
Adriana Acosta Chief Marketing and Sales Officer, AIP Publishing LLC

June 11, 2013

CONNECTING WORLDSThe Physical Sciences Community

connectingthe worlds of scientistswith readers editors reviewers librarians institutions funding agencies the media the publicand with each otherthrough products & services

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what is AIP Publishing – supported by our strategictechnology partners andmember societies –doing to make facilitate cultivate nurture extend sustainthese connections?

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and what industry government technology initiativesmay help us make these connections strongeralongtheway?

AIP undertook to replace the PACS scheme, a rigid indexing system, with the more flexible AIP Thesaurus. Thesaurus terms and concepts appearing in the full text of article are “tagged” in XML against the thesaurus (“semantic enrichment”).

AIP and IOP Publishing (IOPP) jointly created the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT) and gifted it to the American Astronomical Society (AAS) as part of a commitment to developing thesauri as part of semantic enrichment projects designed to improve information discovery for researchers.

Access Innovations – the vendor that developed the AIP Thesaurus, also provided the technology to:

Disambiguate author names Disambiguate author affiliations (institutions)

AIP Publishing has integrated the above technology into the journal production process, and receives disambiguated author and affiliation records in XML format for each article published online (this is done for all AIP and member society publications we provide typesetting and online hosting services for).

100 articles by J. Lewis … 100 different J. Lewis’s? The same one? Somewhere in between?

And what about … J. L. Lewis? Jerry Lewis? Jerry L. Lewis? Jerry Lee Lewis? Jerry Lewis, Jr.? …

The pub2web® platform connects semantically enriched articles to the AIP Thesaurus and to disambiguated author and affiliation records, creating new ways to discover content … via Browseable topic “hubs” containing lists of articles indexed

against particular terms or concepts. Author pages containing lists of their published articles. Institution pages containing lists of authors affiliated with

the institutions and the articles they published there. A “topical profile” for each article. Ability to search by thesaurus term(s)/concept(s).

Scitation will feature about 50

primary topic “hubs” based on

the AIP Thesaurus.

And about 7,500

subtopic pages.

Each article’s abstract page

features a“topical fingerprint”

showing the key thesaurus terms

and concepts found in the article.

Clicking an author name anywhere on

Scitation will advance the user to the disambiguated

author page for thatauthor.

In addition, clicking any topic in the Key Topics list will advance the user to the specific topic


X. B. HueScitation will

feature 800,000+ such author pages – and


… and30,000+


The top-level topics can be

searched on, and results further refined using


In addition, users can be alerted when

articles on certain topics

are published.

Via these new pathways, connections are more easily made … Between articles Between authors Between institutions Between authors and articles Between authors and institutions Between institutions and articles …

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers - and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission – supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities, creating a permanent, reliable record of their work.

AIP provided startup funding, and will begin collecting ORCID identifiers in its submission/peer-review system in Fall 2013.

Find out more @

The FundRef funder identification service provides a standard way to report funding sources for published scholarly research. CrossRef facilitates FundRef by encouraging collaboration between funding bodies and scholarly publishers.

AIP is one of six scholarly publishers and four funding agencies participating in the design and implementation of a pilot project; AIP Publishing will embark on a data-mining initiative in support of project goals this Summer.

Find out more @

The CHORUS Project is a multi-agency, multi-publisher, portal and information bridge that identifies, provides access, and enhances search capabilities and long-term preservation to journal articles resulting from agency funding.

AIP has been involved in the formative phase of the project, and is represented on the technical working group.

Connecting World through Science and Service


ADRIANA ACOSTAChief Marketing and Sales Officer

AIP Publishing LLC2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 1NO1

Melville, NY 11747

accosta@ 516-576-2452
