Ai.;: if-- .. .;-<, J..- i J$s* j J, "^"S^al 1 --,;\,;| m a«t«.«*v?-k'rta '# riiHiiiilillliiilltt •.'•' . «..« •?,;.. .,«> ••' IH ^ W.V,.^j^H ' ?ll * > yS&^ij/^H ^'^"•^11 '•7 ' 4 . .'..'V^iivH sv^A.i'$$^B ••TV*"* ' '•''.' f ifei*!*i* 1 I l H ^H H ^^^H ^^M m m s)(vi,; 'I? fc,- VllH.I I'.l.l IIIIM I , • , . ™w« !/• ' ' / st.,cori Trade a manu' utn D,^. ^ atwRecSC variety *"" * randums.t cots am s.iZ8u.„ plaMtirf Note,,'""" bRTGAGE SALErtWd^Mfelii'W*^^! rpwireblFfc^th^ WOEST] it! 8*ll»V5ftlMf»^IWB»|lfi?, Pv W - ® ' ' ( # t ; » f i urejj,a,nd maafeli%;oi tff.s,uchjflftw<;ten,t, ,|l» pajHt 1 ' iher*R»r«,. sime-at oiwe.lfie^/yflrMMteeafgs jhat can bespeedJly^tau'efl V t 1 !S^4! ) P'M%t>% r ^ ^ating Powders^Vto^Japte, •Hij§o6n4 frrse distemper*. it-'aJsocar.r«sl)ji*t%ro|s Itenov I and E(b: •• ...v. - REAgDl-4lEAn.U> - .- T HIS rpeoTfline is. just whatif3k.declar,e'd to be above; "&reiheityYoribe l MnwWi'Mfe*'.of a'll th>se afteetioii's 6;tHiiB*U'hi:oai-«nd TJungstwhieli,-ii neglected,'always end ip,Co;NSHMP.OTP 7 N.. i -,JU4%npt a'worthies^ , cftkkpemy- qxtm, mA$$'!fMiti> sett?; like many onhe',i?6inifi)On» jnp.strums:JEShe day, •vir'tues,"rl«iteiy;iAtroduc'e(t- into -tfttS" cbuoify "t'roig/ Calilbroi,a« .*j?Jje Uec'fpe Jias ^ee,a.sb6w!n,tQ'tJwX'*- Fsands .'oi'.^hysfcvlps, ylio. have ,utitv,ersally : .8E- *pfqyed -it, an(j \yvlL.b^ s h o w n ^ ^ n y / P b ^ j g i j i i i , 'W,hp desrres tffsee-«f"Ti{jbTr appH.Satlun ejihei-td, '^tfie Proprietors or Iheilf'Afe'irt"".." It i^s beeni tiS6"d f iii imUtMjifeMt'fMes, a'aWV?f|o^gJy;;'^comnienitTeil^ ami baw^i^'hettlthyaMon. , - . ." •,-, ; •. , (toith's^wsnmUng'OfhmMiMJi/^^ijVialttaWw "retijedyfvif^or8eit | .1n''i])e*Wr9'.«fc^e^flla^WiS ; djs-easesT^T'?s$e 'Woand^ iGnii3'.T*ynll'''lr'm , cl& jsprain»,, Bruises, •ftUwbotwa' %IJ;-^Vi», W'iml Gaiis,fefSBBsic,mxm x PipajR> | ^ n \ 4 a a t e nees,,Fottn(le):e4f <jet, Oraslffi,f ««s?pri(«gfte» ; , Tffe,Sb9 va «Wl'?P :9te. to pB.liadJn ^ft?fii,«flhe hGiiie* ani{ nBinejpa), Vtjkgesj, »livopgl»olanjie Mi- .ted'Stiite5,ahd theC«tiadas> " : ' ' K J,: FoK saler-wholesale anjj retail, at 3ohn„H: Smith's JQenot.feSFnltDi) stteel, (Sd flo.or t ) «w •'ytynfo.,'™*^.-'* .-•-.•.' •»•- ••" »• Price, 25. eentsper.box, lor the O t o t r n e n t ;<$<! Iscents tomte Horhe-lierioynling Pgwdersy .Pt<r ; .J Abo, WV«r Complaints, Ji)uaaice. HeBrtBnjri*, tjOltivo. '" IJSH3," TWntom^#o^«t8.«r(!i^Jt^i%J|i^i^fc-Jina Skin, ., j '.FeisT»i aiW c 8tomftpl),.|jti^ ^.qifew <a|^e,s,«i»!d by" || janjajjiijico aits wtyiMl^i W r >-«4" w .HfK* 81 ** ** *% - I leges', Mii^le.BJjnlie.Gospek''Judges, 'fffwyew, i ! '/MerchaQt.s,PMeqhaniss,,&c,rrit^6oneWsiVe pCiSo! '^Jt^'i '^9^jj!i|!i' i j^''j^ s iv "feft« L <mmW%t gXOfml'l7,l85l.,j^;,^a', i^pffl Stake and.*oa-tn!SSdeg , s15 miaA easi^il^jp,,^] 3s.fayftM»'ieiram^n.»cC.»«Sfito*sr% ^ e d GTifiitt-no^-deeeased- 1 i Bl<?ba , in'SW. OTMplA'gstetesliioi'^mj'cBi : i- Xr k h -, ,,y •,.,.-,„ -• ••^. 1 -^,,f, ty-ny.,,,,! :V, •.,. Vu JU C alotig^nigmne"20^|faTniP'l'r-^flits»td'tbiWa^e off1 ~ kJ —«*-.«.-**... ^7..-A", .ia. — . . . .vt*, sl jiegfRrj'ihg.'coriiaT«fii|3S.5-r008i4efe¥ofrtan»fee.the same more or ^f'^d^orteage^itea'pow^rof sale'-fSefei#c&^te&6d"*ii8 ,! dll* ( Ifesoraert in'- 'the cfe\f^ffll^ft^!Ss^'«(itni%iSfi*!«i.i*'tB^ay of n,. ,.,,-.1 < i A^hl' ! 9S4S.i'fjsfv*6!b(rv btMorfgagrcfffle'.amount """'""iL, elaiiuipd'W bs4^»onsaW moMgiilfeJattHetitB.tf-of "*- iBe-"flr*{pWn^ffpfffiBW«»<^fl ga-fenhafe'lse: *, \n$memwiimortm&§m : mf* atia , '"ths«^ : s?s •ggyggi'atTfi—A—:s» , EasgKr t ; Ttsii t -r rip -doHars.anddetatrtt hasoc^li i'r«ff-WJ tlielcbTrtiWdtrof' ?lt##?'?^' t P ^WM#)fe; ••««5 WOpJ^S^Iie'-rop, paj^gj^ffsajd-siifli o,i WMJrt/fi*'*_ .tfnATrit. 7ri?w* mmrte. lh«iM Itl.'tt . *_ _ . * : K'0^»A|3^^8*'' . "IT ' itave teiteStiWeflto'aBy.'W thW&$f more-are"(lownn ! tier troo,tjii8nti wd-no^W'eolitar^"oTO'S , rai|tire'''JaM f J^JJieenfi'epbrfiBd.; ''^5jiroqacquJ4^ia,.pUb^l- with cetlifl.- ' catoa of ^•sawholiavolJMiipormjiaenUy, carcii. .... j; Call oia the'Jgent,aJia,get a PAHPai,ET, ' Contaifuns Ihg Certiacotcs of jtomarinblo Cures, ond the •Wgh-%a'iirtd^ ; iiir;,^&lo,li' i fif JVTeMliino li;)Seia by the Putjlic Press—can be httd ! of tho Agents; toe. , * •' 28yt ; ..... JQJSPES'^MbGARTtj 'Agents. 1 motta Foif ramme'r"Snd*inter>weari-tKt'^na.pl'etn prf'si* .G.enl^^^aB^Mi^i^1llier8SgltEe> or j^hfpftf^ ' : bB 1 sbtdg&p i MffraWdtroa:a%hWi*ic6t!ilei:ii6'tbei! IMI^aitosafil;^^? ,8t-6iiJ$f. ; •" •'' ' ' JAMES: .Ss-^ETANDEE^. '•• : jE.^eaferi of^e,iM a Chat'a| 1 8i'Ji\S"signe% l .ae'egased. ' gicraife'& ; FKCNca: &Wy4ibt Mejtic«7JS'; : B'. - j; —j-•'••t-.i;)-:c;,)i'.3-i - ^ V ' - i j «-g 'j^ '^-^ .••i. ».-*•; .crt..:,Ea^Bjp^ ; irr Warthw^^rrr^.^^dr^fe^Wiabbvit H, liut tlhu it is d medieine oKinosr,ur^6mtrj'6& virtus and .efHcsey :i a -«•'.'_,.-„i trV ^s'-' "•• 1 '••'•;' ; : . ; £A£D?H;LET$, ; . , . ' - As nffi-erdinjirv'-sisiefl advertisement wttj/egim iv iTiojnsWe^ to tb?mer|fy,W difsAtticie, rfiePropie- Jtors hawS:'einbodiVdu» fi pa'wphlet'lorin, the fystorf or this BlMSisiae—t^\<&m™pMM%'4Wr&&Vt?M ^ l pjeinjaftaMosi^Jente^ftii;#<tfj..fiey .-4S6|46signed. I ,t6 have tip'bri tfee hnll^an sysfeto^-apd above aj-t, the imcateulSlpimtiidKt'irf^gdod *iMiiclvit fe^'done^* 1 l*Phey design' f<5 circulate sb.W patnphiet-ext'ensively, huijiivo^!any,:.onebejp:vqri^Jted,,ibejj, ace.earijgst- iy.desii;efl tocail^pn the^gems r,ar|»edbelow, WA$t<nm?t!-OBe, gratis, ltVe]ll;jppa^r.a j i e r ^ l . TheAM&oit'pageTtb'ttaj.^ w'6r"fli t'o-yoGifSelror, family, ffH©CSa, ( N'Xi'S"-.Cl6 , DQLtABS,..and jt;] will iotfpdu.c.e; y,«^ Jo ^ njasSjOf testjtnony dp its, favor \vjiiqhlis.pe?'tfefitJ»irreg^iiStei"" . •• '" - . Such cefn'gtiUScOnfidfertcei iii its. vittnes", we are' willing to veorre^theJMedfc/i&e.iii CTsW/)'«ccijf2aA, fitrused-aKCordfngftb-ffedrreetionsiYandA^^ person is not. satisfied. tbat-Jjpis deriving tenetit from it, by .reltirwiB?r~the bottle witWri-Sl hours' t i m e . T H E JVfOKj-f.jPFiiUibrefo.ndea. g^"See page r 3d ot'the Paajjfhlet.' * ;'"-" , Pdr shite, Swholssale-and rSlafl-,by A^L.*SC.O- VILL & GO., Propri^tQrs,.at their ^Principal Office, No. 316-:Gothie Hall, Broadway, ^ew'Yor'&tp whom altpVders fof .the Medicine, nbd lettefs'rela- ling to agencies, s h o n l i b"e,addrgssed, post-paid. ' Its?"- Bs sure to ask i'qc r, A. .Rogers'- yrup of Liv awoflr, Ti^a, an.d-G^OHALAOUA, and lei no other bepajmed oa-io-.yoti. ©autioii.—None^t!«*?je,»nless there is on the buff wrapper, a note ofhand, sigaed with a pen, by lA-.k,SCOVILL,«.C0. . i" .-'W... . h For sal? fa PuUisW by J O N E S ^ M6CATITY and E'. W. Pox; a&oby H; J. Jewell, WeSt Mon- roe; C. A. Perk-fits, Constanfia; A. S. Potter, Cleveland; Chaneey-Sitns,"Mexico; OrrinBouse, Sandy* Cre>k. ; " . " • ' PRiiiE*B-®Jafg^'Bbttles if 1," or 6 bb'ttles for'@5. . PnlaSlri,; Ang, : 7, 850f:,_ . =l60m3 : . a^v'-s-MfcA vs £&$(i$aHovi'}in}-d>Pit4:Sf-$hittnes) : \ ' ' • - -"H/m" 1 '--' • - • • ' UyBrm * fjMtffiimjtffo..^ tlonfiehen wl a ~!4ffi$ Pb'iiiffejyiiiMsYbfYisitfii m t Behrljrtim,'@isgu$t r fot>PoodfWeightwxffltlk iiMS'-to ikesfatfouih,j$wr ^f<.-;.teft'«?(«).'S«;tW(2/ /^ aBREE J wrJa.-«a, Xagpyta^ SauKfttSv -iWaraca i- \_y bo.Brazil^Bio ahfeBewsflda, aiifl.gronhpVcot^ tee sale low at 3Q!0$,Q, JAcpAIO?*, Cpininoa Colds, Cotighsj Ho&iaeiieas, Bron- . (^o»p,^'J,.aIl.omSc4ts^fesdf /,,',.>.) thBj^^;p,^^hx^t . .. [} ^Bua -Sywp immediately^ ojii^bJ; a; Coogli, «mojres IfCigenut, loosen* pyog^j^y.jjjfev.e^o^l.ieall^d' strengthens tholungi. ...',.., ,'• .,-.„. v B-JtIEE tJiSTIttoirY. CapM$B|ii. w^MSflal estate and sjocks. Unit^S^^^rial vlnfui ! anc.6. i ,(?or!ip > apy 1 .-,-i-Sji-Kna /Biii|Bial-Sl20,0'0.(^- , >" S e^-i'O " N^Jte^S*fliS<iaTriV1u.iual l'DsttmnSriW • m\ LJCf fns«t , ei»ipirMlh61^^,aaran1ee'ffiaMa3c^^ >oSB,>tbek"|&&«j*f^«a!W.iUifcfe4iroajtotly paid. _ " "f(®ilB^Sbp.feUer«f othe 2&L, lar^e and caSe'l.llW''j^e'legted'tlot oi saimmer agp»4tj{B'••-•;•:.: a a.ar %sm®&$ «?.-s.s.^" rf «w;B\ / uis i a g , 44 ajG;id .3^-BlCTO!*vft|t0^^^nr#mi^OT Eaatids nijdeiVTjb,eiact>!Da?seo a t 4terfai? W^ian-if'. Cotsgife'WJ i r >~,t£.n fsBHu r ,v s-»tjjtr*-a^•» .iSui• -Apply-at, thejr- offlce r cotitaEt4oiJ«!flers15^jar, -Briager'stteet^^alaski.. ,: .... •'.••aV?-^) 14S2* ,tftV1 i •'.••HA- «/k EE lfew'f nspar«|b^MS4W^W;Jhei1S©arpei XXIloom,an-exten^yeitartetsro£»* iHi.tw x rora^ -the- -manufaofogy^iiBeUes &Co,, Boston, wil^o|i4ulier'4k,tlb#'TOs^j?ifti^$thBtfabric inauitJacturedtip-tMwwwjft * -t «r "TT, ,' \ >.MQpr.'0a^eiO,tbsi,4r4>5^aBd;.6*4.v' : :a4 ;V?.i- . >»J)r 1 ugget^-5-4'Wfif2!a.••''"'.-; •* :'• .•* •(-•A:teoilto ( a"jid!iJAb.r : -J$Fel)J^-t^-.-i:f>.'. *"-?"?•."• *-' ^•^PaperagBngfllf-^|r^inrldteSba^E^e?ib'oard Btintsvati Nj»r&firstp4'and •Watefr<Bti'eefe',f'E3gle Block, Oswego. o*«-3.KAk V>•,'»;.%<.'••• ~Tsfflggo^ctribgr<l-3Htfi5()..'l.fs,^r,-a-.iffc,,. i& . '.5rt, sjip nranm,** - •mHERE will 6e-foun^tfcffltKdg Store,ofifi. J^Wapiti Feb^ra^-p^,,^.;, t ,^^, a;jasJiaf Ontanoafl.4ffi!^giQi•'••iiOTfc^mWferKH-^'ery- MoadayaV#A^te^di'-.tev^'at 4".'Bv M:-« Uave Osw1go..efvei;y'*h,«rja»jSi ?iW-4*#'M<i* : 8w „...-. ije^StaB^ : M3l Alobiithio, aiA Bbmorfa'thB Ph7Sicia3», and bj-ea«Mi tnin^TJoetor fa This plaed.'^aro-en'e'WnB'Jeols&S ite -UljOiShe^Jiatt a.,'cpnsbjnt : Cwttk' usually attend}) , fioalj hopeL— .. In tbia; slate of her case, CoE B. F. Btnce of tenox. lly attending cooswmrtiva-cese^rban' becoraeiacH .y^stabljsliea, as. to,{<!ndpr,hec ^eopirety^ntireljr . f'-iSUngs SHd-TBfBSt^-THfy ' .-nriftrcommenced- the^et^iUio Surupt^ond ior a ahort time she tboflgfif it ; inJuHetfji^^ntt^sooii-fOund that it T»ai de6ldedI^ni«n'offiia.'-Bhd*oatin;u"e4:&*ttsVQf|it,',' daring too time "alio was faking yoirf "Pectoral' S\jntp, ' WAll m.!toJJiJM,H.T?MJllintjrtuc!> aaxed my wifeVlife. -tait-tite^ : .;•••.',-;, !-.. . .... .-'•• ' «li» {.'••••• '{••%*> "- FETES BjHO'OfJlEY S HEPRPS'ACiE.—By.viftqe ofrin exepuUow tp me.airected and deRVe:red, agSinstth.egoods, ahtt cu%tte|s,latepf "te-f^tfterjBj c;t; Aiaetj'Crao^ d'all, ip my oalewiclc, Ifciave-seized : 5tp8 t^sen ail the right, ttlle and inte'resTol the said'CrandaEf, ,Which-hehai,on > 't,-ae I2tH day of'Apnlj ilS+tor which he; might hafe since acgtiifed"to All ihat certain.pfeee and par-gel fyt lapd.sit«a"te and beih# in'the tojiva pf..Ki«Alau;d, eoakty.jof "OsWego, and- state'ot JSTew YorK, at\d pmtfiaed,aSfollows; 10 w.it;; beginnin* at-tV south-east corner of land hereto-, •ibrjeV deeded by Jeremiah .A. Mathewson to John S. Davis, and r-uhs thence south SOminutesi E. along tbe'we.st boundariieoof the saltroatl, so called, two chain*; thence south 86 a add 40.nj,-west one chain :and"45- linfts; 'jpndf thonce north 2 q E. 35 links to a stakes.thence north 33-* v|rei*t one chain to a beni- •toclr Stomp; JhencO WCM to the. centre of Salmon iRiver; ebence'n'p the centre" of said - riv6ji-to.-the.| of the Si!S ! w.'o7(3' i 'K^s;' Pa&bxnilic $il}<)i :fT<w4j b>- ingJM H& fteslfj GmtiwttHfoiagiviiiigsjij'JSvilt (wirf .Great Deprcssimi. f af§piiils x - ' . ,.„. . s Can be effectually cpr?a hjr . ;. . .DjREPAWEJ^Bt P?fc c . ; M . , MWQ^Kft& JrOERItfft.'W' MEDICtW Stop?, No.' 120 - Arch' S'tr?fet, Ph-iln-.telpbto".-''' Th'eir'powerbve'r'the'abovediseasesjsnotexcell- ,ed tf equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni- ted States, .a*the cures attest, in many case^aiter sk'll'ul physicians had failed. , . :; ,The Bitiers are worthyJ^^atterrttoii^of ipyalids.j] Possessing great viftaes'in therectificatioii oi'dis- eascf.oj' tbe. O v e r apd lesser-.glands,--?xerer(5inktl)c niost <;earehing powefsin weakness and affections of't|e.dlgesiive organs, they are, wTt'ha'l,"safe, cer- taihvab'd" pleasant. • - i. . 'READ AND BE CONTrNCED. - [From the"' Bos'tooradeA'} - The editor said, Dec.22d--r t, Dr, Hobfland'sjgel jl ebrate'd Seman-Bilterafoi; tfeg ciireol Liver Cent- plaint, Jawidioa, Dyspepsia,,Chronic or Nervous Debility, is.deservedly one Otthe. most popular lhedicines ol* tii-5 day. ^Cjiese Bitters have been used by thousands", arida friend at q,nr glbow ^ajfe! K'e'has"bimsell'if ceived an effeeiual and permanent'" cure of Liyef Oimplaitit frpih the use ofthis rem- edy. "VYe afe fcorivtnced that, irr the use of these Bitters, .the patient constantly gains strength and -vigor—a fact worthy, of great consideration. TEfey are pleasantia taste and smell, and can be used by persons.with the roost del icate slamatphs with safe-- ty,.undg| any c^'SuastanceA.. Weiare speqkfiig Irbni e-Aerience and to the afflicted we advise ibeii eauae-T-n'iinqly, . , - , , ', w . •- to-ia'N'eRVpp ft$itt$M$}.fe«i« mo' nn'dar uT?«trongth«ntng, llto.givin*vlt5Ufln* Ingu- - ofaoe ofeQaiyMism,fliwpUedf 6* ^•r,Ae&ut{inL. aui, . wonde'rfuWWoovery; the exhausfed pjttibtaftd Veldt ' oned. o.«Wro5aBlire«tt«a*to fi>rraeV-jhsium,sitt«ngt]-,,, *)**$«*;%¥%%:•,- - ,i, ,;„•.,' <-, c ' i ,.<„,•". . r %. q^Se's v ^riva^o,g%«U^»| lt _ i wnsfc in.tno'tet -thfti-ftey-ortest and Wte'oteuV, ny o'vt'vS^rddppiicatiiti'.lti place of tlio usual mods of NStiue SttilaloPeiliiy-ffiniSi th'e'iiinietSmi''*. 1 ' Tfyiy jlransiftdrtilfttfilele «i/'«ie-wiV((t'' 1 "** '*« "''«"• ialiqh -)/ Ihe Sl$)fflfit7#iu 'Me iccfelionj, (jni'jwewr it 'the iMghlest injpm*ttnder-any;circuin8iancc$. Sihos' tlieir fntroduAlion In tbe United-States, .only (line yea,r«.«lnce, jsinti tijan,' -'•5»: -'.,JR«i-8;P lip- ase.' Scott's Weekly^" dne ofthe* best Llteraiy pa- pers published, said Aiig." 25—" P r . .Boofland's Gel-maii Biltct-s;«maB'ul'actiiired by Dr. Jackson) ate now re.com mended by'somo ofthe most prominent meinbers-of the faouky-as..an anicle of much efhV "cacy incases of i'emale;w«iknes5«- As sb,ch:isthe Lcane, we won,ld advise all mothers .to-obtain' a bot-X tie, and thus save themselves much sickije'ss. Per- sons oi debilitated constitutions-will find these Bit- ters advaotag^pus to. their health, as we'know from •experience the salutary efiect theyjiaye upon weak systems." Judge,T&..M. Noah, a.geilfleman wilhgreatsci- entific and literacy attainments, and'in his " New Yorlt-Weekly-MessseogerrManuiry 6, 850. "T'' Dr, Hofland'B German Bitiers,-r-HeteJs a pfe- paratipp which the-leading presses in .theTJjiiop appear to be unanimous jn recommieiiaing^ and the reason is obvious., it is. made after a prescrip- tion lurnished byoiieof tfe most c'ele|srated pliyii- clans •bfmbil'sjb times,'the' late Dh Christopher IsOuth" llbe of land heretofore deeded by J. A.' iMatheWrSon'tdJobn. S. Davis; thentfe easterly 3 jcbains and {$01 lata '0 the place- of beginning, qbntainingb'ne.axire'of landi be' Ihesame more or r ,rf-iL>.i_ T» a ij o.-Fjii.-. . L rr -j •!• * |ta> •#£ s»ove<teHrtbed*rremises are part-of T * ^ X ^ M ^ , £ 'fr-vF"J 7 ^ " potsNd ia8ahl.,«»i Scr-iba-s Patent, towoshtp - Je ^< Pn ^^JJ* e l* n » »f K'.»«f ol Prussia,-- i^o. to:. Also all tnat certain niece or parcel of ° nd o n e 0 l '^greatest medical-Wurers Germany land lying and befhg in the Tillage or Pulaski, in h *? « e , r Produced, Se Was empha ,ca%. the en- the tOAO Of Ricnlanl atbre^id, Jrid is bcmndedW. e k my °' W *' B " d ltS « rel ° rea wdieineot whioh - ' -' be was the inventor and endorser majR be.confident- „_ ... _, . IDi-M. &., Coitliofla, MndUoaCo., Jr. Y,,.tq whom a(l ; btdet«- , ilnay. bo ad d«a%eai«tt t -«s n]£oWliiii^j.yon-.T4«nfand Village J* „ eoiaijBev- . fliefcoant^. WJ$3jQBbmB Ce»jtsS,po*. Botflej?- Fof-Sak) fe3«» t iANGEl3li,,SBELEY- & Oo.-an JOJN-ES=r& Md.efAftl|Y,. i ^POifes|ti/ Avpi' Tho #soW Sandy 1 ®lA; smt h B. S Stent!, ivietiio :>i?PDfeverfdoW( : Ha^ting9,'8 tfd by-agents g'enwailpt1i%Ug1«rutfthe'state.A ••« -. - "jjjfW • A• TOKIEJCY;. otYimkeeitfotio9si"-1br sate>-»i : A wholesale at JONES & MBOARgmSu '%% .EOX..argood^cF6myMup^^<UM- ing ;he maieriaia 'flsed-lu;<f %nfg^Ma$0ge$MT i wit^mP»M»'di!<?t«MWiciftps, Fai^ftJpfetpils,;*' choice abd general assortmettt-.of«^§<|0EKJtES, and a-K3rLJ9>Y;p.fother arti<sles,-a{l t <jf which mast u -:Sol#.aadia;re^ , Alsu,, Smtione I |;%rlflhlMnk\«F#^ r !P».rcbas?rs' ^Te'res-peetMly-'iriTl'iiea f«'caftr , »J'i t E';'W. P03gl ' *'PUteBlt|><^uBe?'iaii'-185iS-i:«*'i •*$&<'"& .'"39' I K|5 BAfe;EJPJ^from',3^;iSete-.Wi.tfe.lal^^ sia* .si»sra heiwlbti]'its.tfee^eulTaTia t'Pr sltle by -«.r- ,•>•'••-.-v;-^ v.uJSBftStt^JS(f feGRGNKi, i Pulaski, June 12,1851c f.--..»5* i. (•,,..-.••",. •••. XX. Benjam'in",.atJbe last"State,-Fair iotjffa Brails I S p r t t g % C l f V l c « o # ^ f ed "to M Mfei. VowittU^' Eir'sale-at',,' ; -.- ,„.-i , ,^. .,:. ,. ^N^P^,:SEET^EY. ^qoX,,'! fiWirGAItSs^AHtheiyarietiesofePowderedj-CEtrsli'-l k5 r *3;Kefinea* ; .and BrownjSngarsi;at thelpweSfeoil prices/ jn*t ree'd by JOTVEa & McOAftlRYi'. \ M-'-b.i'l"'^V-tl •'; l/r ^^M.,-rf r r^^«^ergry. e £®.p££8itM the toffUmtMs M*ty • • •llL'stB^rioiS'-'Safe' ••'". -•'• mW^VAMTABEetOTS OF LANDtfhifi X^'tiSwH ofAlMOU'.vWuliiti filty rods.ofth'd # A i 'w'aferea/lhl , tlmpjtM^tb?niap'c l 'n^achV s"oith^pib'K\ ; '-gaidiaMs*wS^be^plcl low;- a0 61 tavorajbliterms asto.pay.ntent.tbTfBe 1 h&'cMsifJ^', m,, aiSapd'Banit, 'brJ(?H , SJAMlBONj'JK, follows, trit! beginning at thesoulh-easrcorher of Hhe land owned by the aforefaid Isaac H. StearnSj ..and near his new .stone? dwellinsr house, and runs ;VronTthen""cg"norta 1, Q east i^links to the north-east I'tojuetf-otaaid 'Crandall's ooor jprd; thence souih S^o east one chain and 23 links; thence south l u ea*t 14 links; iheoce north SS^enst l^chnin and 23?.tintrsito the place ot "beginnirig," ctmtaini'ng t and7-lO of atfacre-of land. Also ail that certain pteee or parrel 01 land lying in the town of liich- |langd-and in thev-Hlage of Pulaski, in tbe i eourjty jtit'Oswega, and".dp.fne-south sj.de, of the river.and being a pieceot'iandj;deedediBy:'JamesA..E>avj"s tp^Thorrms C Batter*'ana~i'romsaid Baker, to B. LWtigbi,andis a-^artof-lot -on which the said 1 'Cf^tTdatl-npwv restdesrcajled the potash-lot': it fsij jhetepy .intendrd-to cpnyey.the^gme rigiit and„-tttle' i .w%ii the sajdiyVjcigh^-how ; -has,it) (be sanic, thjaJ "bouB.dariesl-'tieltng as tqliaws; beginning aLa-poin'1 , jn }. A. Mathewsfn's lino, one chain and 44 linlcsjl wewrtcomyheaircst line ofthe saliroad, and runa^ frOBUbencenorth 2"east 35 links'; thence Wrttei SJS^^e'stone chain and ,|$ links to : a Itemljiefe -fifumpi tbpnee west 'to 'he Salaion River .ancf.to, Ihe centre thereof; -.thencedown.th« said river.to thftline - ot 'J. ; A. Mathewson,. plbresaid; rthenpe « along said jyihhe,wson.'stine eastward to me placet fOffeeglinMOg. Alsoalf the right of way reserved. byBaitf.ffeed.ofoperod wide, from this, piece pf iaffd over tothe., salt road. All-pi which ,abovr .wenBoned property I witircsr/Ssgie satefiifbe law airects,.atthej|otel ofE. B.EaKll, in the village ol-Blulaaki;cbunTy of Osjwegd, on-Friday the 25ih dao^of'JulV nextpt-lO o'clock A. M. of that day. Bated-Pulaski, June 4th, 1851. . ..... ',' .••. .„ • " .NORMAtf ROWE, Sheriff. k -By W. H. GRAY,..Ueputy Sheriff ly relied op. H,c sp cially relcomrpended.it in" Liver. ..Complaint, Dyspepsia. Debility, 'Vertigo, Acidity of the'Stomach7Con5t|)ation, and all Com* plaints arising from a disordered condition of tri& stdmacli, trip Ify^^nd'lBe'itl'tHaitfes. ' Nine Phila- delphia' papers express theif .conViqtion of jts ex- cellence, and seytral of thoeditors.6p.eak of its effl fects trom their own indlvsdual-exjierience, TJndef these circumstances. \ve teej-waitaoted,- not only _, «STOffiBI*X-. AlRB EBBM*H5BM ( W.X L POEBn Sy ' wben all hone of reliefAad beenigitittiip.'.andeiwjv,' . thifig alio beettttWdtoiratn'! ' ' ^ «:f.»i«fe."-fr-' - folllo'stifalelHo'iiiUJofthe GAtVAwlO BELT,: sanpose.lW'Ba«e«fi%,Bewon aflltated ,,with .that, osne of civilisation, DYSPEPSIA, or*ny otter OUrohlBbr _ N.«CTOn» .DUotder. . In ordinary easei, itimnlantt,™ ' trSeni which, by tfiiSii. B.pUon on the oertes aio'd muk- /lea of the stomach! ofl'nra'^npoiai-yroliof, but which t »vo tho- aatien? ia a lower state, «d4witCin|jfted otilucs, after the -action thus exoited baa ceisci Wow compare this with the eSeelraaultinr.front the . application of the GALVANIC BELT,- m e n Dyt weptlo su'fl'ersr, e»ofl-ln the-worst ayttptom* of. on' attack, end oimily tiB.tbe Belt around theiBody, uilng- r the Mognotic Fluid as directed. In 0 short period tho 'insensible perspiration will acton the ]ioiititeclqmom' of the Bolt, thereby causing h Galvonio, circulahou , which will pass on-to the negative^ and Ihonc'ebicli Bgain'-toitho noaitive^^thnsikeeplfigj-UpjaconUnudi* Gads.anlc/oirouwtion thttmghput.the ajstem- ^hus the.moat severe coses of DYspBlSIA are' pEftMA: 1 ' SiENTiy cnKBD. A FEW "lAlfS IS lAMPfaY , aUfFlOlEWT-TO EUAPTCAtE, .^H8 DISEASE OF YEARS. j.-....t " . " - CERTIFICATES AND -EE8TIM0NIALS ,, Of ttut snost-Wlldoobtett CI\»tTicIor, ., Fiionv oil'parts of tho Country; could'he given, suffl. cioot to-iilt orory column in this pappr! ASH- E^imAbRDK^RT' C A3E, which conclusively proves that v " HciAl l8"sUttngeMii.aa.'Fiction.'L .,..." OU,ttE,OP ^ a u m a t l s n ^ B r o t t o y t h i a n a 3Dy«pep»i«.. REV. DR., IiANDIS, A OEERGYftlAN % of NewJersey, ot distinguished attainments an> : « al{?drepuufflobt^-v "^ V ' - c - - - - ..,.-•,, Siomr, New Jersey,- July 12,1S4U Dt.A. H- CpsiBTie—Dear. Sir: You wub to know of'lne what has been the. result in my own cflso. of - theUppHoation of THB pALVANlp - BEVf ANI> NECKtAeB T My reply lias follows-!., , For about twenty yeort I had' been suffering from Dyspepsia^ Every year the^unrJtQW; became worse, unmeiidip; M.QRE Et^'DBNOE—The " PJiiladelpbia Sat- urday Gazelle,!' the best family newspaper pyib- rished in fh^tlnited'States, the editor says^bTOR. HOOPBANI^'S^G-fcR^AN-BlTTfiRS. ' " I t in seldom tbatiyeTecdmmesidwtetiafe termed Patent Medieiriesjo-the coofi'dspce and patronage dfpuif «adets,iapd; tliBreiorflv ^ben.-we' recomnrend" i)r, ^.UooflandajGermsn. Bjtters, we.w' s ft- ! iS'-.tftJ.e;dts : .jij!. iinctly.pndprst^iii](at,we.ar:e not ..spealripg oi'fhe ''£of medical treatment %hatd»*r.Urtoat'/»uttJM> yeaii since, in consequence qf. frequent..exposure to tits. weather, in tho discharge of my pastoral dutloi, . I became subjeot to a severe Chrome Rheumatjjm, which (Or yearafter year, caused me indescr|l)abls unguiiin. FirttSrttothe'WntJir'of'46 and^S.'tac* sequence of preaching.a,.great, deal in my own anil various other churches ir^uiliregmn, i ,wtu attacked by the Bronchitis,., which soon became'10 sovore as to require ,an immediate suspension of my putorsl labors, ilfo twrrbustyitem onsfioa tkpfoigMyth* trciiei, and ai my. Bronchitis'became worse, so alio did ray Dyspepsia end .Itnuurnatic. affecUon-tlwi evincing mat these dkordors (voce connected with •aoh otherttroijgh;thenicdi^rfl^plthe.Serfous 8yji tern.' In the whole.pttarmacopceia thefe'seem'ed tobs •aob 1 tern.' _ , .. DO remcJial agent Whioti could retch ond reouporsto my Nervous System; every thing that 1 "had tried for this .purpose had completely faijed. At laat i wss ltd ' by my frionqs tobxamine yonrinVontions.ond (though Polaski. Mayfl;ia5g, iSfeCkmd6fi''V , lIl<i'p^ BOm, com^¥ t n||f|^'ir?r| tftfa m 'to&rJefs^ljfereriHMI^sai^efiTiefi 'Abila'ri Tbf si Tey,oAB®rti8trator'8l,.lfe'salU decaasedjat'hW d-wellWgjfo^be-fpWtt oii'Wf 1 liamslowM, •jfetfo-v& fore theftifeetify (fe'cond-day'df SeptemBeFneit-t Date4thfc6th-d6y:«fMargft, W51.. ;' ' r ' "' -.*. ABOi&iaE'TOWSfcE^AdlrriinfRtratdf/ '" <• ,ifef&BfiTfl'toIfieEt,'AdminisfrM*. long estabhsBid,^un'iversafi|iirl?Sq','and whidh ha; ^met: ibe'Jiearty- approval «i;th'e Faculty, itself.'* ' Eyidenoe.upon»«vidept* B'as''bee5" received (like tlieforegbing) fr|m all sectiqns of, thtf Unipn, tbe last three years^ apd tbp stf'opses"t jestimony in its layor, is, that there is hiore 'ofitigedin'ihe practice of the regular Phys'iclaps df^HjIatlpiphia than all other Bostrums combfiqed, a fdeVth&t can easily be esiablis'bed,and mll'y^r'ovingtlTat a scienrifle pre- parattton wilj meet witfi their quiet approval whet) •presentedevba in thiajjofm ''•'•'• 1 ? i J E SubscribB'fs Writ prpcare.TiOaDb foi ' •*- individuals,'on improved, unincumbered Ren, Estate, if applied to^oon, the interest'paTOBIS'ai WRIGHT & RHOPES.' , JanuaryOth 1850. 3v4i' I TJECK &CRANDALL,, thankful forpasf ia< I ^ v o r s , w.anbi'.sax to the -public tjiat they still •foApMOJISm.AMbCARJflMG&S TO LM'l .the old at stand ot S. Hale, on Jeffersson street. Q^RIFFS,SAI.E.-T-By,virfuM,ol'an,execution . js$fi8sued,by,sb,e County Cl?rfc -oi 5 tne count/ ol QgwegOj to me'directed'and deiivered,aigMnst tie f bds and cljatteis la'pds and tenements of Jairps Pelef, i Ijavesefeedand talien' all the .iigbtj title and interest'of the said Jpirus W'hefeterl'whicll Jio.Iiadj)n.the.6thJay,pf. Appll, iSsSO, or which he mayjiaygs:ince,apf>mi;ed < !tp "All'.'that piece or 1 %"aig IseatetjerpontfeiBOteto.'^i'^'&lS my siiiw»^ai^rtesicr»BPffiiO^«Srj*ttBB(«.i2(^5ip-.^to. J #fffMRagi^5^-«ff#0s^fn;ia m .nu.i.'tiQ p»^if*.'.„, 'iissengers r _.4O0RE^|^pM|ao ab , ,J?ulas^^;165l\ ANGELt, 8EELEY & CO'S.' parM®nl!befp|"i?pp^^ acres trorh.ihframaitJiidsof lot?knowrn and distin- M*itnU«i4 A .J w ' A . . J 1 LvL.'j. iTl*—J-ij... J-JJ 1 J- i.__ T> i ( mm i&'ab'dVe'meHtibrieff Wweiity' I-will ex^o's*|pf? t at pdBlfc •' : 0^cl'i.Pfl'," r fs -ife- law- Mirectfr, «a^;.lhe- it That this medicine will cure-ti^ef-domplainf iiid Byspepsja; no oncsftri'dmiWi after usirig it as lirectedv It aetRspeeificaliy updp the b'tomach apd I iitrer—iHspteierabiyp calomel in-al) billjous (Jis-, .•ases-^-tha effect 'is ifnm.edfttle,* T h e y can be< pd- < ninistejredtd" female or ipfah'f wiiifsafety-andTelf-" lble peiiefitiatiariytfme.- v - - .,'.,., ' - .'. BEWAREW'OpCTN'I'ERFEI'rS-.' . , TWS medicine" has a'ttai.bed ilfa'i high character, whfcfii's-neeessa'ry-toriall te«lipine| to attain toin- . luce counterfeiters tbjut fortira spurious -article, ntthe risk of thelivesoiibosewno.are innocently JeCeived. ' . './..,,. ;" ..'•-...,- , Juoolfwe.il to the-'Mt) ! k^ff-ipe Genuine. . t , i They have" ihe:wrjtte>i s&naturc ol C. JM. Ja«k- |son upon the wrapper,-. an'd,tfte virfater, and the 1 hnihe b)o$m ip the hPttie, #ittip.pt*gi}ieh'ifidy.ar« ."p'urid'as. • • ,•---.• - .''.. For Bale, ttrholesrile ftpd i'dafi/'at the GERlVfAN ~mincmi-Sf-&mf^. 120 AWH. street, ptie. door belbtf Sixth, (late§7P Race'streel,) PlliWdel' phia,' and by.'respei5fftMe.'deal6rs generally throuelr ottt tn^pJTO'.-asiso/jIbr-.sale-b^Edwafd-W' Fox- 0rp^isH5ifeutasKf i f!f.«K - Z'P~ J ""' s lvnGyV heese,. Hay,;qffliff] "Apples' arta Wfidi'^a&dratOiisOliibb. B UTTEft G fibtatoest^ , " f l i "1 .1 111 i,ij li||l.U..I|l!. j l!ll. Jl,,11,11,1.111 III 1 I •'' '» THfi'NOB^S»N^BElvI0CBAT, ; |ls^ttbBshed'eVei , y'Thu1 i sday^'at«Fulat5ki;Oswe'so Rome, Jn»e.iS(h.'t85l. "" "• *A Well, J.oly 21, mi: SA^itfKll D. ST0WE1X, A'lm^l.U] ( -r,t'. ;i .fl,r ; ff A'i-'l T7'M-f.:-r> <4?-<n•--•-' *•• .„ 4 iB ; V trdfwJkS-bU.^ Viilage subsctibei*'whdTi1fetbeir papers leli jhythejcrir^eriJifiiWiPAdyanc^jOi^duriai'tKe •1 iNa-^fefetafscentiHisga? i^itMtf-n^im^ -tm ^aid;.uDlesaa*ihd,oBtioto i pt%e*'nDiteher:; ' ' iu&.*# ,. EWPpr-'toM^iNG,,,-, , ,.,, ,., m lo t$ "dovv '{••'. V""i /.i".: *i- r 3-|oo One" do d monlhy J-^-WJ-.»M-I'-* ^r * ''~%{W .QnpHsdo ^{rew}.!,.,.,.^^.;^^ ^,,_ 80 , y*J lb ? ta A (li « e e. l ?ni,>m«dett.C!i.tl)tisci.- .who-hcHtevtiw w t n e year. ..'„•' t '-."", Ali\.;..lnrr,tfiiii.4'lfi/lifi,«riliiit t-Vpot' p,ilfJ," "''•' BfiUT ,, . . MAGNETIC FLWD, This wjunu'Jaoo, 1848. To .sir oftBA-r AStbnisiiUEMT, irr TWO DAVS SIT Dvsrsriu HSDOOBI; lit SIOHT pairei wil MitlJuoTO-atisous ' ur TABT0B4L u a o a s , tfon BsVs; 1 SIHOR OUITTKO S t i i t o t i sgR«iois-o*,»«Bcdni(T'o,if TMB BBOWHITII »D Mr ItHiuMifio AF«OTIO» H»S t«tirjUtK cBaajSti TO Tn'outLt: M'K. Such lit the wondeffiit'ond bafp? n- •alU'.M.th8.0!tperiment r, - v.'. .~;.-~ : '. I hove recommended.thejiELT and.,FLUID u> . ' rnany'ftho have been likewise 'suffering'from Neu,, 1 ralejic.offefitlqiur,' ijhey have tH^t-thew,'W,rt>r Him HRSU1.TI, fc OKLIKVlt, llfKy^aT CASK. / . ' iBmidoWair.feVy^eStWlW^raW,' ' T SeuraSteirt thTi#iWiStttSinfe*n,i^ajii>*Jl9..«i« Ears, neatness, which is generally Nor»pus,.and IW ojiti^to^cimDlaint;^[gd;Tio ! fetote& ... ©A^VMM^iiMfet 8 Arefodod.'or vaat sorvlco to coses of COMfulklnis or «t« ) .0palmo«tor : *omnUaT»tt,^* ) -:genei.% -*ffeitioitt.ef tbV,rteod M'-upperextremilies• AIM to-ftBsy. arid for'alysfaijana ell ddefeoaoae* by s "" leleaoy qf«owjei;dr,Ber>6u»' Energy ,ia the |loil» 5ux«rprg'aJlI'ef.the.'body'r , . y ,-dSL. or 61 rrqd,p.oiHficMe,«ii6^a.ll > nnrU_oftto igWen,ifroojulrod ,'..S,.— J / ,.i -. iii.i •» <r. - . ft* No tro"ab'|%o»,fncohyeii(.en,qa-dtiendi thoVf «OA ctmiahm. <ut,msto M'twm " arid' the'y tnajt bBr&er* Ky ur^HiOS^featJWana.dSlliiaW iSJtb iierHWiejje'fmd-.safefyi 'I>\^ii«r(niMH>eieip • -jaiion 8ttehnia| %eif use, Is* Mgm> bfteianf «"< «igr«oJls..».They;oatt, tff,«entstoj»'ny piliv Jf tin country. - She 1 ' 1 *fhe' , &aWoiitfBrWeg4V''S#'iDoff&r Each. • tfii^MSgnetiti Eluia, t* n0itelJ141a*» .',.' ^iThoirtiole».a?fraocomiiBlie4 ; ,bysfu}lva*« p'"; 11 dlrectipas.. -ftnmlileM with mil .partioalora oiajt » ' ittd'brffi"Bntho"r1iied;'iA|e'hll ' "(.''.r 1 '' ',.. ' PfrJ^iCfU'^kf&A^lrV^^ ' * Vf Blittsttdj CtttnttrfiHit anjJ^roifrtlWs^m'""-*"- . .. .-.'• .,».:>. iBiiQs yao^&a'/tiiiM-. -tt, •1 ^.m-:,,.! •,i,rVVPpT.'r ; -.T,;V)'it,.ti!ift?!JVvf"f,r; 1,1.1'—— to thlmmm wmmrm*- "X^h^.- ^ifetiJnski)--Ma.y#liV'lfl5'1'i; 'edisJtesboptestppssible time^ntm'il'K reasohabletenwt. - •mWSMVfr Vrtw.W One :wn-»r>ft. ' •."•'- ^ipil^S

Ai.;: if-- ' ' / 'I?nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061419/1851-07-24/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · or this BlMSisiae— t^\

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THIS rpeoTfline is. just whatif3k.declar,e'd to be above; "& reiheityYor ibe lMnwWi'Mfe*'.of a'll

th>se afteetioii's 6;tHiiB*U'hi:oai-«nd TJungstwhieli,-ii neglected, 'always end ip,Co;NSHMP.OTP7N..i-,JU4%npt a 'worthies^ , cftkkpemy- qxtm, mA$$'!fMiti> sett?; like many onhe',i?6inifi)On» jnp.strums:JEShe day, •vir'tues,"rl«iteiy;iAtroduc'e(t- into -tfttS" cbuoify "t'roig/ Calilbroi,a« .*j?Jje Uec'fpe Jias ^ee,a.sb6w!n,tQ'tJwX'*-

Fsands .'oi'.^hysfcvlps, ylio. have ,utitv,ersally:.8E-*pfqyed -it, an(j \yvlL.b^ shown^^ny /Pb^ jg i j i i i , 'W,hp desrres tffsee-«f"Ti{jbTr appH.Satlun ejihei-td, ' tfie Proprietors or Iheilf'Afe'irt"".." It i^s beeni tiS6"d fiii imUtMjifeMt'fMes, a'aWV?f|o^gJy;;' comnienitTeil^

• ami baw^i^'hett l thyaMon. , - . ." •,-, ; •. , (toith's^wsnmUng'OfhmMiMJi/^^ijVialttaWw


djs-easesT^T'?s$e 'Woand^ iGnii3'.T*ynll'''lr'm,cl& jsprain»,, Bruises, •ftUwbotwa' %IJ;-^Vi», W'iml Gaiis, fefSBBsic, mxmx PipajR> | ^ n \ 4 a a t e nees,,Fottn(le):e4f <jet, Oraslffi,f « « s ? p r i ( « g f t e » ;

, Tffe ,Sb9 v a «Wl'?P :9te. to pB.liadJn ^ft?fii,«flhe hGiiie* ani{ nBinejpa), Vtjkgesj, »livopgl»olanjie Mi-. ted'Stii te5,ahd theC«tiadas> " : ' ' K J , :

FoK saler-wholesale anjj retail, a t 3 o h n „ H : Smith 's JQenot.feSFnltDi) stteel, (Sd flo.ort) « w

• 'y tyn fo . , '™*^ . - ' * • .-•-.•. ' •»•- ••" »• Price, 25 . e e n t s p e r . b o x , lo r the Ototrnent ;<$<!

Iscents tomte Horhe-l ier ioynling Pgwdersy .Pt<r

; .J Abo, WV«r Complaints, Ji)uaaice. HeBrtBnjri*, tjOltivo. '" IJSH3," TWntom^#o^«t8.«r(!i^Jt^i%J|i^i^fc-Jina Skin,

., j '.FeisT»i aiWc8tomftpl),.|jti ^.qifew <a|^e,s,«i»!d by" | | janjajjiijico aits wtyiMl^i Wr>-«4" w.HfK*81** ** *%

- I leges', Mii^le.BJjnlie.Gospek''Judges, 'fffwyew, i ! '/MerchaQt.s,PMeqhaniss,,&c,rrit^6oneWsiVe pCiSo!


' ^ 9 ^ j j ! i | ! i ' i j ^ ' ' j ^


L <mmW%t

gXOfml'l7,l85l.,j^;,^a', i^pffl

Stake and.*oa-tn!SSdeg,s15 miaA eas i^ i l^ jp , , ^ ]

3 s . f a y f t M » ' i e i r a m ^ n . » c C . » « S f i t o * s r % • e d GTifiitt-no^-deeeased-1 iBl<?ba,in'SW. OTMplA'gstetesliioi'^mj'cBi :i-Xrk h

-, ,,y •,.,.-,„ -• •• .1- ,,f, ty-ny.,,,,! :V, •.,. Vu JU C alotig^nigmne"20^|faTniP'l'r-^flits»td'tbiWa^e off 1 ~ kJ—«*-.«.-**... ^ 7 . . - A " , .ia. — . . . .vt*,sljiegfRrj'ihg.'coriiaT«fii|3S.5-r008i4efe¥ofrtan»fee.the

same more or ^ f ' ^ d ^ o r t e a g e ^ i t e a ' p o w ^ r o f sale'-fSefei#c&^te&6d"*ii8,!dll*( Ifesoraert in'- 'the cfe\f^ffll^ft^!Ss^'«(itni%iSfi*!«i.i*'tB^ay of

n,. ,.,,-.1 < i A^hl'!9S4S.i'fjsfv*6!b(rv btMorfgagrcf ffle' .amount """'""iL, elaiiuipd'W bs4^»onsaW moMgiilfeJattHetitB.tf-of

"*- • iBe-"flr*{pWn^ffpfffiBW«»<^fl ga-fenhafe'lse: *, \n$memwiimortm&§m:mf* atia,'"ths«^:s?s

•ggyggi'atTfi—A—:s»,EasgKrt;Ttsiit-r rip -doHars.anddetatrtt hasoc^li i'r«ff-WJ tlielcbTrtiWdtrof'

? l t # # ? ' ? ^ ' t P ^ W M # ) f e ; ••««5 WOpJ^S^Iie ' -rop, paj^gj^ffsajd-siifli o,i WMJrt/fi*'*_ .tfnATrit. 7ri?w* mmrte. lh«iM Itl.'tt

. *_ __ . * :K'0^»A|3^^8*' ' . "IT ' itave teiteStiWeflto'aBy.'W thW&$f more-are"(lownn ! • tier troo,tjii8nti wd-no^W'eolitar^"oTO'S,rai|tire'''JaM f J JJieenfi'epbrfiBd.; '' 5jiroqacquJ4 ia,.pUb l- with cetlifl.-' catoa of •sawholiavolJMiipormjiaenUy, carcii. .... j ;

Call oia the'Jgent,aJia,get a PAHPai,ET, ' Contaifuns Ihg Certiacotcs of jtomarinblo Cures, ond the •Wgh-%a'iirtd^;iiir;,^&lo,li'ifif JVTeMliino li;)Seia by the Putjlic Press—can be httd!of tho Agents; toe. , * •'

28yt ; ..... JQJSPES'^MbGARTtj 'Agents.

1 motta

Foif ramme'r"Snd*inter>weari-tKt'^na.pl'etn prf'si* . G . e n l ^ ^ ^ a B ^ M i ^ i ^ 1 l l i e r 8 S g l t E e > or j ^h fp f t f ^

' :bB1sbtdg&piMffraWdtroa:a%hWi*ic6t!ilei:ii6'tbei!


,8t-6iiJ$f. •; •" •'' ' ' J A M E S : . S s - ^ E T A N D E E ^ . '••

: j E . ^ e a f e r i of^e,iMaChat'a|18i'Ji\S"signe%l.ae'egased. ' gicraife '& ;FKCNca: &Wy4ibt Mejtic«7JS';:B'. - j ; —j-•'••t-.i;)-:c;,)i'.3-i - ^ V ' - i j «-g ' j ^ '^-^

. • • i . » . - * • ; .crt..:,Ea^Bjp^;irr

W a r t h w ^ ^ r r r ^ . ^ ^ d r ^ f e ^ W i a b b v i t H, liut tlhu it is d medieine oKinosr,ur^6mtrj'6& virtus and

.efHcsey:ia - « • ' . ' _ , . - „ i t r V ^ s ' - ' "••1 '••'•;' ; : . ; £ A £ D ? H ; L E T $ , ; . , . '

- As nffi-erdinjirv'-sisiefl advertisement wttj/egim iv iTiojnsWe^ to tb?mer|fy,W difsAtticie, rfiePropie-Jtors hawS:'einbodiVdu» fi pa'wphlet'lorin, the fystorf or this BlMSisiae— t^\<&m™pMM%'4Wr&&Vt?M ^

l pjeinjaftaMosi^Jente^ftii;#<tfj..fiey .-4S6|46signed. I ,t6 have tip'bri tfee hnll^an sysfeto^-apd above aj-t, the imcateulSlpimtiidKt'irf^gdod *iMiiclvit fe^'done^*1

l*Phey design' f<5 circulate sb.W patnphiet-ext'ensively, huijiivo^!any,:.onebejp:vqri^Jted,,ibejj, ace.earijgst-iy.desii;efl tocail^pn the^gems r,ar|»edbelow, WA$t<nm?t!-OBe, gratis, ltVe]ll;jppa^r.a j i e r ^ l . TheAM&oit'pageTtb'ttaj.^ w'6r"fli t'o-yoGifSelror, family, ffH©CSa,(N'Xi'S"-.Cl6,DQLtABS,..and jt;] will iotfpdu.c.e; y,«^ Jo ^ njasSjOf testjtnony dp its,

favor \vjiiqhlis.pe?'tfefitJ»irreg^iiStei"" . •• '" -. Such cefn'g tiUS cOnfidfertcei iii its. vittnes", we are' willing to veorre^theJMedfc/i&e.iii CTsW/)'«ccijf2aA, fitrused-aKCordfngftb-ffedrreetionsiYandA^^ person is not. satisfied. tbat-Jjpis deriving tenetit from it, by .reltirwiB?r~the bottle witWri-Sl hours' time.THE JVfOKj-f.jPFiiUibrefo.ndea. g^"See pager3d ot'the Paajjfhlet.' * ;'"-" , Pdr shite, Swholssale-and rSlafl-,by A^L.*SC.O-VILL & GO., Propri^tQrs,.at their Principal Office, No. 316-:Gothie Hall, Broadway, ^ew'Yor'&tp whom altpVders fof .the Medicine, nbd lettefs'rela-ling to agencies, shon l i b"e,addrgssed, post-paid.

' Its?"- Bs sure to ask i'qc r, A. .Rogers'- yrup of Liv awoflr, Ti^a, an.d-G^OHALAOUA, and lei no other bepajmed oa-io-.yoti.

©autioii.—None^t!«*?je,»nless there is on the buff wrapper, a note of hand, sigaed with a pen, by

lA-.k,SCOVILL,«.C0. . i" .-'W... . h For sal? fa PuUisW by J O N E S ^ M6CATITY and E'. W . Pox; a&oby H; J. Jewell, WeSt Mon­roe; C. A. Perk-fits, Constanfia; A. S. Potter, Cleveland; Chaneey-Sitns,"Mexico; OrrinBouse, Sandy* Cre>k. ; " . " • '

PRiiiE*B-®Jafg^'Bbttles if 1," or 6 bb'ttles for'@5. . PnlaSlri,; Ang,: 7, 850f:,_ . =l60m3

:. a v'-s-MfcA vs £&$(i$aHovi'}in}-d>Pit4:Sf-$hittnes):\ ' ' • - -"H/m"1'--' • - • • '

UyBrm * fjMtffiimjtffo..^

tlonfiehen wl a ~!4ffi$ Pb'iiiffejyiiiMsYbfYisitfii

mt Behrljrtim,'@isgu$trfot>PoodfWeightwxffltlk iiMS'-to ike • sfatfouih,j$wr f<.-;.teft'«?(«).'S«;tW(2/

/ ^ aBREEJwrJa.-«a, Xagpyta^ SauKfttSv -iWaraca i-\_y bo.Brazil^Bio ahfeBewsflda, aiifl.gronhpVcot^ tee sale low at 3Q!0$,Q, JAcpAIO?*,

Cpininoa Colds, Cotighsj Ho&iaeiieas, Bron-

. (^o»p,^ 'J , .aIl .omSc4ts^fesdf /,,',.>.) thBj^^;p,^^hx^t . ..[}

^Bua -Sywp immediately^ ojii^bJ; a; Coogli, «mojres IfCigenut, loosen* pyog^ j^y . j j j f ev . e^o^ l . i e a l l ^d '

strengthens tholungi. ...',.., ,'• . , - . „ . v

B-JtIEE tJiSTIttoirY.

C a p M $ B | i i . w^MSflal estate and sjocks.

U n i t ^ S ^ ^ ^ r i a l vlnfui!anc.6.i,(?or!ip>apy1 .-,-i-Sji-Kna /Biii|Bial-Sl20,0'0.( -,>" S e^-i'O "

N^Jte^S*fliS<iaTriV1u.iual l'DsttmnSriW • m\ LJCf

fns«t,ei»ipirMlh61^^,aaran1ee'ffiaMa3c^^ >oSB,>tbek"|&&«j*f^«a!W.iUifcfe4iroajtotly paid. _

" "f(®ilB^Sbp.feUer«f othe


lar^e and caSe'l.llW''j^e'legted'tlot oi saimmer

agp»4tj{B'••-•;•:.: a a.ar %sm®&$ «?.-s.s.^" rf«w;B\/uisiag, 44


. 3 ^ - B l C T O ! * v f t | t 0 ^ ^ ^ n r # m i ^ O T

Eaatids nijdeiVTjb,eiact>!Da?seo a t 4terfai? W^ian-if'. Cotsgife'WJ i r>~,t£.n fsBHu r,v s-»tjjtr*-a^•» .iSui•

-Apply-at, thejr- offlcercotitaEt4oiJ«!flers15^jar, -Briager'stteet^^alaski.. ,:.... •'.••aV?- )

14S2* ,tftV1 i •'.••HA-

«/k EE lfew'f nspar«|b^MS4W^W;Jhei1S©arpei XXIloom,an-exten^yeitartetsro£»* i H i . t w x

rora -the- -manufaofogy^iiBeUes &Co,, Boston,

wil^o|i4ulier'4k,tlb#'TOs^j?ifti^$thBtfabric inauitJacturedtip-tMwwwjft * -t «r "TT, • , ' \

>.MQpr.'0a^eiO,tbsi,4r4>5^aBd;.6*4.v'::a4 ;V?.i- . >»J)r1ugget^-5-4'Wfif2!a.••''"'.-; •* :'• .•* •(-•A:teoilto(a"jid!iJAb.r:-J$Fel)J^-t -.-i:f>.'. *"-?"?•."• *-' ^•^PaperagBngfllf-^|r^inrldteSba^E^e?ib'oard Btintsvati Nj»r&firstp4'and •Watefr<Bti'eefe',f'E3gle Block, Oswego. o*«-3.KAk V>•,'»;.%<.'•••

~Tsfflggo^ctribgr<l-3Htfi5()..'l.fs,^r,-a-.iffc,,. i& . '.5rt, sjip nranm,** -

• m H E R E will 6e-foun^tfcffltKdg Store,ofifi.

J^Wapiti F e b ^ r a ^ - p ^ , , ^ . ; , t , ^ ^ , a ; j a s J i a f

Ontanoafl.4ffi!^giQi•'••iiOTfc^mWferKH-^'ery-M o a d a y a V # A ^ t e ^ d i ' - . t e v ^ ' a t 4".'Bv M:-« Uave Osw1go..efvei;y'*h,«rja»jSi ?iW-4*#'M<i*:8w

„...-. ije^StaB^


Alobiithio, aiA Bbmorfa'thB Ph7Sicia3», and bj-ea«Mi tnin^TJoetor fa This plaed.' aro-en'e'WnB'Jeols&S ite

-UljOiShe Jiatt a.,'cpnsbjnt :Cwttk'

usually attend}) , fioalj hopeL— ..

In tbia; slate of her case, CoE B. F. Btnce of tenox.

lly attending cooswmrtiva-cese^rban' becoraeiacH .y^stabljsliea, as. to,{<!ndpr,hec ^eopirety^ntireljr

. f'-iSUngs SHd-TBfBSt -THfy' .-nriftrcommenced- the^et^iUio Surupt ond ior a ahort time she tboflgfif it; inJuHetfji ntt sooii-fOund that it

• T»ai de6ldedI ni«n'offiia.'-Bhd*oatin;u"e4:&*ttsVQf|it,','

daring too time "alio was faking yoirf "Pectoral' S\jntp, ' WAll m.!toJJiJM,H.T?MJllintjrtuc!> aaxed my wifeVlife.

-tait-tite^ : .;•••.',-;, !-.. . .... .-'•• ' «li» {.'••••• '{••%*> "- FETES BjHO'OfJlEY •

SHEPRPS'ACiE.—By.viftqe ofrin exepuUow tp me.airected and deRVe:red, agSinstth.egoods,

ahtt cu%tte|s,latepf "te-f tfterjBj c;t; Aiaetj'Crao^ d'all, ip my oalewiclc, I fciave- seized:5tp8 t^sen ail the right, ttlle and inte'resTol the said'CrandaEf, ,Which-hehai,on>'t,-ae I2tH day of'Apnlj ilS+tor which he; might hafe since acgtiifed"to All ihat certain.pfeee and par-gel fyt lapd.sit«a"te and beih# in'the tojiva pf..Ki«Alau;d, eoakty.jof "OsWego, and-state'ot JSTew YorK, at\d pmtfiaed,aSfollows; 10 w.it;; beginnin* at-tV south-east corner of land hereto-, •ibrjeV deeded by Jeremiah .A. Mathewson to John S. Davis, and r-uhs thence south SOminutesi E. along tbe'we.st boundariieoof the saltroatl, so called, two chain*; thence south 86 a add 40.nj,-west one chain :and"45- linfts; 'jpndf thonce north 2 q E. 35 links to a stakes.thence north 33-* v|rei*t one chain to a beni-•toclr Stomp; JhencO WCM to the. centre of Salmon iRiver; ebence'n'p the centre" of said - riv6ji-to.-the.|

of the Si!S!w.'o7(3'i'K^s;' Pa&bxnilic $il}<)i :fT<w4j b>-

ingJM H& fteslfj GmtiwttHfoiagiviiiigsjij'JSvilt (wirf .Great Deprcssimi.faf§piiilsx - ' . ,.„. . s

Can be effectually cpr?a hjr . ;. .

.DjREPAWEJ^Bt P?fc c . ; M . , M W Q ^ K f t & JrOERItfft.'W' MEDICtW S t o p ? , No.' 120

- Arch' S'tr?fet, Ph-iln-.telpbto".-''' Th'eir'powerbve'r'the'abovediseasesjsnotexcell-

,ed tf equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni­ted States, .a*the cures attest, in many case^aiter sk'll'ul physicians had failed. , .:;

,The Bitiers are worthyJ^^atterrttoii^of ipyalids.j] Possessing great viftaes'in therectificatioii oi'dis-eascf.oj' tbe. Over apd lesser-.glands,--?xerer(5inktl)c niost <;earehing powefsin weakness and affections of't|e.dlgesiive organs, they are, wTt'ha'l,"safe, cer-taihvab'd" pleasant. • - i. .

'READ AND BE CONTrNCED. -[From the"' Bos'tooradeA'} -

The editor said, Dec.22d--rt,Dr, Hobfland'sjgel jl ebrate'd Seman-Bilterafoi; tfeg ciireol Liver Cent-plaint, Jawidioa, Dyspepsia,,Chronic or Nervous Debility, is.deservedly one Otthe. most popular lhedicines ol* tii-5 day. ^Cjiese Bitters have been used by thousands", arida friend at q,nr glbow ^ajfe! K'e'has"bimsell'if ceived an effeeiual and permanent'" cure of Liyef Oimplaitit frpih the use ofthis rem­edy. "VYe afe fcorivtnced that, irr the use of these Bitters, .the patient constantly gains strength and -vigor—a fact worthy, of great consideration. TEfey are pleasantia taste and smell, and can be used by persons.with the roost del icate slamatphs with safe--ty,.undg| any c^'SuastanceA.. Weiare speqkfiig Irbni e-Aerience and to the afflicted we advise ibeii

eauae-T-n'iinqly, . , - , , ',w. •-

to-ia'N'eRVpp ft$itt$M$}.fe«i« mo'

nn'dar uT?«trongth«ntng, llto.givin*vlt5Ufln* Ingu-- ofaoe ofeQaiyMism, fli wpUedf 6* ^•r,Ae&ut{inL. aui, . wonde'rfuWWoovery; the exhausfed pjttibtaftd Veldt

' oned. o.«Wro5aBlire«tt«a*to fi>rraeV-jhsium,sitt«ngt]-,,,

• *)**$«*;%¥%%:•,- - , i , , ;„• . , ' <-, c ' i • ,.<„,•".

. r%. q^Se'sv^riva^o,g%«U^»|lt_i wnsfc in.tno'tet -thfti-ftey-ortest and Wte'oteuV, ny o'vt'vS^rddppiicatiiti'.lti place of tlio usual mods of NStiue SttilaloPeiliiy-ffiniSi th'e'iiinietSmi''*.1' • Tfyiy jlransiftdrtilfttfilele «i/'«ie-wiV((t''1"** '*« "''«"•

ialiqh -)/ Ihe Sl$)fflfit7#iu 'Me iccfelionj, (jni'jwewr it 'the iMghlest injpm*ttnder-any;circuin8iancc$. Sihos' tlieir fntroduAlion In tbe United-States, .only (line yea,r«.«lnce, jsinti tijan,'

-'•5»: -'.,JR«i-8;P l i p ­

ase.' Scott's Weekly^" dne ofthe* best Llteraiy pa­

pers published, said Aiig." 25—" Pr . .Boofland's Gel-maii Biltct-s;«maB'ul'actiiired by Dr. Jackson) ate now re.com mended by'somo ofthe most prominent meinbers-of the faouky-as..an anicle of much efhV "cacy incases of i'emale;w«iknes5«- As sb,ch:isthe Lcane, we won,ld advise all mothers .to-obtain' a bot-X

tie, and thus save themselves much sickije'ss. Per­sons oi debilitated constitutions-will find these Bit­ters advaotag^pus to. their health, as we'know from •experience the salutary efiect theyjiaye upon weak systems."

Judge,T&..M. Noah, a.geilfleman wilhgreatsci­entific and literacy attainments, and'in his " New Yorlt-Weekly-MessseogerrManuiry 6, 850. "T'' Dr, Hofland'B German Bitiers,-r-HeteJs a pfe-paratipp which the-leading presses in .theTJjiiop appear to be unanimous jn recommieiiaing^ and the reason is obvious., it is. made after a prescrip­tion lurnished byoiieof tfe most c'ele|srated pliyii-clans •bfmbil'sjb times,'the' late Dh Christopher

IsOuth" llbe of land heretofore deeded by J. A.' iMatheWrSon'tdJobn. S. Davis; thentfe easterly 3 jcbains and {$01 lata '0 the place- of beginning, qbntainingb'ne.axire'of landi be' Ihesame more or r ,rf-iL>.i_ T» a i j o . -F j i i . - . .L rr -j •!• • * | ta> •#£ s»ove<teHrtbed*rremises are part-of T * ^ ™ X ^ M ^ , £ ' f r - v F " J 7 ^ " potsNd ia8ah l . ,«» i Scr-iba-s Patent, towoshtp-Je^< Pn^^JJ*el*n » »f K'.»«f ol Prussia,--i^o. to : . Also all tnat certain niece or parcel of ° n d o n e 0 l ' ^ g r e a t e s t medica l -Wurers Germany land ly ing and befhg in the Tillage or Pulask i , in h*? « e , r Produced, S e Was empha , c a % . the en-the tOAO Of R i c n l a n l a t b r e ^ i d , Jrid is bcmndedW. e

kmy ° ' W * ' B " d l t S « r e l ° r e a wdieineot whioh

- ' -' be was the inventor and endorser majR be.confident-

„ _ ... _, . IDi-M. &., Coitliofla, MndUoaCo., Jr. Y,,.tq whom a(l;btdet«-,ilnay. bo ad d«a%eai«ttt-«s n]£oWliiii j.yon-.T4«nfand Village J* „ eoiaijBev- . fliefcoant^. WJ$3jQBbmB Ce»jtsS,po*. Botflej?-Fof-Sak) fe3«»tiANGEl3li,,SBELEY- & Oo.-an

JOJN-ES=r& Md.efAftl|Y,. i^POifes|ti/ A v p i ' Tho #soW Sandy1 ®lA; smt h B. S Stent!, ivietiio :>i?PDfeverfdoW(:Ha^ting9,'8 tfd by-agents g'enwailpt1i%Ug1«rutfthe'state.A ••« -. - "jjjfW • A• • TOKIEJCY;. otYimkeeitfotio9si"-1br sate>-»i: A wholesale at JONES & MBOARgmSu

'%% .EOX. .a rgood^cF6myMup^^<UM-ing ;he maieriaia 'flsed-lu;<f %nfg^Ma$0ge$MT i wit^mP»M»'di!<?t«MWiciftps, Fai^ftJpfetpils,;*' choice abd general assortmettt-.of«^§<|0EKJtES, and a-K3rLJ9>Y;p.fother arti<sles,-a{lt<jf which mast u-:Sol#.aadia;re^ , Alsu,,

Smt ione I | ;%r l f lh lMnk\«F#^ r !P» . rcbas? rs ' ^Te'res-peetMly-'iriTl'iiea f«'caftr,»J'itE';'W. P03gl '' *'PUteBlt|><^uBe?'iaii'-185iS-i:«*'i •*$&<'"& . ' " 3 9 ' I

K|5 BAfe;EJPJ^from',3^;iSete-.Wi.tfe.lal^^ sia* .si»sra heiwlbti]'its.tfee^eulTaTia t'Pr sltle by -«.r- ,•>•'••-.-v;-^ v.uJSBftStt^JS(f feGRGNKi, i

Pulaski, June 12,1851c f.--..»5* i. (•,,..-.••",. •••.

XX. Benjam'in",.atJbe last"State,-Fair iotjffa Brails I S p r t t g % C l f V l c « o # ^ f ed "to M M f e i . V o w i t t U ^ ' Eir'sale-at',,' ; -.- ,„.-i , , ^ . .,:. ,. ^N^P^, :SEET^EY. ^ q o X , , ' ! fiWirGAItSs^AHtheiyarietiesofePowderedj-CEtrsli'-l k5r*3;Kefinea* ;.and BrownjSngarsi;at thelpweSfeoil p r i c e s / jn* t ree'd by JOTVEa & McOAftlRYi'. \


•'; l / r^^M.,-rf rr^^«^ergry. e £®.p££8itM the toffUmtMs M*ty • •

•llL'stB^rioiS'-'Safe' ••'". -•'• mW^VAMTABEetOTS OF LANDtfhifi X 'tiSwH ofAlMOU'.vWuliiti filty rods.ofth'd # A i

'w'aferea/lhl , t lmpjtM^tb?niap'c l 'n^achV s"oith^pib'K\;'-gaidiaMs*wS^be^plcl low;- a0 61 tavorajbliterms asto.pay.ntent.tbTfBe1 h&'cMsifJ^',

m , , aiSapd'Banit, 'brJ(?H ,SJAMlBONj'JK,

follows, trit! beginning at thesoulh-easrcorher of Hhe land owned by the aforefaid Isaac H. StearnSj ..and near his new .stone? dwellinsr house, and runs ;VronTthen""cg"norta 1,Q east i^links to the north-east I'tojuetf-otaaid 'Crandall's ooor jprd; thence souih S^o east one chain and 23 links; thence south l u

ea*t 14 links; iheoce north SS^enst l^chnin and 23?.tintrsito the place ot "beginnirig," ctmtaini'ng t and7-lO of atfacre-of land. Also ail that certain pteee or parrel 01 land lying in the town of liich-

|langd-and in thev-Hlage of Pulaski, in tbei eourjty jtit'Oswega, and".dp.fne-south sj.de, of the river.and

being a pieceot'iandj;deedediBy:'JamesA..E>avj"s tp^Thorrms C Batter*'ana~i'romsaid Baker, to B.

LWtigbi,andis a-^artof-lot -on which the said 1'Cf tTdatl-npwv restdesrcajled the potash-lot': it fsij jhetepy .intendrd-to cpnyey.the^gme rigiit and„-tttle'i .w%ii the sajdiyVjcigh^-how;-has,it) (be sanic, thjaJ "bouB.dariesl-'tieltng as tqliaws; beginning aLa-poin'1 , jn }. A. Mathewsfn's lino, one chain and 44 linlcsjl wewrtcomyheaircst line ofthe saliroad, and runa^ frOBUbencenorth 2 " e a s t 35 links'; thence Wrttei SJS^^e'stone chain and ,|$ links to: a Itemljiefe -fifumpi tbpnee west 'to 'he Salaion River .ancf.to, Ihe centre thereof; -.thencedown.th« said river.to thftline - ot 'J.; A . Mathewson,. plbresaid; rthenpe « along said jyihhe,wson.'stine eastward to me placet

fOffeeglinMOg. Alsoalf the right of way reserved. byBaitf.ffeed.ofoperod wide, from this, piece pf iaffd over tothe., salt road. All-pi which ,abovr .wenBoned property I witircsr/Ssgie satefiifbe law airects,.atthej|otel ofE. B.EaKll, in the village ol-Blulaaki;cbunTy of Osjwegd, on-Friday the 25ih • dao^of'JulV nextpt-lO o'clock A. M. of that day. Bated-Pulaski, June 4th, 1851. . ..... ',' .••.

.„ • " .NORMAtf ROWE, Sheriff. k -By W. H. GRAY,..Ueputy Sheriff

ly relied op. H,c sp cially relcomrpended.it in" Liver. ..Complaint, Dyspepsia. Debility, 'Vertigo, Acidity of the'Stomach7Con5t|)ation, and all Com* plaints arising from a disordered condition of tri& stdmacli, trip Ify^^nd'lBe'itl'tHaitfes. ' Nine Phila­delphia' papers express theif .conViqtion of jts ex­cellence, and seytral of thoeditors.6p.eak of its effl fects trom their own indlvsdual-exjierience, TJndef these circumstances. \ve teej-waitaoted,- not only

_, «STOffiBI*X-. AlRB EBBM*H5BM(W.XLPOEBnSy ' wben all hone of relief Aad beenigitittiip.'.andeiwjv,' . thifig alio beettttWd to iratn'! ' ' ^ «:f.»i«fe."-fr-'

- folllo'stifalelHo'iiiUJofthe GAtVAwlO BELT,: sanpose.lW'Ba«e«fi%,Bewon aflltated ,,with .that, osne of civilisation, DYSPEPSIA, or*ny otter OUrohlBbr •

_ N.«CTOn» .DUotder. . In ordinary easei, itimnlantt,™ ' trSeni which, by tfiiSii. B.pUon on the oertes aio'd muk-

/lea of the stomach! ofl'nra' npoiai-yroliof, but which

t»vo tho- aatien? ia a lower state, «d4witCin|jfted otilucs, after the -action thus exoited baa ceisci

Wow compare this with the eSeel raaultinr. front the . application of the GALVANIC BELT,- m e n Dyt weptlo su'fl'ersr, e»ofl-ln the-worst ayttptom* of. on' attack, end oimily tiB.tbe Belt around theiBody, uilng-r the Mognotic Fluid as directed. „ In 0 short period tho 'insensible perspiration will acton the ]ioiititeclqmom' of the Bolt, thereby causing h Galvonio, circulahou

, which will pass on-to the negative and Ihonc'ebicli Bgain'-toitho noaitive thnsikeeplfigj-UpjaconUnudi* Gads.anlc/oirouwtion thttmghput.the ajstem- ^hus the.moat severe coses of DYspBlSIA are' pEftMA:1 ' SiENTiy cnKBD. A FEW "lAlfS IS lAMPfaY , aUfFlOlEWT-TO EUAPTCAtE, .^H8 DISEASE OF YEARS. j.-....t " . " -CERTIFICATES AND -EE8TIM0NIALS ,, Of ttut snost-Wlldoobtett CI\»tTicIor, .,

Fiionv oil'parts of tho Country; could'he given, suffl. cioot to-iilt orory column in this pappr!

ASH- E ^ i m A b R D K ^ R T ' C A3E, which conclusively proves that v

" HciAl l8"sUttngeMii.aa.'Fiction.'L . , . . . " O U , t t E , O P ^ a u m a t l s n ^ Brot toythiana 3Dy«pep»i«..


of New Jersey, ot distinguished attainments an>:« al{?drepuufflobt^-v "^ V ' -c- - - -

. . , . - • , , Siomr, New Jersey,- July 12,1S4U Dt.A. H- CpsiBTie—Dear. Sir: You wub to know

of'lne what has been the. result in my own cflso. of - theUppHoation of THB pALVANlp - BEVf ANI> NECKtAeBT My reply lias follows-!., ,

For about twenty yeort I had' been suffering from Dyspepsia Every year the unrJtQW; became worse,

unmeiidip; M.QRE Et^'DBNOE—The " PJiiladelpbia Sat­

urday Gazelle,!' the best family newspaper pyib-rished in fh^tlnited'States, the editor says^bTOR. HOOPBANI^'S^G-fcR^AN-BlTTfiRS. ' " I t in seldom tbatiyeTecdmmesidwtetiafe termed Patent Medieiriesjo-the coofi'dspce and patronage dfpuif «adets,iapd; tliBreiorflv ^ben.-we' recomnrend" i)r,

^.UooflandajGermsn. Bjtters, we.w'sft-!iS'-.tftJ.e;dts:

.jij!. iinctly.pndprst^iii](at,we.ar:e not ..spealripg oi'fhe

''£of medical treatment %hatd»*r.Urtoat'/»uttJM> yeaii since, in consequence qf. frequent..exposure to tits. weather, in tho discharge of my pastoral dutloi,

. I became subjeot to a severe Chrome Rheumatjjm, which (Or yearafter year, caused me indescr|l)abls unguiiin. FirttSrt to the'WntJir'of'46 and^S.'tac* sequence of preaching.a,.great, deal in my own anil various other churches ir^uiliregmn, i ,wtu attacked by the Bronchitis,., which soon became'10 sovore as to require ,an immediate suspension of my putorsl labors, ilfo twrrbustyitem onsfioa tkpfoigMyth* trciiei, and ai my. Bronchitis'became worse, so alio did ray Dyspepsia end .Itnuurnatic. affecUon-tlwi evincing mat these dkordors (voce connected with •aoh other ttroijgh;thenicdi^rfl^pl the.Serfous 8yji tern.' In the whole.pttarmacopceia thefe'seem'ed tobs •aob 1 tern.' _ , . . DO remcJial agent Whioti could retch ond reouporsto my Nervous System; every thing that 1 "had tried for this .purpose had completely faijed. At laat i wss ltd ' by my frionqs tobxamine yonrinVontions.ond (though

Polaski. Mayfl;ia5g, iSfeCkmd6fi''V ,lIl<i'p^

BOm, c o m ^ ¥ t n | | f | ^ ' i r ? r | tftfa


'to&rJefs^ljfereriHMI^sai^efiTiefi 'Abila'ri T b f si Tey,oAB®rti8trator'8l,.lfe'salU decaasedjat'hW d-wellWgjfo^be-fpWtt oii'Wf 1 liamslowM,•jfetfo-v& fore theftifeetify (fe'cond-day'df SeptemBeFneit-t Date4thfc6th-d6y:«fMargft, W51.. ;' 'r' "'

-.*. ABOi&iaE'TOWSfcE^AdlrriinfRtratdf/ '" <• ,ifef&BfiTfl'toIfieEt,'AdminisfrM*.

long estabhsBid,^un'iversafi|iirl?Sq','and whidh ha; ^met: ibe'Jiearty- approval «i;th'e Faculty, itself.'* '

Eyidenoe.upon»«vidept* B'as''bee5" received (like tlieforegbing) fr|m all sectiqns of, thtf Unipn, tbe last three years^ apd tbp stf'opses"t jestimony in its layor, is, that there is hiore 'ofitigedin'ihe practice of the regular Phys'iclaps df^HjIatlpiphia than all other Bostrums combfiqed, a fdeVth&t can easily be esiablis'bed,and mll'y^r'ovingtlTat a scienrifle pre-parattton wilj meet witfi their quiet approval whet) •presentedevba in thiajjofm ' '• '• '•

1 ? i J E SubscribB'fs Writ prpcare.TiOaDb foi ' •*- individuals,'on improved, unincumbered Ren, Estate, if applied to^oon, the interest'paTOBIS'ai

WRIGHT & RHOPES. ' , JanuaryOth 1850. 3v4i'

I T J E C K &CRANDALL,, thankful forpasf ia< I v o r s , w.anbi'.sax to the -public tjiat they still •foApMOJISm.AMbCARJflMG&S TO LM'l .the old at stand ot S. Hale, on Jeffersson street.

Q^RIFFS,SAI.E.-T-By,virfuM,ol'an,execution . js$fi8sued,by,sb,e County Cl?rfc -oi5 tne count/ ol QgwegOj to me'directed'and deiivered,aigMnst t i e

fbds and cljatteis la'pds and tenements of Jairps Pelef, i Ijavesefeedand talien' all the .iigbtj

title and interest'of the said Jpirus W'hefeterl'whicll Jio.Iiadj)n.the.6thJay,pf. Appll, iSsSO, or which he mayjiaygs:ince,apf>mi;ed<!tp "All'.'that piece or


IseatetjerpontfeiBOteto.'^i'^'&lS my siiiw»^ai rtesicr»BP ffiiO^«Srj*ttBB («.i2(^5ip-.^to. J #fffMRagi^5^-«ff#0s^fn;ia m .nu.i.'tiQ p»^if*.'.„,

'iissengers r _ . 4 O 0 R E ^ | ^ p M | a o ab

, , J ? u l a s ^ ^ ; 1 6 5 l \ ANGELt, 8EELEY & CO'S.'

p a r M ® n l ! b e f p | " i ? p p ^ ^ acres trorh.ihframaitJiidsof lot?knowrn and distin-M*itnU«i4 A .J w' A . . J 1 LvL.'j. iTl*—J-ij... J-JJ 1 J - i.__ T> i (

mm i&'ab'dVe'meHtibrieff Wweiity' I-will ex^o's*|pf? t at pdBlfc •':0^cl'i.Pfl',"rfs -ife- law- Mirectfr, «a ;.lhe-


• That this medicine will cure-ti^ef-domplainf iiid Byspepsja; no oncsftri'dmiWi after usirig it as lirectedv It aetRspeeificaliy updp the b'tomach apd

Iiitrer—iHspteierabiyp calomel in-al) billjous (Jis-, .•ases-^-tha effect 'is ifnm.edfttle,* They can be< pd- < ninistejredtd" female or ipfah'f wiiifsafety-andTelf-" lble peiiefitiatiariytfme.- v - - . , ' . , . , ' -

.'. BEWAREW'OpCTN'I'ERFEI'rS-. ' . , TWS medicine" has a'ttai.bed ilfa'i high character,

whfcfii's-neeessa'ry-toriall te«lipine| to attain toin-. luce counterfeiters tbjut fortira spurious -article, ntthe risk of thelivesoiibosewno.are innocently JeCeived. ' . ' . / . . , , . ;" ..'•-...,-

, Juoolfwe.il to the-'Mt)!k^ff-ipe Genuine. . t , i T h e y have" ihe:wrjtte>i s&naturc ol C. JM. Ja«k-

|son u p o n the wrapper,-. an'd,tfte v i r f a t e r , and the 1 hnihe b)o$m ip the hPttie, #ittip.pt*gi}ieh'ifidy.ar«

."p'urid'as. • • , • - - - . • - . ' ' . . For Bale, ttrholesrile ftpd i'dafi/'at the GERlVfAN

~mincmi-Sf-&mf^. 120 AWH. street, ptie. door belbtf Sixth, (late§7P Race'streel,) PlliWdel' phia,' and by.'respei5fftMe.'deal6rs generally throuelr ottt tn^pJTO'.-asiso/jIbr-.sale-b^Edwafd-W' Fox-0rp^isH5ifeutasKfif!f.«K - Z'P~J""' s lvnGyV

heese,. Hay, ;qff l i f f ] "Apples' arta Wfidi'^a&dratOiisOliibb. BUTTEft G

fibtatoest^ , " f l i "1 .1 111 i,ij l i | | l .U . . I | l ! . j l ! l l . Jl,,11,11,1.111 III 1 I •'' '»


| ls^ttbBshed'eVei ,y'Thu1 isday^'at«Fulat5ki;Oswe'so

Rome, Jn»e. iS(h . ' t85l . ""

"• *A

Well, J.oly 21, mi: SA^itfKll D. ST0WE1X, A'lm^l.U](-r,t'.;i.fl,r; ff A'i-'l T7'M-f.:-r> <4?-<n•--•-'

*•• .„4iB;V trdfwJkS-bU.^

Viilage subsctibei*'whdTi1fetbeir papers leli jhythejcrir^eriJifiiWiPAdyanc^jOi^duriai'tKe

•1 iNa- fefetafscentiHisga? i^itMtf-n^im^ -tm ^aid;.uDlesaa*ihd,oBtiotoipt%e*'nDiteher:; ' ' iu&.*# ,. EWPpr- ' toM^iNG,, ,- , , ,.,, ,., m l o t$ "dovv '{••'. V""i / . i " . : *i-r3-|oo One" do d monlhy J-^-WJ-.»M-I'-* ^ r * ''~%{W .QnpHsdo ^ { r e w } . ! , . , . , . ^ ^ . ; ^ ^ ^ , ,_ 80 , y*Jlb?taA(li«ee.l?ni,>m«dett.C!i.tl)tisci.- .who-hcHtevtiw w t n e year. . . ' „ • ' t ' - . " " ,

Ali\.;..lnrr,tfiiii.4'lfi/lifi,«riliiit t-Vpot' p,ilfJ," "''•'

BfiUT , , . . MAGNETIC FLWD, This wjunu'Jaoo, 1848. To .sir oftBA-r AStbnisiiUEMT, irr TWO DAVS SIT Dvsrsriu HSDOOBI; lit SIOHT pairei wi l MitlJuoTO-atisous

' u r TABT0B4L uaoas, tfon BsVs; 1 SIHOR OUITTKO S t i i toti sgR«iois-o*,»«Bcdni(T'o,if TMB BBOWHITII » D Mr ItHiuMifio AF«OTIO» H»S t«tirjUtK cBaajSti TO Tn'outLt: M'K. Such lit the wondeffiit'ond baf p? n-•alU'.M.th8.0!tperiment r, - v.'. .~;.-~:'.

I hove recommended.thejiELT and.,FLUID u> . ' rnany'ftho have been likewise 'suffering'from Neu,, 1 • ralejic.offefitlqiur,' ijhey have tH^t-thew,'W,rt>r Him

HRSU1.TI, fc OKLIKVlt, l l f K y ^ a T CASK. / .

' iBmidoWair.feVy^eStWlW^raW,' '

T — • SeuraSteirt thTi#iWiStttSinfe*n,i^ajii>*Jl9..«i«

Ears, neatness, which is generally Nor»pus,.and IW ojiti^to^cimDlaint;^[gd;Tio !fetote&

... ©A^VMM^iiMfet8

Arefodod.'or vaat sorvlco to coses of COMfulklnis or «t«).0palmo«tor:*omnUaT»tt,^*)-:genei.% -*ffeitioitt.ef tbV,rteod M'-upperextremilies• AIM to-ftBsy. arid • for'alysfaijana ell ddefeoaoae* by s "" leleaoy qf«owjei;dr,Ber>6u»' Energy ,ia the |loil»

5ux«rprg'aJlI'ef.the.'body'r,. y ,-dSL.

or 61


igWen,ifroojulrod ,'..S,.— J / ,.i -. iii.i •» <r. - . ft* No tro"ab'|%o»,fncohyeii(.en,qa-dtiendi thoVf

«OA ctmiahm. <ut,msto M'twm " arid' the'y tnajt bBr&er* Ky ur HiOS featJWana.dSlliiaW

iSJtb iierHWiejje'fmd-.safefyi 'I>\^ii«r(niMH>eieip • -jaiion 8ttehnia| %eif use, Is* Mgm> bfteianf «"<

«igr«oJls..».They;oatt, tff,«entstoj»'ny piliv Jf tin country. -


*fhe ' ,&aWoiitfBrWeg4V' 'S#' iDoff&r Each. • tfii^MSgnetiti Eluia, t* n0itelJ141a*» .',.' ^iThoirtiole».a?fraocomiiBlie4;,bysfu}lva*« p'";11

dlrectipas.. -ftnmlileM with mil .partioalora oiajt » ' ittd'brffi"Bntho"r1iied;'iA|e'hll ' "(.''.r1'' ',.. '

PfrJ^iCfU'^kf&A^lrV^^ ' * Vf Blittsttdj CtttnttrfiHit anjJ^roifrtlWs^m'""-*"-. .. .-.'• .,».:>. iBiiQs yao^&a'/tiiiM-. -tt,

•1 ^.m-:,,.! •,i,rVVPpT.'r;-.T,;V)'it,.ti!ift?!JVvf"f,r; 1,1.1'——

to thlmmm wmmrm*- "X^h^.-ifetiJnski)--Ma.y#liV'lfl5'1'i;

'edisJtesboptestppssible t i m e ^ n t m ' i l ' K reasohabletenwt. - •mWSMVfr

Vrtw.W One :wn-»r>ft. ' • •."•'-

ipil S