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Lesson 4 Academic Paper

The Method Section Kansai University Spring 2011

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Review Transition Words

To describe the purpose The purpose of this (project/paper/research) is to … The goal is to … The primary aim of this project is to …

Some words to state the purpose Assess, compare, determine, evaluate, identify,

develop, define, increase, decrease, improve, reduce

To describe the aim or goal of your research When this project is completed, … This paper will …

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Review Body of Academic

Paper Introduction

Introductory Paragraph Literature Review Concluding Paragraph or Study Overview

Method Introductory Paragraph Participants Step-by-step Description of Procedure Explanation of How Data was Analyzed




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Method Section • Purpose

To provide detailed information about your research or study

Provide enough information so that anyone can replicate or reproduce what you did Describe the participants Explain how the materials were used Give a step-by-step explanation of what was

done How data was analyzed

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Method Section • Tips Include an opening paragraph and a

concluding paragraph

Write the Method Section in the past tense

Include enough details, but avoid unnecessary information

Avoid giving information that will identify the participants

Be sure that anyone can replicate what you did

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Method • Activity In your group use the supplies to create a

simple design that you can glue together. (5 minutes)

Write a paragraph describing the method you used to create your design. Include descriptions of participants What materials were used Describe how data was collected to make your

design Explain a step-by-step procedure, so anyone

can replicate or copy your design

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Four Basic Parts Describe the participants or people who

were involved in your research

Explain what materials, tools or instruments were used in your research.

Provide detailed procedures followed, what the participants did and the order in which the steps were taken

Explain measures that were used to collect and analyze data

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Participants (1)1. Explain who participated in your research.

a. Pediatric patients in Japanese hospitals

b. NPO organizations in Japan and the Philippines

2. Describe the participantsa. Use or level of technology: Students used

technology daily and were familiar with WEB 2.0 technologies.

b. Language level: Students ranged from low intermediate to advanced English speakers.

c. Awareness of other cultures: Students were familiar with other cultures because they spent summers and spring vacations in developing countries.

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Participants (2)

3. Explain why they were selecteda. High school students at High School A in

Osaka were selected because their use of technology was rated the lowest in the Ministry of Education Survey (2010).

b. Kansai University and University of Hawaii students in the Informatics Department and Educational Technology Department were selected because of their interest in using technology for learning.

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Materials Used1. Explain what was used to gather data and why.

a. A mobile phone survey was sent to Kansai University students, since all students students had easy access to mobile phones and could respond quickly.

b. Doctors and nurses at three major Osaka University were interviewed on three different occasions to examine their impression of how effective the program was.

2. You can include a copy of the survey or interview questions.

3. Provide information about any other materials used in your research

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Explain the Procedure Keep in mind that anyone who reads your

procedure should be able to follow your steps and replicate or repeat your research.

Give a step-by-step description of what you did. The example below is not detailed enough. First students in Hawaii and Japan were placed in

groups of five member teams. Next students met using Skype and Facebook

groups to select a topic for their video project. Students made videos in their respective countries. Students used DropBox to share their videos. Finally, they edited the video on Final Cut Studio.

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Explain How Data Was Analyzed

1. Describe in detail how you analyzed the data

a. The KJ Method of Data Analysis was used. (Describe this method in detail and give a reference.)

b. Data from the Google Docs survey was downloaded and analyzed with Excel.

2. Be sure to be as specific or detailed as you can when you describe your data analysis.

3. Anyone should be able to reproduce the same results after following your method of analyzing your results.

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Method Section • Summary

Provides detailed information about your research or study.

Anyone can replicate or reproduce what you did. Participants – Describe them. Materials – What and how they were used. Procedure - Step-by-step description of

what was done. Analysis – Explain how data was analyzed.

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Method Section Homework

Write brief paragraphs to describe your Method Section. Write what you are thinking of doing for your research.

Add these paragraphs to the end of your Google Docs homework.

Post questions to the ADP Facebook group
