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Submitted by: Mark Daeniel J. AlamidaBIT-21ACTIVITY 3

Give the use of each command:Tar - the tar command used to rip a collection of files and directories into highly compressed archieve file.-c the c command sends the output to the screen.-v the v command adds a v flag.-f the f command the filename that being passed.-tvf this command will display the contents of a tar file.-z this type of command make use of the gzip utility to perform a compression.Gzip is a tool that is used to compress files.

Commands to display the content of a tar file tar tvf filename.tar tar tvf filename.tar.gz tar tvf filename.tar.bz2DefinitionsRelative path names relative path name is a path that is specified relative in your current directory.List contents list contents are the directory in Linux.Verbose it verbosely shows the filenames.Filenames filenames are specific name of a file.Option this are called choices.

Command to create a file that is compressedGzip filename.gzOUTput of the following

Command to go back to the original location of the directoryCdTar

Output the following command

Command to add a file to and existing archieveTar rvf /path/to/archieve.tar /path/to/newfile.txt

Output of the following commands
