Page 1: Advantages and disadvantages of open source

Advantages and disadvantages of

open source

Page 2: Advantages and disadvantages of open source

Entrepreneurs often have to face the choice: whether use dedicated software or open source?

However, being aware of the benefits and drawbacks of this kind of software, one can adjust the online sales system to

the specifics of business, and most of all – demands of current and future customers.

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Open source software in Poland and over the world

Open source software in Poland and over the world

In Poland Magento supports only 4% of the Polish online stores. The leader is PrestaShop (25% of the stores), and next WooCommerce, (19%).

Magento engine along with Magento Enterprise drives over 22% of all online stores worldwide.

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Costs of implementation and development

Costs of implementation and development

The word ”open” doesn’t mean that the software is free of charge.

If you want to have technical support and marketing modules, you have to buy Magento Enterprise with an annual license fee in the amount of more than 22,000 $.

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Safety when choosing open source software

Safety when choosing open source software

On the one hand Open source can mean better detection of errors, and on the other hand increased risk of attack.

It is also fuzzy responsibility for errors. The example can be OpenSSL and gap “hearbleed”. For more than two years the gap was in browsers and web servers. No one noticed it, thinking that this was already checked.

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Problems with updates and compatibility

Problems with updates and compatibility

When there is a new version of Magento and online stores try to migrate, it is very often that integrations and dedicated extensions of the store stop working properly.

Because of that, a significant percentage of online stores is still working on the Magento version 1.7 engines.

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Open source and the change of the companyimplementing online store

Open source and the change of the companyimplementing online store

Some of the agencies, being aware of the temporary agreement with the customer, not always fully engage in the tasks.

Lack of the consistent rules and attention can cause the so called “effect of technical debt”, which means biggest costs of modifications and software development in the future.

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Commercialization of open source

Commercialization of open source

A standard practice is commercialization of open source.

List of free modules, the number of users and products is gradually reduced, so as to companies wishing to develop their online activities, chosen paid model.

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The cost of maintaining the open source software

The cost of maintaining the open source software

Open source is often an overextended system.

For this reason it requires several times bigger resources than dedicated system of the same size.


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Open source created by self-educated community

Open source created by self-educated community

Open source clearly shortens the way of each interactive agency to the possibility of creating online stores.

Unfortunately, this type of stores has a low level of security (data theft, fictitious shops).

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Open source and new solutions

Customers more and more often expect less standardized solutions and entrepreneurs both safe and adjusted to the

market demands online sales system.

Open source software is a very good complement of eCommerce market, however it is always a few steps behind solutions that are

developed by commercial companies in closed teams.

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Open source and new solutions

Implementation of dedicated solutions is especially worth considering when the store’s functionalities are beyond standard ones, and they require constant monitoring and quick

response to errors.

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