  • 8/17/2019 Albert Einstein Background and Early Life



    Background and Early Life

    Born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany, Albert Einstein grew

    ! in a seclar "ewish #amily$ %is #ather, %ermann Einstein, was a salesman

    an& engineer who with his brother #on&e& Ele'trotechnische (abri' "$

    Einstein ) *ie, a Mnich+base& com!any that man#actre& electrical

    ei!ment$ %is mother, the #ormer -aline .och, ran the #amily hosehol&$

    Einstein ha& one sister, Ma/a, born two years a#ter him$

    Einstein atten&e& elementary school at the 0it!ol& Gymnasim in Mnich$

    %oweer, he #elt alienate& there an& strggle& with the instittion2s rigi&

    !e&agogical style$ %e also ha& what were consi&ere& to be s!eech

    challenges, thogh he &eelo!e& a !assion #or classical msic an& !laying

    the iolin that wol& stay with him into his later years$ Most signi#icantly,

    Einstein2s yoth was mar'e& by &ee! inisitieness an& iniry$

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    3owar&s the en& o# the 188s, Ma5 3alm&, a -olish me&ical st&ent who

    sometimes &ine& with the Einstein #amily, became an in#ormal ttor to yong

     Albert$ 3alm& ha& intro&ce& his !!il to a chil&ren6s science te5t that

    ins!ire& Einstein to &ream abot the natre o# light$ 3hs, &ring his teens,

    Einstein !enne& what wol& be seen as his #irst ma/or !a!er, 3he

    nestigation o# the tate o# Aether in Magnetic (iel&s$

    Resident of Switzerland

    %ermann Einstein relocate& the #amily to Milan, taly, in the mi&+189s a#terhis bsiness lost ot on a ma/or contract$ Albert was le#t at a relatie2s

    boar&ing hose in Mnich to com!lete his schooling at the 0it!ol&

    Gymnasim$ (ace& with military &ty when he trne& o# age, Albert allege&ly

    with&rew #rom classes, sing a &octor6s note to e5cse himsel# an& claim

    neros e5hastion$ With their son re/oining them in taly, his !arents

    n&erstoo& Einstein2s !ers!ectie bt were concerne& abot his #tre

    !ros!ects as a school &ro!ot an& &ra#t &o&ger$

    Einstein was eentally able to gain a&mission into the wiss (e&eral

    -olytechnic chool in :rich, s!eci#ically &e to his s!erb mathematics an&

    !hysics scores on the entrance e5am$ %e was still reire& to com!lete his

    !re+niersity e&cation #irst, an& ths atten&e& a high school in Aara,

    wit;erlan& helme& by "ost Winteler$ Einstein lie& with the schoolmaster2s

    #amily an& #ell in loe with Wintelers2 &aghter, Marie$ Einstein later renonce&

    his German citi;enshi! an& became a wiss citi;en at the &awn o# the new


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    Marriage and Family

    While atten&ing school in :rich, Einstein &eelo!e& lasting #rien&shi!s an&

    alliances, also meeting his #tre wi#e, Milea Maric, a erbian !hysicsst&ent$

     A#ter gra&ating #rom -olytechnic, Einstein #ace& ma/or challenges in terms o# 

    #in&ing aca&emic !ositions, haing alienate& some !ro#essors oer not

    atten&ing class more reglarly in lie o# st&ying in&e!en&ently$ Meanwhile,

    Einstein contine& to grow closer to Maric, bt his !arents were strongly

    against the relationshi! &e her ethnic bac'gron&$

  • 8/17/2019 Albert Einstein Background and Early Life


    Miracle Year 

    While wor'ing at the !atent o##ice, Einstein ha& the time to #rther i&eas that

    ha& ta'en hol& &ring his st&ies at -olytechnic an& ths cemente& histheorems on what wol& be 'nown as the !rinci!le o# relatiity$

    n 19seen by many as a miracle year #or the theoristEinstein ha& #or

    !a!ers !blishe& in the Annalen der Physik , one o# the best 'nown !hysics

     /ornals o# the era$ 3he #or !a!ers #ocse& on the !hotoelectric e##ect,

    Brownian motion, the s!ecial theory o# relatiity Cthe most wi&ely circlate& o#

    the write+!sD an& the matterenergy relationshi!, ths ta'ing !hysics in anelectri#ying new &irection$ n his #orth !a!er, Einstein came ! with the

    eation EFmc=, sggesting that tiny !articles o# matter col& be conerte&

    into hge amonts o# energy, #oresha&owing the &eelo!ment o# atomic


    (ame& antm theorist Ma5 -lanc' bac'e& ! the assertions o# Einstein,

    who ths became a star o# the lectre circit an& aca&emia, ta'ing on arios

    !ositions be#ore becoming &irector o# the .aiser Wilhelm nstitte #or -hysics

    #rom 191? to 19??$

    elatiity an&

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    E&&ington &ring the 1919 solar ecli!se, an& ths a global science icon was


    n 19=1, Einstein won the

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    to the states, with there being concern oer

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     Aron& this time, Einstein also became a member o# the

  • 8/17/2019 Albert Einstein Background and Early Life


    Me&ical *enter$ A eritable montain o# boo's hae been written on the iconic

    thin'er2s li#e, incl&ing Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter saacson

    an& Einstein: A Biography by "ürgen