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Page 1: Albert Einstein
Page 2: Albert Einstein

Date and place of birth-dieAlbert Einstein (Ulm, Germany, March 14, 1879 - Princeton, USA, April 18, 1955) was a German physicist of Jewish origin, nationalized after U.S. and Switzerland. He is considered the century's most important scientific XX.1

In 1905, as a young unknown physical, employed in the Patent Office in Bern, published his theory of special relativity. It sat in a simple theoretical framework based on simple physical principles, concepts and phenomena studied earlier by Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz. As a logical consequence of this theory, derived the equation of physics best known at the grassroots level: the mass-energy equivalence, E = mc ². That year he published other works that would lay the basis for statistical physics and quantum mechanics.

In 1915 he presented the theory of general relativity, which reformulated the whole concept of gravity. One consequence was the emergence of the scientific study of the origin and evolution of the Universe by the branch of physics called cosmology. In 1919, when British observations of a solar eclipse confirmed his predictions about the bending of light, was idolized by the prensa.3 Einstein became a popular icon of the science world famous, a privilege available to very few scientists a

For their explanation of the photoelectric effect and his many contributions to theoretical physics in 1921 won the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Theory of Relativity, as the scientist who was given the task of evaluating it, did not understand, and feared risk that later prove errónea.4 5 In that time was still considered somewhat controversial.

Before the rise of Nazism, the scientist left Germany by December 1932 to the United States, where he taught teaching at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Became a U.S. citizen in 1940. During his last years he worked to integrate in a single theory the gravitational and electromagnetic. He died in Princeton, New Jersey on April 18, 1955

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who is? The magazine "Time" appointed him as the person

of the twentieth century, and nobody dared to question the legitimacy of the Election. Barry Parker, one of his biographers more recent risks to say that Einstein was perhaps the most greatest scientist in human history, remembering when it in 1905, something more than a century, his Theory of Relativity (Energy, equals mass times the speed of light squared), which changes men the Conception traditional time and space .

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The essence of a man like me is exactly what he thinks and how he thinks, not what he does or suffers. Einstein thus justified the reader of the ⎯Autobiographical Notes, with black humor, said his obituary ⎯ were facing a little biographical book full of complicated mathematical formulas and concepts. Here, as in many other things, Albert Einstein was a peculiar man, "But I'm like, I can not be otherwise." Perhaps because of this in his autobiography was the fascination he felt the day his father showed him a compass.

He is a genius

Page 5: Albert Einstein

Some facts:

Born on March 14 of 1879

1905 invention The photoelectric-ceffect


Died on April 18, 1955 (76 years old).

Was professor in 1906

Being one of the most important men of the world in science.

Page 6: Albert Einstein

By Ramon, Pol, Biel, Joel and Javier

6th A

Torre Barona school
