Page 1: AMERI AN;. TWINE UO., - Memorial University of … to intima~ to the public tbat be bas lately moved into •be tlouee


For S~e·oh.eap

TtW-6 FirePrOOf Safes. ' (18x24 and 25x36.)

Apply to \\' . 'f CLEARY. S 1m Sp1oiard'a Hay.


BRIVI AND TILE ~IANUF !GJURING CO. are now prepared to contract for the delivery of aoy quantity of BRICK,S of any size or shllpe, required at. Harbor Gra<:fl or else· where.

~rices and other informat.ion will be given upon .application and samQ}es can be. lfeen d the office of M~rs. Rouia\r Paows£ & SoNs, St. John's.

KENNBTH R. PROWSE, · Secre,ary.


For Sale 1 A DoubJe.Harrel ..BREECH­I LOADiNG GUN, in firat­

claaa oonditioa Will be sold at a bargain if applied for at onco For partioulara apply at the STASDARD Office Sept4tf

-:USE:-Pe'PtOnized. Ale & Eeef



PERFECT FOOD known to·day, for the weak and the delicate.

In each D'ttle ia represented one-quarter lb of Fr68h Lean BEEF, thoroughly peptonized.


Soap-Maker at 13c. per tin For sale by

W. H TH0)1PSON & CO. Aug271m

SHE PLACED 1he can.. of BAKING POWDER upon the

St.ove, and the AYllONIA in a few momenta

l.Jetrayed ita presence.

She: now: ~s


G~ral:~~~. And so should You!

R.C>UTE Ol' TilE

Labrador Mail STEAM£R, 1891.

L AB3A.DoR MaiL STEAMER to leave St. John's on or abont 11Stb July for

Harbor Grace, tbenoe to Flower'a Cove or Nameleas Cove, Lancfl-&ll·Loup; IUld going W eit-.Biano RabloQ, Bonn., Esperi\Jlce, Sal­mon River· "otn~t Nortu-.Bonne Erperanoe, B lanc Sablon, -Forteau, L&, Red Bay, Ob~~u and Henley Harbor alU~y, Cbimney Tickle, Ga1.e Olarlae, Allllizea Har­bor, Battle ({arbor, Spear.Harbor1 Merchant· rn&n'a Harbor, Franoil• Harbor Bi~bt, Fi11hing Sblpe Harbor, Borammy, Square bland, Snug Harbor, Vent.on Ia!And, · Dola~r'e Rook, P unob Bowl, Griffin'• Harbor, .Batt.eau, Doml· no,:Indian Tiok.le, Grady, Long leland, :raok's Harbo•, Indian !Llr_bor, Smoky Tloltl~ Wbite Beare. ErnUy Harbor, Holton, Qape B.artiaon, Rag2ed Ialand. A.dnavick, Long Tiolde, ~g­er'a Haarbor, MaiUlOCir:'a Ialand, Tnmt.viok' 1•· Ianda, Winaor'a llarbc)1', Hopedale, Fanny'• Harbor aod Nain. 1.'o tAU lad port only tw trip. Will ,. maU.

ReturniDJ Soa.u-. calliDg at Cape Jlarripn, Fanny'• llarbot. llopedale, Doable IalaDd1, Wiuor'l Harw, Tarnaviclk llluda, Daok. Maooviok, IJ'G1l BoaDd Talaod, Looa Tiokte, Adnulok, Barriloa, 8loop Ooq, 81~ Tickle, T1Dbr'1 Harbor (fin' tvo '"J»}; a• eon, Baall7 llll'bor, wwc.e Bean. s.~

& Tiokle, ~ Harbr, Blp~Iadlu I 1-landa, Pak'a ac1 ~., (llw ltue tw o.nw &, Lob1L lelud, Barbo r~

. St. BONAVEITURE'S uu ..... ,.u ... , GDS .. ·.at

• I

Thia Colle~e afforda. a• moderato expeoee, -=xcelleo' adnDtaaee ~ •'adeota.

· Reduction of P<>stage Foreign Parcels, &c. Tbe beal\hla ... of~c. aitaatioo, tbe equip.

meo• of tb~ tto'boola, od the Rtoeral faruialllo'­of ~e eltabliabmeo,, ea•e oo$bio,r to be dealreCi for tbe ooc8f0r• aosf impi'OftiDeot of tbe papUa

TsRu Coqasu-Preparaw11, Commercial od ·Ma\rioatatioo (Loodoo Uui••raltJ.) Prints, Grenadines, ' Lace Cloths, Piques.

TlllKS-lJay PapUa. tl'2; 816. &o, per aooam ' Fl"*tning L·a~es, New; Dress Goods, etc. accord ina to Clua; Hoardera. 8160 per aooam '\'}...,--~-i.l. .,... 8" For proapeotDI aod fortber pa~olara

1 nlft... ·

apply to J L SLATfERY, ,.-.... ~e balance Of OUr

Au ... 1141m • TheColle,.,soJobo'o Hats {SlJMMER STRAW IHA.TS! Hats r •

Pianos§ Organs . will be· ~ol~ at a re.dueed price to cleat ..

P ERSONS HAVING PIANOS or ORGANS out of tune ,or repair can haye tbem :tuned

and pot iu ftra'··clau order by the uodemgned, wbo will remaio in town

FOR A FEW DAYS. All ordera lef& aL the STANDARD Office or

at Mr. M J . JON .. t.8'S Shop will be carefbllyat-tnded to. _

Peraona wishing to purchase a cheap Piano or Oraan can bave a "ood ·article from tbe follow­ing firma : Meaara Ubel & Lecblieter, Germ•nY.i Bell & Co., Caosda; Cbiokeriug, ~ew York.

Second· band Pianos will be taken exchauga for new ooe1. loaLrumeota for aale on the in. 1t.alment plan. ·

Penon• iotruating work to hi• care can rely on ROod and faithful work Satiafaotion eoaored in aU cue&.

C8f'Peraoos in the outporta who require hia service• have only to let him know, and their wemta will be promptly attended to

A. J. DEARIN. Hubor Grace, Jol/8



Water Street, Harbqr Grace, Njld. -: PuRITY AND AoouuoY. :­

Sunday Houra-from 10 to 11 Lm., 2 to 8, 6 to 6 8 to 9 p.m.

Q"Nigbt-calls promptly aUeoded to.

Pe>R.: s.A..X:.m -AT TH&--

MUNN. BRO~~. {T~Li~rn} Cheap Cash Shop

STUD'Y This ComJ]arative Analysis. F;~:~n·~~~;~

Alou111eu. Februo~ tl . &c. (Nt~~ri•l~outi J<;t,.meoc)........... . 2~ 10 · ~oluble Satre or Flesh (Sumularing ~lemeot) ...... ... ~:J 40 Miner~~l Salta, (Bone FurruioJl Element) ............... 12 tiO

~Lfj~~~~f Mni~rnr" ...... : . ...... ........... ... .. .................... ... _H_l _oo_ 100 00

Ueef Extrnc111,

nnnf' flS nO 21 [>() 10 ou

100 (JO

U~~~~~~~~~~~~~Becf Extrnrts arc merely stim-lnnts.

~~~~~W~~IIS~~ohnston's Fluid Beef '"'""' ... ., • ..._.J'I is Real Food

AMERI AN;. NET & TWINE UO., _ 84 Commercial Street, BOB TON, Mq,s!l -..


To the United Kmgdom- .. F~r a Parcel oo& exceedinfl one poarut • 18 eeota Foreao6 additlooallb or frllctiop_of alb ... 12•~Dll Muimom weigbt ........ : ...... ............... ll lbe Limits of dimfutiooa ~treatea~ leogt.b ..... 8ft 61u Greaten leof(tb and girth combioed ......... 6ft. Olo To the Dominion of Oanada- · • For a puc~ot exl't>ediort one Foond ... 16 eeota !o'or eMb •ddi onallb or fruotioo of alb ... l6 rente Maxitunr. we ~-:bt ............................. 6 lbll Limit1 of dimeneioull-f(rel\teat ten~tb ... ...... 2 '' · Gret\tult length nod ~irth combioed ... .' ........ 4 h . ReUuced Poetage qn Letters-Local lettera: Sm~lo rate or pOIIrlgO for

every nanco or J rnction tbereol ...... S ccota Leltera posted iu St J uhn'a for city delh·ery

-for every ouoco or fractiou thereof 1 oeot In•uranco of, Parcele-

P il roels trunsmitte.t hy P~~rcel ·Po11t to the Unitt>J Kio~Jnm uud tho Briti'lh Coloniea with wbicla thPte i11 PArc·ot Po'lt connection may loR insur.-d, Rnl~j f·ct. to th~>, pttyment of tho follo wiu!; fees on amounUI so insurf'd :

On nn t\tnClun~ not cxcP.rdins $24 ... 12 ccnta. On 6 \'Cry additional $2-l- or fraction •

thor co f ...... .. ... ... ... ...... ... 12 cents. . Tho tlnlOu n t of insurance on any one Parcel

sbull i11 no cnso exceed the sum or; rwo Hun· drcd anu Forty D olla rs.

' J . 0 . .FU~SER. P.!Jf.C. General P os t Office, ~L. J ohn'11, } 3112i

July 21, 18!!1. •

Custom - TaHorin~. "WILLIAM RYAN

Begs to intima~ to the public tbat be bas lately moved into •be tlouee. next ooor to l\J r Stratbie'1 Tinware 11bop, oo Wutor Street. Havips:! bad consider"blo experience in Caoada he is prepared to u ecute all work in tboroul(bly good atylo and worlrman11bip and at lowa.t ratea

8"Satief11c tion guaranteed in all cues A 'trial order solicited.

WILLIAM RYAN, Tailor. Harbor Gr!ICO, .July S .


FANCY & TOY BAZAAR, 1- iaoriG Sttwt :

A fine selection of Fire Screens, frotD 20 ota. upwards, consisting of Soreena, Sbielda, Japan Fllns, Roalin and Golden Stan.


Satin Aprons, Silk Gr&l8, White Willow Shaving, Gold and Silver Stove Omaroenta, &c., &c. Hand Screens IUld Fancy Ocala('&, Japan Fans 3, 5, and 10 cents, Palm Leaf Fane-from 25 cents. Lamp Sba.des-from 10 cents. A large aiiBOrtment of Gla88 and Ohina Vuea Photo FramE\8 in Bra88, Wood, Pluab, Hand-

l)ainted, Crya~l, and Nickle-from 20 eta, A.. & A. BRUNLEES.

For Sa1e. '


Dwelling-Rouse, with Out­houses, &c.,

altoate on Vlotoria StreeUormelly tbe property of tbe late Cap~ M. Smar&.

P'or farther partloalan apply to D. A. FLYNN:

Harbor Grace, Marob 26, 1.891




of which we are the exoluaive mannfacLurers.

Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Phila~elphia. 1876 ; London Fish erics Exhibition, 1888. ·

W&od for lllustrat.ed CatalO,Ue.



PC>R. S.A.LE. Til AT


··DEAFNESS, - GEMETERYDECOR~TI.ONS eltaate at Pld~letoo. cooalethag of noq,e, Uaro, Stable, Cellar, Ootbonaea, eto. : Horee· Car Dray. C&rriasre, ••o Plow1, Unltlntor. Ru Plake, SboYela, H11 Prell, Treoail Maobine, k»f!lhtr wltb 11111dry other lrUolM too Dameroo.a ITS OA:USES. AND . CURB.

Bcteotl8oally treated by ao aarta• ·of world-wtde repata&loo, Deato .. eradlot.ed aDd eotlnl1 oared, of from iO to to'!.' tare• ataadlag. after all other neatme1;1C. baYe ailed Bow Ule dUB· oaltyla reaobed aod tbe oa011 remond. full1 ez­plaioed lulroulara, wltb afBdarita aed tectlmoDl• alt of earea from proadDilo& people, malted free

Dr A. FONTAINE. 84 w"' l•lb a,. fi.~. &Dd

-tar_. . • - J lrta.rble. Sootoh and Quincy

· ~tel . . AL~ WOJU~ •J•oa~ poder ptr10Dal •aPft'-

'Jaibo. • · · OOTPOR'l OltPZIJSIJJU ~phUeoUoD. UESlGNS forolabed by let.-or o&herwtae. CEMEN'l' '.fQOL8 aud Pl'fltr Batie for aale

8i5 & 327 Duckworth St., 8t, J' ohn'a. ·

P. 0: Box Ui

J. A. WHITM.AN, custom Tatlorbi*·

WIP caarantee Jmt W•Jaaa~ aiUI 8!J.., Gtft ... oau.

. Ota~ ............ ..,, --$foB Oorwr YN10rW -.d.,...., 8lrtA


lo mrotfoa · Of the Groaod 10 aaraa ar lonahed lanli ; 20

or 80 &Drll hay.faod T1!e 0 'l'lrl IP ex­tent of nearly 800 aorea, a larp por oo of wWob .. lleully·tlmberad Nlae nrletr o Vrul t Treea ~Pial!l, 4-pple, aod Oberry

A II or a portloo of 1a.e abo•• wlU tie •old to aah porohllPI'J · ' ·

Apply oo tblfl'ramlaea to the Proprietor, • "' F. Pll>DLE,


Vimoria Stru~ ;I· Harbor G1·ac4.

The Sobleribcr bas now on band and for ule every requiloite in the Forniture line, manufactur­ed ou the premises frorn sound and. •euooed m11terial.

lledateada, Burcnua, Chairs (all kin•) Sideboards, Wnt~bstnnda, Wiudow Polea and

Ringe, Sprio~ Beds, &c., &c. ..Bedroom Suites, ml\de to order-from 910

up"arda. Ot!IJr Furoit:ue made to order. UNDERTAli.ING :

Hnviot.r bad twenty years• &xperieoce io tbe undert:~kin'!" department, 1atiBfaolion iu eYel1

. pnrticulaT is ensured.· ~ANCY GOODS AND STATIONE'iY.

in tbe Fancy Goods Shop, ooouected witb tbe Furniture Store, can be had Fancy Uood11, Boob Statiooery, J ewellery, and n geoer&l aaaortmeo' of amall ware.


THE rweak Digestion, -

OLD ~~y 1 Lo~s of A~petite, l Biliousness. &c.

Sold by all the Dr~tggists.

"" Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Prepared ~y

~.C. C. RfOHARDS & Co., Yarmouth, N.S.

T. W. CI~AGG, 180 Duckworth St, Sole Agent.

81'. JORN'S. ' Aua 16 -21w,Srn. \

OENERAL · .l••~•-• Geapqf. .,...


·&lSTABLisiE» A.D. I&a?J - ' ll.I4J) 017108 : t '

10. ~A,liBON ~Diir, LoNDO~, R.O, ~ ...........

O&ptal =~•~ooo.-ooo ••

Page 2: AMERI AN;. TWINE UO., - Memorial University of … to intima~ to the public tbat be bas lately moved into •be tlouee

The tmporb.uce o1 kcop!Ug Ule bl oOd In o. puro condition " u lllversruly known, nnd yet Utero •, Vl!ry few llOOiliO who hn.,:o perfectly pure

blood. T he- t.:llnt 1>r sero(ula,. ~<all. rheum . or otber rout hiUliOr Is 1 credlted :wd lr:lnsmlttcd fOr gencr:ttiOII$, C;lWillli Untold Sulfcrlll{;, ltltd we :l.lliO nceuomlnto !JOlsou nud germs or Ills-en~ from the air we llro nthe, .tho rood we e:lt, " r tho wnter w u drink. Th e r e Is u o t h 1 n g mort!' CQII-

c l u•IV£'1y pro v e n t h "\n t he poll!tl v o llf \Ter t•lll.x,.l'<~lhM~o'lp:trtll'lo\'l'rall di~C;I.~<'ll (lf t!w 1-!• ··1. Th!o; llo('df<'hH·. wh•:a llllrly trlr . d• \-' e:q 1.·1 \'.'<·ry tr ,,.,. <•1 ~··t..Cuia ur !1.111 rht ••' '"' \'t·~ th•• t •• tnt whtch causc~ , r::t:orrh, •·•·utr:t'll''• till' : ..... u•y ·.n.~ · .,,. , f{\ rht:UIII .!1~·:. <.rt\'• o; .1 out t 1.(\ t> 1 a •{ mai:u-•. ., f.lhlQtl 1"·1· Sllhllll! ott. l .,: ... t•

vlt:lllz~~ . u <l l' n rlclil'~ 1 hu h lootl, lin.:- uv. rcomlu~ tltat llrc<l (CCII II ~, :u u.i IJulldoug UJl tl t l' \\lliiiC S\'Sit' ftl I hon!<.'ln<ls tesllf) 1o the :;upcr10iltty or i:Jt'llxl's S:ln-,,p.·u 1ll:t a:. a l.Jh,. .. t pu rtucr F ull lu!or­Dl:ltlou M <l Sl.ltt' l 11'111:> Of <'liTe~ SCUI f('CO.

W IJ' 11 I o.t. I' ··'. 1 " ' 1. , tr.l ·1.t,

)f t" l lf\,.\\,)LJ ~ C0 q ~h'-"'- ...rlC:I, .I.AI'-' h, '\,J.oo~ol • •

10" Dosu~· Do~ tar

' . 'h • < d l)\· a 1i111•':., . • ~· •, ! l u l lli=-' !-- la.nd­

:d'•l 1 ;repar: 1tinn .:\~ ha - hcPll

]'l' 1\t'll lry tlw illmdn·d.-; ·>f T t·~iitl!oni ::l :--: n ' c\·in·d h · the l' '!" ivt.•l :-- . 1r i ...: :w k ,·wwl­' i::< ! i _\ n ::.J:'. jli'Ot ninc nt r '\ ,..jr i:t: • tu ' . the most r. ·,: :!.;,. · ,·,•p:t":l " :! t·\'l' l' in-l'l ll; t:r-vd l<•r i .:. n•! o.: f nnd

:·::, , . .( '. ~ • , :nplaint.~,

:l: ;d .', · .·l'ti ty. ·'' ill th lic, ~:•n ~-~~,,: t. ''fl·!,c· < ·'!'f..· l :enee

o l t1\'t..· .· forty .Yt..·ar-... \Vhcn ~-~ ·:;ortt-d tn iu Sl'a-..o n it scl­!om 1:& 1L-; to ell'cet ~ speedy ~:1rc in the mo ·t ~evcre c·a:;es <~f' Coug hs, B ronchitis, l 'roup, \Yhooprng Coug h, J nil::·1n7..:l, Asthma Colds, o..:: < ~r•! 'f.t roat. Pain~ or 'ore­ness in the "hcst and Side, Li V<•r Complaint, Bleeding 1:~ the Lungs, &c. \Vis tar's . U:llsmn does not dry u p a U~.>ugh, .and len\·e the cause i>chilHl, as is the case w!tl:

· t.W!-.t prepnl'atio-rv; -.: .. -.. I t

loosens · '\ncl <'l .anses t he lttllfC', and allay. irritation, tltu~ rcmovi11g the cansc of tlw complaint.

T'llrr•-" ltLt> nT ~

!;:Tn. "'· FOWLE & SOll8, BOm1iT J.:u1., •• t • .l •··t bv Dru~:l:l•i•""""'~~runuali.J.


His - Place: CHAP.TER XXXI---ccmtinued.

Henry. consoled her. and asked her wba\ abe was going to do.

She said did not know ; but she had··a good bit of money put by, and was not afraid of work, aqd, in truth,· ahfl bad oome there to ask Mrs. Little's advice, ' poQr 13dy. Now don't you ·mind me, Mr: Henry, your trouble 1s a deal worse than mine." .

'Jael,' said be, 'you must come here and keep my house till my poor ~other is better.' ·

J ael colored and sa~~· " Nay. that will not <lo, But1f you Ct>uld find me aome­thing to do in your f;reat factory-n~d I he:\r rou have enem1e~ there : you m1gbt as wel l have a friend rignt in the -middle of them. Eh, but I'd keep my eyes and ears open for you.'

Henry appreciated this prop_osal, and said there were plenty of thwgs she could- do · she could h one, she could pack, sh e' could sup~rinte~?· nnd ke~p tho ~iris from gabblmg ; That. satd he ' is the real thinp: that k eeps them be­hi~d the men at work.'

So Jne! Dence lodged with a fem l)le cousin in Hillsborough. and fill ed n position of trust in the factory o~ Bolt and Little: she packed. nnd su_pennt~n?ed. ·mel the ff)r~man paid her tlurty sln11tngs a week. The fir~t time this wns !cnd_ered her "hf' ~aid severPl v. · 1:; thts n gh t, youn,; man ?' meaning, · Ts it not too much?'

' Oh. you will be raised if you stay with us three months.'

' R'li~ed ?' enid the virtuous rustic. Then. looking loftily round on tho other women, · \Yhat e,·er do these factory folk find to ~rumble at ?'

Henry told Grace all , about, this, nnd. she Mid. rather eagerly. Ah. l m glad ot tJ. at . You' ll have a good watch-dog.'

l t was a shrewd speech . The young w )man soon found out that Little was r('ally in danger, and sh e was all eyes nnd ears. nod no tongue,

Yet neith er her watchfulness, nor Ran­some's prevailed entirely . against ~he d evi I tries of the offended U moo. Mnchm­ery was always breaking down by pure :t::cident; sv everybody swore, and no· borl y bel ieYed : tbe water was all let out of the boiler, and th E\ boiler burst. Bands wPre no longer taken but they were cut. And, in short, the works seemed to be undf'r a cur:'lC'.

.\nd , Je:-'t the lrtt t: origin of all the;;e ! u.i~haps "hould be <.louLted, each nnnoy­' a1wP wn" followed br nn a nonymous

lcttE'r. These were generally sent to sent to Little. A single sentence will indicate the general tone of each .

I. ' A 11 these are· but fr iendly warnings to f':l\'e )•our life i f possible.'

~- · Jnever give in . I figh~ t~1 death , and with more craft and durltctty tbnn Bolt nnd ' Ransome. They will never "~we rou from me, if you persist. A~k other!. 1\· I ever failed to keep my word.'

:~. · 1 f I but move my finger, you are :!t:lll into eternity. '

1 leon· Little's nerve began to give wnv more und more.

~Ieantime Cole met Mr. Coventry. ~nd told h im what was going on beneath the surface ; at the same time he expressed his surprise nt the extraordin4ry forbenr­nn<.'e shown by the Union. 'Grotait is turning soft, I think . H e will not give th't> word to burn SebaPlopol ,'

Then do it without h im.' Cole shook his bead , and said he

unren't . But. after some reflection, be :laid there was a mate of his who was not so dependent on Grotait ; h e migh~ be t>empted perhaps tQ do something on his own book, Little being wr~ng with th_e trade· an~ threatened. How muon

I •

would you stand?' :' · How far would your friend go?'

' I'll ask him. ' Xext day Cole walked cooly,int o the

factory at dinner-time and a conversation with Hill one of the workmen, who be knew wa~ acting for the Union. and a trn.itoa in his .employers' oamp. He made Hill a proposal. . -Bill SRid ~t w~ a veTy serious thing ; lie would thmk of it. and meet him at a certain safe place and tell him.

Cole strolled out of the works, b ut not unobserved. J aei Den~ bad made it her . bueinesa to know every ~Bn in the factory by eight, a~d observing •. from a window, a atranier 1n conversat1on with ·Hill she came down and met Cole at the ,:ta~ ·She atarted nt sight o( him ; he did not exactly reoognise her J but, see~ ing danger in her eye, took to hi&'heels, and ran for it like a deer; but Jael called w eome of them w follow btm, but no­l>ody .J.DOVed. They gueaeed it wat a Union i:naUer. J.ael ran to Little; and told him that villain. who .bad 810A~ hom Baby Hal), bad been in the worlrt eollosolnl wUb ou Qf ~' men.

R&Dilnlie w11 -~ for, asa4 Ool• dtt· lOll bed


idle. A poliaeman saw a cutler and· a diqubed gentleman talking together. ancf wlcl Banapme. Be-set spies w dis­cover, if ~ble. what.that mtgbt mean.

r.r_.,u · in ~:tvening Pol7er.-U. S. t,ov't Repcrt, Ans. 17, 188g

One day the obnoxious machines were stopped by an e.ccident ~ the machinery. and Little told J'ael this, • and said, 'Hava you a mind to earn five .pounds a week?' . ·

.• • Ay. if I could do it bonesUy.' ' Let me see the arm that flnng Phil

Davis down-stairs.' · J ael colored a little, but bared her left

arm at command. _-.- . ' Good heavens I' cried Little. ., What

a limh I Why mine is a shrimp com­pt\red with it.'

' Ay, mine has the bulk, but yours· the pith.'

' Oh, come; if your left nrm diJ that, what must 'yi')Uf right be?'

'Oh,' said Jael, ·' you men d o every­thing with your right band; b ut we lasses know no odds. My left is as strong as my right. and ' both at yoQr ser vice.'

• Then come along with me.' Ho took · her into the ' E xperiment

Room,' explained the m t1chine to her, gnve her a lesson or two; m:\d so sim ple was' the business that she soon mastered her part of it; and Litt le with hi-s coat off. and Jael, with ber noble arms bare. ground long saw.:: tQgether secretly ; and Little, with BoTt's consen t, cbnrged the linn by the gross. He received twenty· fou r pounds per week . out of wh ich he hnd paid J ael si x. in spite of her ' H ~\\' can a In s' ' vork Le worth a ll that ?' and -similar remonstrances.

Being now once more a workman, and working with this loyal lass so ma ny hours n. day . his spirits rose a li ttle, antl his nerves began to recover their tone.

But meantime Hill · was maturing hid da rk de~igns.

In going home, Little passed through Qne place h e never much liked. It wns a longish close, with two sharp rectangu­lar t urns.

Since be was threatened by the t.rade, be never entered this close without look­ing behind him. H_e din not much fear an attack in front, being always a rmed with pistols now.

On a certain night he came to this place ns u:;ua l, went as far ns the first tu rn. then looked sharply round to see i f he wa11 fvllowed; but there was nobod y be- ' bind except a woman, who wa.a just en ­tering the court. .So be went on .

But a little wnY'd own tbis clo&e was a s tunll)mblic-hou:::e, and the pnssngo-door \\'1\S njnr, nncl a mnn watchinrr. ~0 sooner was Little out of sight than he emerged . nnd followed ·h+m swiftly on tiptoe. • ·

The man had in his band a weapon that none but a Hillsborough cutler woolu have thought of; yet, a s usual, if was very fit for the purpose, being noise­less nnd da ngerous, though old-fashioned . It was a lnng strong bow. a ll made of yew-tree. The m an fitted an arrow to this, and running lightly to the fi rst turn. obtained a full vie w of Lit tle's retiring figure not fifteen yards distant .

So well was the place chosen. thnt he bad on ly to discharge his ' wenpon nnd then run back. His victim could never see him.

H e took deliberate .1im nt Little's back, dre\v tb"e arrow to the h ead, nod was aboot to loose it, when a woman's arm was flung round his neck.

CH~PTER XXX LI. CovENTRY and Cole met that night

near a little church. Hill was to join them, and tell them

the result. Now, as it happens, Little went h ome·

rather late th.t night; so th~e confeder· ates waited, al~rnf\tely hoping nod fear­in~t. a considerable time .

Presently, somuthing mysterious oc~ cured tha~ gave tltem a chill. An arrow descended, as if from the clouds. and stuck quivering on a grave not ten. ynrds from tbem. · The black and.white feathers shone 9lear in the moon-light. .

T he more prosaic but quick-witted cutler, after the first stupefaction; sus­pected tt .was\~he very a~row dMtined for Little, and said so.

" And Heaven flings it back to us,'' said Coventry , and trert~ble.d in every limb.

" Heaven has naogh.t to do in it. The fool h rus got drunk, Bnd shot it in the air. An.yway, it ruustn't' etick there to tell tales."

Cole vaulted over the ohuroh-yo.rd wall, drew it out of e grave, and· told Coventry to bjde it. 1

" Go yoa home,'' •aid he. f'l'll find oqt what tblt Ufiii~CNJ'"•

Hill'• hlm baolt flO that the arro,­forty·flve, aud~, aa

.OWUAUK w defeoa bl 1ky, and came down hOm t.he place. . '

Bill dro't:

dr~ged and violently

at an angle of man looHd the flew u_p into the a h~dred yarde


and him under bor to the ground with ponderous '\iolence that his head ra ng loud on the pa.voruent and be was stunned ' for a few seconds. E re he quite recover­ed she hnd tn1ned on h is face, and h er weighty knee grinding down <his should­ers. while her nimble bands wh ipped off her kerchief and tied his bands b6hind him ina twinkling.

'o quick ly wa.~ it a ll done, that by t he t ime Little h <'·n.l the scrim mage, ascer­tained it wa!' \,. ;, ind h im, and came back to see. she W :'l , •t:t\led on her prisoner, trembling and crying nfter h er a thletic font, ann \'Cry little fit to copo with the man if h e hnd not been t ied.

Little look her by the hnnds. ' Oh, my poor .T ael I \V hat is the matter ? 8 as the l•lackgunrcl been insul t ing you?' And, not waiting for an answer. gn\'e hint n kick that mnde him howl again.

'Ye11. kill him, the villain! he wanted to murder you. Ob, oh , oh !'

She could say no more, but becnme b \'fl l,·rioal.

' Henry supported her tenderly, and wiped the blood from her face : and as se,·eral people cnme u p. nnd a policeman, he gave the mnn in charge. on J ael's a uthority, and be was conveyed to the st~tion accordingly. he and his bow . .

They took Jael Denct.: to a chemist's sl1op. and gave h er co\d water and salts: the fi rst thing she did, when she was quite herself. was to seize Henry Little's hand a nd kiss it with such a look of joy ns brot:ght tears into h is oyes.

Then Pbe told h er stor y. and was taken inn cab to the police-office, and repeated her story there.

Then H enry took her to Woodbine Villa , a nd Grace Carden turned very pale a t Henry's danger, though passed ; she wept over J nel, and kissed her. ; nobody could mnke enough of her.

(3mce Carrlen looked wi-lfully at Henry nnd said, ·· Oh that I hnd o. strong arm to def~.>nd you !' ·

'Oh, :Miss Grace,' said J ael, ' don't you envy·me. Go away with him from this wicked 1ourderiug place. That will bo a deal better than any thing I can do for him/

'Ah, woulu to Heaven I could t.his minute !' said Grnce,clinging tendor!y to hi~ shoulder. She insistea on going horne with h im nnd sharing his peril for once. : Hill WRS locked up for the night.

In the morning a pnper was slipped into h is)\.ltnd. ' .'ny there was no a rrow.' 1

He took this hint, a n•l said that be was innocent as a babe of a ny hnrm. He had got a bow to repair for a friend. and be went home t wanging it, WflS at tacked by a woman, and, in his confusion, str uck h er once, but be did not repea t the blow.

Per contra, J ael Dence distinctly swore there wns an arrow, with two white fea thers and one hlack one, and tha t tbe'prisoner was sh ooting at Mr. Little. She nlso swore th nt sbe had seen him collogaing with a nother man, who had been concerned in a former attem pt on Mr .• Little, a nd ca ptured, but had escaped from Raby Hall.

On this the magistrate declined to dis­charge the prisoner ; but, no arrO\V could be found at present. admitted him to bail, two securit ies fift.y pounds encb , which \vas an indirect way of imprison­int:t him until the As:!.izes. n

This attem pt, though unsucce. ful in one way, was ve't"y efft:ctive in notber . I t shook l:Ienry Little terribly; and tbe effect was enban<;ed by nn anonymous letter he reoeivt·tl, reminding h ir11 there we1e pi.Bnty of noi .. eletts weapons. Brin­sley had been shot t~·ioe, and no sound beard . " When your time comes, you 11 never t:now what hurt you.' The sense of a. noiseless assnssin eternally dogging him preyed on Little's mibd and spirits, a-od at lnst this li fe iOn the brink of the grave became so intolerable that he resolved ·to lhve Hillsborough, but not alone. .

He called on Grace, Cardcan, pale and agltaed.

'Grace," eaid he, • do you realJy love me?'

' Ob, Henry! • Do I love you f~ ' 'Then save me from ·t.hi8 horrible u­

latenQe. Oh, mflove_, if you knew what if is to have been a brave man. and w find ygur ooul'll• all ~ a'f~ under frtellng tbrea\11, taow, by u-PI~leDCllet will bit bJ: tQme


,PHCENIX Fire Assurance ~ompany


1782 TRUB1'EES ..t DilLEOTOBtl

J osepb W m. Ul\s:endale, Esq. Sriiltow Bovill, Esq. 'r .. e B on . J nmea Ring. J nhn Clutton, Esq. Oc1avioa It;. ·Coopo. Esq.', !II.t•. t : .:or~e Arlhnr Fuller, ft:sq. C·•arleR J:o;, G·oodhnr t, Esq. ill. B.hodo Hnwltioe, Esq. SirJohn Lubbock,~:ut., M.l•. , I". I ~ CbnrlcR Tho tUns Lucns, Eaq. <.:har ll's ~ln~.;uny, ERq. l'he l l on. E,lwin B. l' ortmnu. Uadley H.o~\rl ~lbith , Eaq Wm. J ames Thompson Esq.

HO . . DlREO'rOn J OaN ,J. HLOOllflELD , Esq.

1\ ILLIAM C. MACOO~ALD,~ l~ICASCJS B. M ACDONALD, f J &int Secretant.• ·--

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Insa'rancea agains t Los!! by Fi ro autl Lighto· ing are effected by t ho Compauy upon overy description of Proper ty, ou tLa most favorable t.erm•.

W . & G UENDELL, S t. JoHN's

:lfJt:nt.~ lor N Pu•fimudiaw/

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NORTHERi • . .

A.ssura,nca Compa,ny. ESTABLISHED 1836.


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Su.h-Aam t fO'f' Ha,-!Jo,. fha e1

• 1 ba .. • Pl!.,. '-17 f« tllo ablm ca-: bJ 118 - ~ oJ - ot U.e -nne ltlD4 IID4 ot lq •t&Dttbll ~~a ... bet~ co:n.1. 1IWed 10 llrODZ Ia 1117 fal\b

' lD 1ta etllca47. t.bal: J -.!11 ...-.4 TWO DOftLU ~ wllll a VALUALLZ TlUIATll!l; C111 Wa ..._ to·_, ta.l:ad wbo wUl NW 1110 l.lld.r J:XPA&II u4l'.O. ~ T . A. SLOCUM, M. 0 ., 188 ADILAID& ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT,

·' ·L ion " Hou-se, Watw Slrtt.~ Harbor Gracs. .

ACI4otDmodatfoo for Pu maatDt aa4 Trutlnt Boar-deN at Wla..aoablt c.rm1 , 8' s.v•• Rooae o11 u.. Prem~ete





Page 3: AMERI AN;. TWINE UO., - Memorial University of … to intima~ to the public tbat be bas lately moved into •be tlouee

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1~~-· C! ·:\ .. ·.:: :J. ( : : ;._ : .. , DU~. :~r\. : :~~ .... ~ . ; ... "";S~ ~ ·. _ .·." .... :

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~. i!: :J::; i' ;-A'·~ It 'I l. . :..: ·: 'I ~:.!

E~~?-;s, !:~Ul :;::.s. s: ... n, !l'::;, R~~ C.lJI,I.:'t···t!S:;! .

NEURAL..GIA ru:u T OO"!nACri!::.

S OL.D EVI!F:YWHt:fU:l AT 2GC. A GCTT'-6:,

---..,....------·------- ----·-·- ·~



COUGHS, C:) 1- ~f..:, C::OUP , CONSUMPTION,&~

BEATTY'S PIANOS- In use 0\~en~yte-

whe re. •Y

or U~<tl\ l ogtw . - .audre11s , DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washin~ton , New Jersey. Je2.6

BEATTY'S ORGANS-w~: f~r8c-:t~: logua. AddresJt, DAN.lEL F . BEATTY. Waabioglob, New J eney.

Nltl' YorkSu. .. ..

Tlae FreDCb utroDomer OUahle Fl .. marion eaJ•I the other day Ulal for &be put five yeara •.remarbbJ~ cllaDii~ lp the olimllte nf lt.~(l(' ha1l be··~ Ia proareM autl that both &J,e wiatere aoct flu~ sotnmert were arowiDl cooler: •

lt 1.- rrobably aaeleea to epecalate upoo the clim~ttin n llarie1 to which Mr. Flammarlno calla aueuti" " · • f:ltlftioieot time hu Dot el11p1~d nor have IIUffi<littnt.dllt l\ be~Cl III'CIImDJtted 8f>OD wbieb

. to b1ae ""Y lruatwortby cool'laliODIU to wb;•her tbl' .cooltr weather" of the pill few yeara iodl · cates a pormaoeot teodeocy tow,ard lower tom­peraturn io latitudea' 111 fAr IIIODtb of the Arctic circlt• ,.. those of CentraJ-EuroJ)('. 'A vory in­teret.liflll fact. however b.aa bHo clearly el· lahli•hrol, nllml)ly, tbsl tile northern limit of tho inhahitPtl o r i c h11bitable a re•" of ·.tho world Ia oow much fnrtlt('t son(b than it .waain put11gea; 11 11tl ~<oleulific ml'n 11t1 ributu tbia fact to t~o iu­cru~H•L' refri~~:~>ration of tho north Pol:lr rtk/iona.

'llte Paris Etboolonical society dirl oot carry out the porpoao it announced in 1882 or u­to bli&hin~ 1bo 1\0rt bern boundary CJf ,jho inhabit­ed world : bu~ t his worl! hn11 aince been ocoom­t) lil'bf'd vt>r~ c-nrtfully lly 11 German IZt'ogrnp laer, Dr Kurt Hr·a~ert . wh(l haft recently pnbliebeil bia book upon ··The North Potu Boundary or tho Inhabited snd Inhabitable World.'' In the map which accompanies this iotereatinl:! work , Dr Hueerl indiutea by n blne · line tho. present northern limit or human habitations. 1\0d by a red line the no rthern houndan of the forme r homes of m:wkiod. JO fAr ae i~ ·baa been reveal­t'rl through the ruins and remains discovered by exnlorers. .

fn aturlyinll thia mnp we fir~t obsen ·c t h11t ~ortla AmelitA is extt-nded by the c real Mchi · pela j::o north of it vPrv mnch forthtor tc>wArd the uon h 1 fll • tl.nn a1 !' 1-: ~! tCJ-Al'in l ir rr>flliau•~o t which# h 11t1 in t h<> tv. c. 6FI11 nrl~t c>f :\ on•\'8 ~en.Jin ira o nlr ilnl'OIIo nL pro lll"£"t io n tn<rorci the pr,le Tb~ LAr•p11. t hr :'nmo vrd11. t ho TcLnkchf'tll. 11nn other IIIC"' o r Euro. A~in to dny found olnO't' the northrrn coAllt line. T b11 o nly importMt trues of mao io tho Eaetero hemisphere, north · of tho p re11en r linl' ot ocCUJ>IIDCy, 11re fonnd in tho Siber ian is lnnd11. nortl-east of &he Lena delta. Theee or11 not inhabited, .tho ugh they certainly have been. -

h ia to Greenl11nd. therefore, and to tho archi ­pelnjlo nor I h of our own continent th:l~ we mo!lt look for co nclueiY'e evidences that cliroatio o r other conditiona have drivou man far aoutb o f Ual' r topiona be once oecapied.

'1 he moat no rthern pPople · or tho world, to­day are the hnndful of Esltimoa, supposed to be ahout 1()0-in cumber. called tbe Etah nati•ea who liv11 upon tbe w~t ~oaat of Greeuland. bo .' t•ePn 76 c!cll rl!t'll nod 79 d ejlreea ootb latitude. For w&ny year& nft11r Knne came borue ll'itb hi• vivid 1100 a bsorbi ng story o f tbe110 inaolRfefl o nliV<'8. lhey were auppo11ed to bnve built their Rt ont> hut11 oenJf'r tho pole tban any other human bein~a. W P kno w now, however, t h&t .Heuela, Nnrea Rod_ G reely fonnrl oomeroaa trtcka or bumnn ocauyancy as far north u the eil!b ty ­, pnrnlleJ : nud 1'.) IOnj:!. S!O WAS it th 11t thty bnih thr ir ln tts not! aledj!e&, nod hnuterl tho bear 11nd wa lrue in the fl\r north o f Grant L:lnd, thl\t t he E 111b nntivt>a of to. d ay hn 11 o nly the flimmest aud n•oet uobertafo tradit ion& tbat io tbe time of their rorefatbt'ra meo livt'd to to tbe uortb of tbPm.

Bot it ia tbe jlreat lsl~od11 near oor Arctic cent, 1111d io t he em111ler Psrrv islancl11, stil l nearer the pole lhst the moat atrikin~ evidences 11r e found that man fo rme rly li "ed bondrede of milt>& not tb or the m oat oorthPro homes be occupiee in t bst relliou .to-d11y T be prespnt l imit of human oo· cnpnncy skirt& our coast lioe from Bebriojl'a tea to a point somt" diet11nco tall~ of C ape 8atburat, ca ts t bronl.!h the lower part o f Prince Alt-or t lo~d aod Uo.>thin, and then. turning northeast, ekrrta the oorthoro shore of Baffin land toLancaa-1<'6 Pon rrl. ~or1h of th,is line, above which no natives nrc k nov.·n to exist , are abundant tucea of the ancient hAbitt"iooe of Etkimo. There, IPpn"'ted nnly by n 11 rrow ohl\onela. are Wollu­ton l11o•i_. Prine• Albert land, Hanke land, Mel­•ille ielaod, Prince ot Wales itlaod, the northern part of Boothia. and·otberialanda, on all of wLicb bae been found more or Ieee sbaodant nidence or former vecop• ncy. 'fhete remalnt con•iat aJ-· mott wbolly l•f atone• llid together io circlu .. nd nf the 1 uins of winter hn ta. aud they 11re fonnd ntually upon tbe eoatb ed~re• of the ialaode. Opoo the oc>rth aod wea& edau DO &racu hne beeo dlacovt~red of anoieD\ babltatloDa. Ulreclly north of our mainland, over ao aru embracio~r 46 de~reu of loD~Itade, cracee of former bnman occuponcy hue bHo dl•covered Ill ao ave'ra~t" d iat11nce of about SOO mlle11 oortb of tbe pre11eot nort hern limit of human lifo. There Ia no doubt howo•or. thst. partloolarly IDf north.wutera Amerioll t b11 ~ak imo1 o r to-day true) o n buot{n~ "liJICd itioa.l" .,,.,, C'on•lrler~ble dl1tanoe oortb of thil vreuut liiDlt. qf babltatlou.

There are from five to lilt tbou .. ad obaraotera lu ordinary Chineee. Each obanoltr repreaeot.l

Tac- SoJ>,;crihers, whit" thttnkiY):z t h .. ir numerous patr!)n a for past favoare. wiehee ~ call a ,word, uot. a letter, ulo oar, tonaoee. attent ion Lo followin g l ist, w which has teen added a few of t~e n e.,eet leading pt.tellt ---ml'tlicinca. lUI followtt :- D r . T . A Sloown'•

OXYUE~1ZED EMULSION of PUlUC COD LIVEit OIL. 11 JOU have any thaoat trouble­Uae iL Fqr ule by all druggtete.

LolfdOn Aug 27 -The Qrltlab eteamer Eldra1, from llalllmore, arrJnd "' Aolwerp to-d•J· On beard waa C11ptalo Aodre••• or abe dor1 M~!r.· Qlald, wbJah ealled from HOitOD IOIIJI t ime aao on a uao•· Atla'Dtio raoe wltb &he dort Sea 8er· pea~ n lleo by Capt, U.wtou 'l'bt S.. lf .. pen& arriYI!d d Covorack. to &oJll•b Obeooal, Aullal& G Some \!aye afttrlrard aa lnoomloa • • •••l reportatl lilt bell epo~tD &be Ue1'111ald a Jpo, dl•tanca frow tbe Eb.lith ooaa&. •

. ---A IIOitotJfto ''~rlmtater oiot dre.; oat

frops •be tsod, of a· Mllf'- tpldf! til.., &lto!l .. nd fonr \lao4red ud .tl'tr rantt of Jlltetcl qr aplder..Ukow:-t a .. ,u. allhl• ol &lttte q,Jie BPt ,.., be woyn 'fcl I' k--'•• .... , aod .. :1:: wor.. beial'ol a ......_ 8 •tMOI~ It fOr U.t weftWtofa..S.ol XlY.

· -!a B , Germ•or . ~ chlmae, 6rt.1 f•flt I blp lau beeD erected oi p~per pull, ehemioauly . ~to resiit C>lfQbQiliPD. ,

:....Sderen r;nn~.-;: . 0 ,, '• ........ """hi• i~ l croup, loftoenz,, o r , .,.. ,,.,t),·i••l! ~· " ' •·h .. n! IJ ,,.I • relief in DJC. \\'!~TAtt's U.._s,\)1 (tf \\ ILt. Cm~all\' ·wtQ.cb hu oow been in \Ut for n~arly ball t1

oont'orr. aod atlll maintains ita loog eatnbli11byd reputation u the ~e~~~ rerned1 for all dh uaaea of the &broa!• luoR• nud cht'llt.

~Tn£ MoST CollUON SI\\'LIOUT.-A ata r .

• Mu.t.tO,'fS IN Cu~·~Li.'lt of thoao . who I ba.o left moaey iu CloRncery, fret! fo r 8tl. SuaJ I and re~ if !!lerll its H••Y moo r• \' for ~··1u _ ,\ rltl:us J Chsncer,-! Cl11ito ,\:,:cocy. o9. Nuwulllll Slr··~t. 1 ~oodon W. _.____ • · 1

- hreda or lUlf e s: iML Ill I:u~llia CO\'C t in~ l!t' VCI\1~· thousand 11quare an ilu which wooll.l huniab I •uilicieut w ntl!tio l to providu all Ltu1111iB "'ith liub t for ten thouaaod yenl'l:l.

Probably no Modern MechciJle · . hiUI oLtninl!rl wiut'r uotorioly, \Yi t r•irtn &·iv.•n time, : thl\li t he rc'lllv wnnrterful SLOCU~I'S OXY· j (:;g_NIZED • E~IUt.'o\lON ftf PUltE 1 \) 1} . Ll VEH O I L. T<• su!Terera froar. lou~ t r<>n btell! wo aa.y : tai:o no otber. As nlf d ruggiala 11cll it , j i t 11 ORally obta_ined. I

Tu& Pt..oPL.~:·s FtRESIIJP. .lom:NA I. , t ho un·o.t Story ano1 f'Amilv P~oper. 32 p11J(t'8, L·•r(!uH l'I!II•·Y ! Pop~!r in Eug land. tip lcurl id S tOrt<'ll. Co .. nc I Cutt inl!ll. (;IJildrl!n·tl ll'"od 11ousetoold C ol t:rn a.s Smart. lll nstration~>. Exchaupe Column. (;rupb. : oiO'-'Y Grt~ncl l'r~' l!li nm'l. Orett l Ad r('rt i~·~ou . Medium, lu. ?f s.ll ~cwl!n!.:"" t l< aa.fl !:in ilL 1 '

l:)t"lls; po~~ fn:t:. :?d from .:)!1, ,N .,wlllt'u t rt•.,r . I Londou. \\ .-July :1 1. ly, l1w. 1

IJom : t:L'CE l Ot: l h :.\ 1"''\l:.SS-A book 1.\ 11 u.-a·ll • Aornl Surueoo . desori bin~ a eysteua of curiog D rnfnese and Noises in tho Hend, by whtrh a aelf-ouro ie effected nt ho111e. TJ.o Ru\' D. \V . H Harlock, of tbo P nrsoonge. Milton · nndor Wyc n . wood .' wri tee-·· Try tho ay111em by oil tnellus i~ is ftn~t-rntu, noel b11q beet. of rh.., ulmo<t Ull'iC'I'

t o me." l'oat free 4d.-De Vere & Co . P ull" liabera, :.!2 W an"ick Lane, L ondon, 1:.: C.-5in~

- Wbnt would el!ga he if they 'l'ero c.11lcd •• bt:l:(lt8 •·?-'l'ht~y would be egcr~-aspimttJd .

The Beauty Standard. The atnndard or female lovolioeu \'nli ~H~c rcnrl v

in diiJereut countr ies nod with indivirl u11l tnelt·s Some prefe r tho plump aod buxom type; soml' ndmire tbo "lt.oeer and Rylph- liL:e . nnd somo t ho tall and qnecoly maiden. Uut. amen~ nil people o f the Caucaeinn uce, one point of ueanty is nl- j ways admi re•l-n pnro, cl ~nr R!; d Rpotll!l!· com­p lexion- whother the femnlc be of t hu !.:c ude, j brooette. or br.zol-eycrl t ) pe. This ·rirnt 1. rt:'lt reqoest of lo \·elint:M can b n 11nred only hy n pure tilnte of t ho blood . ncti \•e liver, cno(1 <~! ;•e · tito and di~t:etiou, all of which ora ~tcnrerl tn· t bo uee ol Dr. Pierce's Go lden Mcdic.1l ll i~co\·l:'ry. lt. i11 ~unr1111l •r•cl to nccomplish till that ill r iRitnerl I for it. (Jr ruoney r t:fu ncletl . If yon would h \'C n clcl'lr, lnvcly COfLI lt•'tiOll, rrt'e f rfllll erup•i•m<.


moth pntchu, "P"'" na11l hlemi'lht'o. u q... the ·• Cio lcl••o ~l cLlic3t l>isco\·t·ry."

~l:ljor \\'illraw McK inley, of hi~:l• tnri!T fntno, kno.- ~ how to pruent the currency q•t ·at iou in t .. a G ni ti!d Stntcs in a nent aod cu•oprchoa..t\·c m:~uner to an Ohio nodieuce. 1o Lis 11pccco Ill Nile.,, in tbnt s ratu, on Snturclay . hi' s.1i :

1i9rman syrup"

We have selected'l:wo or Croup. three Hoes fr9m letters

freshly ·re~ved from pa­rents 'Ybo ~ave giyen German Syrup to thcsr chtldren m the emergenc;ies of Croup. you will credit these, because they come from good, sub­stantial people, llappy in finding what so 10any families lack-a med- • icine conta;ning no evil, which mother ann administer Wltb con­fidenCe to the little ones iiJ. their most critical hours, safe and sure thn~ it will earry them through .

.EQ. ~. WU.LlTS1 of Mu. jAS.W. Kouc Almo, Neb 1 &i ve it Daughters' College' to my children~e·n Ha rrodsburg, K y. i troubled with Cropp hnve depended upon aod tiew:r !laW :tny it in nlll:IC'f8 of Croup prepar::'tlory oct lik.e with my little dau~h­tt. It ts Mmply mt· ccr, and find it nn m -raculou~. valuable remedy.

Fully one-half of ,our customers are mother.; who use Boschee's Ger­m an Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the suddc:u and terrible foes of child­hood. wlwopnigcough, croup, diph­theria aud the dangerous inflamma· tions of delicate throa ts and lungs. @ ·


llypophosphites or Lime and Soda.

1 No other E:nulsioa is so

1 easy to tn~-e.

• !t doe~ oot separate nor spoil.

!tis always sweet as cream.

I T he mo~t :>er:sitive stomach 1

' can retam 1t. I ,- ., I CURES

I' Scrofulous and vVast ing Diseases.

I' C11ror.ic C<'u~ · h. : i Loss of Appet~te. 1 ' Ncntai 2.nd Nervous ! Pre~~ -.:.'~ : c·::. i General Debility, &c. fi i

I i:r.:w:.·· v::-:1 itcitat::>ns. Ask for ::..!:A •2:_ C· ·~·" i::::dsio~ and refuse • ..:1 o:l.w~.

•• It does not taltu n very '' isc tunn t , aec that !' if a dollar worth ooly 80 ceotA wltiusic :ly. coin'Jd wllhou~ limit, is mild~ :1 It I''" t(;• clcr to the nmoun ' of its fnce v:unc for. t bu p ) meut or all dcbt8, public nod privR~e. a lrcnl tcud~<r in I • " ?r. IC!': (;O•· . J'IN D ~ P:: F: BOTTL E.

all bu~io~ trauc;actioua among th ~ pf,oplc. i~ !..__._ • • :::·=============---will bccoiJ'Ic in timu lho cxcluaivil ci rcn lntiu~t - ----

medium o f tbl! _country .. G old \thicb is ;lit !•Cr I ~ ~f\: ~·:.n ·.~; rl: £;',;.3 ~ T s ' c~t/11\ore ,.nlunble on every do lll\r, will not 01.1 J; .., !j ... :< 1 h'Jil 11 p11id o n t in noy lmo&:lctlo n in tbis country \\hen 1 ... i.l t.l

80 ·1 l ·11 I W~·n l u)- 1 cu.: ~ l d.., n ~ UK.~n mcrdy LO atop t hem

no -c.:<>nt 81 v~r dol 1\r wt uuswer t ao purpo~o '"' • •=~ ~J ' "" '"'~ ' "' '" ,.~.,,, .atn. 1 m ..... n"' N ·11 tl ba 1. b 1 · · n.Jl..:al ~uu . I !.a't- .,...~ UHt dl.~..-4 o! )JTS. .EPlLEP-~ or vrt tc c:: reeu c... e oug tu r ~J r urtuj.: to !SY . , HU.I!•' ' :ilt"l\~K!ll! , llf<·&.nc: •tu.~r. 1 wu""'' tbe treaeury for rcdt!mprion io I(Oill. We ~b:\11 ~t~lf!'~~ :;'~~ ~~ ,:~~,;a~-:d1'1~a:b~~~

o oor bnsine~. therefore, with abort dollnr11 ~tor ~~.~i:~'~ :.J~s{.~~flgr.&.~7 WalUbLo rat.hl'r tban wllh full doll~ra. sa. we are no:v H G. Ro_oT, M . C. 18 6 ADELAIDE ST. dotol!.' \.v'EST, TORONTO, bNT;

W bioh ,bows t bi\L ~1r.jor MoKiulcy nnl only I ' anderllt!\ode tile eilvor queacion. but th u lto•· Que/On l~sura c c publiCAli platfoortU,IIl tJ t rtat t he country ia likdy \;1 II n a ompany, to bellt from hiau lar~cly iu bo tb coooccti<>ue.-j --- -1 oronlo Empir~. __ . __ ·JAPITAL,-£2,000)000 Sterling.

Ice W a t er. - Doctora Diaa~roo A oelebratet.l pbyeician eaya ' 1 All tc~.~ -water

dti ~tkiog i111 bad," 11lao that "a seve re bl o~r n poo the l!l'tiy ja1t O\' tr t bo eo lar p lexnx" (whioh io good Um•ed Statetlon;.. uasce toeaoe ao imporhnl portloo of t he nerro o6 eyatoru locatllcl joit h!!Ck of t he Momaoh ) • JVIII cauae alwoat inalh ut d t':nt'l.' 11nd be fu rtbr r uye " tbo aodllen ebook cou•ed by a de)ujle of ice-water Into the etoau~ch h111 ,.t . actl1 tbe ~me effeot. upon t be aolar ploxoe aa t bll blo"W, ~ni may cauae audd eh deatb~tl Mlion opoo It and tbrouub tbatou the hear : other eqasll)' celebrated pbyeloi11n ·.ay1. "Any lotion which ooqan\ifiedly aay thac oold drinka are bad end ho~ t.l rloka ore good ma1t b& tlbenuJ " n.ot.! fu rthe r "cold eater gaatr io eecrotion , therefore do no~ amite at your friend ba03u~o hb tblak11 n half-~lau of ice-•ater before eatio~ ai•ee bl,m au M{>pctilt\ And ~elpe hl1 digessioo." I~ ooolinuado• we •Ill .. , . -d~iokiog ice. water lo eoploM t\ra .. k{bta whoa ovor-beated Ia iojotlooa U aot daoaerope 11 uDdeolable But that tbe (roo drluk!r" of w•ter lo eoroe form tu bo~ •e•tht~r mua\ If" "'olde~. 11 deoM»e, ooCS It ouo ollhO llt&dteat 1 poppl• r ltrOI'tleUtsot \\1 be a a

r.rton lt!J ntp'"ua h'til1. a YOii emoao\ of water 1 1irawn h om he body, wbleb tDDa~ b. reeoppll­

ed. or freat iqjo~y 11 bela. dooe, tbe ph}'~tlu'l htaltb. and t.l•• foaDdatloo of IOfltft of the corac for1~ of Kido~ dl,.... li ~lollalowly but •ure­ly laid. Uo ¥~ drbik loa·oold wa~r, but pure oool.wate_r ; a '"'• lemou-ji&loe •Ill lmpron tt. alhO!Ire~eo Plain eoda iawr wilh a IIUle 11014 le alto e~eU•* io hot ·w•ther. .f lrom driot ­lal too milA loe-••'-r 1oa baYe etom64b triiDplo or.,. ""'ter-lbned" u h i1 oalle·l, qr are ~ed •l'b Cbofin morllue. Saramer

or do o~ r,. ...1tll4f~ld.-.alaai1W


- ASD-



TWli:~TY-NI~lu Al.~~U.AL REPOllT, fhe llepot·to anu Accounts tor the year

1886, pl'esontad to the Shareholdera IH the A.nnu~tl Mooting, on Thursday 6th May, 1887, showed iu the


Thtlt tbo Protuittros for 1886, aftor tloduo. ting, amounted to t601,64-9, and the L~o to £863,494 i or 68.76 per cont.

~ f~ THE ;LIFE BRA.NOH Tha.t. New Polioiea bad been issued 'tor

£268,990, yielding in premium .£9,9HS, and tbac. tb~ totai nett premium incoane wu £82,• 314. That the payments to poltcy-holdera •ere l43/7·U, ana tbt the Lite tuncl. wu h orcRaed by .UO,OOS,

Tho &lance at Oradlt of Pro6t ~d Loa. •fifr adding .£28,000 t.o &he l'ii'Q Fund, .,.. tbown to • moont to £13,,1.96 10. 4d ad "'"' di.Rpoao.lo o( u folJowe :- ' 1!11 ,OOIS cs o ~or Dlwsa4 u4 Bouu

18,701 1?' 0 Added to BJJUft 1'a4 aa4 10,... I ' Oantecl ftlrilutL .- '

THJii'Otm8' • Were 1hown th~ t.O itaDd •tonow. :­

Paid up ... JleiBY118

. .


Page 4: AMERI AN;. TWINE UO., - Memorial University of … to intima~ to the public tbat be bas lately moved into •be tlouee


iau• ..... --uo­


TUESDAY, StP fE~fRERa;s9'"L ...... _ .......-.~~ .... ~~""''""'"t""'~ .................... ~,, ........ ~._~ .......... ~

THE HERftiNC fRADE. Wh&t La~ Dtea%»~• : .t

Ou De Still ~· IN re~nming ourt rema1b tO-day in re-:­

apect to ~he.•aluab)t, no' yet · .. appre­oiat.o<f nor folly dt-Jeloped Herting FiRhery of ForLnne and 'Placentia Baya, we wiah..-for the benefit eepeoial!Y of ~hose of ~he people in the abo•e diawiots more immediately con. cerned...-to endeavour to point out briefty what baa already been accomplished in the direction of preparing the herring attet• ~he most appro\·ed, mos~ modern fashion-with ttie aalisfat.ctory reaul~ that, viz., band,~{De prices ba\"e been realize0 for the toothsome pro­dace. The first remark we make is this : A abort time ago, as doubtleSII will bo · remem· beret!, energetic, wideawake Fisheries Commission, desiring to try an experiment iu the exportlltion of herrin~ cured and packed in approved style, direct.eU lfr. Nielsen, tho eXJ>Arionced Superintendent, to proceed to SounJ Lsland, Plttcentill. B"Y• and t.hero t o have a certain numbel\_prepared in tho way in which be regardMI most suitable for the foroi~n ma rket. Consequently be had 100 barrels mado of birch, with iron-hoops, at a cost of ninoLy cen ts each. H e per11ooally superintended the Cl\rf\ and vackiog. A nnm· ber of these, we furtt.or lellrn, the Coruruission decidMI to send to H mburg, New York, and Chicago, in order to tost the market in iiffer· out places. Telegrams from the two first mcnthned cenLrea subsequently received in­clicllt.ed, 'tis pleasing to know, th&t tho her· ring v.ere landea in good condition (baneltS sound and full of piolclo, and well paokAd) ; tbt1 fish, it seemR, wAre conaiclered well cnrftcl, aud not ovol'-llttlt.ed-all destrable deaidorta. N &ee&lllrily, tbPrelt>rt', they sold readily for over five aod tbreo quarter dollars ($5. 76) per barrel-w Pich CAn by no mORns be oon­sidered a small price, when regard i'l had to tho ciroum11tance that tho horriug wore not of the best quality, bning "deficient in ftttoess' -they wot e lean or "spent" when taken, h aving spawned bPfore sppearing at Sonnd !slant.!. In New 1; ork, be it also reme'Dber· of!, still better results were ol>t.aioed ; tho her• ri ff~' sold at. once for se\'Pn do HarP ( 3 i) per barrel-with, satislact.ory t o know, "an in· qniry for more."

.All this, surely, is sufficient to show wbat c~n be dono in tho improvement o t our va)u. nble herrin~ fishery, by th<' omplo.5 r..eut of skill sod the adoption of j nJioious mea~ctrAS. ' Vitb the simvle expMiments that have alreRdy been made, it baa been clearly ea. tablished that tho P lacentia Bay herring, even when taken not 11t thei r beRt, will, if properly put-up, bring n•muner:J.ti\·e rates, in tho out aide market. F Jr. we learn further, it is osti· mated tbiLt. from the rri•tCS rf'ILiizeu in Ham­bnrg a clear profit of one dqila r a aarrel c11 n be secured I WhaL great enc~ragement a!.ould t his afford especially t.o the peo!Jie morn im­mediately_ concerned ! After t.lai11, who will venture to deny th"t the ploo.llin~ (M N men · tiooed ttbo\'e is suilicienL w sho w beyond 1111 qnostion that; were du ll cure• bestowed on prepara.tion for mnrht of the tt111ty tlah, much time would nut Plnpse ere the Now fon~d ilo~g Fishorf could he 11111de to almost'~ in value and importnnu' its a~ present lar~,:er and more pretention .. 11istor branch of tho Rtaple traclJ-tbe honour ed nnd anci6Ut <A>d 1-'i:chery I That it can IJ11 dono admits of not much it any doubt. When will the firat effort be made 1

THE BEHRING SEA MATTER. . Taufor ohvioua rel.ltOns,too well known to

need repetition here, hu an interest for our people. Tbe dieput.e1l point in rol•tion to tbe aeal tieberies of the a bove Sea i11, aa the reader ia aware, now, or at lout aoon will be, anbjeot ot arbitra~ion. Sir Oeorl{o Baden­Powelf, .M . ..P. for Liverpool, and lk G. M. Dawioo.F.R.B.,of toeOaDP.dian Geologiod De .. partmont,are tho Engliab Oo3lmiuioner• . with

'Mr. Aahley Froudee, aon of the bietoruan, aa Secretary. Wbile the American aro Prof. .llendenball and Prof. Merriam. The ttro tira~·named gentlemen have for aowe time put been vititing t.he ialanda and all the principal atatiOfUj frt>quented by leAlon~, ~.rbey will tbua, it ia expected, obtam a auf· hcient acquaintance wit.h ~e detaile of tbe ae&l·bunting buainea, and alao wi'b tht~ needa and iute ... tl of tbe aealer11, to be able to mee~ the American arbi~raLon •• expert..

Sir George, writlns from Pttbylof!' hlanda, UDder a 1'8etD' date, 1~111 I 1

' W 8 h11 Y8 in• '' 1peoted all the rookeri .. on t·h• I'n1•ylofl' ., lll•nci• ·, ftfty eobooner1 bavw bien ••rned '' uul ee•eral aneated." Bu& tbe arreat;Jq~ ballaM wu, . it ~ ao• ,aniJDed to one aa&ioeaU&1 •61"11J-Pri~ eobooaer~ hanna ...._ lliMd by AIPeriMa e&eAmera •lad Ameri• .. Uld Brideb b1 a .. ~an ......... ~. of, .. .....,Q4-aaaaecl ••• ~ clay ..... bJ tM B .... Dl iA &IM open-. ~Dd &MD .. ,.. &okrb, .... lrid&J'• pcabll,t ~

Bdtllla (Ooluabla ~Moone W .._ ........... -n ...... ~~.,.~~*.-1 b-~---

(raox oua araow. ooaaaoaroari.] . -be OloGJ:aa ~,. of ttullam•'•-TM Very Laqre llama. VGM4 -~ AJ.IaD. Uae Anomal:y.-TIW .,_. ~ -111' Jrow. a'E'd ViDoa&•e X.... 'V'Ielt -'&m!pa&ion from Newfoua41u4 and Ita After -..uue -The ~'7 O.&oll O.....W-Tbe OoJDine Vt..itor,-TM J.obDd.for LoaD. -( Co.CZtld.ul)

Lo11doA. A14g1Ul, 18, 1891. Parliamaot io the lut daJI of &he aeealoo har­

ried oYer all amoao& of bulioeaa inolYioe mil­lion• 10f expeadlture, with a oelerity tbat fairly -.coniebed oarefal lullioeaa people. Tbe lm­peodioe diaolutiqo, the loo~t .... ion, the water· iog place~~. 'be ~e wea,ber aod flrooee oo • the 12tb "-. oombioed w make memben

11oxio1111 to leue wa.Tbo old daya of oritioi11m of lioaocbrt expendi are 6eem past aod ~toue. Forty roilliooe •oted to eoablo lri~b pouaota to become owoera of laud. by buying ou~ tbo laodlorda ; other few miiJiODI •deYOted to free education of a limited kiod ; ~nd io tbe lut ,!8 hours of the I!OIBioo tbe Iodiao .Hudl(tot for 2~0 williooe or Uritiah aubjecta wu roebed lhroullh a House or I~ tbao tiO members!! Verily, tbe proaent J:dOeratioo or ldgieJatort know bo., to Jay OD tbe taxes! On tbo •ote for lbe Pou Office, llr. Mortoo, M.P .. uked tbo P.M. Oenornl bow it wu tbat in a lioe of eteamers subsldiud by 1 bo British Go•ernment discriroioatioo in fares aod freil!tbta wu permitted, ae in tho cue of the All au eteawera runoio~t to St. J obo 'a. N F .. \It here t"o I(Uioeu more per head upoo all olutea of pu,eojlera w•s charged, than of tbose goincr tu Halifu. althou~tb tte distance waa ruucb aborter. Mr. Raikea replied tbat be bad ootbin~t to do with pa.eogor.fares; tbey could beet be J ealt wicb in the local legialature wben malting a oew cootrao~

The Freoch Fleet ia expected IlL Portsmouth to-morrow. h will be reviewed by the Queen. the officers aod men wioed and dioed by tho .\'laoiCi!Jality, aod Jobooy Urapeau'e bl\ok. will be smoothed dowo, and he IUIIIUrAd that not J(uaaiA but Eojllaod ia France's beet friend ! ! !\lean while tlte Freoob war •euele io the Gulf of St L'l.wrenco bue been feted at M.mtreal. and tbe officer io command bu uenred tho Cnoadiane tbat tbe beet feelio~t uiata between rbom and tbo fiebarmen of the W nt Co•et of Newfoundland- it ia ooly • tbo polilioiaoa • of St .• Jobo'e wbo oauee trouble! I

So Mr Howard Vlooeot baa been with you -.ith bis Fair Trade tbeorioa I \V ell I if report soura truly, Ira bu not macte muob bead-way io C"oeda. Tbe atory ~001 that he telegraphed tbe hlontreal Chamber of Commerce to 6x a <lay for bearing ao Addr011 upon Fair Trade ; that body replied til at they not only ooolrl not, bu, would not, fix a day fat diacu11iDil euob a ltrreey ! I We ban oot beard moob of b;e ro· oepttoo in St. Jobo·a beyond that " deputation of mPoohanll waited upon bim at Gonrnmont Hoaee. l'o ebow the fallaoy of protection, in tile pruenoe of tho impeodinl( Eoaroity of rye io Ruut . the Gonromeot of tbat oountry bue probibiterl ire export to Germt.Oy or elaewhere. The Cferm'\o Goveroment ia tboroogbly proleo· t iooiat. but it propoaea to abolish the dnttea npoo rye and wbeu. to alloYiate tbo I!UfferiDill of t be poor! H proteotioo beoefita a oatloo. a ore. ly it ta oeedle11 to abolleh it io timea of dietrea•! .\lr HI)W&rd Viooeot reprueotl tbo town or "'ibeilleld, a great cutlery centre, whioh no doubt hu boen latl(ely burt by German llOOdll exported to tho t..;olooiu Naturally bo adyooatu- proteo­tiou for tbo ueoe8~ of tt.e one iodallry In Shef • . field . but all England ie. not to be taxed tor th tt benefit of one town ! The Toronto C:m· l'irt •peaks of Mr. Vinoeot beioq eorported by ~tuch men u U:lrd Uunraveo Sir Geo Uadeo Powell Staveley Hill, ~ir F. Youn~. Sir Julina Vollel. &c.. bot tbeee ~ron1lemeo, bowenr ttstitunblo io tbemeel•01. would bave to learo the A.B C. of 6naooe if they woOl ioto the mouey cnarkete of the City of Loudon-and .rot tbey 0 &0 fiod DO bot!er 8m}'IO.JID8Dt in lifo than to foste r the ecooomto bereeiee of a by-flODe day! l'he true l.nonial Federation will re1t upon heedom of Trade, aod tbe material proeperity of 1 he people.

Wo hear muob about the emigration of New­fouodlaodere, but ootbioR il aaid about tboee r~t­turoinsc from tbe Statoa. A Londoo pAper, bow over, draw• attention to " etatement from St. J oho·a tbAt there ar' alwaya a oamber of people returoinrc who do ooL find either Canada or the Unhed Statea aoi better plaoea to lin lo tbao Newfoundland

A tellif'&tD of 17th to the Timt• from St. Jobo·a 11atea tbat tbe o.\toh of fi•h bu been ... , . ly onrrated, altboqb tbe Labra<Jor fteberJ oootiou01 aood 'l'bla Ia aopplttmaoted by a tele(lram from Quebec where a eobooner bu tlrrlnd from the Labrador aod N. W. Oout of Newfotlndl•od, wltb tba oe• that diphtheria and loflaeoaa a,.. ttpldt~~~lo CID •boee ooaat11 that

· tbe people are ~~~ell aad Ill. •od ealferlor bsdiJ from ••a• of olotbJo~r. Jt I• a ar.-t pity the teloarapb oaoQ<n be e'tloded to tboee abor .. ; muob iulferloe mtabt be ob,i'ated amqna tbue poor people, whoae nmoteoeae tad Jooely life I& anew.rabla for muob of tholr troublea.

M r. ijopwood.ooe of tho o01oiale of the Board ot Trade. la lauloa tble week. •Ia New Yorlt. for c.uaada aod l'Jewroupdlaod Theee are the 11\tD we want to yielt ~~~ old yolouy. 'len of prao. t ioal Uporfeooe lo baa PJM, llOf doq&rioalrN like the leaden of 'be J!'alr 'l.rade ~eaaqa aod IIJJ· ~rial Pedaratloolete 'reedoarof QObao,e,aocJ llallt t.uatloo will do 111ore for tbe qolqoll)t t~ao all tbe plaoa for '' lmperlalt..o.n

Eoalleb papeN aaaoDttOe tb• arrlnl of ~lr Wm. Wblt.awaJ Ia li•· Jobo'e. wt&hoo• lbe lm· perl&l lou. la a fonaer le,._ I eqtt-..d e doabt wbe&btr eoolt a lou oould be olttatptd 1 ~ad I !ad 1!DUf penoae oooottted trl•b tbe OolqPJan ol optoloe It woald be a bit bardeo for ~· Cploor to &be UIDD of tar--. Pahllo opiol• &oo ~ ~ IOIMWiaa' adftrll&o loeaa. ucl tbe ~·~IM•IIIItd lOIII .., a lllle

of tba··IWMI"M"IO .. · IIDI*I INte · a ... l ... ll'tllllll ....... Op •• 1'ailktei ••• ,_ ..

~.:.._-:;;:;.... '* tllai··-~-

~ato1elcuatl&Mbtalaa llleiiiiiiiJMterPri.,to

........ .n.r aa.. ~tena or Jlancl Utllqllllll.. ' a.d .. rtlrlcl OOIDJJUilea. wl~ •tltq~naa. leo••Wola _. .ta.· .,.,. aod


. 'to·w. af&eraooD. .. ...... .. • .. Coar-qe'eboelloa ~ ,.....,....._.Boad. _ ..... llGtJ M. luded &Ilia 'kip. 60& qdl.

.utoa be:r total oa&ob for lbe atMOA 1760 q&a.. CJ.'be e. WM '!""'l!ifo --" latt few rid aad d..._.., ban tatea Ita plaoe. An DODD .iooR ... tlllw &U anae . barbarltr oo• aotae oo ha C .. lllmay oot be re­peated ' lo Barope la a aaore IH&bocHaal maqoer· io • lte of &be 'f}'lple A:IIiuoe ucl mlllaUJ I.AalllD" of PtMIII '

SMUT Ro111..LThe barq•· J'lora. Capt. flke, •blob arrlnd ben from s,aa.,. ,..&erclay moro­iog, made &he rao dowD lo 60 boare,

-Ooe of Meaan Jobo llaoA • Cn.'e fteb­"-men-tbe Colwu. • Germultod-pa• io&o 8L John'• oo Frlda7 af&aroooa whb her 11ero~ pipe. oa& of ordllr, Tbe clamaae bo•e•er. wu oo' .. rioaa aod .,.. aooa repaiNCL She lef• for Emily Harbor, Labrador. &he follo•lor .. eoioe.

-a.· 11. e. ·· PAimmoa. .. .....,. tricJa.J _...b, • brilliant eltokiO dlldiU ... alaa froii ~~aw •hlp. 'llUI wu lbe dni alalblttoia enr pnA here and lberefote It ... qaU.. Dcwei*J. n. ... foh.llpt, by wblab mtiDI aoy&ldaa wl&blo IDU. oao be eeea ia • mom•~-th!a J1abt wu .. -tbrowd Ia all direollou ; &be·~ Side bOle beloa Yiaable lo a ,.a&er d.,ree &baD bJ tbe na&anl lfabl The ~ ~~nmed by &be weter wba,atbe faU power o( &be oarrea• .,.. tlirowD npoo fa ftl lf&Dd aod be.D&ifal. The Partridge witl, .we aadent&Dd. lea•.• here oo Tbartday,

Got &Draefroro.a.e ooottmplalloo of &heae&blore '\od reade of lootlr d41&&ha Ia leolated baye aod harbon Ia &he Nonbera aDd Wea&era part of ~ewfouadlaod fi'OCD " la criPPt aod a&arntioo " ~to quote a death ootioe lo Ill• H. G. 8T••Dno Jaa& to btod)-aod tbeo wooden botr mea oao bl.•e tbe . bear• &o apeod all tbtl~ lllilllooa of 'reuuro oo lmp~eata of wat &Dd dee~ruotioo wbeo bOIIJ&Dllf" ealla for· ald for Uul weak aed ,.uffedow io all parta of tba world I "Tbe pooreet '\ud dirtlMt alum lo an Eogtlah to•o Ia noder unitary aod medical aaperneloo-aod oo mao Need die of atanatloo. . Bat ap lo tboee looely •Jiacee oo the Lallrador aod N. W. Newfoundland ;lipbtberia or ln8oenza aettlea dowo, aad awoepa wr~ttQhed J>f~Ople off ; aod the oewa 61tera ·lawn to .St. Joho'a or Harbor Graoe, all too lat;o-and bow mtloy Eogliabrneo k.oow or care About it ? Meautime tbe .lllaod i• hampered •itb antiquated trt'atiea. •blob forbid proKreu, nod tie tbo eountrt np·in a uaele~~ aorl eeoaeleu i•olalio~r; and .Hrilieb atateemeo, ~oneratioo after ;.!eooratioa profea tbem1el• .. unable to aol•e tbo difllouiLy ! ! Newfoundland willy~t bave to •to it hereolf, aod by aomo decided aotioo com­t'd Eo(tlaorl'a eoriooe attention to bor w•nta. In tbe d iplomatic world, tbe Treaty of 1718, io re­lAtion to tho ~o•foundlaod dlepu~. ie liko some of tbe old Obaocory oasea. affording eadleu op­portunity for arl(umeo' Aod fiooeee; uo real or sincere effJ rt ia made tn eeulo tbo questioo. Aa to tbe celebrated cue of Jarodyco v. Jarodyce. io wbicb Miu Flyte wu always waki~ a ll!Otioo before their Lordebipa, aod oe.or (lotting at­aeodltd to, eo Newfoundland comes bef.>re thei r Lordship• io Eo~:land. aod oo•or ~teu anytbiog •1ooe! A~ preao~ot. abe bu sucoeeded in ~tettio~t a point dl'otded io her favonr ; but their Lord­.. bipa. io Londoo will role .Dltler'll 110 tb~t no progreaa ie made. Too maob auentioo oaooot ho drawn &o tbo faa~ that tbo Britiab Govern­tllent ooo.eoted to tbe riaht of appeal to the Supremo Court of tbe hlaod oo the part of any Dll(,rie•ed Newfoundlao~er or other Britieb aob. jeo~ realdlol( lo tho Colony Tbere I• only t oo muob reaaoo to bellne that the oocoeuioo agreed upo~ hu beeo atulriR•d by aubeequeot arraoJre· weota at tbe ~oloolal OtBoe. and that no real oonce11ioo baa baeo made. Aa tbe Hill bu &o be ratified by t.b1 Newfooodlaod Legielature. it bebona .. ory •ott~r io tbe bland to eee to thia .roQtt important queetioo. Tbo eoemi01 of New­rnuodlao'd aro tbo permanent aralf of tbe Brlti•b Foreigu and Colonial Ofticea.. Tbe (.;olooiea will oenr ban fair play until tbiA permanent 1taff ie oornp·olld of roan with Colonial expori­eoo.,- not merely R C M.G 'a. but rooa of good practical koowled.t~ aod acqaaiuted with the "aot.e of the Colooy ! G A.

N ATlVE lNDUtrrRt£.8 F..NCuURAOE !-There appeared in lent ilisue an •dv. fcom tho Brick ~tnd Ttle Manufactttring Company, auuring the general public tba~ i~ ia now prepared to contract fur the doli\"ery of · any quantity of tho article-of any size or shape req,\tired. It is indeed at ill timoa a plea11ure for tho Jo::~tl jottroal to commend all enterprises having for their aim and oLjeot tho .growth anlJ extontion of lOCill induttriee of 81lch and every kind: It ia eo in t.bft preaenl instance. Roro i11 a company tba~ a energotiottlly en­g.agod in promoting t.ho manufaotu•e of an "micle which prior ~ thta bad for t.ho greater pMt, until very l'Poently, to be bronght hit.her troru abroad. Bu~ thia ifl now t.ht1 011~ no longor-tb"aulca to tho atore mentioned enter priaing Company. la it not, t.beo, de80r\'i of the utmost aupport-o£ the largo patr&oa~e of our buildera,ooutrRctora and o~hon~1 This, we are pers111ded, it will receive in greater meuure aa time prouedA. ....

By . 'l'e!egrapn. -o-

l:IALtFAX. SePT. 6 -Tbe Ne• Zealaad LeRi•· lature pautd a bill ~ivloa wowao •utae, •ltb the rlabt to become mernbera. •

h I• ooderatood tba• the Pore'• health oau101 aoeuloua

Tba dynamite faotort •• Whltll'ieeoo, Michl­po, nploded. Slxteeo ptraoltl ~ere blowo to atoroa..

Dall ... Oreaon, ha• baeo daetroya1l by ftre, aod a tboneaod people are bornel ....

ija•la baa botaabt all &be Saea Canal bouda abe ooohl ftorl to befp frnob loftaeoo-.. •

Emperor William IDI& •b• li;mperor of Aqetrla and &be Jtloaof SuooJa' Gopfrlta. oear Vleooa. Tbe Preooh pr ... r ... ol tbe Germao oelebratloo of Sedaa. .

Zola deolaree tb .. Fnooe (e. ready to &Yeo we S.Jao. -

Japan melle. 1/a tbe Oaoadlau Paol6o. are de­IIYared to ~odoo whltlo •••o~r-oqe daya.

~-TuRn M&lf l>aotrMID.-A St. Law'reooe dee­

patob of Sa,urday recorda •be mourofal faot tbaa tbo ftr.t of Septomber, at 8 p·m. t.bree mea were

oed. here by opeeuina a dory ia leaYing &belr boat to 110 to tbe wharf, • diltanoe. of 60 yarde. l'helr uamee were John Carpenter, of Keel,, Boouiet.a lhy, a~ed 26 Jean, Henry Ua~ffe". •~ted 24. William ·Sr.t.,eu, a(fed 28 , both of Bur­goroo Cove, Smitb 8oo::1d. 'l'rinity B~y.

-CntCKtT.-lo " mat,b at Halirax oo tbo 26'b uh., bot~oeo tho Mauaobuaetta elneo aod an eleven of tbe Waud'&rera, Chambera, ooe br the •ieuor bowlon, performed wooden with tile ball · lie bowlerl9 overa, 8 of wbioh wore maid­eoe, aod go' 8 wi · <"' .. for 1 ruu.. 'l'lle •isiti~~ team won tbe "' · c 1, but •ere defeated tbo next day by a tenw ol Garriaoo playora.

-FnOlf Ttl£ .STRAtTS.- The aoboooer J>rifk of North arri•ed hero on Sunrday oveuing from Flower·a Cove, witb a full load of fteh and oil Uy her we lear•l that tbe fiabery there w,.a nearly onr. She left Flower·,. Cove 00 Tueaday, DO aigo of berriD'l' was to be bad, Rod ood6sb wu very soarco-tbe tisbermen cooeequeotly aro doiog oot.hio~:, quite a oumber of sbaromen wbo were fi11biL1~ tboreabouta returo6d by tbe rcyoooer. Oo tbo \lll1ole, tbo fi~ber1 ~u be11o bad

BRIEF BlTT f 'utuoos.-A more Y,an ordinarily beuy gale or wiod suddenly epraog up here this foreooon, •nd wbil,p it luted blow witb RrCilL force ForluDiltely, however, it was of e'•nrt duration; nrovaihoR only from 9 8' ' until about DOOO. rho bt~rometflr (Mercoriel) in­tiioated 29.10. Aneroid : 28,66 The wiod waa from W S. W. Beyood a few trees wbiob woot do•o uoder •be fury of the •iod-aod, oot muob fartber damage reeolt~d. Nor pleaaiog to uy did the abipplog in port reoeln aoy ioj•tty­tbou~rb at ooo time tbe outlook wu cooe too briRbt. Tbo atorm wo learn, •a• felt aevorely up to tho ""&ward. No partloolara. however, bave yet ooroo to band.

- Smrrt o Nons.-l'be followlosr are tbe .,. rinla since Friday: Tbo P lymouth aohoooera St. Clair. C11pt.. :Sioolair, from Ca<li& witb Mit, tba PlutJiu, C•pt Stark. from St. Jobo'e, witb part ougo of brud ; tbe Frutl Girl, (;apt. Fog will, aleo from St. John 's, tbe Eli11o. Capt Cox, from Urid~:ewater. witb lumber. tbe Pride of IM North , Uaot Noel. from Flowers Cove. with a fnll load of tho at .. plo· produc,. aod tho barqt. Flora, C•pt Pilte, from ~Jdney, witb ooele. Tbe brtgt. Colfjtdtrate. Uapt Allao, !lOt in tbia morn­ing early from Sydoe1. eaoaping tbe beny broele of wiod wbicb prenilod tbie forenoon. She left Syc.Joey on Friday eveoiog, and had a fine run rlowo. All tbese Yellele are to Meun. Joho Muoo & Co.. with tbe exception of the tbird Jut, <fhio!l le to Me11r1. Patereon & Foater.

Tbe only olearaooe 11 the bril(t Kt1/l el, Capt. Taylor, for Grady, Labrador. Sbe will load 'hero witb fi1h , for the Mediterranean. Muter Frank. MoRae weot pa ·aeoger by her for Grady.

TilE BANK FlSII£RT.- Thoro bue been two o.r­' inle bero aince Frld11y-tbe M ary M ., Capt . Neill . to ~Ioa11r1 J oho ~uno & Uo, an·a tbe Htk•••c JJay, Capt. Keefe. beloogin~t to ~h11r11 I;{· U Prowao & Sot~s, St J obo'e Tbe Mary M reporta for 600 qtra (dry) aod tho He/nra May for 400 q tls Botb aoboooere got tbeiQ ftab on tbe Flemteb Cap, wbiob by long odds Ia tbe bea&· ftabiog ~trouod thie eeaaoo-io faot all tbe flOOd faru brought io llne been taken ttJero The JJarg M. baa eomo very fine fieb, tbu quality of wbio!l will iooreuo tbe output oooaidorably 1oore tbao le indicated by tbo batl. Oapt Neill, it ie pleaaiog lo Ito ow, bu beeo ••'1 fortuoat~. aod hie oatoh for tbe aeuoo--about 1760 qtle. (dry) - 1• oo~ excelled by any venel io tbe oouoJry. R.oporll lto•onr, eay that there are eohoooere tbat hue more , but their catobea are eeLlmAtet croly-tbe Alary JJ•• total bu beeo weighed out. aod lo her 011111 fil(aree oau·, Ue. Tbera Ia oo doubt tba\ • blab-liner ' ap to date btiODil to Harbor Uraoe-to Oapt Nelli. Tbe Ytllele out of thla por~ ban oo tba •bole done ••II, and lbere Ia enry proapeot of •beir tot.ala beioa atJtied to the.oomloa ta lp. The .llelelltJ May eo­oouctered a yioleo• aale On t:Juoday fUC aod !o~t four of her dorlee, and wu oooeeqaeotly forood to bear up fo'r bome. ' She report• barlor met 'be J . W Roblru. aleo owoad by l4tnn Prow ... teo day• "'lO ttlth ~00 qtle.

'fbe Gro~cr Cltrela11r/ a~S~rbN!Oile are oo• realty to leave rur ttrcir ba apply. dqold are reported phH>Ii!ul io all nodoR' In tbe

(ilr tbfl N .E. ~l, where abe will 11emalo c&,il e•err Freoob •-1 bu left aha' pan of &be lalaod Sbe carrie~ 6 fJODI, wbio~ are of tbe JatMt aod ~oat lmpro•td ~utrnotioo

-..-FeLL Faow • . ~;--Lut enciote. at • n,blfall, the watobmao at the Central fire atatioo ' wu telephoned from the Weat-ward ball that a mao bad falleo from tbe roof of a booae io· Rook Laoe (No. 6), aod •aa badly iojured medical uailtan~a belnrc lmmedlat~ly required. 'Tbe ftre­

·'llleo oottfil!d D.r. ~bcltoolte, wbo at once repaired to tb=oo, 10 company wltb another medical jleotl~m . Tboy fouod tho •iotim n!lcotiaoioue and ble ioR from the ea~a. aod, O!)OO e.nmioa. tion, dieconred tbat the buo ef tbe akull waa fraotu~e!J. The mao bad been etaoding twenty feec btgb opon a ladder repvriog bia booae wbeo tho ruog ~an w•y. aod he fell belpleuly downward: Hie feet and a portion of tbe body struck allatost the top ol a gate, and bia head foil upon tbe bud jlroocd ooteido. '!'be yioleoce of tbo fall wu oot broken to euoh a de~ree u to eave the bead, wbioh muet have etruck tho earth witb tbe force of tbe full derceot The doot.ora did wba~ lay io their pow'er to allo•iato hie con­dition, but tbe cue wu hopeless · tbe poor fol­low did o,ot reco•er tbo oea of bts ~peeoh, and al elneo. o clock be expired. Deceased, wboee oame II'Jamea Whelan, wu " married Ulet.c of family.-7'tltgra m ofThur8tlay.

F11o.u LABRADOR · -Two schooners bue lately roturoed bome from Labrador witb good (area. On ~aturday Jut Mr. William ~lyl)n'a eoboooer Flalh arri•ed "'Salmon Con-wt'll 6ahed. She · reports ~realtina the Joinco. of tbia port, coming up the Sboro-loaded. Capt. J . 0. Heater ia to be CODRratulated oo hia good luolt. Tbo Royal Arch. Capt. J~b Goue. of Spaolarda Bay, wu aleo apokeo to at Sango ltlaode, with 600 qtle. aud atlll fiehlolf.

Mr. Ell Daw'e aobl:'ooer Clipptr arrind at Bay !loberta on Saturday. She baa 900 qaiotale. fbo aoboooen N .. P. Utriltian, t<' John Dawe •irb 1.000 quiotal~. and Wavtrly, to Heorj Uawe. wltb 6W qu•otr1 l1, bue aleo arrhed at Hay Roberta from Lahrador, Tbey rl!'port two ot.her craft, oo tbeir way bome with equally good tr~pa 'l'be Chrutian left Looll Tick If' oD...tbo let inllaot. Sbe report• boats 80 to 120 quintals Trep fiebin2 wu tbeo onr for tbe aeaaoo tb~ catch for those osiog traps a•eragiofl from' SUO t~ 600 quintal• each . Tbe Captain of tbe Chri4-l lan uw ao•eral crAft well fiabeC:, and a oumber poorly flehod. Tho boolt aod lioo fiebery from Loo11 Tickle to Grady. •aa poor, aoi fro:n tbat aonth bad. Tbo veuele hero meotiooed took their fieb io the oeigbborbooll of Cape Mogrord.

-BEATTY's l'oon or nJ£ WoRLo.-~·Mayor Daoiel F .Heatly, of Beauy'a Celebrated Organ• ao.l Pianoe, Wubiogtou, New Joraey, bas re­turned bome from ao oxtt>oded tour of the world. Read hta advertieemeot. In tble paper aod eeod for catalogue. •

----OtSCO\.ERT OF A NEW METAL -{1tt4burg

Aug 17.-A aeriu of experimeott by 'fboma~ liart:.feon, of thle city, ioto tbe nroputiee aod ueea of nickel ateel aod maogaoeee lltoozebue re· aaltod in d~e diaoo•ery of a oew metal, tbe chief o~aracteri~t1c1 of wbioh are it hu a •er1 ht~h tooetble etrengtb, ie lodAtruot~ble by oor­r~ioo, lmpervioua to aolde. and tbat it can b4' wronllht iuto epikee, Daile, eto., while eitbor bot or cold. .

• CoNSO.UPTtos pur.Eo-Ao old Physician, re­ttred from practice. bad placed io bis haode by ao Eaat !otii~n Miaeiooary fprmula of a sim • plo veaetable remedy for tbe apeody and per. maneot oufe of Co~aumptlon, Urooobitie,Catarrb, Aatuma. aod all fbroab and Luaa A!totlooe alao a poellln aod radioal oure for Nervoue De: • blllty aod all Nervoua Complalote. l:iniog teated Ita wonderful onrati•e powora io •houModa of oaaea, aod d..Crlng to relieve bumao tnireriog I will eaod free of obarqo, to all •bo wieb it. tbia reoelpt lo German, Freoob or Eoalilb, witb fall dlrtotlooa for poparioe aod ualng. Sent. by po" by addranloll. wltb •'-mp. namloa tbil pJper, Dr J . P . MOON'rAIN, 16 Petoy8treet, Loodoo w Jl,~llitr

~--,.FiftJ &boaaaod tromeo are aeadad Ia Art.

aona. at oo~. aod oo qa86tlboe ukad. '1'beo tiler woo • ao. fbeJ wao~ to erularat• 10 • plaoe wbere tbe7'1l be ooe qautloo aahd, --· Tba :a..\ £dye~ai.Da'.

Hur. 7-Tbe Brltlab Go•eromao• Ia trylor to a.pura oonoaotrat.d actloo of tba P,owera r~tutl. Jolf.tha Rualau .,._..of tbe Dardauellea. 'file llano.'I!JarkJab llf"llfilll* t. recarct.d u aa •••· llop qf ~lae Tr-*' of l'aria. 1'lllkeJ atlo•a ~... A. 8011lao •olaaltrr iktt. aqolpped whb qae. ~W wl&b eoldlan Jraooe •~ppcwt• Ul' ~l,.o. 'J11• Tqr~ltlt 111lala~ It obaoa~d. Tbe 'l~Pklab Oomm!Mtour '* C~lro , ••• ,d "• de ... d for Utt enQaadata of.Jtarpt by tba Qritteb '!'be Sola., bee re~ttdiJ r1faaed to ~ye Bri&it' 4JP'*-Ior Wlalte '' OCHMCh·

!lay a•td th4re il tt•~· 'J ooan~ uf tle eohoooen ··-······ tbelr baitio-.• without d,.lay.

ree ~h. Jobo·e banker'! ·tl ,.•e laUtly returoo.J -Mr l:hHr'• aohooci~tra IAdJJ Ma~ •I&~ 860 qtla."aod tne Poppr Ca• (latah'!•) •Icb 860 qtla; •od M.arob 4 Soo'a ()..,,. lJtw ('"Old Perlioaol •ltb ~60 qtla,, ~lo1 h•t total oa19b to date

l'b.~ moat e~oiaot •dnrtiltr•tc io bebalf of l:looo 1 Ser•panlla il that •hlob oomee from tb11 medloloe lteelf. 'l'ba~ il. tboae who are oured bv · it, apeak to frlttoda au!erloa eiOlllarlJ'. who ill taro deri•e bene6~ •od arl(e otber. to try tblll aa00111ful madleloe. Tbaa tbe olrole of 1ta popq. larityla il rapld\7 wideoioa fro111 thle osoN aloo1 aqd IDOre aod more are beoooaloe ootbaaiutio 1~ behalf of Hood'a fNraparllla u '' aotaally de. ' IPODttra* Itt •baolate marlt, All &bat II liked

doopte · Tht aalQIDD no.onei of *be uaalee of

rraooe, a., .... , qd . ...,.. --~ •• ltllardaJ. I•.-. ..... of troope ..,. tiRler anie liM .......... .,. w_..ed whb ....,. .

1lllb ~---- raiMd bl .. aloe. 1 ..... Btur* ......... tilul ............ llnffil"r ........ , ... ~ daHl• ........

. .......... ... Of

l:JOO ~tie ; Boo. M. l4ooro,'a baa~lq aoboooar S.M.

~b. Capt· Holaad, ~rl•ed a• ~laoeotla. tbe otber 4aJ, from tbe Fltiailb Cap wlda a ftall load-760 qalatAla, ttlaklna • totel oatob ap to elate of 1700 qahuala• •

. -for Hood'• Sarqparllla ia tba• I& be al•eo a fdr trial. If yoa oeed a aood blood paneer, or balld. loa ap madJoloa. lt1 Bood'a iiaraportUa. 2

