death is greatly regret­ted. One of the charter members of the Gouverneur Shakespeare club, the society will attend her funeral tomorrow in a body.

Mrs. Nett ie Whitney will represent the I>. A. R at Washington Feb. 22nd.—Shake-speares adjourn their next meeting owing ta the death of Mrs. Aldrich.—Our editors have been taking on city airs of late, but have again come down to country life —Spencer Corbin is crowing over a fine boy. — R e v . A W. Rogers and wife were called last week to Schuylcrville on account of the death of her mother. 1 he Presbyterian ladies will give a valentine supper the coming week in the church b a s e m e n t - W. II. Draper has a new pharmacist in place of Frank Tucker, resign­ed. Rev. II. D. Catlin is able again to re­sume his clerical duties, having recovered from the effects of a severe fall. Mrs. Cha«. ful ler also had a fall ujion the slippery side­walk, giving her a severe injury . - -Gouver­neur seems to have its full share of personal accidents. Cert&'n it is that many of our walks are in a neglecred condi t ion . - Mrs. Isaac Burr and family arc about removing to Binyhamton . - -Joseph Catlin is spending a few days with Ins patents h e r e . - A new wagon, sleigh and harness shop has been opened on < linton street by Freeman & Co.

DEPEYSTER. DfcPliYn Kit, Feb o. The first real stiow

s torm to make s le ighingcamo Sunday, and those having teaming to do are using it since then. -A large n u m b e r of relatives and friends at tended the funeral of Har ry Wilson, of Macomb, who passed away , Hat urday last s t the ripe o'd age of n ine ty ; ser­vices conducted bv Rev. J . S. Wilds, in ter metit a t Kast road cemetery. ~A awl acci­dent occurred near Kdeuton, when Charles .FUlson was killed by a falling tree He lived only a few minutes after being s t ruck . He was well and favorably known and was a member of the Masonic Order, I. O F. and I (). (). F , which fraterni t ies a t t e n d ­ed his funeral, which wa* held from the home of his late employer, Geo. Lawyer.-~ Mrs. Margare t McCoy is in town, hav ing re turned from an extended viait in Dakota. — Mi*s L ids Padget t , of Edwards , is visi t­ing, a t J . Wesley Walkers —Mr. Bogardus , of Huron . Mich , was a gues t of J . Stor le over S u n d a y . - M r s . McCoy and nleoe of Ulcfiville spent Sunday a t J o h n Rouls ton ' s . — Miss Eliza P u t m a n is visi t ing relat ives a t Lisbon.—The Young I n d i e s Mission Circle will hold a Valent ine social a t Cl in­ton GiffiVs on the evening of Feb. 13th, to which all are invited. - A P i n k tea will be held in Fores ter ' s Hal l , Sa tu rday evening,

Potsdam Normal spent a few days at Edgar ] unde r t he direction of t h e Congregat ional Smithet's, last week. society.

N o t T H L A W R E N C E , Feb. 6. — S . G. Potter has been having a run of the mumps.—The Normal students are home for a week.—Alvin Cooledge has purchased of R. W. McEweo the house and lot occupied by J. Chceney, on Grove street.—Mrs. C. Steele was home from Watertown last week.—Misses Anna Mc-Ewen and Mamie Hoag, and D. J. Malakie and G. R. Haklns attended the old folks con­cert at Moira.— II . M. Hollenbeck has sold his house and lot to parties from Canadt.— Mr. and Mrs. D. Quenell gave a party for Master I^eoo and a few of bis school friends Thursday evening. — Mrs. M. A. Munson of Massena is visiting at E. II. Clark's.— The social at Abe Kingston's Friday night waa a success. The house wa» filled almost to overflowing and the receipts were about $10. —A. M. Clark drove to Brasher Saturday.— Mr Lewis of West Stockholm was in town last week.—Miss Agnes Driscoll is sick with scarlet fever at R. W. McEwen's.—Mrs. Ellen Maher, sister of Dennis and James Maher, died at Mrs. Sanjules', Saturday night. Funeral Monday, Rev Williams of­ficiating. Miss Minnie Curtis of Tupper Lake is visiting at S. Butler's.

RENSSELAER FALLS. Lara by F a r m Hold. Wi l l O p e r a t e a T*Tor-

ley Cl iease F a c t o r y Hoeial Mat tern.

RENSSELAER F A I L S , Feb. 5. D R . McKay and Frank Erwin of Canton were in town oyer Sunday.—A social hop was given by the young people in Hinsdale hall, Friday even­ing Guests were present from Heuvelton, Richville and Dekalb Junction.—Mr. and Mrs. James I^ent and daughter of Norwood were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lent.- Frank Childs has bought the Miles Laraby farm, Mr. Laraby buying the Apple Grove cheese and butter factory sit­uated near Morley.---William Crowe and

' daughter of Potsdam were the guests of Mr. ! and Mm. William Bill.— Miss Louise Reidle

of Potsdam it spending her vacation with friends in t own—A. J. Rtjnions of Canton is soliciting erders for a gasoline lamp—Miss Anna McMonagle of Canton was the guest of Mrs. F . McCormick.—A very enjoyable dancing party was held at the home of John Stephens, last Wednesday evening.™John Crowe of Potsdam is in town.— The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will give an entertainment next Saturday evening.—Mrs. H . Beach, who has been ill so long, is slowly recovering.—Roy ( inn and Francis Kitts are home from the Normal on their vacation. — Mist Dora Kltts, who is teaching in Her-mon, spent Sunday in town.—Miss Bertha Hayes and Mr James Morris of this place were married in Heuvelton last Wednesday. —A large delegation from here intend taking in the races at Heuvelton this week.—E. Fletcher sold one ol his fancy horses to F . E. Seaver of Potsdam.—E. O. Thompson of Woodbuty, Vt., was here last week purchas­ing fur of Leroy Morrison —A. R. Wall and wife spent Sunday with Heuvelton friends — Moyd McCIure of Richville is spending a few days with L. E. Coy. --Mrs. William Bill is with relatives at Dekalb Junction.—Henry Bill has bought the William Crowe farm; consideration f 35 per acre.— The sports from this place went to Heuvelton Friday to attend atr ial race given by J,oren/.o Wainwright s tr»tter. An excellent time was reported.— Among the social events was a tea party given by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sunderland.— The sad news of the death of Willis P. Hen-dricks cast a gloom over our town, as he was a weekly visitor and well known by nearly everylxxly. Among the Masons from here who attended his funeral was L Hammond, ). Doty, T, McKelvey and Otis Crane.

LOUISVILLE. faefal VSventa. N e w Can to ma OiBeer.

M a n y I>og« H a u l e d to Mill*. A c t i v e P r e p a r a t i o n * for I l u i l d l n g .

LouiBVILLK, Feb. 5 . ~ W m . J . McClusky formerly of th is place, pract ic ing law in Syracuse, has been appoin ted city a t torney of t h a t c i ty—Miss Grace McGovern, of Po t sdam, is vis i t ing here .—A n u m b e r of young people from Massena attendee! danc­ing school here, Wednesday n ight . Among them were Misses Mary Ford , .\ellie Hall , Ueorgiana Snai th , Clara S t ea rns and Em­m a Pa t te r son , I). W. Moutondo. S. Ford , I). McCarthy, J. DeGoela, J o h u Bar ry and H. Moore. The Guay orchestra will furn­ish music here for dancing school the re malnder of the t« r m — T h e n igh t for the dancing school has been changed from Wednesday to Thursday . Mr, a n d Mrs Cyril Bradshaw visited friends in Massena

A pleasant evening was spent a t the home of Miss Ruby E. Whi t ing . Those present were Misses Mary Wel ls , Est^lle and Jessie Sul l ivan. Margaret Gunn ing , Margaret Gaynor, Cora Wells, A g a t h a Hodi/e, W m . WagstafT, Herl>ert Andrew, K. Tobln, W. It. Sull ivan and J o h n G. Doud, Games aud music were indulged iu. Mr. Sul l ivan enter ta ined the company with his graphophone. A good t ime WHS had. - T h e Normal s tuden t s are home for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Foley, of Ft . Coviugton, are gues t s of Mrs. Bridget Mulhair . A jolly load of young folk a t ­tended a danc ing par ty a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n O'Brien a t Racke t Rlyer, Fr iday night . F r a n k Hodge furnished music for the dancing and considering the t ime they got home next day, we th ink they m u s t have beeu used well and all are looking forward to the t ime when Mr and Mrs. O'Brien will have a n o t h e r party.— W m . Barry , of Minnesota, a former resi­den t of th is place, is v is i t ing relatives here. —Miss Rosa Fi tzgera ld , of K n a p p s Sta t ion, visited her a u n t , Mrs J o h n Fi tzgera ld last w e e k . - M i s s M. Libbie O'Brien, of P leas­a n t Valley, was the gues t of Dr and Mrs. J . P . O'Brien —John G Stone has the a p ­po in tmen t of cus toms houae oQicer to sue oeed Mr. Samue l Weils , who has held the position only niue m o n t h s , Mr. Wells not hav ing passed the civil service examina ­tion given a t Ogdensburg a few weeks ago. —Seemingly a lmos t everyone is e i ther pre­pa r ing to bui ld or repair bui ld ings in the spr ing by the g rea t a m o u n t of logs t h a t a re being hauled to t he saw mill . A lbe r t W h i t i n g Is prepar ing to build a new house. He has rented bis farm to Mr. Peats . Geo. Dewey and sister Miss Margare t a t tended the funeral of the late Mrs J o h n Tie rnan , Monday, in Nor fo lk—The Presby te r ian society Is to have an e n t e r t a i n m e n t soon.

DISAPPOINTED STUDENTS. ( iymnanlnm Will Not be Keady for a Year.

POTSDAM, Feb. ?,—Some d i sappoin tment has been caused a m o n g the s tuden t s a t the Normal , owing to t h e fact t h a t t he new g y m n a s i u m will no t be ready for use for some t ime to come. I t is understood t h a t a t present there is no money to be had from the s t a t e t o p u t in t he a p p a r a t u s and a t the earl iest t i m e the money could be a p ­propriated i t would not be avai lable un t i l next October. The g y m n a s i u m will prob­ably not be in use for a year. Super in ten­den t Skinner , however, has kindly con­sented to let the s tuden t s use the g y m n a ­s ium in i t s present condition In which to play basket ball.

FROZE THEIR FEET. F a t h e r and Son Go For W o o d W i t h a B a l k y

Mule . A m p u t a t i o n of F r o w n M e m b e r * M a y He Necessary .

POTSDAM, Feb. <?.-Since the fairs closed last fall a family by the n a m e of Root ha* been m s k l u g Po t sdam i ts headquar ters , the men of the family earn ing a precarious living aud selling t issue paper ornamentM The men are not over i adus t r ious and thrif ty and the family has been pret ty den t i t u t e a l l winter . I.Ast week the father and one son took their balky mule and a pair of bobs and went to Norwood for a load ol mill wood. The day was bi t ter ly cold and the men were Imperfectly dressed, the younger man even lacking the protection of stoekiugs. The t r ip took considerable t ime and when they re turned both were chilled th rough , the father had bis feet frost bi t ten and both feet of the son were so badly frozen t h a t it is t h e u g h t a m p u t a tlon will be necessary.

REMOVE T H E PIER8. Channe l* F i l l e d W i t h Saw D i n t . T h e B a r

q u e t t e F l i h & <>ame Club.

P O T S D A M , Feb. fl — The Racque t t e , Fish and Game Club has elected officers as fol lows: Pres ident , J o h n O'Sul l ivan; vice president , C. R. Holmes; secretary, S. A. Redway; t reasurer , F . P . Mat thews ; as s is tan t t reasurer and collector, Prof. J a s . M. Graves. The c lub is in excellent con­dit ion with a membersh ip of for ty- two I t has done fine work in s tocking the river and t r i b u t a r y s t r eams wi th pike and baas fry and In prevent ing violations of the law I t has o ther work before it which it pro poses to u n d e r t a k e th i s year. One of these Is the Improvement or t he eas t channel of the liver, which now is blocked by saw dus t bars. A commit tee composed of C. Holmes. F . L. Dewey and F . A. Cassada was appointed to Invest igate th is m a t t e r Years ago the water used to pour down this channel in sufficient vo lume to keep it free of deposit and there was a good depth of water and nice boat ing all up th rough the bay and along Mathews shore. After tbe reservoir broke, a few people got scared and pu t In a lot more piers a t the big boom so t ha t i t makes a d a m between the east shore and Oak island and the saw dus t has settled in the still water of the bay unt i l most of the channels are blocked. The fact t h a t the old boom beld back the logn du r ing the flood is evidence t h a t It v an sufficiently solid and the superfluous piers should be removed, reducing them to their original number , which would let consider able more water flow th rough and in high water would clear ou t the channels . The cost of the u n d e r t a k i n g would be noth ing , as several persons have offered to remove the piers for the mater ia l there is in them.

l>o*t t h e T l p i of H i s F i n g e r s .

P O T S D A M , Feb. 6 . - W h i l e doing eotne work in the wood work ing room at the Tech. on Friday last, Mr. Har r ing ton , a s tuden t from Canton , caugh t his right hand In the machinery, cu t t i ng off the top of every flnger on his left hand

In jured by a F l a s h I J g h t .

P O T S D A M , Fee- 5 . - E u g e n e B 3*nford was seriously injured while t ak ing a flash l ight picture. The fuse did not seem to burn for several minutes , so Mr . Sanford • nally leaned over it to see if it had uone ou t J u s t a t tha t moment ihe powder ex ploded, badly b u r n i n g the left side of bis faee. Mr. Sanford wears thick lense eye glasses. These were cracked and broken, b u t had it not l>eeu for these he probably would have lost the sight in his left eye.

Its Capi ta l Stork * 3 0 , 0 0 0 .

POTSDAM. Feb. 5. The 1 hatcher Supply Manufacturing Company of Potsdam has been incorporated for the purpose of manu facturing buttermakers' supplies. The capi­tal *t<>ck is $30 000, and the directors Harvey P. Barnhart and Robert Brewer of Potsdam, and Francis E. Baldwin of Elmira.

Wan F o u n d Cnder l^tg P i l e . '

P O T S D A M , Feb . 7 - C a r l o s Hea th , vrh* was found under the pile of logs on the BicknellviHe road, and whose recovery waa deemed impossible, is said to be s l o w b re ­gain ing his s t rength .

S o c i a l Even to,

Tb* progressive pedro pa r ty to Masonie hall , Fr iday evening, was a grea t sncceai and a highly enjoyable affair. Mrs. P ~Lv Doy leand Harvey "Sergeant won the flrii" prize.

Miss Adele Pa rke r gave a > m a l l card pa r ty a t her home on Ches tnu t street , Thu r sday evening, in honor of her guest , Miss Oliver, of Lowville.

Mlas Mary Wallace, of Ogdensburg , has been spending the week with frieade in town.

Mrs. Allen E. Day, of Buffalo, l s v i s i t i n £ her mother , Mrs. Morris McDonald, '"oa Main s t reet Mr. Day is a t t end ing t i e Merchant Tai lors ' Nat ional Convention a t Louisville, Ky., and will soon join his wife here and they will cont inue their t r ip to Bur l ington and New York.


Fowmf Trying in t h e Know - P n e u m o n i a P » -"Tlent Thrown H i m s e l f F r o m a . W i n d o w .

H A M M O N D , Feb. • ; . - F r a n k Gal lagher . j shipped a car load of live stock, consist ing ?-'' of cows, calves, sheep, l ambs and hog? to New York market last week, fi t o r t ^ c ' was paid for calves and four cent* for pigs. -We noticed there was q uite a sharp advance in prices of live stock in New Y'ork m a r k e t r e p o r t s . - W m . Blatz, agen t for Rodgers Brothers seed house of C h a u t m o n t , N Y., is now t a k i n g orders for those wishing to .• plant their seed besans and peas. Rogers f Brothers furnish the seeds and the farmer raises ine crop and threshes the grain and sends back to them. They are offering bet­ter prices t han they paid last year. They also pay freight on grain both ways. Many farmers tLought they were badly beaten last year, bu t are going into the busineea as s t rong as they did last season, if not s t ronger—Char ley Yerden Is seriously iU of pneumonia . Whi le those a t t end ing hi m were ea t ing supper, Fr iday, he got out of bed and threw himself out of the window nearly naked and was found after some l i t t le t ime lying in the s n o w . - W . Clye Allen of Car thage , was In town, Sa tu rday . —Mrs. Margre t Kenyon died a t the home of her daugh te r , Mrs. J a m e s H. Rodger , J a n . 29th. Her remains were t aken to Gouvernenr and laid beside her huebsnd , W. H. Kenyon. Two daugh te r s , Mrs Jaa . H. Rodger and Mrs Ernes t Mills of Gouv­erneur , survive, also a sister l iving in Oe-wago coun ty . Mrs. Kenyon in bar younger *-*%£$ days was a school teacher, hav ing t a u g h t '% In nearly ev« ry school dis t r ic t in town in the forties when J a m e s K. Polk was presi­dent of the United States .

The HaseHai) War .

FOTIDAM, Feb. 7 - T h e baseball w a r be ­tween Tucker and Downey continues, j Dowsey has the lease of the g rounds aud is j endeavor ing to sign p layers Tucke r has signed players and is endeavoring to get the grounds . As it is, Dowsey has no use for the g rounds w i thou t players and Pucker has no use for the players w i thou t grounds .

Dea th of M M , Hllventer.

P O T S D A M , Feb. 5 . - M r s Mary A ©fives ter died, Fr iday , a t the Ar l ing ton hotel. I Sde was the mother in law of H. House, the manager of the Arl ington Mrs. Sil- I veater WHS 72 years old, the wife of Charles '

i K Silvester, who died 20 years ago She ' was born iu I re land, b u t the grea te r par t ' of her life has l»een spent in Lowville, J l > w i s coun ty . For some t ime Mrs. Si l- t veater has been feeling poorly, and on ' Tuesday was s t r icken wi th apoplexy. She remained conscious unt i l her dea th , Fr iday ' morn ing . The funeral services will be ^ beld th i s afternoon. The body will be !

placed in t he vau l t a t Baystde cemetery !

unt i l spr ing , when i t will be moved to Elmira , where Mr. Silvester is bur ied.

LISBON. O l d F o l k . ' W e d d i n g D a y . P r e a e n e d H t s

F a r e w e l l S e r m o n , M u e h Beer D r i n k i n g in a T e m p e r a n e e T o w n .

LISBON, Feb. 5 - J a n u a r y s ! was happily called old folks' day in this vicinity, or a t the Center at least. George Bolce and Mrs, Amel ia Baldwin were marr ied the 31st a t the bride 's residence Many congra tu la ­t ions are extended to Mr and Mrs. Boicein th is their second voyage on the sea of m a t ­r imony J a m e s Murdieof Morley and Mlas Annie Lyt le of Lisbon Centre, went to W s d d m g t o n to be married, and first went to Rev Mr Cross of the Met tod i s t churcb . Mr. Cross was visi t ing in Tilden. The happy couple with their a t t endan t s , then went to Rev. Mr. Pease of the Presbyter ian church where the knot was tied good and strong. Congra tu la t ions to them also. Thi rd couple in line were Rober t McGaw and Miss Lawrence were marr ied the same day, and J a m e s Wade also took a bride on the 31st. If the above four couple had a n ­nounced the day, it goes wi thout saying there would have been several other m a r ­riages. "Needles and pins, when you get married your t roubles beg in . ' —Rev. Smylie of the Congregational church preached his farewell sermon in the P re s ­byter ian church a t Lisbon Oentre, Sunday , to a large congregation. His depa r tu re Is much regretted by his many friends. Many regret t h a t he was not of the same t u r n of mind as the four gent lemen who are m e n ­tioned i t the first of this letter, and sett led in our midst . Bu t macr imony seems to have not been a hobby of Mr. Smylie 's .— Any s t rangers passing th rough t he Centre a few days ago would have wondered wha t kind of a temperance town It i*. to see 25or 30 beer kegs piled upon the depot steps. Don' t lay i t all on one young man d r i n k ­ing that amoun t , but junt t ake a look a t other lK>ys ana you can decide in a m o m e n t where the 100 or 125 kegs of be*»r have gone the past hummer, There is; no more d r a n k on Mile street than there Is in some of our stores. It i** a d b g r a c e to the n a m e of a temperance town and should not be given to j o u n g l>oys as it has been in the la>t few months , t h ink ing it cute to see a young boy not able to w a l k - M r . aud Mrs. Johu Mc-Cowen celebrated their golden wedding, J a n 31st, at the i r home, with a large com­pany of fnendw and relatives. They receiv­ed a n u m b e r of beautiful presents, A very enjoyable t ime was s p e n t - J a m e s Seers lost a very va-kiable dog recently.—Miss Am> P u t n e y has gone to the Poiadam con­servatory of mu»lc Wil l iam McBeth of Tilden, went to Lisbon Centre after a load of goods last week - Burn*and Keck filled their ice house a t Boice last week.—Miss E m m a Raba 'oy spent Fr iday in W a d d i n g -t o n . - Miss Libbie Clements visited Miai B l a n c h e Burl i r -gsme. Sa tu rday .—Wad-d lLg t tL men t-et m to all want the collector-ship. Collector Kellogg is a man of great r t sources , but yet cannot give the t ffice to but o re msii s t s t ime - Miss Eva Pescock was the guest of t t s s i e Wood, Saturday.— l i e foil iwing Mudrtdp s.pent ndo-winter vHcaiiem at their h e n u s : Charles Glwea, Cls ik Flack. Welby B e j n o l ' s , Myron Ja -mist ti, George Akin , h i s ses Marie Auorey , M s e s t e t A u b i e j «Ld Bessie Fu l ton . It is r t p r t t r d Middhn i i s s Bros will k e s t e a t ^ s r s L S c L s k e 1 hey * i l l be much missed

h e r e . - L e e HsrkDess of Irene, Ont . , ha t been a gues t in fown.

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