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Annual Report 2014

Allendale East Area School

Annual Report


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Annual Report 2014

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School Name: Allendale East Area School School Number: 0751

Principal: Beth Mahony Partnership Blue Lake

Allendale East Area School is situated 5 km from the coast and draws most of its student population from the

fishing town of Port MacDonnell. The majority of students travel to school on buses that service an area from

Nelson in Victoria, up to Mount Shank, across to Kongorong and including Port MacDonnell and Eight Mile


The school values of Courage, Excellence and Respect are promoted through all activities and learning, with

the primary school showing excellent achievements in student learning within the region. Teachers

demonstrate good classroom practice using Tfel and have implemented the Australian Curriculum across most

curriculum areas.

The secondary component has grown to 64 in 2012 and 62 this year. Year 12 students all completed their

SACE successfully at a ‘C’ level or higher with a top ATAR of 86.7 and all students who applied to university

were offered a course of their choice. Other students are accessing a range of options available to them to

achieve their SACE with school based apprenticeships and Vet courses gaining our students many credits

beyond the basic requirements. Our students are highly sort after for employment and apprenticeships due to

their work ethic and initiative. With 21 students in yr 11/12 next year we are showing strength in the senior

years. The junior primary is also growing with 27 reception students in 2013 and again in 2014.

Student voice is quite strong through SRC and many other student led activities, such as breakfast club,

healthy hike, forums, assemblies and fun day, which develop a healthy mind and a social conscience. Allendale

East Area School continues to provide students with vision, opportunities and hope.


2014 has again been a successful and proud year for Allendale. For us as a governing council it has been great

to see new faces on our team along side other members who share the same visions.

There have been many high lights for our school to be proud of and I am sure they will be mentioned today.

For us as a council being able to support the staff and students, enhance the image of our school and continue

the improvement of school grounds were again our goals.

Allendale hosted students this year for the generations in jazz festival. A huge thank you to all those involved in

the catering for our guests with many positive comments coming from everyone. The money raised along with

fundraising by the agriculture department allowed the school to purchase a tractor with front end loader to

make life easier for our staff and students.

The area outside the gym and between the tennis courts has now been paved and will continue to be

developed to provide a clean, social environment for our students.

We have also begun to identify more capital improvements with upgraded or replaced toilets, watering

systems and shedding at the agriculture area high on the list.

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From a community perspective, it was exciting to see a long-standing contributor to our school Glen Tanner

Angus being recognized and winning the business working with a secondary school award at the school

industry partnership celebration. Congratulations to the Lucas family, a well deserved accolade to be proud of.

To all the volunteers that have given time this year in any number of ways a huge thank you. Whether it was

assisting in the canteen, listening to students read, gardening, helping with sports days or specific programs,

transporting students to outside events or a mired of other helpful tasks, your time allows this school to

operate successfully.

The staff and supporting members of Allendale should be applauded this year for their efforts also. Talking with

other councils I have become aware of the extent our staff go to ensure our future is given the best and

prepared for life outside school grounds. This is evident in the number of school leavers already finding jobs or

vigorously applying for future education. One example is a senior student being approached to work for a

company on the recommendation from another from the efforts and ethics displayed at the recent Mount

Gambier Show. Whilst this may not be the long term job they are looking for it’s a start and they credit this

start to the skills this school has provided them.

2015 is fast approaching and whether as a staff, student, parent or care giver I wish you all the best for the

remainder of 2014 and lets strive to make 2015 a successful one.

On a personal note

“Allendale East has gone far and beyond a level anyone could expect. Something every Student, Staff member both now

and in the past, supporting student officers and the general Allendale East community should be proud of.

As everyone is aware our daughter Chloe is very special, and it has always been both Emma and my belief that we

wanted her to experience school life as consistent as possible with her peers. So from kindy to year 10 Chloe has

attended happily here at Allendale.

So to tell you that Chloe will not be attending here next year and moving to Gordon Education is a hard moment.

Chloe has shown daily, resilience, respect and an attitude to try hard although to be frightfully honest she did not

understand what is going on. Take a moment to think what that is like, but still try and try and try with her smile.

So finally on behalf of my wife Emma, Natika and my extended family along with most importantly Chloe, I want to say

thank you for including Chloe so passionately as a student but also as a friend.– Our Family will be staying involved with

this school, it’s a part of our greater community therefore our Business Edan Engineering will like to continue its’

financial involvement with the ag department on Chloe’s recommendation.”

Grant Fensom

Governing Council Chairperson


The many years of dedication, education, and care, from long term teacher/counsellor Helen Peters was

celebrated by the school community in term 1 as she finished her commitment to AEAS and commenced her

retirement. As several current and ex-students expressed in her farewell assembly, Helen was a valued Home

Economics teacher who inspired many students and gave them opportunities for experiences beyond their

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everyday life. Her years as counsellor allowed her to share her care and concern for all students R-12, giving

them self-help skills and support.

Chris Peters also retired after 7 years at AEAS, following many highly regarded years at Mt Gambier High

School. Chris was a greatly respected Deputy Principal and teacher of senior Maths. His ability to relate to

students of all ages enhanced his role as Deputy and supported his excellent record of high achievement for

senior students.

As we farewelled Chris and Helen, we welcomed our new Deputy Principal and Maths teacher Marian

Hodson. She has embraced the community spirit of our R-12 school with her positive connections to young

students, through to leading the senior Maths students to successful Yr 12 results.

Despite changes in our leadership team for 2014 we have seen great progress across the school in facilities

and student achievement. Eleven students successfully completed their SACE this year with another eleven

keen to make us proud in 2015. Several students set their sights high on an ATAR (tertiary admission rank)

this year, while others were focused on their chosen work or apprenticeship pathway, showing the versatility

and positive work ethic that AEAS nurtures.

School grounds have been enhanced by the new paving, productive large vegetable garden and orchard. The

hosting of the Jazz Festival students not only benefitted the school financially but enhanced school pride in our

facilities and community hospitality, as we enjoyed the connection with schools from Victoria. Many fundraising

efforts by Ag, community, and canteen have helped the school progress forward. Volunteers continue to

enhance student learning and opportunities by their generous giving of time to many activities across all

aspects of schooling from listening to reading, playing games, to shaving steers and donating lambs.

Our Art exhibition in the Community Complex and Careers Fun day were two outstanding highlights for the

year with an overwhelming involvement and response from parents, friends and the community. Once again

the talent and courage of students was displayed in the whole school musical, Annie Junior. These events along

with whole school Literacy, Numeracy and Science activities continue to embrace the connection students

have across all levels R-12 displaying the tremendous benefits of an Area School such as Allendale East.


The Self Review 2011 indicated a continued emphasis on Literacy with a new focus on Numeracy.

Site Improvement Plan has Numeracy as a key focus.

Whole school focus on the General Capability Numeracy in regard to Australian Curriculum.

Whole school Agreement is being developed

Numeracy coach models explicit teaching and supports teachers with analysis of results and


Demonstration of Maths strategies to Governing Council

Anne Baker strategies taught consistently across R-7 and also into Yr8/9

R-10 explicit teaching on worded problems/problem solving

PATM testing of Yr 3-10

Quicksmart program for Yr 4-9 students identified from PATM

Literacy and Numeracy folio with Yr 8 students- students present pieces of work from a range of

subjects and talk about the literacy and numeracy (yr8) or General Capabilities (yr9) they have learnt

throughout the year.

Literacy has been developed through focusing on the Australian Curriculum General Capability concept of

Literacy across all curriculum areas.

Whole staff meetings

Literacy group regular reports and sharing of information to staff about identifying /scaffolding literacy

needed for assessment tasks in different curriculum.

Assessing the literacy in other curriculum areas

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Continue testing of reading R-10 using WRAP, RR and Lexile, to identify students below age

appropriate standards

Multi lit program.

Whole School Literacy agreement re-visited with staff

Premiers Reading Challenge encouraged and celebrated with all students R-10

Literacy and Numeracy folio with Yr8/9 students

Students involved in Quicksmart have made huge gains. Resources will be provided to give SSO time to

support this program. The Anne Baker strategies and ‘Natural Maths’ have provided a whole school approach

to teaching Maths which is being communicated to Parents thereby giving a common language. Secondary

teachers are continuing the strategies into the Yr8-10 Maths classes giving students confidence in

understanding numeracy language and strategies.

LaN folio showed that students can identify the numeracy in different curriculum areas and set goals for


Primary and secondary students are more familiar with the different type of literacy expected for each

curriculum area. Students have greater success with assessments because the literacy component is identified

and structured. Rubrics make the literacy levels clear when being assessed.

Premiers Reading Challenge has been strongly supported with over 90% of students achieving this in R-7 and

some secondary students receiving certificates for 8-10 years of successfully completing the challenge. This is

an indication of students reading for pleasure. LaN folio showed that students can identify the literacy in

different curriculum areas and set goals for improvement.

SACE Improvement indicators have been documented and shared through the DECD SACE Improvement

Project as a result of our steady improvement in this area over the years. The LaN folio, 1:1 support, small

classes, modified programs, VET and traineeships for many senior students, and enterprise education have

contributed strongly to the SACE Improvement. The introduction of

General Capabilities to the yr 9 LaN folio has created a new awareness and deeper understanding for students

coming into SACE in 2015/16.

Staff capacity building and wellbeing has been continued through the range of Professional Development and

opportunities provided throughout the year

Positive psychology; character traits-survey with staff who then used this with students

Differentiating the curriculum-pupil free days to share information, program and gain support for

students with ‘needs’ including NEP ,IEP, ILPs

Australian Curriculum development in staff meetings, workshops and pupil free days

Incorporating the Aboriginal studies and perspectives into the curriculum

Martin Westwell Professional Learning- staff meetings, Pupil free day to develop understandings of

how students learn and become successful citizens

Teacher peer observations related to National Professional Standards

4.2 Better Schools Funding

Better Schools Funding was used to support the employment of a reception teacher – funding contributed to

25% of the salary and school contributed to 75%-in order to reduce class sizes across all year levels R-7. This

resulted in class sizes ranging from 17 students to 25 students in each class, maximizing support for ASD,

dyslexia and special needs students along with high achievers. All students benefitted from inclusion and higher



PatM testing was introduced in 2013 and was expanded in 2014 to test all students from Year 2 to Year 10.

The PatM data which was collected in November 2013 directed a whole school focus on increasing our

students problem solving skills. We identified that our students needed strategies to apply to NAPLAN and

PatM problem solving questions to assist them to identify what the questions were asking, the method of

operation(s) required and the confidence to have a go. We also identified that our students needed to check

their answers by asking “Does my answer make sense?” Analysis of the PatM results have been utilised by class

teachers throughout the year to direct planning for their cohort of students and the PatM data will continue to

influence teaching practice of mathematics at our site.

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The Quicksmart program has continued for 2014 as a wave 2 intervention program for students who

performed slightly below the required Achievement Standard in 2013. This program was also offered to two

Secondary students in 2014 to assist in their speed and accuracy of number facts.

This graph demonstrates that there has been growth in the year 5 and year 9 cohort of students and significant

growth in the Year 7 cohort. The numeracy coach has been actively involved in these classes and has

modelled, co-taught and assisted in planning. Together teachers and the numeracy coach have identified the

needs of the students and adjusted planning and teaching to meet these needs.

This graph indicates that the Year 5 cohort has improved between Pat-M tests in 2013 and 2014. The Year 6

cohort has not shown improvement against the Australian mean however they achieved significant growth in

the previous year. The Year 7 cohort of students are slightly below the Australian mean however, they have

improved significantly between Pat-M tests 6 and 7. The Year 8 cohort of students are slightly below the

Australian mean which will need to be addressed in2015 by analysing the Pat-M data. The Year 9 cohort of

students has achieved above the Australian mean and the Year 10 cohort are well below the Australian mean.

Running Records data shows higher than average achievement in the higher age appropriate levels for Yr1 and

Yr2 students, reflecting the whole school approach and guided reading practices across the school. Both year

levels had a small number of students in the very low levels due to the few students with disabilities in Yr1 and

Yr 2.

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Year 1 2014

Year 2 2014


Student Mean Scores

Year 3 Naplan results were maintained or improved in all areas except Numeracy which had dropped slightly.

The mean scores for Yr 3 reflected numeracy as the area to improve, as reading, writing, spelling and

grammar were all were all greater than the mean for DECD, Limestone Coast and category of disadvantage.

Year 5 Naplan results showed improvement in Numeracy and spelling with other areas maintained.

Numeracy had a large percentage in the middle and upper growth areas. Grammar was the only mean score

not above the DECD, Limestone Coast and Category of disadvantage mean score.

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Yr 7 Naplan results showed improvements in reading and grammar and growth appeared to be in middle to

upper growth for all areas with no lower growth percentages. Spelling mean score was similar to DECD,

Limestone Coast and Category of Disadvantage, while reading, spelling, numeracy and grammar mean scores

were all above.

Yr9 Naplan results showed a pleasing improvement in all areas with growth mostly in the middle and upper

growth percentages. The mean score for all areas was above the mean for DECD, Limestone Coast and

Category of disadvantage.

When comparing to DECD, Limestone Coast and Category of disadvantage AEAS has performed very well in

Naplan but could make improvements in Yr3 numeracy, Yr5 grammar and Yr 7 spelling. When looking at the

school results over the last 3 years, numeracy needs to be a focus for Yr3, and a slight drop in writing for all

year levels could indicate some more scaffolding and emphasis on this area may be a target for 2015.

Year 3 Mean Scores

Year 3 Mean Scores

Mean Scores

by Test


Year 3

2012 2013 2014

Numeracy 378.7 381.8 374.0

Reading 443.8 425.0 437.1

Writing 440.1 413.9 411.2

Spelling 446.5 420.5 426.5

Grammar 437.2 411.4 427.4

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Year 5 Mean Scores

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Year 5 Mean Scores

Mean Scores

by Test


Year 5

2012 2013 2014

Numeracy 477.5 469.5 489.6

Reading 476.0 507.8 505.9

Writing 454.6 480.1 461.6

Spelling 479.3 459.5 497.7

Grammar 455.1 490.1 486.7

Year 3-5 Growth

NAPLAN School Growth: Year 3-5

Year 3-5 Growth

Growth by

Test Aspect

Year 3-5

Progress Group Site

Numeracy Lower 25% 7.1

Middle 50% 57.1

Upper 25% 35.7

Reading Lower 25% 40.0

Middle 50% 33.3

Upper 25% 26.7

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Year 7 Mean Scores

Year 7 Mean Scores

Mean Scores

by Test


Year 7

2012 2013 2014

Numeracy 572.8 524.8 558.5

Reading 571.9 542.8 564.1

Writing 560.5 538.3 509.6

Spelling 558.5 563.3 538.2

Grammar 576.2 544.7 554.7

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Year 5-7 Growth

NAPLAN School Growth: Year 5-7

Year 5-7 Growth

Growth by

Test Aspect

Year 5-7

Progress Group Site

Numeracy Lower 25%

Middle 50% 75.0

Upper 25% 25.0

Reading Lower 25%

Middle 50% 25.0

Upper 25% 75.0

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Year 9 Mean Scores

Mean Scores

by Test


Year 9

2012 2013 2014

Numeracy 574.1 527.7 608.0

Reading 540.1 578.4 654.7

Writing 544.2 544.8 594.2

Spelling 523.6 573.7 649.7

Grammar 539.8 555.4 640.9

Year 7-9 Growth

NAPLAN School Growth: Year 7-9

Year 7-9 Growth

Growth by

Test Aspect

Year 7-9

Progress Group Site

Numeracy Lower 25% 16.7

Middle 50% 50.0

Upper 25% 33.3

Reading Lower 25%

Middle 50% 50.0

Upper 25% 50.0

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5.2 Senior Secondary

Students in Yr 12 Undertaking Vocational or Trade Training

40% of students in Yr 12 were doing a VET course. 100% of Yr 12 students did a VET course during Yr 10 or

Yr 11 as part of their SACE accreditation.

Students in Yr 12 Attaining a Yr 12 Certificate or Equivalent VET Qualification

100% of students obtained their Yr 12 certificate


6.1 Attendance

Figure 12: Attendance by Year Level

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Table 12: Attendance by Year Level

Attendance by Year Level % Attendance

2012 2013 2014

Reception 86.2 89.2 88.8

Year 1 92.1 89.0 87.2

Year 2 90.9 91.7 89.4

Year 3 94.9 87.3 92.0

Year 4 86.6 93.5 90.8

Year 5 89.4 91.4 93.7

Year 6 87.6 91.4 87.7

Year 7 90.6 88.4 85.7

Year 8 90.8 88.6 83.7

Year 9 94.0 92.1 81.9

Year 10 89.8 93.8 87.5

Year 11 88.6 94.1 96.4

Year 12 93.2 94.1 97.0

Total All Year Levels 90.4 91.0 89.6

Total ACARA 1 TO 10 90.7 90.7 88.7

Attendance rates were slightly lower in 2014 compared to the previous 2 years reflecting a small number of

students with ongoing mental health issues. The DECD attendance counsellor and Social worker were utilized

to support the children and their families towards successful re-entry to more regular schooling.

Year 11/12 attendance shows a steady increase which is also reflected in academic results.

6.2 Destination

Table 13: Intended Destination

Leave Reason 2013

School Index DECD

No % % %

Employment 3.5% 3.0%

Interstate/Overseas 2 5.0% 10.5% 10.1%

Other 0.5% 1.4%

Seeking Employment 1 2.5% 3.2% 3.6%

Tertiary/TAFE/Training 1 2.5% 5.5% 4.6%

Transfer to Non-Govt Schl 9 22.5% 10.2% 9.7%

Transfer to SA Govt Schl 18 45.0% 46.2% 47.4%

Unknown 9 22.5% 20.3% 20.1%

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Overall the parent survey appears very positive.

There were 4 highlights; Children feeling safe at the school; being able to talk to teachers or the

Principal/Deputy about any concerns; and the child liking the school.

Areas that showed disagreement were surprisingly similar; Child liking the school; taking parents opinion

seriously; and behavior management being well managed

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Students were generally positive about the school, with an overwhelming strong agreement on teachers

expecting them to do their best. Other areas of strong agreement were; useful feedback; opportunities to do

interesting things; motivating them to learn and maintaining the school environment.

My School website


8.1 Behaviour Management

A Restorative Practice approach is used regularly for bullying and harassment issues across all levels of

schooling and is supported well by the ongoing ‘Friendly schools, Friendly Families’ lessons in primary classes.

‘What’s the Buzz’ program for middle primary students had an obvious positive result on relationship building

in these classes. Consequently Timeouts and suspensions are reducing each year as students respond positively

to restorative meetings. Bullying is at a low level and sometimes confused with friendship and teasing issues

with girls, or rough play with Yr 2- Yr 5 boys. All complaints are taken seriously and followed up by

conversations with each person involved.

Time outs were most commonly used for “willful and persistent inattention” and rarely used for bullying

incidents. ‘Violence’ or ‘fighting’ incidents were not at the level that students sustained injuries or needed

medical treatment. There were 2 external suspensions, involving the same student for verbal and physical

aggression as well as 4 take homes for the same student. Families SA and Behaviour support are involved for

this student who is on a part time program and showing continual improvement. Safety of other students is

considered at all times with the student having 1:1 support whenever he is at school. Internal suspensions

were used for repetitive lower level behaviours and were followed up by case management of those students.

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8.2 Relevant History Screening (formerly Criminal History Screening)

Teaching staff have relevant checks through Teacher Registration which is checked by the principal at the

beginning of each year.

SSOs are given a 3 month reminder (3 months before expiry). Staff who do not get processed during this time

are asked to remain at home until the DCSI check is approved.

Camp sites are asked to provide evidence of all workers passing a DCSI screening (or similar for interstate)-

sighted by the Principal.

Volunteers for school excursions/reading/canteen or anything other than a one-off occasion have a DCSI check

which is sighted and recorded at the school.

Music Teacher and Christian Pastoral Care Worker and any other workers on the school site have a DCSI

check sighted and recorded at the school.

OSHC workers all have the DCSI clearance.

Parents are made aware of these processes when they enroll their child.

Visitors to the school during school hours of 9.00-3.00 pm (including parents) must sign in at the front office

and wear a visitor badge to enter the school grounds except for special events such as Sports Day and


8.3 HUMAN RESOURCES - Workforce Data

8.3.1 Teacher Qualifications All teachers at this school are qualified and registered with the SA Teachers Registration Board.

Qualification Level Number of


Bachelor Degrees or Diplomas 33

Post Graduate Qualifications 5

Please note: Staff that have more than 1 qualification will be counted more than once in the above qualification table. Therefore the total number of staff by qualification type may be more than the total number of teaching staff.

8.3.2 Workforce Composition including Indigenous staff

Workforce Composition Teaching Staff Non-Teaching Staff

Indigenous Non Indigenous Indigenous Non Indigenous

Full-time Equivalents 0.00 16.30 0.00 8.87

Persons 0 19 0 13


Income by Funding Source

Funding Source Amount

1 Grants: State 2,564,806.23

2 Grants: Commonwealth 750

3 Parent Contributions 75,372.53

4 Other 46,169.82
