Page 1: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy ScenarioAn Energy Scenariofor the UKfor the UK

Biomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

Page 2: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

Biomass FeedstocksBiomass Feedstocks

Woody Energy CropsWoody Energy Crops Virgin WoodVirgin Wood

Grassy/Starchy Energy CropsGrassy/Starchy Energy CropsAgricultural WastesAgricultural Wastes

Food ResiduesFood ResiduesIndustrial ResiduesIndustrial Residues

Page 3: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

UK Biofuel feedstocks - bioethanolUK Biofuel feedstocks - bioethanol Agricultural ProductsAgricultural Products- cereals and sugar beet- cereals and sugar beet

UK Biofuel feedstocks – biodieselUK Biofuel feedstocks – biodiesel Rapeseed OilRapeseed Oil Agricultural By-productsAgricultural By-products- tallowtallow

Imported feedstocksImported feedstocks Palm oil Palm oil C4 plantsC4 plants- maize and sugar cane- maize and sugar cane

Page 4: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels


Page 5: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

Are Biomass and Biofuels genuinely renewable?Are Biomass and Biofuels genuinely renewable?

Biomass is generally regarded as ‘carbon neutral’Biomass is generally regarded as ‘carbon neutral’

energy overheads affect this ‘carbon neutral’ balance

•Emissions from fertilizer production and application, harvesting, drying, processing and transportation

•DUKES lists SRC as having only 9.3GJ / tonne at 40% moisture content and 18.6GJ / tonne when dry

•DECC {2009} report shows first 9 months of RTFO – only 19% of biofuels met environmental target where government target was 30%

Page 6: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

Biomass feedstocks have lower energy values and density than fossil Biomass feedstocks have lower energy values and density than fossil fuels – so biomass most suited to small scale direct combustionfuels – so biomass most suited to small scale direct combustion

Source DECC - Digest of United Kingdom energy statistics (DUKES) 2009

However – total electricity generation fromplant Biomass in 2008 = 159 GWh = 572.4 TJ

Page 7: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

Direct Combustion WoodWoody Energy CropsGrassy Energy Crops


Co-firing WoodWoody Energy CropsGrassy Energy Crops


Gasification Most Biomass Biogas or Syngas

Biological digestion SewageSlurryManure


Transesterification Rapeseed oil

Vegetable oil

Animal fat


Fermentation Sugar beet

Sugar cane



Page 8: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

An Energy Scenario for the UKAn Energy Scenario for the UKBiomass and BiofuelsBiomass and Biofuels

TechnicalBiodiesel – mixing with fossil fuel diesel – max 10%

PhysicalThetford Renewable Energy Plant capacity 40MW, requires c. 300,000 tonnes waste wood per year - 50 - 85 deliveries a day to run at max capacity.

Regulatory constraints

RTFO – Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation – introduced in April 2008 – fuel duty on Biodiesel only 20p / litre - to cease this year.

RO - Renewables Obligation - to finish – 2002 – March 2011Bio-energy Capital Grants Scheme and Energy Crops SchemeRenewable Heat Incentive – to start – March 2011

Page 9: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

UK Woody Biomass UK Woody Biomass 20102010 20202020 20302030

PJ PJ 24.86 24.86 32.5 32.5 40 40

Biomass for Elec. Biomass for Elec. 2010 2010 2020 2020 2030 2030

PJ PJ 9.96 9.96 15 15 20 20

Heat Generation

Based on DUKES 2008 594 toe biomass and 150 GJ / ha for 20% mc air dried wood40 PJ would put 24% of UK’s 1.1M hectares of woodland into heat generation

UK Biomass for Electricity Production

Based on DUKES 2008 2,768 GWh total biomass for elec. production – includes animal manure biomass, co-firing with coal and small CHP plants20 PJ would require 130,000 ha of Miscanthus or SRC planting – 24% of area of Norfolk

Page 10: An Energy Scenario for the UK Biomass and Biofuels

(UK) Biodiesel (UK) Biodiesel 20102010 20202020 20302030

PJ PJ 30.1 30.1 35 35 39 39

Total BiomassTotal Biomass 2010 2010 2020 2020 2030 2030

PJ PJ 64.92 64.92 82.5 82.5 99 99

(UK) Biodiesel Production

Based on DECC 2008 report - 886 tonnes biodiesel consumed in UK (314t domestic)39 PJ would require about 1.2 million ha – about 27% of the UK’s area given to crops

TOTAL Potential UK Biomass Production
