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The Roommate (2010)

Just like the other trailers which I have analysed “the roommate” includes the production company’s name during the first few seconds of the trailer. Having analysed two trailers; and seeing that this is a convention followed by most trailers (in general). I would be following this convention as it acts as an indication that the trailer is in fact a trailer. (advertising both my movie and my company)

Todorov’s theory of narration is very effectively used in this trailer. As the trailer begins with an equilibrium and gradually grows into the distraught of the equilibrium. However, it does not have a new equilibrium. I would have to keep this in mind when planning my trailer. As it includes leaving my audience on a cliff hanger, making them want to go and watch my movie.

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The Roommate PROPS:

In conclusion, this is something I would have to bear in mind; stereotypes. What certain costumes and even props may connote to the audience. Also the colours of the props as they can add a slight hint of tension. For example, the colours used in the sceneabove are red, black and white. Which could be classified as contrast colours as they do not compliment each other. This could be connoting that their (the two girls in the shot) friendship may be fake or unreal. As there are no bright colours in their room.

Props are effectively made use of in the shot above as it immediately tells the audience that the room (in the scene) is in fact a girl’s room. This over the shoulder allows us the audience to see the pictures on the wall; which are females however, they look more like aspirational or icons. (however, if it were to be a male’s room, stereotypically, the women would/may be sex symbols or even their crushes) the colour of the laptop is red (which stereotypically is a much more girly colour, however, if it were to be a male’s laptop, the colour would either be a black or a blue. )

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As I have mentioned earlier the use of colour of props (costumes) are very important as they help add some sort symbolism to the item itself. For instance, a red dress to be worn by little red riding hood helps to foreshadows to the viewers that she is in danger. Also, in the shot above; the colours of the costume used are very dark which immediately indicates some sort of evil or dark side in the owner

Again, I would like to touch on the use of colours of props in “the roommate”. This movie/trailer uses this is almost every scene. For instance in the close p shot above, we are viewed a social networking site whereby her roommate only has one friend. However, although we the audience may not make much of this, the colour of the laptop used is red (which again, is a generic code of thrillers and horrors) used to indicate danger. Having mentioned all of this, my group and I would have to think very closely and clearly about the specific colours of the props that are to be used as they help to increase climax and tension as well as indicating something to the audience

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In the shot above a long shot as well as an establishing shot is used to introduce the introduction of a scene, whereby setting the scene; letting the audience know the primary location of the whole movie/trailer (a campus)A high angle shot allows the audience to view the magnitude of the location. This appropriate use of camera angles is one I and my group would have to bare in mind as a straight close up shot of the scene would leave the audience confused.

Similarly, the high angle shot has also been used to introduce the next scene in the trailer. This birds eye view shot indicates to the audience that there has been a shift in location, thereby making the trailer much more easier to understand. However, although this could at times be the best way to introduce a new scene. It is not the only way. I say this because even a medium shot can be used to do so (when used appropriately)

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In the shot above a high angle shot has been used to introduce another scene to the audience. I particularly like this shot as the camera angle used functions in to two ways. • To view the magnitude of people in the club. (we the audience

are aware that this is a club due to the use of effect lightning)• The high angle shot belittles the characters in the frame.

Almost insinuating that they may be in danger, whereby belittling them indicates that they are smaller than the danger awaiting them.

Unlike the other locations which I have just analysed, this shot introduces a new location without the use of a high angle shot or a long shot.The use of a medium shot to introduce the library helps to indicate to things. That the character is in a library and at the same time he is searching for a book. As well as this, a tracking shot is used to follow his movement as her searches for a book; this indicates to the viewers that he is in fact searching for a specific book. This is because he goes through a number of books before the tracking stops.

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Through my previous analysis of other thriller trailers such as “insidious” and “don’t be afraid of the dark” it not new to me that dark lightning has been used in the shot above. This could be classified as the codes and conventions of thrillers, as it helps to again, increase tension and climax. The above scene was viewed to the audience using very little sound. Allowing them (the audience) to contemplate on the next event to take place. Subsequently creating and heightening tension and suspenseAlso, in the shot above, the character is wearing a black costume. This automatically allows her to blend in with the dark lightening; symbolizing a sense of evil.

Unlike the previous screen shot which I have just analysed, the shot above could be classified as the total opposite to the one on the left. The screen shot above uses daylight as a way of adding lighting to the scene while. The difference between these two shots is that the one above is the equilibrium while the one on the left is the distraught of the equilibrium as well as the attempt to restore the equilibrium. Having said his, my group and I would have to think of how to introduce our storyline to our audience. For instance, we could just cut straight to the attempt to restore the equilibrium just as “don’t be afraid of the dark does ”)or start from the equilibrium (just as “the roommate” and “insidious” does.)

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EditingIn the series of shot above is an indication of how “the roommate” starts. Dissolves are used to start the trailer in a mellow manner. As we are viewed an equilibrium we the audience get a sense of absolute happiness as the editing as well as this, high key lighting is also used to connote a sense of a happy dream. However as the trailer heightens; the editing becomes faster. Also, the lightning also changes. I say this because the lightning becomes low key making the trailer much more thriller like. The transition from dissolves and fades to straight cuts indicated to the audience that the equilibrium which they have witnessed has been destroyed.

2 seconds 2 seconds 2 seconds

Having said all of this, as I already mentioned in “insidious” I would have to think about how to indicate to the audience that an equilibrium had been destroyed. My group and I could begin the trailer by using todorov’s theory or immediately begin it using a distraught equilibrium. Although I may not be creating a short film, narration would be something kianna, Elizabeth and I would have to think about very clearly as our editing choice of props, lightning and location depends on it.

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Tag Lines and Inter-Titles. Although I may not have analysed the use of tag lines and inter-titles in my other thriller trailer analysis, It is another major part of the making of my thriller trailer. I say this because my editing as well as narration depends on it.

Some Inter-tiles included in the roommate:

Tag line used in the roommate:

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