Download txt - Adding New Translations


FET - How to add new translations (languages): VERY IMPORTANT: Please announce your intention if you want to translate FET into your language. Another person might work on the same translation as you and time might be waste d. VERY IMPORTANT: Please follow the English words and do not translate incompletel y a field. Either translate it or not, but not partially. Please read the instructions below very carefully and follow them: STEP 1: You can use the fet_untranslated.ts file, just rename it fet_**.ts (** means your language). (alternative procedure: Modify the file "fet-v.v.v/src/", by adding a line in the TRANSLATIONS section for your language (for instance, adding a backslash after the last translation and then "../translations/fet_it.ts" for Italian). Enter the directory "fet-v.v.v/src/" and type "lupdate". This will create the needed file, named "fet-v.v.v/translations/fet_**.ts"). It is highly advisable to disable number heuristic, as it is not very good to FE T translations (run "lupdate -disable-heuristic number"). Number heuristic comes up wit h weird looking translations for some fields, like "Weight 100.0% {100%}". STEP 2. Open the file "fet-v.v.v/translations/fet_**.ts" (for example, fet_it.ts) with the Qt Linguist and edit it, then save it. You do not have to translate all the fields. Just leave the corresponding fields marked as unfinished (untranslated). Especially, there are 5 weird looking large fields in HelpAboutForm_template. Th ese fields begin with something like: "
