Page 1: Adolf  Hitler    Time  Magazines  Man Of The  Year 1938

Time Magazine’s 1938

Man of the Year front cover issue By Martin CJ Mongiello

Hitler and Germany had quite a few people to feed as they rose to power, in fact, there were 7,500,000 Germans, and 3,500,000 Sudeten’s totaling 10 million mouths. This may be an overlooked social issue as other authors of papers rush to the more obvious, social issues. Socially, he was exposed as a deviant and liar, taking advantage of millions of people, openly exposed as imprisoning hundreds of thousands, overbuilding the army, Navy and Air Force.

As a small business owner myself, I find it extremely offensive over the way he switched the tables on small business owners. This was amazing – especially considering the fact that he had used them, to build the socialist party. After he was done with them, they were controlled. All profits were controlled and estates were moved into at any time. Every invention, idea, or profit you had or made was subject to seizure via the machine gun. If there was something you did not like, then you can watch your wife be sprayed.

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Time Magazine put it best when they wrote: “The situation which gave rise to this demagogic, ignorant, desperate movement was inherent in the German Republic's birth and in the craving of large sections of the politically immature German people for strong, masterful leadership. Democracy in Germany was conceived in the womb of military defeat. It was the Republic which put its signature (unwillingly) to the humiliating Versailles Treaty, a brand of shame which it never lived down in German minds”, (TIME). Hitler also used extremely advanced marketing, sales, branding, promotion and publicity skills. With assistance from Goebbels, Hitler and company rivaled any Madison Avenue promotion. His ascendancy to power played on the basic things that the German population, “loved,” such as, “uniforms, parades, huge military formations,” (TIME), having a scapegoat to blame for many of their problems (the Jews) and he tore the Treaty of Versailles up into little pieces - and threw it into the air. “That the German people love uniforms, parades, military formations, and submit easily to authority is no secret. Führer Hitler's own hero is Frederick the Great. That admiration stems undoubtedly from Frederick's military prowess and autocratic rule rather than from Frederick's love of French culture and his hatred of Prussian boorishness," (TIME). The German people loved what Hitler accomplished in six years time under the guise of the swastika. He removed the idea of defeat from every German mind and gave them the creation of the people’s car – otherwise known as the Volkswagen (Volks = people, wagon = car) at a reasonable price and 1500 miles of magnificent roads to drive on. I have actually had the opportunity to dance in his famous, private, octagon dining room located at the first exit into Germany, coming from beautiful Austria. The resort he built here, for the world to see, was designed specifically to stun the Austrians driving on the autobahn, into Germany. Hitler also provided basic benefits for workers, and at the time, revealed massive plans for numerous German cities - that made the people love him. His combination of social programs and political, ferocious behavior made it possible for free speech and free assembly to disappear along with civil rights, though. Often via a 9 mm pistol to the mouth, broken down doors at 3 am and the hungry, yet well oiled jackboot, crushing the skulls of those who had anything to say. Never before had such a person appeared on earth so much so - resembling Satan – it is no surprise that time magazine decided to expose him for the charlatan he was.

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Keegan, J. First World War. Alfred A. Knopf New York, NY, 1999. Print.

Man of the Year. 1938. Time Magazine. 14 Aug. 2010,9171,760539-4,00.html#ixzz0wdIoDzLa

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