  • 8/3/2019 All 200 Parameters in Google Algorithm


  • 8/3/2019 All 200 Parameters in Google Algorithm


    38. # of internal links to page;39. # of internal links to page with identical / targeted anchor text;40. # of internal links to page from content (instead of navigation bar, breadcrumbs, etc);41. # of links using nofollow attribute; (?)42. Internal link density,

    Website factors: 7 factors

    43. Website Robots.txt file content44. Overall site update frequency;

    45. Overall site size (number of pages);46. Age of the site since it was first discovered by Google47. XML Sitemap;48. On-page trust flags (Contact info ( for local search even more important), Privacy policy, TOS, and similar);49. Website type (e.g. blog instead of informational sites in top 10)

    Page-specific factors: 9 factors

    50. Page meta Robots tags;51. Page age;52. Page freshness (Frequency of edits and

    % of page effected (changed) by page edits);53. Content duplication with other pages of the site (internal duplicate content);

    54. Page content reading level; (?)55. Page load time (many factors in here);56. Page type (About-us page versus main content page);57. Page internal popularity (how many internal links it has);58. Page external popularity (how many external links it has relevant to other pages of this site);

    Keywords usage and keyword prominence: 13 factors

    59. Keywords in the title of a page;60. Keywords in the beginning of page title;61. Keywords in Alt tags;62. Keywords in anchor text of internal links (internal anchor text);63. Keywords in anchor text of outbound links (?);

    64. Keywords in bold and italic text (?);65. Keywords in the beginning of the body text;66. Keywords in body text;67. Keyword synonyms relating to theme of page/site;68. Keywords in filenames;69. Keywords in URL;70. No Randomness on purpose (placing keyword in the domain, keyword in the filename, keyword starting

    first word of the title, keyword in the first word of the first line of the description and keyword tag)71. The use (abuse) of keywords utilized in HTML comment tags

    Outbound links: 8 factors

    72. Number of outbound links (per domain);

    73. Number of outbound links (per page);74. Quality of pages the site links in;75. Links to bad neighborhoods;76. Relevancy of outbound links;77. Links to 404 and other error pages.78. Links to SEO agencies from clients site79. Hot-linked images

    Backlink profile: 21 factors

    80. Relevancy of sites linking in;

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    81. Relevancy of pages linking in;82. Quality of sites linking in;83. Quality of web page linking in;84. Backlinks within network of sites;85. Co-citations (which sites have similar backlink sources);86. Link profile diversity:

    I. Anchor text diversity;II. Different IP addresses of linking sites,

    III. Geographical diversity,IV. Different TLDs,V. Topical diversity,

    VI. Different types of linking sites (logs, directories, etc);VII. Diversity of link placements

    87. Authority Link (CNN, BBC, etc) Per Inbound Link88. Backlinks from bad neighborhoods (absence / presence of backlinks from flagged sites)89. Reciprocal links ratio (relevant to the overall backlink profile);90. Social media links ratio (links from social media sites versus overall backlink profile);91. Backlinks trends and patterns (like sudden spikes or drops of backlink number)92. Citations in Wikipedia and Dmoz;93. Backlink profile historical records (ever caught for link buying/selling, etc);94. Backlinks from social bookmarking sites.

    Each Separate Backlink: 6 factors

    95.Authority of TLD (.com versus .gov)96. Authority of a domain linking in97. Authority of a page linking in98. Location of a link (footer, navigation, body text)99. Anchor text of a link (and Alt tag of images linking)100. Title attribute of a link (?)

    Visitor Profile and Behavior: 6 factors

    101. Number of visits;102. Visitors demographics;103. Bounce rate;

    104. Visitors browsing habits (which other sites they tend to visit)105. Visiting trends and patterns (like sudden spiked in incoming traffic)106. How often the listing is clicked within the SERPs (relevant to other listings)

    Penalties, Filters and Manipulation: 12 factors

    107. Keyword over usage / Keyword stuffing;108. Link buying flag109. Link selling flag;110.Spamming records (comment, forums, other link spam);111. Cloaking;112.Hidden Text;113.Duplicate Content (external duplication)

    114.History of past penalties for this domain115. History of past penalties for this owner116.History of past penalties for other properties of this owner (?)117. Past hackers attacks records118.301 flags: double re-directs/re-direct loops, or re-directs ending in 404 error

    More Factors (6):

    119.Domain registration with Google Webmaster Tools;120. Domain presence in Google News;121.Domain presence in Google Blog Search;

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    122. Use of the domain in Google AdWords;123. Use of the domain in Google Analytics;124. Business name / brand name external mentions.

    Keyword Usage

    1. Using keywords in URLs and domain names

    This refers to yourpost slugs (page name URL)and domain names with your targeted keywords. For, where telescope would be a main keyword.

    2. Keywords in Page Title

    Keywords must be used in your page titles and should be between 10 to 60 characters. Avoid using special


    4. Keywords in H1, H2, H3 Tags

    In writing posts, ensure that you use your keywords in heading tag styles.

    5. Keyword Density of 3% to 8% in the Body

    Ensure that you are not spamming your articles with specific keywords. Use your targeted keywords inmoderation and let your articles flow naturally.

    6. Keyword Prominence

    Ensure that your main keywords are used as early in your articles as possible. The higher up in the article your

    keywords are, the more attention google pays to them.

    7. Keywords in ALT & Title Tags Text

    All alt and title tags for images and text links should contain relevant keywords.

    8. Keyword Use in Internal Link Anchor Text

    Internal links should have relevant anchor text

    Internal Links

    9. Efficient Tree Like Structure

    Try to have no page deeper than 4 clicks to reach it if you want it to rank effectively. Try to have a maximum clicks.

    10. Ensure that All Internal Links Are Valid

    Use the free W3C link checkerto validate your on-page links. This tool will let you know if any major internalinks are broken.

    Outgoing Links

    11. Link To Only Trustworthy Sites

    Linking to blacklisted or shady websites will harm your authority in the long-term. Be care how you approve

    trackbacks on your blog. My philosophy is do not accept, they are not necessary.

    It can take several months to a year before google reinstates your authority and inclusion in search engine resu
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    12. Outgoing Link Anchor Text

    Ensure that outgoing link anchor text are relevant to the sites topic.

    On-Site SEO Factors

    13. Moderate Page File Size

    Ensure that your page size does not exceed 100K. This does not include images.

    14. New Pages & Fresh ContentFresh content from established sites rank better in search results. Recency is a valuable asset when links are hato acquire. Its also good to have a higher ratio of new pages to old, plus newer pages on old sites get better


    15. Frequent Updates

    Frequently updated sites are crawled by search engine spiders more frequently than others.

    16. Domain Age

    Older domains have more authority in google search results and shows stability.

    17. Site Load TimesFaster load times for your site is a new factor that google has started to pay attention to. Faster times indicate abetter experience for searchers. Follow these guidelines to ensure a faster loading site.

    Off-Page SEO Factors

    18. Incoming Links from High Ranking Pages

    More incoming links from reputable, high ranking websites with improve your SERP authority significantly.

    19. Link Acquisition Speed

    Ensure that you are acquiring those incoming links naturally. Newer sites will get penalized if links are acquir

    too fast, in an artificial manner. A site going naturally viral wont have any troubles.

    20. Older Longstanding Incoming Links Are Better

    21. Change of Anchor Link Text for Incoming Links

    The anchor text of your incoming links should not be changed frequently and is bad in googles eyes.

    22. Incoming Links From Popular Expert Sites

    Being featured on popular sites can boost your search engine traffic. This tells google your site is trustworthy awill rank you higher in search results.

    23. Clickthrough Rate(CTR) on Search Results PagesCTR on search results pages is a large cumulative factor and this data is collected by google to help determineauthority.

    Page & Site Metrics: User Behavior

    24. Time Users Spend on your Site

    The more time each visitor spends on your site, the higher the indication to google that your site provides relev

    content and thus ranks you better.
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    25. Are Your Pages Bookmarked?

    When visitors bookmark your site on social sites like,,, etc google increa

    your trustworthiness.

    26. Domain Registration Time

    Register your domain for 5 years or more. This indicates that you are serious and here to stay, thus moretrustworthy.