Page 1: Analysing milky chase stolen dance music video

Analysing Milky Chase-Stolen Dance Music Video

Page 2: Analysing milky chase stolen dance music video

Narrative StructureThis music video is a completely performance based, nonlinear, disjunctive music video, consisting of different shots of the artist on his own. For my music video, this would be far easier to achieve as we will not have to try and fit a narrative that reflects the lyrics, which could in turn, creating a poorly executed video, that makes no sense.

Although there is no real opening/closure of this video as there is no narrative to introduce and conclude, a similar effect has been introduced with opening and ending the video with the same kind of shot, this may be a technique I could use if I do a performance based video.

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Location Furthermore, there is only one location in the video, in a white room. Again, this would be so easy to replicate in my own video. However, this could limit my grade as there isn't much variation but this could be avoided by using one or two different locations. I do like the projector emitting clips of different scenery, this could be another way in which to avoid the video becoming boring. To add to this, if the music was any other genre than indie/pop the simplicity of the video would not work, however due to the genre it works really well.

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PropsThe props used in this video are, again, very simplistic. There are two people in my group (including myself) who play guitar therefore which would be ideal for a performance based video including a guitar of some kind. The single guitar, chair and plant pot just break up the room slightly to fill the space. The lack of props and the large amounts of the space may create a very much amateur effect however, again the projector reduces this.

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Shots and PerformersSimilarly to this video, we could use just the one performer, without the visuals of a drummer/percussion. In this video there are approximately 60 shots. The reason for this is that the tempo of the song is pretty slow therefore fast paced editing would look ridiculous. However, I would try to get at least 90 shots in my video, and I would achieve this by increasing the number of performers in the video, and choosing a slightly faster paced track. As a result of this we could incorporate some more of the pop genre by staying simple (indie) whilst including the close ups, that are generic in pop.

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EquipmentIf I was to create a music video similar to this, I would use equipment such as a tripod, to keep the shot steady with a video camera (which looks as if it has been used in this video). Furthermore, to add more diversity to my shots, I may want to use a fig rig, to move around the performers whilst keeping a steady shot. Similarly to this, if I was in a professional setting and had access to professional equipment, I may use a tripod dolly to sweep around the performers, however I would have to use a wheelie chair in my video. Other equipment i may use would include a Three/four point lighting kit. This would be used primarily in a studio location (seen in this video)

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Issues with representationFinally, with reference to the simplicity of the location, props, the one (fully covered, casually dressed male playing guitar) performer and narrative structure, there are no issues with representations that I can identify.