  • 7/22/2019 AdtechReport Site Survey Q3-2013


    adtechReportSite Survey - Q3/2013

    Contact:David Strassel

    [email protected]://

  • 7/22/2019 AdtechReport Site Survey Q3-2013


    adtechReport Site Survey Q3/2013


    Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents...................................................................... 3

    Introduction ............................................................................. 4Project findings.......................................................................... 5

    Ad tech on mobile sites ............................................................12Targeting & tracking data tags................................................. 13Tags by type of site.................................................................. 15

    Appendix I List of vendors logged .........................................17Appendix II Project methodology ...........................................22

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    adtechReport Site Survey Q3/2013



    A frequent question among publishers, CROs and ad ops persons is some variation of

    which ad tech vendor(s) should I use or at least consider.

    Navigating this terrain with several hundred firms can indeed be a challenge. The idea

    behind this project is to offer some additional (and hopefully useful) datapoints based

    on an analysis of those ad tech vendors used by the Internetslargest sites.

    While the requirements and resources of a long tail content site are different from say or, some interesting and potentially useful patterns did emergefrom an analysis of those and other high-traffic sites:

    Google is ubiquitous among even the largest sites; DoubleClick and GoogleAdSense were the most-frequently logged vendor tags, appearing on 66% and

    61% of sites respectively

    Sites work with multiple demand partners; the average number of demandpartners was just over four per site and about one-in-ten (11%) had tags for nine

    or more demand partners

    Demand partners vary within sites based on page content; we found onnumerous sites that tags for certain vendors were logged, for example, only on

    finance-oriented pages while one or more altogether different vendors were

    logged only on sports-related pages and none of those vendors were logged on

    the homepage or elsewhere across the site

    Advertising networks remain highly relevant; across all of the demand partnertags logged, 40% were related to networks and the average number of ad

    network tags was 2.4 per site. It should also be noted however that no ad

    network tags were logged on 21% of sites and on 27% only one was logged

    Ad-based monetization on mobile lags; only 54% of mobile sites have anyadvertising-related tags vs. 94% of desktop sites and those sites included tags

    for an average 2.5 vendors vs. 7 vendors on the desktop sites

    The rest of the report digs into these and other topics more deeply and provides

    additional data. Before moving on though, Id like to mention that this reportpotentiallyrepresents only a first passwhich may be updated I nthe future. Some may take issue

    with certain decisions regarding how specific vendors are categorized and with some

    aspects of the underlying methodology (both of which are described in detail in the

    Appendix) so Id be very interested in any reader feedback. You can email me at

    [email protected].

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    Project Findings

    The core of this project was an automated survey that crawled 5,000 pages across the

    top 100 websites50 mostly random pages per siteand logged a total of 28,519

    scripts and HTML tags (scripts were not allowed to execute in order to minimize logentries from daisy chaining) for domains known to be associated with specific ad tech

    vendors. Those tags were then parsed to remove duplicative intrasite entries for each

    vendor which ultimately netted 725 tags, each representing a specific vendors presence

    on a single website.

    In the broadest terms, an analysis of those tags associated 505 with advertising-related

    vendors and 220 were associated with vendors of user tracking / targeting data (see

    Appendix I for a complete list of firms).

    Tags for one or more advertising-related vendors were logged on 94 of the sites while

    user tracking / targeting vendor tags were logged on 87 sites. Among the 725 net vendor

    tags logged, 70% were classed as advertising-related and 30% were related to user

    tracking / targeting.

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    While tags were logged for an average of just over seven different vendors per site

    across all 100 websites, tags for nine or more vendors were logged on one-third of the

    sites. The next most-common observations were tags for five vendors (on 12 sites) and

    for two vendors (on 11 sites).

    Somewhat noteworthy, on many of the sites, tags for different vendorsboth

    advertising-related tags and tracking / targeting tagswere logged on different pages.

    The most frequently observed examples of these differences occurred between pages

    related to specific topics, in particular those related to money / finance / investing,

    automotive news or information, real estate, and sports.

    Amongst all of the advertising-related vendor tags logged, 87% were associated with

    demand partnersad networks, SSPs / DSPs, exchanges and retargeters (the balance of

    tags were primarily related to ad serving technologiessee pages 13-14 for more). The

    largest number of sites had tags from two such vendors (16%) followed by sites with

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    tags for four vendors (14%) and sites with tags for a single vendor (13%). The average

    number of demand vendors logged across all 100 sites just over four per site.

    The largest number of demand-related tags logged on a single site represented 19

    different vendors; the next closest was 13 and two additional sites each had tags for 12

    different vendors. Tags associated with nine or more demand-related vendors were

    logged on 11 of the top 100 sites.

    Almost one-half (40%) of the demand-related vendors logged were ad networks

    (including 3% from video ad networks). The next most common vendors were

    exchanges (27%) followed by DSPs (12%) and SSPs (8%).

    Tags for performance advertising vendors were logged on 16% of the sites and

    represented 4% of all demand-related vendors logged. Commission Junction accounted

    for 53% of tags logged from performance advertising vendors; Clickbooth and Amazon

    AdSystem accounted for ~24% each.

    Tags related to native monetization vendors were logged on 13% of the sites and

    represented 3% of all demand-related vendors logged. Content discovery network

    Outbrain accounted for almost all of those tags (85%) while tags for Nativo and

    ThoughtLeadr were logged on one site each.

    Tags representing 33 different ad networks and five SSPs were logged across 79 of the

    sites for an average of 2.4 such vendors per site. The largest number of ad networks /

    SSPs logged on a single site was 12 and the next closest were two sites on which tags

    for eight vendors were each logged.

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    The most common ad network tags (for Google AdSense) were logged on 61% of the

    sites. The next most common tags logged were for, Quigo AdSonar,

    Tribal Fusion and for the SSP, Pubmatic. Tags for no other vendor were logged on more

    than 5% of the sites. (A complete list of all ad networks logged is provided in AppendixI.)

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    Tags for 12 different DSPs were logged across 35 sites. The most common tags were for

    Turn and MediaMath which were logged on 14% of the sites and 12% respectively. In

    addition to the six most frequently logged vendors below, DSP tags were also logged for

    Lucid Media (3 sites) and for DataXu, Dedicated Media, Tapad, Think Realtime and

    TradeDesk which were all logged on a single site each.

    Tags for eight different exchanges were logged on 70 sites. The most common tags, for

    DoubleClick, were found on 66% of those sites where any advertising-related tags at all

    were logged. The next most common tags were related to AppNexus (26% of sites) and

    to Yahoos RightMedia (18%). Among those sites where tags for one or more

    exchange(s) were found, we logged tags for an average of 1.7 exchanges per site.

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    Although we categorized tags for both DoubleClick and OpenX to indicate the presence

    of an exchange, it should be noted that the exchanges are only part of the services

    offered by each firm. It is possibleor even likelythat in some instances the presence

    of those tags may represent a more limited relationship that does not include real-time

    programmatic ad sales.

    Retargeter tags were logged on 21 sites; among those sites we found tags for an average

    of 1.2 such vendors per site. Tags for Criteo were the most commonlogged on 15 sites

    or 71% of the sites with retargeter tagsfollowed by Chango (5 sites), Dotomi and

    Fetchback (2 sites each) and Steelhouse Media (1 site).

    Source of Ad Element



    Share of Total

    Impressions (1)

    Share of Top 100

    Sites (2)

    DoubleClick 229.9mn 22.4% 66%

    OpenX 84.4mn 8.2% 11%

    AppNexus 73.7mn 7.2% 26%

    Google AdSense 59.2mn 5.8% 61%

    Rubicon 46.2mn 4.5% 9% 45.4mn 4.4% 10%

    Right Media 43.9mn 4.3% 18%

    MediaMath 31.2mn 3.0% 12%

    24/7 Media 28.6mn 2.8% 4%

    DoubleClick Bid Manager 27.3mn 2.7% 5%

    Criteo 23.1mn 2.2% 16%

    PulsePoint 20.1mn 2.0% 4%

    Turn 19.7mn 1.9% 14%

    ValueClick Mediaplex 18.3mn 1.8% 9%

    Pubmatic 17.9mn 1.7% 10%

    PointRoll 14.7mn 1.4% 8%

    Adzerk 13.4mn 1.3% 1%

    Tribal Fusion 12.9mn 1.3% 10%

    Rocket Fuel 12.3mn 1.2% 6%

    BrightRoll 11.7mn 1.1% 1%Sources: Evidon Ad Delivery Index, Sept. 2013, adtechReport Site Survey, Q3-2013

    Notes: (1) Calculated as each vendors monthly impression volume as a percentage of aggregate impressions across

    all 30 vendors that comprise the Evidon Ad Delivery Index (~1.03 trillion impressions served in Sept. 2013);

    (2) Share among all 100 sites evaluated by adtechReport on which each vendors tags were logged

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    On a more expansive basisamong the 10+ million users of Evidon Inc.s Ghostery

    browser extensionand from a slightly different perspective, almost one-in-four (22%)

    ad impressions are served by DoubleClick. That analysis, which estimates the number of

    impressions delivered by each of 30 different sources of ad elementstracked for the

    Evidon Ad Delivery Index, found that the next closest vendors were OpenX (8% of ad

    impressions), AppNexus (7%) and Google AdSense (5.8%).

    A separate analysis, conducted by The Cookie Collective, found that targeting cookies

    were dropped by Google on 39.8% of the 300,000 websites it evaluated. They also

    logged cookies from AppNexus dropped on 11% of those sites, from Quantcast on

    5.7%, from Turn on 4.5% and from Rubicon Project on 3.8%.

    As mentioned previously we were unable to identify the exact activity associated with

    vendor tags for DoubleClick and OpenX inasmuch as those vendors provide both ad

    serving as well as demand-related services. With that qualification, we logged tags for

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    DoubleClick on 62 sites and for DoubleClick DART on 3 sitesor on a combined 69%

    of the sites with advertising-related tags. MediaMind was the next most common such

    tag (found on 15 sites) followed by OpenX on 10 sites.

    Tags for dedicated video ad techintegrated platforms like PointRoll or and

    for point solutions like video optimization vendor Convivawere logged on 18 sites.

    The most common video-related tags logged were for PointRoll (8 sites) followed and FreeWheel which were each found on four sites.

    Ad Tech on Mobile Sites

    Eighty-five percent of the sites analyzed had a mobile-optimized counterpart. More than

    one-third of those mobile sites (36%) had no advertising-related tags and almost one-

    half had tags for either one vendor (16 sites) or two (25 sites). Advertising-related tags

    were logged for an average 1.4 vendors per site across all 85 mobile sites compared to

    slightly more than seven vendors on the desktop sites.

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    Tags for DoubleClick were logged on 26 of the mobile sites (31%) and for OpenX on

    three sites (4%) in either an ad server or demand partner role. Ad server vendor tags

    were also logged for mOcean Mobile on three sites, MediaMind (two sites) and for

    Atlas and Auditude (one site each).

    Google AdSense was the most common demand partner across the mobile sites with its

    tags logged on 29 sites or approximately one-in-three (34%); the top ad networks andSSPs logged also included and AdMarvel which each had tags on four


    Other demand sources, in addition to those above, included AdMob, Casale Media,

    Federated Media, JumpTap, Kargo, MyBuys, Nexage, Tacoda, Vibrant Ads and

    YieldBuild which were logged on one site each. Tags for only two retargeters were

    logged across all of the mobile sites, Fetchback and Steelhouse Media which were both

    found on the same site.

    Targeting & Tracking Data Tags

    We categorized the tags of 47 vendors as being data-related as compared to selling /

    serving / monitoring ad creativefor the purpose of user tracking / targeting. Thesedata-related tags were logged on 87 of the 100 sites.

    We further organized these data-related vendors into four sub-categories as shown in the

    chart below. Given the complexity of ad tech, such an exercise is challenging and the

    results are subject to debateare Bluekai and Lotame data aggregators or DMPs? What

    is Adobe or Rocketfuel? (A complete list of vendors and our categorization of each is

    contained in the Appendix so you can adjust our results if desired.)

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    With that said, the largest number of tracking / targeting tags we logged (41%) were

    associated with data aggregators followed by conversion attribution and behavioral /

    intent data which accounted for 22% and 21% of vendor tags respectively. Fifteen

    percent of the tags were for DMP vendors.

    We logged data-related tags for an average of 2.5 vendors per site. Although the largest

    share of sites30 sites or 34% of those with data-related tagshad tags for a single

    vendor, we logged tags for two or more vendors on a majority (57 or 66%) of the sites.

    While not included in these results, we also logged data-related tags on more than one-

    third (36%) of the mobile sites (this analysis of data-related tags is confined to desktop

    sites only).

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    The most common data-related tags were for Quantcast, which we logged on

    approximately one-half of the sites (49%). Tags for DoubleClicks Floodlight

    conversion tracking featureor its predecessor, Spotlightwere logged on almost one-

    in-three sites (30%) followed by Dynamic Logic and Audience Science which were

    found on 14% and 13% of sites respectively.

    Tags by Type of Site

    In addition to examining the share of sites on which tags for each vendor were logged

    both advertising- and data-relatedwe also analyzed the distribution of those tags based

    on the general nature of the sites. Sites were organized into four broad categories:

    Content (e.g.,,

    Commerce (e.g.,,

    Services (e.g.,,

    Corporate (e.g.,,

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    Not surprisingly, content sites accounted for the largest share of data-related tags logged

    as well as a disproportionate share of advertising-related tags. More noteworthy was the

    ubiquitous presence of both ad- and data-related tags found on commerce sites; despite

    their business model focused on the sale of products, we logged tags across these sites

    as group for almost as many vendors proportionally as the content sites. We also found

    that while corporate sites as a group were, not surprisingly, among the least likely to

    embed advertising-related tags, they were also the most likely to have data-related tags.

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    Appendix I.List of vendors logged

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    The following tables provide a complete listing of every vendor logged across all 100

    sites along with an indication of how we categorized each company and the number of

    sites on which tags for each company were logged.

    Advertising-related Tags

    Company Type of tag Type of company

    # of


    24/7 Media Advertising Tag Ad Network 4

    Accuen Media Advertising Tag Agency Trading Desk 3 Advertising Tag Video Ad Platform 4

    Adblade Advertising Tag Ad Network 5

    Adconion Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    AdExcite Advertising Tag Video Ad Network 1

    AdMarvel Advertising Tag SSP 4

    AdMeld (Google) Advertising Tag SSP 5

    AdMob (Google) Advertising Tag Mobile Ad Network 1ADTECH Advertising Tag Ad Serving 4 Advertising Tag Ad Network 9

    Adzerk Advertising Tag Ad Serving 1

    Amazon AdSystem Advertising Tag Performance 4

    AOL Advertising Advertising Tag Display Platform 1

    AppNexus Advertising Tag Exchange 24

    AT&T AdWorks Advertising Tag Video Ad Network 1

    Atlas Advertising Tag Ad Serving 9

    Auditude Advertising Tag Ad Serving 2

    BlueLithium Advertising Tag Ad Network 2

    BrightRoll Advertising Tag Video Ad Network 1

    Casale Media Advertising Tag Ad Network 6CBS Interactive Advertising Tag Advertising 1

    Chango Advertising Tag Retargeter 5

    Chitika Advertising Tag Ad Network 2

    Clickbooth Advertising Tag Performance 4

    Commission Junction Advertising Tag Performance 9

    Conviva Advertising Tag Video Optimization 2

    CPX Interactive Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Criteo Advertising Tag Retargeter 15

    DataXu Advertising Tag DSP 1

    Dedicated Media Advertising Tag DSP 1

    Dotomi Advertising Tag Retargeter 2

    DoubleClick Advertising Tag See note 1 62

    DoubleClick BidManager Advertising Tag DSP 5

    DoubleClick DART Advertising Tag Ad Serving 3

    eBay Stats Advertising Tag Advertising 1

    Facebook Exchange Advertising Tag Exchange 2

    FeatureLink Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Federated Media Advertising Tag Ad Network 2

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    Advertising-related Tagscont.

    Company Type of tag Type of company

    # of


    Fetchback Advertising Tag Retargeter 2

    FlashTalking Advertising Tag Ad Serving 5

    FreeWheel Advertising Tag Video Ad Platform 5

    Glam Media Advertising Tag Ad Network 4

    Google AdSense Advertising Tag Ad Network 58

    GSI Media Network Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    GumGum Advertising Tag Ad Network 3

    HookLogic Advertising Tag Ad Network 2

    InfoLinks Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Intermarkets Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Invite Media Advertising Tag DSP 6

    JumpTap Advertising Tag Mobile Ad Network 1

    Kargo Advertising Tag Mobile Ad Network 1

    LiftDNA (OpenX) Advertising Tag Optimization 1LiveRail Advertising Tag Video Ad Platform 2

    Lucid Media Advertising Tag DSP 3 (Yahoo BingNetwork) Advertising Tag Ad Network 2

    MediaMath Advertising Tag DSP 11

    MediaMind Advertising Tag Ad Serving 16

    Moat Advertising Tag Verification 2

    mOcean Mobile Advertising Tag Mobile Ad Serving 3

    MSN Ads Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    MyBuys Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Nativo Advertising Tag Native Advertising 1

    Nexage Advertising Tag SSP 1OpenX Advertising Tag See note 2 10

    Outbrain Advertising Tag Native Advertising 11

    Perfect Market Advertising Tag Optimization 2

    Perform Group Advertising Tag Ad Network 3

    PointRoll Advertising Tag Video Ad Platform 8

    Pubmatic Advertising Tag SSP 9

    PulsePoint Advertising Tag Exchange 4

    Quigo Adsonar( Advertising Tag Ad Network 9

    RealVu Advertising Tag Exchange 2

    RichRelevance Advertising Tag Ad Network 5

    RightMedia Advertising Tag Exchange 17

    Rubicon Advertising Tag SSP 8

    SpotXchange Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Steelhouse Media Advertising Tag Retargeter 1

    SundaySky Advertising Tag Video Ad Platform 1

    Tacoda (AOL) Advertising Tag Ad Network 3

    Tapad Advertising Tag DSP 1

    Think Realtime Advertising Tag DSP 1

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    Advertising-related Tagscont.

    Company Type of tag Type of company

    # of

    sites Advertising Tag Native Advertising 1

    TidalTV (Videology) Advertising Tag Video Ad Network 4

    TradeDesk Advertising Tag DSP 1

    Tremor Video Advertising Tag Video Ad Network 3

    Tribal Fusion Advertising Tag Ad Network 9

    Triggit Advertising Tag DSP 4

    Turn Advertising Tag DSP 14

    Undertone Networks Advertising Tag Ad Network 5

    ValueClick Mediaplex Advertising Tag Ad Network 8

    Vibrant Ads Advertising Tag Ad Network 7

    VigLink Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Wall Street on Demand(Markit) Advertising Tag Ad Network 3

    Yahoo Overture Advertising Tag Ad Network 1YieldBuild Advertising Tag Ad Network 1

    Zedo Advertising Tag Display Platform 2

    Tracking / Targeting-related Tags

    Company Type of tag Type of company

    # of


    [x + 1] Data Tag Data Aggregator 3

    Acxiom Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2

    Adobe Marketing Cloud Data Tag DMP 10

    Adroit Digital Solutions(MediaMath) Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 4

    AlmondNet / IntentIQ Data Tag Data Aggregator 2

    Audience Science Data Tag DMP 11

    Baynote Observer Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2

    Bizo Data Tag Data Aggregator 3

    BloomReach Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    BlueKai Data Tag Data Aggregator 10

    BrightTag Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 4

    Collarity Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Collective Media Data Tag DMP 2

    CompeteXL (Compete) Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 3

    Connexity Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1ConvertMedia Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Convertro Data Tag Attribution 1

    Cross Pixel Media Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Datalogix Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2

    DoubleClick Floodlight Data Tag Attribution 24

    Doubleclick Spotlight Data Tag Attribution 2

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    Tracking / Targeting-related Tagscont.

    Company Type of tag Type of company

    # of


    Dynamic Logic (MillwardBrown) Data Tag Attribution 12

    Ethnio Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2eXelate Data Tag Data Aggregator 7

    Experian MarketingServices Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Google AdWordsConversion Data Tag Attribution 10

    i-Behavior Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Intent Media Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2

    Krux Digital Data Tag Data Aggregator 7

    Legolas Media Data Tag Data Aggregator 2

    LiveRamp (RapLeaf) Data Tag Data Aggregator 3

    Lotame Data Tag Data Aggregator 10

    Media Innovation Group Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 5Media6 Degrees /Distillery Data Tag DMP 5

    Meteor Solutions Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    NetMining Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Neustar AdAdvisor Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1 Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    OwnerIQ Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Performable Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    Quantcast Data Tag Data Aggregator 43

    Rocketfuel Data Tag DMP 6

    Sailthru Horizon Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2 Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2

    Specific Media Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 2

    VoiceFive Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1

    YieldBot Data Tag Behavioral & Intent Data 1


    1. DoubleClick offers a broad range of services and was classified in this report under both the exchange

    and ad server categories

    2. OpenX offers several different services and was classified in this report under both the exchange and

    ad server categories

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    Appendix II.Project methodology

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    The core of this project is a list from Quantcast of the largest U.S. websites based on

    monthly visits during August 2013. That list was edited to remove sites that A) used no

    ad tech whatsoever (e.g.,, or B) used ad tech that was 100% homegrown

    (e.g.,, or C) requested that their domains be hidden on the list. The final list

    of 100 sites that we surveyed were ranked by Quantcast from #2 ( to #127

    ( A complete list of sites included in the survey is on the next page.

    The sites were surveyed in late September 2013 using a simple tool that navigated

    through top-level pages linked from the menu of each site and through a number of

    additional random pages; a total of 50 pages were scanned on each site. Each page was

    evaluated for scripts and for HTML which contained one or more specific domains from

    a list of more than 200 that are associated with leading ad tech vendors and every such

    tag was logged. Scripts were not allowed to execute in order to minimize the number of

    tags generated dynamically through daisy chaining and to limit the tags that were logged

    to only those associated with vendors who have a direct relationship with the site. This

    process logged a total of 28,519 tags which were then parsed to remove duplicative tags

    (i.e., tags from the same vendor which appeared in more than one page on the same

    site). This netted the working dataset of 725 tags from 144 different vendors upon which

    this report is based.

    Finally, a couple limitations / issues should be noted:

    The process of analyzing the final dataset required that vendors be organizedinto specific categories. Given the complicated landscape of ad tech today, this

    is a challenging task and the results subject to debate. For this reason, the listing

    of vendors in Appendix I also includes our categorization for each firm so that

    readers may make adjustments as they desire.

    In order to limit third-party cookies, some sites have begun to work withvendors to drop cookies and serve ad creative through their own sub-domains

    which are mapped back to the vendors own servers. Such arrangements aredifficult at best to analyze and therefore when present were not logged and do

    not show up in our results.

    Feedback or suggestions related to the methodology or to any of the data in this report

    would be welcomed. Please dont hesitate to email me at [email protected]

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    adtechReport Site Survey Q3/2013

    Websites analyzed in this SiteSurvey